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HVAC Troubleshooting


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HVAC Troubleshooting


Rex Miller

New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul

Singapore Sydney Toronto

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Rex Miller is professor emeritus of industrial technology atState University of New York college at Buffalo and hastaught technical curriculum at the college and high schoollevels for more than 40 years. He is the coauthor ofMcGraw-Hill’s best-selling Carpentry & Construction, nowin its Fourth Edition, and the author of more than 100 textsfor vocational and industrial arts programs. He lives inRound Rock, Texas.

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Preface xxiAcknowledgments xxiii

Chapter 1. Tools and Instruments 1

Tools and Equipment 1Pliers and clippers 1Fuse puller 2Screwdrivers 2Wrenches 2Soldering equipment 3Drilling equipment 4Knives and other insulation-stripping tools 6Meters and test prods 8Tool kits 9

Gages and Instruments 11Pressure gages 13Gage selection 14Line pressure 15Effects of temperature on gage performance 18Care of gages 18Gage recalibration 19

Thermometers 20Pocket thermometer 20Bimetallic thermometer 22Thermocouple thermometer 25Resistance thermometer 25Superheat thermometer 26

Superheat Measurement Instruments 27Halide Leak Detectors 31

Setting up 32Lighting 33Leak testing the setup 34Adjusting the flame 34Detecting leaks 34Maintenance 35

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viii Contents

Electrical Instruments 35Ammeter 36Voltmeter 38Ohmmeter 40Multimeter 41Wattmeter 42

Other Instruments 43Air-filter efficiency gages 43Air-measurement gages 44Humidity-measurement instruments 44Stationary psychrometers 45Moisture analyzers 46Btu meters 46Vibration and sound meters 46

Service Tools 46Special Tools 48Vacuum Pumps 50

Vacuum pump maintenance 53Vacuum pump oil problems 53Operating instructions 54Evacuating a system 54

Charging Cylinder 56Charging Oil 57Changing Oil 57Mobile Charging Stations 57Tubing 58

Soft copper tubing 59Hard-drawn copper tubing 60Cutting copper tubing 62Flaring copper tubing 63Constricting tubing 65Swaging copper tubing 66Forming refrigerant tubing 67Fitting copper tubing by compression 68

Soldering 69Soft soldering 69Silver soldering or brazing 71

Testing for Leaks 72Cleaning and Degreasing Solvents 72New and Old Tools 74

Chapter 2. Heat Pumps and Hot-Air Furnaces 77

Hot-Air Furnaces 77Basic Gas Furnace Operation 78Basic Electric Heating System 79

Basic operation 79Ladder Diagrams 80Manufacturer’s Diagrams 82Field Wiring 84Low-Voltage Wiring 84

Thermostat location 86Printed circuit board control center 87

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Contents ix

Heat Pumps 87Operation 90Special requirements of heat-pump systems 93Heat-pump combinations 93

High-Efficiency Furnaces 94Operation 94

Electrical controls 95Sequence of operation 96Combustion process 96

Troubleshooting the Lennox Pulse Furnace 97

Chapter 3. Ventilation Requirements 105

Air Leakage 106Natural Ventilation 106

Wind forces 106Temperature-difference forces 108Combined wind and temperature forces 108Roof ventilators 108Ventilator capacity 109

Fresh-Air Requirements 109Mechanical Ventilation 111

Volume of air required 111Duct-system resistance 111

Air Filtration 112Effect of dust on health 112Various dust sources 113

Air-Filter Classification 113Dry filters 114Wet (or viscous) filters 115

Filter Installation 117Humidity-Control Methods 119Humidifiers 119

Air-washer method 119Pan humidifiers 120Electrically operated humidifiers 121Air-operated humidifiers 122

Dehumidifiers 123Electric dehumidification 123Controls 124Adsorption-type dehumidifiers 125

Air-Duct Systems 126Heat gains in ducts 127Resistance losses in duct systems 132

Fans and Blowers 133Air volume 137Horsepower requirements 137Drive methods 138Fan selection 139Fan applications 139Fan operation 140Attic-fan installation 141Attic-fan operation 142

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Chapter 4. Refrigeration 143

Historical Development 143Structure of Matter 144

Elements 145Atom 145

Properties of Matter 146Pressure 147

Pressure-indicating devices 147Pressure of liquid and gases 148Atmospheric pressure 149Gage pressure 149Absolute pressure 149Compression ratio 150

Temperature and Heat 151Specific heat 152Heat content 153Other sources of heat 154

Refrigeration Systems 154Refrigeration from vaporization (open system) 154Basic refrigeration cycle 155Capacity 157Refrigerants 157Refrigerant replacements and the atmosphere 158

Chapter 5. Refrigerants: New and Old 159

Classification of Refrigerants 160Common refrigerants 161

Freon Refrigerants 163Molecular weights 163Flammability 173Toxicity 173Skin effects 173Oral toxicity 173Central nervous system (CNS) effects 175Cardiac sensitization 175Thermal decomposition 175

Applications of Freon Refrigerants 175Reaction of Freon to Various Materials Found in Refrigeration Systems 178

Metals 178Plastics 179

Refrigerant Properties 181Pressure 181Temperature 182Volume 182Density 183Enthalpy 183Flammability 184Capability of mixing with oil 184Moisture and refrigerants 184Odor 185Toxicity 185Tendency to leak 186

x Contents

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Contents xi

Detecting Leaks 186Sulfur dioxide 186Carbon dioxide 187Ammonia 187Methyl chloride 188

Ban on Production and Imports of Ozone-Depleting Refrigerants 188Phaseout Schedule for HCFCs, Including R-22 189

Availability of R-22 190Cost of R-22 190Alternatives to R-22 190Servicing existing units 191Installing new units 191Servicing your system 191Purchasing new systems 192

Air-Conditioning and Working with Halon 192General information 193

Leak Repair 193Trigger rates 194When additional time is necessary 194Relief from retrofit/retirement 195System mothballing 195

EPA-Certified Refrigerant Reclaimers 195Newer Refrigerants 196Freon Refrigerants 196

Classifications 196Properties of Freons 198

Refrigerant Characteristics 200Critical temperature 200Latent heat of evaporation 200Specific heat 201Power consumption 202Volume of liquid circulated 202

Handling Refrigerants 203Storing and handling refrigerant cylinders 203

Lubricants 204R-134a Refrigerant 206

R-134a applications 206R-12 Systems—General Considerations 207

R-12 medium-high-temperature refrigeration (>0F evaporation) 207R-12 low-temperature refrigeration (<20F evaporation) 207R-401B 208R-402A 208R-402B 208

Frequently Asked Questions 208Frequently Asked Questions about Pumps 211Frequently Asked Questions about Fluorescent Leak Scanners 213AccuProbe Leak Detector with Heated Sensor Tip 216Technology Comparison—Heated Sensor or Negative Corona? 218

Heated sensor leak detectors 218Negative corona leak detectors 218

Tips for Detecting System Leaks 219New Combustible Gas Detector—with Ultrasensitive, Long-Life Sensor 219

Applications 220Frequently Asked Questions about Fixed Monitoring Systems 221

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Chapter 6. Solenoids and Relays 225

Permanent Magnets 225Temporary Magnets 227

Electromagnets 227Magnetic Theory 227

Magnetic permeability 227Shapes of magnets 228Poles of magnets 229Magnetism in a coil of wire 231Electromagnets 233Using electromagnetism 233

The Solenoid 233Power relays 237Solenoid valves 237Principles of operation 239Applications 239High-temperature applications 241

Chapter 7. Electric Motors 243

Motors 243Reversibility 246Uses 246Split-phase motor 247Repulsion-start induction-run motor 250Capacitor-start motor 251Permanent split-capacitor motor 254Capacitor-start capacitor-run motor 258Three-phase motor 259

Capacitor Ratings 262Start Capacitors and Bleeder Resistors 262

Run capacitors 264Motor Protectors 264Compressor Motor Relays 264

Current-type relay 266Potential-type relay 266

Choosing Wire Size 267Limiting voltage loss 267Minimum wire size 268Wire selection 268

Wire Size and Low Voltage 268Voltage drop calculations 270

The Effects of Voltage Variations on AC Motors 270Selecting Proper Wire Size 272Unacceptable Motor Voltages 274Calculating Starting Current Values and Inrush Voltage Drops 276

Single-phase current 276Three-phase circuits 277Inrush voltage drop 278

Code Limitations on Amperes per Conductor 278Heat Generated within Conductors 279Circuit Protection 279

Standard rule 280

xii Contents

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Contents xiii

Fuses 280One-time single-element fuses 280Time-delay two-element fuses 281Types of fuses 281

Thermostats 282Thermostat as a control switch 283Servicemen 284

Chapter 8. Condensers 285

Condensers 285Air-cooled condensers 285Water-cooled condensers 288

Chillers 292Refrigeration cycle 292Motor-cooling cycle 294Dehydrator cycle 295Lubrication cycle 295

Controls 295Solid-state capacity control 296

Cooling Towers 296Cooling systems terms 297Design of cooling towers 298

Evaporative Condensers 300New Developments 300Temperature Conversion 301Types of Towers 302

Crossflow towers 303Fluid cooler 304

Chapter 9. Compressors 307

Condensers 308Air-cooled condensers 310Water-cooled condensers 310

Hermetic Compressors 312Compressor types 313

Newer Models Designations and Coding 327Hermetic Compressor Motor Types 330

Resistance-start induction-run 331Capacitor-start induction-run 332Capacitor-start and -run 333Permanent split capacitor 335

Compressor Motor Relays 336Current-type relay 336Potential-type relay 336

Compressor Terminals 338Built-up terminals 338Glass quick-connect terminals 339

Motor Mounts 340Crankcase Heaters 340Electrical Systems for Compressor Motors 342

Normal starting torque motors with a current-type relay 342High starting torque motors with a current-type relay 345

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High starting torque motors with a two-terminal external overload and a remote-mounted potential relay 346

High starting torque motors with three-terminal overloads and remote-mounted relays 348

PSC motor with a two-terminal external overload and run capacitor 350PSC motor with an internal overload (line-breaker) 351CSR or PSC motor with the start components and an internal overload or line-breaker 353

Compressors with internal thermostat, run capacitor, and supplementary overload 354

CSR or PSC motor with start components, internal thermostat,and supplementary external overload 356

Compressor Connections and Tubes 359Process tubes 360Other manufacturers of compressors 360

Rotary Compressors 361Stationary blade rotary compressors 361Rotating blade rotary compressors 364

Screw Compressors 365Single screw 368Twin screw 368

Making the Rotors 370Scroll Compressors 370

Scroll compression process 371Operation 372Scroll compressor models 373

Chapter 10. Evaporators 375

Coiled Evaporator 375Application of Controls for Hot-Gas Defrost of Ammonia Evaporators 378

Direct-expansion systems 379Valves used in direct-expansion systems 380Cooling cycle 381Defrost cycle 382

Direct Expansion with Top Hot-Gas Feed 383Direct Expansion with Bottom Hot-Gas Feed 383Flooded Liquid Systems 384

Flooded-gas leg shutoff (bottom hot-gas feed) 384Flooded-ceiling evaporator—liquid leg shutoff (bottom hot-gas feed) 385Flooded-ceiling evaporator—liquid leg shutoff (top hot-gas feed) 387Flooded-ceiling blower (top hot-gas feed) 387Flooded-ceiling blower (hot-gas feed through surge drum) 389Flooded floor–type blower (gas and liquid leg shutoff) 389Flooded floor–type blower (gas leg shutoff) 390

Liquid-Recirculating Systems 391Flooded recirculator (bottom hot-gas feed) 393Flooded recirculator (top-gas feed) 393Low-temperature ceiling blower 393

Year-Round-Automatic Constant Liquid Pressure Control System 394Dual-Pressure Regulator 396Valves and Controls for Hot-Gas Defrost of Ammonia-Type Evaporators 396Back-Pressure Regulator Applications of Controls 398

Refrigerant-powered compensating-type pilot valve 398Air-compensating back-pressure regulator 399Electric-compensating back-pressure regulator 400

xiv Contents

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Valve Troubleshooting 401Noise in hot-gas lines 401

Chapter 11. Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 405

Metering Devices 405Hand-expansion valve 405Automatic-expansion valve 405Thermostatic-expansion valve 406Capillary tubing 406Float valve 407

Fittings and Hardware 407Copper tubing 408Line 409Solder 409Suction line P-traps 411Compressor valves 411Line valves 412

Driers, Line Strainers, and Filters 414Driers 414Line strainers and filters 416

Liquid Indicators 417Construction 419Installation 419Bypass installations 421Excess oil and the indicator 421Alcohol 421Leak detectors 421Liquid water 421Hermetic-motor burnouts 422Hardware and fittings 422

Thermostatic-Expansion Valve (TEV) 423Valve location 425Bulb location 426External equalizer 429Field service 429

Crankcase Pressure-Regulating Valves 430Operation of the valve 430Valve location 432Strainer 432Brazing procedures 433Test and operating pressures 433Adjusting the pressure 433Service 434

Evaporator Pressure-Regulating Valves 434Operation 434Type of system 436Valve location 437Test and operating pressures 437Service 438

Head-Pressure Control Valves 438Operation 439ORO valve operation 439ORD valve operation 440Installation 442Brazing procedures 442

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Test and operating pressures 442Service 443Nonadjustable ORO/ORD system operation 443

Discharge-Bypass Valves 445Operation 446Application 447Externally Equalized Bypass Valves 448Bypass to Evaporator Inlet without Distributor 448Installation 449Special Considerations 450Testing and Operating Pressures 451Hot Gas 451Malfunctions 451

Level Control Valves 454Capillary tubes 454Float valve 455

Level-Master Control 457Installation 458Electrical connections 458Hand valves 458Oil return 458Oil and ammonia systems 459Oil and halocarbon systems 461Conclusions 464

Other Types of Valves 464Service valves on sealed units 464Water valves 465Check valves 466Receiver valves 466

Accumulators 467Purpose 467Rating data 468Minimum evaporator temperature and also of suction gas at the accumulator 468

Installation of the Accumulator 469

Chapter 12. Complying with the Section 608 Refrigerant-Recycling Rule 471

Overview 471The Prohibition on Venting 472Regulatory Requirements 472

Service practice requirements 472Equipment Certification 475Equipment Grandfathering 475Refrigerant Leaks 476Technician Certification 476Refrigerant Sales Restrictions 477Certification by Owners of Recycling and Recovery Equipment 478Reclaimer Certification 478MVAC-like Appliances 479Safe Disposal Requirements 479Major Recordkeeping Requirements 480Hazardous Waste Disposal 480Enforcement 481

xvi Contents

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Contents xvii

Planning and Acting for the Future 481For Further Information 481

Chapter 13. Programming Thermostats 487

Chapter 14. Control Devices 509

Power Relays 509Motor-start relays 509Relays with more than one contact 511Thermal overload protectors 511Time-delay relays 512

Solenoids 514Thermostats 516

Bellows-type thermostat 516Bimetallic-type thermostat 517Heating and cooling thermostats 518Microprocessor thermostats 520Thermostat adjustments 521

Limit Switches 522Pressure Control Switches 523Water Tower Controls 524

Chapter 15. Insulating Pipes and Tubing 527

Insulation 527Sheet insulation 527Tubing insulation 528Pipe insulation 530

Refrigeration Piping 531Pressure-Drop Considerations 532Liquid Refrigerant Lines 532Interconnection of Suction Lines 533Discharge Lines 534Water Valves 535Multiple-Unit Installation 535

Piping insulation 537Cork insulation 537Rock-cork insulation 538Wool-felt insulation 539Hair-felt insulation 540

Chapter 16. Electrical Safety 541

Electrical Safety Devices 541Safety Precautions 541

Main switches 542Portable electrical tools 543Ground-fault circuit interrupters 544Types of circuit protectors 545

Electrical Safety 548Safe Practices 548

Handling cylinders 548Pressurizing 549

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Working with refrigerants 550Lifting 550

Chapter 17. Temperatures,Thermometers, and Psychrometrics 551

Transferring Heat 551Air Temperature and Comfort Conditions 552

Velocity 552Terminology 553Designing a Perimeter System 556

Locating and sizing returns 557Air-flow distribution 557

Selection of Diffusers and Grilles 559Air volume requirement 560Throw requirement 561Pressure requirement 562Sound requirement 562

Air Noise 564Casing Radiated Noise 564

Locating terminal boxes 564Controlling casing noise 565Vortex shedding 565

Return Grilles 566Performance 566Return grille sound requirement 566

Types of Registers and Grilles 567Fire and Smoke Dampers 567

Smoke dampers for high-rise buildings 568Ceiling Supply Grilles and Registers 568Ceiling Diffusers 569

Antismudge rings 570Air-channel diffusers 570Luminaire diffusers 571Room air motion 572

Linear Grilles 572Fans and Mechanical Ventilation 573

Air volume 573Fans and blowers 575Horsepower requirements 576Fan-driving methods 576Selecting a fan 577Applications for fans 578Operation of fans 579Installation of attic fans 579Routine fan operation 580

Ventilation Methods 581

Chapter 18. Troubleshooting 583

Safety 583Handling refrigerants 583Testing precaution 583Electrical safety 584

xviii Contents

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Contents xix

Compressor Problems 584PSC compressors 584Air-conditioner compressors 584

Low-Voltage Operation 588Using a System to Troubleshoot (Electrical) 589

Motor testing 589Capacitor testing 590Motor-protector relay testing 591

Using Meters to Check for Problems 592Using a Volt-Ammeter for Troubleshooting Electric Motors 592

Clamp-on volt-ammeter 593Looking for grounds 594Looking for opens 595Looking for shorts 595

Motors with Squirrel-Cage Rotors 596Testing the Centrifugal Switch in a Single-Phase Motor 596Testing for a Short Circuit between Run and Start Windings 597Capacitor Testing 597

Measuring the capacity of a capacitor 598Troubleshooting procedure 599

Chapter 19. Solid-State Controls 601

Semiconductors 601Semiconductor principles 601Diode 602Silicon-controlled rectifiers 604Transistors 605

Integrated Circuits 608Solid-State Demand Defrost Control 609

Thermistor sensing 609Humidity sensing 611

Bridge Circuit 612Unbalanced bridge 614

Sensors 615Controllers 615

Electronic controllers 616Differential Amplifiers 616Actuators 618Other Devices 618Solid-State Compressor Motor Protection 619

Operation of the module 620Troubleshooting the control 620Restoring service 623

Chapter 20. Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 625

Fundamental Items 625Resistor 625Thermistor 626Capacitor 626Transmission path 627

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Connectors 632Connector, disconnecting device 632Separable connectors (engaged) 632Application: Engaged 4-conductor 632

Transformers, Inductors, and Windings 632Transformer 632

Semiconductor Devices 633Semiconductor device, transistor, and diode 633Element symbols 633Special property indicators 633

Circuit Protectors 637Fuse 637Circuit breaker 637

Acoustic Devices 638Audible-signaling device 638

Lamps and Visual-Signaling Devices 638Indicating, pilot, signaling, or switchboard light 638Application: green signal light 639

Rotating Machinery 639Rotating machine 639Application: alternating-current motors 639Application: single phase with internal line break protector 640Application: three-phase with internal line break protector 640Overloads (current) 640Overload coils 641Application: bimetallic (thermal) 641

Appendix A. Professional Organizations 643

Appendix B. Industrial Associations 647

Appendix C. New Refrigerants 649

Glossary 659Index 681

xx Contents

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The value of a troubleshooting guide increases when it is available andneeded. The format of this book will allow you to locate informationquickly. The material reflects recent changes in the field of refrigerationand air-conditioning.

The purpose of the book is to aid you in your everyday tasks and keepyou current with some of the latest facts, figures, and devices in thisimportant trade. It is truly a portable library for use on the job, on thereference shelf in the shop, in your pocket, or in the toolbox.

Many tables, charts, and illustrations are included. They show a vari-ety of parts and techniques often found in present-day practice in thefield. Obviously, not all related problems can be presented here, sincethere is a great deal of ingenuity required by the worker on the job. Forstandard procedures, however, the ASHRAE Handbook gives the num-bers and sizes of various types of equipment that is safe to install in agiven location.

This guide should be kept within each reach and as part of your toolkit. An effort has been made to make the book useable for classroomwork as well as on the job.

Rex Miller


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I would like to thank the following manufacturers and organizations fortheir generous help. They furnished photographs, drawings, and tech-nical assistance. Without their valuable time and effort this book wouldnot have been possible.


Air Conditioning andRefrigeration Institute

Air Temp Division of ChryslerCorp.

Americold CompressorCorporation

Amprobe InstrumentsArkla Industries, Inc.Bryant Manufacturing Co.Carrier CorporationEnvironmental Protection Agency General ControlsGeneral Electric Co.Honeywell, Inc.Hussman Refrigeration, Inc.Lennox IndustriesLima Register Co.

Marley CompanyMueller Brass Co.National RefrigerantsNational Safety CouncilRheem Manufacturing Co.Robertshaw Controls Co.Sporlan Valve Co.Tec*mseh Products Co.Tyler Refrigeration Corp.Virginia Chemicals, Inc.Wadsworth Electric Co.Wagner Electric Co.Wagner Electric MotorsWestinghouse Electric Co.Weston Electrical Instruments Co.Worthington Compressors

I hope this acknowledgment of these contributors will let you know thatthe field you are in or are about to enter is one of the best. Individuals,too numerous to mention, have also played a role in this book. I wouldlike to take this opportunity to thank them too.

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1Tools and Instruments

Tools and Equipment

The air-conditioning technician must work with electricity. Equipmentthat has been wired may have to be replaced or rewired. In any case, itis necessary to identify and use safely various tools and pieces of equip-ment. Special tools are needed to install and maintain electrical serviceto air-conditioning units. Wires and wiring should be installed accord-ing to the National Electrical Code (NEC). However, it is possible thatthis will not have been done. In such a case, the electrician will have tobe called to update the wiring to carry the extra load of the installationof new air-conditioning or refrigeration equipment.

This section deals only with interior wiring. Following is a brief dis-cussion of the more important tools used by the electrician in the instal-lation of air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment.

Pliers and clippers

Pliers come in a number of sizes and shapes designed for special appli-cations. Pliers are available with either insulated or uninsulated han-dles. Although pliers with insulated handles are always used whenworking on or near “hot” wires, they must not be considered sufficientprotection alone. Other precautions must be taken. Long-nose pliersare used for close work in panels or boxes. Slip-joint, or gas, pliers areused to tighten locknuts or small nuts (see Fig. 1-1). Wire cutters areused to cut wire to size.

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Fuse puller

The fuse puller is designed to eliminate the danger of pulling andreplacing cartridge fuses by hand (see Fig. 1-2). It is also used for bend-ing fuse clips, adjusting loose cutout clips, and handling live electricalparts. It is made of a phenolic material, which is an insulator. Both endsof the puller are used. Keep in mind that one end, is for large-diameterfuses; the other is for small-diameter fuses.


Screwdrivers come in many sizes and tip shapes. Those used by elec-tricians and refrigeration technicians should have insulated handles.One variation of the screwdriver is the screwdriver bit. It is held in abrace and used for heavy-duty work. For safe and efficient use, screw-driver tips should be kept square and sharp. They should be selected tomatch the screw slot (see Fig. 1-3).

The Phillips-head screwdriver has a tip pointed like a star and isused with a Phillips screw. These screws are commonly found in pro-duction equipment. The presence of four slots, rather than two, ensuresthat the screwdriver will not slip in the head of the screw. There arenumber of sizes of Phillips-head screwdrivers. They are designated asNo. 1, No. 2, and so on. The proper point size must be used to preventdamage to the slot in the head of the screw (see Fig. 1-4).


Three types of wrenches used by the air-conditioning and refrigerationtrade are shown in Fig. 1-5. The adjustable open-end wrenches are com-monly called crescent wrenches.

2 Chapter One

Figure 1-1 Pliers. Figure 1-2 A fuse puller.

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Tools and Instruments 3

Figure 1-3 Screwdrivers.Figure 1-4 A Phillips-headscrewdriver.

Monkey wrenches are used on hexagonal and square fittings suchas machine bolts, hexagonal nuts, or conduit unions.

Pipe wrenches are used for pipe and conduit work. They should notbe used where crescent or monkey wrenches can be used. Their con-struction will not permit the application of heavy pressure on squareor hexagonal material. Continued misuse of the tool in this mannerwill deform the teeth on the jaw face and mar the surfaces of thematerial being worked.

Soldering equipment

The standard soldering kit used by electricians consists of the same equip-ment that the refrigeration mechanics use (see Fig. 1-6). It consists of a

Figure 1-5 Wrenches. (A) Crescent wrench. (B) Pipe wrench. (C) Using a monkey wrench.

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nonelectric soldering device—in the form of a torch with propane fuelcylinder or an electric soldering iron, or both. The torch can be used forheating the solid-copper soldering iron or for making solder joints incopper tubing. A spool of solid tin-lead wire solder or flux-core solder isused. Flux-core solder with a rosin core is used for electrical soldering.

Solid-core solder is used for soldering metals. It is strongly recommendedthat acid-core solder not be used with electrical equipment. Solderingpaste is used with the solid-wire solder for soldering joints on copper pipeor solid material. It is usually applied with a small stiff-haired brush.

Drilling equipment

Drilling equipment consists of a brace, a joint-drilling fixture, an exten-sion bit to allow for drilling into and through thick material, an adjustablebit, and a standard wood bit. These are required in electrical work to drillholes in building structures for the passage of conduit or wire in new ormodified construction. Similar equipment is required for drilling holesin sheet-metal cabinets and boxes. In this case, high-speed or carbide-tipped drills should be used in place of the carbon-steel drills that areused in wood drilling. Electric power drills are also used (see Fig. 1-7).

Woodworking tools. Crosscut saws, keyhole saws, and wood chisels areused by electricians and refrigeration and air-conditioning technicians(see Fig. 1-8). They are used to remove wooden structural membersobstructing a wire or conduit run and to notch studs and joists to takeconduit, cable, box-mounting brackets, or tubing.

They are also used in the construction of wood-panel mounting brack-ets. The keyhole saw will again be used when cutting an opening in awall of existing buildings where boxes are to be added or tubing is to beinserted for a refrigeration unit.

4 Chapter One

Figure 1-6 Soldering equipment.

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Metalworking tools. The cold chisel and center punch are used whenworking on steel panels (see Fig. 1-9). The knockout punch is used eitherin making or in enlarging a hole in a steel cabinet or outlet box.

The hacksaw is usually used when cutting conduit, cable, or wire thatis too large for wire cutters. It is also a handy device for cutting coppertubing or pipe. The mill file is used to file the sharp ends of such cutoffs.This is a precaution against short circuits or poor connections in tubing.

Masonry working tools. The air-conditioning technician should have sev-eral sizes of masonry drills in the tool kit. These drills normally are carbide-tipped. They are used to drill holes in brick or concrete walls. These holesare used for anchoring apparatus with expansion screws or to allow the

Tools and Instruments 5

Figure 1-7 Drilling equipment.

Figure 1-8 Woodworking tools.

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passage of conduit, cable, or tubing. Figure 1-10 shows the carbide-tippedbit used with a power drill and a hand-operated masonry drill.

Knives and other insulation-stripping tools

The stripping or removing of wire and cable insulation is accomplishedby the use of tools shown in Fig. 1-11. The knives and patented wirestrippers are used to bare the wire of insulation before making connec-tions. The scissors shown are used to cut insulation and tape.

The armored cable cutter may be used instead of a hacksaw to removethe armor from the electrical conductors at box entry or when cuttingthe cable to length.

6 Chapter One

Figure 1-9 Metalworking tools.

Figure 1-10 Masonry drills.

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Hammers. Hammers are used either in combination with other tools suchas chisels or in nailing equipment to building supports (see Fig. 1-12). Thefigure shows a carpenter’s claw hammer and a machinist’s ball-peen hammer.

Tape. Various tapes are available. They are used for replacing removedinsulation and wire coverings. Friction tape is a cotton tape impregnatedwith an insulating adhesive compound. It provides weather resistanceand limited mechanical protection to a splice already insulated.

Rubber tape or varnished cambric tape may be used as an insulatorwhen replacing wire covering.

Plastic electrical tape is made of a plastic material with an adhesiveon one side of the tape. It has replaced friction and rubber tape in thefield for 120- and 208-V circuits. It serves a dual purpose in tapingjoints. It is preferred over the former tapes.

Ruler and measuring tape. The technician should have a folding ruleand a steel tape. Both of these are aids for cutting to exact size.

Tools and Instruments 7

Figure 1-11 Tools for cutting and stripping. (A) Electrician’s knife.(B) Electrician’s scissors. (C) Skinning knife. (D) Stripper. (E) Cablecutter.

Figure 1-12 Hammers.

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Extension cord and light. The extension light shown in Fig. 1-13 normallyis supplied with a long extension cord. It is used by the technician when-ever normal building lighting has not been installed and where thelighting system is not functioning.

Wire code markers. Tapes with identifying numbers or nomenclature areavailable for permanently identifying wires and equipment. The wirecode markers are particularly valuable for identifying wires in compli-cated wiring circuits in fuse boxes, circuit breaker panels, and in junc-tion boxes (see Fig. 1-14).

Meters and test prods

An indicating voltmeter or test lamp is used when determining thesystem voltage. It is also used in locating the ground lead and for test-ing circuit continuity through the power source. They both have a lightthat glows in the presence of voltage (see Fig. 1-15).

8 Chapter One

Figure 1-14 Wire code markers.

Figure 1-13 Extension light.

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A modern method of measuring current flow in a circuit uses the hook-on voltammeter (see Fig. 1-16). This instrument does not have to be hookedinto the circuit. It can be operated with comparative ease. Just rememberthat it measures only one wire. Do not clamp it over a cord running fromthe consuming device to the power source. In addition, this meter is usedonly on alternating current (AC) circuits. The AC current will cancel thereading if two wires are covered by the clamping circle. Note how theclamp-on part of the meter is used on the one wire of the motor.

To make a measurement, the hook-on section is opened by hand andthe meter is placed against the conductor. A slight push on the handlesnaps the section shut. A slight pull on the handle springs open thetool on the C-shaped current transformer and releases a conductor.Applications of this meter are shown in Fig. 1-16. Figure 1-16b showscurrent being measured by using the hook-on section. Figure 1-16cshows the voltage being measured using the meter leads. An ohmme-ter is included in some of the newer models. However, power in the cir-cuit must be off when the ohmmeter is used. The ohmmeter uses leadsto complete the circuit to the device under test.

Use of the voltammeter is a quick way of testing the air-conditioningor refrigeration unit motor that is drawing too much current. A motorthat is drawing too much current will overheat and burn out.

Tool kits

Some tool manufacturers make up tool kits for the refrigeration andappliance trade. See Fig. 1-17 for a good example. In the Snap-on® toolkit, the leak detector is part of the kit. The gages are also included. An

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Figure 1-15 Test devices.

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adjustable wrench, tubing cutter, hacksaw, flaring tool, and ball-peenhammer can be hung on the wall and replaced when not in use. One ofthe problems for any repairperson is keeping track of tools. Markingson a board will help locate at a glance when one is missing.

Figure 1-18 shows a portable tool kit. Figure 1-18j shows a pulleypuller. This tool is used to remove the pulley if necessary to get to theseals. A cart (Fig. 1-18a) is included so that the refrigerant and vacuumpump can be easily handled in large quantities. The goggles (Fig. 1-18q)protect the eyes from escaping refrigerant.

Figure 1-19 shows a voltmeter probe. It detects the presence of115 to 750 V. The handheld meter is used to find whether the voltage

10 Chapter One

Figure 1-16 Hook-on volt-ammeter. (A) The volt-ammeter. (B) Correct operation. (C) Measuring alternating current and voltage with a single setup. (D) Looping conductorto extend current range of transformer.

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is AC or DC and what the potential difference is. It is rugged and easyto handle. This meter is useful when working around unknown powersources in refrigeration units.

Figure 1-20 shows a voltage and current recorder. It can be left hookedto the line for an extended period. Use of this instrument can be used todetermine the exact cause of a problem, since voltage and current changescan affect the operation of air-conditioning and refrigeration units.

Gages and Instruments

It is impossible to install or service air-conditioning and refrigerationunits and systems without using gages and instrument.

A number of values must be measured accurately if air-conditioningand refrigeration equipment is to be operated properly. Refrigerationand air-conditioning units must be properly serviced and monitored ifthey are to give the maximum efficiency for the energy expended.Here, the use of gages and instruments becomes important. It is notpossible to analyze a system’s operation without proper equipmentsand procedures. In some cases, it takes thousands of dollars worth of

Tools and Instruments 11

Figure 1-17 Refrigeration and appliance tools. (A) Servicing manifold. (B) Ball peenhammer. (C) Adjustable wrench. (D) Tubing tapper. (E) Tape measure. (F) Allenwrench set. (G) 90° adapter service part. (H) Tubing cutter. (I) Thermometer. (J)Flaring tool kit. (K) Knife. (L) Hacksaw. (M) Jab saw. (N) Halide leak detector. (Snap-on Tools.)

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equipment to troubleshoot or maintain modern refrigeration and air-conditioning system. Instruments are used to measure and recordsuch values as temperature, humidity, pressure, airflow, electricalquantities, and weight. Instruments and monitoring tools can be usedto detect incorrectly operating equipment. They can also be used tocheck efficiency. Instruments can be used on a job, in the shop, or inthe laboratory.

If properly cared for and correctly used, modern instruments arehighly accurate.

12 Chapter One

Figure 1-18 Air conditioning and refrigeration portable tool kit. (A) Air conditioning charging station. (B) Excavating/charging valve. (C) 90 adapter service port. (D) O-ring installer. (E) Refrigerationratchet. (F) Snap-ring pliers. (G) Stem thermometer. (H) Seal removerand installer. (I) Test light. (J) Puller. (K) Puller jaws. (L) Retainer ringpliers. (M) Refrigerant can tapper. (N) Dipsticks for checking oil level.(O) Halide leak detector. (P) Flexible charging hose. (Q) Goggles. (Snap-on Tools.)

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Pressure gages

Pressure gages are relatively simple in function (see Fig. 1-21). Theyread positive pressure or negative pressure, or both (see Fig. 1-22).Gage components are relatively few. However, different combinationsof gage components can produce literally millions of design variations(see Fig. 1-23). One gage buyer may use a gage with 0 to 250 psi range,while another person with the same basic measurement requirementswill order a gage with a range of 0 to 300 psi. High-pressure gages canbe purchased with scales of 0 to 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 psi.

There are, of course, many applications that will continue to requirecustom instruments, specially designed and manufactured. Most gagemanufacturers have both stock items and specially manufactured gages.

Tools and Instruments 13

Figure 1-19 AC and DC voltageprobe–voltmeter. (Amprobe.)

Figure 1-20 Voltage and current recorder.(Amprobe.)

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14 Chapter One

Gage selection

Since 1939, gages used for pressure measurements have been stan-dardized by the American National Standards Institute. Most gagemanufacturers are consistent in face patterns, scale ranges, and gradesof accuracy. Industry specifications are revised and updated periodically.

Figure 1-23 Bourdon tube arrange-ment and parts of a gage. (Marsh.)

Figure 1-21 Pressure gage. (Weksler.)

Figure 1-22 This gage measures up to 150 psi pressure and also reads from 0 to 30for vacuum. The temperature scaled runsfrom –40° to 115°F (−40° to 46.1°C).

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Gage accuracy is stated as the limit that error must not exceed whenthe gage is used within any combination of rated operating conditions.It is expressed as a percentage of the total pressure (dial) span.

Classification of gages by ANSI standards has significant bearing onother phases of gage design and specification. As an example, a test gagewith ±0.25 percent accuracy would not be offered in a 2-in. dial size.Readability of smaller dials is not sufficient to permit the precision indi-cation necessary for this degree of accuracy. Most gages with accuracyof ±0.5 percent and better have dials that are at least 4.5 in. Readabilitycan be improved still further by increasing the dial size.

Accuracy. How much accuracy is enough? That is a question only theapplication engineer can answer. However, from the gage manufacturer’spoint of view, increased accuracy represents a proportionate increase inthe cost of building a gage. Tolerances of every component must be moreexacting as gage accuracy increases.

Time is needed for technicians to calibrate the gage correctly. A broadselection of precision instruments is available and grades A (±1 percent),2A (±0.5 percent), and 3A (±0.25 percent) are examples of tolerancesavailable.

Medium. In every gage selection, the medium to be measured must beevaluated for potential corrosiveness to the Bourdon tube of the gage.

There is no ideal material for Bourdon tubes. No one material adaptsto all applications. Bourdon tube materials are chosen for their elasticity,repeatability, and ability to resist “set” and corrosion resistance to thefluid mediums.

Ammonia refrigerants are commonly used in refrigeration. All-steelinternal construction is required. Ammonia gages have correspondingtemperature scales. A restriction screw protects the gage against suddenimpact, shock, or pulsating pressure. A heavy-duty movement of stain-less steel and Monel steel prevents corrosion and gives extra-long life.The inner arc on the dial shows pressure. The other arc shows the cor-responding temperature (see Fig. 1-24).

Line pressure

The important consideration regarding line pressures is to determinewhether the pressure reading will be constant or whether it will fluc-tuate. The maximum pressure at which a gage is continuously operatedshould not exceed 75 percent of the full-scale range. For the best per-formance, gages should be graduated to twice the normal system-operating pressure.

This extra margin provides a safety factor in preventing overpressuredamage. It also helps avoid a permanent set of the Bourdon tube. For

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applications with substantial pressure fluctuations, this extra marginis especially important. In general, the lower the Bourdon tube pressure,the greater the overpressure percentage it will absorb without damage.The higher the Bourdon tube pressure, the less overpressure it willsafely absorb.

Pulsation causes pointer flutter, which makes gage reading difficult.Pulsation also can drastically shorten gage life by causing excessive wearof the movement gear teeth. A pulsating pressure is defined as a pressurevariation of more than 0.1 percent full scale per second. Following are con-ditions often encountered and suggested means of handling them.

The restrictor is a low-cost means of combating pulsation problems.This device reduces the pressure opening. The reduction of the openingallows less of the pressure change to reach the Bourdon tube in a giventime interval. This dampening device protects the Bourdon tube by theretarding overpressure surges. It also improves gage readability byreducing pointer flutter. When specifying gages with restrictors, indi-cate whether the pressure medium is liquid or gas. The medium deter-mines the size of the orifice. In addition, restrictors are not recommendedfor dirty line fluids. Dirty materials in the line can easily clog the ori-fice. For such conditions, diaphragm seals should be specified.

The needle valve is another means of handling pulsation if usedbetween the line and the gage (see Fig. 1-25). The valve is throttled downto a point where pulsation ceases to register on the gage.

In addition, to the advantage of precise throttling, needle valves alsooffer complete shutoff, an important safety factor in many applications.Use of a needle valve can greatly extend the life of the gage by allowingit to be used only when a reading is needed.

16 Chapter One

Figure 1-24 Ammonia gage.(Marsh.)

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Figure 1-25 Different types of needle valves. (Marsh.)

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Liquid-filled gages are another very effective way to handle line pul-sation problems. Because the movement is constantly submerged inlubricating fluid, reaction to pulsating pressure is dampened and thepointer flutter is practically eliminated.

Silicone-oil-treated movements dampen oscillations caused by linepressure pulsations and/or mechanical oscillation. The silicone oil,applied to the movement, bearings, and gears, acts as a shock absorber.This extends the gage life while helping to maintain accuracy andreadability.

Effects of temperature on gage performance

Because of the effects of temperature on the elasticity of the tube mate-rial, the accuracy may change. Gages calibrated at 75°F (23.9°C) maychange by more than 2 percent at

Full scale (FS) below −30°F (−34°C) Above 150°F (65.6°C)

Care of gages

The pressure gage is one of the service person’s most valuable tool.Thus, the quality of the work depends on the accuracy of the gagesused. Most are precision-made instruments that will give many yearsof dependable service if properly treated.

The test gage set should be used primarily to check pressures at thelow and high side of the compressor. The ammonia gage should be usedwith a steel Bourdon tube tip and socket to prevent damage.

Once you become familiar with the construction of your gages, youwill be able to handle them more efficiently. The internal mechanismof a typical gage is shown in Fig. 1-23. The internal parts of a vapor ten-sion thermometer are very similar.

Drawn brass is usually used for case material. It does not corrode.However, some gages now use high-impact plastics. A copper alloyBourdon tube with a brass tip and socket is used for most refrigerants.Stainless steel is used for ammonia. Engineers have found that movingparts involved in rolling contact will last longer if made of unlike metals.That is why many top-grade refrigeration gages have bronze-bushedmovements with a stainless steel pinion and arbor.

The socket is the only support for the entire gage. It extends beyondthe case. The extension is long enough to provide a wrench flat enoughfor use in attaching the gage to the pressure source. Never twist the casewhen threading the gage into the outlet. This could cause misalign-ment or permanent damage to the mechanism.

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NOTE: Keep gages and thermometers separate from other tools in yourservice kit. They can be knocked out of alignment by a jolt from a heavy tool.

Most pressure gages for refrigeration testing have a small orifice restric-tion screw. The screw is placed in the pressure inlet hole of the socket. Itreduces the effects of pulsations without throwing off pressure readings. Ifthe orifice becomes clogged, the screw can be easily removed for cleaning.

Gage recalibration

Most gages retain a good degree of accuracy in spite of daily usage andconstant handling. Since they are precision instruments, however, youshould set up a regular program for checking them. If you have a reg-ular program, you can be sure that you are working with accurateinstruments.

Gages will develop reading errors if they are dropped or subjected toexcessive pulsation, vibration, or a violent surge of overpressure. Youcan restore a gage to accuracy by adjusting the recalibration screw (seeFig. 1-26). If the gage does not have a recalibration screw, remove thering and glass. Connect the gage you are testing and a gage of knownaccuracy to the same pressure source. Compare readings at mid-scale.If the gage under test is not reading the same as the test gage, removethe pointer and reset.

This type of adjustments on the pointer acts merely as a pointer set-ting device. It does not reestablish the original even increment (linearity)of pointer travel. This becomes more apparent as the correction require-ment becomes greater.

If your gage has a recalibrator screw on the face of the dial as inFig. 1-26, remove the ring and glass. Relieve all pressure to the gage.Turn the recalibration screw until the pointer rests at zero.

Figure 1-26 Recalibrating a gage.(Marsh.)

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The gage will be as accurate as when it left the factory if it has a screwrecalibration adjustment. Resetting the dial to zero restores accuracythroughout the entire range of dial readings. If you cannot calibrate thegage by either of these methods, take it to a qualified specialist for repair.


Thermometers are used to measure heat. A thermometer should be chosenaccording to its application. Consider first the kind of installation—directmounting or remote reading.

If remote readings are necessary, then the vapor tension thermome-ter is best. It has a closed, filled Bourdon tube. A bulb is at one end fortemperature sensing. Changes in the temperature at the bulb result inpressure changes in the fill medium. Remote reading thermometers areequipped with 6 ft of capillary tubing as standard. Other lengths areavailable on special order.

The location of direct or remote is important when choosing a ther-mometer. Four common types of thermometers are used to measuretemperature:

Pocket thermometer Bimetallic thermometer Thermocouple thermometer Resistance thermometer

Pocket thermometer

The pocket thermometer depends upon the even expansion of a liquid. Theliquid may be mercury or colored alcohol. This type of thermometer is ver-satile. It can be used to measure temperatures of liquids, air, gas, andsolids. It can be strapped to the suction line during a superheat meas-urement. For practical purposes, it can operate wet or dry. This type ofthermometer can withstand extremely corrosive solutions and atmos-pheres.

When the glass thermometer is read in place, temperatures are accu-rate if proper contact is made between the stem and the medium beingmeasured. Refrigeration service persons are familiar with the need toattach the thermometer firmly to the suction line when taking superheatreadings (see Fig. 1-27a and b). Clamps are available for this purpose. Onething should be kept in mind. That is, the depth at which the thermometeris to be immersed in the medium being measured. Most instruction sheetspoint out that for liquid measurements the thermometer should beimmersed so many inches. When used in a duct, a specified length of

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Figure 1-27 Thermometers used to measure superheat. (Marsh.)

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stem should be in the airflow. Dipping only the bulb into a glass of waterdoes not give the same readings as immersing to the prescribed length.

Shielding is frequently overlooked in the application of the simpleglass thermometer. The instrument should be shielded from radiatedheat. Heating repairpersons often measure air temperature in the fur-nace bonnet. Do not place the thermometer in a position where itreceives direct radiation from the heat exchanger surfaces. This causeserroneous readings.

The greatest error in the use of the glass thermometer is that it is oftennot read in place. It is removed from the outlet grille of a packaged airconditioner. Then it is carried to eye level in the room at ambient tem-peratures. Here it is read a few seconds to a minute later. It is read ina temperature different from that which it was measuring.

A liquid bath temperature reading is taken with the bulb in the bath.It is then left for a few minutes, immersed, and raised so it can be read.

A simple rule helps eliminate incorrect readings:

Read glass thermometers while they are actually in contact with themedium being measured.

If a thermometer must be handled, do so with as little hand contactas possible. Read the thermometer immediately!

A recurring problem with mercury-filled glass thermometers is sepa-ration of the mercury column (see Fig. 1-28). This results in what is fre-quently termed a “split thermometer.” The cause of the column’s splittingis always rough handling. Such handling cannot be avoided at all timesin service work. Splitting does not occur in thermometers that do not havea gas atmosphere over the mercury. Such thermometers allow the mer-cury to move back and forth by gravity, as well as temperature change.Such thermometers may not be used in other than vertical positions.

A split thermometer can be repaired. Most service thermometers havethe mercury reservoir at the bottom of the tube. In this case, cool thethermometer bulb in shaved ice. This draws the mercury to the lowerpart of the reservoir. Add more ice or salt to lower the temperature, ifnecessary. With the thermometer in an upright position, tap the bottomof the bulb on a padded piece of paper or cloth. The entrapped gas caus-ing the split column should then rise to the top of the mercury. After thecolumn has been joined, test the service thermometer against a stan-dard thermometer. Do this at several service temperatures.

Bimetallic thermometer

Dial thermometers are actuated by bimetallic coils, by mercury, byvapor pressure, or gas. They are available in varied forms that allow thedial to be used in a number of locations (see Fig. 1-29). The sensing por-

22 Chapter One

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Figure 1-28 Mercury thermometer.(Weksler.) Figure 1-29 Dial-type thermometer. (Weksler.)

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tion of the instrument may be located somewhere else. The dial can beread in a convenient location.

Bimetallic thermometers have a linear dial face. There are equalincrements throughout any given dial ranges. Dial ranges are also avail-able to meet higher temperature measuring needs. Ranges are availableto 1000°F (537.8°C). In four selected ranges, dials giving both Celsiusand Fahrenheit readings are available. Bimetallic thermometers are eco-nomical. There is no need for a machined movement or gearing. Thetemperature-sensitive bimetallic element is connected directly to thepointer. This type of thermometry is well adapted to measuring thetemperature of a surface. Dome-mounted thermal protectors actuallyreact to the surface temperature of the compressor skin. These ther-mometers are used where direct readings need to be taken, such as on

Pipelines Tanks Ovens Ducts Sterilizers Heat exchangers Laboratory temperature baths

The simplest type of dial thermometer is a stem. The stem is insertedinto the medium to be measured. With the stem immersed 2 in. in liquidsand 4 in. in gases, this thermometer gives reasonably accurate readings.

Although dial thermometers have many uses, there are some limita-tions. They are not as universally applicable as the simple glass ther-mometer. When ordering a dial thermometer, specify the stem length,scale range, and medium in which it will be used.

One of the advantages of bimetallic thermometry is that the ther-mometer can be applied directly to surfaces. It can be designed to taketemperatures of pipes from 1/2 through 2 in.

In operation, the bimetallic spiral is closely coupled to the heatedsurface that is to be measured. The thermometer is held fast by two per-manent magnets. One manufacturer claims their type of thermometerreaches stability within 3 min. Its accuracy is said to be ±2 percent inworking ranges.

A simple and inexpensive type of bimetallic thermometer scribestemperature travel on a load of food in transit. It can be used also tocheck temperature variations in controlled industrial areas. The replace-ment chart gives a permanent record of temperature variations duringthe test period.

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Bimetallic drives are also used in control devices. For example, ther-mal overload sensors for motors and other electrical devices use bimetal-lic elements. Other examples will be discussed later.

Thermocouple thermometer

Thermocouples are made of two dissimilar metals. Once the metalsare heated, they give off an EMF (electro-motive force or voltage). Thiselectrical energy can be measured with a standard type of meterdesigned to measure small amounts of current. The meter can be cali-brated in degrees, instead of amperes, milliamperes, or microamperes.

In use, the thermocouples are placed in the medium that is to bemeasured. Extension wires run from the thermocouple to the meter. Themeter then gives the temperature reading at the remote location.

The extension wires may be run outside closed chests and rooms.There is no difficulty in closing a door, and the wires will not be pinches.In air-conditioning work, one thermocouple may be placed in the supplygrille and another in the return grille. Readings can be taken secondsapart without handling a thermometer.

Thermocouples are easily taped onto the surface of pipes to check theinside temperature. It is a good idea to insulate the thermocouple fromambient and radiated heat.

Although this type of thermometer is rugged, it should be handledwith care. It should not be handled roughly.

Thermocouples should be protected from corrosive chemicals andfumes. Manufacturer’s instructions for protection and use are suppliedwith the instrument.

Resistance thermometer

One of the newer ways to check temperature is with a thermometer thatuses a resistance-sending element. An electrical sensing unit may bemade of a thermistor. A thermistor is a piece of material that changesresistance rapidly when subjected to temperature changes. Whenheated, the thermistor lowers its resistance. This decrease in resist-ance makes a circuit increase its current. A meter can be inserted in thecircuit. The change in current can be calibrated against a standard ther-mometer. The scale can be marked to read temperature in degreesCelsius or degrees Fahrenheit.

Another type of resistance thermometer indicates the temperature byan indicating light. The resistance-sensing bulb is placed in the mediumto be measured. The bridge circuit is adjusted until the light comes on.The knob that adjusts the bridge circuit is calibrated in degrees Celsiusor degrees Fahrenheit.

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The knob then shows the temperature. The sensing element is just oneof the resistors in the bridge circuit. The bridge circuit is described indetail in Chap. 3.

There is the possibility of having practical precision of ±1°F (0.5°C).In this type of measurement, the range covered is −325 to 250°F (−198 to 121°C). A unit may be used for deep freezer testing, for air-conditioning units, and for other work. Response is rapid. Special bulbsare available for use in rooms, outdoors, immersion, surfaces, and ducts.

Superheat thermometer

The superheat thermometer is used to check for correct temperaturedifferential of the refrigerator gas. The inlet and outlet side of theevaporator coil have to be measured to obtain the two temperatures.The difference is obtained by subtracting.

Test thermometers are available in boxes (see Fig. 1-30). The box pro-tects the thermometer. It is important to keep the thermometer in oper-

26 Chapter One

Figure 1-30 Test thermometer (Marsh.)

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ating condition. Several guidelines must be followed. Figure 1-31 illus-trates how to keep the test thermometer in good working condition.Preventing kinks in the capillary is important. Keep the capillary cleanby removing grease and oil. Clean the case and crystal with a milddetergent.

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Figure 1-31 How to take care of the thermometer. (Marsh.)

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Superheat Measurement Instruments

Superheat plays an important role in refrigeration and air-conditioningservice. For example, the thermostatic expansion valve operates on theprinciple of superheat. In charging capillary tube systems, the superheatmeasurement must be carefully watched. The suction line superheat isan indication of whether the liquid refrigerant is flooding the compres-sor from the suction side. A measurement of zero superheat is a defi-nite indicator that liquid is reaching the compressor. A measurementof 6 to 10°F (−14.4 to −12.2°C) for the expansion valve system and20°F (−6.7°C) for capillary tube system indicates that all refrigerant isvaporized before entering the compressor.

The superheat at any point in a refrigeration system is found by firstmeasuring the actual refrigerant temperature at that point using an elec-tronic thermometer. Then the boiling point temperature of the refrigerantis found by connecting a compound pressure gage to the system and read-ing the boiling temperature from the center of the pressure gage. The dif-ference between the actual temperature and the boiling point temperatureis superheat. If the superheat is zero, the refrigerant must be boilinginside. Then, there is a good chance that some of the refrigerant is stillliquid. If the superheat is greater than zero, by at least 5°F or better, thenthe refrigerant is probably past the boiling point stage and is all vapor.

The method of measuring superheat described here has obvious faults.If there is no attachment for a pressure gage at the point in the systemwhere you are measuring superheat, the hypothetical boiling tempera-

28 Chapter One

Figure 1-32 Handheld electronicthermometer. (Amprobe.)

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ture cannot be found. To determine the superheat at such a point, thefollowing method can be used. This method is particularly useful formeasuring the refrigerant superheat in the suction line.

Instead of using a pressure gage, the boiling point of the refrigerantin the evaporator can be determined by measuring the temperature inthe line just after the expansion valve where the boiling is vigorous.This can be done with any electronic thermometer (see Fig. 1-32). As therefrigerant heats up through the evaporator and the suction line, theactual temperature of the refrigerant can be measured at any point alongthe suction line. Comparison of these two temperatures gives a super-heat measurement sufficient for field service unless a distributor-metering device is used or the evaporator is very large with a greatamount of pressure drop across the evaporator.

Tools and Instruments 29

Figure 1-33 Electronic thermometer for measuring superheat. The probes are made ofthermo-couple wire. They can be strapped on anywhere with total contact with the sur-face. This thermometer covers temperatures from –50°F to 1500°F on four scales. Thetemperature difference between any two points directly means it can read superheatdirectly. It is battery operated and has a ±2% accuracy on all ranges. Celsius scales areavailable. (Thermal Engineering.)

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Figure 1-34 How superheat works. (Parker-Hannefin.)

By using the meter shown in Fig. 1-33, it is possible to read superheatdirectly, using the temperature differential feature. Strap one end of thedifferential probe to the outlet of the metering device. Strap the otherend to the point on the suction line where the superheat measure is tobe taken. Turn the meter to temperature differential and the superheatwill be directly read on the meter.

Figure 1-34 illustrates the way superheat works. The bulb “opening”force (F-l) is caused by bulb temperature. This force is balanced againstthe system backpressure (F-2) and the valve spring force (F-3). The forceholds the evaporator pressure within a range that will vaporize theentire refrigerant just before it reaches the upper part or end of theevaporator.

The method of checking superheat is shown in Fig. 1-35. The proce-dure is as follows:

1. Measure the temperature of the suction line at the bulb location. Inthe example, the temperature is 37°F.

30 Chapter One

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2. Measure the suction line pressure. In the example, the suction linepressure is 27 psi.

3. Convert the suction line pressure to the equivalent saturated (orliquid) evaporator temperature by using a standard temperature-pressure chart (27 psi = 28°F).

4. Subtract the two temperatures. The difference is superheat. In thiscase, superheat is found by the formula: 37°F – 28°F = 9°F

Suction pressure at the bulb may be obtained by either of the follow-ing methods:

If the valve has an external equalizer line, the gage in this line maybe read directly.

If the valve is internally equalized, take a pressure gage reading atthe compressor base valve. Add to this the estimated pressure dropbetween the gage and the bulb location. The sum will approximate thepressure at the bulb.

The system should be operating normally when the superheat isbetween 6 and 10°F (−14.4 and −12.2°C).

Figure 1-35 Where and how to check superheat. (Parker-Hannefin.)

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32 Chapter One

Figure 1-36 Halide leak detector foruse with a B tank. (Union Carbide.)

Figure 1-37 Halide leak detector for use withan MC tank. (Union Carbide.)

Halide Leak Detectors

Not too long ago leaks were detected by using soap bubbles and water.If possible, the area of the suspected leak was submerged in soapwater. Bubbles pinpointed the leak area. If the unit or suspected areawas not easily submerged in water then it was coated with soap solu-tion. In addition, where the leak was covered with soap, bubbles wouldbe produced. These indicated the location of the leak. These methodsare still used today in some cases. However, it is now possible to obtainbetter indications of leaks with electronic equipment with halide leakdetectors.

Halide leak detectors are used in the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry. They are designed for locating leaks and non-combustible halide refrigerant gases (see Figs. 1-36 and 1-37).

The supersensitive detector will detect the presence of as little as20 parts per million of refrigerant gases (see Fig. 1-38). Another modelwill detect 100 parts of halide gas per million parts of air.

Setting up

The leak detector is normally used with a standard torch handle. Thetorch handle has a shut-off valve. Acetylene can be supplied by a B tank(40 ft3) or MC tank (10 ft3). In either case, the tank must be equippedwith a pressure-reducing regulator; the torch handle is connected tothe regulator by a suitable length of fitted acetylene hose (see Fig. 1-36).

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An alternate setup uses an adapter to connect the leak detector stemto an MC tank. No regulator is required. The tank must be fitted witha handle (see Fig. 1-37).

In making either setup, be sure all seating sources are clean beforeassembling. Tighten all connections securely. Use a wrench to tightenhose and regulator connections. If you use the B tank setup, be sure tofollow the instructions supplied with the torch handle and regulator.


Setup with tank, regulator, and torch handle. Refer to Fig. 1-36.

Open the tank valve one-quarter turn, using a P-O-L tank key. Be sure the shut-off valve on the torch handle is closed. Then, adjust

the regulator to deliver 10 psi. Do this by turning in the pressure-adjusting screw until the “C” marking on the flat surfaces of the screwis opposite the face of the front cap. Test for leaks.

Figure 1-38 Detectors. (A) Supersensitive detector ofrefrigerant gases. This detects 20 parts per million.(B) Standard model detector torch. This detects 100parts per million. (Union Carbide.)

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34 Chapter One

Open the torch handle, shut-off valve, and light the gas above the reac-tion plate. Use a match or taper.

Adjust the torch until a steady flame is obtained.

Setup with MC tank and adaptor. Refer to Fig. 1-37.

With the needle valve on the adaptor closed tightly, just barely openthe tank valve, suing a P-O-L tank key. Test for leaks.

Open the adapter needle valve about one-quarter turn. Light the gasabove the reaction plate. Use a match or taper.

Leak testing the setup

Using a small brush, apply a thick solution of soap and water to test forleaks. Check for leaks at the regulator and any connection point. Checkthe hose to handle connection, hose to regulator connection, and regu-lator or adaptor connection. If you find a leak, correct it before you lightthe gas. A leak at the valve stem of a small acetylene tank can often becorrected by tightening the packing nut with a wrench. If this will notstop a leak, remove the tank. Tag it to indicate valve stem leakage.Place it outdoors in a safe spot until you can return it to the supplier.

Adjusting the flame

Place the inlet end of the suction hose so that it is unlikely to draw inair to contaminate the refrigerant vapor. Adjust the needle valve on theadapter or torch handle until the pale blue outer envelope of the flameextends about 1 in. above the reaction plate. The inner cone of the flame,which should also be visible above the reaction plate, should be clear andsharply defined.

If the outer envelope of the flame, when of proper length, is yellow,not pale blue, the hose is picking up refrigerant vapors. There may alsobe some obstruction in the suction hose. Make sure the suction tube isnot clogged or bent sharply. If the suction tube is clear, shut off theflame. Close the tank valve. Disconnect the leak detector from the handleor adaptor. Check for dirt in the filter screw or mixer disk (see Fig. 1-39).Use a 1/8-in. socket key (Allen wrench) to remove or replace the filterscrew. This screw retains the mixer disk.

Detecting leaks

To explore the leaks, move the end of the suction hose around all pointswhere there might be leaks. Be careful not to kink the suction hose.

Watch for color changes in the flame as you move the end of the suctionhose:

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With the model that has a large opening in the flame shield (wingson each side), a small leak will change the color of the outer flame toa yellow or an orange-yellow hue. As the concentration of halide gasincreases, the yellow will disappear. The lower part of the flame willbecome a bright, light blue. The top of the flame will become a vividpurplish blue.

With the model that has no wings alongside the flame shield opening,small concentrations of halide gas will change the color. A bright blue-green outer flame indicates a leak. As the concentration of the halidegas increases, the lower part of the flame will lose its greenish tinge.The upper portion will become a vivid purplish blue.

Watch for color intensity changes. The location of small color leaks canbe pinpointed rapidly. Color in the flame will disappear almost instantlyafter the intake end of the hose has passed the point of leakage. Withlarger leaks, you will have to judge the point of leakage. Note the colorchange from yellow to purple-blue or blue-green to blue-purple, depend-ing upon the model used.

Figure 1-39 Position of filter screw and mixer disc on Prest-O-Lite® halide leak detector.(A) Standard model; (B) supersensitive model.

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36 Chapter One


With intensive usage, an oxide scale may form on the surface of the reac-tion plate. Thus, sensitivity is reduced. Usually this scale can be easilybroken away from the late surface. If you suspect a loss in sensitivity,remove the reaction plate. Scrape its surface with a knife or screw-driver blade, or install a new plate.

Electrical Instruments

Several electrical instruments are used by the air-conditioning servi-ceperson to see if the equipment is working properly. Studies show thatthe most trouble calls on heating and cooling equipment are electricalin nature.

The most frequently measured quantities are volts, amperes, andohms. In some cases, wattage is measured to check for shorts and othermalfunctions. A wattage meter is available. However, it must be usedto measure volt-amperes instead of watts. To measure watts, it is nec-essary to use DC only or convert the volt-amperes (VA) to watts byusing the power factor. The power factor times the volt-amperes pro-duces the actual power consumed in watts. Since most cooling equipmentuses AC, it is necessary to convert to watts by this method.

Figure 1-40 Moving coil (D’Arsonval) meter movement.

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A number of factors can be checked with electrical instruments. Forexample, electrical instruments can be used to check the flow rate froma centrifugal water pump, the condition of a capacitor, or the characterof a start or run winding of an electric motor.


The ammeter is used to measure current. It can measure the amountof current flowing in a circuit. It may use one of the number of differentbasic meter movements to accomplish this. The most frequently used ofthe basic meter movements is the D’Arsonval type (see Fig. 1-40). It usesa permanent magnet and an electromagnet to determine circuit current.The permanent magnet is used as a standard basic source of magnet-ism. As the current flows through the coil of wire, it creates a magneticfield around it. This magnetic field is strong or weak, depending uponthe amount of current flowing through it. The stronger the magnetic fieldcreated by the moving coil, the more it is repelled by the permanentmagnet. This repelling motion is calibrated to read amperes, mil-liamperes (0.001 A), or microamperes (0.000001 A).

The D’Arsonval meter movement may also be used on alternatingcurrent when a diode is placed in series with the moving coil winding.The diode changes the AC to DC and the meter works as on DC (seeFig. 1-41). The dial or face of the instrument is calibrated to indicatethe AC readings.

There are other types of AC ammeters. They are not always as accu-rate as the D’Arsonval, but they are effective. In some moving magnetmeters, the coil is stationary and the magnet moves. Although rugged,this type is not as accurate as the D’Arsonval type meter.

The moving vane meter is useful in measuring current when AC isused (see Fig. 1-42).

The clamp-on ammeter has already been discussed. It has some lim-itations. However, it does have one advantage in that, it can be usedwithout having to break the line to insert it. Most ammeters must be

Figure 1-41 Diode inserted in thecircuit with a D’Arsonval move-ment to produce an AC ammeter.

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38 Chapter One

connected in series with the consuming device. That means one linehas to be broken or disconnected to insert the meter into the circuit.

The ampere reading can be used to determine if the unit is drawingtoo much current or insufficient current. The correct current amount isusually stamped on the nameplate of the motor or the compressor.

Starting and running amperes may be checked to see if the motor isoperating with too much load or it is shorted. The flow rate of some pumpscan be determined by reading the current the motor pulls. The load onthe entire line can be checked by inserting the ammeter in the line. Thisis done by taking out the fuse and completing the circuit with the meter.Be careful.

If the ammeter has more than one range, it is best to start on the high-est range and work down. The reading should be in or near the centerof the meter scale for a more accurate reading.

Figure 1-42 Air damping system used in the moving-vane meter.

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Make sure you have some idea what the current in the circuit shouldbe before inserting the meter. Thus, the correct range—or, in someinstances, the correct meter—can be selected.


The voltmeter is used to measure voltage. Voltage is the electrical pres-sure needed to cause current to flow. The voltmeter is used across theline or across a motor or whatever is being used as a consuming device.

Figure 1-44 Different types of multirange voltmeters. This viewshows the interior of the meter box or unit.

Figure 1-43 A voltmeter circuitwith high resistance in serieswith the meter movement allowsit to measure voltage.

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40 Chapter One

Voltmeters are nothing more than ammeters that are calibrated toread volts. There is, however, an important difference. The voltmeter hasa very high internal resistance. That means very small amounts of cur-rent flow through its coil (see Fig. 1-43). This high resistance is producedby multipliers. Each range on the voltmeter has a different resistor toincrease the resistance so the line current will not be diverted throughit (see Fig. 1-44). The voltmeter is placed across the line, whereas theammeter is placed in series. You do not have to break the line to use thevoltmeter. The voltmeter has two leads. If you are measuring DC, youhave to observe polarity. The red lead is the positive “+” and the blacklead is the negative “−”. However, when AC is used, it does not matterwhich lead is placed on which terminal. Using a D’Arsonval meter move-ment, voltmeters can be made with the proper diode to change AC to DC.Voltmeters can be made with a stationary coil and a moving magnet.Other types of voltmeters are available. They use various means of reg-istering voltage.

If the voltage is not known, use the highest scale on the meter. Turnthe range switch to appoint where the reading is in the midrange of themeter movement.

Normal line voltage in most locations is 120 V. When the line voltageis lower than normal, it is possible for the equipment to draw excessivecurrent. This will cause overheating and eventual failure and/or burnout.The correct voltage is needed for the equipment to operate according toits designed specifications. The voltage range is usually stamped on thenameplate of the device. Some will state 208 V. This voltage is obtainedfrom a three-phase connection. Most home or residential voltage is sup-plied at 120 or 230 V. The range is 220 to 240 V for normal residentialservice. The size of the wire used to connect the equipment to the line isimportant. If the wire is too small, it will drop voltage. There will be low

Figure 1-45 Internal circuit of an ohmmeter.

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voltage at the consuming device. For this reason a certified electrician withknowledge of the National Electrical Code should wire a new installation.


The ohmmeter measures resistance. The basic unit of resistance is theohm “Ω”. Every device has resistance. That is why it is necessary to knowthe proper resistance before trying to troubleshoot a device by using anohmmeter. The ohmmeter has its own power supply (see Fig. 1-45). Donot use an ohmmeter on a line that is energized or connected to a powersource of any voltage.

Figure 1-46 A multimeter scale. Note the ohms and volt scales.

Figure 1-47 Two types of multimeters.

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42 Chapter One

An ohmmeter can read the resistance of the windings of a motor. Ifthe correct reading has been given by the manufacturer, it is then pos-sible to see if the reading has changed. If the reading is much lower, itmay indicate a shorted winding. If the reading is infinite “∞”, it maymean there is a loose connection or an open circuit.

Ohmmeters have ranges. Figure 1-46 shows a meter scale. The R × 1range means the scale is read as is. If the R × 10 range is used, it meansthat the scale reading must be multiplied by 10. If the R × 1000 rangeis selected, then the scale reading must be multiplied by 1000. If themeter has a R × 1 megohm range, the scale reading must be multipliedby one million. A megohm is one million ohms.


The multimeter is a combination of meters (see Fig. 1-47). It may havea voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter in the same case. This is the usualarrangement for fieldwork. This way it is possible to have all threemeters in one portable combination. It should be checked for each of thefunctions.

Figure 1-48 (A) Wattmeter connection for measuring input power. (B) Alternatewattmeter connection. (C) With load disconnected, uncompensated wattmeter measuresits own power loss.

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The snap-around meter uses its scale for a number of applications. Itcan read current by snapping around the current-carrying wire. If theleads are used, it can be used as a voltmeter or an ohmmeter. Rememberthat the power must be off to use the ohmmeter. This meter is mountedin its own case. It should be protected from shock and vibration just asany other sensitive instrument.


The wattmeter is used to measure watts. However, when used on an ACline it measures volt-amperes. If watts are to be measured, the readingmust be converted to watts mathematically. Multiply the reading on thewattmeter by the power factor (usually available on the nameplate) toobtain the reading in watts.

Wattmeters use the current and the voltage connections as with indi-vidual meters (see Fig. 1-48). One coil is heavy wire and is connected inseries. It measures the current. The other connection is made in thesame way as with the voltmeter and connected across the line. This coilis made of many turns of fine wire. It measures the voltage. By theaction of the two magnetic fields, the current is multiplied by the volt-age. Wattage is read on the meter scale.

The volt-ampere is the unit used to measure volts time amperes in anAC circuit. If a device has inductance (as in a motor) or capacitance(some motors have run-capacitors), the true wattage is not given on awattmeter. The reading is in volt-amperes instead of watts. It is con-verted to watts by multiplying the reading by the power factor. Awattmeter reads watts only when it is connected to a DC circuit or toan AC circuit with resistance only.

The power factor is the ratio of true power to apparent power. Apparentpower is what is read on a wattmeter on an AC line. True power isthe wattage reading of DC. The two can be used to find the power factor.The power factor is the cosine of the phase angle. The power factor canbe found by using a mathematical computation or a very delicate meterdesigned for the purpose. However, the power factor of equipment usingalternating current is usually stamped on the nameplate of the com-pressor, the motor, or the unit itself.

Wattmeters are also used to test capacitors. Some companies providecharts to convert wattage ratings to microfarad ratings. The wattmetercan test the actual connection of the capacitor. The ohmmeter tells if thecapacitor is good or bad. However, it is hard to indicate how a capaci-tor will function in a circuit with the voltage applied. This is why test-ing with the wattmeter is preferred.

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44 Chapter One

Other Instruments

Many types of meters and gages are available to test almost any quan-tity or condition, for example,

Air-filter efficiency gages Air-measurement gages Humidity-measuring devices Moisture analyzers Btu meters

Vibration and sound meters and recorders are also available.

Air-filter efficiency gages

Air measurements are taken in an air-distribution system. They oftenreveal the existence and location of unintentionally closed or opendampers and obstructions. Leaks in the ductwork and sharp bends arelocated this way.

Air measurements frequently show the existence of a blocked filter.Dirty and blocked filters can upset the balance of either a heating or cool-ing system. This is important whether it is in the home or in a largebuilding.

Certain indicators and gages can be mounted in air plenums. Theycan be used to show the filter has reached the point that it is restrict-ing the airflow. An air plenum is a large space above the furnace heat-ing or cooling unit.

Air-measurement gages

The volume and velocity of air are important measurements in the tem-perature control industries. Proper amounts of air are indispensable tothe best functioning of refrigeration cycles, regardless of the size of thesystem. Air-conditioning units and systems also rely upon volume andvelocity for proper distribution of conditioned air.

Only a small number of contractors are equipped to measure volumeand velocity correctly. The companies that are doing the job properly arein great demand. Professional handling of air volume and velocity ensurethe efficient use of equipment. Large buildings are very much in needof the skills of air balancing teams.

Some people attempt to obtain proper airflow by measuring air tem-perature. They adjust damper and blower speeds. However, they usu-ally fail in their attempts to balance the airflow properly.

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There are instruments available to measure air velocity and volume.Such instruments can accurately measure the low pressures and dif-ferentials involved in air distribution.

Draft gages do measure pressure. However, their specific applicationto air control makes it more appropriate to discuss them here, ratherthan under pressure gages. They measure pressure in inches of water.They come in several styles. The most familiar is the slanted type. It maybe used either in the field or in the shop.

Meter-type draft gages are better for fieldwork. They can be carriedeasily. They can sample air at various locations, with the meter box inone location.

Besides air pressure, it is frequently necessary to measure air volume.Air volume is measured in cubic feet per minute or cfm. Air velocity ismeasured in feet per minute or fpm.

The measure of airflow is still somewhat difficult. However, newerinstruments are making accurate measurements possible.

Humidity-measurement instruments

Many hygroscopic (moisture absorbing) materials can be used asrelative-humidity sensors. Such materials absorb or lose moistureuntil a balance is reached with the surrounding air. A change in mate-rial moisture content causes a dimensional change, and this change canbe used as an input signal to a controller. Commonly used materialsinclude

Human hair Wood Biwood combinations similar in action to a bimetallic temperature sensor Organic films Some fabrics, especially certain synthetic fabrics

All these have the drawbacks of slow response and large hysteresiseffects. Accuracy also tends to be questionable unless they are frequentlycalibrated. Field calibration of humidity sensors is difficulty.

Humidity is read in rh (relative humidity). To obtain the rh it is nec-essary to use two thermometers. One thermometer is a dry bulb, theother is a wet bulb. The device used to measure relative humidity is thesling psychrometer. It has two glass-stem thermometers. The wet bulbthermometer is moistened by a wick attached to the bulb. As the dualthermometers are whirled, air passes over them. The dry and wet bulbtemperatures are recorded. Relative humidity is determined by


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46 Chapter One

Slide rules Similar devices

Thin-film sensors are now available which use an absorbent depositedon a silicon substrate such that the resistance or capacitance varieswith relative humidity. They are quite accurate in the range of ±3 to5 percent. They also have low maintenance requirements.

Stationary psychrometers

Stationary psychrometers take the same measurements as sling psy-chrometers. They do not move, however. They use a blower or fan tomove the air over the thermometer bulbs.

For approximate rh readings, there are metered devices. They areused on desks and walls. They are not accurate enough to be used inengineering work.

Humidistats, which are humidity controls, are used to control humid-ifiers. They operate in the same way as thermometers in closing contactsto complete a circuit. They do not use the same sensing element, how-ever.

Moisture analyzers

It is sometimes necessary to know the percentage of water in a refrig-erant. The water vapor or moisture is measured in parts per million. Thenecessary measuring instrument is still used primarily in the labora-tory. Instruments for measuring humidity are not used here.

Btu meters

The British thermal unit (Btu) is used to indicate the amount of heatpresent. Meters are especially designed to indicate the Btu in a chilledwater line, a hot water line, or a natural gas line. Specially designed,they are used by skilled laboratory personnel at present.

Vibration and sound meters

More cities are now prohibiting conditioning units that make too muchnoise. In most cases, vibration is the main problem. However, it is notan easy task to locate the source of vibration. However, special metershave been designed to aid in the search for vibration noise.

Portable noise meters are available. Decibel (dB) is the unit for themeasurement of sound. There are a couple of bands on the noise meters.The dB-A scale corresponds roughly to the human hearing range. Otherscales are available for special applications.

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Figure 1-49 Cap-Check™ chaser kit. This is a means to clean partially pluggedcapillary tubes. It has 10 spools of lead alloy wire. These wires can be used asa chaser for the 10 most popular sizes of cap tubes. A cap tube gage, set of sizingtools, and a combination file/reamer are included in the kit.

Figure 1-50 Cap-Check™ is aportable self-contained hydraulicpower unit with auxiliary Equip-ment that is especially adaptedto cleaning refrigeration capillarytubes. It is hand operated.

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48 Chapter One

More emphasis is now being placed on noise levels in factories, offices,and schools. The Occupational Safety and Hazards Act (OSHA) laysdown strict guidelines regarding noise levels. There are penalties fornoncompliance. Thus, it will be necessary for all new and previouslyinstalled units to be checked for noise.

High-velocity air systems—used in large buildings—are engineered toreduce noise to levels set by OSHA. For example, there are chambers tolower the noise in the ducts. Air engineers are constantly working on high-velocity systems to try to solve some of the problems associated with them.

Service Tools

Service personnel use some special devices to help them with repair jobsin the field. One of them is the chaser kit (see Fig. 1-49). It is used forcleaning partially plugged capillary tubes. The unit includes 10 spoolsof lead alloy wire. These wires can be used as chasers for the 10 mostpopular sizes of capillary tubes. In addition to the wire, a cap tube gage,a set of sizing tools, and a combination file/reamer are included in themetal case. This kit is used in conjunction with the Cap-Check™. The Cap-Check is a portable, self-contained hydraulic power unit with auxiliaryequipment especially adapted to cleansing refrigeration capillary tubes(see Fig. 1-50). A small plug of wire from the chaser kit is inserted intothe capillary tube. The wire is a few thousandths of an inch smaller thanthe internal diameter of the capillary tube. This wire is pushed like a

Figure 1-51 The Cap-Gage™ is a pocketknife-type cap tube gage with 10 stainlesssteel gages to measure the most popular sizes of cap tubes. (Thermal Engineering.)

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piston through the capillary tube with hydraulic pressure from the Cap-Check. A 0 to 5000-psi gage shows pressure buildup if the capillarytube is restricted. It also shows when the chaser has passed through thetube. A trigger-operated gage shutoff is provided so the gage will not bedamaged if pressures greater than 5000 psi are desired. When the pistonstops against a partial restriction, high-velocity oil is directed aroundthe piston and against the wall, washing the restriction away and allow-ing the wire to move through the tube. The lead wire eventually endsup in the bottom of the evaporator, where it remains. The capillary tubeis then as clean as when it was originally installed.

A 30-in. high-pressure hydraulic hose with a 1/4-in. SAE male flareoutlet connects the cap tube to the Cap-Check for simple handling. Anadapter comes with the Cap-Check for simple handling. Another adaptercomes with the unit to connect the cap tube directly to the hose outletwithout a flared fitting.

The Cap-Gage™ is a capillary tube gage. It has 10 stainless steel gagesto measure the most popular sizes of capillary tubes (see Fig. 1-51).

Tools and Instruments 49

Figure 1-52 The Vizi-Vapr™ is a device that allows rapid charging of a compressor with-out heating the cylinder of refrigerant. (Thermal Engineering.)

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50 Chapter One

Special Tools

Eventually, almost every refrigerant charging job turns into a vapor-charging job. Unless the compressor is turned on, liquid can be chargedinto the high side only so long before the system and cylinder pressuresbecome unfavorable. When this happens, all refrigerant must be takenin the low side in the form of vapor.

Vapor charging is much slower than liquid charging. To create a vaporinside the refrigerant cylinder, the liquid refrigerant must be boiling.Boiling refrigerant absorbs heat. This is the principle on which refrig-eration operates.

The boiling refrigerant absorbs heat from the refrigerant surround-ing it in the cylinder. The net effect is that the cylinder temperaturebegins to drop soon after you begin charging with vapor. As the tem-perature drops, the remaining refrigerant will not vaporize as readily.Charging will slow.

To speed charging, service personnel add heat to the cylinder byimmersing part of it in hot water. The cylinder temperature rises. Theboiling refrigerant becomes vigorous and charging returns to a rapidrate. It is not long, though before all the heat has been taken from thewater and more hot water must be added.

The Vizi-Vapr™ is an example of how a device can remove liquidfrom a cylinder and apply it to the system in the form of a vapor (seeFig. 1-52). No heat is required. This eliminates the hazards of usinga torch and hot water. The change from a liquid to a gas or vaportakes place in the Vizi-Vapr. It restricts the charging line betweenthe cylinder and compressor. This restriction is much like an expan-sion valve in that it maintains high cylinder pressure behind it to holdthe refrigerant as a liquid.

However, it has a large pressure drop across it to start evaporation.Heat required to vaporize refrigerate is taken from the air surroundingthe unit, not from the remaining refrigerant. This produces a dense,saturated vapor.

The amount of restriction in the unit is very critical. Too much restric-tion will slow charging considerably. It also will allow liquid to gothrough and cause liquid slugging in the compressor. The restriction set-ting is different for each size system, for different types of refrigerantsand even for different ambient temperatures.

Vacuum Pumps

Use of the vacuum pump may be the single most important developmentin refrigeration and air-conditioning servicing. The purpose of a vacuumpump is to remove the undesirable materials that create pressure in arefrigeration system. These include

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Figure 1-53 Single-stage portable vacuum pump. (Thermal Engineering.)

Figure 1-54 Dual or two-stage portable vacuum pump. (Thermal Engineering.)

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52 Chapter One

Moisture Air (oxygen) Hydrochloric acid

In addition, other materials that will vaporize at low micrometerrange. These, along with a wide variety of solid materials, are pulled intothe vacuum pump in the same way a vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt.Evacuation is being routinely performed on almost every service call onwhich recharging is required.

NOTE: It is no longer permitted to simply add refrigerant to the systemwith one end open for evacuation into the atmosphere. This shortcut wasa favorite of many service technicians over the year since it was quick andthe refrigerant was inexpensive.

Vacuum levels formerly unheard of for field evacuations are beingaccomplished daily by service persons who are knowledgeable regardingvacuum equipment. These service persons have found through experiencethat the two-stage pump is much better than the single-stage pump fordeep evacuations (see Figs. 1-53 and 1-54). It was devised as a laboratoryinstrument and with minor alterations; it has been adapted to the refrig-eration field. It is the proper tool for vacuum evacuations in the field.

To understand the advantages of a two-stage pump over a single-stage pump, refer to Fig. 1-55. This shows the interior of a two-stagevacuum pump. This is a simplified version of a vacuum stage. It is builton the principle of a Wankel engine. There is a stationary chamber with

Figure 1-55 Two-stage vacuum pump showing seals and intake,exhaust, and vacuum section. (Thermal Engineering.)

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an eccentric rotor revolving inside. The sliding vanes pull gases throughthe intake. They compress them and force them into the atmospherethrough the exhaust. The vanes create a vacuum section and a pressuresection inside the pump. The seal between the vacuum and the pressuresections is made by the vacuum pump oil. These seals are the criticalfactor in the depth that a vacuum pump can pull. If the seals leak, thepump will not be able to draw a deep vacuum. Consequently, less gascan be processed. A pump with high leakage across the seal will be ableto pull a deep vacuum on a small system, but the leakage will decreasethe pumping speed (cfm) in the deep vacuum region. Long pull-downtimes will result.

There are three oil seals in a single-stage vacuum pump. Each sealmust hold against a high pressure on one side and a deep vacuum onthe other side. This places a great deal of strain on the oil seal. A two-stage vacuum pump cuts the pressure strain on the oil seal in half.Such a pump uses two chambers instead of one to evacuate a system.The first chamber is called the deep vacuum chamber. It pulls in thevacuum gases from the deep vacuum and exhausts them into the secondchamber at a moderate vacuum. The second chamber, or stage, bringsin these gases at a moderate vacuum and exhausts them into the atmos-phere. By doing this, the work of a single chamber is split between twochambers. This, in turn, cuts in half the strain on each oil seal, whichreduces the leakage up to 90 percent.

A two-stage vacuum pump is more effective than a single-stage vacuumpump. For example, a single-stage vacuum pump rated for 1.5 cfm capac-ity will take 1 and 1.5 h to evacuate one drop of water. A two-stagevacuum pump with the same rating will evacuate the drop in 12 min.

For evacuation of a 5-ton system saturated with moisture, a minimumof 15 h evacuation time is required in using a single-stage vacuumpump. A two-stage pump with the same cfm rating could do the job inas little as 2 h.

Another advantage of the two-stage pump is reliability. As you cansee, if the oil seal is to be effective, the tolerances in these vacuumpumps must be very close between rotor and stator. If the tolerances arenot correct, the oil seal will not be effective. Slippage of tolerance dueto wear is the major cause of vacuum pump failure. With a single-stagepump, when the tolerance is in the stage slips, the pump loses effec-tiveness. With a two-stage pump, if one stage loses tolerance, the otherone will still pull the vacuum of a single-stage pump.

Larger cfm, two-stage vacuum pumps are preferred to the one-stagevacuum pumps. The cost difference between the two is not great. In addi-tion, the time saved by using the two-stage pump is evident on the firstevacuation.

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54 Chapter One

Vacuum pump maintenance

The purpose of vacuum pump oil is to lubricate the pump and act as aseal. To perform this function the oil must have

A low vapor pressure that does not materially increase up to 125°F(51.7°C)

A viscosity sufficiently low for use at 60°F (15.6°C) yet constant up to125°F (51.7°C)

These requirements are easily met by using a low vapor pressure,paraffin-based oil having a viscosity of approximately 300 SSU (shear-ing stress units) at 100°F (37.8°C) and a viscosity index in the range of95 to 100. This type of uninhibited oil is readily obtainable. It is thematerial provided by virtually all sellers of vacuum pump oil to therefrigeration trade.

Vacuum pump oil problems

The oils used in vacuum pumps are designed to lubricate and seal.Many of the oils available for other jobs are not designed to clean as theylubricate. Neither are they designed to keep in suspension the solidsfreed by the cleaning action of the oil. In addition, the oil is not usuallyheavily inhibited against the action of oxygen. Therefore, the vacuumpump must be run with flushing oil periodically to clean it. Otherwise,its efficiency will be reduced. The use of flushing oils is recommendedby pump manufacturers.

If hydrochloric acid has been pulled into the pump, water, solids, andoil will bond together to form sludge or slime that may be acidic. The oilalso may deteriorate due to oxidation (action on the oil by oxygen in airpulled through the pump). This results in a pump that will not pull aproper vacuum, may wear excessively, seriously corrode, or rust inter-nally.

Operating instructions

Use vacuum pump oil in the pump when new. After 5 to 10 h of runningtime, change the oil. Make sure all of the original oil is removed fromthe pump. Thereafter, change the oil after every 30 h of operation whenthe oil becomes dark due to suspended solids drawn into the pump.Such maintenance will ensure peak efficiency in the pump operation.

If the pump has been operated for a considerable time on regularpump oil, drain the oil and replace with dual-purpose vacuum-pump oil.Drain the oil and replace with dual-purpose after 10 h of operation. Theoil will probably be quite dark due to sludge removed from the pump.Operate the second charge of oil for 10 h and drain again. The second

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charge of oil may still be dark. However, it will probably be lighter incolor than the oil drained after the first 10 h.

Change the oil at 30-h intervals after that. Change the oil before suchintervals if it becomes dark due to suspended solids pulled into thepump. Be sure to change the oil every 30 h thereafter to keep the vacuumpump in peak condition.

Evacuating a system

How long should it take? Some techniques of evacuation will cleanrefrigeration and air-conditioning system to a degree never beforereached. Properly used, a good vacuum pump will eliminate 99.99 per-cent of the air and virtually all of the moisture in a system. There is nofirm answer regarding the time it will take a pump to accomplish thislevel of cleanliness. The time required for evacuation depends on manythings. Some factors that must be considered are as follows:

The size of the vacuum pump The type of vacuum pump—single or two stage The size of the hose connections The size of the system The contamination in the system The application for the system

Figure 1-56 This vacuum checkgage is designed to be as handyas a charging manifold. (ThermalEng.)

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56 Chapter One

Evacuating down to 29 in. eliminates 97 percent of all air. Moistureremoval, however, does not begin until a vacuum below 29 in. is reached.This is the micrometer level of vacuum. It can be measured only withan electronic vacuum gage. Dehydration of system does not certainlybegin until the vacuum gage reads below 5000 mm. If the system willnot pump down to this level, something is wrong. There may be a leakin the vacuum connections. The vacuum pump oil may be contaminated.There may be a leak in the system. Vacuum gage readings between5000 and 1000 mm ensure that dehydration is proceeding. When allmoisture is removed, the micron gage will pull down below 1000 mm (seeFigs. 1-56 and 1-57).

Pulling a system down below 1000 mm is not a perfect test for clean-liness. If the vacuum pump is too large for the system it may pull downthis level before all of the moisture is removed. Another test is pre-ferred. Once the system is pulled down below 1000 mm it will not go anyfurther. The system should be valved-off from the vacuum pump and thepump turned off. If the vacuum in the system does not rise over 2000 mmin the next 5 min, evacuation has been completed. If it goes over this

Figure 1-57 An electronic high-vacuum gage that reads directly in microns. (Thermal Eng.)

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level, either the moisture is not completely removed or the system hasa slight leak. To find which, reevacuate the system to its lowest level.Valve it off again and shutoff the vacuum pump. If the vacuum leaksback to the same level as before, there is a leak in the system. If, therise is much slower than before, small amounts of moisture are proba-bly left in the system. Reevacuate until the vacuum will hold.

Charging Cylinder

The charging cylinder lets you charge with heat to speed up the charg-ing process. This unit, with its heater assembly, allows up to 50 W ofheat to be used in charging. Refrigerant is removed rapidly from thecylinder as liquid, but injected into the system as a gas with theVizi-Vapr. It requires no heat during the charging process. TheExtracta-Charge™ device allows the serviceperson to carry smallamounts of refrigerant to the job. The refrigerant can be bought in largedrums and stored at the shop. The Extracta-Charge comes in a rugged,steel carrying case to protect it from tough use. It provides a method fordraining refrigerant even from capillary tube, sealed systems.

It is now mandatory to capture the escaping refrigerant. The Extracta-Charge is the instrument to use. When systems are overcharged, theexcess can be transported back to the drum. The amount removed canbe measured also. A leak found after the charging operation usuallymeans the loss of the full charge. Using this device, the serviceperson

Figure 1-58 Oil chargingpump. (Thermal Eng.)

Figure 1-59 Oil changing pump. (ThermalEng.)

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58 Chapter One

can extract the charge and save it for use after the leak has been foundand repaired.

Charging Oil

In charging a compressor with oil, there is danger of drawing air andmoisture into the refrigeration system. Use of the pump shown inFig. 1-58 eliminates this danger. This pump reduces charging time byover 70 percent without pumping down the compressor. The pump fitsthe can with a cap seal so the pump need not be removed until the canis empty. It is a piston-type high-pressure pump designed to operateat pressures up to 250 psi. It pumps 1 qt in 20 full strokes of the piston.The pump can be connected to the compressor by a refrigerant charg-ing line or copper tubing from a 1/2-in. male flare fitting.

Changing Oil

Whenever it is impossible to drain oil in the conventional manner, itbecomes necessary to hook up a pump. Removing oil from refrigerationcompressors before dehydrating with a vacuum is a necessity. The pumpshown in Fig. 1-59 has the ability to remove 1 quart of oil with about10 strokes. It is designed for use in pumping oil from refrigeration com-pressors, marine engines, and other equipment.

Figure 1-60 Mobile charging sta-tion. (Thermal Engineering.)

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Mobile Charging Stations

Mobile charging stations can be easily loaded into a pickup truck, van,or station wagon. They take little space (see Fig. 1-60). Stations comecomplete with manifold gage set, charging cylinder, instrument andtool sack, and vacuum pump. The refrigerant tank can also be mountedon the mobile charging station.


Several types of tubing are used in plumbing, refrigeration, and air-conditioning work. Air-conditioning and refrigeration, however, use spe-cial tubing types. Copper, aluminum, and stainless steel are used fortubing materials. They ensure that refrigerants do not react with thetubing. Each type of tubing has a special application. Most of the tubingused in refrigeration and air-conditioning is made of copper. This tubingis especially processed to make sure it is clean and dry inside. It issealed at the ends to make sure the cleanliness is maintained.

Stainless steel tubing is used with R-717 or ammonia refrigerant. Brass or copper tubing should not be used in ammonia refrigerant

systems. Aluminum tubing is used in condensers in air-conditioning systems

for the home and automobile.

This calls for a special type of treatment for soldering or welding.Copper tubing is the type most often used in refrigeration systems.

TABLE 1-1 Inside and Outside Diameterof Small Capillary Tubing*

Inside Outside diameter (ID), in. diameter (OD), in.

0.026 0.0720.31 0.0830.036 0.0870.044 0.1090.050 0.1140.055 0.1250.064 0.1250.070 0.1250.075 0.1250.080 0.1450.085 0.145

∗Reducing bushing fits in 3/8 in. OD solderfitting and takes 3/8 in. OD tubing.

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There are two types of copper tubing—hard-drawn and soft coppertubing. Each has a particular use in refrigeration.

Soft copper tubing

Some commercial refrigeration systems use soft copper tubing. However,such tubing is most commonly found in domestic systems. Soft copperis annealed. Annealing is the process whereby the copper is heated toa blue surface color and allowed to cool gradually to room temperature.If copper is hammered or bent repeatedly, it will become hard. Hardcopper tubing is subject to cracks and breaking.

Soft copper comes in rolls and is usually under 1/2 in. in outsidediameter (OD). Small-diameter copper tubing is made for capillary use.It is soft drawn and flexible. It comes in random lengths of 90 to 140 ft.Table 1-1 gives the available inside and outside diameters. This typeof tubing usually fits in a 1/4-in. OD solder fitting that takes a 1/8-in.OD tubing.

There are three types of copper tubing—types K, L, and M.

Type-K tubing is heavy duty. It is used for refrigeration, general plumb-ing, and heating. It can also be used for underground applications.

Type-L tubing is used for interior plumbing and heating. Type-M tubing is used for light-duty waste vents, water, and drainage


60 Chapter One

TABLE 1-2 Dehydrated and Sealed Copper Tubing Outside Diameters, WallThicknesses, and Weights*

50-Ft Coils

Outside diameter (in.) Wall thickness (in.) Approximate weight (lb)

1/8 0.030 1.743/16 0.030 2.881/4 0.030 4.025/16 0.032 5.453/8 0.032 6.701/2 0.032 9.105/8 0.035 12.553/4 0.035 15.207/8 0.045 22.7511/8 0.050 44.2013/8 0.055 44.20

∗The standard soft dehydrated copper tubing is made in the wall thickness recommended by theCopper and Brass Research Association to the National Bureau of Standards. Each size hasample strength for its capacity.

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TABLE 1-3 Outside Diameter, Wall Thickness, and Weight per Foot of HardCopper Refrigeration Tubing

Outside diameter (in.) Wall thickness Weight per foot

Type-K tubing

3/8 0.035 0.1451/2 0.049 0.2695/8 0.049 0.3443/4 0.049 0.4187/8 0.065 0.641

11/8 0.065 0.83913/8 0.065 1.04015/8 0.072 1.36021/8 0.083 2.06025/8 0.095 2.93031/8 0.109 4.00041/8 0.134 6.510

Type-L tubing

3/8 0.030 0.1261/2 0.035 0.1985/8 0.040 0.2853/4 0.042 0.3627/8 0.045 0.445

11/8 0.050 0.65513/8 0.055 0.88415/8 0.060 1.11421/8 0.070 1.75025/8 0.080 2.480

Type-M tubing

1/2 0.025 0.1455/8 0.028 0.2047/8 0.032 0.328

11/8 0.035 0.46513/8 0.042 0.68215/8 0.049 0.940

TABLE 1-4 Comparison of Outside Diameterand Nominal Pipe Size

Outside Nominal pipediameter (in.) size (in.)

3/8 1/41/2 3/85/8 1/23/4 —7/8 3/411/8 1

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62 Chapter One

Type-K soft copper tubing that comes in 60-ft rolls is available in out-side diameters of 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, and 1-1/8 in. It is used for undergroundwater lines. Wall thickness and weight per foot are the same as for hardcopper tubing.

Copper tubing used for air-conditioning and refrigeration purposes ismarked ACR. It is deoxidized and dehydrated to ensure that there is nomoisture in it. In most cases, the copper tubing is capped after it iscleaned and filled with nitrogen. Nitrogen keeps it dry and helps pre-vent oxides from forming inside when it is heated during soldering.

Refrigeration dehydrated and sealed soft copper tubing must meetstandard sizes for wall thickness and outside diameter. These sizes areshown in Table 1-2.

Hard and soft copper tubing are available in two wall thicknesses—K and L. The L thickness is used most frequently in air-conditioning andrefrigeration systems.

Hard-drawn copper tubing

Hard-drawn copper tubing is most frequently used in refrigerationand air-conditioning systems. Since it is hard and stiff, it does not needthe supports required by soft copper tubing. This type of tubing is not

Figure 1-61 Three types of tubingcutters. (Mueller Brass.)

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easily bent. In fact, it should not be bent for refrigeration work. Thatis why there are several tubing fittings available for this type oftubing.

Hard-drawn tubing comes in 10 or 20 ft lengths (see Table 1-3).Remember, there is a difference between hard copper sizes and nomi-nal pipe sizes. Table 1-4 shows the differences. Nominal sizes are usedin water lines, home plumbing, and drains. They are never used inrefrigeration systems. Keep in mind that Type K is heavy-wall tubing,Type L is medium-wall tubing, and Type M is thin-wall tubing. Thethickness determines the pressure the tubing will safely handle.

Cutting copper tubing

Copper tubing can be cut with a copper tube cutter or a hacksaw. ACRtubing is cleaned, degreased, and dried before the end is sealed at thefactory. The sealing plugs are reusable.

To provide further dryness and cleanliness, nitrogen, an inert gas, isused to fill the tube. It materially reduces the oxide formation duringbrazing. The remaining nitrogen limits excess oxides during succeedingbrazing operations. Where tubing will be exposed inside food compart-ments, tinned copper is recommended.

To uncoil the tube without kinks, hold one free end against the flooror on a bench. Uncoil along the floor or bench to the desired length. Thetube may be cut to length with a hacksaw or a tube cutter. In either case,deburr the end before flaring. Bending is accomplished by use of aninternal or external bending spring. Lever-type bending tools may alsobe used. These tools will be shown and explained later.

The hacksaw should have a 32-tooth blade. The blade should have awave set. No filings or chips can be allowed to enter the tubing. Holdthe tubing so that when it is cut the scraps will fall out of the usable end.

Figure 1-61 shows some of the tubing cutters available. The tubingcutter is moved over the spot to be cut. The cutting wheel is adjusted so

Figure 1-62 The three steps inremoving a burr after the tubinghas been cut with a tubingcutter. (A) The end of the cuttubing. (B) Squaring with a fileproduces a flat end. (C) The tubehas been filed and reamed. It cannow be flared.

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64 Chapter One

Figure 1-64 Flaring tools. (A) This type oftool calls for the tubing to be inserted intothe proper size hole with a small amount ofthe tube sticking above the flaring block. (B)This type of tool calls for the tubing to stickwell above the flaring block. This type is ableto maintain the original wall thickness atthe base of the flare. The faceted flaring conesmoothes out any surface imperfections.

Figure 1-63 Two types of flaring tools forsoft copper tubing.

Figure 1-65 Double flares formed by the punch-and-block method. (1) Tubing is clamped intothe block opening of the proper size. The female punch, Punch A, is inserted into the tubing.(2) Punch A is tapped to bend the tubing inward. (3) The male punch, Punch B, is tappedto bend the tubing inward. (4) The male punch is tapped to create the final double flare.

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it touches the copper. A slight pressure is applied to the tightening knobon the cutter to penetrate the copper slightly. Then the knob is rotatedaround the tubing. Once around, it is tightened again to make a deepercut. Rotate again to make a deeper cut. Do this by degrees so that thetubing is not crushed during the cutting operation.

After the tubing is cut through, it will have a crushed end. The crushedend is prepared for flaring by filing and reaming (see Fig. 1-62). A fileand the deburring attachment on the cutting tool can also be used. Afterthe tubing is cut to length, it probably will require flaring or soldering.

Figure 1-66 Making a double flare with an adapter for the single-flare tool. (1) Insertthe tubing into the proper size hole in the flaring bar. (2) Place the adapter over thetubing. (3) Place the adapter inside the tubing. Apply pressure with the flaring coneto push the tubing into a doubled-over configuration. (4) Remove the adapter and usethe flaring cone to form a double-thickness flare.

Figure 1-67 A half-union elbow (A) and a flare tee (B). Note the 45-degree angle on the end of thehalf-union elbow fitted for a flare.Also, note the 45-degree angleson both ends of the flare tee. Notethat the flared end does not havethreads to the end of the fitting.

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Flaring copper tubing

A flaring tool is used to spread the end of the cut copper tubing outward.Two types of tools are designed for this operation (see Fig. 1-63). The flar-ing process is shown in Fig. 1-64. Note that the flaring is done by hold-ing the end of the tubing rigid at a point slightly below the protrudingpart of the tube. This protruding part allows for the stretching of thecopper.

A flare is important for a strong, solid, leakproof joint. The flaresshown in Fig. 1-64 are single flares. These are used in most refrigera-tion systems. The other type of flare is the double flare.

66 Chapter One

Figure 1-68 Tubing cutter adapterwith a roller wheel to work as atubing constrictor.

Figure 1-69 Swaging tool and swaging techniques. The swaging punches screwinto the yoke and are changed for each size of tubing. Swages are available in 1/2′′,5/8′′, and 7/8′′ OD, or 3/8′′, 1/2′′, and 3/4′′ nominal copper and aluminum tubing sizes.

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Here the metal is doubled over to make a stronger joint. They areused in commercial refrigeration and automobile air conditioners.Figure 1-65 shows how the double flare is made. The tool used is calleda block-and-punch. Adapters can be used with a single-flare tool toproduce a double flare (see Fig. 1-66).

Figure 1-67 shows joints that use the flare. The flared tubing fits overthe beveled ends. The flare tee uses the flare connection on all threeends. The half-union elbow uses the flare at one end and a male pipethread (MPT) on the other end. A female pipe thread is designated bythe abbreviation FPT.

Double flaring is recommended for copper tubing 5/16 in. and over.Double flares are not easily formed on smaller sizes of tubing.

Constricting tubing

A tubing cutter adapted with a roller wheel is used to constrict a tubingjoint. Two tubes are placed so that one is inserted inside the other. Theyshould be within 0.003 in. when inserted. This space is then constrictedby a special wheel on the tube cutter (see Fig. 1-68). The one shown isa combination tube cutter and constrictor. The wheel tightens the outsidetube around the inside tube. The space between the two is then filledwith solder. Of course, proper cleanliness for the solder joint must beobserved before attempting to fill the space with solder.

Both pieces of tubing must be hot enough to melt the solder. Flux mustbe used to prevent oxidation during the heating cycle. Place flux onlyon the tube to be inserted. No flux should be allowed to penetrate theinside of the tubing. It can clog filters and restrict refrigerant flow.

Figure 1-70 Bending tools for soft coppertubing.

Figure 1-71 Using a spring-typetool to bend tubing.

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68 Chapter One

Swaging copper tubing

Swaging joins two pieces of copper without a coupling. This makes onlyone joint, instead of the two that would be formed if a coupling were used.With fewer joints, there are fewer chances of leaks. Punch-type swag-ing tools and screw-type swaging tools are used in refrigeration work.The screw-type swaging tool works the same as the flaring tool.

Tubing is swaged so that one piece of tubing is enlarged to the outsidediameter of the other tube. The two pieces of soft copper are arranged sothat the inserted end of the tubing is inside the enlarged end by thesame amount as the diameter of the tubing used (see Fig. 1-69). Once theareas have been properly prepared for soldering, the connection is sol-dered. Today, most mechanics use fittings, rather than take the time toprepare the swaged end.

Forming refrigerant tubing

There are two types of bending tools made of springs. One fits insidethe tubing. The other fits outside and over the tubing being bent (seeFig. 1-70). Tubing must be bent so that it does not collapse and flatten.To prevent this, it is necessary to place some device over the tubing to

Figure 1-72 A tube bender.

Figure 1-73 A capillary tube connection.

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make sure that the bending pressure is applied evenly. A tube bendingspring may be fitted either inside or outside the copper tube while it isbeing bent (see Fig. 1-71). Keep in mind that the minimum safe distancefor bending small tubing is 5 times its diameter. On larger tubing, theminimum safe distance is 10 times the diameter. This prevents the tubingfrom flattening or buckling.

Make sure the bending is done slowly and carefully. Make a largeradius bend first, then go on to the smaller bends. Do not try to make thewhole bend at one time. A number of small bends will equalize the appliedpressure and prevent tubing collapse. When using the internal bendingspring, make sure part of it is outside the tubing. This gives you a handleon it when it is time to remove it after the bending. You may have to twistthe spring to release it after the bend. By bending it so the springcompresses, it will become smaller in diameter and pull out easily. Theexternal spring is usually used in bending tubing along the midpoint. Itis best to use the internal spring when a bend comes near the end of thetubing or close to a flared end.

The lever-type tube bender is also used for bending copper tubing (seeFig. 1-72). This one-piece open-side bender makes a neat, accurate bendsince it is calibrated in degrees. It can be used to make bends up to 180°.A 180° bend is U shaped. This tool is to be used when working withhard-drawn copper or steel tubing. It can also be used to bend soft coppertubing. The springs are used only for soft copper, since the hard-drawncopper would be difficult to bend by hand. Hard-drawn copper tubing canbe bent, if necessary, using tools that electricians use to bend conduit.

Fitting copper tubing by compression

Making leakproof and vibrationproof connections can be difficult. A cap-illary tube connection can be used (see Fig. 1-73). This compression fittingis used with a capillary tube. The tube extends through the nut and intothe connector fitting. The nose section is forced tightly against the con-nector fitting as the nut is tightened. The tip of the nose is squeezedagainst the tubing.

If you service this type of fitting, you must cut back the tubing at theend and replace the soft nose nut. If the nut is reused, it will probablycause a leaky connection.


Much refrigeration work requires soldering. Brass parts, copper tubing,and fittings are soldered. The cooling unit is also soldered. Thus, the air-conditioning and refrigeration mechanic should be able to solder properly.

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Figure 1-74 Soldering procedures. (1) Cut the tubing to length and remove the burrs.(2) Clean the joint area with sandpaper or sand-cloth. (3) Clean inside the fitting.Use sandpaper, sand-cloth, or wire brush. (4) Apply flux to the inside of the fitting.(5) Apply flux to the outside of the tubing. (6) Assemble the fitting onto the tubing.(7) Obtain proper tip for the torch and light it. Adjust the flame for the solderingbeing done. (8) Apply heat to the joint. (9) When solder can be melted by the heatof the copper (not the torch), simply apply solder so it flows around the joint. (10)Clean the joint of excess solder and cool it quickly with a damp rag.


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Two types of solder are used in refrigeration and air-conditioningwork. Soft solder and silver solder are most commonly used for makinggood joints. Brazing is actually silver soldering.

Brazing requires careful preparation of the products prior to heatingfor brazing or soldering. This preparation must include steps to preventcontaminants such as dirt, chips, flux residue, and oxides from enter-ing and remaining in an installation. A general-purpose solder for waterlines and temperatures below 250°F (121.1°C) is 50-50. It is made of 50 percent tin and 50 percent lead. The 50-50 solder flows at 414°F(212.2°C).

Another low-temperature solder is 95-5. It flows at 465°F (240.5°C). Ithas a higher resistance to corrosion. It will result in a joint shear strengthapproximately 2-1/2 times that of a 50-50 joint at 250°F (121.1°C).

A higher temperature solder is No. 122. It is 45 percent silver braz-ing alloy. This solder flows at 1145°F (618.2°C). It provides a joiningmaterial that is suitable for a joint strength greater than the other twosolders. It is recommended for use on ACR copper tubing.

Number 50 solder is 50-50 lead and tin. Number 95 solder is 95 percenttin and 5 percent antimony. Silver solder is really a brazing rod, insteadof solder. The higher temperature requires a torch to melt it.

Figure 1-75 Designs that are useful in silver soldering copper tubing. Here, the clearancesbetween the copper tubing are exaggerated for the sake of illustration. They should bemuch less than shown here. (Handy and Harmon.)

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72 Chapter One

Soft soldering

Soldering calls for a very clean surface. Sand-cloth is used to clean thecopper surfaces. Flux must be added to prevent oxidation of the copperduring the heating process. A no-corrode solder is necessary (see Fig. 1-6). Acid-core solder must not be used. The acid in the solder will corrodethe copper and cause leaks.

Soldering is nothing more than applying a molten metal to join twopieces of tubing or a tubing end and a fitting. It is important that bothpieces of metal being joined are at the flow point of the solder being used.Never use the torch to melt the solder. The torch is used to heat thetubing or fitting until it is hot enough to melt the solder.

The steps in making a good solder joint are shown in Fig. 1-74.Cleanliness is essential. Flux can damage any system. It is very impor-tant to keep flux out of the lines being soldered. The use of excessiveamounts of solder paste affects the operation of a refrigeration system.This is especially true of R-22 systems. Solder paste will dissolve in therefrigerant at the high liquid line temperature. It is then carried througha drier or strainer and separated out at the colder expansion valvetemperature. Generally, R-22 systems will be more seriously affectedthan those carrying R-12. This is because the solid materials separateout at a higher temperature. Sound practice would indicate the use ofonly enough solder paste to secure a good joint. The paste should beapplied according to directions specified by the manufacturer.

Silver soldering or brazing

Silver solder melts at about 1120°F (604.4°C) and flows at 1145°F(618°C). An acetylene torch is needed for the high heat. It is used pri-marily on hard-drawn copper tubing.

CAUTION: Before using silver solder, make sure it does not contain cad-mium. Cadmium fumes are very poisonous. Make sure you work in a verywell-ventilated room. The fumes should not contact your skin or eyes. Donot breathe the fumes from the cadmium type of silver solder. Most man-ufacturers will list the contents on the container.

Silver soldering also calls for a clean joint area. Use the same proce-dures as shown previously for soldering (see Fig. 1-74). Figure 1-75shows good and poor design characteristics. No flux should enter thesystem being soldered. Make your plans carefully to prevent any fluxentering the tubing being soldered.

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Nitrogen or carbon dioxide can be used to fill the refrigeration systemduring brazing. This will prevent any explosion or the creation of phos-gene when the joint has been cleaned with carbon tetrachloride.

In silver soldering, you need a tip that is several sizes larger than theone used for soft soldering. The pieces should be heated sufficiently to havethe silver solder adhere to them. Never hold the torch in one place. Keepit moving. Use a slight feather on the inner cone of the flame to make sureyou have the proper heat. A large soft flame may be used to make surethe tip does not burn through the fitting or the tubing being soldered.

It is necessary to disassemble sweat-type valves when soldering to theconnecting lines. In soldering sweat-type valves where they connect toa line, make sure the torch flame is directed away from the valve. Avoidexcessive heat on the valve diaphragm. As an extra precaution, a dampcloth may be wrapped around the diaphragm during the soldering oper-ation. The same is true for soldering thermostatic expansion valves tothe distributor.

Either soft or hard solder or silver brazing is acceptable in solderingthermostatic expansion valves. Keep the flame at the fittings and awayfrom the valve body and distributor tube joints. Do not overheat. Alwayssolder the outside diameter (OD) of the distributor, never the insidediameter (ID).

Testing for Leaks

Never use oxygen to test a joint for leaks. Any oil in contact with oxygenunder pressure will form an explosive mixture.

Do not use emery cloth to clean a copper joint. Emery cloth containsoil. This may hinder the making of a good soldering joint. Emery clothis made of silicon carbide, which is a very hard substance. Any grainsof this abrasive in the refrigeration mechanism or lines can damage acompressor. Use a brush to help clean the area after sanding.

Cleaning and Degreasing Solvents

Solvents, including carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), are frequently used in therefrigeration industry for cleaning and degreasing equipment. No sol-vent is absolutely safe. There are several that may be used with relativesafety. Carbon tetrachloride is not one of them. Use of one of the safer sol-vents will reduce the likelihood of serious illness developing in the courseof daily use. Some of these solvents are stabilized methyl chloroform,methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, and perchloroethylene. Some petro-leum solvents are available. These are flammable in varying degrees.

Most solvents may be used safely if certain rules are followed:

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74 Chapter One

Use no more solvent than the job requires. This helps keep solventvapor concentrations low in the work area.

Use the solvent in a well-ventilated area and avoid breathing thevapors as much as possible. If the solvents are used in shop degreas-ing, it is wise to have a ventilated degreasing unit to keep the level ofsolvent vapors as low as possible.

Keep the solvents off the skin as much as possible. All solvents arecapable of removing the oils and waxes that keep the skin soft andmoist. When these oils and waxes are removed, the skin becomes irri-tated, dry, and cracked. A skin rash may develop more easily.

A word of caution is in order concerning the commonly used solvent,carbon tetrachloride. While this material has many virtues as a sol-vent, it has caused much illness among those who use it. Each year sev-eral deaths result from its use. Usually, these occur in the small shopor the home. Most large industries have discontinued its use. It is usedonly with extreme caution. A measure of its harmful nature is indi-cated by the fact that it bears a poison label. It should never be placedin a container that is not labeled “poison.” It is for industrial use only.









Figure 1-76 (a) Electronic leak detector, (b) manifold gages, (c) recovery unit, (d) vacuumpumps, (e) refrigerant scales, (f ) laser thermometer, (g) hydraulic tools, (h) tube cutters.(Mastercool; available at www.yellowjacket.com.)


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While occasional deaths result from swallowing carbon tetrachloride,the vast majority of deaths are caused by breathing its vapors. Whenexposure is very great, the symptoms will be headache, dizziness,nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramping. The person may lose con-sciousness. While the person seems to recover from breathing too muchof the vapor, a day or two later he or she again becomes ill. Now thereis evidence of severe injury to the liver and kidneys. In many cases, thisdelayed injury may develop after repeated small exposures or after asingle exposure not sufficient to cause illness at the time of exposure.The delayed illness is much more common and more severe among thosewho drink alcoholic beverages. In some episodes where several personswere equally exposed to carbon tetrachloride, the only one who becameill or the one who became most seriously ill was the person who stoppedfor a drink or two on the way home. When overexposure to carbon tetra-chloride results in liver and kidney damage, the patient begins a fightfor life without the benefit of an antidote. The only sure protectionagainst such serious illness is not to breathe the vapors or allow con-tact with the skin.

Human response to carbon tetrachloride is not predictable. A personmay occasionally use carbon tetrachloride in the same job in the sameway without apparent harm. Then, one day severe illness may result.This unpredictability of response is one factor that makes the use of “car-bon tet” so dangerous.

Other solvents will do a good job of cleaning and degreasing. It ismuch safer to select one of those solvents for regular use rather thanto expose yourself to the potential dangers of carbon tetrachloride.

New and Old Tools

Refer to Fig. 1-76 for the following tools and supplies.The Mastercool Company is indicative of the supply house supplies pro-

vided for those working in the refrigeration and air-conditioning field.Some of the equipment you should be aware of as you continue to work

in the field are shown in their catalog. A few of them are shown here as anexample of some of the latest devices available to make your workdaymore efficient.

A convenient way to categorize the tools you work with is shown inthe following listing of available tools. This listing may change in timeas the requirements for handling new refrigerants are brought about byaccrediting agencies and standards’ writers.

Leak detection relies on electronic detectors as well as the older typesthat have been around for years. Ultraviolet rays have now been utilizedto more accurately identify and locate leaks. There are various dyes

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76 Chapter One

amount. The scales are multilingual and have memory that allows pro-gramming for any number of vehicles or refrigerant applications.

Specialty hydraulic tools, such as the tube expanding tool kit and thehydraulic flaring and swaging tool, are also updated. The new featuresare a handheld hydraulic press that accurately flares and swagescopper tubing. Once the die and adapter are secured in the fixture, afew pumps of the handle and you are done. This tool really takes thework out of swaging and flaring, especially on larger tube sizes. Thekit includes dies and adapters for flaring and swaging copper tubingsizes from 1/4 to 7/8 in.

Tube cutters have carbide steel cutting wheels for cutting hard and softcopper, aluminum, brass, and thin-walled steel as well as stainless steel.

Charging station, a lightweight durable steel frame cart, contains allthe necessary tools to quickly and conveniently charge the AC system.No need for different charging cylinders with units that have a ruggeddie cast electronic scale. Simply place the refrigerant cylinder on thescale and charge.

Electronic tank heater blanket speeds up recharge time. It also ensurestotal discharge of refrigerant from 30- and 50-lb tanks of 125oF (52oC)and maximum pressure of 185 psi (R-134a) and 170 psi for R-12. Theyare available for use with 120 or 240 V.

Air content analyzer—when an AC system leaks, refrigerant is lost andair enters the system. Your refrigerant recycler cannot tell the dif-ference between refrigerant and air—it cycles both from partiallyfilled systems. You end up with an unknown quantity of efficiency rob-bing air in your supply tank. Excess actual pressure in your supplytank indicates the pressure of air, also called noncondensible gases(NCGs). When you release the excess pressure, you are also releasingair. This results in purer refrigerant which will work more efficiently.This one can be left on the supply tank for regular monitoring or itcan be removed to check all your tanks.

Thermometers, valve core tools, and accessories—valve coreremover/installer controls refrigerant flow 1/4 turn of the valve lever.Lever position also gives visual indication of whether valve is openedor closed. The infrared thermometer with laser has a back-kit LCDdisplay and an expanded temperature range of −20 to 500oC or −4 to932ºF. An alkaline battery furnishes power for up to 15 h.

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2Heat Pumps and Hot-Air Furnaces

Hot-Air Furnaces

Hot-air furnaces are self-contained and self-enclosed units. They areusually centrally located within a building or house. Their purpose isto make sure the temperature of the interior of the structure is main-tained at a comfortable level throughout. The design of the furnace isdetermined by the type of fuel used to fire it. Cool air enters the furnaceand is heated as it comes in contact with the hot, metal-heating surfaces.As the air becomes warmer, it also becomes lighter, which causes it torise. The warmer, lighter air continues to rise until it is either dis-charged directly into a room, as in the pipeless gravity system, or car-ried through a duct system to warm-air outlets located at some distancefrom the furnace.

After the hot air loses its heat, it becomes cooler and heavier. Itsincreased weight causes it to fall back to the furnace, where it is reheatedand repeats the cycle. This is a very simplified description of the oper-ating principles involved in hot-air heating, and it is especially typicalof those involved in gravity heating systems. The forced-air systemrelies on a blower to make sure the air is delivered to its intended loca-tion. The blower also causes the return air to move back to the furnacefaster than with the gravity system.

With the addition of a blower to the system, there must be some wayof turning the blower on when needed to move the air and to turn it offwhen the room has reached the desired temperature. Thus, electricalcontrols are needed to control the blower action.

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Basic Gas Furnace Operation

The gas furnace is the simplest to operate and understand. Therefore,we will use it here to look at a typical heating system. This type ofnatural-gas furnace is used to heat millions of homes in the UnitedStates.

Figure 2-1 is a simple circuit needed to control the furnace with ablower. Note the location of the blower switch and the limit switch. Thetransformer provides low voltage for control of the gas solenoid. If thelimit switch opens (it is shown in a closed position), there is no powerto the transformer and the gas solenoid cannot energize. This is asafety precaution because the limit switch will open if the furnacegets too hot. When the thermostat closes, it provides 24 V to the gassolenoid, which energizes and turns on the gas. The gas is ignited bythe pilot light and provides heat to the plenum of the furnace. When theair in the plenum reaches 120°F (49°C), the fan switch closes and thefan starts. The fan switch provides the necessary 120 V to the fanmotor for it to operate.

Once the room has heated up to the desired thermostat setting, thethermostat opens. When it opens, the gas solenoid is deenergized, and thespring action of the solenoid causes it to close off the gas supply, therebyturning off the source of heat. When the plenum on top of the furnacereaches 90°F (32°C), the blower switch opens and turns off the blower.As the room cools down, causing the thermostat to close once again,the cycle starts over again. The gas solenoid opens to let in the gas andthe pilot light ignites it. The heat causes the temperature to rise in the

78 Chapter Two

Figure 2-1 Simple one-stagefurnace control system.

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plenum above the limit switch’s setting and the switch closes to startthe blower. Once the thermostat has been satisfied, it opens, and causesthe gas solenoid to turn off the gas supply. The blower continues to rununtil the temperature in the plenum reaches 90°F (32°C) and it turnsoff the blower by opening. This cycle is repeated over and over again tokeep the room or house at a desired temperature.

Basic Electric Heating System

Electric-fired heat is the only heat produced almost as fast as the ther-mostat calls for it. It is almost instantaneous. There are no heat exchang-ers to warm up. The heating elements start producing heat the momentthe thermostat calls for it. Various types of electric-fired furnaces areavailable. They can be bought in 5- to 35-kW sizes. The outside looksalmost the same as the gas-fired furnace. The heating elements arelocated where the heat exchangers would normally be located. Since theydraw high amperage, they need electrical controls that can take thehigh currents.

The operating principle is simple. The temperature selector on thethermostat is set for the desired temperature. When the temperaturein the room falls below this setting, the thermostat calls for heat andcauses the first heating circuit in the furnace to be turned on. There isgenerally a delay of about 15 s before the furnace blower starts. This pre-vents the blower from circulating cool air in the winter. After about30 s, the second heating circuit is turned on. The other circuits areturned on one by one in a timed sequence.

When the temperature reaches the desired level, the thermostatopens. After a short time, the first heating circuit is shut off. The othersare shut off one by one in a timed sequence. The blower continues tooperate until the air temperature in the furnace drops below a specifiedtemperature.

Basic operation

In Fig. 2-2, the electrical heating system has a few more controls thanthe basic gas-fired furnace. The low-resistance element used for heat-ing draws a lot of current, so the main contacts have to be of sufficientsize to handle the current.

The thermostat closes and completes the circuit to the heatingsequencer coil. The sequencer coil heats the bimetal strip that causesthe main contacts to close. Once the main contacts are closed, the heat-ing element is in the circuit and across the 240-V line. The auxiliary con-tacts will also close at the same time as the main contacts. When theauxiliary contacts close, they complete the low-voltage circuit to the fanrelay. The furnace fan will be turned on at this time.

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Once the thermostat has been satisfied, it opens. This allows the heat-ing sequencer coil to cool down slowly. Thus, the main contacts do not openimmediately to remove the heating element from the line. So the furnacecontinues to produce heat after the thermostat has been satisfied. Thebimetal cools down in about 2 min. Once it cools, it opens the main andauxiliary contacts, which removes the heating element from the line andalso stops the fan motor. After the room cools down below the thermostatsetting, the thermostat closes and starts the sequence all over again.

Ladder Diagrams

Electrical schematics are used to make it simple to trace the circuits ofvarious devices. Some of these can appear complicated, but they are usu-ally very simple when you start at the beginning and wind up at the end.The beginning is one side of the power line and the end is the other sideof the line. What happens in between is that a number of switches areused to make sure the device turns on or off when it is supposed to cool,freeze, or heat.

The ladder diagram makes it easier to see how these devices arewired. It consists of two wires drawn parallel and representing the main

80 Chapter Two

Figure 2-2 Ladder diagram for ahot-air furnace.

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power source. Along each side you find connections. By simply lookingfrom left to right, you are able to trace the required power for the device.Symbols are used to represent the devices. There is usually a legend onthe side of the diagram to tell you, for example, that CC means com-pressor contactor, EFR means evaporator fan relay, and HR means heat-ing relay (see Fig. 2-3).

Take a look at the thermostat in Fig. 2-3. The location of the switchdetermines whether the evaporator fan relay coil is energized, the com-pressor contactor coil is energized, or the heating relay coil is energized.Once the coil of the EFR is energized by having the thermostat turned

Figure 2-3 Ladder diagram for aheat and cool installation.

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to make contact with the desired point G, it closes the points in therelay and the evaporator fan motor starts to move. This means that thelow voltage (24 V) has energized the relay. The relay energizes and closesthe EFR contacts located in the high-voltage (240 V) circuit. If the ther-mostat is turned to W or the heating position, it will cause the heating relaycoil to be energized when the thermostat switch closes and demandsheat. The energized heating relay coil causes the HR contacts to close,which in turn places the heating element across the 240-V line and itbegins to heat up. Note that the HR contacts are in parallel with theevaporator fan relay contacts. Thus, the evaporator fan will operatewhen either the heating relay or the evaporator fan relay is energized.

Manufacturer’s Diagrams

Figure 2-4 shows how the manufacturer represents the location of thevarious furnace devices. The solid lines indicate the line voltage to beinstalled. The dotted lines are the low voltage to be installed when thefurnace is put into service.

The motor is four speed. It has different colored leads to represent thespeeds. You may have to change the speed of the motor to move the airto a given location. Most motors come from the factory with a medium-high speed selected. The speed is usually easily changed by removing alead from one point and placing it on another, where the proper color islocated. In the schematic of Fig. 2-5, the fan motor has white lead con-nected to one side of the 120-V line (neutral) and the red and black areswitched by the indoor blower relay to black for the cooling speed andred for the heating speed. It takes a faster fan motor to push the coldair than for hot air because cold air is heavier than hot air.

In Fig. 2-5, the contacts on the thermostat are labeled R, W, Y, andG. R and W are used to place the thermostat in the circuit. It can beswitched from W to Y manually by moving the heat-cool switch on thethermostat to the cool position.

Notice in Fig. 2-5 that the indoor blower relay coil is in the circuit allthe time when the auto-on switch on the thermostat is located at the onposition. The schematic also shows the cool position has been selectedmanually, and the thermostat contacts will complete the circuit whenit moves from W1 to Y1.

In Fig. 2-4, note that the low-voltage terminal strip has a T on it. Thisis the common side of the low voltage from the transformer. In Fig. 2-5,the T is the common side of the low-voltage transformer secondary. InFig. 2-4, the T terminal is connected to the compressor contactor by awire run from the terminal to the contactor. Note that the other wire tothe contactor runs from Y on the terminal strip. Now go back to Fig. 2-5,where the Y and T terminals are shown as connection points for the

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compressor contactor. Are you able to relate the schematic to the actualdevice? The gas valve is wired by having wire T of the terminal stripattached to one side of the solenoid and a wire run from the limit switchto the other side of the solenoid.

Figure 2-6 shows how the wiring diagram comes from the factory. It isusually located inside the cover for the cold-air return. In most instances,it is glued to the cover so that it is handy for the person working on thefurnace whenever there is a problem after installation.

Figure 2-4 Manufacturer’s diagram for a hot-air installation.

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Field Wiring

The installation of a new furnace requires you to follow a factory dia-gram furnished in a booklet that accompanies the unit. The wiring tobe done in the field is represented by the dotted lines in Fig. 2-7. All elec-trical connections should be made in accordance with the NationalElectrical Code and any local codes or ordinances that might apply.

84 Chapter Two

Figure 2-5 Schematic for a hot-air installation.

WARNING: The unit cabinet must have an uninterrupted or unbrokenelectrical ground to minimize personal injury if an electrical fault shouldoccur. This may consist of electrical wire or approved conduit when installedin accordance with existing electrical codes.

Low-Voltage Wiring

Make the field low-voltage connections at the low-voltage terminal stripshown in Fig. 2-7. Set the thermostat heat anticipator at 0.60 A (orwhatever is called for by the manufacturer). If additional controls are

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Figure 2-6 Complete instruction page packaged with a hot-air furnace.

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connected in the thermostat circuit, their amperage draw must be addedto this setting. Failure to make the setting will result in improper oper-ation of the thermostat.

With the addition of an automatic vent damper, the anticipator set-ting would then be 0.12 A. As you can see from this and the schematic(see Fig. 2-16), the anticipator resistor is in series with whatever is inthe circuit and is to be controlled by the thermostat. The more devicescontrolled by the thermostat, the more current will be drawn from thetransformer to energize them. As the current demand increases, thecurrent through the anticipator is also increased. As you rememberfrom previous chapters, a series circuit has the same current througheach component in the circuit.

Thermostat location

The room thermostat should be located where it will be in the naturalcirculating path of room air. Avoid locations where the thermostat isexposed to cold-air infiltration, drafts from windows, doors, or otheropenings leading to the outside, or air currents from warm- or cold-airregisters, or to exposure where the natural circulation of the air is cutoff, such as behind doors and above or below mantels or shelves. Alsokeep the thermostat out of direct sunlight.

The thermostat should not be exposed to heat from nearby fire-places, radios, televisions, lamps, or rays from the sun. Nor should thethermostat be mounted on a wall containing pipes, warm-air ducts,or a flue or vent that could affect its operation and prevent it fromproperly controlling the room temperature. Any hole in the plaster orpanel through which the wires pass from the thermostat should beadequately sealed with suitable material to prevent drafts from affect-ing the thermostat.

86 Chapter Two

Figure 2-7 Heating and cool application wiring diagram. (Courtesy of Carrier.)

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Printed circuit board control center

Newer hot-air furnaces feature printed circuit control. The board shown inFig. 2-8 is such that it is easy for the technician installing the furnace tohook it up properly for the first time. The markings are designed for makingit easy to connect the furnace for accessories, if needed. Figures 2-9 and2-10 show the factory-furnished schematic. See if you can trace theschematic and locate the various points on the printed circuit boards.

Heat Pumps

The heat pump is a heat multiplier. It takes warm air and makes it hotair. This is done by compressing the air and increasing its temperature.Heat pumps received more attention during the fuel embargo of 1974.Energy conservation became a more important concern for everyone atthat time. If a device can be made to take heat from the air and heat ahome or commercial building, it is very useful.

Figure 2-8 Printed circuit control center: heat and cool models. (Courtesy of Carrier.)

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88 Chapter Two

Figure 2-9 Wiring diagram. Heating only. (Courtesy of Carrier.)

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Figure 2-10 Wiring diagram for heating and cooling. (Courtesy of Carrier.)

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The heat pump can take the heat generated by a refrigeration unitand use it to heat a house or room. Most of them take the heat from out-side the home and move it indoors (see Fig. 2-11). This unit can be usedto air condition the house in the summer and heat it in the winter bytaking the heat from the outside air and moving it inside.


On mild temperature heating days, the heat pump handles all heatingneeds. When the outdoor temperature reaches the balance point of the

90 Chapter Two

Figure 2-11 Basic operation of a heat pump.

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home, that is, when the heat loss is equal to the heat-pump heatingcapacity, the two-stage indoor thermostat activates the furnace (a sec-ondary heat source, in most cases electric heating elements). As soonas the furnace is turned on, a heat relay deenergizes the heat pump.When the second-stage (furnace) need is satisfied and the plenum tem-perature has cooled to below 90 to 100°F (32 to 38°C), the heat-pumprelay turns the heat pump back on and controls the conditioned space,until the second-stage operation is required again. Figure 2-12 showsthe heat-pump unit. The optional electric heat unit shown in Fig. 2-13is added in geographic locations where needed. This particular unit canprovide 23,000 to 56,000 Btu/h and up to 112,700 Btu/h with the addi-tion of electric heat.

Figure 2-12 Single package heat pump.

Figure 2-13 Optional electricheat for a heat pump.

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If the outdoor temperature drops below the setting of the low-temperature compressor monitor, the control shuts off the heat pumpcompletely and the furnace handles all the heating needs.

During the defrost cycle, the heat pump switches from heating to cool-ing. To prevent cool air from being circulated in the house when heatingis needed, the control automatically turns on the furnace to compensatefor the heat-pump defrost cycle (see Fig. 2-14). When supply air tem-perature climbs above 110 to 120°F (43 to 49°C), the defrost limit con-trol turns off one furnace and keeps indoor air from getting too warm.

If, after a defrost cycle, the air downstream of the coil gets above115°F (65°C), the closing point of the heat-pump relay, the compressorwill stop until the heat exchanger has cooled down to 90 to 100°F (32to 38°C) as it does during normal cycling operation between furnace andheat pump.

During summer cooling, the heat pump works as a normal split system,using the furnace blower as the primary air mover (see Fig. 2-15).

In a straight heat pump/supplementary electric heater application, atleast one outdoor thermostat is required to cycle the heaters as the out-door temperature drops. In the system shown here, the indoor thermo-stat controls the supplemental heat source (furnace). The outdoorthermostat is not required.

Since the furnace is serving as the secondary heat source, the systemdoes not require the home rewiring usually associated with supple-mental electric strip heating.

92 Chapter Two

Figure 2-14 Control box for anadd-on type heat pump.

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Special requirements of heat-pump systems

The installation, maintenance, and operating efficiency of the heat-pump system are like those of no other comfort system. A heat-pumpsystem requires the same air quantity for heating and cooling.Because of this, the air-moving capability of an existing furnace isextremely important. It should be carefully checked before a heatpump is added. Heating and load calculations must be accurate.System design and installation must be precise and according to themanufacturer’s suggestions.

The air-distribution system and diffuser location are equally important.Supply ducts must be properly sized and insulated. Adequate return airis also required. Heating supply air is cooler than with other systems.This is quite noticeable to homeowners accustomed to gas or oil heat. Thismakes diffuser location and system balancing critical.

Heat-pump combinations

There are four ways to describe the heat-pump methods of transport-ing heat into the house:

1. Air to air: This is the most common method. It is the type of systempreviously described.

2. Air to water: This type uses two different types of heat exchangers.Warmed refrigerant flows through pipes to a heat exchanger in theboiler. Heated water flows into radiators located within the heatedspace.

Figure 2-15 Heat pump with a two stage thermostat andcontrol box mounted on the furnace.

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3. Water to water: This type uses two water-to-refrigerant heat exchang-ers. Heat is taken from the water source (well water, lakes, or the sea)and is passed on by the refrigerant to the water used for heating. Thereverse takes place in the cooling system.

4. Water to air: Well water furnishes the heat. This warms the refrig-erant in the heat-exchanger coil. The refrigerant, compressed, flowsto the top of the unit, where a fan blows air past the heat exchanger.

Each type of heat pump has its advantages and disadvantages. Eachneeds to be properly controlled. This is where the electrical connectionsand controls are used to do the job properly. Before attempting to workon this type of equipment, make sure you have a complete schematic ofthe electrical wiring and know all the component parts of the system.

High-Efficiency Furnaces

Furnaces have been designed (since 1981) with efficiencies of up to97 percent, as compared to older types with efficiencies in the 60 percentrange. The Lennox Pulse is one example of the types available. TheG14 series pulse combustion up-flow gas furnace provides efficiency ofup to 97 percent. Eight models for natural gas and LPG are availablewith input capacities of 40,000, 60,000, 80,000, and 100,000 Btu/h. Theunits operate on the pulse-combustion principle and do not require apilot burner, main burners, conventional flue, or chimney. Compact,standard-sized cabinet design, with side or bottom return air entry, per-mits installation in a basem*nt, utility room, or closet. Evaporator coilsmay be added, as well as electronic air cleaners and power humidifiers(see Fig. 2-16).


The high-efficiency furnaces achieve that level of fuel conversion byusing a unique heat-exchanger design. It features a finned cast-ironcombustion chamber, temperature-resistant steel tailpipe, aluminizedsteel exhaust decoupler section, and a finned stainless-steel tube con-denser coil similar to an air-conditioner coil. Moisture, in the productsof combustion, is condensed in the coil, thus wringing almost everyusable Btu out of the gas. Since most of the combustion heat is utilizedin the heat transfer from the coil, flue vent temperatures are as low as100 to 130°F (38 to 54°C), allowing for the use of 2-in.-diameter polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe. The furnace is vented through a side wall or roofor to the top of an existing chimney with up to 25 ft of PVC pipe and four90° elbows. Condensate created in the coil may be disposed of in anindoor drain (see Fig. 2-17). The condensate is not harmful to standard

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Figure 2-16 Lennox Pulse furnace. (Courtesy ofLennox.)

Figure 2-17 Basem*nt installationof the Pulse furnace with cooling coiland automatic humidifier. Note thefloor drain for condensate. (Courtesyof Lennox.)

household plumbing and can be drained into city sewers and septictanks without damage.

The furnace has no pilot light or burners. An automotive-type sparkplug is used for ignition on the initial cycle only, saving gas and electricalenergy. Due to the pulse-combustion principle, the use of atmosphericgas burners is eliminated, with the combustion process confined to theheat-exchanger combustion chamber. The sealed combustion systemvirtually eliminates the loss of conditioned air due to combustion andstack dilution. Combustion air from the outside is piped to the furnacewith the same type of PVC pipe used for exhaust gases.

Electrical controls

The furnace is equipped with a standard-type redundant gas valve inseries with a gas expansion tank, gas intake flapper valve, and airintake flapper valve. Also factory installed are a purge blower, spark plug

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igniter and flame sensor with solid-state control circuit board. The stan-dard equipment includes a fan and limit control, a 30-VA transformer,blower cooling relay, flexible gas line connector, and four isolation mount-ing pads, as well as a base insulation pad, condensate drip leg, andcleanable air filter. Flue vent/air intake line, roof or wall terminationinstallation kits, LPG conversion kits, and thermostat are available asaccessories and must be ordered extra, or you can use the existing onewhen replacing a unit.

The printed circuit board is replaceable as a unit when there is amalfunction of one of the components. It uses a multivibrator transis-torized circuit to generate the high voltages needed for the spark plug.The spark plug gets very little use except to start the combustionprocess. It has a long life expectancy. Spark gap is 0.115 in. and theground electrode is adjusted to 45° (see Fig. 2-20).

Sequence of operation

On a demand for heat, the room thermostat initiates the purge bloweroperation for a prepurge cycle of 34 s, followed by energizing of the igni-tion and opening of the gas valve. As ignition occurs the flame sensorsenses proof of ignition and deenergizes the spark igniter and purgeblower (see Fig. 2-18). The furnace blower operation is initiated 30 to45 s after combustion ignition. When the thermostat is satisfied, the gasvalve closes and the purge blower is reenergized for a postpurge cycleof 34 s. The furnace blower remains in operation until the preset tem-perature setting [90°F (32°C)] of the fan control is reached. Should theloss of flame occur before the thermostat is satisfied, flame sensor con-trols will initiate three to five attempts at reignition before locking outthe unit operation. In addition, loss of either combustion intake air orflue exhaust will automatically shut down the system.

Combustion process

The process of pulse combustion begins as gas and air are introducedinto the sealed combustion chamber with the spark plug igniter. Sparkfrom the plug ignites the gas-air mixture, which in turn causes a posi-tive pressure buildup that closes the gas and air inlets. This pressurerelieves itself by forcing the products of combustion out of the combus-tion chamber through the tailpipe into the heat-exchanger exhaustdecoupler and into the heat-exchanger coil. As the combustion chamberempties, its pressure becomes negative, drawing in air and gas for igni-tion of the next pulse. At the same instant, part of the pressure pulse isreflected back from the tailpipe at the top of the combustion chamber.The flame remnants of the previous pulse of combustion ignite the newgas-air mixture in the chamber, continuing the cycle.

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Heat Pumps and Hot-Air Furnaces 97

Once combustion is started, it feeds on itself, allowing the purgeblower and spark igniter to be turned off. Each pulse of gas-air mixtureis ignited at the rate of 60 to 70 times per second, producing 1/4 to 1/2Btu per pulse of combustion. Almost complete combustion occurs witheach pulse. The force of these series of ignitions creates great turbulence,which forces the products of combustion through the entire heat-exchanger assembly, resulting in maximum heat transfer (see Fig. 2-18).

Start-up procedures for the GSR-14Q series of Lennox Pulse furnaces,as well as maintenance and repair parts, are shown in Fig. 2-19.

Troubleshooting the Lennox Pulse Furnace

Troubleshooting procedures for the Lennox Pulse furnaces are shownin Fig. 2-20. Figure 2-21 shows the circuitry for the G-14Q series offurnaces. Note the difference in the electrical circuitry for the G-14





Condenser coil

Flue ventand

condensate drain






Figure 2-18 Cutaway view of the Pulse furnace combustion chamber. (Courtesy ofLennox.)

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98 Chapter Two

Figure 2-19 Electrical start-up adjustments, maintenance, and repair list for the GSR-14Q.(Courtesy of Lennox Industries Inc.)

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Figure 2-19 (Continued)

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Figure 2-19 Electrical start-up adjustments, maintenance, and repair list for the GSR-14Q. (Courtesy of Lennox Industries Inc.)

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Heat Pumps and Hot-Air Furnaces 101

Figure 2-20 Troubleshooting the GSR-14Q furnace with a meter. (Courtesy of Lennox.)

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102 Chapter Two

Figure 2-20

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Heat Pumps and Hot-Air Furnaces 103

Figure 2-21 Electrical wiring for the G14Q series furnaces. (Courtesy of Lennox.)

Figure 2-20

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and GSR-14. Blower speed color-coded wires are also indicated for thedifferent units. The 40, 60, 80, and 100 after the G-14Q indicateswhether it is a 40,000, 60,000, 80,000, or 100,000 Btu/h unit.Thermostat heat anticipation is also given for the Robertshaw valveand the Rodgers valve. This type of electrical diagram is usually gluedto the cabinet so that it is with the unit whenever there is need fortroubleshooting.

The troubleshooting flow chart is typical of those furnished with newerequipment in the technical manuals furnished the dealers who providethe service. After locating the exact symptoms, check with the other partof Fig. 2-20 to find how to use the multimeter to check out all the cir-cuitry to see if the exact cause of the problem can be determined.

104 Chapter Two

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3Ventilation Requirements

Ventilation is produced by two basic methods: natural and mechanical.Natural ventilation is obtained by open windows, vents, or drafts,whereas mechanical ventilation is produced by the use of fans.

Thermal effect is possibly better known as flue effect. Flue effect isthe draft in a stack or chimney that is produced within a building whenthe outdoor temperature is lower than the indoor temperature. This iscaused by the difference in weight of the warm column of air within thebuilding and the cooler air outside.

Air may be filtered by two ways: dry filtering and wet filtering. Variousair-cleaning equipments (such as filtering, washing, or combined filter-ing and washing devices) are used to purify the air. When designing theduct network, ample filter area must be included so that the air velocitypassing through the filters is sufficient. Accuracy in estimating the resist-ance to the flow of air through the duct system is important in the selec-tion of blower motors. Resistance should be kept as low as possible in theinterest of economy. Ducts should be installed as short as possible.

The effect of dust on health has been properly emphasized by competentmedical authorities. Air-conditioning apparatus removes these contami-nants from the air and further provides the correct amount of moisture sothat the respiratory tracts are not dehydrated, but are kept properly moist.Dust is more than just dry dirt. It is a complex, variable mixture of mate-rials and, as a whole, is rather uninviting, especially the type found in andaround human habitation. Dust contains fine particles of sand, soot, earth,rust, fiber, animal and vegetable refuse, hair, and chemicals.

Humidifiers add moisture to dry air. The types of humidifiers used inair-conditioning systems are spray-type air washers, pan evaporative,electrically operated, and air operated.

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The function of an air washer is to cool the air and to control humid-ity. An air washer usually consists of a row of spray nozzles and a cham-ber or tank at the bottom that collects the water as it falls through theair contacting many baffles. Air passing over the baffles picks up therequired amount of humidity.

Dehumidification is the removal of moisture from the air and is accom-plished by two methods: cooling and adsorption. Cooling-type dehumidifi-cation operates on the refrigeration principle. It removes moisture from theair by passing the air over a cooling coil. The moisture in the air condensesto form water, which then runs off the coil into a collecting tray or bucket.

Ventilation is the process of supplying or removing air to or from anybuilding or space. Such air may or may not have been conditioned.Methods of supplying or removing the air are accomplished by naturalventilation and mechanical methods. The treatment of air, both insideand out is very important in any ventilation system.

Air Leakage

Air leakage caused by cold air outside and warm air inside takes placewhen the building contains cracks or openings at different levels. Thisresults in the cold and heavy air entering at low levels and pushing thewarm and light air out at high levels; the same draft takes place in achimney. When storm sashes are applied to well-fitted windows, verylittle redirection in infiltration is secured, but the application of thesash does give an air space that reduces heat transmission and helpsprevent window frosting. By applying storm sashes to poorly fitted win-dows, a reduction in leakage of up to 50 percent may be obtained. Theeffect, insofar as air leakage is concerned, will be roughly equivalent tothat obtained by the installation of weather stripping.

Natural Ventilation

The two natural forces available for moving air through and out of build-ings are wind forces and temperature difference between the inside andthe outside. Air movement may be caused by either of these forces actingalone, or by a combination of the two, depending on atmospheric con-ditions, building design, and location.

Wind forces

In considering the use of natural forces for producing ventilation, theconditions that must be considered are as follows:

Average wind velocity Prevailing wind direction

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Seasonal and daily variations in wind velocity and direction Local wind interference by buildings and other obstructions

When the wind blows without encountering any obstructions to changeits direction, the movements of the airstream (as well as the pressure)remain constant. If, on the other hand, the airstream meets an obstruc-tion of any kind (such as a house or ventilator), the airstream will bepushed aside as illustrated in Fig. 3-1. In the case of a simple ventilator(see Fig. 3-2), the closed end forms an obstruction that changes the direc-tion of the wind. The ventilator expands at the closed end and convergesat the open end, thus producing a vacuum inside the head, which inducesan upward flow of air through the flue and through the head.

Ventilation Requirements 107

Figure 3-1 Diagram of wind action where the airstream meets an obstructionsuch as a building or ventilator.

Figure 3-2 Airflow in a roof ventilator.

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Temperature-difference forces

Perhaps the best example of the thermal effect is the draft in a stackor chimney known as the flue effect. The flue effect of a stack is producedwithin a building when the outdoor temperature is lower than theindoor temperature. It is caused by the difference in weight of thewarm column of air within the building and the cooler air outside. Theflow caused by flue effect is proportional to the square root of the drafthead, or approximately.

where Q = air flow, ft3/minA = free area of inlets or outlets (assumed equal) h = height from inlets to outlets, ftt = average temperature of indoor air, °F

to = temperature of outdoor air, °F9.4 = constant of proportionality (including a value of 65 percent

for effectiveness of openings)

The constant of proportionality should be reduced by 50 percent (con-stant = 7.2) if conditions are not favorable.

Combined wind and temperature forces

Note that when wind and temperature forces are acting together, evenwithout interference, the resulting air flow is not equal to the sum of thetwo estimated quantities. However, the flow through any opening isproportional to the square root of the sum of the heads acting on thatopening. When the two heads are equal in value, and the ventilatingopenings are operated so as to coordinate them, the total airflow throughthe building is about 10 percent greater than that produced by eitherhead acting independently under ideal conditions. This percentagedecreases rapidly as one head increases over the other. The larger headwill predominate.

Roof ventilators

The function of a roof ventilator is to provide a storm and weather-proof air outlet. For maximum flow by induction, the ventilatorshould be located on that part of the roof where it will receive fullwind without interference. Roof ventilators are made in a variety ofshapes and styles (Fig. 3-3). Depending on their construction andapplication, they may be termed as stationary, revolving, turbine,ridge, or syphonage.

Q A h t t= −9.4 ( )o

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Ventilator capacity

Several factors must be taken into consideration in selecting the properventilator for any specific problem:

Mean temperature difference Stack height (chimney effect) Induction effect of the wind Area of ventilator opening

Of several other minor factors, only one requires close attention. Thisis the area of the inlet air openings (Fig. 3-4). The action of a roof venti-lator is to let air escape from the top of a building, which naturally meansthat a like amount of air must be admitted to the building to take theplace of the air exhausted. The nature, size, and location of these inletopenings are of importance in determining the effectiveness of the ven-tilating system.

Fresh-Air Requirements

Table 3-1 is a guide to the amount of air required for efficient ventila-tion. This information should be used in connection with the ventilator-capacity tables provided by fan manufacturers to assist in the properselection of the number and size of the units required.

Ventilation Requirements 109

Figure 3-3 Essential parts of aturbine and syphonage roof ven-tilator.

Figure 3-4 Typical ventilator arrangement.

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110 Chapter Three

TABLE 3-1 Fresh-Air Requirements

Minimum air Cubic feet of air per Type of building or room changes per hour minute per occupant

Attic spaces (for cooling) 12–15Boiler room 15–20Churches, auditoriums 8 20–30College classrooms 25–30Dining rooms (hotel) 5Engine rooms 4– 6Factory buildings:Ordinary manufacturing 2– 4Extreme fumes or moisture 10–15

Foundries 15–20Galvanizing plants 20–30*Garages:Repair 20–30Storage 4–6

Homes (night cooling) 9–17Hospitals:General 40–50Children’s 35–40Contagious diseases 89–90

Kitchens:Hotel 10–20Restaurant 10–20

Libraries (public) 4Laundries 10–15Mills:Paper 15–20*Textile-general buildings 4Textile-dye houses 15–20*

Offices:Public 3Private 4

Pickling plants 10–15†

Pump rooms 5Restaurants 8–12Schools:Grade 15–25High 30–35

Shops:Machine 5Paint 15–20*Railroad 5Woodworking 5

Substations (electric) 5–10Theaters 10–15Turbine rooms (electric) 5–10Warehouses 2Waiting rooms (public) 4

*Hoods should be installed over vats or machines.†Unit heaters should be directed on vats to keep fumes superheated.

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Ventilation Requirements 111

Mechanical Ventilation

Mechanical ventilation differs from natural ventilation mainly in thatthe air circulation is performed by mechanical means (such as fans orblowers). In natural ventilation, the air is caused to move by naturalforces. In mechanical ventilation, the required air changes are affectedpartly by diffusion, but chiefly by positive currents put in motion by elec-trically operated fans or blowers, as shown in Fig. 3-5. Fresh air is usu-ally circulated through registers connected with the outside and warmedas it passes over and through the intervening radiators.

Volume of air required

The volume of air required is determined by the size of the space to beventilated and the number of times per hour that the air in the spaceis to be changed. In many cases, existing local regulations or codes willgovern the ventilating requirements. Some of these codes are based ona specified amount of air per person, and others on the air required persquare foot of floor area.

Duct-system resistance

Air ducts may be designed with either a round or a rectangular crosssection. The radius of elbows should preferably be at least 1.5 times thepipe diameter for round pipes, or the equivalent round pipe size in thecase of rectangular ducts. Accuracy in estimating the resistance to theflow of air through the duct system is important in the selection of blow-ers for application in duct systems (Fig. 3-6).

Resistance should be kept as low as possible in the interest of econ-omy, since underestimating the resistance will result in failure of theblower to deliver the required volume of air. You should carefully studythe building drawings with consideration paid to duct locations and

Figure 3-5 Typical mechanical ventilators for residential use showingplacement of fans and other details.

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clearances. Keep all duct runs as short as possible, bearing in mindthat the airflow should be conducted as directly as possible from thesource to the delivery points. Select the locations of the duct outlets toensure proper air distribution. The ducts should be provided with cross-sectional areas that will permit air to flow at suitable velocities.Moderate velocities should be used in all ventilating work to avoid wasteof power and to reduce noise. Lower velocities are more frequently usedin schools, churches, theaters, and so on, instead of factories and otherplaces where noise caused by airflow is not objectionable.

Air Filtration

The function of air filters as installed in air-conditioning systems is toremove the airborne dust that tends to settle in the air of the ventilatedspace and may become a menace to human health if not properly removed.

Effect of dust on health

The effect of dust on health has been properly emphasized by competentmedical authorities. The normal human breathes about 17 times aminute. The air taken into the lungs may contain large quantities ofdust, soot, germs, bacteria, and other deleterious matter. Most of thissolid matter is removed in the nose and air passages of the normalperson. However, if these passages are dry and permit the passage ofthese materials, colds and respiratory diseases result. Air-conditioningapparatus remove these contaminants from the air and further providethe correct amount of moisture so that the respiratory tracts are notdehydrated, but are kept properly moist. Among the airborne diseasesare mumps, measles, scarlet fever, pneumonia, colds, tuberculosis, hayfever, grippe, influenza, and diphtheria.

Dust is more than just dry dirt. It is exceedingly complex, with vari-able mixtures of materials, and, as a whole, is rather uninviting, espe-cially the type found in and around human habitation. Dust contains fineparticles of sand, soot, earth, rust, fiber, animal and vegetable refuse,hair, chemicals, and compounds, all of which are abrasive, irritating, orboth. The U.S. Weather Bureau estimates that there are 115,000 particles

112 Chapter Three

Figure 3-6 Central-station air-handling unit. (Courtesy ofBuffalo Forge Company.)

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of dust per cubic inch of ordinary city air, and that each grain of this dustat breathing level contains from 85,000 to 125,000 g. The proximity offactories using oil or coal-burning equipment and the presence of con-siderable street traffic will aggravate this condition and increase thedust and germ content.

The Mellon Institute of Industrial Research conducted a series of exper-iments to determine dust precipitation in three large cities. The meas-urements published were the average amounts measured in more than10 stations in each of the cities and were for a period of 1 year. It wasobserved that precipitation was considerably greater in the industrialdistricts. It is certainly plain that filtered air is almost a necessity, espe-cially in large buildings where number of individuals are gathered. Hotels,theaters, schools, stores, hospitals, factories, and museums require theremoval of dust from the atmosphere admitted to their interiors, not onlybecause a purer product is made available for human health and con-sumption, but also so that the fittings, clothing, furniture, and equipmentwill not be damaged by the dust particles borne by the fresh airstream.

The air filter is one part of the air-conditioning system that should beoperated the year around. There are times when the air washer (the cool-ing and humidifying apparatus) is not needed, but the filter is one part ofthe system that should be kept in continuous operation, purifying the air.

Various dust sources

The dust removed in the filters may be classified as poisonous, infective,obstructive, or irritating and may originate from an animal, vegetable,mineral, or metallic source. Industry produces many deleterious fumesand dusts, for example, those emanating from grinding, polishing,dyeing, gilding, painting, spraying, cleaning, pulverizing, baking, mixingof poisons, sawing, and sand blasting. This dust must be filtered out ofthe air because of its effect on health and efficiency, to recover valuablematerials, to save heat by reusing filtered air, and to prevent damageto equipment and products in the course of manufacturing.

Air-Filter Classification

Air-cleaning equipment may be classified according to the followingmethods used:

Filtering Washing Combined filtering and washing

There are several types of filters divided into two main classes: dryand wet. The wet filters may again be subdivided into what is knownas the manual and automatic self-cleaning types.

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Dry filters

Dry filters are usually made in standard units of definite rated capac-ity and resistance to the passage of air. At the time the installation isdesigned, ample filter area must be included so that the air velocity pass-ing through the filters is not excessive; otherwise, proper filtration willnot be secured. The proper area is secured by mounting the propernumber of filters on an iron frame. A dry filter (Fig. 3-7) may be providedwith permanent filtering material from which the dirt and dust mustbe removed pneumatically or by vibration. Or, it may be provided withan inexpensive filter medium that can be dispensed with when loadedwith dirt and replaced with a new slab.

A dry-type filter is known as a dry plate. The cells are composed of anumber of perforated aluminum plates, arranged in series and coatedwith a fireproof filament. Air drawn through the cell is split into thinstreams by the perforations so that the dust particles are thrown againstthe filament by the change in the direction of the air between the plates.The filament tentacles hold the dust particles and serve to purify theair. Dust particles are deposited on the intervening flat surfaces. Whenthe plate is loaded with dirt and requires cleaning, this may be accom-plished in two ways.

In moderate-sized installations, the operator removes the cells from thesectional frame, rests one edge on the table or floor, and gently raps theopposite side with the open hand, causing the collected dirt to drop outand restoring the efficiency of the filter. Larger installations (Fig. 3-8),where a great number of cells are used, or where an abnormally high dustload is encountered, use a mechanical vibrator in which the cell is placedand rapped for about a minute to free it of dust. Under average dust con-ditions, cells must be cleaned or replaced about twice a year.

114 Chapter Three

Figure 3-7 Typical air-filter panelabsorber containing activatedcharcoal for heavy-duty control ofodors and vapors. (Courtesy ofBarneby Cheney Corporation.)

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Packed-type filters contain a fibrous mat so that the slow movementand irregular path taken by the air permits it to leave behind all par-ticles of dirt in the mazes of the fibrous mat (Fig. 3-8). This type of unitmust be removed every 12 to 15 weeks under average conditions.

Wet (or viscous) filters

The wet (or viscous) filter makes use of an adhesive in which the dustparticles are caught and held upon impingement. It also makes use ofdensely packed layers of viscous-coated metal baffles, screens, sinuouspassages, crimped wire, and glass wool inserted in the path of the air.The air divides into small streams that constantly change their direc-tion and force the heavier dirt particles against the viscous-coated sur-faces, where they are held.

The three major types of wet (or viscous) air filters are replaceable,manually cleaned, and automatically cleaned.

Wet replacement type. The glass-wool air filter is of the viscous-typereplacement cell. Glass wool, being noncorrosive and nonabsorbing,maintains its density and leaves all the viscous adhesive free to collectand hold dirt and dust. This type of filter lends itself to both small andlarge installations. A carton of 12 filters weighs about 37 lb. After thefilter replacement has been completed, the dirty filters can be put intothe original shipping container and removed from the premises.

Manually cleaned type. The manually cleaned type is usually made inthe form of a standard cell with a steel frame containing the filter media.The cell is fitted into the cell frame ( see Fig. 3-9), with the use of a feltgasket to prevent leakage of air past the cell. As a usual practice, clean-ing is necessary about once every eight weeks. This is made a simplematter by the use of automatic latches so that the filter sections can be

Ventilation Requirements 115

Figure 3-8 Activated-charcoalroom-purification filter panelabsorber. Filter absorbers of thistype are recommended for centralair-conditioning-system purifi-cation of recirculated air inoccupied spaces, purification ofexhaust to prevent atmosphericpollution, etc. They are suitablefor light-, medium-, and heavy-duty requirements. (Courtesy ofBarneby Cheney Corporation.)

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pulled out of the frame, immersed in a solution of water and washingsoda or cleaning compound, allowed to dry, then dipped into chargingoil, drained to remove excess oil, and then replaced in the filter.

Automatic viscous filters. The automatic filter is of the self-cleaning typeand utilizes the same principle of adhesive dust impingement as themanual and replacement types, but the removal of the accumulated dirtfrom the filter medium is entirely automatic. The self-cleaning type maybe divided into two distinct systems: immersion variety and flushing type.

The immersion-type air filter (Fig. 3-10) makes use of an endless beltthat rotates the filter medium and passes it through an oil bath, washingthe dirt off. The dirt, being heavier than the oil, settles to the bottom intospecial containers, which are removed and cleaned from time to time. Theusual speed of the filter is from 1.5 to 3 in. every 12 min. Such an appara-tus is particularly adapted for continuous operation. The sediment can beremoved and the oil changed or added without stopping the apparatus.

The flushing type is constructed of cells in the form of a unit laid onshelves and connected by metal aprons. The dirt caught by the cells isflushed down into a sediment tank by flooding pipes, which travel backand forth over the clean-air side of the cells. Aprons catch the heavier dustparticles before they get to the cells so that the cells are more efficient.This type does not flush the cells while the system is in operation. In many

116 Chapter Three

Figure 3-9 Typical open-frameindustrial air purifier. Each filterunit contains one or more acti-vated charcoal absorbers, includ-ing blower and motor. (Courtesyof Barneby Cheney Corporation.)

Figure 3-10 Typical automatic viscous filter. Ina self-cleaning filter of this type, brushes on anendless carrier chain periodically sweep col-lected materials from the upstream side of thepanels. Used in textile mills, laundries, andother ventilation systems involving a highvolume of coarse, bulky contaminants.(Courtesy of Rockwell-Standard Corporation.)

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cases, duplicate units are provided so that one unit can be flushed whilethe other bears the full load. Some of the flushing mechanisms are inter-locked with the fan circuit, especially where a single unit is used, so thatflushing cannot take place unless the fan is shut down. If air is permit-ted to pass through the filter while it is being flushed, oil will be carriedalong with the air.

A cylindrical absorber (shown in Fig. 3-11) can be used for the controlof odor problems by forcing air through two perforated metal wallsenclosing an annular bed of activated charcoal. A motor-operated blowerdraws contaminated air through the charcoal-filled container and recir-culates pure odor-free air through the room or space to be purified.

The wall-mounted air purifier shown in Fig. 3-12 is equipped with awashable dust filter and centrifugal blower. Air purifiers of this type areideal for toilets, utility rooms, public rest rooms, and similar odor-problem areas.

In residential-type air conditioners, however, unit filters provide the nec-essary dust protection, particularly since they are manufactured in a largevariety of types and sizes. Where lint in a dry state predominates, a dryfilter is preferable because of its lint-holding capacity. Throwaway filtersare used increasingly where the cleaning process needs to be eliminated.

Filter Installation

Air filters are commonly installed in the outdoor air intake ducts of theair-conditioning system and often in the recirculating air ducts as well.

Ventilation Requirements 117

Figure 3-11 Cylindrical-typecanister air purifier. (Courtesyof Barneby Cheney Corporation.)

Figure 3-12 Wall-mounted air purifier.(Courtesy of Barneby Cheney Corporation.)

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Air filters are logically mounted ahead of heating or cooling coils andother air-conditioning equipment in the system to prevent dust fromentering. Filters should be installed so that the face area is at rightangles to the airflow wherever possible (see Fig. 3-13). In most cases,failure of an air-filter installation can be traced to faulty installation,improper maintenance, or both.

The American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers gives themost important requirements for a satisfactory and efficiently func-tioning air-filter installation as follows:

The filter must be of ample size for air it is expected to handle. An over-load of 10 to 15 percent is regarded as the maximum allowable. Whenair volume is subject to increase, a larger filter should be installed.

The filter must be suited to the operating conditions, such as degree ofair cleanliness required, amount of dust in the entering air, type of duty,allowable pressure drop, operating temperatures, and maintenancefacilities.

The filter type should be the most economical for the specific appli-cation. The first cost of the installation should be balanced againstdepreciation as well as expense and convenience of maintenance.

The following recommendations apply to filters and washers installedwith central fan systems:

Duct connections to and from the filter should change their size or shapegradually to ensure even air distribution over the entire filter area.

Sufficient space should be provided in front as well as behind thefilter to make it accessible for inspection and service. A distance of 2ft may be regarded as the minimum.

Access doors of convenient size should be provided in the sheet-metalconnections leading to and from the filters.

All doors on the clean-air side should be lined with felt to prevent infil-tration of unclean air. All connections and seams of the sheet-metalducts on the clean-air side should be airtight.

118 Chapter Three

Figure 3-13 Good (left) and poor(right) air-filter installations.They should fit tightly to preventair from bypassing the filter.

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Electric lights should be installed in the chamber in front of andbehind the air filter.

Air washers should be installed between the tempering and heatingcoils to protect them from extreme cold in winter.

Filters installed close to air inlets should be protected from theweather by suitable louvers, in front of which a large mesh wire screenshould be provided.

Filters should have permanent indicators to give a warning when thefilter resistance reaches too high a value.

Humidity-Control Methods

Humidifiers, by definition, are devices for adding moisture to the air.Thus, to humidify is to increase the density of water vapor within a givenspace or room. Air humidification is affected by vaporization of water andalways requires heat for its proper functioning. Thus, devices that func-tion to add moisture to the air are termed humidifiers, whereas devicesthat function to remove moisture from the air are termed dehumidifiers.


As previously noted, air humidification consists of adding moisture.Following are the types of humidifiers used in air-conditioning systems:

Spray-type air washers Pan evaporative humidifiers Electrically operated humidifiers Air-operated humidifiers

Air-washer method

An air washer essentially consists of a row of spray nozzles inside a cham-ber or casing. A tank at the bottom of the chamber provides for collectionof water as it falls through the air and comes into intimate contact withthe wet surface of the chamber baffles. The water is generally circulatedby means of a pump, the warm water being passed over refrigerating coilsor blocks of ice to cool it before being passed to the spray chamber. Thewater lost in evaporation is usually replaced automatically by the use ofa float arrangement, which admits water from the main tank as required.In many locations, the water is sufficiently cool to use as it is drawn fromthe source. In other places, the water is not cool enough and must be cooledby means of ice or with a refrigerating machine.

The principal functions of the air washer are to cool the air passedthrough the spray chamber and to control humidity. In many cases, the

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cooling coils are located in the bottom of the spray chamber so that asthe warm spray descends, it is cooled and ready to be again sprayed bythe pump. In some cases, the water is passed through a double-pipearrangement and is cooled on the counter-current principle.

Figure 3-14 shows a sketch of an air washer. In this case, the spraypipes are mounted vertically. In some instances, the spray pipes are hor-izontal so that the sprays are directed downward. As some of the finerwater particles tend to be carried along with the air current, a series ofcurved plates or baffles is generally used, which forces the cooled andhumidified air to change the direction of flow, throwing out or elimi-nating the water particles in the process.

Pan humidifiers

Figure 3-15 shows the essential parts of the pan-type humidifier. Themain part is a tank of water heated by low-pressure steam or forced hot

120 Chapter Three

Figure 3-14 Elementary diagrams showing essential parts ofair-washer unit with identification of parts.

Figure 3-15 Typical evaporative pan humidifier showing oper-ative components. (Courtesy of Armstrong Machine Works.)

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water where a water temperature of 200°F (93°C) or higher is main-tained. The evaporative-type humidifier is fully automatic, the waterlevel being controlled by means of a float control. In operation, when therelative humidity drops below the humidity-control setting, the humid-ifier fan blows air over the surface of the heated water in the tank. Theair picks up moisture. The air is blown to the space to be humidified.When the humidity control is satisfied, the humidifier fan stops.

Electrically operated humidifiers

Dry-steam electrically operated humidifiers operate by means of a solenoidvalve, which is energized by a humidistat. When the relative humiditydrops slightly below the desired level set by the humidistat (see Fig. 3-16),a solenoid valve actuated by the humidistat admits steam from the sepa-rating chamber to the reevaporating chamber. Steam passes from thischamber through the muffler directly to the atmosphere. The fan (which

Ventilation Requirements 121

Figure 3-16 Armstrong dry-steam humidifier for direct discharge ofsteam into the atmosphere of the area to be humidified. (Courtesy ofArmstrong Machine Works.)

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is energized when the solenoid valve opens) assists in dispersing the steaminto the area to be humidified. When the relative humidity reaches thedesired level, the humidistat closes the solenoid valve and stops the fan.

Air-operated humidifiers

Air-operated humidifying units operate in the same manner as electricalunits, except that they utilize a pneumatic hygrostat as a humidity con-troller and an air operator to open or close the steam valve (see Fig. 3-17).Adecrease in relative humidity increases the air pressure under a spring-loaded diaphragm to open the steam valve wider. An increase in relativehumidity reduces the pressure under the diaphragm and allows the valveto restrict the steam flow. In a humidifier operation of this type, the steamsupply is taken off the top of the header (see Fig. 3-18). Any condensateformed in the supply line is knocked down to the humidifier drain by abaffle inside the inlet of the humidifier-separating chamber.

Any droplets of condensation picked up by the stream as it flowsthrough the humidifier cap when the steam valve opens will be thrownto the bottom of the reevaporating chamber. Pressure in this chamber isessentially atmospheric. Since it is surrounded by steam at supply pres-sure and temperature, any water is reevaporated to provide dry steamat the outlet. The humidifier outlet is also surrounded by steam at supplypressure to ensure that there will be no condensation or drip at thispoint. A clamp-on temperature switch is attached to the condensate drainline to prevent the electric or pneumatic operator from opening the steamvalve until the humidifier is up to steam temperature.

122 Chapter Three

Figure 3-17 Armstrong dry-steam humidifier with steam-jacket dis-tribution.

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The removal of moisture from the air is termed dehumidification. Airdehumidification is accomplished by one of two methods: cooling andadsorption. Dehumidification can be accomplished by an air washer, pro-viding the temperature of the spray is lower than the dew point of theair passing through the unit. If the temperature of the spray is higherthan the dew point, condensation will not take place. Air washers havingrefrigerated sprays usually have their own recirculating pump.

Electric dehumidification

An electric dehumidifier operates on the refrigeration principle. Itremoves moisture from the air by passing the air over a cooling coil. Themoisture in the air condenses to form water, which then runs off the coilinto a collecting tray or bucket. The amount of water removed from theair varies, depending on the relative humidity and volume of the areato be dehumidified. In locations with high temperature and humidityconditions, 3 to 4 gal of water per day can usually be extracted from theair in an average-size home.

When the dehumidifier is first put into operation, it will remove rel-atively large amounts of moisture until the relative humidity in thearea to be dried is reduced to the value where moisture damage will notoccur. After this point has been reached, the amount of moisture removedfrom the air will be considerably less. This reduction in moisture removalindicates that the dehumidifier is operating normally and that it hasreduced the relative humidity in the room or area to a safe value.

Ventilation Requirements 123

Figure 3-18 Operation of Armstrong dry-steam humidifier for areahumidification.

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The performance of the dehumidifier should be judged by the elimi-nation of dampness and accompanying odors rather than by the amountof moisture that is removed and deposited in the bucket. A dehumidifiercannot act as an air conditioner to cool the room or area to be dehumid-ified. In operation, the air that is dried when passed over the coil isslightly compressed, raising the temperature of the surrounding air,which further reduces the relative humidity of the air.


As mentioned previously, the dehumidifier (see Fig. 3-19) operates onthe principles of the conventional household refrigerator. It contains amotor-operated compressor, a condenser, and a receiver. In a dehumidifier,the cooling coil takes the place of the evaporator, or chilling unit in arefrigerator. The refrigerant is circulated through the dehumidifier inthe same manner as in a refrigerator. The refrigerant flow is controlledby a capillary tube. The moisture-laden air is drawn over the refriger-ated coil by means of a motor-operated fan or blower.

The dehumidifier operates by means of a humidistat (see Fig. 3-20),which starts and stops the unit to maintain a selected humidity level.In a typical dehumidifier, the control settings range from dry to extradry to continuous to off. For best operation, the humidistat control knobis normally set at extra dry for initial operation over a period of 3 to 4weeks. After this period, careful consideration should be given to thedampness in the area being dried. If sweating on cold surfaces has dis-continued and the damp odors are gone, the humidistat control shouldbe reset to dry. At this setting, more economical operation is obtained,

124 Chapter Three

Figure 3-19 Automatic elec-tric dehumidifier. (Courtesyof Westinghouse ElectricCorporation.)

Figure 3-20 Typical humidistat designed tocontrol humidifying or dehumidifying equip-ment or both with one instrument. (Courtesy ofPenn Controls, Inc.)

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but the relative humidity probably will be higher than at the extra drysetting.

After 3 or 4 weeks of operation at the dry setting, if the moisture con-dition in the area being dried is still satisfactory, the operation of thedehumidifier should be continued with the control set at this position.However, if at the setting the dampness condition is not completely cor-rected, the control should be returned to the extra dry setting. Minoradjustments will usually be required from time to time. Remember thatthe control must be set near extra dry to correct the dampness conditionsbut as close to dry as possible to obtain the most economical operation.

Adsorption-type dehumidifiers

Adsorption-type dehumidifiers operate on the use of sorbent materials foradsorption of moisture from the air. Sorbents are substances that containa vast amount of microscopic pores. These pores afford a great internal sur-face to which water adheres or is adsorbed. A typical dehumidifier basedon the honeycomb desiccant wheel principle is shown schematically inFig. 3-21. The wheel is formed from thin corrugated and laminated asbestossheets rolled to form wheels of various desired diameters and thickness. The wheels are impregnated with a desiccant cured and reinforced with aheat-resistant binder. The corrugations in the honeycomb wheel formnarrow flutes perpendicular to the wheel diameter. Approximately75 percent of the wheel face area is available for the adsorption or dehu-midifying flow circuit, and 25 percent is available for the reactivationcircuit. In the smaller units, the reactivated air is heated electrically; in thelarger units, it is heated by electric, steam, or gas heaters.

Figure 3-22 shows another industrial adsorbent dehumidifier of thestationary bed type. It has two sets of stationary adsorbing beds arrangedso that one set is dehumidifying the air while the other set is drying. With

Ventilation Requirements 125

Figure 3-21 Assembly of components operating on the honeycombmethod of dehumidification. (Courtesy of Cargocaire EngineeringCorporation.)

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the dampers in the position shown, air to be dried flows through one setof beds and is dehumidified while the drying air is heated and circulatedthrough the other set. After completion of drying, the beds are cooled byshutting off the drying air heaters and allowing unheated air to circu-late through them. An automatic timer controller is provided to allow thedampers to rotate to the opposite side when the beds have adsorbedmoisture to a degree that begins to impair performance.

Air-Duct Systems

Air ducts for transmission of air in a forced-air heating, ventilation, orair-conditioner system must be carefully designed from the standpointof economy, as well as for proper functioning. When designing air ducts,the following methods may be used:

Compute the total amount of air to be handled per minute by the fan,as well as the fractional volumes composing the total, which are to besupplied to or withdrawn from different parts of the building.

Locate the supply unit in the most convenient place and as close aspossible to the center of distribution.

Divide the building into zones, and proportion the air volumes perminute in accordance with the requirements of the different zones.

126 Chapter Three

Figure 3-22 Stationary bed-typesolid-absorbent dehumidifier.

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Locate the air inlets or outlets for supply and recirculation, respec-tively. At the positions so located on the building plans, indicate theair volumes to be dealt with. The position of the outlets and inletsshould be such as to produce a thorough diffusion of the conditionedair throughout the space supplied.

Determine the size of each outlet or inlet based on passing the requiredamount of air per minute at a suitable velocity.

Calculate the areas, and select suitable dimensions for all branch andmain ducts. Do this based on creating equal frictional losses per footof length. This involves reducing the velocities in smaller ducts.

Ascertain the resistance of the ducts that sets up the greatest friction.In most cases, this will be the longest run, although not so invariably.This will be the resistance offered by the duct system as a whole tothe flow of the required amount of air.

Revise the dimensions and areas of the shorter runs so that the ductsthemselves will create resistances equal to the longest run. This willcut down the cost of the sheet metal, and the result will be just the sameas if dampers were used. Too high a velocity, however, must be avoided.

To compensate for unforeseen contingencies, volume dampers shouldbe provided for each branch.

Heat gains in ducts

In any air-conditioning installation involving a duct system, invariablythere is an accession of heat by the moving air in the ducts between thecoils and supply grilles when air is supplied below room temperature.If the ducts are located through much of their length in the conditionedspace, then, of course, this heat absorption has no effect on the total loadand frequently may be disregarded.

More frequently, however, the supply ducts must pass through spacesthat are not air- conditioned. Under these conditions, the heat absorbedby the air in the ducts can be regarded as an additional load on the cool-ing equipment. The temperature rise in a duct system of a cooling instal-lation depends on the following factors:

Temperature of the space through which the duct passes Air velocity through the duct Type and thickness of insulation, if any

The first factor establishes the temperature differential between theair on either side of the duct walls. The dew point of the air surround-ing the duct may also have some effect on the heat pickup, as conden-sation on the duct surface gives up the heat of vaporization to the air

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passing through the system. The highest air velocities consistent withthe acoustic requirements of the installation should be used, not onlyfor economy in the sheet metal material used, but also to reduce the heatpickup in the ducts.

The amount of heat absorbed by a unit area of sheet-metal duct con-veying chilled air is almost directly proportional to the temperature dif-ference between the atmosphere surrounding the duct and the chilledair, irrespective of the velocity of the latter. The heat pickup rate willbe influenced somewhat by the outside finish of the duct and by the airmotion, if any, in the space through which the duct passes.

Heat leakage in Btu per hour per square foot per degree difference intemperature for uncovered galvanized iron ductwork will be between 0.5and 1.0, with an average value of 0.73. The rate of leakage, of course,will be greatest at the start of the duct run and will gradually diminishas the air temperature rises. Covering the duct with the equivalent of0.5-in. rigid insulation board and sealing cracks with tape will reduce theaverage rate of heat pickup per square foot of surface per hour to 0.23 Btuper degree difference.

To summarize, the designer of a central unit system should observethe following:

Locate the equipment as close to the conditioned space as possible. Use duct velocities as high as practical, considering the acoustic level

of the space and operating characteristics of the fans. Insulate all supply ducts with covering equivalent to at least 0.5 in.

of rigid insulation, and seal cracks with tape.

Suitable duct velocities. Table 3-2 gives the recommended air velocitiesin feet per minute for different requirements. These air velocities arein accordance with good practice. It should be understood that the fan-outlet velocities depend somewhat on the static pressure, as static pres-sures and fan-housing velocity pressures are interdependent for goodoperating conditions. Fan-outlet velocities are also affected by the par-ticular type of fan installed.

Air-duct calculations. For the sake of convenience, this section outlinesa simplified air-duct sizing procedure, which eliminates the usual com-plicated engineering calculation required when designing a duct system.Refer to Figs. 3-23 to 3-25, which show the plans of a typical familyresidence having a total cubic content of approximately 19,000 ft3. It isdesired to provide humidification, ventilation, filtration, and air move-ment to all rooms on both the first and second floors.

The air conditioner located as shown in Fig. 3-23 had a total air-handling capacity of 1000 ft3/min. If the rooms are to have individual

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air mains, Table 3-3 shows the methods of computing the amount of airto be supplied to each room.

Second column in the table expresses the capacity of the individual roomas a percentage of the total volume. For example, 3000 ft3 is 30 percent

Ventilation Requirements 129

TABLE 3-2 Recommended Air Velocities

Residences, Schools,broadcasting studios, theaters, public Industrial

Designation and so on buildings applications

Initial air intake 750 800 1,000Air washers 500 500 500Extended surface heaters or 450 500 500coolers (face velocity)

Suction connections 750 800 1,000Through fan outlet:For 1-1/2-in. static pressure – 2,200 2,400For 1-1/4-in. static pressure – 2000 2,200For 1-in. static pressure 1,700 1,800 2,000For 3/4-in. static pressure 1,400 1,550 1,800For 1/2-in. static pressure 1,200 1,300 1,600

Horizontal ducts 700 900 1,000–2,000Branch ducts and risers 550 600 1,000–1,600Supply grilles and openings 300 300 grille 400 openingExhaust grilles and openings 350 400 grille 500 openingDuct outlets at high elevation – 1,000 –

Figure 3-23 Basem*nt floor of a typical family residence showing air-conditioner and heat-duct layout.

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130 Chapter Three

Figure 3-24 First-floor layout of residence of Fig. 3-23. Vertical airdischarges are located in the floor of the living room, dining room, andstudy. Air is returned to the unit through the floor grilles in theentrance hall. Sizes for air mains are shown on the basem*nt plan.

Figure 3-25 Second-floor layout of residence of Figs. 3-23 and 3-24. Airdischarges are located in the basem*nt of the three chambers.

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of the total space (10,000 ft3) to which air mains will lead. Third columnindicates the cubic feet of air per minute to be supplied to the individualrooms. These figures are attained as follows. The air conditioner willhandle 1000 ft3 of air per minute; 30 percent of this is 300 ft3/min.Similarly, 10 percent is 100 ft3/min, which would indicate the quantity ofair to be supplied to the living room and chamber No. 3, respectively.Having thus established the air quantity to be delivered to each of therooms, the design of the ducts can now be considered.

For duct sizes, consider the branch duct to both the living room andchamber No. 1 (see Table 3-3). Note that the branch leading into chamberNo. 1 handles 150 ft3/min. The duct to the living room handles 300 ft3/min.Obviously, the connecting air main will handle 300 + 150, or 450, ft3/min,in accordance with the foregoing recommendation, allowing a velocity of600 ft/min for the branches and 700 ft/min for the supply air main.Therefore, the necessary duct areas can be calculated using the followingformula:

where a = necessary air supply to room, ft3/minb = recommended velocity for a main or branch

Living-room (300 ft3/m) branch:

Chamber No. 1 (150 ft3/min) branch:

150 144600

36 10 3 52× = = ×in in branch. . .

300 144600

72 12 62× = = ×in in branch. .

a × 1446

2 2

b( . / )in ft

Ventilation Requirements 131

TABLE 3-3 Air-Duct Calculation

Room volume, % of total Supply,Rooms ft3 volume ft3/min

First floor Living room 3,000 30 300Dining room 2,000 20 200Study 1,000 10 100

Second floor Chamber No. 1 1,500 15 150Chamber No. 2 1,500 15 150Chamber No. 3 1,000 10 100Total volume 10,000 100 1,000

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Total (450 ft3/min) main:

The remaining ductwork may be calculated similarly. It is recom-mended that the main air supply leaving the unit be the same size asthat of the outlet of the unit up to the first branch takeoff. The returnmain to the unit should run the same size as the inlet of the unit (thatis for a distance of approximately 24 in. It should be provided with alarge access door in the bottom of this length of the full size duct.Figure 3-26 is helpful as a further simplification in sizing the air ducts.

Example 3-1 It is desired to size a main duct for 250 ft3/min at 500 ft/min velocity.What cross-sectional area is required?

solution Locate 250 ft3/min on the left-hand side of Fig. 3-26. With a ruler orstraightedge, carry a line across horizontally to the 500 velocity line and read offon the base line 72 in.2, or 1/2 ft2, which is the area required. All branches, risers,or grilles may be sized in the same manner.

Resistance losses in duct systems

In general, it can be said that duct sizes and the depth of a duct in par-ticular are affected by the available space in the building. For thisreason, although the round duct is the most economical shape from thestandpoint of friction per unit area and from the standpoint of metal

450 144700

93 16 62× = = ×in in main. .

132 Chapter Three

Figure 3-26 Air-duct sizing method.

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Ventilation Requirements 133

required for construction per unit of area, it is rarely possible, except inindustrial buildings, to use round ducts largely. Square duct is thepreferable shape among those of rectangular cross section. Headroomlimitations usually require that the duct be flattened.

To illustrate the use of charts when sizing a duct system, considerExample 3-2.

Example 3-2 Assume a system requiring the delivery of 5000 ft3/min. The dis-tribution requirement is the movement of the entire volume a distance of approx-imately 80 ft, with the longest branch beyond that point conveying 1000 ft3/minfor an additional 70 ft. Assume further that the operating characteristics of thefan and the resistance of the coils, filters, and so on, allow a total supply duct resist-ance of 0.10-in. water-gage resistance pressure. The supply duct is not to be morethan 12 in. deep.

solution The total length of the longest run is 80 + 70 = 150 ft:

Starting at this resistance at the bottom of Fig. 3-27, follow upward to the hori-zontal line representing 5000 ft3/min. At this point, read the equivalent size ofround duct required that is approximately 28 in. in diameter. Move diagonallyupward to the right on the 28-in.-diameter line, and then across horizontally onthis line in Fig. 3-27 to the vertical line representing the 12-in. side of a rectan-gular duct. At this point, read 60 in. as the width of the rectangular duct requiredon the intersecting curve line.

Thus, for the main duct run, the duct size will be 60 × 12 in. For thebranch conveying 1000 ft3/min, from the point where the 0.067-in.resistance line intersects the 1000-ft3/min line, read 16 in. as the equiv-alent round duct required. Following through on Fig. 3-27 as for alarger duct, read 12 × 18 in. as the size of the branch duct.

Duct runs should take into account the number of bends and offsets.Obstructions of this kind are usually represented in terms of the equiv-alent length of straight duct necessary to produce the same resistancevalue. Where conditions require sharp or right-angle bends, vane elbowscomposed of a number of curved deflectors across the air-stream shouldbe used.

Fans and Blowers

Various types of fans are used in air-conditioning applications and areclassified as propeller, tube-axial, vane-axial, and centrifugal. The pro-peller and tube-axial fans consist of a propeller or disk-type wheelmounted inside a ring or plate and driven by a belt or direct drive motor.

A vane-axial fan consists of a disk-type wheel mounted within a cylin-der. A set of air-guide vanes is located before or after the wheel and is


0 10 0 067= =. . .in water gage

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belt-driven or direct drive. The centrifugal fan is a fan rotor or wheelwithin a scroll-type housing. This type of blower is better known as asquirrel-cage unit. Whenever possible, the fan wheel should be directlyconnected to the motor shaft. Where fan speeds are critical, a belt driveis employed, and various size pulleys are used.

The various devices used to supply air circulation in air-conditioningapplications are known as fans, blowers, exhausts, or propellers. The dif-ferent types of fans may be classified with respect to their constructionas follows:

134 Chapter Three

Figure 3-27 Graphic representation of air-duct areas.

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Propeller Tube-axial Vane-axial Centrifugal

A propeller fan consists essentially of a propeller or disk-type wheelwithin a mounting ring or plate and includes the driving-mechanismsupports for either belt or direct drive. A tube-axial fan consists of a

Ventilation Requirements 135

Figure 3-27 (Continued)

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propeller or disk-type wheel within a cylinder and includes thedriving-mechanism supports for either belt drive or direct connec-tion. A vane-axial fan consists of a disk-type wheel within a cylinderand a set of air guide vanes located before or after the wheel. Itincludes the driving-mechanism supports for either belt drive or directconnection. A centrifugal fan consists of a fan rotor or wheel within ascroll-type housing and includes the driving-mechanism supports foreither belt drive or direct connection. Figure 3-28 shows the mount-ing arrangements.

Fan performance may be stated in various ways, with the air volumeper unit time, total pressure, static pressure, speed, and power inputbeing the most important. The terms, as defined by the NationalAssociation of Fan Manufacturers, are as follows:

Volume handled by a fan is the number of cubic feet of air per minuteexpressed as fan-outlet conditions.

Total pressure of a fan is the rise of pressure from fan inlet to fan outlet. Velocity pressure of a fan is the pressure corresponding to the average

velocity determination from the volume of air-flow at the fan outlet area. Static pressure of a fan is the total pressure diminished by the fan-

velocity pressure. Power output of a fan is expressed in horsepower and is based on fan

volume and the fan total pressure. Power input of a fan is expressed in horsepower and is measured as

horsepower delivered to the fan shaft. Mechanical efficiency of a fan is the ratio of power output to power

input. Static efficiency of a fan is the mechanical efficiency multiplied by the

ratio of static pressure to the total pressure. Fan-outlet area is the inside area of the fan outlet. Fan-inlet area is the inside area of the inlet collar.

136 Chapter Three

Figure 3-28 Various fan classifications showing mounting arrangement.

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Air volume

The volume of air required is determined by the size of the space to beventilated and the number of times per hour that the air in the spaceis to be changed. Table 3-4 shows the recommended rate of air changefor various types of spaces.

In many cases, existing local regulations or codes will govern the ven-tilating requirements. Some of these codes are based on a specifiedamount of air per person and on the air required per square foot of floorarea. Table 3-4 should serve as a guide to average conditions. Where localcodes or regulations are involved, they should be taken into considera-tion. If the number of persons occupying the space is larger than wouldbe normal for such a space, the air should be changed more often thanshown.

Horsepower requirements

The horsepower required for any fan or blower varies directly as the cubeof the speed, provided that the area of the discharge orifice remainsunchanged. The horsepower requirements of a centrifugal fan generallydecrease with a decrease in the area of the discharge orifice if the speedremains unchanged. The horsepower requirements of a propeller fanincrease as the area of the discharge orifice decreases if the speedremains unchanged.

Ventilation Requirements 137

TABLE 3-4 Volume of Air Required

Space to be ventilated Air changes per hour Minutes per change

Auditoriums 6 10Bakeries 20 3Bowling alleys 12 5Club rooms 12 5Churches 6 10Dining rooms (restaurants) 12 5Factories 10 6Foundries 20 3Garages 12 5Kitchens (restaurants) 30 2Laundries 20 3Machine shops 10 6Offices 10 6Projection booths 60 1Recreation rooms 10 6Sheet-metal shops 10 6Ship holds 6 10Stores 10 6Toilets 20 3Tunnels 6 10

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Drive methods

Whenever possible, the fan wheel should be directly connected to themotor shaft. This can usually be accomplished with small centrifugalfans and with propeller fans up to about 60 in. in diameter. The deflec-tion and the critical speed of the shaft, however, should be investigatedto determine whether or not it is safe.

When selecting a motor for fan operation, it is advisable to select a stan-dard motor one size larger than the fan requirements. It should be kept inmind, however, that direct-connected fans do not require as great a safetyfactor as that of belt-driven units. It is desirable to employ a belt drive whenthe required fan speed or horsepower is in doubt, since a change in pulleysize is relatively inexpensive if an error is made (see Fig. 3-29).

Directly connected small fans for various applications are usuallydriven by single-phase AC motors of the split-phase, capacitor, or shaded-pole type. The capacitor motor is more efficient electrically and is usedin districts where there are current limitations. Such motors, however,are usually arranged to operate at one speed. With such a motor, if it isnecessary to vary the air volume or pressure of the fan or blower, thethrottling of air by a damper installation is usually made.

In large installations (such as when mechanical draft fans arerequired), various drive methods are used:

A slip-ring motor to vary the speed. A constant-speed, directly connected motor, which, by means of move-

able guide vanes in the fan inlet, serves to regulate the pressure andair volume.

138 Chapter Three

Figure 3-29 Drive and mountingarrangement for various types ofpropeller fans.

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Fan selection

Most often, the service determines the type of fan to use. When opera-tion occurs with little or no resistance, and particularly when no ductsystem is required, the propeller fan is commonly used because of its sim-plicity and economy in operation. When a duct system is involved, a cen-trifugal or axial type of fan is usually employed. In general, centrifugaland axial fans are comparable with respect to sound effect, but the axialfans are somewhat lighter and require considerably less space. The fol-lowing information is usually required for proper fan selection:

Capacity requirement in cubic feet per minute Static pressure or system resistance Type of application or service Mounting arrangement of system Sound level or use of space to be served Nature of load and available drive

The various fan manufacturers generally supply tables or character-istic curves that ordinarily show a wide range of operating particularsfor each fan size. The tabulated data usually include static pressure,outlet velocity, revolutions per minute, brake horsepower, tip or periph-eral speed, and so on.

Fan applications

The numerous applications of fans in the field of air-conditioning and ven-tilation are well known, particularly to engineers and air-conditioningrepair and maintenance personnel. The various fan applications are asfollows:

Exhaust fans Circulating fans Cooling-tower fans Kitchen fans Attic fans

Exhaust fans are found in all types of applications, according to theAmerican Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Wall fans arepredominantly of the propeller type, since they operate against little orno resistance. They are listed in capacities from 1000 to 75,000 ft3/min.They are sometimes incorporated in factory-built penthouses and roofcaps or provided with matching automatic louvers. Hood exhaust fans

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involving ductwork are predominantly centrifugal, especially in han-dling hot or corrosive fumes.

Spray-booth exhaust fans are frequently centrifugal, especially if builtinto self-contained booths. Tubeaxial fans lend themselves particularlywell to this application where the case of cleaning and of suspension ina section of ductwork is advantageous. For such applications, built-incleanout doors are desirable.

Circulating fans are invariably propeller or disk-type units and aremade in a vast variety of blade shapes and arrangements. They aredesigned for appearance as well as utility. Cooling-tower fans are pre-dominantly the propeller type. However, axial types are also used forpacked towers, and occasionally a centrifugal fan is used to supply draft.Kitchen fans for domestic use are small propeller fans arranged forwindow or wall mounting and with various useful fixtures. They arelisted in capacity ranges of from 300 to 800 ft3/min.

Attic fans are used during the summer to draw large volumes of out-side air through the house or building whenever the outside tempera-ture is lower than that of the inside. It is in this manner that therelatively cool evening or night air is utilized to cool the interior in oneor several rooms, depending on the location of the air-cooling unit. Itshould be clearly understood, however, that the attic fan is not strictlya piece of air-conditioning equipment since it only moves air and doesnot cool, clean, or dehumidify. Attic fans are used primarily because oftheir low cost and economy of operation, combined with their ability toproduce comfort cooling by circulating air rather than conditioning it.

Fan operation

Fans may be centrally located in an attic or other suitable space (such asa hallway), and arranged to move air proportionately from several rooms.A local unit may be installed in a window to provide comfort cooling forone room only when desired. Attic fans are usually propeller types andshould be selected for low velocities to prevent excessive noise. The fansshould have sufficient capacity to provide at least 30 air changes per hour.

To decrease the noise associated with air-exchange equipment, the fol-lowing rules should be observed:

The equipment should be properly located to prevent noise from affect-ing the living area.

The fans should be of the proper size and capacity to obtain reason-able operating speed.

Equipment should be mounted on rubber or other resilient materialto assist in preventing transmission of noise to the building.

If it is unavoidable to locate the attic air-exchange equipment abovethe bedrooms, it is essential that every precaution be taken to reduce

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the equipment noise to the lowest possible level. Since high-speedAC motors are usually quieter than low-speed ones, it is often prefer-able to use a high-speed motor connected to the fan by means of an end-less V-belt, if the floor space available permits such an arrangement.

Attic-fan installation

Because of the low static pressures involved (usually less than 1/8 in. ofwater), disk or propeller fans are generally used instead of the blower orhoused types. It is important that the fans have quiet operating charac-teristics and sufficient capacity to give at least 30 air changes per hour.For example, a house with 10,000 ft3 content would require a fan with acapacity of 300,000 ft3/h or 5000 ft3/min to provide 30 air changes per hour.

The two general types of attic fans in common use are boxed-in fansand centrifugal fans. The boxed-in fan is installed within the attic in abox or suitable housing located directly over a central ceiling grille or ina bulkhead enclosing an attic stair. This type of fan may also be connectedby means of a direct system to individual room grilles. Outside cool airentering through the windows in the downstairs room is discharged intothe attic space and escapes to the outside through louvers, dormer win-dows, or screened openings under the eaves.

Although an air-exchange installation of this type is rather simple, theactual decision about where to install the fan and where to provide thegrilles for the passage of air up through the house should be left to a ven-tilating engineer. The installation of a multiblade centrifugal fan isshown in Fig. 3-30. At the suction side, the fan is connected to exhaustducts leading to grilles, which are placed in the ceiling of the two bed-rooms. The air exchange is accomplished by admitting fresh air through

Ventilation Requirements 141

Figure 3-30 Installation of a centrifugal fan in a one-family dwelling.

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open windows and up through the suction side of the fan; the air isfinally discharged through louvers as shown.

Another installation is shown in Fig. 3-31. This fan is a centrifugalcurved-blade type, mounted on a light angle-iron frame, which supportsthe fan wheel, shaft, and bearings. The air inlet in this installation isplaced close to a circular opening, which is cut in an airtight board par-tition that serves to divide the attic space into a suction and dischargechamber. The air is admitted through open windows and doors and isthen drawn up the attic stairway through the fan into the dischargechamber.

Attic fan operation

The routine of operation to secure the best and most efficient results withan attic fan is important. A typical operating routine might require that,in the late afternoon when the outdoor temperature begins to fall, thewindows on the first floor and the grilles in the ceiling or the attic floorbe opened and the second-floor windows kept closed. This will place theprincipal cooling effect in the living rooms. Shortly before bedtime, thefirst-floor windows may be closed and those on the second floor openedto transfer the cooling effect to the bedrooms. A suitable time clock maybe used to shut the motor off before arising time.

142 Chapter Three

Figure 3-31 Belt-driven fan in a typical attic installation.

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Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from where it is notwanted. Heat is removed from food to preserve its quality and flavor. Itis removed from room air to establish human comfort. There are innu-merable applications in the industrial world where heat is removedfrom a certain place or material to accomplish a desired effect.

During refrigeration, unwanted heat is transferred mechanically to anarea where it is not objectionable. Apractical example of this is the windowair conditioner that cools air in a room and exhausts hot air to the outdoors.

The liquid called the refrigerant is fundamental to the heat transferaccomplished by a refrigeration machine. Practically speaking, a com-mercial refrigerant is any liquid that will evaporate and boil at relativelylow temperatures. During evaporation or boiling, the refrigerant absorbsthe heat. The cooling effect felt when alcohol is poured over the back ofyour hand illustrates this principle.

In operation, a refrigeration unit allows the refrigerant to boil in tubesthat are in contact, directly or indirectly, with the medium to be cooled.The controls and engineering design determine the temperatures reachedby a specific machine.

Historical Development

Natural ice was shipped from the New England states throughout thewestern world from 1806 until the early 1900s. Although ice machineswere patented in the early 1800s, they could not compete with thenatural ice industry. Artificial ice was first commercially manufacturedin the southern United States in the 1880s.

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144 Chapter Four

Domestic refrigerators were not commercially available until about1920 (see Fig. 4-1). During the 1920s, the air-conditioning industry alsogot its start with a few commercial and home installations. The refriger-ation industry has now expanded to touch most of our lives. There is refrig-eration in our homes, and air conditioning in our place of work, and evenin our automobiles. Refrigeration is used in many industries, from the man-ufacture of instant coffee to the latest hospital surgical techniques.

Structure of Matter

To be fully acquainted with the principles of refrigeration, it is nec-essary to know something about the structure of matter. Matter isanything that takes up space and has weight. Thus, matter includeseverything but a perfect vacuum.

There are three familiar physical states of matter: solid, liquid, and gasor vapor. A solid occupies a definite amount of space. It has a definiteshape. The solid does not change in size or shape under normal conditions.

A liquid takes up a definite amount of space, but does not have any def-inite shape. The shape of a liquid is the same as the shape of its container.

Figure 4-1 One of the first commercial home refrigerators.(Courtesy of General Electric.)

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A gas does not occupy a definite amount of space and has no definiteshape. Agas that fills a small container will expand to fill a large container.

Matter can be described in terms of our five senses. We use our sensesof touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight to tell us what a substance is.Scientists have accurate methods of detecting matter.


Scientists have discovered 105 building blocks for all matter. Thesebuilding blocks are referred to as elements. Elements are the most basicmaterials in the universe. Ninety-four elements, such as iron, copper,and nitrogen, have been found in nature. Scientists have made 11 othersin laboratories. Every known substance, solid, liquid, or gas, is composedof elements. It is very rare for an element to exist in a pure state.Elements are nearly always found in combinations called compounds.Compounds contain more than one element. Even such a common sub-stance as water is a compound, rather than an element (see Fig. 4-2).


An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains all the prop-erties of that atom, that is, all hydrogen atoms are alike. They are dif-ferent from the atoms of all other elements. However, all atoms havecertain things in common: They all have an inner part—the nucleus.This is composed of tiny particles called protons and neutrons. An atomalso has an outer part. It consists of other tiny particles, called electrons,which orbit around the nucleus (see Figs. 4-3 and 4-4).

Neutrons have no electrical charge, but protons have a positive charge.Electrons are particles of energy and have a negative charge. Becauseof these charges, protons and electrons are particles of energy. That is,these charges form an electric field of force within the atom. Statedvery simply, these charges are always pulling and pushing each other.This makes energy in the form of movement.

The atoms of each element have a definite number of electrons, and theyhave the same number of protons. A hydrogen atom has one electron and

Refrigeration 145

Figure 4-2 Two or more atoms linked are called a molecule. Heretwo hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom form a molecule of thecompound water (H2O).

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one proton. An aluminum atom has 13 of each. The opposite charges—negative electrons and positive protons—attract each other and tend tohold electrons in orbit. As long as this arrangement is not changed, anatom is electrically balanced. When chemical engineers know the prop-erties of atoms and elements they can then engineer a substance withthe properties needed for a specific job. Refrigerants are manufacturedin the same way.

Properties of Matter

It is important for a refrigeration technician to understand the struc-ture of matter. With this knowledge, the person can understand thefactors that affect the structure of matter. These factors can be calledthe properties of matter. These properties are chemical, electrical,

146 Chapter Four

Figure 4-4 Molecular structure.

Figure 4-3 Atoms contain protons, neutrons, and electrons.

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mechanical, or thermal (related to heat) in nature. Some of these prop-erties are force, weight, mass, density, specific gravity, and pressure.

Force is described as a push or a pull on anything. Force is applied to agiven area. Weight is the force of gravity pulling all matter toward thecenter of the earth. The unit of weight in the English system is the pound.The basic unit of mass in the metric system is the gram. Mass is the amountof matter present in a quantity of any substance. Mass is not dependenton location. A body has the same mass whether here on the earth, on themoon, or anywhere else. The weight does change at other locations. In themetric system, the kilogram (kg) (kilo means 1, 000) is the unit most oftenused for mass. In the English system, the slug is the unit of mass.

Density is the mass per unit of volume. Densities are comparativefigures. That is, the density of water is used as a base and is set at 1.00.All other substances are either more or less dense than water.

The densities of gases are determined by a comparison of volumes. Thevolume of 1 lb of air is compared to the volume of 1 lb of another gas.Both gases are under standard conditions of temperature and pressure.

The specific gravity of a substance is its density compared to thedensity of water. Specific gravity has many uses. It can be used as anindicator of the amount of water in a refrigeration system. Testing meth-ods are discussed in later chapters.


Pressure is a force that acts on an area. Stated in a formula, it becomes:

where F = force A = area P = pressure

The unit of measurement of pressure in the English system is the poundper square foot or pounds per square inch (psi). The metric unit of pres-sure is the kilopascal (kPa). Pressure-measuring elements translatechanges or differences in pressure into motion. The three types most com-monly used are the diaphragm, the bellows, and the Bourbon spring tube.

Pressure-indicating devices

Pressure-indicating devices are most important in the refrigerationfield. It is necessary to know the pressures in certain parts of a systemto locate trouble spots.

The diaphragm is a flexible sheet of material held firmly aroundits perimeter so there can be no leakage from one side to the other



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(see Fig. 4-5). Force applied to one side of the diaphragm will cause itto move or flex. Diaphragms, in some cases, are made of flat sheet ofmaterial with a limited range of motion. Other diaphragms are atleast one corrugation or fold. This allows more movement at the pointwhere work is produced.

Some types of pressure controllers require more motion for per unitof force applied. To accomplish the desired result, the diaphragm isjoined to the housing by a section with several convolutions or foldscalled bellows. Thus, the diaphragm moves in response to pressurechanges. Each holds only a small amount (see Fig. 4-6). The bellow ele-ment may be assembled to extend or to compress as pressure is applied.The bellows itself act as a spring to return the diaphragm section to theoriginal position when the pressure differential is reduced to zero. If ahigher spring return rate is required, to match or define the measuredpressure range, then an appropriate spring is added.

One of the most widely used types of pressure-measuring elements isthe Bourdon spring tube, discussed in Chap. 1. It is readily adaptableto many types of instruments (see Fig. 4-7). The Bourdon tube is a flat-tened tube bent into a spiral or circular form closed at one end. Whenfluid pressure is applied within the tube, the tube tends to straighten orunwind. This produces motion, which may be applied to position anindicator or actuate a controller.

Pressure of liquid and gases

Pascal’s law states that when a fluid is confined in a container that iscompletely filled, the pressure on the fluid is transmitted equally on allsurfaces of the container. Similarly the pressure of a gas is the same onall areas of its container.

148 Chapter Four

Figure 4-6 Pressure-sensing element,bellows type. (Courtesy of Johnson.)

Figure 4-5 Pressure-sensing ele-ment, diaphragm type.

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Atmospheric pressure

The layer of air that surrounds the earth is several miles deep. Theweight of the air above exerts pressure in all directions. This pressureis called atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure at sea level is14.7 psi, which converts to 1.013 × 105 N/m2.

The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is called a barom-eter. Two common barometers are the aneroid barometer and the mercurybarometer. The aneroid barometer has a sealed chamber containing apartial vacuum. As the atmospheric pressure increases, the chamber iscompressed causing the needle to move. As the atmospheric pressuredecreases, the chamber expands, causing the needle to move in the otherdirection. Adial on the meter is calibrated to indicate the correct pressure.

The mercury barometer has a glass tube about 34-in. long. The tubeholds a column of mercury. The height of this column reflects the atmos-pheric pressure. Standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is indicatedby 29.92 in. of mercury, which converts to 759.96 mm.

Gage pressure

Gage pressure is the pressure above or below atmospheric pressure. Thisis the pressure measured with most gages. A gage that measures bothpressure and vacuum is called a compound gage. Vacuum is the pressurethat is below atmospheric pressure. A gage indicates zero pressure beforeyou start to measure. It does not take the pressure of the atmosphere intoaccount. In the customary system, gage pressure is measured in psi.

Absolute pressure

Absolute pressure is the sum of the gage pressure and atmosphericpressure. This is abbreviated as psia. A good example of this is the pres-sure in a car tire. This is usually 28 psi, which would be 42.7 psia.

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Figure 4-7 Pressure sensing element, Bourdon spring tubetype. (Courtesy of Johnson.)

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For example:

Gage pressure = 28 psi

Atmospheric pressure = 14.7 psi

Absolute pressure = 42.7 psi

The abbreviation for pounds per square inch gage is psig. The abbre-viation for pounds per square inch absolute is psia. Absolute is found byadding 14.7 to the psig value. However, the atmospheric pressure doesvary with altitude. In some cases, it is necessary to convert to the atmos-pheric pressure at the altitude where the pressure is being measured.This small difference can make a tremendous difference in correct read-ings of psia. To convert psi to kPa, the metric unit of pressure, multiplypsi value by 6.9.

Compression ratio

Compression ratio is defined as the absolute head pressure divided bythe absolute suction pressure.

Example 4-1 When the gage reading is zero or above,

Absolute head pressure = gage reading + 15 lb (14.7 actually)

Absolute suction pressure = gage reading + 15 lb (14.7 actually)

Example 4-2 When the low side reading is in vacuum range,

Absolute head pressure = gage reading + 15 lb (14.7 actually)

The calculation of compression ratio can be illustrated by the following.

Example 4-1 (continued)

Head pressure = 160 lb

Suction pressure = 10 lb

Compression ratioabsolute head pressure


tte suction pressure

= ++

= =160 1510 15


7 1:

Absolute suction pressuregage reading in i= −30 nnches


Compression ratioabsolute head pressure


tte suction pressure

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Example 4-2 (continued)

Head pressure = 160 lb

Suction pressure = 10 in of vacuum

Absolute head pressure = 160 + 15 = 175 lb

The preceding examples show the influence of back pressure on the com-pression ratio. A change in the head pressure does not produce such a dra-matic effect. If the head pressure in both cases were 185 lb, the compressionratio in Example 4-1 would be 8:1 and in Example 4-2 it would be 20:1.

A high compression ratio will make a refrigeration system run hot. Asystem with a very high compression ratio may show a discharge temper-ature as much as 150°F (65.6°C) above normal. The rate of a chemical reac-tion approximately doubles with each 18°F (−7.8°C) rise in temperature.Thus, a system running an abnormally high head temperature will developmore problems than a properly adjusted system. The relationship betweenhead pressure and back (suction) pressure, wherever possible, should be wellwithin the accepted industry bounds of a 10:1 compression ratio.

It is interesting to compare, assuming a 175-lb heat pressure in bothcases: Refrigerant 12 (R-12) versus Refrigerant 22 (R-22) operating at −35°F(−37°C) coil. At a −35°F (−37°C) coil, as described, the R-22 system wouldshow a 10.9:1 compression ratio while the R-12 system would be at 17.4:1. The R-22 system is a borderline case. The R-12 system is not in the saferange and it would run very hot with all of the accompanying problems.

A number of other factors will produce serious high-temperature con-ditions. However, high compression ratio alone is enough to cause seri-ous trouble. The thermometer shown in Fig. 4-8 reads temperature as afunction of pressure. This device reads the pressure of R-22 and R-12. Italso indicates the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit on the outside scale.

Temperature and Heat

The production of excess heat in a system will cause problems. Normally,matter expands when heated. This is the principle of thermal expansion.The linear dimensions increase, as does the volume. Removing heatfrom a substance causes it to contract in linear dimensions and involume. This is the principle of the liquid in a glass thermometer.

Absolute suction pressure


= − = =30 102



sssion ratioabsolute head pressure

absolute suc=

ttion pressure

= =17510

17 5 1. :

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Temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness on a definite scale.Every substance has temperature.

Molecules are always in motion. They move faster with a temperatureincrease and more slowly with a temperature decrease. In theory, mol-ecules stop moving at the lowest temperature possible. This tempera-ture is called absolute zero. It is approximately −460°F (−273°C).

The amount of heat in a substance is directly related to the amountof molecular motion. The absence of heat would occur only at absolutezero. Above that temperature, there is molecular motion. The amountof molecular motion corresponds to the amount of heat.

The addition of heat causes a temperature increase. The removal ofheat causes a temperature decrease. This is true except when matter isgoing through a change of state.

Heat is often confused with temperature. Temperature is the meas-urement of heat intensity. It is not a direct measure of heat content.Heat content is not dependent on temperature. Heat content dependson the type of material, the volume of the material, and the amount ofheat that has been put into or taken from the material. For example,one cup of coffee at 200ºF (93.3°C) contains less heat than 1 gal of coffeeat 200ºF (93.3°C). The cup at 200ºF (93.3°C) can also contain less heatthan the gallon at a lower temperature of 180ºF (82.2°C).

Specific heat

Every substance has a characteristic called specific heat. This is themeasure of the temperature change in a substance when a given amountof heat is applied to it.

One Btu (British thermal unit) is the amount of heat required to raisethe temperature of 1 lb of water by 1° at 39º F. With a few exceptions,such as ammonia gas and helium, all substances require less heat perpound than water to raise the temperature by 1°F.

152 Chapter Four

Figure 4-8 Thermometer and pres-sure gage. (Courtesy of Marsh.)

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Thus, the specific heat scale is based on water, which has a specificheat of 1.0. The specific heat of aluminum is 0.2. This means that 0.2 Btu will raise the temperature of 1 lb of aluminum by 1°F. One Btuwill raise the temperature of 5 lb of aluminum by 1°F, or 1 lb of the sameby 5°F.

Heat content

Every substance theoretically contains an amount of heat equal to theheat energy required to raise its temperature from absolute zero to itstemperature at a given time. This is referred to as heat content, whichconsists of sensible heat and latent heat. Sensible heat can be feltbecause it changes the temperature of the substance. Latent heat, whichis not felt, is seen as it changes the state of substance from solid toliquid or liquid to gas.

Sensible heat. Heat that changes the temperature of a substance with-out changing its state when added or removed is called sensible heat.Its effect can be measured with a thermometer in degrees as the dif-ference in temperatures of a substance (delta T, or ΔT ).

If the weight and specific heat of a medium are known, the amountof heat added or removed in Btu can be computed by multiplying the sen-sible change (ΔT ) by the weight of the medium and by its specific heat.Thus, the amount of heat required for raising the temperature of 1 galof water (8.34 lb) from 140ºF to 160ºF is

Sensible heat = ΔT × weight × specific heat

= (160 − 140) × 8.34 × 1 = 20 × 8.34 = 166.8 Btu

Latent heat. The heat required to change the state of a substance with-out changing its temperature is called its latent heat, or hidden heat.Theoretically, any substance can be a gas, liquid, or solid, depending onits temperature and pressure. It takes heat to change a substance froma solid to a liquid or, from a liquid to a gas.

For example, it takes 144 Btu of latent heat to change 1 lb of ice at 32ºFto 1 lb of water at 32ºF. It takes 180 Btu of sensible heat to raise the tem-perature of 1 lb of water 180ºF from 32ºF to 212ºF. It takes 970 Btu oflatent heat to change 1 lb of water to steam at 212ºF. When the oppositechange is effected, equal amounts of heat are taken out or given up bythe substance.

This exchange of heat, or the capability of a medium, such as water totake and give up heat, is the basis for most of the heating and air-condi-tioning industry. Most of the functions of the industry are concerned withadding or removing heat at a central point and distributing the heatedor cooled medium throughout a structure to warm or cool the space.

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Other sources of heat

Other heat in buildings comes principally from four sources: electricalenergy, the sun, the outdoor air temperatures, and the building’s occu-pants. Every kilowatt of electrical energy in use produces 3413 Btu/h,whether it is used in lights, the heating elements of kitchen ranges,toasters, or irons.

The sun is a source of heat. At noon, a square foot of surface directlyfacing the sun may receive 300 Btu/h, on a clear day. When outdoor airtemperatures exceed the indoor space temperature. The outdoors becomea source of heat. The amount of heat communicated depends on the sizeand number of windows, among other factors.

The occupants of a building are a source of heat, since body tempera-tures are higher than normal room temperatures. An individual seated andat rest will give off about 400 Btu/h in a 74°F (23.3°C) room. If the personbecomes active, this amount of heat maybe increased by 2 or 3 times,depending upon the activity involved. Some of this heat is sensible heat,which the body gives off by convection and radiation. The remainder islatent heat, resulting from the evaporation of visible or invisible perspi-ration. The sensible heat increases the temperature of the room. Thelatent heat increases the humidity. Both add to the total heat in the room.

Refrigeration Systems

The refrigerator was not manufactured until the 1920s. Before thattime, ice was the primary source of refrigeration. A block of ice was keptin the icebox. The icebox was similar to the modern refrigerator in con-struction. It was well insulated and had shelves to store perishables. Themain difference was the method of cooling.

The iceman came about once a week to put a new 50- or 100-lb blockof ice in the icebox. How much cooling effect does a 50-lb block of iceproduce? The latent heat of melting for 1 lb of ice is 144 Btu. The latentheat of melting for a 50-lb block is 50 × 144, or 7200 Btu. The latent heatof melting for the 100-lb block was 14,400 Btu. The refrigeration wasaccomplished by convection in the icebox.

One of the first refrigerators is shown in Fig. 4-9. The unit on the topidentified it as a refrigerator instead of an icebox. Some of these units,made in the 1920s, are still operating today.

Refrigeration from vaporization (open system)

The perspiration on your body evaporates and cools your body. Waterkept in a porous container is cooled on a hot day. The water seeps fromthe inside. There is a small amount of water on the outside surface. Thesurface water is vaporized—it evaporates.

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Much of the heat required for vaporization comes from the liquid inthe container. When heat is removed this way the liquid is cooled. Theheat is carried away with the vapor.

Basic refrigeration cycle

A substance changes state when the inherent amount of heat is varied.Ice is water in a solid state and steam is a vapor state of water. A solidis changed to a liquid and a liquid to a vapor by applying heat. Heat mustbe added to vaporize or boil a substance. It must be taken away toliquefy or solidify a substance. The amount of heat necessary will dependon the substance and the pressure changes in the substance.

Consider, for example, an open pan of boiling water heated by a gasflame. The boiling temperature of water at sea level is 212ºF (100°C).Increase the temperature of the flame and the water will boil awaymore rapidly, although the temperature of the water will not change. Toheat or boil a substance, heat must be removed from another substance.In this case, heat is removed from the gas flame. Increasing the tem-perature of the flame merely speeds the transfer of heat. It does notincrease the temperature of the water.

A change in pressure will affect the boiling point of a substance. Asthe altitude increases above sea level, the atmospheric pressure and theboiling temperature drop. For example, water will boil at 193°F (89.4°C)at an altitude of 10,000 ft. At pressures below 100 psi, water has a boil-ing point of 338°F (170°C).

The relationship of pressure to refrigeration is shown in the followingexample. A tank contains a substance that is vaporized at atmospheric

Refrigeration 155

Figure 4-9 Early modification ofthe icebox to make it a refrigeratorunit.

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pressure. However, it condenses to a liquid when 100 lb of pressure isapplied. The liquid is discharged from the tank through a hose and nozzleinto a long coil of tubing to the atmosphere (see Fig. 4-10).

As the liquid enters the nozzle, its pressure is reduced to that of theatmosphere. This lowers its vaporization or boiling point. Part of theliquid vaporizes or boils using its own heat. The unevaporated liquid isimmediately cooled as its heat is taken away. The remaining liquidtakes heat from the metal coil or tank and vaporizes, cooling the coil.The coil takes heat from the space around it, cooling the space. This unitwould continue to provide cooling or refrigeration for as long as thesubstance remains under pressure in the tank.

All of the other components of a refrigeration system are merely forreclaiming the refrigeration medium after it has done its job of cooling. Theother parts of a refrigeration system, in order of assembly, are tank or liquidreceiver, expansion valve, evaporator coil, compressor, and condenser.

Figure 4-11 illustrates a typical refrigeration system cycle. The refrig-erant is in a tank or liquid receiver under high pressure and in a liquidstate. When the refrigerant enters the expansion valve, the pressureis lowered, and the liquid begins to vaporize. Complete evaporation

156 Chapter Four

Low pressure High pressure

Liquid receiver



Figure 4-11 High and low sides of a refrigeration system.

Figure 4-10 Basic step of refrig-eration. (Courtesy of Johnson.)

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takes place when the refrigerant moves into the evaporator coil. Withevaporation, heat must be added to the refrigerant. In this case, theheat comes from the evaporator coil. As heat is removed from the coil,the coil is cooled. The refrigerant is now a vapor under low pressure.The evaporator section of the system is often called the low pressure,back pressure, or suction side. The warmer the coil, the more rapidlyevaporation takes place and the higher the suction pressure becomes.

The compressor then takes the low-pressure vapor and builds up thepressure sufficiently to condense the refrigerant. This starts the high sideof the system. To return the refrigerant to a liquid state (to condense it),heat picked up in the evaporator coil and the compressor must beremoved. This is the function of the condenser used with an air- or water-cooled coil. Being cooler than the refrigerant, the air or water absorbs itsheat. As it cools, the refrigerant condenses into a liquid and flows intothe liquid receiver or tank. Since the pressure of the refrigerant hasbeen increased, it will condense at a lower temperature.

In some systems, the liquid receiver may be part of another unit suchas the evaporator or condenser.


Refrigeration machines are rated in tons of refrigeration. This ratingindicates the size and ability to produce cooling energy in a given period.One ton of refrigeration has cooling energy equal to that produced by 1ton of ice melting in 24 hours. Since it takes 288,000 Btu of heat to melt1 ton of ice, a 1-ton machine will absorb 288,000 Btu in a 24-hour period.


Theoretically, any gas that can be alternately liquefied and vaporizedwithin mechanical equipment can serve as a refrigerant. Thus, carbondioxide serves as a refrigerant on many ships. However, the piping andmachinery handling it must be very heavy-duty.

Practical considerations have led to the use of several refrigerantsthat can be safely handled at moderate pressures by equipment havingreasonable mechanical strength and with lines of normal size and wallthickness. While no substance possesses all the properties of an idealrefrigerant, the hydrocarbon (Freon) refrigerants come quite close.

Refrigerant 12 is made of carbon (C), chlorine (Cl), and fluorine (F).Its formula is CCl2F2. It is made of a combination of elements. R-22 ismade of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), chlorine (Cl), and fluorine (F). Its formulaCHClF2 is slightly different from that of R-12.

Each of these manufactured refrigerants has its own characteristics,such as odor and boiling pressure.

Refrigerants are the vital working fluids in refrigeration systems.They transfer heat from one place to another for cooling air or water inair-conditioning installations.

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Many substances can be used as refrigerants, including water undercertain conditions. The following are some common refrigerants:

Ammonia: The oldest commonly used refrigerant, still used in somesystems. It is very toxic.

Sulfur dioxide: First to replace ammonia and to be used in smalldomestic machines. It is very toxic.

Refrigerant 12: The first synthetic refrigerant to be used commonly.Used in a large number of reciprocating machines operating in theair-conditioning range. It is nontoxic.

Refrigerant 22: Used in many of the same applications as R-12. Itslower boiling point and higher latent heat permit the use of smallercompressors and refrigerant lines. It is nontoxic.

Refrigerant 40: Methyl chloride is used in the commercial refriger-ation field, particularly in small installations. Today it is no longerused. It will explode when allowed to combine with air. It is nontoxic.

Refrigerant replacements and the atmosphere

Refrigerants such as ammonia are used for low-temperature systems.These include food and process cooling, ice rinks, and so forth. Propane hasbeen used for some special applications. Now that chlorinated hydrocar-bons have been determined to be harmful to the earth’s ozone layer, R-11(CCl3F), R-12 (CCl2F2), and other similar compounds that were in commonuse along with the less harmful R-22 (CHClF2) have had much attentionin the press. Recent international protocols (standards) have set schedulesfor the elimination of damaging refrigerants from commercial use.

Replacements have been, and are being, developed. Part of the chal-lenge is technical and part is economic. First, to find a fluid that hasoptimal characteristics and is safe is a challenge. Second, to encouragemanufacture to produce and distribute the fluid at an affordable priceand in sufficient quantities is another. R-123 (CHCl2CF3) has beendeveloped as a near-equivalent replacement for R-11, with R-134a(CH2FCF3) replacing R-12. R-123 still comes under criticism for havingsome chlorine in it. R-134a can be bought at auto supplies stores forautomobile air conditioners. Most new cars are required to have R-134ain their air-conditioning systems.

R-22 is used widely in residential and commercial air-conditioningscroll compressor systems. It too will be phased out someday (probablyduring the period 2020–2030). However, finding a suitable, widelyaccepted replacement has not come as quickly as first thought.

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5Refrigerants: New and Old

Refrigerants are used in the process of refrigeration. Refrigerationis a process whereby heat is removed from a substance or a space. Arefrigerant is a substance that picks up latent heat when the sub-stance evaporates from a liquid to a gas. This is done at a low tem-perature and pressure. A refrigerant expels latent heat when itcondenses from a gas to a liquid at a high pressure and temperature.The refrigerant cools by absorbing heat in one place and dischargingit in another area.

Desirable properties of a good refrigerant for commercial use are

Low boiling point Safe nontoxic Easy to liquefy and moderate pressure and temperature High latent heat value Operation on a positive pressure Not affected by moisture Mixes well with oil Noncorrosive to metal

There are other qualities that all refrigerants have. These qualitiesare molecular weight, density, compression ration, heat value, and tem-perature of compression. These qualities will vary with the refriger-ants. The compressor displacement and compressor type or design willalso influence the choice of refrigerant.

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160 Chapter Five

Classification of Refrigerants

Refrigerants are classified according to their manner of absorption orextraction of heat from substances to be refrigerated. The classifica-tions can be broken down into class 1, class 2, and class 3.

Class 1 refrigerants are used in the standard compression type ofrefrigeration systems. Class 2 refrigerants are used as immediate cool-ing agents between class 1 and the substance to be refrigerated. Theydo the same work for class 3. Class 3 refrigerants are used in the stan-dard absorption type systems of refrigerating systems.

Class 1: This class includes those refrigerants that cool by absorptionor extraction of heat from the substances to be refrigerated by theabsorption of their latent heats. Table 5-1 lists the characteristics oftypical refrigerants.

Class 2: The refrigerants in this class are those that cool substancesby absorbing their sensible heats. They are air, calcium chloridebrine, sodium chloride (salt) brine, alcohol, and similar nonfreezingsolutions.

Class 3: This group consists of solutions that contain absorbed vaporsof liquefiable agents or refrigerating media. These solutions functionthrough their ability to carry the liquefiable vapors. The vapors pro-duce a cooling effect by the absorption of their latent heat. An exam-ple is aqua ammonia, which is a solution composed of distilled waterand pure ammonia.

TABLE 5-1 Characteristics of Typical Refrigerants

Heat of vaporization Boiling point at boiling point

Name (°F) Btu/lb. 1 atm

Sulfur dioxide 14.0 172.3Methyl chloride −10.6 177.8Ethyl chloride 55.6 177.0Ammonia −28.0 554.7Carbon dioxide −110.5 116.0Freezol (isobutane) 10.0 173.5Freon 11 74.8 78.31Freon 12 −21.7 71.04Freon 13 −114.6 63.85Freon 21 48.0 104.15Freon 22 −41.4 100.45Freon 113 117.6 63.12Freon 114 38.4 58.53Freon 115 −37.7 54.20Freon 502 −50.1 76.46

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Refrigerants: New and Old 161

Common refrigerants

Following are some of the more common refrigerants. Table 5-1 sum-marizes the characteristics to a selected few of the many refrigerantsavailable for home, commercial and industrial use.

Sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas or liquid. It istoxic, with a very pungent odor. When sulfur is burned in air, sulfur diox-ide is formed. When sulfur dioxide combines with water it produces sul-furic and sulfurous acids. These acids are very corrosive to metal. Theyhave an adverse effect on most materials. Sulfur dioxide is not consid-ered a safe refrigerant. Sulfur dioxide is not considered safe when usedin large quantities. As a refrigerant, sulfur dioxide operates on a vacuumto give the temperatures required. Moisture in the air will be drawn intothe system when a leak occurs. This means the metal parts will even-tually corrode, causing the compressor to seize.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) boils at 14°F (−10°C) and has a heat of vapor-ization at boiling point (1 atm) of 172.3 Btu/lb. It has a latent heat valueof 166 Btu/lb.

To produce the same amount of refrigeration, sulfur dioxide requiresabout one-third more vapor than Freon and methyl chloride. This meansthe condensing unit has to operate at a higher speed or the compressorcylinders must be larger. Since sulfur dioxide does not mix well with oilthe suction line must be on a steady slant to the machine. Otherwise,the oil will trap out, constricting the suction line. This refrigerant is notfeasible for use in some locations.

Methyl chloride. Methyl chloride (CHP) has a boiling point of −10.6°F(−23.3°C). It also has heat of vaporization at boiling point (at l atm) of177.8 Btu/lb. It is a good refrigerant. However, because it will burnunder some conditions some cities will not allow it to be used. It is easyto liquefy and has a comparatively high latent heat value. It does notcorrode metal when in its dry state.

However, in the presence of moisture it damages the compressor. Asticky black sludge is formed when excess moisture combines with thechemical. Methyl chloride mixes well with oil. It will operate on a pos-itive pressure as low as −10°F (−23°C). The amount of vapor needed tocause discomfort in a person is in proportion to the following numbers:

Carbon dioxide 100Methyl chloride 70Ammonia 2Sulfur dioxide 1

That means methyl chloride is 35 times safer than ammonia and70 times safer than sulfur dioxide.

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Methyl chloride is hard to detect with the nose or eyes. It does not pro-duce irritating effects. Therefore, some manufacturers add a 1 percentamount of acrolein as a colorless liquid with a pungent odor as a warn-ing agent. It is produced by destructive distillation of fats.

Ammonia. Ammonia (NH3) is used most frequently in large industrialplants. Freezers for packing houses usually employ ammonia as a refrig-erant. It is a gas with a very noticeable odor. Even a small leak can bedetected with the nose. Its boiling point at normal atmospheric pressureis −28°F (−33°C). Its freezing point is −107.86°F (−77.7°C). It is very sol-uble in water. Large refrigeration capacity is possible with smallmachines. It has high latent heat [555 Btu at 18°F (−7.7°C)]. It can beused with steel fittings. Water-cooled units are commonly used to cooldown the refrigerant. High pressures are used in the lines (125 to 200 psi).Anyone inside the refrigeration unit when it springs a leak is rapidlyovercome by the fumes. Fresh air is necessary to reduce the toxic effectsof ammonia fumes. Ammonia is combustible when combined with cer-tain amounts of air (about one volume of ammonia to two volumes of air).It is even more combustible when combined with oxygen. It is very toxic.Heavy steel fittings are required since pressures of 125 to 200 psi arecommon. The units must be water cooled.

Carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless gas at ordinarytemperatures. It has a slight odor and an acid taste. Carbon dioxide isnonexplosive and nonflammable. It has a boiling point of 5°F (−15°C).A pressure of over 300 psi is required to keep it from evaporation. To liq-uefy the gas, a condenser temperature of 80°F (26.6°C) and a pressureof approximately 1000 psi are needed. Its critical temperature is 87.8°F(31°C). It is harmless to breathe except in extremely large concentra-tions. The lack of oxygen can cause suffocation under certain conditionsof carbon dioxide concentration.

Carbon dioxide is used aboard ships and in industrial installations.It is not used in household applications. The main advantage of usingcarbon dioxide for a refrigerant is that a small compressor can be used.The compressor is very small since a high pressure is required for therefrigerant. Carbon dioxide is, however, very inefficient, compared toother refrigerants. Thus, it is not used in household units.

Calcium chloride. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is used only in commercialrefrigeration plants. Calcium chloride is used as a simple carryingmedium for refrigeration.

Brine systems are used in large installations where there is dangerof leakage. They are used also where the temperature fluctuates in thespace to be refrigerated. Brine is cooled down by the direct expansion

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of the refrigerant. It is then pumped through the material or space tobe cooled. Here, it absorbs sensible heat.

Most modern plants operate with the brine at low temperature. Thispermits the use of less brine, less piping or smaller diameter pipe, andsmaller pumps. It also lowers pumping costs. Instead of cooling a largevolume of brine to a given temperature, the same number of refrigera-tion units are used to cool a smaller volume of brine to a lower temper-ature. This results in greater economy. The use of extremely low-freezingbrine, such as calcium chloride, is desirable in the case of the shell-typecooler. Salt brine with a minimum possible freezing point of −6°F (−21°C)may solidify under excess vacuum on the cold side of the refrigeratingunit. This can cause considerable damage and loss of operating time.There are some cases, in which the cooler has been ruined.

Ethyl chloride. Ethyl chloride (C2H5Cl) is not commonly used in domes-tic refrigeration units. It is similar to methyl chloride in many ways. Ithas a boiling point of 55.6°F (13.1°C) at atmospheric pressure. Criticaltemperature is 360.5°F (182.5°C) at a pressure of 784 lb absolute. It isa colorless liquid or gas with a pungent ethereal odor and a sweetishtaste. It is neutral toward all metals. This means that iron, copper, andeven tin and lead can be used in the construction of the refrigerationunit. It does, however, soften all rubber compounds and gasket mate-rial. Thus, it is best to use only lead for gaskets.

Freon Refrigerants

The Freon refrigerants have been one of the major factors responsiblefor the tremendous growth of the home refrigeration and air-conditioning industries. The safe properties of these products have per-mitted their use under conditions where flammable or more toxicrefrigerants would be hazardous to use. There is a Freon refrigerant forevery application—from home and industrial air-conditioning to speciallow-temperature requirements.

The unusual combination of properties found in the Freon compoundsis the basis for the wide application and usefulness. Table 5-2 presentsa summary of the specific properties of some of the fluorinated products.Figure 5-1 gives the absolute pressure and gage pressure of Freon refrig-erants at various temperatures.

Molecular weights

Compounds containing fluorine in place of hydrogen have highermolecular weights and often have unusually low boiling points. Forexample, methane (CH4) with a molecular weight of 16 has a boilingpoint of −258.5°F (−161.4°C) and is nonflammable. Freon 14 (CF4) has

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Figure 5-1 The absolute and gage pressures of Freon refrigerants.


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TABLE 5-2 Physical Properties of Freon Products

Freon 11 Freon 12 Freon 13 Freon 13B1 Freon 14

Chemical formula CCl3F CCl2F2 CClF3 CBrF3 CF4

Molecular weight 137.37 120.92 104.46 148.92 88.00

Boiling point at 1 atm °C 23.82 –29.79 –81.4 –57.75 –127.96°F 74.87 –21.62 –114.6 –71.95 –198.32

Freezing point °C –111 –158 –181 –168 –1842

°F –168 –252 –294 –270 –299

Critical temperature °C 198.0 112.0 28.9 67.0 –45.67°F 388.4 233.6 83.9 152.6 –50.2

Critical pressure atm 43.5 40.6 38.2 39.1 36.96lb/sq in abs 639.5 596.9 561 575 543.2

Critical volume cc/mol 247 217 181 200 141cu ft/lb 0.0289 0.0287 0.0277 0.0215 0.0256

Critical density g/cc 0.554 0.588 0.578 0.745 0.626lb/cu ft 34.6 34.8 36.1 46.5 39.06

Density, liquid g/cc 1.476 1.311 1.298 −30°C 1.538 1.317 −80°Cat 25°C (77°F) lb/cu ft 92.14 81.84 81.05@(−22°F) 96.01 82.21@(−112°F)

Density, sat’d vapor g/L 5.86 6.33 7.01 8.71 7.62at boiling point lb/cu ft 0.367 0.395 0.438 0.544 0.476

Specific heat, liquid(Heat capacity) cal/(g)(°C) 0.208 0.232 0.247@−30°C 0.208


at 25°C (77°F) or Btu/(lb)(°F) (−22°F) (−112°F)


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TABLE 5-2 Physical Properties of Freon Products (Continued)

Freon 11 Freon 12 Freon 13 Freon 13B1 Freon 14

Specific heat, vapor,at const pressure (1 atm) cal/(g)(°C)

0.142 @38°C 0.145 0.158 0.112 0.169

at 25°C (77°F) or Btu/(lb)(°F) (100°F)

Specific heat ratio1.137 @

38°Cat 25°C and 1 atm Cp/Cv (100°F) 1.137 1.145 1.144 1.159

Heat of vaporization cal/g 43.10 39.47 35.47 28.38 32.49at boiling point Btu/lb 77.51 71.04 63.85 51.08 58.48

Thermal conductivity 0.0506 0.0405 0.0378 −30°C 0.0234 0.0361 −80°Cat 25°C (77°F) 0.00451 0.00557 0.00501 @ (−22°F.) 0.00534 0.00463 @ (−112°F)Btu/(hr) (ft) (°F)liquidvapor (1 atm)

Viscosity at 25°C (77°F)liquid centipoise 0.415 0.214 0.170 (−30°C) 0.157 0.23 (−80°C)vapor (1 atm) centipoise 0.0107 0.0123 0.0119 @ (−22°F) 0.0154 0.0116 @ (−112°F)

Surface tension at 18 914@

−73°C 44@

−73°C25°C (77°F) dynes/cm −100°F (−100°F)

Refractive index of liquid 1.374 1.2871.199@

−73°C 1.238 1.151@ −73°Cat 25°C (77°F) (−100°F) (−100°F)

Relative dielectric strength 3.71 2.46 1.65 1.83 1.06at 1 atm and 25°C (77°F)(nitrogen = 1)


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Dielectric constantliquid 2.28 @ 29°C 2.13 29°C


1.0012 @24.5°C

vapor (1 atm) 1.0036 @ 24°C 1.0032 @ (84°F) @(84°F) (76°F)

Solubility of “Freon” in water wt % 0.11 0.028 0.009 0.03 0.0015at 1 atm and 25°C (77°F)

Solubility of water in “Freon” wt % 0.011 0.0090.0095

21°Cat 25°C (77°F) (70°F.)

Toxicity Group 5a Group 6 Probably Group 6 Group 6 Probably Group 6

Freon 21 Freon 22 Freon 23 Freon 112 Freon 113 Freon 114

Chemical formula CHCl2F CHClF2 CHF3 CCl2F–CCl2F CCl2F–CClF2 CClF2–CClF2

Molecular weight 102.93 86.47 70.01 203.84 187.38 170.93

Boiling point at 1 atm °C 8.92 –40.75 –82.03 92.8 47.57 3.77°F 48.06 –41.36 –115.66 199.0 117.63 38.78

Freezing point °C −135 −160 −155.2 26 −35 −94°F −211 −256 −247.4 79 −31 −137

Critical temperature °C 178.5 96.0 25.9 278 214.1 145.7°F 353.3 204.8 78.6 532 417.4 294.3

Critical pressure atm 51.0 49.12 47.7 343 33.7 32.2lb/sq in abs 750 721.9 701.4 500 495 473.2

Critical volume cc/mol 197 165 133 3703 325 293cu ft/lb 0.0307 0.0305 0.0305 0.029 0.0278 0.0275


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TABLE 5-2 Physical Properties of Freon Products (Continued)

Freon 21 Freon 22 Freon 23 Freon 112 Freon 113 Freon 114

Critical density g/cc 0.522 0.525 0.525 0.55 0.576 0.582lbs/cu ft 32.6 32.76 32.78 34 36.0 36.32

Density, liquid g/cc 1.366 1.194 0.670 1.634 30°C 1.565 1.456at 25°C (77°F) lbs/cu ft 85.28 74.53 41.82 102.1 @(86°F) 97.69 90.91

Density, sat’d vapor g/L 4.57 4.72 4.66 7.02 7.38 7.83at Boiling Point lbs/cu ft 0.285 0.295 0.291 0.438 0.461 0.489

Specific heat, liquid(heat capacity) cal/(g)(°C) 0.256 0.300 −30°C 0.218 0.243at 25°C (77°F) or Btu/(lb)(°F)

0.345 @−22°F

Specific heat, vapor,at const pressure (1 atm) 60°Ccal/(g)(°C) at 25°C (77°F) 0.140 0.157 0.176 0.161 @(140°F) 0.170

or Btu/(lb)(°F)

Specific-heat ratio 1.191 60°Cat 25°C and 1 atm Cp/Cv 1.175 1.184 @ 0 pressure 1.080 @ (140°F) 1.084

Heat of vaporization cal/g 57.86 55.81 57.23 37 (est) 35.07 32.51at boiling point Btu/b 104.15 100.45 103.02 67 63.12 58.53

Thermal conductivity1

at 25°C (77°F)Btu/(hr) (ft) (°F) 0.0434liquid 0.0592 0.0507 0.0569 −30°C 0.0044 0.0372vapor (1 atm) 0.00506 0.00609 0.0060 @ (−22°F.) 0.040 (0.5 atm) 0.0060


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Viscosity1 at 25°C (77°F)liquid centipoise 0.313 0.198 0.167 −30°C 1.21 0.68 0.36vapor (1 atm) centipose 0.0114 0.0127 0.0118 @ (−22°F.) 0.010 0.0112

(0.1 atm)

Surface tension at 25°C (77°F) −73°C 30°Cdynes/cm 18 8 15 @ (−100°F)

23 @(86°F) 17.3 12

Refractive index of liquid −73°Cat 25°C (77°F) 1.354 1.256

1.215 @(−100°F) 1.413 1.354 1.288

Relative-dielectric strength 1.85 1.27 1.04 5 (est) 3.9 (0.44 atm) 3.34at 1 atm and 25°C (77°F) (nitrogen = 1)

Dielectric constantliquid 5.34 @ 28°C 6.11 @ 24°C 25°C 25°C 2.26 @ 25°CVapor (1 atm) 1.0070 @ 30°C 1.0071 @ 25.4°C 1.0073 @ 25°C

2.54 @(77°F)

2.41 @(77°F) 1.0043 @26.8°C

Solubility of “Freon” in wt % 0.012 0.017water at 1 atm and 0.95 0.30 0.10 (Sat’n Pres) (Sat’n Pres) 0.01325°C (77°F)

Solubility of water in wt % 0.13 0.13 0.011 0.009“Freon”at 25°C (77°F)

Toxicity much less Group 5a probably probably less much less Group 6than Group 4, Group 6 than Group 4, than Group 4,somewhat more more than somewhat morethan Group 512 Group 5 than Group 5


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TABLE 5-2 Physical Properties of Freon Products (Continued)

FC 114B2 Freon 115 Freon 116 Freon 500 Freon 502 Freon 503

CBrF2–CBrF2 CClF2–CF3 CF3–CF3 a b c

259.85 154.47 138.01 99.31 111.64 87.28

47.26 −39.1 −78.2 −33.5 −45.42 −87.9

117.06 −38.4 −108.8 −28.3 −49.76 −126.2

−110.5 −106 −100.6 −159

−166.8 −159 −149.1 −254

214.5 80.0 19.74 105.5 82.2 19.5

418.1 175.9 67.5 221.9 179.9 67.1

34.4 30.8 29.44 43.67 40.2 43.0

506.1 453 432 641.9 591.0 632.2

329 259 225 200.0 199 155

0.0203 0.0269 0.0262 0.03226 0.02857 0.0284

0.790 0.596 0.612 0.4966 0.561 0.564

49.32 37.2 38.21 31.0 35.0 35.21

2.163 1.291 1.587 −73°C 1.156 1.217 1.233 −30°C135.0 80.60 99.08 @(−100°F) 72.16 75.95 76.95 @ (−22°F)

8.37 9.01 5.278 6.22 6.020.522 0.562 0.3295 0.388 0.374


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−73°C −30°C0.166 0.285

0.232 @(−100°F) 0.258 0.293

0.287 @(−22°F)

0.1820.164 @ 0 pressure 0.175 0.164 0.16

1.085 (est) −34°C1.091

@0 pressure 1.143 1.132

1.21 @(−30°F)

25 (est) 30.11 27.97 48.04 41.21 42.8645 (est) 54.20 50.35 86.47 74.18 77.15

0.0302 0.045 −73°C 0.0373 −30°C0.027 0.00724 0.0098 @ (−100°F) 0.0432 0.00670 0.0430 @ (−22°F)

0.72 0.193 0.30 0.192 0.180 −30°C0.0125 0.0148 0.0120 0.0126


−73°C −30°C18 5

16 @(−100°F) 8.4 5.9 6.1 @ (−22°F)

−73°C −30°C1.367 1.214

1.206 @(−100°F) 1.273 1.234

1.209 @(−22°F)

4.02 (0.44 atm) 2.54 2.02 1.3

25°C 23°C6.11 @ 25°C 1.00352.34 @

(77°F) 1.0035 @ 27.4°C1.0021 @

(73°F) (0.5 atm)

0.006 0.042

0.056 0.056Group 5a Group 6 probably Group 5a probably

Group 6 Group 5a Group 6

FREON is Du pont’s registered trademark for its fluorocarbon products a. CCl2F2/CH3CHF2 (73.8/26.2% by wt.)b. CHClF2/CClF2CF3 (48.8/51.2% by wt.)c. CHF3/CClF3 (40/60% by wt.)171

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a molecular weight of 88 and a boiling point of −198.4°F (−128°C) andis nonflammable. The effect is even more pronounced when chlorineis also present. Methylene chloride (CH2Cl2) has a molecular weightof 85 and boils at 105.2°F (40.7°C) while Freon 12 (CCl2F2) with amolecular weight of 121 boils at −21.6°F (−29.8°C). It can be seen thatFreon compounds are high-density materials with low boiling points,low viscosity, and low surface tension. Freon includes products withboiling points covering a wide range of temperatures. See Table 5-3.

The high molecular weight of the Freon compounds also contributesto low vapor, specific heat values, and fairly low latent heats of vapor-ization. Tables of thermodynamic properties including enthalpy, entropy,pressure, density, and volume for the liquid and vapor are availablefrom manufacturers.

172 Chapter Five

TABLE 5-3 Fluorinated Products and Their Molecular Weight and Boiling Point

Freon Products

Boiling point

Product Formula Molecular weight °F °C

Freon 14 CF4 88.0 −198.3 −128.0Freon 503 CHF3/CClF3 87.3 −127.6 −88.7Freon 23 CHF3 70.0 −115.7 −82.0Freon 13 CClF3 104.5 −114.6 −81.4Freon 116 CF3–CF3 138.0 −108.8 −78.2Freon 13B1 CBrF3 148.9 −72.0 −57.8Freon 502 CHClF2/CClF2–CF3 111.6 −49.8 −45.4Freon 22 CHClF2 86.5 −41.4 −40.8Freon 115 CClF2–CF3 154.5 −37.7 −38.7Freon 500 CCl2F2/CH3CHF2 99.3 −28.3 −33.5Freon 12 CCl2F2 120.9 −21.6 −29.8Freon 114 CClF2–CClF2 170.9 38.8 3.8Freon 21 CHCl2F 102.9 48.1 8.9Freon 11 CCl3F 137.4 74.9 23.8Freon 113 CCl2F–CClF2 187.4 117.6 47.6Freon 112 CCl2F−CCl2F 203.9 199.0 92.8

Other Fluorinated Compounds

FC 114B2 CBrF2–CBrF2 259.9 117.1 47.31,1-Difluoroethane* CH3–CHF2 66.1 −13.0 −25.01,1,1-Chlorodifluoroethane† CH3–CClF2 100.5 14.5 −9.7Vinyl fluoride CH2=CHF 46.0 −97.5 −72.0Vinylidene fluoride CH2=CF2 64.0 −122.3 −85.7Hexafluoroacetone CF3COCF3 166.0 −18.4 −28.0Hexafluoroisopropanol (CF3)2CHOH 168.1 136.8 58.2

*Propellant or refrigerant 152a†Propellant or refrigerant 142bCopyright 1969 by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware 19898

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Freon compounds are poor conductors of electricity. In general, theyhave good dielectric properties.


None of the Freon compounds are flammable or explosive. However,mixtures with flammable liquids or gases may be flammable and shouldbe handled with caution. Partially halogenated compounds may also beflammable and must be individually examined.


Toxicity means intoxicating or poisonous. One of the most importantqualities of the Freon fluorocarbon compounds is their low toxicity undernormal conditions of handling and usage. However, the possibility of seri-ous injury or death exists under unusual or uncontrolled exposures orin deliberate abuse by inhalation of concentrated vapors. The potentialhazards of fluorocarbons are summarized in Table 5-4.

Skin effects

Liquid fluorocarbons with boiling points below 32°F (0°C) may freezethe skin, causing frostbite on contact. Suitable protective gloves andclothing give insulation protection. Eye protection should be used. Inthe event of frostbite, warm the affected area quickly to body temper-ature. Eyes should be flushed copiously with water. Hands may beheld under armpits or immersed in warm water. Get medical attentionimmediately. Fluorocarbons with boiling points at or above ambienttemperature tend to dissolve protective fat from the skin. This leadsto skin dryness and irritation, particularly after prolonged or repeatedcontact. Such contact should be avoided by using rubber gloves orplastic gloves. Eye protection and face shields should be used if splash-ing is possible. If irritation occurs following contact, seek medicalattention.

Oral toxicity

Fluorocarbons are low in oral toxicity as judged by single-dose admin-istration or repeated dosing over long periods. However, direct contactof liquid fluorocarbons with lung tissue can result in chemical pneu-monitis, pulmonary edema, and hemorrhage. Fluorocarbons 11 and 113,like many petroleum distillates, are fat solvents and can produce suchan effect. If products containing these fluorocarbons were accidentallyor purposely ingested, induction of vomiting would be contraindicated(medically wrong), In other words, do NOT induce vomiting.

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TABLE 5-4 Potential Hazards of Fluorocarbons

Condition Potential hazard Safeguard

Vapors may decompose in Inhalation of toxic decomposition Good ventilation. Toxic decompositionflames or in contact with products. products serve as warning agents.hot surfaces.

Vapors are four to five times heavier Inhalation of concentrated Avoid misuse.than air. High concentrations may vapors can be fatal. Forced-air ventilation at the level of vapor concentration.tend to accumulate in low places. Individual breathing devices with air supply.

Lifelines when entering tanks or other confined areas.

Deliberate inhalation to produce Can be fatal. Do not administer epinephrine or other similar drugs.intoxication.

Some fluorocarbon liquids tend to Irritation of dry, sensitive skin. Gloves and protective clothing.remove natural oils from the skin.

Lower boiling liquids may be Freezing. Gloves and protective clothing.splashed on skin.

Liquids may be splashed into Lower boiling liquids may cause Wear eye protection. Get medical eyes. freezing. Higher boiling liquids attention. Flush eyes for several

may cause temporary irritation minutes with running water.and if other chemicals are dissolved, may cause serious damage.

Contact with highly reactive Violent explosion may occur. Test the proposed system and metals. take appropriate safety



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Central nervous system (CNS) effects

Inhalation of concentrated fluorocarbon vapors can lead to CNS effectscomparable to the effects of general anesthesia. The first symptom is afeeling of intoxication. This is followed by a loss of coordination and uncon-sciousness. Under severe conditions, death can result. If these symptomsare felt, the exposed individual should immediately go or be moved to freshair. Medical attention should be sought promptly. Individuals exposed tofluorocarbons should NOT be treated with adrenalin (epinephrine).

Cardiac sensitization

Fluorocarbons can, in sufficient vapor concentration, produce cardiacsensitization. This is a sensitization of the heart to adrenaline broughtabout by exposure to high concentrations of organic vapors. Under severeexposure, cardiac arrhythmias may result from sensitization of theheart to the body’s own levels of adrenaline. This is particularly sounder conditions of emotional or physical stress, fright, panic, and soforth. Such cardiac arrhythmias may result in ventricular fibrillationand death. Exposed individuals should immediately go or be removedto fresh air. There, the hazard of cardiac effects will rapidly decrease.Prompt medical attention and observation should be provided followingaccidental exposures. A worker adversely affected by fluorocarbon vaporsshould not be treated with adrenalin (epinephrine) or similar heartstimulants since these would increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias.

Thermal decomposition

Fluorocarbons decompose when exposed directly to high temperatures.Flames and electrical resistance heaters, for example, will chemicallydecompose fluorocarbon vapors. Products of this decomposition in airinclude halogens and halogen acids (hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, and hydro-bromic), as well as other irritating compounds. Although much more toxicthan the parent fluorocarbon, these decomposition products tend to irri-tate the nose, eyes, and upper respiratory system. This provides a warn-ing of their presence. The practical hazard is relatively slight. It is difficultfor a person to remain voluntarily in the presence of decomposition prod-ucts at concentrations where physiological damage occurs.

When such irritating decomposition products are detected, the areashould be evacuated and ventilated. The source of the problem shouldbe corrected.

Applications of Freon Refrigerants

There is a Freon refrigerant for every application from home and indus-trial air-conditioning to special low-temperature requirements.Following are a few of the Freon refrigerants.

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Freon 11 (CCl3F) has a boiling point of 74.9°F (23.8°C) and is widelyused in centrifugal compressors for industrial and commercial air-conditioning systems, It is also used for industrial process water andbrine cooling. Its low viscosity and freezing point have also led to itsuse as a low-temperature brine.

Freon 12 (CCl2F2) has a boiling point of −21.6°F (−29.8°C) and is oneof the most widely known and used Freon refrigerants. It is usedprincipally in household and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning. It is used for refrigerators, frozen food locker plants,water coolers, room and window air-conditioning units and similarequipment. It is generally used in reciprocating compressors rangingin size from fractional to 800 hp. It is also used in the smaller rotary-type compressors (see Fig. 5-2).

Freon 13 (CClF3) has a boiling point of −114.6°F (−81.4°C) and is usedin low-temperature specialty applications using reciprocating com-pressors and generally in cascade with Freon 12, Freon 22, or Freon 522.

Freon 22 (CHClF2) has a boiling point of −41.4°F (−40.8°C) and is usedin all types of household and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning applications with reciprocating compressors. The out-standing thermodynamic properties of Freon 22 permit the use of

176 Chapter Five

Figure 5-2 Freon can be purchased in a number of sizes. (Courtesyof Virginia Chemical.)

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smaller equipment than is possible with similar refrigerants. This makesit especially attractive for uses where size is a problem (see Fig. 5-3).

Freon 113 (CCl2F CClF2) has a boiling point of 117.6°F (47.6°C). It isused in commercial and industrial air-conditioning and process waterand brine cooling with centrifugal compression. It is especially usefulin small tonnage applications.

Freon 114 (CClF2 CClF2) has a boiling point of 38.8°F (3.8°C). It is usedin small refrigeration systems with rotary-type compressors. It isused in large industrial process cooling and air-conditioning systemsusing multistage centrifugal compressors.

Freon 500 (CCl2F2) is an azeotropic mixture. Azeotropic means that amixture is liquid, maintains a constant boiling point, and produces avapor of the same composition as the mixture with CH3CHF2. It is com-posed of 73.8 percent Freon 12 (CCl2F2) and 26.2 percent CH3CHF2.

It boils at −28.3°F (−33.5°C). It is used in home and commercial air-conditioning in small and medium-size equipment and in some refrig-eration applications.

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Figure 5-3 Freon 22 is marketedin containers of various sizes,such as 1-lb, 2-lb, and 15-lb cans.(Courtesy of Virginia Chemical.)

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Freon 502 is an azeotropic mixture also. It consists of 48.8 percent ofFreon 22 and 51.2 percent of Freon 115, by weight. It boils at −49.72°F(−45.4°C). With Freon 502, refrigeration capacity is greater than withFreon 22. Note the pressure differences on the pressure gage inFig. 5-4. Discharge temperatures are comparable to those found withFreon 12. It is finding new applications in low and medium-temperature cabinets for the display and storage of foodstuffs, in foodfreezing, and in heat pumps.

Freon 503 is an azeotropic mixture of CHF3 and CClF3. The weightratio is 40 percent CHF3 and 60 percent CClF3. The boiling point ofthis mixture is −127.6°F (−88.7°C). It is used in low-temperaturecascade systems.

Freon 13B1 CBrF3 boils at −72°F (−57.8°C). It serves the temperaturerange between Freon 502 and Freon 13.

These are some of the refrigerants that are now under close scrutinybecause of their chlorine content and their effect on the environment.Some have been banned and cannot be manufactured anywhere in theworld. Others are being phased out gradually and replaced by a newcombination of chemicals.

Reaction of Freon to Various Materials Found in Refrigeration Systems


Most of the commonly used construction metals, such as steel, cast iron,brass, copper, tin, lead, and aluminum, can be used satisfactorily with theFreon compounds under normal conditions of use. At high temperatures

178 Chapter Five

Figure 5-4 Pressure gage for R-12,R-22, and R-502. (Courtesy ofMarsh.)

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some of the metals may act as catalysts for the breakdown of the com-pound. The tendency of metals to promote thermal decomposition ofthe Freon compounds is in the following general order. Those metals thatleast promote thermal decomposition are listed first.

Inconel Stainless steel Nickel 1340 steel Aluminum Copper Bronze Brass Silver

The above order is only approximate. Exceptions may be found forindividual Freon compounds or for special conditions of use.

Magnesium alloys and aluminum containing more than 2 percentmagnesium are not recommended for use in systems containing Freoncompounds where water may be present. Zinc is not recommended foruse with Freon 113. Experience with zinc and other Freon compoundshas been limited and no unusual reactivity has been observed. However,it is more chemically reactive than other common construction metals.Thus, it would seem wise to avoid its use with the Freon compoundsunless adequate testing is carried out.

Some metals may be questionable for use in applications requiringcontact with Freon compounds for long periods of time or unusual con-ditions of exposure. These metals, however, can be cleaned safely withFreon solvents. Cleaning applications are usually for short exposuresat moderate temperatures.

Most halocarbons may react violently with highly reactive materials,such as sodium, potassium, and barium in their free metallic form.Materials become more reactive when finely grinded or powdered. In thisstate, magnesium and aluminum may react with fluorocarbons, espe-cially at higher temperatures. Highly reactive materials should not bebrought into contact with fluorocarbons until a careful study is made andappropriate safety precautions are taken.


A brief summary of the effect of Freon compounds on various plasticmaterials follows. However, compatibility should be tested for specificapplications. Differences in polymer structure and molecular weight,

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plasticizers, temperature, and pressure may alter the resistance of theplastic toward the Freon compound.

Teflon TFE-fluorocarbon resin: No swelling observed when submergedin Freon liquids, but some diffusion found with Freon 12 and Freon 22.

Polychlorotrifluoroethylene: Slight swelling, but generally suitablefor use with Freon compounds.

Polyvinyl alcohol: Not affected by the Freon compounds, but very sensi-tive to water. Used especially in tubing with an outer protective coating.

Vinyl: Resistance to the Freon compounds depends on vinyl type andplasticizer. Considerable variation is found. Samples should be testedbefore use.

Orlon acrylic fiber: Generally suitable for use with the Freon compounds.

Nylon: Generally suitable for use with Freon compounds, but may tendto become brittle at high temperatures in the presence of air or water.Tests at 250°F (121°C) with Freon 12 and Freon 22 showed the pres-ence of water or alcohol to be undesirable. Adequate testing should becarried out.

Polyethylene: May be suitable for some applications at room temper-atures. However, it should be thoroughly tested since greatly differ-ent results have been found with different samples.

Lucite acrylic resin (methacrylate polymers): Dissolved by Freon 22.However, it is generally suitable for use with Freon 12 and Freon 114for short exposure. On long exposure, it tends to crack, craze, andbecome cloudy. Use with Freon 113 may be questionable. It probablyshould not be used with Freon 11.

Cast Lucite acrylic resin: It is much more resistant to the effect of sol-vents than extruded resin. It can probably be used with most of theFreon compounds.

Polystyrene: Considerable variation found in individual samples.However, it is generally not suited for use with Freon compounds.Some applications might be all right with Freon 114.

Phenolic resins: Usually not affected by the Freon compounds.However, composition of resins of this type may be quite different.Samples should be tested before use.

Epoxy resins: Resistant to most solvents and entirely suitable for usewith the Freon compounds.

Cellulose acetate or nitrate: Suitable for use with Freon compounds.

Delrin-acetal resin: Suitable for use with Freon compounds undermost conditions.

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Elastomers: Considerable variation is found in the effect of the Freoncompounds on elastomers. The effect depends on the particular com-pound and elastomer type. In nearly all cases a satisfactory combi-nation can be found. In some instances the presence of other materials,such as oils, may give unexpected results. Thus, preliminary testingof the system involved is recommended.

Refrigerant Properties

Refrigerants can be characterized by a number of properties. Theseproperties are pressure, temperature, volume, density, and enthalpy.Also, flammability, ability to mix with oil, moisture reaction, odor, tox-icity, leakage tendency, and leakage detection are important propertiesthat characterize refrigerants.

Freon refrigerants R-11, R-12, R-22, plus ammonia and water will beused to show their properties in relationship to the above mentioned cat-egories. Freon R-11, R-12, and R-22 are common Freon refrigerants. Thenumber assigned to ammonia is R-717, while water has the number R-718.


The pressure of a refrigeration system is important. It determines howsturdy the equipment must be to hold the refrigerant. The refrigerantmust be compressed and sent to various parts of the system under pres-sure. The main concern is keeping the pressure as low as possible. Theideal low-side pressure or evaporating, pressure should be as nearatmospheric pressure (14.7 psi) as possible. This keeps down the priceof the equipment. It also puts positive pressure on the system at allpoints. By having a small pressure, it is possible to prevent air andmoisture from entering the system. In the case of vacuum or low pres-sure, it is possible for a leak to suck in air and moisture. Note the fiverefrigerants and their pressures in Table 5-5.

Freon R-11 is used in very large systems because it requires more refrig-erant than others—even though it has the best pressure characteristics

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TABLE 5-5 Operating Pressures

Evaporating Condensing pressure pressure

Refrigerant (PSIG) at 5°F (PSIG) at 86°F

R-11 24.0 in. Hg 3.6R-12 11.8 93.2R-22 28.3 159.8R-717 19.6 154.5R-718 29.7 28.6

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of the group. Several factors must be considered before a suitable refrig-erant is found. There is no ideal refrigerant for all applications.


Temperature is important in selecting a refrigerant for a particular job.The boiling temperature is that point at which a liquid is vaporized uponthe addition of heat. This, of course, depends upon the refrigerant andthe absolute pressure at the surface of the liquid and vapor. Note thatin Table 5-6, R-22 has the lowest boiling temperature. Water (R-718)has the highest boiling temperature. Atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi.

Once again, there is no ideal atmospheric boiling temperature for arefrigerant. However, temperature-pressure relationships are impor-tant in choosing a refrigerant for a particular job.


Specific volume is defined as the definite weight of a material. Usuallyexpressed in terms of cubic feet per pound, the volume is the reciprocalof density. The specific volume of a refrigerant is the number of cubicfeet of gas that is formed when 1 lb of the refrigerant is vaporized.This is an important factor to be considered when choosing the size ofrefrigeration system components. Compare the specific volumes at 5°F(−15°C) of the five refrigerants we have chosen. Freon R-12 and R-22

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TABLE 5-6 Boiling Temperature

ASHRAE number Type of refrigerant Class of refrigerant Boiling point °F (°C)

123 Single component HCFC 82.2 (27.9)11 Single component CFC 74.9 (23.8)245fa Single component HFC 59.5 (15.3)236fa Single component HFC 29.5 (−1.4)134a Single component HFC −15.1 (−26.2)12 Single component CFC −21.6 (−29.8)401A Zeotrope HCFC −27.7 (−32.2)500 Azeotrope CFC −28.3 (−33.5)409A Zeotrope HCFC −29.6 (−34.2)22 Single component HCFC −41.5 (−40.8)407C Zeotrope HFC −46.4 (−43.6)502 Azeotrope CFC −49.8 (−45.4)408A Zeotrope HCFC −49.8 (−45.4)404A Zeotrope HFC −51.0 (−46.1)507 Azetrope HFC −52.1 (−46.7)402A Zeotrope HCFC −54.8 (−48.2)410A Zeotrope HFC −62.9 (−52.7)13 Single component CFC −114.6 (−81.4)23 Single component HFC −115.7 (−82.1)508B Azeotrope HFC −125.3 (−87.4)503 Azeotrope CFC −126.1 (−87.8)

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(the most often used refrigerants) have the lowest specific volumes asvapors. Refer to Table 5-7.


Density is defined as the mass or weight per unit of volume. In the caseof a refrigerant, it is the weight in terms of volume given in pounds percubic foot. Note in Table 5-8 that the density of R-11 is the greatest. Thedensity of R-717 (ammonia) is the least.


Enthalpy is the total heat in a refrigerant. The sensible heat plus thelatent heat makes up the total heat. Latent heat is the amount of heatrequired to change the refrigerant from a liquid to a gas. The latent heatof vaporization is a measure of the heat per pound that the refrigerantcan absorb from an area to be cooled. It is, therefore, a measure of thecooling potential of the refrigerant circulated through a refrigerationsystem (see Table 5-9). Latent heat is expressed in Btu per pound.

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TABLE 5-7 Specific Volumes at 5°F

Liquid volume Vapor volumeRefrigerant (ft3/lb) (ft3/lb)

R-11 0.010 12.27R-12 0.011 1.49R-22 0.012 1.25R-717 0.024 8.15R-718 (water) 0.016 12 444.40

TABLE 5-8 Liquid Density at 86°F

Refrigerant Liquid density (lb/ft3)

R-11 91.4R-12 80.7R-22 73.4R-717 37.2R-718 62.4

TABLE 5-9 Enthalpy [Btu/lb. at 5°F (−15°C)]

Liquid Latent heat VaporRefrigerant enthalpy + of vaporization = enthalpy

R-11 8.88 + 84.00 = 92.88R-12 9.32 + 60.47 = 78.79R-22 11.97 + 93.59 = 105.56R-717 48.30 + 565.00 = 613.30R-718 (at 40°F) 8.05 + 1071.30 = 1079.35

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Of the five refrigerants mentioned so far, the only one that is flammableis ammonia. None of the Freon compounds is flammable or explosive.However, mixtures with flammable liquids or gases may be flammable andshould be handled carefully. Partially halogenated compounds may alsobe flammable and must be individually examined. If the refrigerant is usedaround fire, its flammability should be carefully considered. Some citycodes specify which refrigerants cannot be used within city limits.

Capability of mixing with oil

Some refrigerants mix well with oil. Others, such as ammonia and water,do not. The ability to mix with oil has advantages and disadvantages. Ifthe refrigerant mixes easily, parts of the system can be lubricated easilyby the refrigerant and its oil mixture. The refrigerant will bring the oilback to the compressor and moving parts for lubrication.

There is a disadvantage to the mixing of refrigerant and oil. If it iseasily mixed, the refrigerant can mix with the oil during the off cycleand then carry off the oil once the unit begins to operate again. Thismeans that the oil needed for lubrication is drawn off with the refrig-erant. This can cause damage to the compressor and moving parts. Withthis condition, there is foaming in the compressor crankcase and loss oflubrication. In some cases, the compressor is burned out. Procedures forcleaning up a burned out motor will be given later.

Moisture and refrigerants

Moisture should be kept out of refrigeration systems. It can corrodeparts of the system. Whenever low temperatures are produced, thewater or moisture can freeze. If freezing of the metering device occurs,then refrigerant flow is restricted or cut off. The system will have a lowefficiency or none at all. The degree of efficiency will depend upon theamount of icing or the part affected by the frozen moisture.

All refrigerants will absorb water to some degree. Those that absorbvery little water permit free water to collect and freeze at low-temperature points. Those that absorb a high amount of moisture willform corrosive acids and corrode the system. Some systems will allowwater to be absorbed and frozen. This causes corrosion.

Hydrolysis is the reaction of a material, such as Freon 12 or methylchloride, with water. Acid materials are formed. The hydrolysis rate forthe Freon compounds as a group is low compared with other halogenatedcompounds. Within the Freon group, however, there is considerablevariation. Temperature, pressure, and the presence of other materialsalso greatly affect the rate. Typical hydrolysis rates for the Freon com-pounds and other halogenated compounds are given in Table 5-10.

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With water alone at atmospheric pressure, the rate is too low to be deter-mined by the analytical method used. When catalyzed by the presence ofsteel, the hydrolysis rates are detectable but still quite low. At saturationpressures and a higher temperature, the rates are further increased.

Under neutral or acidic conditions, the presence of hydrogen in themolecule has little effect on the hydrolytic stability. However, underalkaline conditions compounds containing hydrogen, such as Freon 22and Freon 21, tend to be hydrolyzed more rapidly.


The five refrigerants are characterized by their distinct odor or theabsence of it. Freon R-11, R-12, and R-22 have a slight odor. Ammonia(R-717) has a very acrid odor and can be detected even in small amounts.Water (R-718), of course, has no odor.

A slight odor is needed in a refrigerant so that its leakage can bedetected. A strong odor may make it impossible to service equipment.Special gas masks may be needed. Some refrigerated materials may beruined if the odor is too strong. About the only time that an odor is pre-ferred in a refrigerant is when a toxic material is used for a refriger-ant. A refrigerant that may be very inflammable should have an odorso that its leakage can be detected easily to prevent fire or explosions.


Toxicity is the characteristic of a material that makes it intoxicating orpoisonous. Some refrigerants can be very toxic to humans, others maynot be toxic at all. The halogen refrigerants (R-11, R-12, and R-22) areharmless in their normal condition or state. However, they form a highlytoxic gas when an open flame is used around them.

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TABLE 5-10 Hydrolysis Rate in Water (Gram per Litre of Water per Year)

1 atm pressure 86°F Saturation pressure 122°F

Compound Water alone With steel with steel

CH3Cl ∗ ∗ 110CH2Cl2 ∗ ∗ 55Freon 113 <0.005 ca. 50† 40Freon 11 <0.005 ca. 10† 28Freon 12 <0.005 0.8 10Freon 21 <0.01 5.2 9Freon 114 <0.005 1.4 3Freon 22 <0.01 0.1 ∗Freon 502 <0.01†† <0.01††

∗Not measured†Observed rates vary††Estimated

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Water, of course, is not toxic. However, ammonia can be toxic if pres-ent in sufficient quantities. Make sure the manufacturer’s recommendedprocedures for handling are followed when working with refrigerants.

Tendency to leak

The size of the molecule makes a difference in the tendency of a refrig-erant to leak. The greater the molecular weight, the larger the holemust be for the refrigerant to escape. A check of the molecular weightof a refrigerant will indicate the problem it may present to a sealedrefrigeration system. Table 5-11 shows that R-11 has the least tendencyto leak, whereas ammonia is more likely to leak.

Detecting Leaks

There are several tests used to check for leaks in a closed refriger-ation system. Most of them are simple. Following are some usefulprocedures:

Hold the joint or suspected leakage point under water and watch forbubbles.

Coat the area suspected of leakage with a strong solution of soap. Ifa leak is present, soap bubbles will be produced.

Sulfur dioxide

To detect sulfur dioxide leaks, an ammonia swab may be used. The swabis made by soaking a sponge or cloth tied onto a stick or piece of wire in aquaammonia. Household ammonia may also be used. A dense white smokeforms when the ammonia comes in contact with the sulfur dioxide. Theusual soap bubble or oil test may be used when no ammonia is available.

If ammonia is used, check for leakage in the following ways:

Burn a sulfur stick in the area of the leak. If there is a leak, a densewhite smoke will be produced. The stronger the leak, the denser thewhite smoke.

Hold a wet litmus paper close to the suspected leak area. If there isa leak, the ammonia will cause the litmus paper to change color.

186 Chapter Five

TABLE 5-11 Molecular Weight of Selected Refrigerants

Refrigerant Molecular weight

R-11 137.4R-12 120.9R-22 86.5R-717 (ammonia) 17.0R-718 (water) 18.0

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Refrigerants that are halogenated hydrocarbons (Freon compounds)can be checked for leakage with a halide leak test. This involves hold-ing a torch or flame close to the leak area. If there is a refrigerant leak,the flame will turn green. In every instance, the room should be wellventilated when the torch test is made.

There is presently available an electronic detector for such refriger-ant leaks. The detector gives off a series of rapid clicks if the refriger-ant is present. The higher the concentration of the refrigerant, the morerapid the clicks (see Fig. 5-5).

Carbon dioxide

Leaks can be detected with a soap solution if there is internal pressureon the part to be tested. When carbon dioxide is present in the condenserwater, the water will turn yellow with the addition of bromothymol blue.


Leaks are detected (in small amounts of ammonia) when a lit sulfurcandle is used. The candle will give off a very thick, white smoke whenit contacts the ammonia leak. The use of phenolphthalein paper is alsoconsidered a good test. The smallest trace of ammonia will cause themoistened paper strip to turn pink. A large ammonia will cause thephenolphthalein paper to turn a vivid scarlet.

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Figure 5-5 A handheld electronicleak detector. (Courtesy of ThermalEngineering.)

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Methyl chloride

Leaks are detected by a leak-detecting halide torch (see Fig. 5-6). Sometorches use alcohol for fuel and produce a colorless flange. When amethyl chloride leak is detected, the flame turns green. A brilliant blueflame is produced when large or stronger concentrations are present. Inevery instance, the room should be well ventilated when the torch testis made. The combustion of the refrigerant and the flame producesharmful chemicals. If a safe atmosphere is not present, the soap bubbletest or oil test should be used to check for leaks.

As mentioned, methyl chloride is hard to detect with the nose or eyes.It does not produce irritating effects. Therefore, some manufacturers adda 1 percent amount of acrolein as a warning agent. Acrolein is a color-less liquid (C3H4O) with a pungent odor.

Ban on Production and Importsof Ozone-Depleting Refrigerants

In 1987, the Montreal Protocol, an international environmental agree-ment, established requirements that began the worldwide phaseout of

188 Chapter Five

Figure 5-6 A halide gas leakdetector. (Courtesy of Turner.)

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ozone depleting CFCs which are the chlorofluorocarbons. These require-ments were later modified. This lead to the phaseout, in 1996, of CFCproduction in all developed nations. In 1992, an amendment to theMontreal Protocol established a schedule for the phaseout of HCFCs.These are the refrigerants called hydrochlorofluorocarbons.

HCFCs are substantially less damaging to the ozone layer than CFCs.However, they still contain ozone-destroying chlorine. The MontrealProtocol, as amended, is carried out in the United States through TitleVI of the Clean Air Act. This act is implemented by the EPA orEnvironmental Protection Agency.

An HCFC, known as R-22, has been the refrigerant of choice for res-idential heat pump and air-conditioning systems for more than fourdecades. Unfortunately for the environment, releases of R-22 that resultsfrom system leaks contribute to ozone depletion. In addition, the man-ufacture of R-22 results in a by-product that contributes significantlyto global warming.

As the manufacture of R-22 is phased out over the coming years as partof the agreement to end production of HCFCs, manufacturers of residen-tial air-conditioning systems are beginning to offer equipment that usesozone-friendly refrigerants. Many homeowners may be misinformed abouthow much longer R-22 will be available to service their central AC systemsand heat pumps. The future availability of R-22, and the new refrigerantsthat are replacing R-22 will be covered here. The EPA document assistsconsumers in deciding what to consider when purchasing a new AC systemor heat pump, or when having an existing system repaired.

Phaseout Schedule for HCFCs, Including R-22

Under the terms of the Montreal Protocol, the United States agreed tomeet certain obligations by specific dates. That will affect the residen-tial heat pump and air-conditioning industry:

January 1, 2004: In accordance with the terms of the Protocol, theamount of all HCFCs that can be produced nationwide had to bereduced by 35 percent by 2004. In order to achieve this goal, theUnited States ceased production of HCFC-141b, the most ozone dam-aging of this class of chemicals, on January 1, 2003. This productionban should greatly reduce nationwide use of HCFCs as a group andmake it likely that the 2004 deadline had a minimal effect on R-22supplies.

January 1, 2010: After 2010, chemical manufacturers may still pro-duce R-22. But this is to service existing equipment and not for usein new equipment. As a result, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system manufacturers will only be able to usepreexisting supplies of R-22 in the production of new air conditioners

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and heat pumps. These existing supplies will include R-22 recoveredfrom existing equipment and recycled by licensed reclaimers.

January 1, 2020: Use of existing refrigerant, including refrigerantthat has been recovered, and recycled, will be allowed beyond 2020 toservice existing systems. However, chemical manufacturers will nolonger be able to produce R-22 to service existing air conditioners andheat pumps.

What does the R-22 phaseout mean for consumers? The followingparagraphs are an attempt to answer this question.

Availability of R-22

The Clean Air Act does not allow any refrigerant to be vented into theatmosphere during installation, service, or retirement of equipment.Therefore, R-22 must be

Recovered and recycled (for reuse in the same system) reclaimed(reprocessed to the same purity levels as new R-22)


After 2020, the servicing of R-22-based systems will rely on recycledrefrigerants. It is expected that reclamation and recycling will ensurethat existing supplies of R-22 will last longer and be available to serv-ice a greater number of systems. As noted above, chemical manufac-turers will be able to produce R-22 for use in new air-conditioningequipment until 2010, and they can continue production of R-22 until2020 for use in servicing that equipment. Given this schedule, the tran-sition away from R-22 to the use of ozone-friendly refrigerants shouldbe smooth. For the next 20 years or more, R-22 should continue to beavailable for all systems that require R-22 for servicing.

Cost of R-22

While consumers should be aware that prices of R-22 may increase assupplies dwindle over the next 20 or 30 years, EPA believes that con-sumers are not likely to be subjected to major price increases within ashort time period. Although there is no guarantee that service costs ofR-22 will not increase, the lengthy phaseout period for R-22 means thatmarket conditions should not be greatly affected by the volatility andresulting refrigerant price hikes that have characterized the phaseoutof R-12, the refrigerant used in automotive air-conditioning systemsand replaced by R-134a.

Alternatives to R-22

Alternatives for residential air-conditioning will be needed as R-22 isgradually phased out. Non-ozone-depleting alternative refrigerants are

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being introduced. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA reviews alternatives toozone-depleting substances (ODSs) like R-22 in order to evaluate theireffects on human health and the environment. The EPA has reviewed sev-eral of these alternatives to R-22 and has compiled a list of substitutesthat the EPA has determined are acceptable. One of these substitutes isR-410A, a blend of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), substances that do notcontribute to depletion of the ozone layer, but, like R-22, contribute toglobal warming. R-410A is manufactured and sold under various tradenames, including Genetron AZ 20, SUVA 410A, and Puron. Additionalrefrigerants on the list of acceptable substitutes include R-134a and R-407C. These two refrigerants are not yet available for residential appli-cations in the United States, but are commonly found in residentialair-conditioning systems and heat pumps in Europe. EPA will continueto review new non-ozone-depleting refrigerants as they are developed.

Servicing existing units

Existing units using R-22 can continue to be serviced with R-22. Thereis no EPA requirement to change or convert R-22 units for use with a non-ozone-depleting substitute refrigerant. In addition, the new substituterefrigerants cannot be used without making some changes to systemcomponents. As a result, service technicians who repair leaks to thesystem will continue to charge R-22 into the system as part of that repair.

Installing new units

The transition away from ozone-depleting R-22 to systems that rely onreplacement refrigerants like R-410A has required redesign of heatpump and air-conditioning systems. New systems incorporate compres-sors and other components specifically designed for use with specificreplacement refrigerants. With these significant product and productionprocess changes, testing and training must also change. Consumersshould be aware that dealers of systems that use substitute refrigerantsshould be schooled in installation and service techniques required foruse of that substitute refrigerant.

Servicing your system

Along with prohibiting the production of ozone-depleting refrigerants,the Clean Air Act also mandates the use of common sense in handlingrefrigerants. By containing and using refrigerants responsibly—thatis, by recovering, recycling, and reclaiming, and by reducing leaks—theirozone depletion and global warming consequences are minimized. TheClean Air Act outlines specific refrigerant containment and managementpractices for HVAC manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and technicians.Properly installed home comfort systems rarely develop refrigerantleaks, and with proper servicing, a system using R-22, R-410A or another

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refrigerant will minimize its impact on the environment. While EPA doesnot mandate repairing or replacing small systems because of leaks,system leaks can not only harm the environment, but also result inincreased maintenance costs.

One important thing a homeowner can do for the environment, regard-less of the refrigerant used, is to select a reputable dealer that employsservice technicians who are EPA-certified to handle refrigerants.Technicians often call this certification “Section 608 certification,” refer-ring to the part of the Clean Air Act that requires minimizing releasesof ozone-depleting chemicals from HVAC equipment.

Purchasing new systems

Another important thing a homeowner can do for the environment is topurchase a highly energy-efficient system. Energy-efficient systemsresult in cost savings for the homeowner. Today’s best air conditionersuse much less energy to produce the same amount of cooling as air con-ditioners made in the mid-1970s. Even if your air conditioner is only 10years old, you may save significantly on your cooling energy costs byreplacing it with a newer, more efficient model. Products with EPA’sEnergy Star label can save homeowners 10 to 40 percent on their heat-ing and cooling bills every year. These products are made by most majormanufacturers and have the same features as standard products, but alsoincorporate energy saving technology. Both R-22 and R-410A systemsmay have the Energy Star label. Equipment that displays the EnergyStar label must have a minimum seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER).The higher the SEER specification, the more efficient the equipment.

Energy efficiency, along with performance, reliability and cost, shouldbe considered in making a decision. And don’t forget that when purchas-ing a new system, you can also speed the transition away from ozone-depleting R-22 by choosing a system that uses ozone-friendly refrigerants.

Air-Conditioning and Working with Halon

Several regulations have been issued under Section 608 of the Clean AirAct to govern the recycling of refrigerants in stationary systems and toend the practice of venting refrigerants to the air. These regulations alsogovern the handling of halon fire extinguishing agents. A Web site andboth the regulations themselves and fact sheets are available from theEPA Stratospheric Ozone Hotline at 1-800-296-1996.

NOTE: The handling and recycling of refrigerants used in motor vehi-cle air-conditioning systems are governed under Section 609 of theClean Air Act.

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General information

April 13, 2005: EPA finalized a rulemaking amending the defini-tion of refrigerant to make certain that it only included substitutesthat consisted of a class I or class II ozone-depleting substance.This rulemaking also amended the venting prohibition to make cer-tain that it remains illegal to knowingly vent nonexempt substitutesthat do not consist of a class I or class II ODS, such as R-134a andR-410A.

January 11, 2005: EPApublished a final rule extending the leak repairrequired practices and the associated reporting and record keepingrequirements to owners and/or operators of comfort cooling, commer-cial refrigeration, or industrial process refrigeration appliances con-taining more than 50 lb of a substitute refrigerant, if the substitutecontains a class I or class II ozone-depleting substance. In addition, EPAhas defined leak rate in terms of the percentage of the appliance’s fullcharge that would be lost over a consecutive 12-month period, if the cur-rent rate of loss were to continue over that period. EPA now requirescalculation of the leak rate every time that refrigerant is added to anappliance.

March 12, 2004: EPA finalized rulemaking sustaining the Clean AirAct prohibition against venting HFC and perfluorocarbon (PFC) refrig-erants. This rulemaking found that the known venting of HFC andPFC refrigerants during the maintenance, service, repair, and disposalof air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment (i.e., appliances)remained illegal under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act. The ruling alsorestricted the sale of HFC refrigerants that consist of an ODS to EPA-certified technicians. However, HFC refrigerants and HFC refrigerantblends that did not consist of an ODS are not covered under “TheRefrigerant Sales Restriction,” a brochure that documents the envi-ronmental and financial reasons to replace CFC chillers with new,energy-efficient equipment. A partnership of governments, manufac-turers, NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), and others haveendorsed the brochure to eliminate uncertainty and underscore thewisdom of replacing CFC chillers.

Leak Repair

The leak repair requirements, promulgated under Section 608 of theClean Air Act Amendments of 1990, require that when an owner oroperator of an appliance that normally contains a refrigerant charge ofmore than 50 lb discovers that refrigerant is leaking at a rate thatwould exceed the applicable trigger rate during a 12-month period, theowner or operator must take corrective action.

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Trigger rates

For all appliances that have a refrigerant charge of more than 50 lb, thefollowing leak rates for a 12-month period are applicable (Table 5-12):

In general, owners or operators must either repair leaks within 30 daysfrom the date the leak was discovered, or develop a dated retrofit/retire-ment plan within 30 days and complete actions under that plan within1 year from the plan’s date. However, for industrial process refrigera-tion equipment and some federally owned chillers, additional time maybe available.

Industrial process refrigeration is defined as complex customizedappliances used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, andmanufacturing industries. These appliances are directly linked to theindustrial process. This sector also includes industrial ice machines,appliances used directly in the generation of electricity, and in ice rinks.If at least 50 percent of an appliance’s capacity is used in an industrialprocess refrigeration application, the appliance is considered industrialprocess refrigeration equipment and the trigger rate is 35 percent.

Industrial process refrigeration equipment and federally ownedchillers must conduct initial and follow-up verification tests at the con-clusion of any repair efforts. These tests are essential to ensure that therepairs have been successful. In cases where an industrial process shut-down is required, a repair period of 120 days is substituted for thenormal 30-day repair period. Any appliance that requires additionaltime may be subject to record keeping/reporting requirements.

When additional time is necessary

Additional time is permitted for conducting leak repairs where the nec-essary repair parts are unavailable or if other applicable federal, state,or local regulations make a repair within 30 to 120 days impossible. Ifowners or operators choose to retrofit or retire appliances, a retrofit orretirement plan must be developed within 30 days of detecting a leak ratethat exceeds the trigger rates. A copy of the plan must be kept on site.The original plan must be made available to EPA upon request. Activitiesunder the plan must be completed within 12 months (from the date ofthe plan). If a request is made within 6 months from the expiration of

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TABLE 5-12 Trigger Leak Rates

Appliance type Trigger leak rate

Commercial refrigeration 35%Industrial process refrigeration 35%Comfort cooling 15%All other appliances 15%

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the initial 30-day period, additional time beyond the 12-month period isavailable for owners or operators of industrial process refrigeration equip-ment and federally owned chillers in the following cases: EPA will permitadditional time to the extent reasonably necessary where a delay iscaused by the requirements of other applicable federal, state, or local reg-ulations; or where a suitable replacement refrigerant, in accordance withthe regulations promulgated under Section 612, is not available; andEPA will permit one additional 12-month period where an appliance iscustom built and the supplier of the appliance or a critical component hasquoted a delivery time of more than 30 weeks from when the order wasplaced, (assuming the order was placed in a timely manner). In somecases, EPA may provide additional time beyond this extra year where arequest is made by the end of the ninth month of the extra year.

Relief from retrofit/retirement

The owners or operators of industrial process refrigeration equipmentor federally owned chillers may be relieved from the retrofit or repairrequirements if

second efforts to repair the same leaks that were subject to the firstrepair efforts are successful, or

within 180 days of the failed follow-up verification test, the owners oroperators determine the leak rate is below 35 percent. In this case, theowners or operators must notify EPA as to how this determination willbe made, and must submit the information within 30 days of thefailed verification test.

System mothballing

For all appliances subject to the leak repair requirements, the time-lines may be suspended if the appliance has undergone system moth-balling. System mothballing means the intentional shutting down ofa refrigeration appliance undertaken for an extended period of time wherethe refrigerant has been evacuated from the appliance or the affected iso-lated section of the appliance to at least atmospheric pressure. However,the timelines pick up again as soon as the system is brought back online.

EPA-Certified Refrigerant Reclaimers

The EPA listing of reclaimers is updated when additional refrigerantreclaimers are approved. Reclaimers appearing on this list are approvedto reprocess used refrigerant to at least the purity specified in appen-dix A to 40 CFR part 82, subpart F (based on ARI Standard 700,“Specifications for Fluorocarbon and Other Refrigerants”). Reclamationof used refrigerant by an EPA-certified reclaimer is required in order to

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sell used refrigerant not originating from and intended for use withmotor vehicle air conditioners.

The EPA encourages reclaimers to participate in a voluntary third-party reclaimer certification program operated by the Air-Conditioningand Refrigeration Institute (ARI). The volunteer program offered bythe ARI involves quarterly testing of random samples of reclaimedrefrigerant. Third-party certification can enhance the attractiveness ofa reclaimer’s program by providing an objective assessment of its purity.

Newer Refrigerants

Since the world has become aware of the damage the Freon refrigerantscan do to the ozone layer, there has been a mad scramble to obtain newrefrigerants that can replace all those now in use. There are some prob-lems with adjusting the new and especially existing equipment to theproperties of new refrigerant blends.

It is difficult to directly replace R-12 for instance. It has been themainstay in refrigeration equipment for years. However, the automobileair-conditioning industry has been able to reformulate R-12 to producean acceptable substitute, R-134a. There are others now available tosubstitute in the more sophisticated equipment with large amounts ofrefrigerants. Some of these will be covered here.

Freon Refrigerants

The Freon family of refrigerants has been one of the major factorsresponsible for the impressive growth of not only the home refrigerationand air-conditioning industry, but also the commercial refrigerationindustry. The safe properties of these products have permitted theiruse under conditions where flammable or more toxic refrigerants wouldbe hazardous.


Following were commonly used Freon refrigerants:

Freon 11: Freon 11 has a boiling point of 74.8°F (24°C) and haswide usage as a refrigerant in indirect industrial and commercialair-conditioning systems employing single or multistage centrifu-gal compressors with capacities of 100 ton and above. Freon 11 isalso employed as brine for low-temperature applications. It providesrelatively low operating pressures with moderate displacementrequirements.

Freon 12: The boiling point of Freon 12 is −21.7°F (−30°C). It is the mostwidely known and used Freon refrigerant. It is used principally in house-hold and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning units, for

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refrigerators, frozen-food cabinets, ice cream cabinets, food-locker plants,water coolers, room and window air-conditioning units, and similarequipment. It is generally used in reciprocating compressors, rangingin size from fractional to 800 hp. Rotary compressors are useful in smallunits. The use of centrifugal compressors with Freon 12 for large air-conditioning and process-cooling applications is increasing.

Freon 13: The boiling point of Freon 13 is −144.6°F (−98°C). It is usedin low-temperature specialty applications employing reciprocatingcompressors and generally in cascade with Freon 12 or Freon 22.

Freon 21: Freon 21 has a boiling point of 48°F (8.8°C). It is used infractional-horsepower household refrigerating systems and drinking-water coolers employing rotary vane-type compressors. Freon 21 is alsoused in comfort-cooling air-conditioning systems of the absorption typewhere dimethyl ether or tetraethylene glycol is used as the absorbent.

Freon 22: The boiling point of Freon 22 is −41.4°F (−40.7°C). It is usedin all types of household and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning applications with reciprocating compressors. The out-standing thermodynamic properties of Freon 22 permit the use ofsmaller equipment than is possible with similar refrigerants, makingit especially suitable where size is a problem.

Freon 113: The boiling point of Freon 113 is 117.6°F (47.5°C). It is usedin commercial and industrial air-conditioning and process water andbrine cooling with centrifugal compression. It is especially useful insmall-tonnage applications.

Freon 114: The boiling point of Freon 114 is 38.4°F (3.5°C). It is used asa refrigerant in fractional-horsepower household refrigerating systemsand drinking-water coolers employing rotary vane-type compressors.It is also used in indirect industrial and commercial air-conditioningsystems and in industrial process water and brine cooling to −70°F(−56.6°C) employing multistage centrifugal-type compressors in cas-cade of 100 tons refrigerating capacity and larger.

Freon 115: The boiling point of Freon 115 is −37.7°F (−38.72°C). It isespecially stable, offering a particularly low discharge temperature inreciprocating compressors. Its capacity exceeds that of Freon 12 by asmuch as 50 percent in low-temperature systems. Its potential applica-tions include household refrigerators and automobile air-conditioning.

Freon 502: Freon 502 is an azeotropic mixture composed of 48.8 percentFreon 22 and 51.2 percent Freon 115 by weight. It boils at −50.1°F(−45.61°C). Because it permits achieving the capacity of Freon 22 withdischarge temperatures comparable to Freon 12, it is finding new recip-rocating compressor applications in low-temperature display cabinetsand in storing and freezing of food.

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Properties of Freons

The Freon refrigerants are colorless and almost odorless, and their boilingpoints vary over a wide range of temperatures. Those Freon refrigerantsthat are produced are nontoxic, noncorrosive, nonirritating, and nonflam-mable under all conditions of usage. They are generally prepared by replac-ing chlorine or hydrogen with fluorine. Chemically, Freon refrigerants areinert and thermally stable up to temperatures far beyond conditionsfound in actual operation. However, Freon is harmful when allowed toescape into the atmosphere. It can deplete the ozone layer around the earthand cause more harmful ultraviolet rays to reach the surface of the earth.

Physical properties. The pressures required in liquefying the refrigerantvapor affect the design of the system. The refrigerating effect and specificvolume of the refrigerant vapor determine the compressor displacement.The heat of vaporization and specific volume of the liquid refrigerantaffect the quantity of refrigerant to be circulated through the pressure-regulating valve or other system device.

Flammability. Freon is nonflammable and noncombustible under condi-tions where appreciable quantities contact flame or hot metal surfaces. Itrequires an open flame at 1382°F (750°C) to decompose the vapor. Even atthis temperature, only the vapor decomposes to form hydrogen chloride andhydrogen fluoride, which are irritating but are readily dissolved in water.Air mixtures are not capable of burning and contain no elements that willsupport combustion. For this reason, Freon is considered nonflammable.

Amount of liquid refrigerant circulated. It should be noted that the Freonrefrigerants have relatively low heat values, but this must not be con-sidered a disadvantage. It simply means that a greater volume of liquidmust be circulated per unit of time to produce the desired amount ofrefrigeration. It does not concern the amount of refrigerant in thesystem. Actually, it is a decided advantage (especially in the smaller- orlow-tonnage systems) to have a refrigerant with low heat values. Thisis because the larger quantity of liquid refrigerant to be metered throughthe liquid-regulating device will permit the use of more accurate andmore positive operating and regulating mechanisms of less sensitive andless critical adjustments. Table 5-13 lists the quantities of liquid refrig-erant metered or circulated per minute under standard ton conditions.

Volume (piston) displacement. For reason of compactness, cost of equip-ment, reduction of friction, and compressor speed, the volume of gasthat must be compressed per unit of time for a given refrigeratingeffect, in general, should be as low as possible. Freon 12 has relativelya low-volume displacement, which makes it suitable for use in recip-rocating compressors, ranging from the smallest size to those of up to

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800-ton capacity, including compressors for household and commercialrefrigeration. Freon 12 also permits the construction of compact rotarycompressors in the commercial sizes. Generally, low-volume dis-placement (high-pressure) refrigerants are used in reciprocating com-pressors; high-volume displacement (low-pressure) refrigerants areused in large-tonnage centrifugal compressors; intermediate-volume(intermediate-pressure) refrigerants are used in rotary compressors.There is no standard rule governing this usage.

Condensing pressure. Condensing (high-side) pressure should be low toallow construction of lightweight equipment, which affects power con-sumption, compactness, and installation. High pressure increases thetendency toward leakage on the low side as well as the high side whenpressure is built up during idle periods. In addition, pressure is veryimportant from the standpoint of toxicity and fire hazard.

In general, a low-volume displacement accompanies a high-condensingpressure, and a compromise must usually be drawn between the two inselecting a refrigerant. Freon 12 presents a balance between volume dis-placement and condensing pressure. Extra-heavy construction is notrequired for this type of refrigerant, and so there is little or nothing tobe gained from the standpoint of weight of equipment in using a lower-pressure refrigerant.

Evaporating pressure. Evaporating (low-side) pressures above atmos-pheric pressure are desirable to avoid leakage of moisture-laden air intothe refrigerating systems and permit easier detection of leaks. This isespecially important with open-type units. Air in the system will increasethe head pressures, resulting in inefficient operations, and may adverselyaffect the lubricant. Moisture in the system will cause corrosion and, inaddition, may freeze out and stop operation of the equipment.

In general, the higher the evaporating pressure, the higher the con-densing pressure under a given set of temperatures. Therefore, to keephead pressures at a minimum and still have positive low-side pressures,

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TABLE 5-13 Quantities of Refrigerant Circulated per Minute Under Standard TonConditions

Specific gravity Pounds expanded Ft3/lb liquid Liquid expanded liquid 86°F

Refrigerant per minute 86°F per minute, in3 (water-1)

Freon 22 2.887 0.01367 67.97 1.177Freon 12 3.916 0.0124 83.9 1.297Freon 114 4.64 0.01112 89.16 1.443Freon 21 2.237 0.01183 45.73 1.360Freon 11 2.961 0.01094 55.976 1.468Freon 113 3.726 0.01031 66.48 1.555

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the refrigerant selected should have a boiling point at atmospheric pres-sure as close as possible to the lowest temperature to be produced underordinary operating conditions. Freon 12, with a boiling point of −21.7°F(−29.83°C), is close to ideal in this respect for most refrigeration appli-cations. A still lower boiling point is of some advantage only when loweroperating temperatures are required.

Refrigerant Characteristics

The freezing point of a refrigerant should be below any temperature thatmight be encountered in the system. The freezing point of all refriger-ants, except water [32°F (0°C)] and carbon dioxide [−69.9°F (−56.61°C),triple point], are far below the temperatures that might be encounteredin their use. Freon-12 has a freezing point of −247°F (−155°C). See App.A for more details on refrigerants.

Critical temperature

The critical temperature of a refrigerant is the highest temperature atwhich it can be condensed to a liquid, regardless of a higher pressure.It should be above the highest condensing temperature that might beencountered. With air-cooled condensers, in general, this would be above130°F (54.44°C). Loss of efficiency caused by superheating of the refrig-erant vapor on compression and by throttling expansion of the liquid isgreater when the critical temperature is low.

All common refrigerants have satisfactorily high critical temperatures,except carbon dioxide [87.8°F (31°C)] and ethane [89.8°F (32.11°C)].

These two refrigerants require condensers cooled to temperatures belowtheir respective critical temperatures, thus generally requiring water.

Hydrofluorocarbons. There are some hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants(such as R-134a) that are made to eliminate the problems with refrig-erants in the atmosphere caused by leaks in systems. The R-134a is anon-ozone-depleting refrigerant used in vehicle air-conditioning sys-tems. DuPont’s brand name is Suva, and the product is produced in aplant located in Corpus Christi, Texas, as well in Chiba, Japan.According to DuPont’s Web site, R-134a was globally adopted by allvehicle manufacturers in the early 1990s as a replacement for CFC-12.The transition to R-134a was completed by the mid-1990s for most majorautomobile manufacturers. Today, there are more than 300 million carswith air conditioners using the newer refrigerant.

Latent heat of evaporation

A refrigerant should have a high latent heat of evaporation per unit ofweight so that the amount of refrigerant circulated to produce a given

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refrigeration effect may be small. Latent heat is important when con-sidering its relationship to the volume of liquid required to be circulated.The net result is the refrigerating effect. Since other factors enter intothe determination of these, they are discussed separately.

The refrigerant effect per pound of refrigerant under standard ton con-ditions determines the amount of refrigerant to be evaporated perminute. The refrigerating effect per pound is the difference in Btu con-tent of the saturated vapor leaving the evaporator [5°F (−15°C)] and theliquid refrigerant just before passing through the regulating valve [86°F(30°C)]. While the Btu refrigerating effect per pound directly deter-mines the number of pounds of refrigerant to be evaporated in a givenlength of time to produce the required results, it is much more impor-tant to consider the volume of the refrigerant vapor required ratherthan the weight of the liquid refrigerant. By considering the volume ofrefrigerant necessary to produce standard ton conditions, it is possibleto make a comparison between Freon 12 and other refrigerants so as toprovide for the reproportioning of the liquid orifice sizes in the regulatingvalves, sizes of liquid refrigerant lines, and so on.

A refrigerant must not be judged only by its refrigerating effect perpound, but the volume per pound of the liquid refrigerant must also betaken into account to arrive at the volume of refrigerant to be vaporized.Although Freon 12 has relatively low refrigerating effect, this is not a dis-advantage, because it merely indicates that more liquid refrigerant mustbe circulated to produce the desired amount of refrigeration. Actually, itis a decided advantage to circulate large quantities of liquid refrigerantbecause the greater volumes required will permit the use of less sensi-tive operating and regulating mechanisms with less critical adjustment.

Refrigerants with high Btu refrigerating effects are not always desirable,especially for household and small commercial installations, because ofthe small amount of liquid refrigerant in the system and the difficultyencountered in accurately controlling its flow through the regulating valve.For household and small commercial systems, the adjustment of theregulating-valve orifice is most critical for refrigerants with high Btu values.

Specific heat

A low specific heat of the liquid is desirable in a refrigerant. If the ratioof the latent heat to the specific heat of a liquid is low, a relatively highproportion of the latent heat may be used in lowering the temperatureof the liquid from the condenser temperature to the evaporator tem-perature. This results in a small net refrigerating effect per pound ofrefrigerant circulated and, assuming other factors remain the same,reduces the capacity and lowers the efficiency. When the ratio is low, itis advantageous to precool the liquid before evaporation by heat inter-change with the cool gases leaving the evaporator.

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In the common type of refrigerating systems, expansion of the high-pressure liquid to a lower-pressure, lower-temperature vapor and liquidtakes place through a throttling device such as an expansion valve. In thisprocess, energy available from the expansion is not recovered as useful work.Since it performs no external work, it reduces the net refrigerating effect.

Power consumption

In a perfect system operating between 5 and −86°F (−15 and −65.55°C) con-ditions, 5.74 Btu is the maximum refrigeration obtainable per Btu of energyused to operate the refrigerating system. This is the theoretical maximumcoefficient of performance on cycles of maximum efficiency (e.g., the Carnetcycle). The minimum horsepower would be 0.821 hp/ton of refrigeration. Thetheoretical coefficient of performance would be the same for all refrigerantsif they could be used on cycles of maximum efficiency.

However, because of engineering limitations, refrigerants are used oncycles with a theoretical maximum coefficient of performance of less than5.74. The cycle most commonly used differs in its basic form from (1) theCarnet cycle, as already explained in employing expansion without lossor gain of heat from an outside source, and (2) in compressing adiabati-cally (compression without gaining or losing heat to an outside source)until the gas is superheated above the condensing medium temperature.These two factors, both of which increase the power requirement, vary inimportance with different refrigerants. But, it so happens that whenexpansion loss is high, compression loss is generally low, and vice versa.All common refrigerants (except carbon dioxide and water) show aboutthe same overall theoretical power requirement on a 5 to −86°F cycle. Atleast the theoretical differences are so small that other factors are moreimportant in determining the actual differences in efficiency.

The amount of work required to produce a given refrigerating effectincreases as the temperature level to which the heat is pumped from thecold body is increased. Therefore, on a 5 to −86°F cycle, when gas is super-heated above 86°F temperature on compression, efficiency is decreased andthe power requirement increased unless the refrigerating effect caused bysuperheating is salvaged through the proper use of a heat interchanger.

Volume of liquid circulated

Volumes of liquid required to circulate for a given refrigerant effectshould be low. This is to avoid fluid-flow (pressure-drop) problems andto keep down the size of the required refrigerant change. In small-capacity machines, the volume of liquid circulated should not be so lowas to present difficult problems in accurately controlling its flow throughexpansion valves or other types of liquid metering devices.

With a given net refrigerating effect per pound, a high density ofliquid is preferable to a low volume. However, a high density tends toincrease the volume circulated by lowering the net refrigerating effect.

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Handling Refrigerants

One of the requirements of an ideal refrigerant is that it must be non-toxic. In reality, however, all gases (with the exception of pure air) aremore or less toxic or asphyxiating. It is, therefore, important that wher-ever gases or highly volatile liquids are used, adequate ventilation beprovided, because even nontoxic gases in air produce a suffocating effect.

Vaporized refrigerants (especially ammonia and sulfur dioxide) bringabout irritation and congestion of the lungs and bronchial organs, accom-panied by violent coughing, vomiting, and, when breathed in sufficientquantity, suffocation. It is of the utmost importance, therefore, that theserviceman subjected to a refrigerant gas find access to fresh air at fre-quent intervals to clear his lungs. When engaged in the repair of ammo-nia and sulfur dioxide machines, approved gas masks and goggles shouldbe used. Carrene, Freon (R-12), and carbon dioxide fumes are not irri-tating and can be inhaled in considerable concentrations for short peri-ods without serious consequences.

It should be remembered that liquid refrigerant would refrigerate orremove heat from anything it meets when released from a container. Inthe case of contact with refrigerant, the affected or injured area shouldbe treated as if it has been frozen or frostbitten.

Storing and handling refrigerant cylinders

Refrigerant cylinders should be stored in a dry, sheltered, and well-ventilated area. The cylinders should be placed in a horizontal posi-tion, if possible, and held by blocks or saddles to prevent rolling. It is ofutmost importance to handle refrigerant cylinders with care and toobserve the following precautions:

Never drop the cylinders, or permit them to strike each other violently. Never use a lifting magnet or a sling (rope or chain) when handling

cylinders. A crane may be used when a safe cradle or platform is pro-vided to hold the cylinders.

Caps provided for valve protection should be kept on the cylinders atall times except when the cylinders are actually in use.

Never overfill the cylinders. Whenever refrigerant is discharged fromor into a cylinder, weigh the cylinder and record the weight of therefrigerant remaining in it.

Never mix gases in a cylinder. Never use cylinders for rollers, supports, or for any purpose other

than to carry gas. Never tamper with the safety devices in valves or on the cylinders. Open the cylinder valves slowly. Never use wrenches or tools except

those provided or approved by the gas manufacturer.

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Make sure that the threads on regulators or other unions are thesame as those on the cylinder valve outlets. Never force a connectionthat does not fit.

Regulators and gages provided for use with one gas must not be usedon cylinders containing a different gas.

Never attempt to repair or alter the cylinders or valves. Never store the cylinders near highly flammable substances (such as

oil, gasoline, or waste). Cylinders should not be exposed to continuous dampness, saltwater,

or salt spray. Store full and empty cylinders apart to avoid confusion. Protect the cylinders from any object that will produce a cut or other

abrasion on the surface of the metal.


Lubricant properties can be evaluated. It can be determined if the prod-uct is right for the job. Three basic properties are

Viscosity Lubricity Chemical stability

They must be satisfactory to protect the compressor. The correct vis-cosity is needed to fill the gaps between parts and flow correctly whereit is supposed to go. Generally speaking, smaller equipment with smallergaps between moving parts requires a lighter viscosity, and larger equip-ment with bigger parts needs heavier viscosity oils. Lubricity refers tothe lubricant’s ability to protect the metal surfaces from wear.

Good chemical stability means the lubricant will not react to formharmful chemicals such as acids, sludges, and so forth that may blocktubing or there may be carbon deposits. The interaction of lubricant andrefrigerant can cause potential problems as well.

Miscibility defines the temperature region where refrigerant and oilwill mix or separate. If there is separation of the oil from the refriger-ant in the compressor it is possible that the oil is not getting to metalparts that need it. If there is separation in the evaporator or other partsof the system it is possible that the oil does not return to the compres-sor and eventually there is not enough oil to protect it.

Solubility determines if the refrigerant will thin the oil too much.That would cause it to lose its ability to protect the compressor. The thin-ning effect also influences oil return.

204 Chapter Five

∗Courtesy of National Refrigerants

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Once you mix a blend at a given composition, the pressure-temperaturerelationships follow the same general rules as for pure components. Forexample, the pressure goes up when the temperature goes up. For threeblends containing different amounts of A and B, the pressure curve is sim-ilarly shaped, but in the resulting pressure will be higher for the blendwhich contains more of the A or higher pressure component.

Some refrigerant blends that are intended to match some other prod-uct. R-12 is a good example. It will rarely match the pressure at all pointsin the desired temperature range. What is more common is the blend willmatch in one region and the pressures will be different elsewhere.

In the example, the blend with concentration C1 matches the CFC atcold evaporator temperatures, but the pressures run higher at con-denser conditions. The blend with composition C2 matches closer toroom temperature. And, it may show the same pressure in a cylinderbeing stored, for example. The operation pressures at evaporator andcondenser temperatures, however, will be somewhat different. Finally,the blend at C3 will generate the same pressures at hot condenser con-ditions, but the evaporator must run at lower pressures to get the sametemperature (see Fig. 5-7).

It can be seen later that the choice of where the blend matches the pres-sure relationship can solve, or cause, certain retrofit-related problems.

Generally speaking, the R-12 retrofit blends have higher temperatureglide. They do not match the pressure/temperature/capacity of R-12across the wide temperature application range which R-12 once did. Inother words, one blend does not fit all. Blends which match R-12 at

Refrigerants: New and Old 205

Figure 5-7 New refrigerants variable—composition. (Courtesy ofNational Refrigerants.)

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colder evaporator temperatures may generate higher pressures and dis-charge temperatures when used in warmer applications or in high ambi-ent temperatures. These are called refrigeration blends.

In refrigeration, it is often an easier and cheaper retrofit job if you canmatch evaporator pressures to R-12 and split the glide. That is becauseyou can get similar box temperatures in similar run times. And, youwould probably not need to change controls or the TXVs ,which are sen-sitive to pressure.

Blends, which match R-12 properties in hot conditions, such as inautomotive AC condensers, may lose capacity or require lower suctionpressures when applied at colder evaporator temperatures. These arecalled automotive blends.

For automotive air-conditioning many of the controls and safetyswitches are related to the high side pressure. If the blend generateshigher discharge pressures you could short cycle more often and losecapacity in general. It is better to pick the high side to match R-12 andlet the low side run a little lower pressure.

R-134a Refrigerant

The blended refrigerant R-134a is a long-term HFC alternative with sim-ilar properties to R-12. It has become the new industry standard refrig-erant for automotive air-conditioning and refrigerator/freezerappliances. R-134a refrigerating performance will suffer at lower tem-peratures (below −10°F). Some traditional R-12 applications have usedalternatives other than 134a for lower temperatures.

R-134a requires polyolester (POE) lubricants. Traditional mineraloils and alkyl benzenes do not mix with HFC refrigerants and their usewith R-134a may cause operation problems or compressor failures. Inaddition, automotive AC systems may use poly alkaline glycols (PAGs),which are typically not seen in stationary equipment.

Both POEs and PAGs will absorb moisture, and hold onto it, to a muchgreater extent than traditional lubricants. The moisture will promotereactions in the lubricant as well as the usual problems associated withwater—corrosion and acid formation. The best way to dry a wet HFCsystem is to rely on the filter drier. Deep vacuum will remove “free”water, but not the water that has absorbed into the lubricant.

R-134a applications

Appliances, refrigeration both commercial and self-contained equip-ment, centrifugal chillers, and automotive air-conditioning utilize R-134a. Retrofitting equipment with a substitute for R-12 is sometimesdifficult there are a number of considerations to be examined beforeundertaking the task.

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R-12 Systems—General Considerations

1. For centrifugal compressors it is recommended that the manufac-turer’s engineering staff become involved in the project—specialparts or procedures may be required. This will ensure proper capac-ity and reliable operation after the retrofit.

2. Most older, direct expansion systems can be retrofit to R-401A, R-409A, R-414B, or R-416A (R-500 to R-401B or R-409A), so long asthere are no components that will cause fractionation within thesystem to occur.

3. Filter driers should be changed at the time of conversion.

4. System should be properly labeled with refrigerant and lubricant type.

R-12 medium-high-temperature refrigeration (>08F evaporation)

1. See Recommendation Table (this can be found on NationalRefrigerants Web site—click on Technical Manual) for blends thatwork better in high ambient heat conditions.

2. Review the properties of the new refrigerant you will use, and com-pare them to R-12. Prepare for any adjustments to system compo-nents based on pressure difference or temperature glide.

3. Filter driers should be changed at the time of conversion.

4. System should be properly labeled with refrigerant and lubricant type.

R-12 low-temperature refrigeration (<208 F evaporation)

1. See Recommendation Table for blends that have better low-temperaturecapacity.

2. Review the properties of the new refrigerant you will use, and com-pare them to R-12. Prepare for any adjustments to system compo-nents based on pressure difference or temperature glide.

3. Filter driers should be changed at the time of conversion.

4. System should be properly labeled with refrigerant and lubricant type.

Another blended refrigerant that can be used to substitute for R-12is 401A . It is a blend of R-22, 152a, and 124. The pressure and systemcapacity match R-12 when the blend is running an average evaporatortemperature of 10 to 20°F (−12.22 to −6.6°C).

Applications for this refrigerant are as a direct expansion refrigeratefor R-12 in air-conditioning systems and in R-500 systems.

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This blend refrigerant is similar to R-401A except, it is higher in R-22content. This blend has higher capacity at lower temperatures andmatches R-12 at −20°F (−6.6°C). It also provides a closer match to R-500at air-conditioning temperatures.

Applications for R-401B are in normally lower temperature R-12refrigeration locations and in transport refrigeration and in R-500 as adirect expansion refrigerant in air-conditioning systems.R-402A

A blend of R-22 and R-125 with hydrocarbon R-290 (propane) added toimprove mineral oil circulation. This blend is formulated to match R-502 evaporator pressures, yet it has higher discharge pressure than502. Although the propane helps with oil return, it is still recommendedthat some mineral oil be replaced with alkyl benzene.

Applications are in low-temperature (R-502) refrigeration locations.Retrofitting is used for R-502 substituting.


Similar to R-402A, but with less R-125 and more R-22. This blend willgenerate higher discharge temperatures, which makes it work particu-larly well in ice machines. Applications are in ice machines where R-502was used extensively.

Frequently Asked Questions

For what refrigerants are the R-60a, R-70a, and R-80a rated? SeeFig. 5-8 for recovery units.

208 Chapter Five

R-100 Recovery system


Refrigerant recovery cylinders


Figure 5-8 (a) Recovery units; (b) recovery unit cylinders. (Courtesy of RitchieEngineering.)

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They are tested by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) to ARI 740-98 and approved for medium-pressure refrigerants R-12, R-134a, R-401C, R-406A, R-500; medium-high-pressure refrigerants R-401A,R-409A, R-401B, R-412A, R-411A, R-407D, R-22, R-411B, R-502, R-407C,R-402B, R-408A, R-509; and high-pressure refrigerants R-407A, R-404A,R-402A, R-507, R-407B, R-410A.

Q. Why should I purchase a recovery system?A. With the Yellow Jacket name on a hose, you know you have got the

genuine item for performance backed by more than 50 years. Now,you will also find the name on refrigerant recovery systems that arebased on RRTI and RST, as is proven designs. RRTI was one of theoriginal recovery companies and helped DuPont design its originalunit. With the purchase of RST in 1998, Ritchie Engineering com-bined Yellow Jacket standards of manufacturing and testing with theRST track record of tough reliability.

Q. Is American Refrigeration Institute (ARI) the only testing agency?A. No. ARI is only a certifying agency that hires another agency to

perform the actual testing. UL is also EPA-approved as a testingand certifying agency. Yellow Jacket systems are UL-tested forperformance. Some Yellow Jacket systems are tested to CSA, CUL,CE, and TUV safety standards which go beyond the ARI per-formance standards.

Q. Can I compare systems by comparing their ARI or UL ratings?A. Yes, ARI and UL test standards should be the same. And remember

that manufacturers can change the conditions under which they testtheir own machines to give the appearance of enhanced perform-ance. Only ARI and UL test results provide consistent benchmarksand controls on which to make objective comparisons.

Q. How dependable are Yellow Jacket refrigerant recovery systems?A. Yellow Jacket recovery systems get pushed to the limits: day in and

day out in dirty conditions, on roof tops, and sometimes in freezingor high ambient temperatures. Yellow Jacket equipment has beentested at thousands of cycles, and are backed with the experience ofunits in the field since 1992.

Q. Is pumping liquid the fastest way to move refrigerant?A. Yes, and the R-50a, R-60a, R-70a, R-80a, and R-100 monitor liquid

flow at a rate safe for the compressor. In Yellow Jacket lab testing,over 80,000 lb of virgin liquid R-22 were continuously and success-fully pumped. That is over 2500 standard 30-lb tanks, or the equiv-alent of refrigerant in over 25,000 typical central AC systems.

Q. What is the push/pull recovery method?A. Many technicians use this recovery method, particularly on large

jobs. By switching the R-50a, R-60a, R-70a, R-80a, or R-100 discharge

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valve to “recover” during push/pull recovery, the condenser is bypassed,increasing the “push” pressure and speeding the recovery.

Q. Why do the R-50a through 100 feature a built-in filter?A. Every recovery machine requires an in-line filter to protect the

machine against the particles and “gunk” that can be found in failedrefrigeration systems. For your convenience, the R-50a, R-60a, R-70a,R-80a, and R-100 series incorporate a built-in 200-mesh filter thatyou can clean, and if necessary, replace. The filter traps 150-μm par-ticles and protects against the dirtiest systems to maximize servicelife. In case of a burnout, an acid-core filter/drier is mandatory. TheYellow Jacket filter is built-in to prevent breaking off like some com-petitive units with external filters.

Q. What is auto purge and how does it work?A. At the end of each cycle, several ounces of refrigerant can be left in

the recovery machine to possibly contaminate the next job, or be ille-gally vented. Many competitive recovery machines require switchinghoses, tuning the unit off and on, or other time-consuming proce-dures. The R-50a, R-60a, R-70a, R-80a, and R-100 can be quicklypurged “on the fly” by simply closing the inlet valve, and switchingthe discharge valve to purge. In a few seconds, all residual refriger-ant is purged and you are finished. Purging is completed withoutswitching off the recovery unit.

Q. Can increased airflow benefit recovery cylinder pressure?A. Yes. For reliable performance in the high ambient temperatures, Yellow

Jacket units are engineered with a larger condenser and more aggres-sive fan blade with a greater pitch. This allows the unit to run coolerand keeps the refrigerant cooler in the recovery cylinder.

Q. Can I service a Yellow Jacket system in the field?A. Although Yellow Jacket systems feature either a full 1- or an optional

2-year warranty, there are times when a unit will need a tune-up.The service manual with every unit includes a wide variety of infor-mation such as tips to speed recovery, troubleshooting guides, andparts listings. On the side of every unit, you will find hookup instruc-tions, a quick start guide, and simple tips for troubleshooting. Andif ever in doubt, just call 769-8370 and ask for customer service.

All service and repair parts are readily available through yournearest Yellow Jacket wholesaler.

Q. Are there any recovery systems certified for R-410A?A. ARI 740-98 has been written but not yet enacted by the EPA. The

Yellow Jacket R-60a, R-70a, and R-80a series have also been ULtested and certified for high-pressure gases such as R-410A that arecovered under ARI 740-98.

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Q. What features should I demand in a system to be used for R-410A?A. Look for the following three features as a minimum:

High-volume airflow through an oversized condenser to keep theunit running cooler and help eliminate cutouts in high ambienttemperatures

Single automatic internal high-pressure switch for simple operation Constant pressure regulator (CPR) valve rated to 600 psi for safety

and it eliminates the need to monitor and regulate the unit duringrecovery

Q. What is a CPR valve?A. The CPR valve is the feature that makes the Yellow Jacket R-70a and

R-80a the first truly automatic recovery systems for every refriger-ant. The single 600-psi-rated high-pressure switch covers all refrig-erants and eliminates the need for a control panel with two selectorswitches for R-410A.

The CPR valve automatically reduces the pressure of the refrig-erant being recovered. Regardless of which refrigerant, input is auto-matically regulated through a small orifice that allows refrigerantto flash into vapor for compression without slugging the compressor.Throttling is not required.

Under normal conditions, you could turn the machine to the“liquid” and “recover” settings. The machine will complete the jobwhile you work elsewhere.

Q. With the Yellow Jacket R-70a design, do I have to manually reset apressure switch between medium and high-pressure gases?

A. No. Some competitive machines require you to choose betweenmedium and high-pressure gas settings before recovery. You willsee the switch on their control panels. With the Yellow Jacket R-70a, the single internal automatic high-pressure switch makesthe choice for you. That is why only R-70a is truly automatic.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pumps

Q. How can I select the right pump cfm? A. See Fig. 5-9 for a sampling of pumps. The following guidelines are

for domestic through commercial applications.

Q. Can I use a vacuum pump for recovery?A. A vacuum pump removes water vapor and is not for refrigerant recov-

ery. Connecting a vacuum pump to a pressurized line will damage thepump and vent refrigerant to the atmosphere, which is a crime.

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Q. How much of a vacuum should I pull?A. A properly evacuated system is at 2500 μm or less. This is 1/10 of 1

in. and impossible to detect without an electronic vacuum gage. Formost refrigeration systems, American Society of Heating,Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recom-mends pulling vacuum to 1000 μm or less. Most system manufac-turers recommend pulling to an even lower number of micrometers.

Q. Do I connect an electronic vacuum gage to the system or pump?A. To monitor evacuation progress, connect it to the system with a

vacuum/charge valve.

Q. Why does the gage micron (micrometer) reading rise after the systemis isolated from the vacuum pump?

A. This indicates that water molecules are still detaching from thesystem’s interior surfaces. The rate of rise indicates the level ofsystem contamination and if evacuation should continue.

212 Chapter Five

System, tons Pump, cfm

1–10 1.510–15 2.015–30 4.030–45 6.045–60 8.060–90 12.090–130 18.0

Over 130 24.0

Large capacity supervacTM pumps 12, 18, 24 cfm

Figure 5-9 Vacuum pumps. (Courtesy of Ritchie Engineering.)

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Q. Why does frost form on the system exterior during evacuation?A. Because ice has formed inside. Use a heat gun to thaw all spots.

This helps molecules move off system walls more quickly toward thepump.

Q. How can I speed evacuation?A. Use clean vacuum pump oil. Milky oil is water saturated and limits

pump efficiency. Remove valve cores from both high and low fittings with a

vacuum/charge valve tool to reduce time through this orifice by atleast 20 percent.

Evacuate both high and low sides at the same time. Use short, 3/8-in.diameter and larger hoses.

SuperEvac systems can reduce evacuation time by over 50 to 60percent. SuperEvac pumps are rated at 15 micrometers (or less) topull a vacuum quickly. Large inlet allows you to connect a largediameter hose. With large oil capacity, SuperEvac pumps can removemore moisture from systems between oil changes.

Q. What hose construction is best for evacuation?A. Stainless steel. There is no permeation and outgasing.

Frequently Asked Questions aboutFluorescent Leak Scanners

Q. Does the ultra violet (UV) scanner light work better than an elec-tronic leak detector? See Fig. 5-10.

A. No one detection system is better for all situations. But, with a UVlamp you can scan a system more quickly and moving air is never aproblem. Solutions also leave a telltale mark at every leak site.Multiple leaks are found more quickly.

Q. How effective are new light emitting diode (LED) type UV lights? SeeFig. 5-11.

A. LEDs are small, compact lights for use in close range. Most effec-tive at 6-in. range. The model with two blue UV and three UV bulbshas a slightly greater range. Higher power Yellow Jacket lights areavailable.

Q. Can LED bulbs be replaced?A. No. The average life is 110,000 h.

Q. Are RediBeam lamps as effective as the System II lamps?A. The RediBeam lamp has slightly less power to provide lightweight

portability. But with the patented reflector and filter technologies,the RediBeam 100-W bulb produces sufficient UV light for pin-pointing leaks.

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214 Chapter Five

Figure 5-10 Leak scanners (fluo-rescent type). (Courtesy of Master-cool.)

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Q. Does the solution mix completely in the system?A. Solutions are combinations of compatible refrigeration oil and fluo-

rescent material designed to mix completely with the oil type in thesystem.

Q. How are solutions different?A. Solutions are available with mineral, alkylbenzene, PAG, or polyol

ester base stock to match oil in the system.

Q. What is universal solution?A. It is made from polyol ester and mixes well with newer oils. It also

works in mineral oil systems, but can be harder to see.

Q. What is the lowest operating temperature?A. It is −40°F (−40°C) for all solutions. However, in alkylbenzene systems

it is −100° F (−73.3°C).

Q. Does solution stay in the system?A. Yes. When future leaks develop, just scan for the sources. In over 6 years

of testing, the fluorescent color retained contrast. When the oil is changedin the system, scanner solution must be added to the new oil.

Q. Is the solution safe?A. Solutions were tested for 3 years before introduction and have been

performance proven in the field since 1989. Results have shown thesolutions are safe for technicians, the environment, and all equipmentwhen used as directed. Solutions are pure and do not contain lead,chromium, or chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) products. Presently, solu-tions are approved and used by major manufacturers of compressors,refrigerant, and equipment.

Q. How do I determine oil type in system?A. Many times the oil is known due to the type of refrigerant or equip-

ment application. Systems should be marked with the kind of oilused. Always tag system when oil type is changed.

Universal UV system

Figure 5-11 LED ultraviolet lights.(Courtesy of Ritchie Engineering.)

HVAC troubleshooting guide - [PDF Document] (243)

Q. In a system with a mix of mineral and alkylbenzene oil, which scan-ner solution should be used?

A. Base your choice of solution on whatever oil is present in the largerquantity. If you do not know which oil is in greater quantity, assumeit to be alkylbenzene.

Q. How do I add solution to the system?A. In addition to adding solution using injectors or mist infuser, you have

other possibilities. If you do not want to add more gas to the system,connect the injector between the high and low side allowing systempressure to do the job. Or, remove some oil from the system, then addsolution to the oil and pump back in.

Q. How is the solution different from visible colored dyes?A. Unlike colored dyes, Yellow Jacket fluorescent solutions mix com-

pletely with refrigerant and oil and do not settle out. Lubrication,cooling capacity, and unit life are not affected; and there is no threatto valves or plugging of filters. The solutions will also work in asystem containing dytel.

Q. How do I test the system?A. Put solution into a running system to be mixed with oil and carried

throughout the system. Nitrogen charging for test purposes will notwork since nitrogen will not carry the oil. To confirm solution in thesystem, shine the lamp into the system’s sight glass. Another way isto connect a hose and a sight glass between the high and low sides,and monitor flow with the lamp. The most common reason for inad-equate fluorescence is insufficient solution in the system.

Q. Can you tell me more about bulbs?A. 115-V systems are sold with self-ballasted bulbs in the 150-W range.

Bulbs operate in the 365-nm long range UV area and produce thelight necessary to activate the fluorescing material in the solution.A filter on the front of the lamp allows only “B” band rays to comethrough. “B” band rays are not harmful.

Q. What is the most effective way to perform an acid test?A. Scanner solution affects the color of the oil slightly. Use a two-step

acid-test kit which factors out the solution in the oil, giving a reli-able result.

Q. Can fluorescent product be used in nonrefrigerant applications?A. Yes, in many applications.

AccuProbe Leak Detector with Heated Sensor Tip

This is the only tool you need for fast, easy, and certain leak detection.The heated sensor tip of the Yellow Jacket Accuprobe leak detector

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positively identifies the leak source for all refrigerants. That includesCFCs such as R-12 and R-502, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) assmall as 0.03 oz/year, and hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) leaks of 0.06 oz/year,even R-404A, and R-410A (see Fig. 5-12).

Frequency of flashes in the tip and audible beeping increases thecloser you get to the leak source. You zero-in and the exclusive smartalarm LED shows how big or small the leak on a scale of 1 to 9 is.Maximum value helps you determine if the leak needs immediate repair.

Service life of the replaceable sensor is more than 300 h with mini-mal cleaning and no adjustments. Replaceable filters help keep outmoisture and dust that can trigger false sensing and alarms.

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Figure 5-12 AccuProbe leak detector. (Courtesy of RitchieEngineering.)

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Three sensitivity levels include ultrahigh to detect leaks that couldbe missed with other detection systems. Additional features and bene-fits are given below:

Detect all HFCs including R-134a, R-404A, R-410A, and R-407C andR-507; all HCFCs such as R-22 and all CFCs.

Audible beeping can be muted. Extended flexible probe for easy access in hard-to-reach areas. Sensor not poisoned by large amount of refrigerant and does not need

recalibration. Sensor failure report mode. Weighs only about 15 oz for handling comfort and ease. Carrying holster and hard, protective case included.

Bottle of non-ozone-depleting chemical included for use as aleak standard to verify proper functioning of sensor and electroniccircuitry

Technology Comparison—Heated Sensor or Negative Corona?

Heated sensor leak detectors

When the heated sensing element is exposed to refrigerant, an electro-chemical reaction changes the electrical resistance within the elementcausing an alarm. The sensor is refrigerant specific with superior sen-sitivity to all HFCs, HCFCs, and CFCs and minimal chance of falsealarms. When exposed to large amounts of refrigerant which could poisonother systems, the heated sensor clears quickly and does not need recal-ibration before reuse (see Fig. 5-13).

Negative corona leak detectors

In the sensor of an old-style corona detector, high voltage applied to apointed electrode creates a corona. When refrigerant breaks the coronaarc, the degree of breakage generates the level of the alarm. This tech-nology has good sensitivity to R-12 and R-22, but only fair for R-134a,and poor for R-410A, R-404A, and R-407C. Sensitivity decreases withexposure to dirt, oils, and water. And false alarms can be triggered bydust, dirt specks, soap bubbles, humidity, smoke, small variations in theelectrode emission, high levels of hydrocarbon vapors, and other non-refrigerant variables (see Fig. 5-14).

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Tips for Detecting System Leaks

1. Inspect entire air-conditioning system for signs of oil leakage, corro-sion cracks, or other damage. Follow the system in a continuous pathso no potential leaks are missed.

2. Make sure there is enough refrigerant in a system (about 15 percentof system capacity or 50 psi/min) to generate pressure to detect leaks.

3. Check all service access port fittings. Check seals in caps.

4. Move detector probe at 1 in./s within 1/4 in. of suspected leak area.

5. Refrigerant is heavier than air, so position probe below test point.

6. Minimize air movement in area to make it easier to pinpoint the leak.

7. Verify an apparent leak by blowing air into the suspected leak.

8. When checking for evaporator leaks, check for gas in condensatedrain tube.

9. Use heated sensor type detector for difficult-to-detect R-134a, R-410A,R-407C, and R-404A.

New Combustible Gas Detector—with Ultrasensitive, Long-Life Sensor

Handheld precision equipment detects all hydrocarbon and other com-bustible gases including propane, methane, butane, industrial solvents,and more (see Fig. 5-15).

Refrigerants: New and Old 219



Electronics package

Figure 5-13 Heated sensorleak detector. (Courtesy ofRitchie Engineering.)

Figure 5-14 Negative coronaleak detector. (Courtesy ofRitchie Engineering.)

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Sensitivity, bar graph, and beeping to signal how much and how close. Unit is preset at normal sensitivity, but you can switch to high or low.

After warm-up you will hear a slow beeping. Frequency increaseswhen a leak is detected until an alarm sounds when moving into highgas concentration. The illuminated bar graph indicates leak size.

If no leak is detected in an area you suspect, select high sensitivity.This will detect even low levels in the area to confirm your suspi-cions. Use low sensitivity as you move the tip over more defined areas,and you will be alerted when the tip encounters the concentration atthe leak source.

Ultrasensitive sensor detects less than 5 ppm methane and betterthan 2 ppm for propane. They perform equally well on a complete listof detectable gases including acetylene, butane, and isobutane.

Automatic calibration and zeroing. Long-life sensor easily replaced after full service life.


Gas lines/pipes Propane filling stations Gas heaters Combustion appliances Hydrocarbon refrigerant Heat exchangers

220 Chapter Five

Figure 5-15 Combustible gas detector. (Courtesy of RitchieEngineering.)

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Marine bilges Manholes Air quality Arson residue (accelerants)

Frequently Asked Questions about FixedMonitoring Systems (See Fig. 5-16)

Q. Are calibrated leak testers available to confirm that the monitor is cal-ibrated correctly?

A. The Yellow Jacket calibrated leak is a nonreactive mixture of R-134a orNH3 and CO2. The nonreturnable cylinders contain 10 L of test gas. Thecylinders require a reusable control valve and flow indicator. Test gasescan be ordered for 100 ppm or 1000 ppm mixtures.

Q. What refrigerants will the leak monitors detect?A. Leak monitors will detect most CFC, HFC, and HCFCs such as R-11,

R-12, R-13, R-22, R-113, R-123, R-134a, R-404A, R-407C, R-410A, R-500, R-502, and R-507. Yellow Jacket also has leak monitors availablefor ammonia and hydrocarbon-based refrigerants.

Refrigerants: New and Old 221

Systemsare factorycalibrated

Hard wire upto 200 fromcontroller





Figure 5-16 Fixed monitoring systems. (Courtesy of Ritchie Engineering.)

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Q. Can the leak monitor be calibrated for specific applications?A. Yes, the Yellow Jacket leak monitor can be calibrated for specific

applications. Contact customer service for your specific need.

Q. If the unit goes into alarm, can it switch on the fan? Can it turn offthe system at the same time?

A. The leak monitor has a pair of dry, normally open/normally closed con-tacts that can handle 10 A at 115 V. When the sensor indicates a gaspresence higher than the set point, it opens the closed contacts andcloses the open contacts which will turn equipment on or off.

Q. After a unit goes into alarm and the contacts close, what can it be con-nected to?

A. The open contacts can shut the system down, call a phone number,turn on a fan, or emergency light.

Q. How does the sensor work?A. When the sintered metal oxide surface within the sensor absorbs

gas molecules, electrical resistance is reduced in the surface allow-ing electrons to flow more easily. The system controller reads thisincrease in conductivity and signals an alarm. Metal oxide technol-ogy is proven for stability and performance.

Q. What is the detection sensitivity level of Yellow Jacket fixed monitors?A. The dual sensitivity system has a low alarm level of about 100 ppm

and a high level of about 1000 ppm for most CFC, HFC, and HCFCproducts. The high level for R-123 is an exception at about 300 ppm.Ammonia detection levels are about 100 ppm low and about 150 ppmhigh. The alarm level of all Yellow Jacket single-level systems isabout 100 ppm.

Detection levels are preset at the factory to cover most situations.If necessary, however, you can order a custom level, or adjust the setpoint on site.

Q. What gas concentration must be detected?A. Depends on the refrigerant. For a more thorough answer, terms

established by U.S. agencies must first be understood: IDLH— immediately dangerous to life and health TWA—time-weighted average concentration value over an 8-h

work day or a 40-h work week (OSHA or NIOSH levels) STEL—short-term exposure level measured over 15 min (NIOSH) Ceiling concentration—should not be exceeded in a working day


Obviously, the first consideration is IDLH. For most refrigerants,the IDLH is relatively high (e.g., R-12 is 15,000 ppm), and such a

222 Chapter Five

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concentration would be unusual in a typical refrigerant leak situa-tion. Leak detection, however, is still an immediate condition, so theSTEL should be the next consideration, followed then by the 8-h TWAor ceiling concentration. R-22, for example, has a STEL of 1250 ppmand a TWA of 1000 ppm. (The TWA for most refrigerants is 1000 ppm.)

The draft UL standard for leak monitors requires gas detection at50 percent of the IDLH. In other words, R-12 with a IDLH value of15,000 ppm must be detected at 7500 ppm. As with most refrigerants,the TWA is 1000 ppm.

All of the foregoing suggests that for most CFC, HFC, and HCFC,detection at 1000 ppm provides a necessary safety margin for repairpersonnel. Ammonia with a significantly lower IDLH of 300 ppmand a TWA of 25 ppm requires detection at 150 ppm to comply with50 percent IDLH requirements. R-123 has a TWA of 50 ppm and anIDLH of 1000 ppm, therefore detection at 100 ppm provides a goodmargin of safety. A monitor with a detection threshold of about 100ppm for any gas provides an early warning so that repairs can bemade quickly. This can save refrigerant, money, and the environ-ment.

Q. How frequently should the system be calibrated?A. Factory calibration should be adequate for 5 to 8 years. Routine cal-

ibration is unnecessary when used with intended refrigerants. YellowJacket sensors can not be poisoned, show negligible drift, and arestable in long term. You should, however, routinely check perform-ance.

Q. Can there be a false alarm?A. For monitoring mixtures, the semiconductor must be able to respond

to molecularly similar gases. With such sensitivity, false alarms canbe possible. Engineered features in Yellow Jacket monitors help min-imize false alarms: The two-level system waits about 30 s until it is “certain” that gas

is present before signaling. At about 100 to 1000-ppm calibration level, false alarms are


To prevent an unnecessary alarm, turn off the unit or disable thesiren during maintenance involving refrigerants or solvents.Temperature, humidity, or transient gases may occasionally cause analarm. If in doubt, check with the manufacturer.

Q. What are alternative technologies for monitoring and detecting refrig-eration gas leaks?

A. Infrared technology is sensitive down to 1 ppm. This level is not nor-mally required for refrigeration gases and is also very expensive

Refrigerants: New and Old 223

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compared to semiconductor technology. As an infrared beam passesthrough an air sample, each substance in the air absorbs the beamdifferently. Variations in the beam indicate the presence of a partic-ular substance. The technique is very gas specific and in a room ofmixed refrigerants, more than one system would be required. To getover this problem, newer models work on a broad band principle sothey can see a range of gases. As a result they do not generally oper-ate below 50 ppm and can experience false alarms.

Electrochemical cells can be used for ammonia. These cells arevery accurate, but are expensive, and are normally used to detect lowlevels (less than 500 ppm), and perform for about 2 years.

With air sampling transport systems, tubing extends from thearea(s) to be monitored back to a central controller/ sensor.

Micropumps move air through the system eliminating a numberof on-site sensors, but there may be problems. Air in the area of con-cern is sampled at intervals rather than monitored continuously.This can slow the response to changing conditions. Dirt can be sucked into the tubes, blocking filters. Gases can be absorbed by the tube or leak out of the tube providing

a concentration at the sensor lower than in the monitored area. Gases can leak into the tube in transit rather than the area moni-

tored. The reading would be misleading.

224 Chapter Five

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6Solenoids and Relays

Magnetism is something that everyone knows about and has workedwith, even when very young. Magnetism is the property of certain mate-rials that permits them to produce or conduct magnetic lines of force.

Magnetic lines of force surround a current-carrying conductor or anyatomic particle in motion. Even in the atom, magnetic fields result fromthe spinning motions of the electrons. Such magnetic lines of force canalso interact with electric fields or other magnetic fields.

Every time you press a doorbell, an electromagnet causes it to ringor chime. Electromagnets are created by sending electricity through acoil. Permanent magnets are made from materials that will retain mag-netism. That is, they keep their ability to attract iron (and other mate-rials). They do not need electricity to function. Electromagnets losetheir magnetism when the electric current is removed. Both permanentand temporary (electromagnet) magnets have their use in heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration-control circuits.

Permanent Magnets

One type of permanent magnet is the natural magnet, the lodestone. Itis also possible to make permanent magnets. For example, if you strokea piece of high-carbon steel with a lodestone, the steel becomes mag-netized (see Fig. 6-1).

Under normal conditions, the steel stroked with the lodestone keepsits magnetism permanently. When this happens, the molecules thatform the steel bar line up in the same direction (see Fig. 6-2). Themolecules that line themselves up in this way point toward the ends, or

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226 Chapter Six

poles, of the magnet. Each magnet has two poles, which are identifiedas north and south.

A permanent magnet can be used to create other magnets. Figure 6-3shows a permanent magnet used to stroke a bar of high-carbon steel.This creates a second magnet.

Magnets made of high-carbon steel sometimes lose their magnetism. Thishappens if the magnetized steel bar receives a strong shock, for instance,if the bar is dropped or struck with a hammer. When this happens, the

Figure 6-1 Making a permanentmagnet by rubbing it with alodestone.

Figure 6-3 Permanent magnetused to make another perma-nent magnet.

Figure 6-2 A magnetic field aligns iron molecules to produce a permanent magnet.

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molecules lose their alignment. This leads to a loss of magnetism.Magnetism can also be lost if a magnet is heated to high temperatures.

A magnet may be formed by rubbing a piece of steel with anothermagnet. This is called magnetic induction. This was the only way knownof making magnets until electromagnetism was discovered.

Temporary Magnets

A bar of low-carbon steel attracts iron particles when it is in direct con-tact with another magnet. For example, you can place a lodestone againstone pole of a bar of low-carbon steel as shown in Fig. 6-4. When this isdone, the bar attracts iron particles. Removing the lodestone removes themagnetism. Then the iron particles fall away. The same happens if youplace a permanent magnet against one end of a bar of low-carbon steel.

Low-carbon steel does not retain, or keep, magnetism. This materialcan serve as a temporary magnet. But it cannot be used for a perma-nent magnet.


Magnetism also results when electric currents are passed through ironmaterials. Electromagnetism is important to electricity.

Magnetic Theory

It is important to know the basics about how magnetism behaves forunderstanding how certain pieces of equipment operate. Scientists stilldo not know exactly how magnets behave. There are no laws or fixedrules for magnetism. Instead, there are a number of theories. Thesetheories explain the behavioral patterns that can be observed.

Magnetic permeability

The ability of a material to become magnetized is called permeability. Themagnetic force that attracts iron materials is called magnetic flux. Thegreater the permeability of a material, the higher its magnetic flux.

Solenoids and Relays 227

Figure 6-4 A temporary magnetmade by placing the lodestonenext to a piece of low-carbon steel.

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Numbers are used to indicate the permeability of materials. Thehigher the number, the more easily a material is magnetized. The rel-ative permeability of a number of materials is listed in Table 6-1. Atlower levels, materials are considered to be nonmagnetic. This appliesto aluminum and all materials listed above it in Table 6-1.

Materials with higher ratings, including nickel, cobalt, iron, andpermalloy, have high permeability. Permalloy, a combination of mate-rials, has extremely high permeability. When a bar of permalloy is heldin the north-south direction, it becomes a magnet. When the bar isturned to face the east-west direction, it loses the magnetism.

Shapes of magnets

Magnets can be made in a variety of shapes. Some of these are shown inFig. 6-5. One common shape for magnets is the rod or bar. Another shapeis similar to the letter U. This is sometimes called a horseshoe magnet.

228 Chapter Six

Figure 6-5 Various shapes of magnets.

TABLE 6-1 Selected Permeabilities

Material Permeability

Bismuth 0.999833Quartz 0.999985Water 0.999991Copper 0.999995Liquid oxygen 1.00346Oxygen (STP)∗ 1.0000018Aluminum 1.0000214Air (STP)∗ 1.0000004Nickel 40Cobalt 50Iron 7,000Permalloy 74,000

∗STP, standard temperature and pressure.

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Figure 6-6 Horseshoe-magnet flux pattern.

Figure 6-7 Bar magnet flux field.

Magnets made in a horseshoe shape have an advantage, their ends,or poles, are close together. Thus, horseshoe magnets have a strongfield of magnetic attraction, or flux field (see Fig. 6-6). By comparison,a bar magnet of the same strength has a flux field with less attraction.This is demonstrated in Fig. 6-7. The horseshoe magnet comes in handywhen we start studying electrical measurement instruments.

Poles of magnets

Dip a bar magnet into a pile of iron filings. When it is withdrawn, the fil-ings will gather at the ends of the magnet (see Fig. 6-8). This demonstratesthat magnetism is strongest at the ends. These are the poles of a magnet.

Each magnet has two poles. However, there is a difference betweenthe poles. If you suspend a magnet from a string, it turns until one polepoints north and the other south (see Fig. 6-9). (This will occur if youdo not have any large deposits of steel around, such as steel storage cab-inets or a building with a steel framework.) This is the principle behindthe operation of a compass: one pole of a magnet is north-seeking. A barmagnet is suspended on a bearing to reduce friction. The north-seekingpole points north and the other pole is direct south. Therefore, the polesof a magnet are referred to as the north pole and the south pole.

If you point the north poles of two bar magnets at each other, they arenot attracted. Actually, there is a reverse force pushing the magnets

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apart. This force repels them from each other. This is a rule of magnet-ism: like poles repel.

If you place the north pole of one magnet near the south pole ofanother, there is a strong attraction. This follows another rule of mag-netism: unlike, or opposite, poles attract. This means that the north-seeking pole of a magnet is actually the south pole (see Fig. 6-10). Thepattern of attraction around a bar magnet is shown in Fig. 6-11.

The relationship between electric current and magnetism was dis-covered by Hans Christian Oersted in 1820. This relationship is direct.When current flows through a conductor, there is a magnetic fieldaround the conductor. The direction of the current flow determines theforce field of an electromagnet. Currents flowing in the same directionset up connecting fields of force (see Fig. 6-12). Currents flowing inopposite directions set up repelling force fields (see Fig. 6-13).

The polarity of an electromagnet is determined by the direction of thecurrent (see Fig. 6-14). This is important in an electrical meter.

The strength of an electromagnetic field is proportional to the currentflowing through the conductor. More current means more magnetism.

230 Chapter Six

Figure 6-8 Magnetic flux is strongest at the poles.

Figure 6-9 Magnetic poles align to north and south.

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Figure 6-10 Polar attraction of magnets.

Figure 6-11 Pattern of attractionaround a bar magnet.

Figure 6-12 Current flow creates anelectromagnetic field.

Figure 6-13 Currents in opposite direc-tions create repelling fields.

Magnetism in a coil of wire

The magnetic field that surrounds a conductor depends on the form intowhich the wire is shaped (see Fig. 6-15). The magnetic field surround-ing a single loop of wire is shown in Fig. 6-15a. Additional loops areshown in Fig. 6-15b. These loops form a spiral or helix. This shape is also

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known as a helical coil. Figure 6-15b shows magnetic flux around loopsof wire wound next to one another. The more loops in the wire, thestronger the magnetic field becomes. This is shown in Fig. 6-15c.

The strength of an electromagnet or coiled conductor depends on theamount of current flowing in the coil and the number of turns of wire.Keep in mind that the direction of current flow determines the magneticpolarity (see Figs. 6-13 and 6-14).

232 Chapter Six

Figure 6-15 Magnetic fields form around various shapes of magnetic coils.

Figure 6-14 The left-hand rule shows how the polarity of an elec-tromagnet is determined by the current flow. Grasp the coil withyour fingers pointing in the direction of the current flow: thethumb of the left hand then points toward the north pole.

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The usual form of electromagnet is a coil of wire wound around a soft ironcore. Thus, the core will lose its magnetism when the source of energy isremoved (see Fig. 6-16). The iron core provides an easy path for the mag-netic field created by the coil. An electromagnet with an iron core formsa stronger magnet than the same coil of wire without the iron core.

The size of the iron core can help determine the strength of an electro-magnet. For full strength, the core should be large enough to absorb all themagnetism from the coil. When the coil creates more magnetism than thecore can absorb, it is called saturation. If the core is too small, there is toomuch magnetism to be absorbed. All the magnetism of the coil can be usedwhen the core has a capacity slightly larger than the magnetic flux created.

Using electromagnetism

The generation and use of electricity are directly related to electro-magnetism. Some of these uses are in the solenoid and relay. Thesetwo items are useful in heating, air-conditioning, and refrigerationequipment-control circuits. It is important to understand how theywork, since they can be the source of much troubleshooting time.

The Solenoid

A magnetic field seeks the path of minimum reluctance, just as an elec-tric current seeks the path of least resistance. Reluctance and resistanceare related. Resistance refers to the opposition to current flow in a circuit.Reluctance refers to the opposition of the flow of a magnetic field. The lowerthe reluctance, the greater is the attraction of materials to a magnetic field.

Solenoids and Relays 233

Figure 6-16 Electromagnets can be made by winding wire around a soft ironcore.

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A solenoid is a device that uses these principles. A helical coil of wireproduces a magnetic field. An iron core fits loosely within the coil of wire.When the current is off, the core rests outside the area of the coil. Whenthe current is applied, the core is sucked into the coil. This is referredto as the sucking effect of a coil (see Fig. 6-17).

The sucking effect is often used in devices that require a small amountof physical movement. One type of solenoid is shown in Fig. 6-18. A commonuse for solenoids is in a device called solenoid valves (see Fig. 6-19). Thisis a device that opens and closes to permit the flow of liquids or gases.In most valves, for example, you turn a handle or knob to start or stopthe flow of gas. Solenoid valves are used widely as safety devices. Theyare found in gas lines, air lines, and water lines. Many types are usedin air-conditioning, refrigeration, and heating systems.

The solenoid in the valve shown in Fig. 6-19 is closed when there isno current through its coil. The valve stem is held in a closed positionby a spring that applies light pressure. When the valve is closed, gascannot flow. Current is applied when a person or thermostat turns ona heater. The current draws the movable core, or plunger, into the coil.This opens the gate to the flow of gas. When the current is turned off,the spring moves the valve system back into a closed position.

234 Chapter Six

Figure 6-17 The sucking effect of a coil.

Figure 6-18 Two types of solenoids.

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Figure 6-19 (a) Cutaway view of asolenoid valve. (b) Solenoid valveused for hot air furnace gas con-trol. (c) Relay used to start a refrig-erator or compressor.(d) Schematicfor a refrigerator.

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Figure 6-19 (Continued)


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This same principle is used widely in solenoid-type relays. A solenoidrelay is like an electrically operated switch. The coil in this type of relaypulls a core piece that has a number of electrical contacts. The contactsare designed so that they may either close or open electrical circuits.The relay contacts can themselves be designed to handle large amountsof current. But the coil of the control solenoid may operate on only afraction of an ampere. The effect is that low-voltage, low-current elec-tricity is used to control the flow of larger amounts of electricity.

Power relays

A heavy-duty power relay that operates from solenoid action is shownin Fig. 6-20. In this device, a spring pulls the solenoid core, or armature,away from the electrical contact when the current is off. When currentflows, the armature is pulled toward the coil. An electrical contact con-nected to the armature is either closed or opened by this action. Notethat the electromagnetism can be used either to open or close the relay.The action taken depends on the design of the relay. The relay contactscan be arranged for a variety of functions, such as SPST, SPDT, DPDT,or any other combination.

The advantage of a relay is that a substantial pulling power can bedeveloped with a small coil current. The contacts can be made quite largeand can handle or switch high values of electrical power. An extremelysmall amount of control power thus can be used to switch much highervoltages and currents in a safe manner (see Fig. 6-21).

Solenoid valves

The primary purpose of an electrically operated solenoid valve is to con-trol automatically the flow of fluids, liquid or gas. There are two basictypes of solenoid valves. The most common is the normally closed (NC)type, in which the valve opens when the coil is energized and closes whenthe coil is de-energized. The other type is the normally open (NO) valve,which opens when the coil is de-energized and closes when the coil isenergized (see Fig. 6-22).

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Figure 6-20 Heavy-duty powerrelay.

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238 Chapter Six

Figure 6-22 Solenoid coil and step-down transformer.(Courtesy of Sporlan.)

Figure 6-21 Relay in a circuit.

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Principles of operation

Solenoid valve operation is based on the theory of the electromagnets.The solenoid valve coil sets up a magnetic field when electrical currentis flowing through it. If a magnetic metal, such as iron or steel, is intro-duced into the magnetic field, the pull of the field will raise the metaland center it in the hollow core of the coil. By attaching a stem to themagnetic metal plunger, this principle is used to open the port of thevalve. When the electrical circuit to the coil is broken, the magneticfield collapses and the stem and plunger either fall by gravity or arepushed down by the kick-off spring.

Some solenoid valves are designed with a hammer-blow effect. Whenthe coil is energized, the plunger starts upward before the stem. Theplunger then picks up the stem by making contact with a collar at the top.The momentum of the plunger assists in opening the valve against theunbalanced pressure across the port.


In many cases, valves are used for controlling the flow of refrigerantsin liquid or suction lines or in hot-gas defrost circuits. They are equallysuitable for many other less common forms of refrigerant control.

Liquid-line service. The primary purpose of a solenoid valve in a refrig-erant liquid line is to prevent flow into the evaporator during the offcycle. On multiple systems, a solenoid valve may be used in each liquidline leading to the individual evaporators.

The application of a liquid-line solenoid valve depends mainly on themethod of wiring the valve with the compressor control circuit. It maybe wired so the valve is energized only when the compressor is running.This type of application is shown in Fig. 6-23.

Figure 6-23 Liquid-line solenoid valve application.

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Another application, known as pump-down control, uses a thermostatto control the solenoid valve (see Fig. 6-24 for a wiring and valve locationschematic). When the thermostat is satisfied, the valve closes and thecompressor continues to run until a substantial portion of the refrigeranthas been pumped from the evaporator. A low-pressure cutout control isused to stop the compressor at a predetermined evaporator pressure.When the thermostat again calls for refrigeration, the solenoid valve opens,causing the evaporator pressure to rise and the compressor to start. Thisarrangement can be used on either single or multiple evaporators.

Suction-line service. There are several applications, particularly onsuction lines, where pressure drops in the range of 2 to 4 lb/in.2 (psi)cannot be tolerated. Therefore, only valves that are capable of openingat very low pressure drops are suitable for this type of use. Some valvesincorporate the floating disc principle and are ideally suited for suchspecial applications. They are capable of opening full at pressure dropsof 0.1 psi and below.

Larger-capacity valves are suitable for suction service when suppliedwith internal parts that are mechanically connected. With this arrange-ment, the piston is connected to the stem and plunger assembly, andwhen the coil is energized, the plunger assists in supporting the piston.As a result, the pressure drop through the valve is reduced to a bare min-imum. Valves with the direct-connected assembly are designated usu-ally with a prefix “D” to the type number.

When these valves are required for suction service, they are suppliedwith a spring support under the piston. The spring counterbalances themajor portion of the piston’s weight, and therefore the valve will openwith far less pressure drop than normal. Valves with the counterbalancespring are identified by the prefix “S” added to the type number.

240 Chapter Six

Figure 6-24 A pump-down control uses a thermostat to con-trol the solenoid valve. (Courtesy of Sporlan.)

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High-temperature applications

In some high-temperature applications, a high-temperature coil con-struction is required. The temperature of the fluid or gas flowing throughthe solenoid valve will generally determine whether a high-temperaturecoil is necessary.

Hot-gas defrost service. Several piping arrangements are used for hot-gas defrost systems, one of which is shown in Fig. 6-25. A portion of thecompressor discharge gas is passed through the solenoid valve into theevaporator. The solenoid valve may be controlled either manually orautomatically for this duty. Hot-gas defrost valve selection requires aslightly different approach from the simple pressure drop versus ton-nage. Be sure to consider the evaporator temperature correction factorsto make certain that the valve selected has adequate capacity.

Normally open solenoid valves have many uses. Perhaps the most pop-ular is their adaptation to heat-reclaiming systems. The use of one nor-mally closed valve and one normally open valve to shunt the dischargegas to either the outdoor condenser or the indoor heat-reclaiming coilprovides positive opening and closing action.

This eliminates the problem found in some three-way valves, which havea tendency to leak hot gas into the heat-reclaiming coil when not required.When this leakage occurs during the cooling season, it imposes an extra loadon the cooling system that wastes energy, rather than conserving it.

If leakage occurs during the heating season when all the discharge gasshould be going to the reheat coil, a good portion of the liquid chargecould become logged in the inactive condenser. For a simple schematicof a heat-reclaiming cycle, see Fig. 6-26. Many original equipment man-ufacturers (OEMs) have developed their own reheat cycle, which maybe completely different from the one illustrated. In addition, some may

Solenoids and Relays 241

Figure 6-25 Solenoid valves usedfor hot-gas defrost. (Courtesy ofSporlan.)

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incorporate head pressure control as well, so it is always advisable toconsult the manufacturer’s bulletin regarding its particular design.

Transformers for low-voltage controls. The use of low-voltage controlsystems is becoming more widespread as the demand for residentialair conditioning increases. This necessitates the use of a transformerfor voltage reduction, normally to 24 V. The selection of a transformeris not accomplished by merely selecting one that has the proper volt-age requirements. The volt-ampere (VA) rating is equally important.To determine the VA requirements for a specific solenoid valve, referto the manufacturer’s data. Insufficient transformer capacity willresult in reduced operating power or a lowering of the maximumoperating pressure differential (MOPD) of the valve. MOPD and safeworking pressure (SWP) are usually noted on the valve nameplate(see Fig. 6-27).

If more than one solenoid valve and/or other accessories are operatedfrom the same transformer, the transformer VA rating must be deter-mined by adding the individual accessories’ VA requirements.

242 Chapter Six

Figure 6-26 Heat-reclaiming cycleschematic. (Courtesly of Sporlan.)

Figure 6-27 Negative corona detec-tor. (Ritchie). (Courtesy of Sporlan.)

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7Electric Motors


Most AC motors are of the induction type. They are, in general, simplerand cheaper to build than equivalent DC machines. They have no com-mutator, slip rings, or brushes, and there is no electrical connection tothe rotors. Only the stator winding is connected to the AC source, and,then, as their name implies, induction produces the currents in therotor. A common and particularly simple form of rotor for this type ofmotor is the squirrel-cage rotor (see Fig. 7-1). It is so named because ofits resemblance to a treadmill-type squirrel cage. The induction motoris based on a rotating magnetic field. This is achieved by using multi-ple stator field windings (poles), each pair of which is excited by an ACvoltage of the same amplitude and frequency as, but phase-displacedfrom, the voltage supplying the neighboring pair. Figure 7-2 shows howthe magnetic field rotates in a four-pole induction motor, where thevoltages to the two pairs of poles are 90° out of phase with each other.When the rotor is placed in the stator’s rotating field, the induced cur-rents set up their own fields, which react with the stator’s field and pushthe rotor around.

Note that some rotors are skewed. The skew of a rotor refers to theamount of angle between the conductor slots and the end face of the rotorlaminations. Normally, the conductors are in a nearly straight line, butfor high torque applications the rotor is skewed, which increases theangle of the conductors. The term full skew refers to the maximum prac-tical amount (see Fig. 7-3). Figure 7-4 shows how the rotor is located inreference to the stator and the end bells that hold it in place.

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A number of types of AC motors are available. The types presentedhere are those most often encountered when working with heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration equipment.

The shaded-pole induction motor is a single-phase motor. It uses aunique method to start the rotor turning. The effect of a moving magneticfield is produced by constructing the stator in a special way (see Fig. 7-5).

Portions of the pole piece surfaces are surrounded by a copper strapcalled a shading coil. The strap causes the field to move back and forthacross the face of the pole piece. In Fig. 7-6, a numbered sequence andpoints on the magnetization curve are shown. As the alternating statorfield starts increasing from zero Fig. 7-6(1), the lines of force expandacross the face of the pole piece and cut through the strap. A voltage is

244 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-3 Skewed die-cast rotor. Note the angle of the conductor slots.

Figure 7-4 Exploded view of motor.

Figure 7-1 Squirrel cage rotor.Figure 7-2 Rotating field for a four-pole stator.

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Electric Motors 245

induced in the strap. The current that results generates a field thatopposes the cutting action (and decreases the strength) of the mainfield. This action causes certain actions. As the field increases from zeroto a maximum of 90°, a large portion of the magnetic lines of force isconcentrated in the unshaded portion of the pole Fig. 7-6(1). At 90° thefield reaches its maximum value. Since the lines of force have stoppedexpanding, no electromagnetic field (EMF) is induced in the strap, andno opposite magnetic field is generated. As a result, the main field is uni-formly distributed across the poles as shown in Fig. 7-6(2).

Figure 7-5 Shading the poles of a shaded-pole motor.

Figure 7-6 Shaded poles used in shaded-pole AC motors.

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From 90° to 180°, the main field starts decreasing or collapsinginward. The field generated in the strap opposes the collapsing field. Theeffect is to concentrate the lines of force in the shaded portion of thepoles, as shown in Fig. 7-6(3).

Note that from 0° to 180° the main field has shifted across the pole facefrom the unshaded to the shaded portion. From 180° to 360°, the mainfield goes through the same change as it did from 0° to 180°. However, itis now in the opposite direction Fig. 7-6(4). The direction of the field doesnot affect the way the shaded pole works. The motion of the field is thesame during the second half-hertz as it was during the first half-hertz.

The motion of the field back and forth between shaded and unshadedportions produces a weak torque. This torque is used to start the motor.Because of the weak starting torque, shaded-pole motors are built in onlysmall sizes. They drive such devices as fans, timers, and blowers.


Shaded-pole motors can be reversed mechanically. Turn the stator hous-ing and shaded poles end for end. These motors are available from 1/25to 1/2 hp.


As previously mentioned, this type of motor is used as a fan motor inrefrigerators and freezers and in some types of air-conditioning equip-ment where the demand is not too great. It can also be used as part ofa timing device for defrost timers and other sequenced operations.

The fan and motor assembly are located behind the provisions com-partment in the refrigerator, directly above the evaporator in the freezercompartment. The suction-type fan pulls air through the evaporatorand blows it through the provisions compartment air dot and freezercompartment fan grille. Figure 7-7 shows a shaded-pole motor with a

246 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-7 Fan, motor, and bracket assembly. (Courtesy of Kelvinator.)

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Electric Motors 247

molded plastic fan blade. For maximum air circulation, the location ofthe fan on the motor shaft is most important. Mounting the fan bladetoo far back or too far forward on the motor shaft, in relation to the evap-orator cover, will result in improper air circulation. The freezer com-partment fan must be positioned with the lead edge of the fan 1/4 in. infront of the evaporator cover. The fan assembly shown in Fig. 7-8 isused on top freezer, no-frost, fiberglass-insulated model refrigerators.The freezer fan and motor assembly is located in the divider partitiondirectly under the freezer air duct.

Split-phase motor

The field of a single-phase motor, instead of rotating, merely pulsates.No rotation of the rotor takes place. A single-phase pulsating field maybe visualized as two rotating fields revolving at the same speed, but inopposite directions. It follows, therefore, that the rotor will revolve ineither direction at nearly synchronous speed, if it is given an initialimpetus in either one direction or the other. The exact value of this ini-tial rotational velocity varies widely with different machines. A veloc-ity higher than 15 percent of the synchronous speed is usually sufficientto cause the rotor to accelerate to the rated or running speed. A single-phase motor can be made self-starting if means can be provided to givethe effect of a rotating field.

To get the split-phase motor running, a run winding and a start wind-ing are incorporated into the stator of the motor. Figure 7-9 shows thesplit-phase motor with the end cap removed so you can see the startingswitch and governor mechanism.

Figure 7-8 Fan and fan motor bracket assembly. (Courtesy ofKelvinator.)

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This type of motor is difficult to use with air-conditioning and refrig-eration equipment inasmuch as it has very little starting torque and willnot be able to start a compressor since it presents a load to the motorimmediately upon starting. This type of motor, however, is very usefulin heating equipment (see Fig. 7-10).

248 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-9 Single-phase starting switch and governor mechanism.

Figure 7-10 Single-phase split-phase furnace motor. (Courtesy ofWestinghouse.)

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Getting the motor started. One of the most important parts of thesingle-phase electric motor is the start mechanism. A special type isneeded for use with single-phase motors. A centrifugal switch is usedto take a start winding out of the circuit once the motor has come upto within 75 percent of its run speed. The split-phase, capacitor-start,and other variations of these types all need the start mechanism toget them running.

The stator of a split-phase motor has two types of coils; one is calledthe run winding and the other the start winding. The run winding ismade by winding the enamel-coated copper wire through the slots in thestator punchings.

The start winding is made in the same way except that the wire issmaller. Coils that form the start windings are positioned in pairs in thestator directly opposite each other and between the run windings. Whenyou look at the end of the stator, you see alternating run windings andstart windings (see Fig. 7-9).

The run windings are all connected together, so the electrical currentmust pass through one coil completely before it enters the next coil,and so on through all the run windings in the stator. The start wind-ings are connected together in the same way, and the current must passthrough each in turn (see Fig. 7-11).

The two wires from the run windings in the stator are connected to ter-minals on an insulated terminal block in one end bell where the powercord is attached to the same terminals. One wire from the start windingis tied to one of these terminals also. However, the other wire from thestart winding is connected to the stationary switch mounted in the endbell. Another wire then connects this switch to the opposite terminal onthe insulated block. The stationary switch does not revolve, but is placedso that the weights in the rotating portion of the switch, located on the

Figure 7-11 Single-phase induction motor.

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rotor, will move outward when the motor is up to speed and open theswitch to stop electrical current from passing through the start winding.

The motor then runs only on the main winding until such time as itis shut off. Then, as the rotor decreases in speed, the weights on therotating switch again move inward to close the stationary switch andengage the start winding for the next time it is started.

Reversibility. The direction of rotation of the split-phase motor can bechanged by reversing the start winding leads.

Uses. This type of motor is used for fans, furnace blowers, oil burners,office appliances, and unit heaters.

Repulsion-start induction-run motor

The repulsion-induction motor starts on one principle of operation and,when almost up to speed, changes over to another type of operation. Veryhigh twisting forces are produced during starting by the repulsionbetween the magnetic pole in the armature and the same kind of polein the adjacent stator field winding. The repulsing force is controlled andchanged so that the armature rotational speed increases rapidly, and,if not stopped, would continue to increase beyond a practical operatingspeed. It is prevented by a speed-actuated mechanical switch that causesthe armature to act as a rotor that is electrically the same as the rotorin single-phase induction motors. That is why the motor is called arepulsion-induction motor.

The stator of this motor is constructed very much like that of a split-phase or capacitor-start motor, but only run or field windings aremounted inside. End bells keep the armature and shaft in position andhold the shaft bearings.

The armature consists of many separate coils of wire connected to seg-ments of the commutator. Mounted on the other end of the armature aregovernor weights that move push rods that pass through the armaturecore. These rods push against a short-circuiting ring mounted on theshaft on the commutator end of the armature. Brush holders andbrushes are mounted in the commutator end bell, and the brushes, con-nected by a heavy wire, press against segments on opposite sides of thecommutator (see Fig. 7-12).

When the motor is stopped, the action of the governor weights keeps theshort-circuiting ring from touching the commutator. When the power isturned on and current flows through the stator field windings, a currentis induced in the armature coils. The two brushes connected together forman electromagnetic coil that produces a north and south pole in the arma-ture, positioned so that the north pole in the armature is next to a northpole in the stator field windings. Since like poles try to move apart, therepulsion produced in this case can be satisfied in only one way: the arma-ture turns and moves the armature coil away from the field windings.

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The armature turns faster and faster, accelerating until it reaches whatis approximately 80 percent of the run speed. At this speed, the governorweights fly outward and allow the push rods to move. These push rods,which are parallel to the armature shaft, have been holding the short-cir-cuiting ring away from the commutator. Now that the governor hasreached its designed speed, the rods can move together electrically in thesame manner that the cast aluminum disks did in the cage of the induc-tion motor rotor. This means that the motor runs as an induction motor.

The repulsion-induction type of motor can start very heavy, hard-to-turn loads without drawing too much current. They are made from 1/2to 20 hp. This type of motor is used for such applications as large air com-pressors, refrigeration equipment, and large hoists, and is particularlyuseful in locations where low line voltage is a problem.

This type of motor is no longer used in the refrigeration industry. Someolder operating units may be found with this type of motor still in use.

Capacitor-start motor

The capacitor motor is slightly different from a split-phase motor. Acapacitor is placed in the path of the electrical current in the start wind-ing (see Fig. 7-13). Except for the capacitor, which is an electrical com-ponent that slows any rapid change in current, the two motors are same

Figure 7-12 (a) Brush-lifting, repulsion-start, induction-run motor cutway; (b) brush-lifting,repulsion-start, induction motor armature details.

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electrically. A capacitor motor can usually be recognized by the capaci-tor can or housing that is mounted on the stator (see Fig. 7-14).

Adding the capacitor to the start winding increases the effect of thetwo-phase field described in connection with the split-phase motor. Thecapacitor means that the motor can produce a much greater twistingforce when it is started. It also reduces the amount of electrical current

252 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-13 (a) Single-phase diagram for the AH air conditioner and heat-pump compressor, (b) terminal box showing the position of the terminals onthe AH series of compressors. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 7-14 Capacitor startmotor. (Courtesy of Westinghouse.)

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Electric Motors 253

required during starting to about 1.5 times the current required afterthe motor is up to speed. Split-phase motors require 3 or 4 times the cur-rent in starting that they do in running.

Reversibility. An induction motor will not always reverse while run-ning. It may continue to run in the same direction, but at a reduced effi-ciency. An inertia-type load is difficult to reverse. Most motors that areclassified as reversible while running will reverse with a non-inertial-type load. They may not reverse if they are under no-load conditions orhave a light lead or an inertial load.

One problem related to the reversing of a motor while it is still run-ning is the damage done to the transmission system connected to theload. In some cases it is possible to damage a load. One way to avoid thisis to make sure the right motor is connected to a load.

Reversing (while standing still) the capacitor-start motor can be doneby reversing its start winding connections. This is usually the only timethat a field technician will work on a motor. The available replacementmotor may not be rotating in the direction desired, so the technician willhave to locate the start winding terminals and reverse them in order tohave the motor start in the desired direction.

Uses. Capacitor motors are available in sizes from 1/6 to 20 hp. Theyare used for fairly hard starting loads that can be brought up to runspeed in under 3 s. They may be used in industrial machine tools, pumps,air conditioners, air compressors, conveyors, and hoists.

Figure 7-15 shows a capacitor-start induction-run motor used in a com-pressor. This type uses a relay to place the capacitor in and out of the cir-cuit. More about this type of relay will be discussed later. Figure 7-16shows how the capacitor is located outside the compressor.

Figure 7-15 Capacitor-start induction-run motor used for a compressor.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Permanent split-capacitor motor

The permanent split-capacitor (PSC) motor is used in compressors forair-conditioning and refrigeration units. It has an advantage over thecapacitor-start motor inasmuch as it does not need a centrifugal switchwith its associated problems.

The PSC motor has a run capacitor in series with the start winding.Both run capacitor and start winding remain in the circuit during startand after the motor is up to speed. Motor torque is sufficient for capil-lary and other self-equalizing systems. No start capacitor or relay is nec-essary. The PSC motor is basically an air-conditioner compressor motor.It is also used in refrigerator compressors. It is very common through3 hp. It is also available in the 4 and 5 hp sizes (see Fig. 7-17).

Theory of operation. The capacitor is inserted in series with the startwinding (see Fig. 7-18). The phase shift produced by the capacitor is sim-ilar to that produced by the capacitor-start induction-run motor. The runcapacitor is usually between 5 and 50 μF. Thus, it is smaller than thestart capacitor used in the capacitor-start motor. This also means it willhave less starting torque than the capacitor-start motor. However, thetorque is enough to start the motor running even with a small load. Thecapacitor is in the circuit all the time. It is not removed by a relay orany other type of device. It is a permanent part of the circuit.

254 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-16 Location of start capacitor in a compressor circuit.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Figure 7-17 Permanent split-capacitor motor schematic.

Figure 7-18 Permanent split-capacitor compressor schematic. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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After the compressor or fan is started and begins to run at speed, themotor produces a counter electromotive force (CEMF). The CEMF buildsup to within a few volts of the applied voltage when the motor hasreached full speed. As long as the difference between the applied volt-age and the CEMF is small, very little current flows in the start wind-ing. This is because the capacitor will allow more current to pass as thedifference in applied voltage and CEMF gets larger, and less current toflow when the voltage difference is small. There is a small difference involtage at full rpm, so the current in the start winding will be small. The2 to 4 A does not constitute enough to cause damage to the compressorstart winding (see Fig. 7-19).

256 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-19 PSC compressor hookup. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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The run capacitor left in the circuit aids in speed regulation. Onething to remember on this type of motor is to make sure the capacitoris placed in the circuit properly. The run capacitor has a red dot or someother marking on or near one of the two terminals. This is the outsidefoil of the capacitor. The run capacitor used here is in a grounded steelcase that aids in the dissipation of heat (see Fig. 7-19b). The outside foilis near the capacitor case. If the insulation breaks down or shorts to theoutside foil, it will make contact with the case. Excessive current willflow in the circuit when the short occurs. The main objective here is tokeep the current as low as possible and have it do the least damage pos-sible. That is why the red dot or mark is always placed where it is sup-posed to be. In Fig. 7-19, the red dot terminal should be connected to L2.Then, if it shorts, the foil touches the case, shorts to ground, causesexcess current to flow, and trips the circuit breaker or blows the fuse.

However, if the red dot is connected incorrectly, the short will burnout the compressor start winding since it puts the winding directlyacross the power source by grounding one end of the winding. Make surethe capacitor’s red dot is connected to the line side and not to the com-pressor start winding (see Fig. 7-19a).

Reversibility. The PSC motor can be reversed if it has three wires lead-ing from the case (see Fig. 7-20). To reverse simply connect either sideof the capacitor to the line. However, with compressors it is best to leavethem as is. They have been designed without the possibility of revers-ing in most cases. To reverse the four-wire type motor, transpose theblack leads as shown in Fig. 7-21.

Uses. Permanent split-capacitor motors may also be used for the fansthat are mounted behind the condensers on air-conditioning units. They

Figure 7-20 Permanent split-capacitor threelead schematic.

Figure 7-21 Permanent split-capacitorfour-lead schematic.

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move the air past the condenser and thus remove the heat from thebuilding being air conditioned. This type of motor can also be varied inspeed by changing its windings. A number of color-coded windings arebrought out so they may be connected to a switching arrangement forlow, medium, and high speeds.

Capacitor-start capacitor-run motor

The capacitor start and run (CSR or CSCR) motor arrangement uses astart capacitor and a run capacitor in parallel with each other and inseries with the motor start windings. This motor has high startingtorque and runs efficiently. It is used in many refrigeration and air-con-ditioning applications up to 5 hp. A potential relay removes the startcapacitor from the circuit after the motor is up to speed. Potential relaysmust be accurately matched to the compressor (see Fig. 7-22). Efficientoperation depends on this.

Theory of operation. The capacitor-start capacitor-run motor is used onair-conditioning and refrigeration units that need large starting torque.You will find the CSCR motor used on equipment that has an expansionvalve and on air-conditioning systems when the permanent-split com-pressor has trouble starting. In some cases, the technician adds a capac-itor in the field to make the PSC motor start more easily. This producesthe same electrical characteristics as a CSCR type when the additionalcapacitor is hooked up to the existing arrangement. When the capacitoris added by the technician in the field, it is referred to as a hard-start kit.

258 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-22 Capacitor start and run motor schematic. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Electric Motors 259

Since the CSCR motor has the additional capacitor added duringstarting time, some way must be provided to move it once its purposehas been served. The potential relay is called upon to do the job. Thistype of relay will be discussed later in this chapter.

The start capacitor is available in sizes up to 600 μF. This is alarge capacitor when compared to the run capacitor of up to 75 μF (seeFig. 7-22). The large capacitance value causes a larger phase shiftbetween the start and run winding voltages. As the compressor motorstarts to turn, the CEMF begins to build. The CEMF is presentbetween the S and C terminals of the compressor. The potential relaycoil is connected at terminals 2 and 5 (see Fig. 7-22). Note the symbolused for the coil of the potential relay. A PE (for potential relay) anda small resistor-like symbol show the coil part of the relay.

When the compressor reaches approximately 75 percent of its full rpm,the CEMF is strong enough to energize the potential relay coil. This pullsthe contacts open. Contactors are shown as two parallel lines with a slantline through them with PR underneath. When the potential relay contactsopen, the start capacitor is removed from the circuit. This leaves the runcapacitor still in the circuit and in series with the start winding. The resultis good starting torque and good running efficiency. The efficiency isincreased inasmuch as the power factor is brought closer to unity or 1.00.

Reversibility. This type of motor can be reversed by changing the leadsfrom the start winding. It is, however, difficult to do if the compressoris sealed. In open-type motors, it is possible to reverse the direction ofrotation by simply reversing the connections of the start windings.

Uses. This type of motor is used on equipment with a need for goodstarting torque. This includes some types of refrigeration equipment andsome hard to start air-conditioning systems.

Three-phase motor

The three-phase motor does not need centrifugal switches or capaci-tors. The three phases of this type of power generate their own rotatingmagnetic field when applied to a stator with three sets of windings (seeFig. 7-23). The stator windings are placed 120° apart. The rotor is a form-wound type or a cage type. The squirrel-cage rotor is standard for motorssmaller than 1 hp (see Fig. 7-24).

Theory of operation. For the purpose of identification of phases, note thatthe three phases are labeled A, B, and C in Fig. 7-25. Phase B is displacedin time from A by 1/3 Hz, and phase C is displaced from phase B by 1/3Hz. In the stator the different phase windings are placed adjacent to eachother so that a B winding is next to an A, a C is next to a B, and thenan A is next to a C, and so on around the stator (see Fig. 7-25).

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260 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-23 Three-phase AC waveform.

Figure 7-24 Cutaway view of a three-phase motor with (a) a half-etched squirrel cage rotor,and (b) a three-phase motor with a cast rotor.


0° 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° 360°








B Figure 7-25 Three-phase currentand coil placement in a motor.

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The next step is to picture the magnetic fields produced by the threephases in just one group of A, B, and C windings for 1 Hz. Start with theA phase at its maximum positive peak current value. This A winding isa north pole at its maximum strength. As the cycle progresses, the mag-netic pole at A will decrease to zero as the current changes direction. Itwill become a south pole. The strength of the field will increase until thecurrent reaches its greatest negative value. This produces a maximumstrength south pole, and then a decrease. It then passes through zero orneutral and becomes a maximum north pole at the end of the cycle.

The B phase winding does exactly the same thing, except that the riseand fall of the magnetic fields follow behind the A phase by 1/3 Hz, andthe C phase winding magnetic field follows behind B by 1/3 Hz and theA phase by 2/3 Hz.

Assume that you can see only the maximum north poles produced byeach phase. Your view of the motor is from the end of a complete statorconnected to a three-phase power source. The north poles will movearound the stator and appear to be revolving because of the current rela-tionship of the A, B, and C phases.

The three-phase motor has a rotor that consists of steel diskspressed onto the motor shaft. The slots or grooves are filled with alu-minum and connected on the ends to form a cage for the electrical cur-rent (see Fig. 7-26). The rotating magnetic field in the stator inducescurrent into this electrical cage and thereby sets up north and southpoles in the rotor. These north and south poles then follow their oppo-site members in the stator and the shaft rotates. Polyphase inductionmotors are often called squirrel-cage motors because of this rotor con-struction. This rotating field makes it possible for the motor to startwithout capacitors or switches. Thus, it is a simpler motor to main-tain and operate.

Reversibility. Three-phase motors can be reversed while running. It isvery hard on the bearings and the driven machine, but it can be doneby reversing any two of the three connections. This is usually done bya switch specially designed for the purpose.

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Figure 7-26 Three-phase motor with explosion-proof construction.

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Open phase. If a three-phase motor develops an open “leg” or one phase(two instead of three wires are coming into the motor terminal withpower), it will slow down and hum noticeably. It will, however, continueto run in the same direction. If you try to start it with only two legs (orphases), it will not start but will rotate if started by hand (in fact, it willstart in either direction). Once the other phase is connected, it willquickly come up to speed. The loss of one leg is usually due to a fuse inthat leg blowing (i.e., if there are three individual fuses in the three-phase circuit, as is normally the case).

Uses. Three-phase motors are used for machine tools, industrial pumpsand fans, air compressors, and air-conditioning equipment. They are rec-ommended wherever a polyphase power supply is available. They pro-vide high starting and breakdown torque with smooth pull-up torque.They are efficient to operate and are designed for 208 to 220/460-Voperation with horsepower ratings from 1/4 to the hundreds.

Capacitor Ratings

You have already been introduced to capacitors that are used for start-ing a motor and for improving the power factor and torque character-istics of the motor. Here we would like to take a look at the ratings andthe proper care of capacitors for long-time operation.

Never use a capacitor with a lower rating than specified on the orig-inal equipment. The voltage rating and the microfarad rating are impor-tant. A higher voltage rating than that specified is always usable.However, a voltage rating lower than that specified can cause damage.Make sure the capacitance marked on the capacitor in microfarads isas specified. Replace with a capacitor of the same size rated in μF, MF,UF, or MFD. All these abbreviations are used to indicate microfarads.See Table 7-1 for a listing of the start capacitors and their ratings fordifferent voltages. Note that the capacitors are not exactly what they arerated for in microfarads. They have a tolerance and the limits are shown.

Start Capacitors and Bleeder Resistors

The development of high-power-factor, low-current, single-phase com-pressor motors that require start and run capacitors used with potential-type relays has created electrical peculiarities that did not exist in previousdesigns. In some situations, relay contacts may weld together, causingcompressor motor failure. This phenomenon occurs due to the high volt-age in the start capacitor discharging (arcing) across the potential relaycontacts. To eliminate this, start capacitors are equipped with bleederresistors across the capacitor terminals (see Fig. 7-27).

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TABLE 7-1 Ratings and Test Limits for AC Electrolytic Capacitors

Capacity rating (microfarads) 110-V ratings 125-V ratings 220-V ratings

Amps. at Amps. at Amps. at Approx.rated voltage, Approx. max. rated voltage, Approx. max. rated max.

Nominal Limits Average 60 Hz watts 60 Hz watts voltage, 60 Hz watts

25–30 27.5 1.04–1.24 10.9 1.18–1.41 14.1 2.07–2.49 43.832–36 34 1.33–1.49 13.1 1.51–1.70 17 2.65–2.99 52.638–42 40 1.56–1.74 15.3 1.79–1.98 19.8 3.15–3.48 61.243–48 45.5 1.78–1.99 17.5 2.06–2.26 22.6 3.57–3.98 70

50 53–60 56.5 2.20–2.49 21.9 2.50–2.83 28.3 4.40–4.98 87.660 64–72 68 2.65–2.99 26.3 3.02–3.39 33.9 5.31–5.97 118.265 70–78 74 2.90–3.23 28.4 3.30–3.68 36.8 5.81–5.97 128.270 75–84 79.5 3.11–3.48 30.6 3.53–3.96 39.6 6.22–6.97 13880 86–96 91 3.57–3.98 35 4.05–4.52 45.2 7.13–7.96 157.690 97–107 102 4.02–4.44 39.1 4.57–5.04 50.4 8.05–8.87 175.6

100 108–120 114 4.48–4.98 43.8 5.09–5.65 56.5 8.96–9.95 197115 124–138 131 5.14–5.72 50.3 5.84–6.50 65135 145–162 154 6.01–6.72 62.8 6.83–7.63 85.8150 161–180 170 6.68–7.46 69.8 7.59–8.48 95.4175 189–210 200 7.84–8.74 81.4 8.91–9.90 111.4180 194–216 205 8.05–8.96 83.8 9.14–10.18 114.5200 216–240 228 8.96–9.95 93 10.18–11.31 127.2215 233–260 247 9.66–10.78 106.7 10.98–12.25 145.5225 243–270 257 10.08–11.20 110.9 11.45–12.72 151250 270–300 285 11.20–12.44 123.2 12.72–14.14 167.9300 324–360 342 13.44–14.93 147.8 15.27–16.96 201.4315 340–380 360 14.10–15.76 156350 378–420 399 15.68–17.42 172.5400 430–480 455 17.83–19.91 197.1

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Bleeder resistor-equipped capacitors may not be available. Then a2-W, 1500- resistor can be soldered across the capacitor terminals.This does not interfere with the operation of the circuit, but does allowthe capacitor to discharge across the resistor instead of across therelay switch points. This resistor is called a bleeder because it bleedsoff the capacitor charge.

Run capacitors

The marked terminal of run capacitors should be connected to the R ter-minal of the compressor and thus to L2. Check the wiring diagram forthe correct terminal. The run capacitor is in the circuit whenever thecompressor is running. It is an oil-filled electrolytic capacitor that cantake continuous use.

If the start capacitor is left in the circuit too long, in some cases thecoil of the potential relay will open from vibration or use and cause thestart capacitor to stay in the circuit longer than 10 to 15 s. This causesthe electrolytic capacitor to explode or spew out its contents.

Motor Protectors

In most compressors there is a motor protector (see Fig. 7-28). The over-load protector is inserted into the motor windings so that if they over-heat the device will open the contacts of the switch. The bimetal elementexpands to cause the contacts to remove the power to the windings,These protectors are in addition to any circuit breakers that may bemounted outside the compressor.

Compressor Motor Relays

A hermetic compressor motor relay is an automatic switching devicedesigned to disconnect the motor start winding after the motor hascome up to running speed (see Fig. 7-29). The two types of motor relays

264 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-27 Bleeder resistor across the capacitor terminals.

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Figure 7-28 Motor internal line-break protector. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 7-29 (a) Location of the overload and relay on a compressor (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.), (b) starting relay and overload protector. (Courtesy of Kelvinator.)

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used in refrigeration and air-conditioning compressors are the currentand the potential type.

Current-type relay

The current-type relay is most often used with small refrigeration com-pressors up to 1 hp. Where power is applied to the compressor motor,the relay solenoid coil attracts the relay armature upward. This causesbridging contact and stationary contact to engage (see Fig. 7-30). Thisenergizes the motor start winding. When the compressor motor comesup to running speed, the motor’s main winding current is such that therelay solenoid coil de-energizes. This allows the relay contacts to dropopen, which disconnects the motor start winding.

One thing to remember about this type of relay is its mounting. Itshould be mounted in a true vertical position so that the armature andbridging contact will drop free when the relay solenoid is de-energized.

Potential-type relay

This relay is generally used with large commercial and air-conditioning com-pressors (see Fig. 7-31). Motors may be capacitor-start, capacitor-run typesup to 5 hp. Relay contacts are normally closed. The relay coil is wired acrossthe start winding. It senses voltage change. Start winding voltages increasewith motor speed. As the voltage increases to the specific pickup value, thearmature pulls up, opening the relay contacts and de-energizing the startwindings. After switching, there is still sufficient voltage induced in the startwinding to keep the relay coil energized and the ray starting contacts open.

266 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-30 Current relay. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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When the power is shut off to the motor, the voltage drops to zero. The coilis de-energized and the start contact is reset for the next start.

Many of these relays are extremely position sensitive. When chang-ing a compressor relay, care should be taken to install the replacementin the same position as the original. Never select a replacement relaysolely by horsepower or other generalized rating. Select the correct relayfrom the parts guide book furnished by the manufacturer. Visual inspec-tion can distinguish the two relays. The current relay has heavy wirefor the coil and the potential relay has fine wire for the coil.

Choosing Wire Size

There are two criteria for choosing wire size for installation of air-con-ditioning or refrigeration equipment. The size of the electrical conduc-tor wire recommended for a given appliance circuit depends upon twothings: limitation on voltage loss and minimum wire size.

Limiting voltage loss

Proper operation of an electrical device must be under the conditions forwhich it was designed. The wire size selected must be low in resistanceper foot of length. This will ensure that the full load “line loss” of thetotal length of the circuit does not cause low voltage of the appliance ter-minals. Since the length of electrical feeders varies with each installa-tion, wire sizing to avoid excessive voltage loss becomes theresponsibility of the installing contractor. The National Electrical Code(NEC) or local code should be followed.

Figure 7-31 Potential-type relay. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Minimum wire size

To avoid field wiring being damaged by tensile stress or overheating,national and local codes establish minimum wire sizes. The maximumamperage permitted for a given conductor limits internal heat genera-tion so that temperature will not damage its insulation. This assumesproper fusing that will limit the maximum current flow so that the con-ductor will always be protected.

Wire size and voltage loss go hand in hand, so to speak. The largerthe wire, the more current it can handle without voltage loss along thelines. Each conductor or wire has resistance. This resistance, measuredin ohms per unit of wire length, increases as the cross-sectional area ofthe wire decreases. The size of the wire is indicated by gage number. Thehigher the gage number, the smaller the wire. American Wire Gage(AWG) is the standard used for wire size. Each gage number has aresistance value in ohms per foot of wire length. The resistance of alu-minum wire is 64 percent greater than that for copper of the same gagenumber.

Wire selection

The wire size recommended for actual use should be the heavier of thetwo indicated by the procedures that will follow.

Local approval is usually necessary for any installation that has largecurrent draws. The data presented here are based on the NEC. Muchof the detail has been omitted in the interest of simplification. Thus,there may be areas of incompleteness not covered by a footnote or ref-erence. In all cases it is recognized that final approval must come fromthe authority having local jurisdiction. The NEC sets forth minimumstandards. It is an effort to establish some standard for safe operationof equipment.

Wire Size and Low Voltage

The voltage at which a motor or device should operate is stamped on thenameplate. This voltage indicates that the full capacity of the device isbeing utilized when that particular voltage is available. Motors operatedat lower than rated voltage are unable to provide full horsepower with-out jeopardizing their service life. Electric heating units lose capacityeven more rapidly at reduced voltages.

Low voltage can result in insufficient spark for oil burner ignition,reluctant starting of motors, and overheating of motors handlingnormal loads. Thus, it is not uncommon to protect electrical devices byselecting relays that will not close load circuits if the voltage is morethan 15 percent below rating.

268 Chapter Seven

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Electric Motors 269

Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) certified coolingunits are tested to ensure they will start and run at 10 percent aboveand 10 percent below their rating plate voltage. However, this does notimply that continuous operation at these voltages will not affect theircapacity, performance, and anticipated service life. A large proportionof air-conditioning compressor burnouts can be traced to low voltage.Because the motor of a hermetic compressor is entirely enclosed withinthe refrigerant cycle, it is important that it not be abused either byoverloading or undervoltage. Both of these can occur during peak loadconditions. A national survey has shown that the most common causeof compressor low voltage is the use of undersized conductors betweenthe utility lines and the condensing unit.

The size of the wire selected must be one that, under full load condi-tions, will deliver acceptable voltages to the appliance terminals. TheNEC requires that conductors be sized to limit voltage drop between theoutdoor-pole service tap and the appliance terminals to not in excess of5 percent of rated voltage under full load conditions. This loss may besubdivided, with 3 percent permissible in service drops, feeders, meters,and overcurrent protectors at the distribution panel and the appliance(see Fig. 7-32).

In a 240-V service, the wire size selected for an individual appliancecircuit should cause no more than 4.8-V drop under full load conditions.Even with this 5 percent limitation on voltage drop, the voltage at theequipment terminals is still very apt to be below the rating plate values(see Table 7-2).

Figure 7-32 Voltage drops from post to air conditioner. (Courtesy of Bryant.)

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Voltage drop calculations

Just as friction creates pressure loss in water flow through pipes, so doeselectrical resistance create voltage drop as current flows through a con-ductor. The drop increases with the length of the conductor (in feet), thecurrent flow (in amperes), and the ohms of resistance per foot of wire.This relationship may be expressed as follows:

Voltage drop = amperes × ohms/foot × length of conductor

Figure 7-33 illustrates how voltage drop per 100 ft of copper conductorwill increase with the amount of current drawn through the conductor.The wire size is indicated on the straight line. Match the amperes withthe wire size. Then follow over to the left column to determine the volt-age drop. For instance, Fig. 7-33 shows that there will be a 2.04-V dropper 100 ft of copper conductor for 20 A of current through a No. 10 wire.

The Effects of Voltage Variations on AC Motors

Motors will run at the voltage variations already mentioned. This doesnot imply such operation will comply with industry standards of capac-ity, temperature rise, or normally anticipated service life. Figure 7-34shows general effects. Such effects are not guaranteed for specific motors.

The temperature rise and performance characteristics of motorssealed within hermetic compressor shells constitute a special case. Thesemotors are cooled by return suction gas of varying quantity and tem-perature. Thus, Fig. 7-34 is not necessarily applicable to this specializedtype of equipment.

The chart shows the approximate effect of voltage variations on motorcharacteristics. The reference base of voltage and frequency is under-stood to be that shown on the nameplate of the motor.

Some of the terms used in the chart are explained here.

Normal slip = synchronous speed − the rating plate speed

270 Chapter Seven

TABLE 7-2 Permissible Maximum Voltage Drops

For a line voltage of 120 208 240 480

Feeders to distribution panel (3%) 3.6 6.24 7.2 14.4Branch circuit to appliance (2%) 2.4 4.16 4.8 9.6Total voltage drop fully loaded 6 10.4 12 24Resultant∗ voltage at appliance 114 197.6 228 456

∗Assumes full-rated voltage where feeders connect to utility lines. Ifutility voltage runs low, the overall voltage drop should be furtherreduced so as to make available at the appliance terminals a voltageas close as practical to that specified on the appliance rating plate.

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Electric Motors 271

Slip in the graph indicates the change in normal slip. Synchronous speeds for 60-Hz motors are

2-pole—3600 r/min or rpm4-pole—1800 r/min or rpm6-pole—1200 r/min or rpm8-pole—900 r/min or rpm

Table 7-3 indicates the voltage drop that may be anticipated for var-ious ampere flow rates through copper conductors of different gage size.Figure 7-33 provides the same data in graphic form.

These data are applicable to both single-phase and three-phase cir-cuits. In each case, the wire length equals twice the distance from thepower distribution panel to the appliance terminals, measured alongthe path of the conductors. This is twice the distance between B and Cin Fig. 7-32, measured along the path of the conductors. For motorizedappliances, particularly those that start under loaded conditions, thevoltage at the appliance terminals should not drop more than 10 per-cent below rating plate values unless approved by the manufacturer.

Figure 7-33 Conductor voltage drops per 100 ft.

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Thus, the voltage drop permissible in the load leads must anticipate anyreduction below rated voltage that may be suffered under full load con-ditions at the point of power source connection (point A in Fig. 7-32).

Troublesome voltage losses may also occur elsewhere if electricaljoints or splices are mechanically imperfect and create unanticipatedresistance. Such connections may exist in the distribution panel, themeter socket, or even where outdoor power drops are clamped to thefeeder lines on poles. Where there is a wide variation between no-loadvoltage and operating voltage, sources of voltage drop can be deter-mined by taking voltmeter readings at various points in the circuit.These points might be ahead of the meter, after the circuit disconnectswitch, at the appliance terminals, and at other locations.

Selecting Proper Wire Size

To provide adequate voltage at the appliance terminals, anticipate theminimum voltage that may exist at the distribution panel. Then deter-mine the allowable voltage drop acceptable in the appliance circuit.

272 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-34 General effects of voltage variations in inductionmotor characteristics.

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TABLE 7-3 Voltage Drop per 100 Ft of Copper Conductor of Wire Gage

Amperes∗ No. 14 No. 12 No. 10 No. 8 No. 6 No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 0 No. 00 No. 000 No. 0000

5 1.29 0.81 0.51 0.32 0.21 0.13 0.1110 2.57 1.62 1.02 0.64 0.41 0.26 0.21 0.16 0.13 0.1015 3.86 2.43 1.53 0.96 0.62 0.39 0.31 0.24 0.19 0.15 0.12 0.1020 5.14 3.24 2.04 1.28 0.82 0.52 0.41 0.32 0.26 0.20 0.16 0.13 0.1025 6.43 4.05 2.55 1.60 1.03 0.65 0.51 0.41 0.32 0.26 0.20 0.16 0.1330 7.71 4.86 3.06 1.92 1.23 0.78 0.62 0.49 0.39 0.31 0.24 0.19 0.1535 5.67 3.57 2.24 1.44 0.91 0.72 0.57 0.45 0.36 0.28 0.22 0.1840 6.48 4.08 2.56 1.64 1.04 0.82 0.65 0.52 0.41 0.32 0.26 0.2045 4.59 2.88 1.85 1.17 0.92 0.73 0.58 0.46 0.36 0.29 0.2350 5.10 3.20 2.05 1.30 1.03 0.81 0.65 0.51 0.41 0.32 0.2660 6.12 3.84 2.46 1.56 1.23 0.97 0.77 0.61 0.49 0.38 0.3170 4.48 2.87 1.82 1.44 1.13 0.90 0.71 0.57 0.45 0.3680 5.12 3.28 2.08 1.64 1.30 1.03 0.82 0.65 0.51 0.4190 3.69 2.34 1.85 1.46 1.16 0.92 0.73 0.58 0.46

100 4.10 2.59 2.05 1.62 1.29 1.02 0.81 0.64 0.51110 2.85 2.26 1.78 1.42 1.12 0.89 0.70 0.56120 2.46 1.94 1.55 1.22 0.97 0.77 0.61130 2.10 1.68 1.33 1.05 0.83 0.66140 1.81 1.43 1.13 0.90 0.71150 1.53 1.22 0.96 0.77

Ohms/100 ftCopper 0.257 0.162 0.1018 0.064 0.041 0.0259 0.0205 0.0162 0.0128 0.0102 0.0081 0.0064 0.0051Aluminum 4.22 0.266 0.167 0.105 0.0674 0.0424 0.0336 0.0266 0.0129 0.0168 0.0133 0.0105 0.0084

∗To determine voltage drop for aluminum conductors, enter the chart using 1.64 × actual amperes.The conductor’s lengths is twice the length of the branch leads, whether single or three phase.Since resistance varies with temperature, it may be necessary to correct for wire temperature under load conditions if the ambient materiallyexceeds 80°F. If so, increase ampere values using the multiplier 1.0 + 0.002 × (ambient temperautre − 80°F).Example: If current flow and environment result in conductors reaching 140°F under load conditions, the appliance ampere ratings should beincreased by the multiplying factor 1.0 + 0.002 (140°F− 80°) = 1.0 + 0.12 = 1.12.


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274 Chapter Seven

This should not exceed 2 percent of rated voltage. It should, for exam-ple, not exceed 4.1 V for 208-V service. Table 7-2 shows voltage dropsfor 120-, 208-, 240-, and 408-V service.

Determine the length of feed conductor. This is twice the length of thewire path from the source to the appliance. In Fig. 7-32, this is twotimes the distance from B to C measured along the path of the wire. Ifit is single-phase or three-phase, consider two conductors in establish-ing the total length of the circuit.

Determine the allowable drop per 100 ft of conductor.

Example 7-1 If for a 230-V installation, a 4.6-V drop is permissible, and the wirepath is 115 ft from the distribution panel to the appliance (this makes 230 ft ofconductor), then the allowable drop per 100 ft will be

Using either Table 7-3 or Figure 7-33, determine the gage wire required. Whenusing the graph, select the gage number closest below and to the right.

Example 7-2 The full load value is 35 A. The allowable voltage drop is 2.0 V/100 ft.See Fig. 7-2.

Table solution (Table 7-3): Select No. 6 wire. This results in a drop of1.44 V/100 ft.

Graph solution (Fig. 7-33): Intersection lies between No. 6 wire and No. 8 wire.Select the larger of the two; in this case it would be No. 6.

Unacceptable Motor Voltages

Occasionally, it becomes necessary to determine causes of unacceptablevoltage conditions at motor terminals. Often this is necessary whereexcessive voltage drops are encountered as motors start. During thisbrief interval, the starting inrush current may approximate a motor’slocked rotor amperage rating.

Table 7-4 shows the range of locked rotor amperes (LRA) per motorhorsepower. LRA appears on the rating plates of hermetic compressors.Depending on the type of motor, its locked rotor amperage may be 2 to6 times its rated full load current. Motor starting torque varies as thesquare of the voltage. Thus, only 81 percent of the anticipated torque isavailable if the voltage drops to 90 percent of the rating during the start-ing period.

The full load amperage value must be considered in choosing theproper wire size and making sure the motor has acceptable voltages.These are shown in Table 7-5.

4 6 100230

2 0 100.

. /V ft

ftV ft

× =

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TABLE 7-4 Range of Locked Rotor Amperes per Motor Horsepower

NEMA115 208 230 460

Code letter 1φ 1φ 3φ 1φ 3φ 1φ 3φ

A 0–27.4 0–15.1 0–9.1 0–13.7 0–7.9 0–6.9 0–4.0B 27.5–30.9 15.2–17.0 9.2–9.8 13.8–15.5 8.0–9.0 7.0–7.7 4.1–4.5C 31.0–34.8 17.1–19.4 9.9–11.2 15.6–17.4 9.1–10.1 7.8–8.7 4.6–5.0D 34.9–39.2 19.5–21.6 11.3–12.5 17.5–19.6 10.2–11.3 8.8–9.8 5.1–5.7E 39.3–43.5 21.7–24.0 12.6–13.9 19.7–21.7 11.4–12.5 9.9–10.9 5.8–6.3F 43.6–48.7 24.1–26.9 14.0–15.5 21.8–24.4 12.6–14.1 11.0–12.2 6.4–7.0G 48.8–54.8 27.0–30.3 15.6–17.5 24.5–27.4 14.2–15.8 12.3–13.7 7.1–7.9H 54.9–61.7 30.4–33.7 17.6–19.5 27.5–30.6 15.9–17.7 13.8–15.3 8.0–8.8J 61.8–69.6 33.8–38.4 19.6–22.2 30.7–34.8 17.8–20.1 15.4–17.4 8.9–10.1K 69.7–78.4 38.5–43.3 22.3–25.0 34.9–39.2 20.2–22.6 17.5–19.6 10.2–11.3L 78.5–87.1 43.4–48.0 25.1–27.7 39.3–43.2 22.7–25.2 19.7–21.8 11.4–12.6M 87.2–97.4 48.1–53.8 27.8–31.1 43.3–48.7 25.3–28.7 21.9–24.4 12.7–14.1N 97.5–109 53.9–60.0 31.2–34.6 48.7–54.5 28.3–31.5 24.5–27.3 14.2–15.8P 110–122 60.1–67.2 34.7–38.8 54.6–61.0 31.6–35.2 27.4–30.5 15.9–17.6R 123–139 67.3–76.8 38.9–44.4 61.1–69.6 35.3–40.2 30.6–34.8 17.7–20.1S 140–157 76.9–86.5 44.5–50.0 69.7–78.4 40.3–45.3 34.9–39.2 20.2–22.6T 158–174 86.6–96.0 50.1–55.5 78.5–87.0 45.4–50.2 39.3–43.5 22.7–25.1U 175–195 96.1–108 55.6–56.4 87.1–97.5 50.3–56.3 44.5–48.8 25.2–28.2V 196 and up 109 and up 56.5 and up 97.6 and up 56.4 and up 48.9 and up 28.3 and up

Note: Locked rotor amperes appear on rating plates of hermetic compressors.The NEMA code letter appears on the motor rating plate.Multiply above values by motor horsepower.


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Calculating Starting Current Values andInrush Voltage Drops

Single-phase current

Wire size and inrush voltage drop can be calculated. The following for-mula can be used for single-phase current. For example, if a single-phase 230-V condensing unit, rated at 22-A full load and having astarting current of 91 A is located 125 ft from the distribution panel andso utilizes 250 ft of the No. 10 copper wire, the voltage drop expectedduring full load operation is calculated as follows:

Refer to the lower lines of Table 7-3. Note that the resistance of No. 10copper wire is 0.1018 Ω/100 ft.

(Note that 5.6 V exceeds the 2 percent loss factor, which is 4.6 V.) If thefull 3 percent loss (6.9 V) allowed ahead of the meter is present, then thevoltage at the load terminal of the meter will be 223.1 V (230 − 6.9 = 223.1).Subtract the voltage drop calculated above and there will be only 217.5 Vat the unit terminals during full load operation.

Thus, 223.1 − 5.6 = 217.5. With a total loss of 5.4 percent, (230 − 217.5 =12.5, or 5.47 percent), it is common practice to move to the next largestwire size. Therefore, for this circuit, AWG No. 8 wire should be usedinstead of No. 10.

Voltage dropA ft

V= × × =22 0 1018 250100

5 6.


276 Chapter Seven

TABLE 7-5 Approximate Full-Load Amperage Values for AC Motors

Three-phase, squirrel cageMotor Single phase∗ induction

HP 115 V 230 V 230 V 460 V 575 V

1/6 4.4 2.21/4 5.8 2.91/3 7.2 3.61/2 9.8 4.9 2 1.0 0.83/4 13.8 6.9 2.8 1.4 1.11 16 8 3.6 1.8 1.4

11/2 20 10 5.2 2.6 2.12 24 12 6.8 3.4 2.73 34 17 9.6 4.8 3.95 56 28 15.2 7.6 6.1

71/2 22 11.0 9.010 28 14.0 11.015 42 21.0 17.020 54 27.0 22.025 68 34.0 27.0

∗Does not include shaded pole.

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Electric Motors 277

Insofar as motor starting and relay operation are concerned, the criti-cal period is during the initial instant of start-up when the inrush currentclosely approximates the locked rotor value. For the equipment describedin the above example, the voltage drop experienced at 91-A flow for No. 10wire is again excessive, indicating the wisdom of using No. 8 wire.

For No. 8 wire:

For No. 10 wire:


For a 230-V circuit, the 23.2 V slightly exceeds a 10 percent dropbetween the meter and the appliance. To this must be added the volt-age drop incurred in the lead-in wires from the outdoor power line. Thistotal must then be deducted from the power line voltage on the poles,which may be less than 230 V during utility peak load periods. Althoughthe inrush current may exist for only an instant, this may be longenough to cause a starting relay to open, thus cutting off current to themotor. Without current flow, the voltage at the unit immediately risesenough to reclose the relay, so there is another attempt to start themotor. While the unit may get underway after the second or thirdattempt, such “chattering relay” operation is not good for the relay, thecapacitors, or the motor.

For electrical loads such as lighting, resistance heating, and cooking,inrush current may be considered the equivalent of normal current flow.In the case of rotating machinery, it is only during that initial period orrotation that the start-up current exceeds that of final operation. Thesame is true of relays during the instant of “pull-in.”

Three-phase circuits

Calculating the inrush voltage drop for three-phase circuits is the sameas calculating the drop for single-phase circuits. Again, the value for cir-cuit length equals twice the length of an individual conductor. Sincemore conductors are involved, the normal current and the starting cur-rent per conductor are smaller for a motor of a given size. Thus, lighterwire may be used.

Inrush voltage drop Aft



= × ×


910 1018



..159 V or 23.2 V

Inrush voltage drop 91 Aft

ft= × ×


0 064100




44 56. V

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Example 7-3 Using the same wire length as in the single-phase example and thelower values of 13.7-A full load and 61-A starting inrush per conductor for the three-phase rating of the same size compressor, the use of No. 10 conductor results in


Inrush voltage drop

The actual inrush current through an appliance usually is somewhat lessthan the total of locked-rotor-current values. Locked rotor current is meas-ured with rated voltage at the appliance terminals. Since voltage drop inthe feed lines reduces the voltage available at the terminals, less than ratedvoltage can be anticipated across the electrical components. Consequently,inrush currents and voltage drops are somewhat less. This fact is illus-trated in the following, which is based on the same installation as that inthe previous single-phase examples. However, here the actual locked rotorcurrent of 101 A is used. The formula can be found in Eq. (7-2).

Code Limitations on Amperes per Conductor

Varied mechanical conditions are encountered in field wiring. Thus theNEC places certain limitations on the smallness of conductors installedin the field. Such limitations apply regardless of conductor length.They ensure the following:

That the wire itself has ample strength to withstand the stress ofpulling it through long conduits and chases. With specific exceptions,no wire lighter than No. 14 copper is permitted for field wiring of linevoltage power circuits.

By stipulating the maximum amperage permissible for each wiregage, self-generated heat can be limited to avoid temperature damageto wire insulation. If wiring is installed in areas of high ambient tem-perature, the amperage rating may need to be reduced.

By stipulating the maximum amperage of overload protectors for cir-cuits, current flow is limited to safe values for the conductor used.Some equipment has momentary starting currents that trip-out over-load protectors sized on the basis of full load current. Here heavierfusing is permissible—but only under specific circ*mstances. Currentflow limitations for each gage protect wire insulation from damage dueto overheating.

Normal voltage drop Aft

f= × ×13 70 1018


. tt


Inrush voltage drop 61 Aft


= ×

3 5

0 1018100


. ××



15 5



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Electric Motors 279

Heat Generated within Conductors

Heat generation due to current flow through the wire is important forthe following two reasons.

1. Temperature rise increases the resistance of the wire and, therefore,the voltage drop in the circuit. Under most conditions of circuit usage,this added resistance generates additional heat in the wires. Finally,a temperature is reached where heat dissipation from the conductorsequals the heat that they generate. It is desirable to keep this equi-librium temperature low. The number of Btu generated can be foundby both of the following formulas.

2. Temperature also damages wire insulation. The degree of damage isdependent upon the insulation’s ability to withstand temperatureunder varying degrees of exposure, age, moisture, corrosive envi-ronment, mechanical abuse, and thickness.

Estimating the probable operating temperature of a conductor and itsinsulation is difficult. The rate of heat dissipation from the wiring sur-faces varies with the ambient temperature, the proximity of other heat-generating conductors, the heat conductivity of the insulation and jacketmaterial, the availability of cooling air, and other factors. Freestandingindividual conductors dissipate heat more effectively. However, the typ-ical situation of two or three conductors, each carrying equal current andenclosed in a common jacket, cable, or conduit, anticipates limitationsas set forth by the NEC.

Circuit Protection

Circuits supplying power to appliances must incorporate some meansfor automatically disconnecting the circuit from the power source shouldthere be abnormal current flow due to accidental grounding, equipmentoverload, or short circuits. Such overload devices should operatepromptly enough to limit the buildup of damaging temperatures in con-ductors or in the electrical components of an appliance. However, devicesselected to protect circuit-feeding motors must be slow enough to permitthe momentary inrush of heavy starting current. They must then dis-connect the circuit if the motor does not start promptly, as can happenunder low-voltage conditions.

Devices heavy enough to carry continuously the motor starting cur-rent do not provide the overload protection desired. Likewise, heavilyfused branch circuits do not adequately protect the low-amperage com-ponents that cumulatively require the heavy fusing. For this reasonsome literature lists maximum allowable fuse sizes for equipment.While electrical components of factory-built appliances are individuallysafeguarded, the field combining of two or more units on one circuit may

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create a problem more complex than that normally encountered.Remember that the final authority is the local electrical inspector.

Standard rule

With a few exceptions, the ampere capacity of an overload protectorcannot exceed the ampacity values listed by wire size by the NEC.(Check the NEC for these exceptions.) If the allowable ampacity of a con-ductor does not match the rating of a standard size fuse or nonadjustabletrip-circuit breaker, the device with the next largest capacity should beused. Some of the standard sizes of fuses and nonadjustable trip-circuitbreakers are 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 125,150, 175, 200, 225, 250, and 300 A.


One-time single-element fuses

If a current of more than rated load is continued sufficiently long, thefuse link becomes overheated. This causes the center portion to melt. Themelted portion drops away. However, due to the short gap, the circuit isnot immediately broken. An arc continues and burns the metal at eachend until the arc is stopped because of the very high increase in resist-ance. The material surrounding the link tends to break the arc mechan-ically. The center portion melts first, because it is farthest from theterminals that have the highest heat conductivity (see Fig. 7-35).

Fuses will carry a 10 percent overload indefinitely under laboratory-controlled conditions. However, they will blow promptly if materiallyoverloaded. They will stand 150 percent of the rated amperes for the fol-lowing time periods:

1 min (fuse is 30 A or less) 2 min (fuse of 31 to 60 A) 4 min (fuse of 61 to 100 A)

280 Chapter Seven

Figure 7-35 Illustration of how a fuse works.

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Electric Motors 281

Time-delay two-element fuses

Two-element fuses use the burnout link described previously. They alsouse a low-temperature soldered connection that will open under over-load. This soldered joint has mass, so it does not heat quickly enough tomelt if a heavy load is imposed for only a short time. However, a smallbut continuous overload will soften the solder so that the electrical con-tact can be broken.

With this type of protection against light overloads, the fusible linkcan be made heavier, yet blow quickly to protect against heavy overloads.This results in fewer nuisance burnouts and equipment shutdowns.Two types of dual-element fuses are shown in Fig. 7-36.

Types of fuses

In addition to those fuses just described, there are three general cate-gories based on shape and size.

The AG (automotive glass) fuse consists of a glass cylinder with metal-lic end caps between which is connected a slender metal element thatmelts on current overload. This fuse has a length of 1-5/16 in. and adiameter of 1/4 in. It is available only for low amperages. While usedin specific appliances, it is not used to protect permanently installedwiring.

Figure 7-36 Types of fuses.

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Cartridge fuses are like AG fuses. However, they are larger. The cylin-drical tube is fiber, rather than glass. The metallic end pieces may beformed as lugs, blades, or cylinders to meet a variety of fuse box socketrequirements. The internal metal fusible link may be enclosed in sandor powder to quench the burnout arc.

Cartridge fuses are made in a variety of dimensions, based on amper-age and voltage. Blade type terminals are common above 60 A. Fusesused to break 600-V arcs are longer than those for lower voltages.Fuses are available in many capacities other than the listed stan-dard capacities, particularly in the two-element time-delay types.Often, they are so dimensioned as to not be interchangeable withfuses of other capacities.

Plug fuses are limited in maximum capacity to 30 A. They are designedfor use in circuits of not more than 150 V above ground. Two-elementtime-delay types are available to fit standard screw lamp sockets.They are also available with nonstandard threads made especially forvarious amperage ratings.


The thermostat (or temperature control) stops and starts the com-pressor in response to room temperature requirements. Each ther-mostat has a charged power element containing either a volatile liquidor an active vapor charge. The temperature sensitive part of this ele-ment (thermostat feeler bulb) is located in the return air stream. Asthe return air temperature rises, the pressure of the liquid or vaporinside the bulb increases. This closes the electrical contacts and startsthe compressor. As the return air temperature drops, the reduced tem-perature of the feeler bulb causes the contacts to stop open and stopsthe compressor.

The advent of transistors and semiconductor chips or integrated circuitsproduced a more accurate method of monitoring and adjusting tempera-tures within a system. The microprocessor makes use of semiconductorand chip’s abilities to compare temperatures. It can also program on andoff cycles, as well as monitor the duration of each cycle. This leads tomore accurate temperature control.

Figure 7-37 shows a processor-based thermostat. As you can see fromthe front of the control panel, you can adjust the program to do manythings. It can also save energy, whether it is operating the furnace forheat or the air-conditioning unit for cooling. The units usually comewith a battery so that the memory can retain whatever is programmedinto it. The battery is also a backup for the clock so that the program isretained even if the line power is interrupted.

282 Chapter Seven

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Electric Motors 283

Thermostat as a control switch

The control switch (thermostat) may be located in the room to be cooledor heated, depending upon the particular switch selection point. The con-trol switch (heat, off, cool, and auto) is of the sliding type and normallyhas four positions, marked HEAT, OFF, COOL, and AUTO. The ther-mostat is taken from its socket and programmed according to the man-ufacturer’s directions. Then it is activated by plugging it into the wallsocket and replacing a couple of screws to hold it in place.

To operate the unit as a ventilator, the switch on the left is marked“Fan” with an “On” and “Auto” choice to select the Fan operation. Whena thermostat is installed for automatic cooling, the compressor and fanswill cycle according to the dial requirements.

Figure 7-38 shows the electrical circuitry for a home heat-cool ther-mostat. Keep in mind that the thermostat should always be on theinside partition, never on an outside wall. Do not mount the instru-ment on a part of the wall that has steam or hot water pipes or warmair ducts behind it. The location should be such that direct sunshine orfireplace radiation cannot strike the thermostat. Be careful that thespot selected is not likely to have a floor lamp near it or a table lampunder it. Do not locate the thermostat where heat from kitchen appli-ances can affect it. Do not locate it on a wall that has a cold unused roomon the other side.

After a thermostat has been mounted, it is wise to fill the stud spacebehind the instrument with insulating material. This is to prevent anycirculation of cold air. Furthermore, the hole behind the thermostat forthe wires should be sealed so that air cannot emerge from the studspace and blow across the thermostat element. It is quite common to find

Figure 7-37 Microprocessor thermostat used for residential tem-perature and cooling control.

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considerable air motion through this hole caused by a chimney effect inthe stud space.


Servicemen who have good knowledge of refrigeration and air condi-tioning will be able to competently service air conditioners. Most air-con-ditioning units of present design contain compressors of the hermeticor sealed type. The only part that can be serviced in the field are therelay, control switch, fan, fan motor, start and run capacitors, air filters,and cabinet parts. The refrigerating system (consisting of the coolingunit, condensers, compressors, and connecting lines) generally cannotbe serviced in the field. Most servicemen will find the newer electronicthermostats easy to program when following the manufacturer’s instruc-tions included with every thermostat and usually given to the home-owner at closing on the new house.

284 Chapter Seven

Auto On

Switch action on temperature rise

Adjustable heat anticipation

Thermostat element

Sub-base unit

Fan switch

On Auto



Fan Cool 24-V Supply HeatExact terminal location





Figure 7-38 Electrical circuitry of a home heat-cool thermostat.

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Condensers are heat-transfer devices that are used to remove heat fromhot refrigerant vapor. By using some method of cooling, the condenserchanges the vapor to a liquid. There are three basic methods of cooling thecondenser hot gases. The method used to cool the refrigerant and returnit to the liquid state is used to categorize the two types of condensers:

Air-cooled Water-cooled

Cooling towers can also be used to cool the refrigerant.Most commercial and residential air-conditioning units are air-cooled.

Water can be also used to cool the refrigerant. This is usually done wherethere is an adequate supply of fairly clean water. Industrial applicationsrely upon water to cool the condenser gases. The evaporative process is(cooling towers) also used to return the condenser gases to the liquid state.


Air-cooled condensers

Figure 8-1 illustrates the refrigeration process within an air-cooled con-denser. Figure 8-2 shows some of the various types of compressors andcondensers mounted as a unit. These units may be located outside thecooled space. Such a location makes it possible to exhaust the heated airfrom the cooled space. Note that the condenser has a large-bladed fanthat pushes air through the condenser fins. The fins are attached to coilsof copper or aluminum tubing. Tubing houses the liquid and the gaseousvapors. When the blown air contacts the fins, it cools them. Heat fromthe compressed gas in the tubing is thus transferred to the cooler fin.

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286 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-1 Refrigeration cycle.

Figure 8-2 A condenser, fan, and compressor. Self-contained, in one unit. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

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Heat given up by the refrigerant vapor to the condensing mediumincludes both the heat absorbed in the evaporator and the heat of com-pression. Thus, the condenser always has a load, that is, the sum of thesetwo heats. This means the compressor must handle more heat than thatgenerated by the evaporator. The quantity of heat (in Btu) given off by thecondenser is rated in heat per minute per ton of evaporator capacity. Thesecondensers are rated at various suction and condensing temperatures.

The larger the condenser area exposed to the moving air stream, thelower will be the temperature of the refrigerant when it leaves the con-denser. The temperature of the air leaving the vicinity of the condenserwill vary with the load inside the area being cooled. If the evaporatorpicks up the additional heat and transfers it to the condenser, then thecondenser must transmit this heat to the air passing over the surface ofthe fins. The temperature rise in the condensing medium passing throughthe condenser is directly proportional to the condenser load. It is inverselyproportional to the quantity and specific heat of the condensing medium.

To exhaust the heat without causing the area being cooled to heat upagain, it is common practice to locate the condenser outside of the areabeing conditioned. For example, for an air-conditioned building, thecondenser is located on the rooftop or on an outside slab at grade level(see Fig. 8-3).

Condensers 287

Figure 8-3 Condensers mounted on rooftops and at grade level. (Courtesy of Lennox.)

Unit on slab at grade level Multiple units on rooftop

Rooftop installation Unit on slab at grade level

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Some condensers are cooled by natural airflow. This is the case indomestic refrigerators. Such natural convection condensers use eitherplate surface or finned tubing (see Fig. 8-4).

Air-cooled condensers that use fans are classified as chassis mountedand remote. The chassis-mounted type is shown in Fig. 8-2. Here, thecompressor, fan, and condenser are mounted as one unit. The remotetype is shown in Fig. 8-3. Remote air-cooled condensers can be obtainedin sizes that range from 1 to 100 ton. The chassis-mounted types are usu-ally limited to 1 ton or less.

Water-cooled condensers

Water is used to cool condensers. One method is to cool condensers withwater from the city water supply and then exhaust the water into thesewer after it has been used to cool the refrigerant. This method can beexpensive and, in some instances, is not allowed by law. When there isa sewer problem, a limited sewer-treatment plant capacity, or drought,it is impractical to use this cooling method.

288 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-4 Flat, coil-type condenser, with natural air circulation.Used in domestic refrigeration. (Courtesy of Sears.)

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The use of recirculation to cool the water for reuse is more practical.However, in recirculation, the power required to pump the water to thecooling location is part of the expense of operating the unit.

There are three types of water-cooled condensers:

Double-tube Shell-and-coil Shell-and-tube

The double-tube type consists of two tubes, one inside the other (seeFig. 8-5). Water is piped through the inner tube. Refrigerant is pipedthrough the tube that encloses the inner tube. The refrigerant flows inthe opposite direction than the water (see Fig. 8-6).

This type of coaxial water-cooled condenser is designed for use withrefrigeration and air-conditioning condensing units where space is limited.These condensers can be mounted vertically, horizontally, or at any angle.

They can be used with cooling towers also. They perform at peak heatof rejection with water pressure drop of not more than 5 psi, utilizingflow rates of 3 gallons per minute per ton.

The typical counterflow path shows the refrigerant going in a 105°F(41°C) and the water going in at 85°F (30°C) and leaving at 95°F (35°C)(see Fig. 8-7).

The counter-swirl design, shown in Fig. 8-6, gives a heat-transferperformance of superior quality.

Condensers 289

Figure 8-5 Coaxial, water-cooledcondenser. Used with refrigera-tion and air-conditioning unitswhere space is limited.

Figure 8-6 A typical counterflow path inside a coaxial water-cooled condenser. (Courtesyof Packless.)

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The tube construction provides for excellent mechanical stability. Thewater-flow path is turbulent. This provides a scrubbing action thatmaintains cleaner surfaces. The construction method shown also hasvery high system pressure resistance.

The water-cooled condenser shown in Fig. 8-5 can be obtained in anumber of combinations. Some of these combinations are listed inTable 8-1. Copper tubing is suggested for use with fresh water and withcooling towers. The use of cupronickel is suggested when salt water isused for cooling purposes.

Convolutions to the water tube result in a spinning, swirling water flowthat inhibits the accumulation of deposits on the inside of the tube. Thiscontributes to the antifouling characteristics in this type of condenser.Figure 8-8 shows the various types of construction for the condenser.

290 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-7 Water and refrigeranttemperatures in a counterflow,water-cooled condenser. (Courtesyof Packless.)

TABLE 8-1 Possible Metal Combinations Foundin Water-Cooled Condensers

Shell metal Tubing metal

Steel CopperCopper CopperSteel CupronickelCopper CupronickelSteel Stainless steelStainless steel Stainless steel

Figure 8-8 Different types of tubing fabrication, located inside thecoaxial-type water-cooled condenser. (Courtesy of Packless.)

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This type of condenser may be added as a booster to standard air-cooled units. Figure 8-9 shows some of the variations in the configura-tion of this type of condenser:

Spiral Helix Trombone

Note the inputs for water and refrigerant. Using a cooling tower tofurnish the water that contacts the outside tube can further cool thecondenser. Also, a water tower can be used to cool the water sentthrough the inside tube for cooling purposes. This type of condenseris usable where refrigeration or air-conditioning requirements are1/3 ton to 3 ton.

Placing a bare tube or a finned tube inside a steel shell makes the shell-and-coil condenser (see Fig. 8-10). Water circulates through the coils.Refrigerant vapor is injected into the shell. The hot vapor contacts thecooler tubes and condenses. The condensed vapor drains from the coilsand drops to the bottom of the tank or shell. From there it is recirculatedthrough the refrigerated area by way of the evaporator. In most cases,placing chemicals into the water cleans the unit. The chemicals have atendency to remove the deposits that build up on the tubing walls.

Condensers 291

Figure 8-9 Three configurations of coaxial, water-cooled condensers.(Courtesy of Packless.)

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A chiller is part of a condenser. Chillers are used to cool water or brinesolutions. The cooled (chilled) water or brine is fed through pipes toevaporators. This cools the area in which the evaporators are located.This type of cooling, using chilled water or brine, can be used in largeair-conditioning units. It can also be used for industrial processes wherecooling is required for a particular operation.

Figure 8-11 illustrates such an operation. Note how the compressorsits atop the condenser. Chillers are the answer to requirements of 200to 1600 ton of refrigeration. They are used for process cooling, comfortair-conditioning, and nuclear power plant cooling. In some cases, theyare used to provide ice for ice-skating rinks. The arrows in Fig. 8-11 indi-cate the refrigerant flow and the water or brine flow through the largepipes. Figure 8-12 shows the machine in a cutaway view. The followingexplanation of the various cycles will provide a better understanding ofthe operation of this type of equipment.

Refrigeration cycle

The machine compressor continuously draws large quantities of refrig-erant vapor from the cooler, at a rate determined by the size of theguide-vane opening. This compressor suction reduces the pressurewithin the cooler, allowing the liquid refrigerant to boil vigorously at afairly low temperature [typically, 30 to 35°F (−1 to 2°C)].

Liquid refrigerant obtains the energy needed for the change to vaporby removing heat from the water in the cooler tubes. The cold water canthen be used in the air-conditioning process.

After removing heat from the water, the refrigerant vapor enters thefirst stage of the compressor. There, it is compressed and flows into the

292 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-10 The shell-and-coilcondenser.

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second stage of the compressor. Here it is mixed with flash-economizergas and further compressed.

Compression raises the refrigerant temperature above that of thewater flowing through the condenser tubes. When the warm [typically100 to 105°F (38 to 41°C)] refrigerant vapor contacts the condensertubes, the relatively cool condensing water [typically, 85 to 95°F (29 to35°C)] removes some of the heat and the vapor condenses into a liquid.

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Figure 8-11 The chiller, compressor, condenser, and cooler are combined in one unit.(Courtesy of Carrier.)

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Further heat removal occurs in the group of condenser tubes thatform the thermal economizer. Here, the condensed liquid refrigerant issubcooled by contact with the coolest condenser tubes. These are thetubes that contain the entering water.

The subcooled liquid refrigerant drains into a high-side valve cham-ber. This chamber maintains the proper fluid level in the thermaleconomizer and meters the refrigerant liquid into a flash economizerchamber. Pressure in this chamber is intermediate between con-denser and cooler pressures. At this lower pressure, some of theliquid refrigerant flashes to gas, cooling the remaining liquid. Theflash gas, having absorbed heat, is returned directly to the com-pressor’s second stage. Here, it is mixed with gas already compressedby the first stage impeller. Since the flash gas must pass through onlyhalf the compression cycle to reach condenser pressure, there is a sav-ings in power.

The cooled liquid refrigerant in the economizer is metered throughthe low-side valve chamber into the cooler. Because pressure in thecooler is lower than economizer pressure, some of the liquid flashes andcools the remainder to evaporator (cooler) temperature. The cycle is nowcomplete.

Motor-cooling cycle

Refrigerant liquid from a sump in the condenser (No. 24 in Fig. 8-11) issubcooled by passage through a line in the cooler (No. 27 in Fig. 8-11). Therefrigerant then flows externally through a strainer and variable orifice(No. 11 in Fig. 8-11) and enters the compressor motor end. Here it spraysand cools the compressor rotor and stator. It then collects in the base of

294 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-12 Cutaway view of a chiller.

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the motor casing. Here, it drains into the cooler. Differential pressurebetween the condenser and cooler maintains the refrigerant flow.

Dehydrator cycle

The dehydrator removes water and noncondensable gases. It indicatesany water leakage into the refrigerant (see No. 6 in Fig. 8-11).

This system includes a refrigerant-condensing coil and chamber, waterdrain valve, purging valve, pressure gage, refrigerant float valve, andrefrigerant piping.

A dehydrator-sampling line continuously picks up refrigerant vaporand contaminants, if any, from the condenser. Vapor is condensed intoa liquid by the dehydrator-condensing coil. Water, if present, separatesand floats on the refrigerant liquid. The water level can be observedthrough a sight glass.

Water may be withdrawn manually at the water drain valve. Air. andother noncondensable gases collect in the upper portion of thedehydrator-condensing chamber. The dehydrator gage indicates thepresence of air or other gases through a rise in pressure. These gasesmay be manually vented through the purging valve.

A float valve maintains the refrigerant liquid level and pressure dif-ference necessary for the refrigerant-condensing action. Purified refrig-erant is returned to the cooler from the dehydrator float chamber.

Lubrication cycle

The oil pump and oil reservoir are contained within the unishell. Oil ispumped through an oil filter-cooler that removes heat and foreign par-ticles. A portion of the oil is then fed to the compressor motor-end bear-ings and seal. The remaining oil lubricates the compressor transmission,compressor thrust and journal bearings, and seal. Oil is then returnedto the reservoir to complete the cycle.


The cooling capacity of the machine is automatically adjusted to matchthe cooling load by changes in the position of the compressor inlet-guidevanes (see Fig. 8-13).

A temperature-sensing device in the circuit of the chilled water leav-ing the machine cooler continuously transmits signals to a solid-statemodule in the machine-control center. The module, in turn, transmitsthe amplified and modulated temperature signals to an automatic guidevane actuator.

A drop in the temperature of the chilled water leaving the circuitcauses the guide vanes to move toward the closed position. This reduces

Condensers 295

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the rate of refrigerant evaporation and vapor flow into the compressor.Machine capacity decreases. A rise in chilled water temperature opensthe vanes. More refrigerant vapor moves through the compressor andthe capacity increases.

The modulation of the temperature signals in the control center allowsprecise control of guide vane response, regardless of the system load.

Solid-state capacity control

In addition to amplifying and modulating the signals from chilled watersensor to vane actuator, the solid-state module in the control centerprovides a means for preventing the compressor from exceeding fullload amperes. It also provides a means for limiting motor current downto 40 percent of full load amperes to reduce electrical demand rates.

A throttle adjustment screw eliminates guide vane hunting. A manualcapacity control knob allows the operator to open, close, or hold theguide-vane position when desired.

Cooling Towers

Cooling towers are used to conserve or recover water. In one design, thehot water from the condenser is pumped to the tower. There, it is sprayedinto the tower basin. The temperature of the water decreases, as it givesup heat to the air circulating through the tower. Some of the towers arerather large, since they work with condensers yielding 1600 ton of cool-ing capacity (see Fig. 8-14).

Most of the cooling that takes place in the tower results from theevaporation of part of the water as it falls through the tower.

The lower the wet bulb temperature of the incoming air, the more effi-cient the air is in decreasing the temperature of the water being fed intothe tower. The following factors influence the efficiency of the coolingtower:

296 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-13 Vane motor-crank angles. These are shown as No. 16 and No. 17 in Fig. 8-11.

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Mean difference between vapor pressure of the air and pressure in thetower water

Length of exposure time and amount of water surface exposed to air Velocity of air through the tower Direction of air flow relative to the exposed water surface (parallel,

transverse, or counter)

Theoretically, the lowest temperature to which the water can be cooledis the temperature of the air (wet bulb) entering the tower. However, inpractical terms, it is impossible to reach the temperature of the air Inmost instances, the temperature of the water leaving the tower will beno lower than 7 to 10°F (−14 to −12°C) above the air temperature.

The range of the tower is the temperature of the water going into thetower and the temperature of the water coming out of the tower. Thisrange should be matched to the operation of the condenser for maximumefficiency.

Cooling systems terms

The following terms apply to cooling-tower systems.

Cooling range is the number of degrees in Fahrenheit through whichthe water is cooled in the tower. It is the difference between the

Condensers 297

Figure 8-14 Recirculating water system using a tower.

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temperature of the hot water entering the tower and the temperatureof the cold water leaving the tower.

Approach is the difference in degree Fahrenheit between the tem-perature of the cold water leaving the cooling tower and the wet-bulbtemperature of the surrounding air.

Heat load is the amount of heat “thrown away” by the cooling towerin Btu per hour (or per minute). It is equal to the pounds of water cir-culated multiplied by the cooling range.

Cooling-tower pump head is the pressure required to lift the return-ing hot water from a point level with the base of the tower to the topof the tower and force it through the distribution system.

Drift is the small amount of water lost in the form of fine dropletsretained by the circulating air. It is independent of, and in additionto, evaporation loss.

Bleed-off is the continuous or intermittent wasting of a small fractionof circulating water to prevent the build-up and concentration of scale-forming chemicals in the water.

Make-up is the water required to replace the water that is lost by evap-oration, drift, and bleed-off.

Design of cooling towers

Classified by the air-circulation method used, there are two types of cool-ing towers. They are either natural-draft or mechanical-draft towers.Figure 8-15 shows the operation of the natural-draft cooling tower.Figure 8-16 shows the operation of the mechanical-draft cooling tower.The forced-draft cooling tower shown in Fig. 8-17 is just one example ofthe mechanical-draft designs available today.

298 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-15 Natural-draft cooling tower.

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Cooling tower ratings are given in tons. This is based on heat-transfercapacity of 250 Btu/(min·ton). The normal wind velocity taken into con-sideration for tower design is 3 mi/h. The wet bulb temperature is usu-ally 80°F (27°C) for design purposes. The usual flow of water over thetower is 4 gal/min for each ton of cooling desired. Several charts areavailable with current design technology. Manufacturers supply thespecifications for their towers. However, there are some important pointsto remember when use of a tower is being considered:

1. In tons of cooling, the tower should be rated at the same capacity asthe condenser.

2. The wet-bulb temperature must be known.3. The temperature of the water leaving the tower should be known.

This would be the temperature of the water entering the condenser.

Condensers 299

Figure 8-16 Small induced-draft cooling tower.

Figure 8-17 Forced-draft cooling tower.

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Towers present some maintenance problems. These stem primarily fromthe water used in the cooling system. Chemicals are employed to controlthe growth of bacteria and other substances. Scale in the pipes and on partsof the tower also must be controlled. Chemicals are used for each of thesecontrols. This problem will be discussed in the next chapter.

Evaporative Condensers

The evaporative condenser is a condenser and a cooling tower com-bined. Figure 8-18 illustrates how the nozzles spray water over thecooling coil to cool the fluid or gas in the pipes. This is a very good waterconservation tower. In the future, this system will probably becomemore popular. The closed-circuit cooler should see increased use becauseof dwindling water supplies and more expensive treatment problems.The function of this cooler is to process the fluid in the pipes. This is asealed contamination-free system. Instead of allowing the water todrop onto slats or other deflectors, this unit sprays the water directlyonto the cooling coil.

New Developments

All-metal towers with housing, fans, fill, piping, and structural mem-bers made of galvanized or stainless steel are now being built. Some localbuilding codes are becoming more restrictive with respect to fire safety.Low maintenance is another factor in the use of all-metal towers.

Engineers are beginning to specify towers less subject to deteriorationdue to environmental conditions. Thus, all-steel or all-metal towers arecalled for. Already, galvanized steel towers have made inroads into theair-conditioning and refrigeration market. Stainless-steel towers arebeing specified in New York City, northern New Jersey, and Los Angeles.This is primarily due to a polluted atmosphere, which can lead to earlydeterioration of nonmetallic towers and, in some cases, metals.

Figure 8-19 shows a no-fans design for a cooling tower. Large quanti-ties of air are drawn into the tower by cooling water as it is injectedthrough spray nozzles at one end of a venturi plenum. No fans are needed.

300 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-18 Evaporative coolerhas no fill deck. The water-cooling process fluid directly.(Courtesy of Marley.)

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Effective mixing of air and water in the plenum permits evaporative heattransfer to take place without the fill required in conventional towers.

The cooled water falls into the sump and is pumped through a cooling-water circuit to return for another cycle. The name applied to this designis Baltimore Aircoil. In 1981, towers rated at 10 to 640 ton with 30 to1920 gal/min were standard. Using prestrainers in the high-pressureflow has minimized the nozzle-clogging problem. There are no movingparts in the tower. This results in very low maintenance costs.

Air-cooled condensers are reaching 1000 ton in capacity. Air coolers andair condensers are quite attractive for use in refineries and natural-gas-compressor stations. They are also used for cooling in industry, as wellas for commercial air-conditioning purposes. Figure 8-19 shows how theair-cooled condensers are used in a circuit system that is completelyclosed. These are very popular where there is little or no water supply.

Temperature Conversion

Acooling tower is a device for cooling a stream of water. Evaporating a por-tion of the circulating stream does this. Such cooled water may be used formany purposes, but the main concern here is its utilization as a heat sinkfor a refrigeration-system condenser. A number of types of cooling towersare used for industrial and commercial purposes. They are usually regardedas a necessity for large buildings or manufacturing processes. Some ofthese types have already been mentioned, but the following will bring youmore details on the workings of cooling towers and their differences.

Cooling water concerns that must be addressed for the health of thosewho operate and maintain the systems. There is the potential forharboring and for the growth of pathogens in the water basin or relatedsurface. This may occur mainly during the summer and also during idleperiods. When the temperature falls in the 70 to 120°F (21 to 49°C) there

Condensers 301

Figure 8-19 Cooling tower with natural draft properties. Thereare no moving parts in the cooling tower. (Courtesy of Marley.)

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302 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-20 Atmospheric tower.

Air Flow

Water in

Water out

Figure 8-21 Forced-draft counterflow tower.

Water out

Water sprays

Air out

Air in

are periods when the unit will not be operational and will sit idle. Dustfromthe air will settle in the water and create an organic medium for the cul-ture of bacteria and pathogens. Algae will grow in the water—someneed sunlight, others grow without. Some bacteria feed on iron. Thepotential for pathogenic culture is there, and cooling-tower design shouldinclude some kind of filtration and/or chemical sterilization of the water.

Types of Towers

The atmospheric type of tower does not use a mechalnical device, suchas a fan, to create air flow through the tower. There are two main typesof atmospheric towers—large and small. The large hyperbolic towers areequipped with “fill” since their primary applications are with electricpower plants. The steam driven alternator has very high temperaturesteam to reduce to water or liquid state.

Atmospheric towers are relatively inexpensive. They are usuallyapplied in very small sizes. They tend to be energy intensive because ofthe high spray pressures required. The atmospheric towers are far moreaffected by adverse wind conditions than are other types. Their use onsystems requiring accurate, dependable cold water temperatures is notreocmmended (see Fig. 8-20).

Mechanical-draft towers, such as in Fig. 8-21, are categorized aseither forced-draft towers or induced draft. In the forced-draft type thefan is located in the ambient air stream entering the tower. The air isalso brought through or induced to enter the tower by a fan as shownin Fig. 8-22. In the induced-draft draws air through the tower by aninduced draft.

Forced-draft towers have high air-entrance velocities and low editvelocities. They are extremely susceptible to recirculation and are there-fore considered to have less performance stability than induced-drafttowers. There is concern in northern climates as the forced-draft fans

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located in the cold entering ambient air stream can become subject tosevere icing. The resultant imbalance comes when the moving air, ladenwith either natural or recirculated moisture, becomes ice.

Usually forced draft towers are equipped with centrifugal blower-typefans. These fans require approximately twice the operating horsepowerof propeller-type fans. They have the advantage of being able to operateagainst the high static pressures generated with ductwork. So equipped,they can be installed either indoors or within a specifically designedenclosure that provides sufficient separation between the air intake anddischarge locations to minimize recirculation (see Fig. 8-23).

Crossflow towers

Crossflow towers, as shown in Fig. 8-24, have a fill configuration throughwhich the air flows horizontally. That means it is across the downward

Condensers 303

Figure 8-22 Induced-draft cross flow tower.

Air in

Air in

Air out

Water out

Water in

Water in

Figure 8-23 Induced-draft counterflowtower.

Air inAir in

Water in

Air out

Figure 8-24 Double-flow crossflow tower.






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fall of the water. The water being cooled is delivered to hot-water inletbasins. The basins are located above the fill areas. The water is dis-tributed to the fill by gravity through metering orifices in the basins’floor. This removes the need for a pressure-spray distribution system.And, it places the resultant gravity system in full view for maintenance.

A cooling tower is a specialized heat exchanger (see Fig. 8-25). The twofluids, air and water, are brought into direct contact with each other.This is to affect the transfer of heat. In the spray-filled tower such asFig. 8-25 this is accomplished by spraying a flowing mass of water intoa rain-like pattern. Then an upward-moving mass flow of cool air isinduced by the action of the fan.

Fluid cooler

The fluid cooler is one of the most efficient systems for industrial andHVAC applications (see Fig. 8-26). By keeping the cooling process fluid

304 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-25 Spray-filled counter-flow tower.

Figure 8-26a MH fluid cooler,rear view. (Courtesy of Marley.)

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and in a clean, closed loop it combines the function of a cooling towerand heat exchanger into one system. It is possible to provide superioroperational and maintenance benefits.

The fluid-cooler coil is suitable for cooling water, oils, and other fluids.It is compatible with most oils and other fluids when the carbon-steel

Condensers 305

Figure 8-26b MH fluid cooler, various views. (Courtesy of Marley.)

Figure 8-26c MH fluid cooler,front view. (Courtesy of Marley.)

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coil in a closed, pressurized system. Each coil is constructed of contin-uous steel tubing, formed into a serpentine shape and welded into anassembly (see Fig. 8-27). The complete asssembly is then hot-dipped inliquid tin to galvanize it after fabrication. The galvanized-steel coil hasproven itself through the years. Paints and electrostatically appliedcoatings can’t seem to approach galvanization for inceasing coillongevity. The coils can also be made of stainless steel.

Operation of the fluid cooler. The fluid cooler uses a mechanically induceddraft, crossflow technology. And, the fill media is located above the coil.The process fluid is pumped internally through the coil. Recirculatingwater is cooled as it passes over the fill media, as shown in Fig. 8-28. Theprocess fluid is thermally equalized and redistributed over the outsideof the coil. A small portion of recirculating water is evaporatd by the airdrawn that is passing through the coil and fill media. This cools theprocess fluid. The coil section rejects heat through evaporative cooling.This process uses the fresh air stream and precooled recirculating spraywater. Recirculated water falls from the coil into a collection basin. Fromthe base it is then pumped back up to be distributed over the fill media.

For industrial and HVAC applications this is an ideal type of system.The process fluid is kept in a clean, closed loop. It combines the func-tion of a cooling tower and heat exchanger into one system. Thisimproves efficiency and has many maintenance benefits. The unit shownhere has a capacity ranging from 100 to 650 ton in a compact enclosure.It is suitable for cooling a wide range of fluids from water and glycols,to quench oils and plating solutions.

306 Chapter Eight

Figure 8-27 MH fluid-cooler coil. (Courtesy ofMarley.)

Figure 8-28 MH fluid-cooler fillmedia. (Courtesy of Marley.)

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Refrigeration compressors can be classified according to the following:

Number of cylinders Method of compression Type of drive Location of the driving force or motor

The method of compression may be reciprocating centrifugal or rotary.The location of the power source also classifies compressors. Independentcompressors are belt driven. Semihermetic compressors have directdrive, with the motor and compressor in separate housings. The her-metic compressor has direct drive, with the motor and compressor in thesame housing.

Reciprocating units have a piston in a cylinder. The piston acts as apump to increase the pressure of the refrigerant from the low side to thehigh side of the system. A reciprocating compressor can have twelve ormore cylinders (see Fig. 9-1).

The most commonly used reciprocating compressor is made for refrig-erants R-22 and R-134a. These are for heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning and process cooling. The most practical refrigerants usedtoday are R-134a and R-22. However, R-134a is gaining in acceptance,in view of the CFC regulations worldwide. As a matter of fact, some coun-tries only accept R-134a today. Other environmentally acceptable refrig-erants are R-404A and R-507. They are for low and medium temperatureapplications. R-470C is for medium temperatures and air-conditioningapplications. Recently, R-410Ahas gained acceptance as an environmentally

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308 Chapter Nine

acceptable substitute for R-22, but only for residential and small equip-ment. R-410A is not a drop-in refrigerant for R-22.

There are three types of reciprocating compressors: open drive, her-metic, and semihermetic.

Two methods of capacity control are generally applied to the recipro-cating refrigeration compressor used on commercial air-conditioningsystems. Both methods involve mechanical means of unloading cylindersby holding open the suction valve.

The most common method of capacity control uses an internalmultiple-step valve. This applies compressor oil pressure or high-siderefrigerant pressure to a bellows or piston that actuates the unloader.

The second method of capacity control uses an external solenoid valvefor each cylinder. The solenoid valve allows compressor oil or high-siderefrigerant to pass to the unloader.

A centrifugal compressor is basically a fan or blower that builds refrig-erant pressure by forcing the gas through a funnel-shaped opening athigh speed (see Fig. 9-2).

Compressor capacity is controlled when the vanes are opened andclosed. These vanes regulate the amount of refrigerant gas allowed toenter the fan or turbine (see Fig. 9-3). When the vanes restrict the flowof refrigerant, the turbine cannot do its full amount of work on the refrig-erant. Thus, its capacity is limited. Most centrifugal machines can be lim-ited to 10 to 25 percent of full capacity by this method. Some will operateat almost zero capacity. However, another method, though less common,is to control the speed of the motor that is turning the turbine.


A condenser must take the superheated vapor from the compressor, coolit to its condensing temperature, and then condense it. This action is oppo-site to that of an evaporator. Generally, two types of condensers are used:air cooled and water cooled. Also see Chap. 7 for more on condensers.

Figure 9-1 Reciprocating com-pressor. (Courtesy of Trane.)

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Compressors 309

Figure 9-2 Centrifugal compressor. (Courtesy of Carrier.)

Figure 9-3 Centrifugal compressor system. (Courtesy of Carrier.)

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310 Chapter Nine

Air-cooled condensers

Air-cooled condensers are usually of the fin and tube type, with therefrigerant inside the tubes and air flowing in direct contact over the out-side. Usually, a fan forces the air over the coil. This increases its cool-ing capabilities (see Figs. 9-4 and 9-5).

Water-cooled condensers

In the water-cooled condenser, the refrigerant is cooled with waterwithin pipes (see Fig. 9-6). The tubing containing water is placed insidea pipe or housing containing the warm refrigerant. The heat is thentransferred from the refrigerant through the tubing to the water. Water-cooled condensers are more efficient than air-cooled condensers.However, they must be supplied with large quantities of water. Thiswater must be either discharged or reclaimed by cooling it to a tem-perature that makes it reusable.

Figure 9-4 Schematic of air-cooled condenser.(Courtesy of Johnson.) Figure 9-5 Air-cooled condenser.

(Courtesy of Johnson.)

Figure 9-6 Cross-section of a shell and tube condenser. (Courtesy ofJohnson.)

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Acooling tower usually accomplishes reclaiming (see Figs. 9-7 and 9-8).The tower chills the water by spraying it into a closed chamber. Air isforced over the spray. Cooling towers may be equipped with fans to forcethe air over the sprayed water.

Another device used to cool refrigerant is an evaporative condenser(see Fig. 9-9). Here, the gas-filled condenser is placed in an enclosure.Water is sprayed on it and air is forced over it to cool the condenser byevaporation.

Compressors 311

Figure 9-7 Spray-type cooling tower.(Courtesy of Johnson.)

Figure 9-8 Deck-type cooling tower.(Courtesy of Johnson.)

Figure 9-9 Evaporative condenser. (Courtesy of Johnson.)

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312 Chapter Nine

Hermetic Compressors

A hermetic compressor is a direct compressor—a direct-connected motorcompressor assembly enclosed within a steel housing. It is designed topump low-pressure refrigerant gas to a higher pressure.

A hermetic container is one that is tightly sealed so no gas or liquidcan enter or escape. Welding seals the container.

Tec*mseh hermetic compressors have a low-pressure shell, or housing.This means that the interior of the compressor housing is subject only tosuction pressure. It is not subject to the discharge created by the pistonstroke. This point is emphasized to stress the hazard of introducing high-pressure gas into the compressor shell at pressures above 150 psig.

The major internal parts of a hermetic compressor are shown inFig. 9-10. The suction is drawing into the compressor shell then to andthrough the electric motor that provides power to the crankshaft. Thecrankshaft revolves in its bearings, driving the piston or pistons inthe cylinder or cylinders. The crankshaft is designed to carry oil fromthe oil pump in the bottom of the compressor to all bearing surfaces.Refrigerant gas surrounds the compressor crankcase and the motor asit is drawn through the compressor shell and into the cylinder or

Figure 9-10 Cutaway view of a compressor. Note the motor is on the bottom ofthe compressor and the piston is on the top. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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cylinders, through the suction muffler and suction valves. The gas iscompressed by the moving piston and is released through the dischargevalves, discharge muffler, and compressor discharge tube.

Compressor types

Hermetic compressors have different functions. Some are used for homerefrigeration. Some are used to produce air-conditioning. Others areused in home or commercial freezers. Hermetic compressors are alsoused for food display cases.

The serial number plate on the compressor tells several things aboutthe compressor (see Fig. 9-11). Also notice, that several manufacturersmade the motor for the compressor:

A.O. Smith Aichi Delco Emerson General Electric Ranco Wagner Westinghouse

Makers of electric motors for compressors usually mark them for thecompressor manufacturers. Newer models are rated in hertz (Hz) andvery old models may be marked in cycles per second or cps instead ofhertz. The following is a brief outline of some of the points to be remem-bered in servicing.

Pancake models are designated with a “P” as the first letter of serialnumber. They are made with 1/20- to 1/3-hp motors. All of them use anoil charge of 22 oz and R-134a or the latest replacement as a refrigerant.They have a temperature range of 20 to 55°F (−6 to 13°C). The smallerhorsepower models are used where −30 to 10°F (−34 to −12°C) is required.

The T and AT compressor models have 1/6-, 1/5-, 1/4-, and 1/3-hpmotors. All of these models use R-134a refrigerant or its equivalentreplacement. The smaller sizes use a 38-oz oil charge, while the largerhorsepower models use 32 oz. They have temperature ranges of −30 to10°F (−34 to −12°C) and 20 to 55°F (−6.6 to 13°C).

The AE compressors are used for household refrigerators, freezers,dehumidifiers, vending machines, and water coolers (see Fig. 9-12). Theyare made in 1/20, 1/12, 1/8, 1/6-, 1/5, and 1/4 hp units. The oil charge maybe 10, 16, 20, or 23 oz. This AE compressor model line uses R-134a, oran acceptable substitute, and, in some cases, R-22 as a refrigerant. Theolder models still in use may have R-12 refrigerant. When servicingolder equipment it is best to remember some of the older charges.

Compressors 313

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314 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-13 shows the overload relay in its proper location with thecover removed to indicate the proper positioning. Figure 9-14 shows allparts assembled under the cover. The cover is secured to the fence witha bale strap.

This type of compressor may have a resistance-start induction-runmotor (see Fig. 9-15). It may have a capacitor-start induction-run motor(see Fig. 9-16).

Figure 9-11a Serial plate information on Tec*mseh’s hermetic compressors.

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Compressors 315

Figure 9-11b Model numbers. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-11c Nomenclature explained. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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316 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-11d Compressor application categories. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-12 An AE compressor showing the glass terminal, overload, overloadclip, push-on relay, plastic cover, and lock wire. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Model AK compressors are rated in Btu per hour. They have a 7000to 12,000 Btu rating range. All model AK compressors are used for air-conditioning units. The refrigerant used is R-22. A 17-oz charge of oil isused on all models.

The AB compressors also are used for air-conditioning units. However,they are larger, starting with the 19,000 Btu/h rating and extending upto 24,000 Btu, or a 2-ton limit. Keep in mind that 12,000 Btu equals 1ton. Refrigerant 22 is used with a 36-oz charge of oil.

The AU and AR compressors are made in 1/2, 3/4, 1, and 1-1/4 hp sizes.They are used primarily for air-conditioning units. Most of the modelsuse R-22, except for a few models that use R-134a or its equivalentsubstitute. A 30-oz charge of oil is standard, except in one of the 1/2-hpmodels. Because of such exceptions, you must refer to the manufac-turer’s specifications chart to obtain the information relative to a spe-cific model number within a series.

Compressors 317

Figure 9-12 (Continued)

Figure 9-13 Overload and reallyin assembled positions. (Courtesyof Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-14 Completely assembled com-pressor. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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318 Chapter Nine

The ISM (internal spring mount) series of compressors ranges in sizefrom 1/8 to 1 hp. Their temperature range is from −30 to 10°F (−34 to−12°C) and from 20 to 55°F (−6 to 13°C). The oil charge is either 40 or45 oz, depending upon the particular model.

The AH compressors are designed for residential and commercial air-conditioning and heat pump applications (see Fig. 9-17). They can beobtained with either three- or four-point mountings (see Fig. 9-18). Theinternal line-break motor protector is used. It is located precisely in thecenter of the heat sink position of the motor windings. Thus, it detectsexcessive motor winding temperature and safely protects the compres-sor from excessive heat and/or current flow (see Fig. 9-19).

Figure 9-15a Resistance-start induction-run motor for a compressor. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

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Figure 9-15b A 115-V or 230-V schematic diagram—PTCS-IR. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

Figure 9-16a Capacitor-start induction-run motor for a compressor. (Courtesyof Tec*mseh.)

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320 Chapter Nine

The snap on terminal cover assembly is shown in Fig. 9-20. It isdesigned for assembly without tools. The molded fiberglass terminal-cover may be secured or held in place by a bale strap.

This AH compressor series has a run capacitor in the circuit, as shownin Fig. 9-21. This compressor is designed for single-phase operation.Figure 9-22 shows the terminal box with the position of the terminalsand the ways in which they are connected for run, start, and common.

The AH compressors are rated in Btu per hour. They range from 3500to 40,000 Btu/h. These models use 45 oz of oil for the charge. They areused as air-conditioning units and for almost any other temperaturerange applications. They use R-134a or suitable substitute or R-22 forrefrigerant.

The B and model compressors are available in 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/2,1-3/4, and 2 hp units. All of them use a 45-oz charge of oil. They have awide variety of temperature and air-conditioning applications. These

Figure 9-16b PTC capacitor run (PTCS/CR). (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

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models may have a B or a C preceding the model serial number. This isto indicate the series of compressors.

The AJ series of air-conditioning compressors ranges in size from1100 to 19,500 Btu (see Fig. 9-23). An oil charge of 26 or 30 oz is stan-dard, depending upon the model. They are mounted on three or fourpoints (see Fig. 9-24). A snap-on terminal cover allows quick access tothe connections under the cover (see Fig. 9-25). This particular modelhas an antislug feature that is standard on all AJM 12 and larger models(see Fig. 9-26). (An anti-slug feature keeps the liquid refrigerantmoving.)

This type of compressor relies upon the permanent split-capacitormotor. In this instance, the need for both start and run capacitor is notpresented. The start relay and the start capacitor are eliminated in thisarrangement (see Fig. 9-27). With the PSC motor, the run capacitoracts as both a start and run capacitor. It is never disconnected. Bothmotor windings are always engaged while the compressor is starting andrunning.

PSC motors provide good running performance and adequate start-ing torque for low line voltage conditions. They reduce potential motortrouble since the electrical circuit is simplified (see Fig. 9-28).

Compressors 321

Figure 9-16c PTC relay. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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322 Chapter Nine

The figure shows a run capacitor designed for continuous duty. Itincreases the motor efficiency while improving power and reducing cur-rent drain from the line. Do not operate the compressor without the des-ignated run capacitor. Otherwise, an overload results in the loss of startand run performance. Adequate motor overload protection is not avail-able either. A run capacitor in the circuit causes the motor to have somerather unique characteristics. Such motors have better pullout charac-teristics when a sudden load is applied.

Figure 9-17 Construction details of the Tec*mseh AH air-conditioning and heatpump compressors. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Figure 9-29 shows how this particular series of compressors is wiredfor using the capacitor in the run and start circuit. Note the overload isan external line breaker. This motor overload device is firmly attachedto the compressor housing. It quickly senses any unusual temperaturerise or excess current draw. The bimetal disk reacts to either excess

Compressors 323

Figure 9-18 External view of theTec*mseh AH air-conditioningand heat pump compressor withits grommets and spacers.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-19 Internal line-break motor protector. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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324 Chapter Nine

temperature or excess current draw. It flexes downward, thereby dis-connecting the compressor from the power source (see Fig. 9-30).

The CL compressor series is designed for residential and commercialair-conditioning and heat pumps. These compressors are made in 2-1/2,3, 3-1/2, 4, and 5 hp sizes. They can be operated on three-phase or single-phase power (see Fig. 9-31). Since this is one of the larger compressors,it has two cylinders and pistons. It needs a good protection system for

Figure 9-20 Snap-on terminalcover assembly. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

Figure 9-21 Single-phase diagram for the AH air conditioner and heat pumpcompressor. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-22 Terminal box show-ing the position of the terminalson the AH series of compressors.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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the motor. This one has an internal thermostat to interrupt the controlcircuit to the motor contactor. The contactor then disconnects the com-pressor from the power source. Figure 9-32 shows the location of theinternal thermostat.

Compressors 325

Figure 9-23 Cutaway view of the AJ series of air-conditioning compressors. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

Figure 9-24 External view of theAJ compressor. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

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326 Chapter Nine

There is a supplementary overload in the compressor terminal box soit can be reached for service (see Fig. 9-33). A locked rotor or another con-dition producing excessive current draw causes the bimetal disk to flexupward. This opens the pilot circuit to the motor contactor.

The contactor then disconnects the compressor from the powersource. Single-phase power requires one supplementary overload (seeFig. 9-34). Three-phase power requires two supplementary overloads(see Fig. 9-35). This CL line of compressors uses R-22 and R-12 (R-134a)or its suitable substitute refrigerants. They also use an oil charge ofeither 45 or 55 oz. In some cases, when the units are interconnected,they use 65 oz.

Figure 9-25 Snap-on terminal cover assembly.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-26 An antislug feature isstandard on all AJ1M12 modelsand on larger models of the AJseries. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-27 Permanent split-capacitor schematic. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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The H, J, and PJ compressors vary from 3/4 to 3 hp. They have a widetemperature range. All of these models use a 55-oz oil charge. R-22 andR-12 refrigerants, or R-12 substitutes like R-134a that meet environ-mental requirements, are used.

The F and PF compressors are 2, 3, 4, and 5 hp units. They use either115 or 165 oz of oil. They, too, are used for a number of temperature ranges.

Newer Models Designations and Coding

The newer Tec*mseh models are classified according to backpressure.For instance, the commercial backpressure (CBP) models start withNo. 0 for no starting capacitor or No. 9 when the starting capacitor isrequired. These CBP models have an evaporator temperature rangeof −10 to 45°F (−23 to 7°C). Compressor capacity is measured at 20°F(−6.6°C) evaporator temperature.

High backpressure (HBP) model numbers start with No. 3 for no start-ing capacitor or No. 4 when starting capacitor is required. The evapora-tor temperature range for these models is 20 to 55°F (−6.6 to 12.7°C).Compressor capacity is measured at 45°F (7°C) evaporator temperature.

Compressors 327

Figure 9-28 Run capacitors. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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328 Chapter Nine

Air-conditioning models of a single cylinder reciprocating type aredesignated with AE, AK, and AJ. Model numbers starting with No. 5 arestandard and those with No. 8 are high-efficiency models. The evapo-rator temperature range of these models is 32 to 55°F (0 to 12.7°C).Compressor capacity is measured at 45°F (7°C) for standard models or49°F (9.4°C) evaporator temperature for high-efficiency models.

Figure 9-29 A PSC motor hookup. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Compressors 329

Figure 9-30 External line-break overload. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-31a Single-phase hookup for the CL air-conditioning and heat pump compressors.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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330 Chapter Nine

Air-conditioning and heat pump (AC/HP) compressors come in two andthree cylinder reciprocating AC models (AW, AV, AG) plus rotary AC models.

The AC/HP model number starts with No. 5. The evaporator temper-ature range is −15 to 55°F (−26 to 12.7°C). Compressor capacity evapo-rator temperature is measured at 45°F (7.2°C) (AC) and −10°F (−23.3°C)for heat pump models.

Low backpressure models start with No. 1 for no starting capacitoror No. 2 with starting capacitor required models. The evaporator tem-perature range is −40 to 10°F (−40 to −12.2°C). Compressor capacity ismeasured at −10°F (−23.3°C) evaporator temperature.

Medium backpressure (MBP) model numbers start with No. 6 for nostarting capacitor and No. 7 with starting capacitor required. The evap-orator temperature range is −10 to 30°F (−23.3 to −1.1°C). Compressorcapacity is measured at 20°F (−6.6°C) evaporator temperature.

Hermetic Compressor Motor Types

There are four general types of single-phase motors. Each has distinctlydifferent characteristics. Compressor motors are designed for specificrequirements regarding starting torque and running efficiency. Theseare two of the reasons why different types of motors are required to meetvarious demands.

Figure 9-31b Three-phase hookup. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Resistance-start induction-run

The resistance-start induction-run (RSIR) motor is used on many smallhermetic compressors through 1/3 hp. The motor has low startingtorque. It must be applied to completely self-equalizing capillary tubesystems such as household refrigerators, freezers, small water coolers,and dehumidifiers.

Compressors 331

Figure 9-32a Construction details of the CL compressor. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-32b Later model AG Compressors. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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332 Chapter Nine

This motor has a high-resistance-start winding that is not designedto remain in the circuit after the motor has come up to speed. A currentrelay is necessary to disconnect the start winding as the motor comesup to design speed (see Fig. 9-36).

Capacitor-start induction-run

The capacitor-start induction-run (CSIR) motor is similar to the RSIR.However, a start capacitor is included in series with the start winding toproduce a higher starting torque. This motor is commonly used on com-mercial refrigeration systems with a rating through 3/4 hp (see Fig. 9-37).

Figure 9-33 Cutaway view of the supplementary overload.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-34 Location of the supplementaryoverload on the CL compressor series.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-35 Location of two supplementaryoverloads in the terminal box makes it appli-cable for three-phase power connections.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Capacitor-start and -run

The capacitor-start and -run (CSR) motor arrangement uses a startcapacitor and a run capacitor in parallel with each other and in serieswith the motor start winding. This motor has high starting torque and

Compressors 333

Figure 9-36 Resistance-start induction-run motor schematic. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

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Figure 9-37a Capacitor-start induction-run motor schematic.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-37b Start capacitors. PTC start device. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)


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Compressors 335

runs efficiently. It is used on many refrigeration and air-conditioningapplications through 5 hp. A potential relay removes the start capaci-tor from the circuit after the motor is up to speed. Potential relays mustbe accurately matched to the compressor (see Fig. 9-38). Efficient oper-ation depends on this.

Permanent split capacitor

The permanent split capacitor (PSC) has a run capacitor in series withthe start winding. Both run capacitor and start winding remain in thecircuit during start and after the motor is up to speed. Motor torque issufficient for capillary and other self-equalizing systems. No start capac-itor or relay is necessary. The PSC motor is basically an air-conditioningcompressor motor. It is very common through 3 hp. It is also availablein 4 and 5 hp sizes (see Fig. 9-39).

Figure 9-38 Capacitor start and run motor schematic. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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336 Chapter Nine

Compressor Motor Relays

A hermetic compressor motor relay is an automatic switching devicedesigned to disconnect the motor start winding after the motor hasattained a running speed.

There are two types of motor relays used in the refrigeration and air-conditioning compressors:

Current-type relay Potential-type relay

Current-type relay

The current-type relay is generally used with small refrigeration com-pressors up to 3/4 hp. When power is applied to the compressor motor,the relay solenoid coil attracts the relay armature upward, causingbridging contact and stationary contact to engage (see Fig. 9-40). Thisenergizes the motor start winding. When the compressor motor attainsrunning speed, the motor main winding current is such that the relaysolenoid coil de-energizes and allows the relay contacts to drop open.This disconnects the motor start winding.

The relay must be mounted in true vertical position so that the arma-ture and bridging contact will drop free when the relay solenoid isde-energized.

Potential-type relay

This relay is generally used with large commercial and air-conditioningcompressors. The motors may be capacitor-start capacitor-run types upto 5 hp. Relay contacts are normally closed. The relay coil is wired acrossthe start winding. It senses voltage change. Start winding voltageincreases with motor speed. As the voltage increases to the specificpick-up value, the armature pulls up, opening the relay contacts and

Figure 9-39 Permanent split-capac-itor motor schematic. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

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de-energizing the start winding. After switching, there is still sufficientvoltage induced in the start winding to keep the relay coil energized andthe relay starting contacts open. When power is shut off to the motor,the voltage drops to zero. The coil is de-energized and the start contactsreset (see Fig. 9-41).

Many of these relays are extremely position sensitive. When chang-ing a compressor relay, care should be taken to install the replacementin the same position as the original. Never select a replacement relaysolely by horsepower or other generalized rating. Select the correct relayfrom the parts guidebook furnished by the manufacturer.

Compressors 337

Stationary contactGuide pin

Stationary contact

Pin connectors


Solenoid coil

Bridging contact

Figure 9-40 Current-type relay. This is generally used with small refrigerationcompressors up to 3/4 hp. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-41a Potential-type relay. Usually found on largecommercial and air-conditioning compressors up to 5 hp.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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338 Chapter Nine

Compressor Terminals

For the compressor motor to run properly it must have the power cor-rectly connected to its terminals outside of the hermetic shell. There areseveral different types of terminals used on the various models ofTec*mseh compressors.

Tec*mseh terminals are always thought of in the order of common,start, and run. Read the terminals in the same way you would read thesentences on a book’s page. Start at the top left-hand corner and readacross the first line from left to right. Then, read the second line fromleft to right. In some cases three lines must be read to complete the iden-tification process. Figure 9-42 shows the different arrangements of ter-minals. All Tec*mseh compressors, except one model, follow one of thesepatterns. The exception is the old twin-cylinder, internal-mount com-pressor built at Marion. This was a 90° piston model designated with an“H” at the beginning of the model number (i.e., HA 100). The terminalswere reversed on the H models and read run, start, and common (seeFig. 9-43). These compressors were replaced by the J-model series in1955. All J models follow the usual pattern for common, start, and run.

Built-up terminals

Some built-up terminals have screw- and nut-type terminals for theattaching of wires (see Fig. 9-44). Others may have different arrange-ments. The pancake compressors built in 1953 and after have glass ter-minals that look something like those shown in Fig. 9-45. The terminalarrangement for S and C single-cylinder ISM (internal spring mount)

Figure 9-41b Potential relay. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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models resembles like that shown in Fig. 9-46. Models J and PJ withtwin-cylinder internal mount have a different terminal arrangement. Itlooks like that shown in Fig. 9-47.

Glass quick-connect terminals

Figure 9-48 shows the quick-connect terminals used on S and C single-cylinder ISM models. The AK and CL models also use this type of

Compressors 339






Figure 9-42 Identification of compressor terminals.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-43 Built-up ter-minals. These are on theobsolete twin-cylinderinternal mount H models.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-44 Built-up terminals. These are onall external-mount B and C twin-cylindermodels and on F, PF, and CF four-cylinderexternal-mount models. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

Figure 9-45 Built-up terminals on pan-cake compressors manufactured before1952. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-46 Built-up terminals on Sand C single-cylinder ISM models.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-47 Built-up terminals on twin-cylin-der internal-mount J and PJ models. (Courtesyof Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-48 Glass quick-connectterminals. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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340 Chapter Nine

arrangement. Many of the CL models have the internal thermostat ter-minals located close by.

Quick-connect glass terminals are also used on AU and AR air-conditioning models. The AE air-conditioning models also use glassquick connects. Models AB, AJ, and AH also use glass quick connects,but notice how their arrangement of common, start, and run variesfrom that shown in Fig. 9-48. Figure 9-49 shows how the AU, AR, AE,AB, AJ, and AH models terminate.

Glass terminals are also used on pancake-type compressors with P,R, AP, and AR designations (see Fig. 9-50). The T and AT models, as wellas the AE refrigeration models, also use the glass terminals, but with-out the quick connect.

Keep in mind that you should never solder any wire or wire termi-nation to a compressor terminal. Heat applied to a terminal is liable tocrack the glass terminal base or loosen the built-up terminals. Thiswill, in turn, cause a refrigerant leak at the compressor.

Motor Mounts

To dampen vibration, hold the compressor while in shipment, and cush-ion horizontal thrust when the compressor starts or stops, some type ofmounting is necessary. Several different arrangements are used.However, each of them uses a base plate. Also, some space is allowedbetween the rubber grommet and the washer on the nut. The rubbergrommet absorbs most of the vibration (see Fig. 9-51).

In Fig. 9-52, you can see the use of a spring to prevent damage to therubber grommet. This is used for the heavier compressors. There areusually three, but sometimes four of these rubber motor mounts on eachcompressor model. One of the greatest uses of this type of mount is tomake sure that vibrations are not transferred to other parts of therefrigeration system or passed on to the pipes. There, they would weakenthe soldered joints.

Crankcase Heaters

Most compressors have crankcase heaters. This is because most air-conditioning and commercial systems are started up with a large part

Figure 9-49 Glass quick-connect termi-nals. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-50 Glass terminals. For pan-cake-type compressors. (Courtesy ofTec*mseh.)

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of the system refrigerant charge in the compressor. This is especiallywhen the unit has been idle for some time or when the compressor isbeing started for the first time. On start-up, the refrigerant boils off,taking the oil charge with it. This means the compressor is forced to runfor a long as 3 or 4 min until the oil charge circulates through the systemand returns to the crankcase. Obviously, this shortens the service lifeof the compressor.

The solution is to charge the system so that little or no refrigerant col-lects in the crankcase and to operate the crankcase heater at least 12 hbefore start-up or after a prolonged down time.

Two types of crankcase heaters are in common use on compressors.The wrap around type is usually referred to as the “belly band.” Theother type is the run capacitance off-cycle heat method.

Compressors 341

Figure 9-51 Mounting grommet assembly. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 9-52 Mounting spring and grommet assembly. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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342 Chapter Nine

The wraparound heater should be strapped to the housing below theoil level and in close contact with the housing. A good heater will main-tain the oil at least 10°F (5°C) above the temperature of any othersystem component. When the compressor is stopped it will maintain itat or above a minimum temperature of 80° F (27°C).

The run capacitance, off-cycle heat method, single-phase compres-sors are stopped by opening only one leg (L1). Thus, the other leg to thepower supply (L2) of the run capacitor remains “hot.” A trickle currentthrough the start windings results, thereby warming the motor wind-ings. Thus, the oil is warmed on the “off-cycle.”

Make sure you pull the switch that disconnects the whole unit from thepower source before working on such a system. Capacitance crankcaseheat systems can be recognized by one or more of the following:

Contactor or thermostat breaks only one leg to the compressor andcondenser fan.

Equipment carries a notice that power is on at the compressor whenit is not running and that the main breaker should be opened beforeservicing.

Run capacitor is sometimes split (it has three terminals) so that onlypart of the capacitance is used for off-cycle heating.

CAUTION: Make sure you use an exact replacement when changing suchdual-purpose run capacitors. The capacitor must be fused and carry ableed resistor across the terminals.

The basic wiring diagram for a PSC compressor with a run capacitanceoff-cycle heat is shown in Fig. 9-53.

Electrical Systems for Compressor Motors

Most of the problems associated with hermetic compressors are elec-trical. Most of the malfunctions are in the current relay, potential relay,circuit breaker, or loose connections. In most cases, internal parts of thecompressor housing can be checked with an ohmmeter.

Normal starting torque motors with acurrent-type relay

Normal starting torque motors (RSIR) with a current-type relaymounted on the compressor terminals require several tests that mustbe performed in the listed sequence. Figure 9-54 shows a two-terminalexternal overload device in series with the start and run windings.

The fan motor runs from point 1 on the current relay to point 3 on theoverload device. L2 has the relay coil inserted in series with the run

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winding. When the winding draws current, the solenoid is energized.This is done by the initial surge of current through the run winding.When the relay energizes with sufficient current, it closes the contacts(points 1 and S) and places the start winding in the circuit. The startwinding stays in the circuit until the relay de-energizes. When the motorcomes up to about 75 percent of its run speed, the relay de-energizessince the current through the run winding drops off. This change in cur-rent makes it a very sensitive circuit. The sensing relay must be in goodoperating condition. Otherwise, it will not energize or de-energize at theproper times.

Compressors 343

Figure 9-53 Single-phase CSR- or PSC-type compressor motor hookup with inter-nal or external line-break overloads. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)


Two-terminalexternal overload









Compressor - unitground







Figure 9-54a Normal starting motors (RSIR) with current relay mounted on thecompressor terminals. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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344 Chapter Nine

The start contacts on the current-type relay are normally open (see Fig.9-54). Check the electrical system on this type of compressor system byusing a voltmeter for obtaining line voltage reading. Then, use an ohm-meter to check continuity. That means the power must be off. Make surethe circuit breaker is off at the main power supply for this unit. If a fanis used [as shown in the dotted lines of Fig. 9-54(a)], make sure on leadis disconnected from the line. Next, check continuity across the following:

1. Check continuity across L1 and point 3 of the overload. There is nocontinuity. Close control contacts by hand. If there is still no conti-nuity, replace the control.

2. Check continuity across No. 3 and No. 1 on the overload. If there is nocontinuity, the protector may be tripped. Wait 10 min and check again.If there is still no continuity, the protector is defective. Replace it.

3. Pull the relay off the compressor terminals. Be sure to keep it in anupright position.

4. Check continuity across relay terminal 1 (or L) and S. If there is con-tinuity, relay contacts are closed, when they should be open. Replacethe relay.

5. Check continuity across No. 1 and M. If there is no continuity, replacethe relay. The solenoid is open.

6. Check continuity across compressor terminals C and R. If there is nocontinuity, there is an open run winding. Replace the compressor.

Figure 9-54b Current relays. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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7. Check continuity across compressor terminals C and S. If there is nocontinuity there is an open start winding. Replace the compressor.

8. Check continuity across compressor terminal C and the shell of thecompressor. There is no continuity. This means the motor is grounded.Replace the compressor.

9. Check the winding resistance values against those published by themanufacturer of the particular model.

If all the tests prove satisfactory, and there is no capillary restriction,plus, the unit continues to fail to operate properly, change the relay. Thenew relay will eliminate any electrical problems, such as improperpickup or dropout that cannot be determined by the tests listed above.If a good relay fails to correct the difficulty, the compressor is inopera-tive due to internal defects. It must be replaced.

High starting torque motorswith a current-type relay

High starting torque motors (CSIR) with a current-type relay mountedon the compressor terminals can be easily checked for proper operation.Remember from the previous type that the current-type relay normallyhas its contacts open.

Use a voltmeter first to check the power source. Use an ohmmeter tocheck continuity. Make sure the power is off and the fan motor circuitis open. The electrical system on this type of hermetic system can bechecked as follows (see Fig. 9-55).

1. Check continuity across L1 and overload’s terminal 3. If there is nocontinuity, close the control contacts. If there is still no continuity,replace the control.

Compressors 345



Line-power conductors



Start capacitor




2 M







Figure 9-55 High torque motors (CSIR) with current relay mounted on thecompressor terminals. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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346 Chapter Nine

2. Check continuity across No. 3 and No. 1 on the overload. If there isno continuity, the protector may be tripped. Wait for 10 min andcheck again. If there is still no continuity, the protector is defective.Replace it.

3. Pull relay off compressor terminals. Keep it upright!

4. Check continuity across relay terminals 1 and S. If there is conti-nuity, the relay contacts are closed when they should be open.Replace the relay.

5. Check continuity across relay terminals 2 and M. If there is no con-tinuity, replace the relay.

6. Check continuity across compressor terminals C and R. If there isno continuity, there is an open run winding. Replace the compressor.

7. Check continuity across compressor C and S. If there is no conti-nuity, there is an open start winding. Replace the compressor.

8. Check continuity across C and shell of the compressor. If there is con-tinuity, there is a grounded motor. Replace the compressor.

9. Check the winding resistance against the values given in the man-ufacturer’s resistance tables.

10. Check continuity across relay terminals 1 and 2. Place the meter onthe R × 1 scale. If there is continuity, there is a shorted capacitor.Replace the start capacitor. Place the meter on the R × 100,000scale. If there is no needle deflection, there is an open capacitor.Replace the start capacitor.

If all the tests prove satisfactory, there is no capillary restriction, andthe unit still fails to operate properly, change the relay. The new relaywill eliminate electrical problems such as improper pickup and dropout.These cannot be determined with the tests listed above. If a good relayfails to correct the difficulty, the compressor is inoperative due to inter-nal defects. It must be replaced.

High starting torque motors with atwo-terminal external overload anda remote-mounted potential relay

High starting torque motors (CSIR) with a two-terminal external overloadand a remote-mounted potential relay represent another type that mustbe checked. These are used in compressors for light air-conditioningunits and also for commercial and residential refrigeration units.

In this type of motor the starting contacts on the potential-type relayare normally closed. The electrical system on this type of hermeticsystem can be seen in Fig. 9-56. Use a voltmeter to check the power

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source. Then use an ohmmeter, with the power turned off, to check con-tinuity. Make sure leads 2S and 4R are disconnected. Open the fan cir-cuit, if there is one.

Now, using the ohmmeter, check continuity across the following:

1. Check continuity across L and 3. If there is no continuity, close thecontrol contacts. If there is still no continuity, replace the control.

2. Check continuity across No. 3 and No. 1 on the overload. If there isno continuity, the protector may be tripped. Wait 10 min and tryagain. If there is still no continuity, the protector is defective. Replacethe protector.

3. Check continuity across No. 3 on the overload and No. 5 on therelay. If there is no continuity, check the leads between No. 3 on theprotector and No. 5 on the relay.

4. Check continuity across No. 1 on the overload and C on the com-pressor. If there is no continuity, check the leads between No. 1 onthe overload and C on the compressor.

5. Check continuity across C and S on the compressor. If there is nocontinuity, an open start winding is indicated. Replace the com-pressor.

6. Check continuity across C and R on the compressor. If there is nocontinuity, there is an open in the run winding of the compressor.Replace the compressor.

7. Check continuity across No. 5 on the relay and No. 2 on the relay.If there is no continuity, the solenoid’s coil is open. The relay isdefective. Replace the relay.

Compressors 347








Start capacitor










RNote: No. 4 and No. 6on relay aredummy terminals


Figure 9-56 High starting torque motors (CSIR) with two-terminal externaloverload and potential relay mounted remote. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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348 Chapter Nine

8. Check continuity across No. 2 and No. 1 on the relay. If there is nocontinuity, the contacts are open when they should be closed. Replacethe relay.

9. Check continuity across No. 1 on the relay and No. 4 on the relaywith the meter on the R × 1 scale. If there is continuity, the capac-itor is shorted. Replace the start capacitor. No needle deflection onthe meter when it is on the R × 100,000 scale means the capacitoris open. Replace the capacitor.

10. Check between C and the shell of the compressor. If there is continuity,there is a short. The motor is grounded. Replace the compressor.

11. Check the motor winding resistances against the manufacturer’sspecification sheet.

12. Check continuity between leads 2S and 4R and reconnect the unit.If all the tests prove satisfactory and the unit still does not operateproperly, change the relay. The new relay will eliminate any elec-trical problems, such as improper pickup and dropout, which cannotbe determined with the checks just performed. If a good relay failsto correct the difficulty, the compressor is inoperative due to inter-nal defects. It must be replaced.

High starting torque motors with three-terminaloverloads and remote-mounted relays

High starting torque motors (CSR) with three-terminal overloads andremote-mounted potential relays are another type of motor used in thehermetic compressor systems (see Fig. 9-57).

Starting contacts on the potential type of relay are normally closed.The electrical system power supply of the compressor can be checked.Use a voltmeter to check the power source.

Use the ohmmeter to check continuity across the following locations: First, disconnect the leads so that no external wiring connects ter-

minals 5-C, S-2 on the relay, and R-2 on the overload. Using the ohm-meter, check the following:

1. Check continuity across the control contacts—L1 and C—on thecompressor. The control contacts must be closed. If they are open,replace the compressor.

2. Check continuity across No. 5 and No. 2 on the relay. No continuityindicates an open potential coil. Replace the relay.

3. Check continuity across No. 2 and No. 1 on the relay. No continuityindicates an open contact situation. Replace the relay.

4. Check continuity across terminals C and S on the compressor. Nocontinuity indicates an open start winding. Replace the compressor.

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5. Check continuity across terminals C and R on the compressor. Nocontinuity indicates an open run winding. Replace the compressor.

6. Check continuity across No. 6 and No. 2 on the relay with the meteron the R × 1 scale. Continuity shows a shorted capacitor. Replace therun capacitor. Set the meter on the R × 100,000 scale. If there is noneedle deflection, the capacitor is open. Replace the run capacitor.

7. Check continuity across No. 1 on the relay and No. 3 on the over-load. Check as in step 6 above.

8. Check continuity across No. 1 and No. 3 on the overload. No conti-nuity indicates the overload is open and should be replaced. However,it should have been given at least 10 min to replace itself properly.

9. Check continuity across C terminal on the compressor and the otherohmmeter lead to the shell of the compressor. Continuity indicates themotor has become grounded to the shell. Replace the compressor.

10. Check the resistance of the motor windings against the values givenin the manufacturer’s resistance tables.

11. Check continuity of the leads removed above and reconnect termi-nals 5 to C, S to 2 on the relay, and R and 2 on the overload.

If the tests prove satisfactory and the unit still does not operate prop-erly, replace the relay. The new relay will eliminate any electrical problems,such as improper pickup and dropout, which cannot be determined withthe checks just performed. If a good relay fails to correct the difficulty, thecompressor is inoperative due to internal defects. It must be replaced.

Compressors 349






Start capacitor

Bleeder resistor






Run capacitor

Note: No. 4 and No. 6on relay are dummyterminals.


1 2





Figure 9-57 High starting torque motors (CSR) with a three-terminal externaloverload and potential relay mounted remote. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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350 Chapter Nine

PSC motor with a two-terminal externaloverload and run capacitor

Another type of motor used on compressors is the PSC (see Fig. 9-58).It has a two-terminal external overload and a run capacitor. It does nothave a start capacitor or relay.

Use a voltmeter to check the source voltage. Then, using an ohmme-ter, perform the following checks. Disconnect the run capacitor fromterminals S and R before starting the tests.

1. Ll and No. 3 on the overload show no continuity. Close the control con-tacts. If there is still no continuity, replace the control.

2. C and S terminals on the compressor show no continuity. This meansthe start winding is open. Replace the compressor.

3. C and R terminals on the compressor show no continuity. This meansthe run winding is open. A replacement compressor is needed to cor-rect the problem.

4. C and 1 on the overload show no continuity. A defective lead from Cto 1 is the probable cause.

5. No. 1 and No. 3 on the overload indicate no continuity. The protectormay be tripped. Wait 10 min before checking again. If there is stillno continuity, the protector is defective. Replace the overload pro-tector.

6. C and the shell of the compressor show continuity. The motor isshorted to the shell or ground. Replace the compressor.

7. Check the motor windings against the manufacturer’s tables.

8. Check across the run capacitor with the meter on the R × 1 scale. Ifit shows continuity, the capacitor is shorted and must be replaced. Setthe meter on R × 100,000 scale. No needle deflection indicates thatthe capacitor is open and needs to be replaced.

Figure 9-58 PSC motors with two-terminal external over-load. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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9. Reconnect the capacitor to the circuit at terminals S and R. Themarked terminal should go to R.

If the above PSC tests reveal no difficulties, but the compressor doesnot operate properly, add the proper relay and start capacitor to pro-vide additional starting torque. Figure 9-59 gives the proper wiring fora field installed relay and capacitor. If the unit still fails to operate,the compressor is inoperative due to internal defects. It must bereplaced.

PSC motor with an internal overload(line-breaker)

Those PSC motors with an internal overload (line-breaker) are a littledifferent from those just checked. Thus, the testing sequence variessomewhat. This compressor has an internal line break overload and arun capacitor. It does not have a start capacitor or relay (see Fig. 9-60).

1. Use a voltmeter to check the power source. Check the voltage at com-pressor terminals C and R. If there is no voltage, the control circuitis open.

2. Unplug the unit and check continuity across, the thermostat and/orcontactor. Check the contactor holding coil.

3. If the line voltage is present between terminals C and R and thecompressor does not operate, unplug the unit and disconnect the runcapacitor from S and R.

Compressors 351

Figure 9-59 PSC motors with two-terminal external overload with start compo-nents field installed. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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NOTE: The compressor shell must be at 130°F (54°C) or less for the fol-lowing checks. This temperature can be read by a method termed aTempstik. However, using the hand provides a less reliable guide. If it canremain in contact with the compressor shell without discomfort at a tem-perature of 130°F (54°C) or less, the motor is not overheated.

4. Using the ohmmeter, check the following:

a. Check continuity between R and S. If there is continuity, it canbe assumed that both windings are intact. If there is no continu-ity, it can be assumed that one or both of the windings are openand the compressor should be replaced.

b. Check continuity between R and C. If there is no continuity, theinternal overload is tripped. Wait for it to cool off and close. Itsometimes takes more than an hour.

c. There is continuity between R and S, but no continuity betweenR and C (or S and C). If the motor is cool enough (below 130°F(54°C) to have closed the overload, then it can be assumed thatthe overload is defective. The compressor should be replaced.

d. Check continuity between the S terminal and the compressorshell and between the R terminal and the compressor shell. Ifthere is continuity in either or both cases, the motor is grounded.The compressor should be replaced.

e. Check the motor winding resistance against the values given inthe manufacturer’s charts.

f. Check across the run capacitor with the meter on the R × 1 scale.If there is continuity, the capacitor is shorted and should bereplaced.

g. Check across the run capacitor with the meter on the R × 100,000scale. If there is no needle deflection on the meter, the capacitoris open and should be replaced.

5. Reconnect the run capacitor into the circuit at S and R.

352 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-60 PSC motors with internal overload or line breaker.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Internal overload(line break)






Line or contactor


Compressor-unitground Run capacitor

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CSR or PSC motor with the startcomponents and an internal overload orline-breaker

The next combination is the CSR or PSC motor with the start compo-nents and an internal overload or line breaker. The run capacitor, startcapacitor, and potential relay are the major components outside thecompressor (see Fig. 9-61).

1. Using the voltmeter, check the power source. Check voltage at thecompressor terminals C and R. If there is no voltage, the controlcircuit is open.

2. Unplug the unit and check continuity across the thermostat and/orcontactor. Check the contactor holding coil.

3. If the line voltage is present between terminals C and R and thecompressor does not operate, unplug the unit and disconnect theconnections to the compressor terminals.

NOTE: The compressor shell must be at 130°F (54°C) or less for the fol-lowing checks. A Tempstik can read this temperature. A less reliable guideis that at this temperature the hand can remain in contact with the com-pressor shell without discomfort.

4. Using the ohmmeter, check the following:

a. Check continuity between R and S. If there is continuity, it canbe assumed that both windings are intact. If there is no continu-ity, it can be assumed that one or both of the windings are open.The compressor should be replaced.

Compressors 353



Line or contactor



Start capacitor

Bleeder resistor

Run capacitor

Note: No. 4 and No. 6 on relayare dummy terminals









Internal overload(line break)

Relay potential

Figure 9-61 A CSR or PSC motor with start components and internaloverload (line-breaker). (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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b. Check continuity between R and C. If there is no continuity, theinternal overload is tripped. Wait for it to cool off and close. Itsometimes takes more than an hour.

c. There is continuity between R and S, but no continuity betweenR and C (or S and C). If the motor is cool enough 130°F (54°C) tohave closed the overload, then it can be assumed that the over-load is defective. The compressor must be replaced.

d. Check continuity between the S terminal and the compressorshell and between R and the compressor shell. If there is conti-nuity in either or both cases, the motor is grounded and the com-pressor should be replaced.

e. Check the motor winding resistance against the values given inthe manufacturer’s tables for the specific model being tested.

f. Check continuity across the run capacitor with the meter on theR × 1 scale. If there is continuity, the capacitor is shorted andshould be replaced.

g. Check continuity across the run capacitor with the meter on theR × 100,000 scale. If there is no needle deflection, the capacitoris open and should be replaced.

5. Check continuity across 5 and 2 on the relay. No continuity indicatesan open potential coil. Replace the relay. The electrolytic capacitorused for the start usually has its contents on the outside of the com-pressor housing. If the coil did not energize properly, it leaves thestart capacitor in the circuit too long (only a few seconds). This meansthe capacitor will get too hot. When this happens, the capacitor willspew its contents outside the container.

6. Check continuity across No. 2 and No. 1 on the relay. No continuityshows an open contacts condition. Replace the relay.

7. Check continuity across No. 4 and No. 1 on the relay with the meteron the R × 1 scale. Continuity indicates a shorted capacitor. Replacewith the meter on the R × 100,000 scale, if there is no needle deflec-tion, the start capacitor is open. Replace the capacitor.

If all of the tests prove satisfactory and the unit still fails to operateproperly, change the relay. If a new relay does not solve the problem, thenit is fairly safe to assume that the compressor is defective and shouldbe replaced.

Compressors with internal thermostat, runcapacitor, and supplementary overload

Some compressors have an internal thermostat, a run capacitor, and asupplementary overload. However, they do not have a start capacitor orrelay. The schematic for such a compressor is shown in Fig. 9-62.

354 Chapter Nine

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The supplementary overload has normally closed contacts connectedin series with the normally closed contacts of the internal thermostatin the motor. Operation of either of these devices will open the controlcircuit to drop out the contactor. Make sure the control thermostat andthe system safety controls are closed. Using a voltmeter, check the powersource at L1, L2, and the control circuit power supply. If the contactor isnot energized, the contactor holding coil is defective or the control cir-cuit is open in either the supplementary overload or the motor thermo-stat. Unplug the unit and disconnect the run capacitor from terminalsS and R.

Using the ohmmeter, check the continuity across the following:

1. Check continuity across No. 3 and No. 4 on the overload. No conti-nuity means the supplementary overload is defective. Replace it.

2. Check continuity across No. 1 and No. 2 on the overload. No conti-nuity can mean the overload may be tripped. Wait 10 min. Test again.If there is still no continuity, the overload is defective. Replace over-load.

3. Check continuity across the internal (motor winding) thermostat ter-minals at the compressor. See Fig. 9-48 for the location of the inter-nal thermostat terminals. If there is no continuity, the internalthermostat may be tripped. Wait for it to cool down and close. Itsometimes takes an hour. If the compressor is cool to the touch [below

Compressors 355

Figure 9-62 PSC motors with internal thermostat and supplementary externaloverload. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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130°F (54°C)] and there is still no continuity, internal thermostat cir-cuitry is open and the compressor must be replaced.

4. Check continuity across terminals C and S on the compressor. No con-tinuity indicates an open start winding. Replace the compressor.

5. Check continuity across terminals C and R. No continuity indicatesan open run winding. Replace the compressor.

6. Check continuity across terminal C and the shell of the compressor.Continuity shows a grounded compressor. Replace the compressor.

7. Check the motor winding resistance with the chart given by the man-ufacturer.

8. Check continuity across the run capacitor with a meter on the R × 1scale. If there is continuity, the capacitor is shorted. Replace it. Placethe meter on the R × 100,000 scale. If there is no needle deflection,the capacitor is open. Replace the capacitor.

9. Reconnect the capacitor to the circuit at terminals S and R.

CSR or PSC motor with start components,internal thermostat, and supplementaryexternal overload

Another arrangement for single-phase compressors is the CSR or PSCmotor with start components, internal thermostat, and supplementaryexternal overload (see Fig. 9-63).

356 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-63 A CSR or PSC motor with start components and internal thermostatand supplementary external overload. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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This type of compressor is equipped with an internal thermostat, runcapacitor, start capacitor, potential relay, and supplemental overload.

The supplemental overload has normally closed contacts connected inseries with the normally closed contacts of the internal thermostatlocated in the motor. Operation of either of these devices will open thecontrol circuit to drop out the contactor. Figure 9-64 shows the detailsof the internal thermostat.

Make sure the control thermostat and system safety controls areclosed. Using the voltmeter, check the power source at L1 and L2. Alsocheck the control circuit power supply with the voltmeter.

If the contactor is not energized, the contactor holding coil is defec-tive or the control circuit is open in either the supplemental overload orthe motor thermostat. Unplug the unit and disconnect the connectionsto the compressor terminals.

Use the ohmmeter and check for continuity across the following:

1. With the control circuit power supply off, check the continuity of thecontactor holding coil.

2. Check continuity across No. 4 and No. 3 of the supplemental over-load. No continuity means the overload is defective. Replace theoverload.

3. Check continuity across No. 1 and No. 2 of the overload. No conti-nuity means the overload may be tripped. Wait at least 10 minutesand test again. If there is still no continuity, the overload is defec-tive. Replace the defective overload.

4. Check continuity across the internal thermostat terminals at thecompressor. See Fig. 9-48 for the location of the terminals of the

Compressors 357

Figure 9-64 Internal thermostatembedded in the motor winding.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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internal thermostat. If there is no continuity, the internal thermo-stat may be tripped. Wait for it to cool off and close. It sometimestakes more than one hour to cool. If the compressor is cool to thetouch (below 130°F (54°C), and there is still no continuity, the inter-nal thermostat circuitry is open and the compressor must bereplaced.

5. Check for continuity across terminals R and S on the compressor.If there is no continuity, one or both of the windings are open.Replace the compressor.

6. Check for continuity across terminal S and the compressor shell.Check for continuity across terminal R and the compressor shell. Ifthere is continuity in either or both cases, the motor is grounded andthe compressor should be replaced.

7. Check the motor winding resistances with the chart furnished by thecompressor manufacturer.

8. Check for continuity across terminals 5 and 2 on the relay. No con-tinuity indicates an open potential coil. Replace the relay.

9. Check for continuity across terminals 2 and 1 on the relay. No con-tinuity indicates open contacts. Replace the relay.

10. Check for continuity across terminals 4 and 1 on the relay with themeter on the R × 1 scale. If continuity is read, it indicates a shortedcapacitor. Replace the capacitor. Repeat with the meter on the R ×100,000 scale. No needle deflection indicates the start capacitor isopen. Replace the start capacitor.

11. Discharge the run capacitor by placing a screwdriver across the ter-minals. Remove the leads from the run capacitor. With the meter seton the R × 1 scale, continuity across the capacitor terminals indi-cates a shorted capacitor. Replace the capacitor. Repeat the same testwith the meter set on the R × 100,000 scale. No needle deflectionindicates an open capacitor. Replace the run capacitor. If all thetests prove satisfactory and the unit still fails to operate properly,change the relay. The new relay will eliminate electrical problemssuch as improper pickup or dropout, which cannot be determined bythe above tests. If a good relay fails to correct the difficulty, thecompressor is inoperative due to internal defects. It must bereplaced.

One other arrangement for a compressor using single-phase currentis a CSR or PSC motor with start-components, internal thermostat, sup-plemental external overload, and start winding overload (see Fig. 9-65).

The diagnosis is identical to that described for the previous type ofmotor circuit. However, there is an additional start-winding overload in

358 Chapter Nine

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the control circuit in series with the internal thermostat and supple-mental overload. Check the start-winding overload in the same way thesupplemental overload is checked.

Compressor Connections and Tubes

Tec*mseh, like other compressor manufacturers, made compressors formany manufacturers of refrigerators, air-conditioning systems, andcoolers. Because of this, the same compressor model may be found in thefield in many suction and discharge variations. Each variation dependsupon the specific application for which the compressor was designed.

Suction connections can usually be identified as the stub tube withthe largest diameter in the housing. If two stubs have the same outsidediameter, then the one with the heavier wall will be the suction con-nection. If both of the largest stub tubes have the same outside diame-ter and wall thickness, then either can be used as the suction connection.However, the one farthest from the terminals is preferred.

The stub tube not chosen for the suction connection may be used forprocessing the system. Compressor connections can usually be easilyidentified. However, occasionally some question arises concerning oilcooler tubes and process tubes.

Compressors 359

Figure 9-65 A CSR or PSC motor with start components and internal thermostatplus supplemental external overload and start winding overload. Note No. 4 andNo. 6 on the relay are dummy terminals. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Oil cooler tubes are found only in low-temperature refrigerationmodels. These tubes connect to a coil or hairpin bend within the com-pressor oil sump (see Fig. 9-66). This coil or hairpin bend is not openinside the compressor. Its only function is to cool the compressor sumpoil. The oil cooler tubes are generally connected to an individually sep-arated tubing circuit in the air-cooled condenser.

Process tubes

Process tubes are installed in compressor housings at the factory as anaid in factory dehydration and charging. These can be used in place ofthe suction tube if they are of the same diameter and wall thickness asthe suction tube.

Standard discharge tubing arrangements for Tec*mseh hermetic com-pressors are shown in Fig. 9-67. Discharge tubes are generally in thesame position within any model family. Suction and process tube posi-tions may vary.

Other manufacturers of compressors

Besides Tec*mseh, there are other manufacturers of compressors for theair-conditioning and refrigeration trade. One is Americold CompressorCorporation. Two of the models made by Americold are the M series andthe A series (see Fig. 9-68). Both use the same overload relay and cur-rent relay connections (see Fig. 9-69). All of these models use R-12, orsuitable substitute, as the refrigerant. They are made in sizes rangingfrom 1/10 through 1/4 hp. They weigh 21 to 25 lb. Figure 9-70 shows thelocation of the suction and discharge stubs as well as the process tube.

360 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-66 Location of the oilcooling tubes inside the compres-sor shell. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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Rotary Compressors

The rotary compressor is made in two different configurations—thestationary blade rotary compressor and the rotating blade rotary com-pressor. The stationary blade rotary compressor is the type that has justbeen described. Both of these compressors have problems regardinglubrication. This problem has been partly solved.

Stationary blade rotary compressors

The only moving parts in a stationary blade rotary compressor are asteel ring, an eccentric or cam, and a sliding barrier (see Fig. 9-71).

Compressors 361

Figure 9-67 Compressor connection tubes. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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362 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-67 (Continued)

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Figure 9-72 shows how the rotation of the off-center cam compresses thegas refrigerant in the cylinder of the rotary compressor. The cam isrotated by an electric motor. As the cam spins it carries the ring withit. The ring rolls on its outer rim around the wall of the cylinder.

To be brought into the chamber, the gas must have a pathway. Notethat in Fig. 9-73 the vapor comes in from the freezer and goes out to thecondenser through holes that have been drilled in the compressor frame.Note that an offset rotating ring compresses the gas. Figure 9-74 showshow the refrigerant vapor in the compressor is brought from the freezer.Then, the exit port is opening. When the compressor starts to draw inthe vapor from the freezer the barrier is held against the ring by aspring.

This barrier separates the intake and exhaust ports. As the ring rollsaround the cylinder it compresses the gas and passes it on to the con-denser (see Fig. 9-75). The finish of the compression portion of the strokeor operation is shown in Fig. 9-76. The ring rotates around the cylinderwall. The spring tension of the barrier’s spring and the pressure of thecam being driven by the electric motor hold it in place. This type ofcompressor is not used as much as the reciprocating hermetic type ofcompressor.

Compressors 363

Figure 9-67 (Continued)

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Rotating blade rotary compressors

The rotating blade rotary compressor has its roller centered on a shaftthat is eccentric to the center of the cylinder. Two spring-loaded rollerblades are mounted 180° apart. They sweep the sides of the cylinder. Theroller is mounted so that it touches the cylinder at a point between theintake and the discharge ports. The roller rotates. In rotating, it pullsthe vapor into the cylinder through the intake port. Here, the vapor istrapped in the space between the cylinder wall, the blade, and the pointof contact between the roller and the cylinder. As the next blade passesthe contact point, the vapor is compressed. The space or the vaporbecomes smaller and smaller as the blade rotates.

364 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-67 (Continued)

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Once the vapor has reached the pressure determined by the compres-sor manufacturer, it exits through the discharge port to the condenser.

On this type of rotating blade rotary compressor the seals on theblades present a particular problem. There also are lubrication problems.However, a number of rotary compressors are still in operation in homerefrigerators.

Some manufacturers make rotary blade compressors for commercialapplications. They are used primarily with ammonia. Thus, there is nocopper or copper alloy tubing or parts. Most of the ammonia tubing andworking metal is stainless steel.

Screw Compressors

Screw compressors operate more or less like pumps, and have continuousflow refrigerant compared to reciprocals. Reciprocal have pulsations. This

Compressors 365

Figure 9-68 Series M and series A compressors made by Americold.

Figure 9-69 Location of the ter-minals for the compressors andelectrical connections on theAmericold compressors. (Courtesyof Americold.)

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results in smooth compression with little vibration. Reciprocals, on theother hand, make pulsating sounds and vibrate. They can be very noisy.

Screw compressors have almost linear capacity-control mechanisms.That results in excellent part-load performance. Due to its smooth oper-ation, low vibration screw compressors tend to have longer life thanreciprocals.

366 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-70 Location of process, discharge, suction, and oil cooler stubson Americold compressors. (Courtesy of Americold.)

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Figure 9-71 Parts of a rotary compressor. (Courtesy of General Motors.)

Figure 9-72 Operation of a rotary com-pressor. (Courtesy of General Motors.)

Figure 9-73 Beginning of the compres-sion phase of a rotary compressor.(Courtesy of General Motors.)

Figure 9-74 Beginning of the intakephase in a rotary compressor.(Courtesy of General Motors.)

Figure 9-75 Compression and intakephases half completed in a rotary com-pressor. (Courtesy of General Motors.)

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Centrifugals are constant speed machines. These machines surgeunder certain operating conditions. This results in poor performance andhigh power consumption at part load. Screw compressors have proventhemselves in tough refrigeration applications including on-board ships.Today, screw compressors practically dominate refrigerated ships, trans-porting fruits, vegetables, meats, and frozen foods across the ocean withgood reliability. These compressors have replaced the traditional ship-board centrifugals.

Screw compressors were developed in Germany in the 1800s. Theywere patented in 1883 in Italy, but not in the United States until 1905.This type of compressor is a positive-displacement compressor. Thatmeans it uses a rotor driving another rotor (twin) or gate rotors (single)to provide the compression cycle. Both methods use injected fluids to coolthe compressed gas, seal the rotor or rotors, and lubricate the bearings.

Single screw

A single screw compressor is shown in Fig. 9-77. The compressionprocess starts with the rotors meshed at the inlet port of the compres-sor. The rotors turn. The lobes separate at the inlet port, increasing thevolume between the lobes. This increased volume causes a reduction inpressure. Thus, drawing in the refrigerant gas. The intake cycle is com-pleted when the lobe has turned far enough to be sealed off from the inletport. As the lobe continues to turn, the volume trapped in the lobebetween the meshing point of the rotors, the discharge housing, and thestator and rotors, is continuously decreased. When the rotor turns farenough, the lobe opens to the discharge port, allowing the gas to leavethe compressor (see Fig. 9-78).

Twin screw

The twin screw is the most common type of screw compressor usedtoday. It uses a double set of rotors (male and female) to compress the

368 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-76 Finish of the com-pression phase of the rotary com-pressor. (Courtesy of GeneralMotors.)

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Compressors 369




Figure 9-77 (a) Single screw compressor. (b) Monoscrew compression cycle: (1) suction, (2)compression, (3) discharge or exhaust. (Courtesy of Single Screw Compressor, Inc.)






(A) (B) (C) (D)

Figure 9-78 Twin-screw compression cycle: (a) intake of gas, (b) gas trapped incompressor housing and rotor cavities, (c) compression cycle, (d) compressed gasis discharged through the discharge port. (Courtesy of Sullair Refrigeration.)

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refrigerant gas. The male rotor usually has four lobes. The female rotorconsists of six lobes. Normally, this is referred to as a 4 + 6 arrangement.However, some compressors, especially air conditioners are using othervariations, such as 5 + 7.

Making the Rotors

Not until the mid-1960s were the rotors cut using a symmetrical or cir-cular profile. This was in turn replaced by the asymmetrical profile. Thisis a line-generated profile that improved the adiabatic efficiency of thescrew compressor (see Fig. 9-79).

Scroll Compressors

The scroll compressor (Fig. 9-80) is being used by the industry in responseto the need to increase the efficiency of air-conditioning equipment. This

370 Chapter Nine


Figure 9-79 Twin-screw compressor parts: (1) discharge housing, (2)slide valve, (3) stator, (4) male and female rotors, (5) inlet housing, (6)hydraulic capacity control cylinder. (Courtesy of Sullair Refrigeration.)

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is done in order to meet the U.S. Department of Energy Standards of1992. The standards apply to all air conditioners. All equipment musthave a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) of 10 or better. Thehigher the number, the more efficient the unit is. The scroll compressorseems to be the answer to more efficient compressor operation.

Scroll compression process

Figure 9-81 shows how the spiral-shaped members fit together. A betterview is shown in Fig. 9-82. The two members fit together forming cres-cent-shaped gas pockets. One member remains stationary, while thesecond member is allowed to orbit relative to the stationary member.

Compressors 371

Figure 9-80 A Copeland scrollcompressor. (Courtesy of Lennox.)

Figure 9-81 Scroll compression process. (Courtesy of Lennox.)

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This movement draws gas into the outer pocket created by the twomembers, sealing off the open passage. As the spiral motion continues,the gas is forced toward the center of the scroll form. As the pocket con-tinuously becomes smaller in volume it creates increasingly higher gaspressures. At the center of the pocket, the high-pressure gas is dis-charged from the port of the fixed scroll member. During the cycle, sev-eral pockets of gas are compressed simultaneously. This provides asmooth, nearly continuous compression cycle.

This results in a 10 to 15 percent more efficient operation than withthe piston compressors. A smooth, continuous compression processmeans very low flow losses. No valves are required. This eliminates allvalve losses. Suction and discharge locations are separate. This sub-stantially reduces heat transfer between suction and discharge gas.There is no reexpansion volume. This increases the compressor’s heatpump capacity in low-ambient operation. Increased heat pump capacityin low ambient temperatures reduces the need for supplemental heatwhen temperatures drop.

During summer, this means less cycling at moderate temperatures.It also allows better dehumidification to keep the comfort level high.When temperatures rise, the scroll compressor provides increasedcapacity for more cooling.

During the winter, the scroll compressor heat pumps deliver morewarm air to the conditioned space than conventional models.


The scroll compressor has no valves and low gas pulses. No valves andlow gas pulses allow for smooth and quiet operation. It has fewer moving

372 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-82 Two halves of the scroll compressor.(Courtesy of Lennox.)

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parts (only two gas compression parts as compared to 15 components inpiston-type compressors) and no compressor start components arerequired. There is no accumulator or crankcase heater required. And ahigh-pressure cutout is not needed.

The radial compliance design features a superior liquid handlingcapacity. This allows small amounts of liquid and dirt to pass throughwithout damaging the compressor. At the same time, this eliminateshigh stress on the motor and provides high reliability. Axial complianceallows the scroll tips to remain in continuous contact, ensuring minimalleakage. Performance actually gets better over the time because thereare no seals to wear and causes gas leakage.

Scroll compressor models

Examples of air-conditioner units with the scroll compressor are theLennox HP-20 and HS-22.

HP-20 model. The HP-20 is also designed for efficient use in heat pumpinstallations (see Fig. 9-83). It has a large coil surface area to delivermore comfort per watt of electricity. A copper tube coil with aluminumfins provides effective heat transfer for efficient heating and cooling(see Fig. 9-84). The scroll compressor technology has been around for along time. However, this was one of the first to make use of it in heatpumps.

HS-22 model. The HS-22 model also uses a Copeland-compliant scrollcompressor (see Fig. 9-85). The insulated cabinet allows it to operatewithout disturbing the neighbors in closely arranged housing developments.

Compressors 373

Scroll compressor



Efficient gas compression

Low sound and vibration levels

Fewer parts, smaller size, lighter weight, more per pallet

No internal suspension system

Orbiting and stationary scrolls must match perfectly

Used in air conditioning/commercial compressors under development

Need to reduce vibration to unit using generous amounts of tubing


Figure 9-83 HP-20 Model with a heavy-duty scroll compressor: (1) cabinet, (2) coil area,(3) copper tubing, (4) fan, (5) scroll compressor. (Courtesy of Lennox.)

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The cabinet, with vertical air discharge, creates a unit that has soundratings as low as 7.2 bells.

The condensing unit has a SEER rating as high as 13.5. The scrollcompressor is highly efficient with a large double row condenser. Thishighly efficient coil increases the efficient use of energy even more.

374 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-85 HS-22 Model: (1) scroll compressor, (2) cabinet, (3)fan, (4) copper tubing in condenser, (5) coil area in compres-sor, (6) filter-drier. (Courtesy of Lennox.)

Figure 9-84 Copper tubing in thecondenser with aluminum fins.(Courtesy of Lennox.)

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Evaporators remove heat from the space being cooled. As the air is cooled,it condenses the water vapor. This must be drained. If the water condens-ing on the evaporator coil freezes when the temperature is below 32°F(0°C)—the refrigerator or freezer must work harder. Frozen water or iceacts as an insulator. It reduces the efficiency of the evaporator. When evap-orators are operated below 32°F, they must be periodically defrosted.Defrosting eliminates frost buildup on the coils or the evaporator plates.

There are several types of evaporators. Three of the most common are

Coiled evaporators are used in warehouses for refrigerating large areas. Fin evaporators are used in air-conditioning systems that are part of

the furnace in a house (see Fig. 10-1). Finned evaporator have fansthat blow air over thin metal surfaces.

Plate evaporators use flat surfaces for their cooling surface (seeFig. 10-2). They are commonly used in freezers. If the object to becooled or frozen is placed directly in contact with the evaporator plate,the cold is transferred more efficiently. Figure 10-3 shows a typicalhome refrigerator-cooling system. Note the evaporator.

Coiled Evaporator

Evaporator coils on air-conditioning units fall into two categories:

Finned-tube coil is placed in the air stream of the unit. Refrigerantvaporizes in it. The refrigerant in the tubes and the air flowing aroundthe fins attached to the tubes draw heat from the air. This is commonlyreferred to as a direct expansion cooling system (see Fig. 10-4).

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376 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-1 Evaporators. (a) Evaporator used in home air-conditioning systemswhere the unit is placed in the bonnet of the hot-air furnace. (b) Slanted evapo-rator used in home air-conditioning.

Figure 10-2 Plate evaporator.

Figure 10-3 A home refrigerator’s cooling system.

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Shell-and-tube chiller units are used to chill water for air-cooling pur-poses. Usually, the refrigerant is in tubes mounted inside a tank orshell containing the water or liquid to be cooled. The refrigerant in thetubes draws the heat through the tube wall and from the liquid as itflows around the tubes in the shell. This system can be reversed.Thus, the water would be in the tubes and the refrigerant would bein the tank. As the gas passes through the tank over the tubes, itwould draw the heat from the water in the tubes (see Fig. 10-5).

Figure l0-5 shows how K-12 is used in a standard vapor-compressionrefrigeration cycle. System water for air-conditioning and other uses iscooled as it flows through the evaporator tubes. Heat is transferredfrom the water to the low-temperature, low-pressure refrigerant. Theheat removed from the water causes the refrigerant to evaporate. Therefrigerant vapor is drawn into the first stage of the compressor at a ratecontrolled by the size of the guide-vane opening. The first stage of thecompressor raises the temperature and pressure of the vapor. Thisvapor, plus vapor from the flash economizer, flows into the second stageof the compressor. There, the saturation temperature of the refrigerantis raised above that of the condenser water.

This vapor mixture is discharged directly into the condenser. There,relatively cool condenser water removes heat from the vapor, causing itto condense again to liquid. The heated water leaves the system, return-ing to a cooling tower or other heat-rejection device.

A thermal economizer in the bottom section of the condenser bringswarm condensed refrigerant into contact with the inlet water tubes.

Evaporators 377

Figure 10-4 Finned coil evapora-tor. (Courtesy of Johnson Controls.)

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These are the coldest water tubes. They may hold water with a tem-perature as low as 55°F (13°C). This subcools the refrigerant so thatwhen it moves on in the cycle, it has greater cooling potential. Thisimproves cycle efficiency and reduces power per ton requirements. Theliquefied refrigerant leaves the condenser through a plate-type control.It flows into the flash economizer or utility vessel. Here, the normalflashing of part of the refrigerant into vapor cools the remaining refrig-erant. This flash vapor is diverted directly to the second stage of the com-pressor. Thus, it does not need to be pumped through the fullcompression cycle. The net effect of the flash economizer is energy savingsand lower operating costs. A second plate-type control meters the flowof liquid refrigerant from the utility vessel back to the cooler, where thecycle begins again (see Fig. 10-6).

Application of Controls for Hot-Gas Defrost of Ammonia Evaporators

To defrost ammonia evaporators, it is sometimes necessary to check theplumbing arrangement and the valves used to accomplish the task. Toenable hot-gas defrost systems to operate successfully, several factors

378 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-5 Complete operation of a shell-and-tube chiller. (Courtesy of Carrier.)

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must be considered. There must be an adequate supply of hot gas. The gasshould be at a minimum of 100 psig. The defrost cycle should be accuratelytimed. Condensate removal or storage must be provided. An automaticsuction accumulator or heat reservoir should be used to protect compres-sors from liquid refrigerant slugs if surge drums or other evaporators arenot adequate to handle the excess gas and condensates (see Fig. 10-7).

Controls must be used to direct and regulate the pressure and flowof ammonia and hot gas during refrigeration and defrost cycles.

Direct-expansion systems

Figure 10-7 shows a high temperature system [above 32°F (0°C)] with nodrip-pan defrost. During the normal cooling cycle, controlled by a ther-mostat, the room temperature may rise above the high setting of thethermostat. This indicates a need for refrigeration. The liquid solenoid(valve A), pilot solenoid (valve B), and the dual-pressure regulator (valve D)open, allowing refrigerant to flow. When solenoid (valve D) is energized.The low-pressure adjusting bonnet controls the regulator. The regulatormaintains the predetermined suction pressure in the evaporator.

When the room temperature reaches the low setting on the thermo-stat, there is no longer need for refrigeration. At this time, solenoidvalve A and solenoid valve D close and remain closed until further refrig-eration is required.

The hot-gas solenoid (valve C) remains closed during the normalrefrigeration cycle. When the three-position selector switch is turned to“Defrost,” liquid solenoid valve Aand valve D, with a built-in pilot solenoid,

Evaporators 379

Figure 10-6 Cutaway view of the chiller portion of the shell-and-tube chillershown in Fig. 10-5.

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close. This allows valve D to operate as a defrost pressure regulator onthe high setting. The hot gas solenoid (valve C) opens to allow hot gasto enter the evaporator. When the defrost is complete, the system isswitched back to the normal cooling cycle.

The system may be made completely automatic by replacing themanual switch with an electric time clock. Table 10-1 shows the valvesizes needed for this system.

Valves used in direct-expansion systems. The pilot solenoid (valve B) isa 1/8 in. ported solenoid valve that is direct operated and suitable as aliquid, suction, hot gas, or pilot valve at pressures to 300 lb.

Solenoid valve Ais a one-piston, pilot-operated valve suitable for suction,liquid, or gas lines at pressures of 300 lb. It is available with a 9/16 in.or 3/4-in. port.

Solenoid valve C is a rugged, pilot-operated, two-piston valve withspring return for positive closing under the most adverse conditions. Itis used for compressor unloading, and for liquid and hot-gas applications.

380 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-7 High-temperature defrost system. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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The dual-pressure regulator (valve D) is designed to operate at twopredetermined pressures without resetting or adjustment. By merelyopening and closing a pilot solenoid, it is capable of maintaining eitherthe low- or high-pressure setting.

Figure 10-8 shows a pilot light assembly. It is placed on valves whenit is essential to know their condition for troubleshooting procedures.

A low-temperature defrost system with water being used to defrost thedrain pan is shown in Fig. 10-9.

Cooling cycle

During the normal cooling cycle controlled by a thermostat, as roomtemperature rises above the high setting on the thermostat there is aneed for refrigeration. Liquid solenoid (valve A) and the built-in pilot

Evaporators 381

TABLE 10-1 Valve Sizing for High-Temperature System

Tons Liquid Hot-gas Pilot Dual-pressurerefrigerant solenoid (in.) solenoid (in.) solenoid (in.) regulator (in.)

3 1/2 1/2 1/4 3/45 1/2 1/2 1/4 3/47 1/2 1/2 1/4 1

10 1/2 1/2 1/4 11/412 1/2 1/2 1/4 11/415 1/2 1/2 1/4 11/220 1/2 1/2 1/4 11/225 1/2 1/2 1/4 230 1/2 1/2 1/4 235 1/2 1/2 1/4 240 3/4 3/4 1/4 245 3/4 3/4 1/4 21/250 3/4 3/4 1/4 21/2

Figure 10-8 Pilot light assembly.(Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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(valve D) open, allowing refrigerant to flow. The opening of the built-in pilot allows the presure to bypass the sensing chamber of valve D.This forces it to remain wide open with resultant minimum pressuredrop through the valve.

When the room temperature drops to the low setting on the thermo-stat, there is no longer need for referation. Solenoid valve A and pilotvlave D close. They remain closed until refrigeration is again required.Hot-gas valve C and defrost water soldenoid valve E remain closedduring the cooling cycle.

Defrost cycle

When the three-position selector switch is turned to defrost, solenoidvalve A and pilot-solenoid valve D close as hot-gas valve C and evapo-rator-pilot valve B open. This allows hot gas to enter the evaporator. ValveD now acts as a back pressure regulator, maintaining a predeterminedpressure above the freezing point. After a regulated delay, preferably

382 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-9 Low-temperature defrost system. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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toward the end of the defrost cycle, the time delay relay allows the watersolenoid to open. This causes water to spray over the evaporator, melt-ing ice that may be lodged between coils and flushing the drain pan.

When the evaporator is defrosted, the system is returned to the cool-ing cycle by turning the three-position selector switch. The hot-gas sole-noid (valve C) and built-in pilot (valve E) close as the liquid solenoid(valve A) opens.

This system can be made completely automatic by replacing themanual selector with an electric time clock. Table 10-2 shows some ofthe valve sizings for the low-temperature system.

Direct Expansion with Top Hot-Gas Feed

In the evaporator shown in Fig. 10-10, when the defrost cycle is initiated,the hot gas is introduced through the hot-gas solenoid valve to the man-ifold. It then passes through the balancing glove valve and the pan coilto a check valve that prevents liquid crossover. From the check valve, hotgas is directed to the top of the evaporator. Here, it forces the refrigerantand accululated oil from the relief regulator (valve A). This regulator hasbeen de-energized to convert it to a relief regulator set at about 70 psig.It meters defrost condensate to the suction line and acculmulator.

Direct Expansion with Bottom Hot-Gas Feed

Compare the systems shown in Figs. 10-10 and 10-11. In the systemshown in Fig. 10-11, the defrost hot gas is introduced into the bottom ofthe evaporator through the drain pan. The system operates similarly tothat shown in Fig. 10-10. However, most of the liquid refrigerant isretained in the evaporators as defrost proceeds from the bottom to the top.

Evaporators 383

TABLE 10-2 Valve Sizing for Low-Temperature System

Liquid Hot-gas Back-pressure Pilot DefrostTons solenoid solenoid regulator solenoid water

refrigerant (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)

3 1/2 1/2 1 1/4 1/25 1/2 1/2 11/4 1/4 3/47 1/2 1/2 11/4 1/4 3/4

10 1/2 1/2 11/2 1/4 112 1/2 1/2 11/2 1/4 115 1/2 1/2 2 1/4 11/420 1/2 1/2 2 1/4 11/425 1/2 1/2 21/2 1/4 11/230 1/2 1/2 21/2 1/4 11/235 1/2 1/2 3 1/4 240 3/4 3/4 3 1/4 245 3/4 3/4 3 1/4 250 3/4 3/4 3 1/4 2

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Flooded Liquid Systems

Figure 10-12 shows a flood-gas and liquid leg shutoff (top hot-gas feed)system. Here, the gas-powered valve is used on both ends of the evapo-rator. It is a gas-powered check valve. At defrost, the normally closedtype-Apilot solenoid is energized. Hot-gas pressure closes the gas-poweredcheck valves. Hot gas flows through the solenoid, globe valves, pan coil,and in-line check valve into the top of the evaporator. Here, it purgesthe evaporator of fluids. The evaporator is discharged at the meteredrate through valve B. that has been de-energized and acts as a regulatorduring defrost.

At the end of the defrost cycle, excess pressure will bleed from therelief line at a safe rate through the energized valve B. The gas-poweredvalves will not open the evaporator to the surge drum until the gaspressure is nearly down to the system pressure.

Flooded-gas leg shutoff (bottomhot-gas feed)

The system shown in Fig. 10-13 is similar to that shown in Fig. 10-12.However, the liquid leg of the evaporator dumps directly into the surge

384 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-10 Direct-expansion evaporator—top feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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drum without a relief valve. In this system, valve C is a defrost regula-tor. It is placed in the suction line, where it is normally open. Duringdefrost, valve C is de-energized, converting to a defrost regulator. In sucha system, it is recommended that a large-capacity surge drum or valveA be used as a bypass valve. This will bleed defrost pressure graduallyaround valve C into the suction line. Note how the in-line check valveis used to prevent cross flow.

Flooded-ceiling evaporator—liquid leg shutoff (bottom hot-gas feed)

Figure 10-14 illustrates a flooded-ceiling evaporator. Upon initiation ofthe defrost sequence, the hot gas solenoid (Number 1) is opened. Gasflows to gas-powered check valve, isolating the bottom of the surge tankfrom the evaporator. The hot gas flows through the pan coil and the in-line

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Figure 10-11 Direct-expansion evaporator—bottom feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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check valve into the evaporator. Excess gas pressure is dumped into thesurge tank. It will bleed through valve A. During defrost, this valve hasbeen de-energized to perform as a relief regulator set at approximately70 psig.

386 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-12 Gas and liquid leg shutoff—top feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

Figure 10-13 Gas leg shutoff—bottom feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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Flooded-ceiling evaporator—liquid leg shutoff (top hot-gas feed)

Figure 10-15 shows a multiple flooded-evaporator system using inputand output headers to connect the various evaporators and the surgedrum. Note that, upon defrost, the fluid and condensate, are purged fromthe evaporator and surge drum into the remote accumulator through theregulator, which is a reseating safety valve. This is usually set at about70 psig. The accumulator must be sized to accept the refrigerant, plushot-gas condensate.

Flooded-ceiling blower (top hot-gas feed)

Figure 10-16 shows a modification of the system shown in Fig. 10-15.In the system shown in Fig. 10-16, top-fed hot defrost gas forces theevaporator fluid directly to the bottom of the large surge drum. Thedefrost regulator (valve A), which is normally open, is de-energizedduring the defrost to act as a relief regulator.

To minimize heating of the ammonia that accumulates in the surgedrum during defrost, a thermostat bulb should be used to sense the tem-perature rise in the bottom header. This thermostat can be used to ter-minate the defrost cycle. Once again, the gas-powered check valveisolates the evaporator from the surge drum until the gas pressure isshut off.

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Figure 10-14 Ceiling evaporator, liquid leg shutoff—bottom feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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388 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-15 Ceiling evaporator, liquid leg shutoff—top feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

Figure 10-16 Ceiling blower—top feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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Flooded-ceiling blower (hot-gas feed through surge drum)

Figure 10-17 shows a simple defrost. It is a setup for the refrigerationsystem shown in Fig. 10-16. However, both the evaporator and surgedrum are emptied during the defrost, necessitating the use of an amplesuction accumulator to protect the compressor. In this system the pilot-solenoid valve in conjunction with the reverse-acting pressure regula-tor limits the system pressure. This permits the use of a simple solenoidvalve and globe valve for rate control in the relief line.

Flooded floor-type blower (gas and liquid leg shutoff)

Figure 10-18 illustrates a flooded floor unit suitable for operation downto −70°F (−57°C). The gas-pressure-powered valve used in this circuithas a solenoid pilot operator. This provides positive action with gas orliquid loads at high or low temperatures and pressures.

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Figure 10-17 Ceiling blower—feed through surge drum. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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To defrost a group of evaporators without affecting the temperaturesof the common surge drum, the gas-powered valve is used at each endof the evaporator. A reseating safety valve is a relief regulator. It con-trols the defrost pressure to the relief-line accumulator. A check valveprevents backflow into the relief line. The in-line check valve preventscrossover between adjacent evaporators.

At high temperatures [above −25°F (−31°C)], use of the gas-poweredcheck valve in place of the gas-powered solenoid valve is recom-mended.

Flooded floor–type blower (gas leg shutoff)

The system shown in Fig. 10-19 is similar to that shown in Fig. 10-18.However, a single gas-type, pressure-powered valve is used. Overpressureat the surge drum is relieved by valve B, a defrost-relief regulator. Thisis normally wide open. It becomes a regulating valve when its solenoidis de-energized during defrost.

Defrost gas flows through the hot-gas solenoid when energized. Itthen flows through the glove valve and the in-line check valve to forcethe evaporator fluid into the surge drum.

An optional hot-gas thermostat bulb may be used to sense heating ofthe bottom of the evaporator. Thus, it can act as a backup for the timeddefrost cycle.

390 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-18 Floor blower—gas and liquid shutoff. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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Liquid-Recirculating Systems

Liquid refrigerant recirculating systems are frequently fed by upwardliquid flow through their evaporators. These systems are called bottom-fed. This is accomplished by either mechanical or gas-displacementrecirculators during the refrigerant cycle (see Fig. 10-20).

In some systems, more than a single evaporator is fed from the samerecirculator, as shown in Fig. 10-20. Then, a proper distribution of liquidbetween evaporators must be maintained to achieve efficient operationof each evaporator. This balance is usually accomplished by the inser-tion of adjustable glove valves or orifices into the liquid-feeder line.Similarly, adjustment of the glove valves or insertion of orifices is alsooften used properly to distribute hot gas during the defrost cycle.

Equalizing orifices or glove valves are not used if the hot gas used fordefrosting is fed to the bottom of the evaporators as shown in Fig. 10-20.In such cases, most of the hot gas could flow through the circuits near-est the hot-gas supply line. The same would also happen in circuitswhere both vertical and horizontal headers are used, as in Fig. 10-21.The more remote circuits could remain full of cold liquid. Consequently,they would not defrost.

Supplying hot gas to the top of the evaporator forces liquid refriger-ant down through the evaporator and out through a reseating safetyvalve relief regulator into the suction-line return to the accumulator (seeFig. 10-21). Reseating safety-valve relief regulators are usually set torelieve at 60 to 80 psig to provide rapid defrost.

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Figure 10-19 Floor blower—gas leg shutoff. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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392 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-20 Flooded recirculator—bottom feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

Figure 10-21 Flooded recirculator—top feed. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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The use of check valves is important in flooded liquid-recirculatingsystems fed by mechanical gas-displacement liquid recirculators. Thecheck valves are used where the pressure of the hot gas used for defrostis higher than the system pressure. The reseating safety-check valvemust be used to stop this gas at high pressure from flowing back intothe liquid supply-line.

Flooded recirculator (bottom hot-gas feed)

The multiple system shown in Fig. 10-20 shows a check valve mountedin each of the liquid-refrigerant branch lines. A single solenoid valve isused in the main refrigerant line. The defrost gas is bottom fed.

Flooded recirculator (top-gas feed)

The system illustrated in Fig. 10-21 shows a check valve mounteddirectly at the outlet of each of the liquid-solenoid valves. The defrostgas is top fed. This system permits selective defrosting of each evapo-rator. A single accumulator is used to protect the compressor duringdefrost, as well as to accumulate both liquid refrigerant and defrostcondensate. This protection is accomplished by using a differentialpressure–regulator valve in an evaporator bypass circuit.

The differential pressure–regulator valve will open sufficiently to relieveexcess pressure across the compressor inlet. The pressure will dischargeas excess pressure differential occurs. When the pressure differential isless than the regulator-valve setting, the regulator will be tightly closed.

Low-temperature ceiling blower

The low-temperature liquid recirculating system illustrated in Fig. 10-22uses several controls. During the cooling cycle, Number 1 pilot valve isopened and Number 2 pilot valve is closed, holding the gas-powered sole-noid valve wide open. This allows flow of liquid through the energizedliquid-solenoid valve from the recirculator and then through the circuitof the unit. The in-line check valve installed between the drain-pan coilheader and suction line prevents drainage of liquid into the drain-pan coil.

For defrost, the liquid solenoid valve is closed. The Number 1 pilotsolenoid is de-energized. The Number 2 solenoid is opened, closing thegas-powered solenoid valve tightly. The hot-gas solenoid is energized.This allows distribution of the hot gas through the drain-pan coils, thein-line check valve, the top of the suction header, and the coil. The gascomes out the bottom of the liquid header.

Check valve A prevents the flow of the high-pressure gas in the liquidline. Therefore, the gas is relieved through the safety-valve relief regu-lator (B). This is set to maintain pressure in the evaporator to promoterapid, efficient defrost.

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Year-Round-Automatic Constant Liquid Pressure Control System

The constant liquid control system is a means of increasing the effi-ciency of a refrigeration system that utilizes air-cooled, atmospheric,or evaporative condensers (see Fig. 10-23). This is accomplished byautomatically maintaining a constant liquid pressure throughout theyear to assure efficient operation. Constant liquid pressure on thermalexpansion valves, float controls, and other expansion devices resultsin efficient low-side operation. Hot gas defrosting, liquid recircula-tion, or other refrigerant-control systems require constant liquid pres-sure for successful operation. Liquid pressure is reduced by coldweather and extremely low wet-bulb temperatures with low refriger-ation loads.

To compensate for a decrease in liquid measure, it is necessary auto-matically to throttle the discharge to a predetermined point and regu-late the flow of discharge pressure to the liquid line coming from thecondenser and going to the receiver. Thus, predetermined pressure isapplied to the top of the liquid in the receiver. The constant liquid-pressurecontrol does this. In addition, when the compressor “start and stop” iscontrolled by pressure-stats, the pressure-operated hot-gas flow-controlvalve is a tight closing stop valve during stop periods. This permits effi-cient “start and stop” operation of the compressor by pressure control ofthe low side.

394 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-22 Low-temperature ceiling blower. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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The three valves in the system shown in Fig. 10-23 are

The reverse acting pressure regulator The pressure-operated hot-gas flow-control valve The relief check valve

The function of the control system is to maintain a constant liquidpressure (A). The reverse acting pressure-regulator valve accomplishesthis, which is a modulating-type valve. It maintains a constant prede-termined pressure on the downstream side of the regulator. To maintaina constant pressure (A) it is necessary to maintain a discharge pressure(B) approximately 5 psi above (A). This is accomplished by the hot-gascontrol valve, which will maintain a constant pressure (B) on theupstream or inlet side of the regulator. Due to the design of the regulator,a constant supply of gas will be available at a predetermined pressureto supply the pressure regulator to maintain pressure (A). Excess hotgas is not required to maintain a fill flow into the condenser.

The relief check valve prevents pressure (A) from causing backflowinto the condenser. When the compressor shuts down, the hot-gas flow-control valve closes tightly and shuts off the discharge line. This pre-vents gas from flowing into the condenser.

The check valve actually prevents the backflow of liquid into the con-denser. Thus, liquid cannot back up into the condenser in extremely coldweather. Sufficient low-side pressure will be maintained to start thecompressor when refrigeration is required.

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Figure 10-23 Year-round automatic control system. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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Dual-Pressure Regulator

Adual-pressure regulator is shown in Fig. 10-24. It is used on a shell-and-tube cooler. The dual-pressure regulator is particularly adaptable for thecontrol of shell-and-tube brine or water coolers, which at intervals may besubjected to increased loads. Such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 10-24.

The high-pressure diaphragm is set at a suction pressure suitable forthe normal load. The low-pressure diaphragm is set for a refrigerant tem-perature low enough to take care of any intermittent additional loads onthe cooler. In this case, a thermostat affects the transfer between low andhigh pressure. The remote bulb of the thermostat is located in the water-or brine-line leaving the cooler. A temperature increase at this bulb indi-cating an increase in load will cause the thermostat to open the electricpilot and transfer control of the cooler to the low-temperature diaphragm.Upon removal of the excess load, the thermostat will cause the electric pilotto close the low-pressure port. The cooler is then automatically trans-ferred to the normal pressure for which the high-pressure diaphragm isset. The diaphragms may be set at any two evaporator pressures at whichit is desirable to operate. Any electric switching device responsive to loadchange may be used to change from one evaporator pressure to the other.

Valves and Controls for Hot-Gas Defrost ofAmmonia-Type Evaporators

The following valves and controls are used in the hot-gas defrost systemsof ammonia-type evaporators:

396 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-24 Dual-pressure regulator application. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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Hot-gas or pilot-solenoid valve. The valve is a 1/8 in. ported solenoidvalve. It is a direct-operated valve suitable as a liquid, suction, hot-gas, or pilot valve at pressures to 300 lb.

Suction-, liquid-, or gas-solenoid valve. The suction-solenoid valve is aone-piston, pilot-operated valve suitable for suction-, liquid-, or gas-linesat pressures to 300 lb. It is available with a 9/16 in. or 3/4 in. port.

Pilot-operated solenoid valve. The valve is a one-piston, pilot-operatedsolenoid valve used as a positive stop valve for applications above −30°F (−34°C) on gas or liquid.

Pilot-operated two-piston valve. The solenoid valve is a rugged, pilot-operated, two-piston valve with spring return for positive closingunder the most adverse conditions. It is used for compressor unloader,suction, liquid, and hot-gas applications.

Gas-powered solenoid valve. The gas-powered solenoid valve is apower-piston type of valve that uses high pressure to force the valveopen through the control of pilot valves. Because of the high poweravailable to open these valves, heavy springs may be used to close thevalves positively at temperatures down to −90°F (−68°C).

Dual-pressure regulator valve. The dual-pressure regulator valve isdesigned to operate at two predetermined pressures without resettingor adjustment. By merely opening and closing a pilot solenoid, eitherthe low- or high-pressure setting is maintained.

Reseating safety valve. The reseating safety valve is generally used asa relief regulator to maintain a predetermined system pressure. Thepressure maintained by the valve is adjustable manually.

Back-pressure regulator arranged for full capacity. The back-pressureregulator is normally used where pressure control of the evaporatoris not required—as in a direct expansion system. A pilot solenoid isenergized, allowing pressure to bypass the sensing chamber of theregulator holding the valve wide open. De-energizing the pilot valveallows the valve to revert to its function as a back-pressure regulatormaintaining a preset pressure upstream of the valve. The valve per-forms both as a suction solenoid and as a relief regulator.

Differential relief valve. The differential relief valve is a modulating reg-ulator for liquid or gas use. It will maintain a constant preset pressuredifferential between the upstream and downstream side of a regulator.

Reverse-acting pressure regulator. The reverse-acting pressure regu-lator is used to maintain a constant predetermined pressure down-stream of the valve. When complete shutoff of the regulator isrequired, a pilot valve is installed in the upstream feeder line. Whenthe solenoid valve is closed, the regulator closes tightly. When the sole-noid valve is open, the regulator is free to operate as the pressure

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demands. With the solenoid installed as described above, this becomesa combination reverse-acting regulator and stop valve.

Gas-powered check valve. The gas-powered check valve is held in a nor-mally open position by a strong spring. Gas pressure applied at thetop of the valve closes the valve positively against the high systempressures. A manual opening stem is standard.

Check valve. The check valve is a spring-loaded positive check valvewith manual opening stem. It is used to prevent backup of relativelyhigh pressure into lower-pressure lines.

In-line check valve. The in-line check valve is used in multiple-branchliquid lines fed by a single solenoid valve. This check valve preventscirculation between evaporators during refrigeration. The in-linecheck valve is also used between drain pans and evaporators to pre-vent frosting of the drain pan during refrigeration.

These valves and controls are necessary. They cause defrosting oper-ations to take place in large evaporators used for commercial jobs.Some manufacturing operations also call for large-capacity refrigera-tion equipment.

Back-Pressure Regulator Applications of Controls

In a refrigeration system designed to maintain a predetermined tem-perature at full load, any decrease in load would tend to lower below full-load temperature the temperature of the medium being cooled.

To maintain constant temperatures in applications having varyingloads, means must be provided to change refrigerant temperature tomeet varying-load requirements.

Refrigerant temperature is a function of evaporator pressure. Thus,the most direct means of changing refrigerant temperature to meetvarying-load requirements is to vary the system pressure. This varia-tion of system pressure is accomplished by adjusting the setting of aback-pressure regulator. A number of back-pressure valve controls areavailable. Some of them are mentioned here.

Refrigerant-powered compensating-typepilot valve

The upper portion of the valve head is similar to a standard pressure-regulating head. On the lower portion of the head another diaphragmis connected to the main diaphragm by a push rod. As the thermal bulbwarms, the liquid in it expands, pushing up on the rod and opening theregulator. Because this is accomplished by an outside power source, the

398 Chapter Ten

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pressure drop through the head is reduced considerably. The valve headwill function in connection with the regulator on a 1/2- to 3/4-lb overallpressure drop. The point at which the modulation or compensation takesplace may be adjusted by turning the adjusting stem. By turning thestem in, the product temperature is increased. By turning the stem out,the product temperature is decreased. The back-pressure valve willremain wide open, taking advantage of the line-suction pressure untilthe product being cooled approaches the temperature at which modu-lation is to begin. The valve head will hold the temperature of the prod-uct to within ±1/2°F (0.28°C) of the desired temperature. In the case offailure of the thermal element, the valve head can be used as a straightback-pressure valve by readjusting it to the predetermined suction pres-sure at which the system is desired to operate (see Fig. 10-25).

Air-compensating back-pressure regulator

A standard regulator is reset by manually turning the adjusting stem,which increases the spring pressure on top of the diaphragm. In an air-compensated regulator, a change of pressure on top of the diaphragm isaccomplished by introducing air pressure into the airtight bonnet over thediaphragm. As this air pressure is increased, the setting of the regulatorwill be increased. This will produce like changes of evaporator pressureand refrigerant temperature. The variations in air pressure are producedby the temperature changes of the thermostatic remote bulb placed in thestream of the medium being cooled as it leaves the evaporator.

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Figure 10-25 Thermal-compensating back-pressure regulator. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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Temperature changes in the medium being cooled over the remotebulb of the thermostat will cause the thermostat to produce air pres-sures in the regulator bonnet within a range of 0 to 15 lb. This willcause the regulator to change the evaporator suction pressure in alike amount. A more definite understanding of this operation isobtained by assuming certain working conditions for the purpose ofillustration. In cases where a larger range of modulation is required,a three-to-one air relay may be installed. This will permit a 45-lbrange of modulation (see Fig. 10-26).

Electric-compensating back-pressureregulator

A standard regulator is reset manually by turning the adjusting stem,usually found at the top of the regulator. In an electrically compen-sated regulator, turning the stem to obtain different refrigerant pres-sures and temperatures in the evaporator is accomplished by a smallelectric motor. This motor rotates the adjusting stem in accordancewith temperature variations in a thermostatic bulb placed in themedium being cooled as it leaves the evaporator. The adjusting stem,spring, and controlling diaphragm have been separated from theirpositions at the top of the regulator. They have been placed in a smallremote unit mounted on a common base with the motor and geardrive. This compensating unit may be located in any convenient placewithin 20 ft of the main regulator. The unit is connected to it by twosmall pipelines. These convey the pressure changes set up by thecontrol diaphragm.

400 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-26 Air-compensating back-pressure regulator. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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The total arc of rotation of the motor and the large gear on the motoracting through the smaller pinion on the adjusting stem of thediaphragm unit will rotate the stem about two turns. This is sufficientto cause the regulator to vary the evaporator pressure through a totalrange of about 13 lb (see Fig. 10-27).

Valve Troubleshooting

Most of the problems in an evaporator system occur in the valvesthat make the defrost system operate properly. Every valve has itsown particular problems. A differential pressure relief regulator valveis shown in Fig. 10-28.

A listing of its component parts should help you see the areas wheretrouble may occur. Table 10-3 lists possible causes and remedies.

The valve difficulties and remedies listed in Table 10-3 are for one par-ticular type of valve. Manufacturers issue troubleshooting tables suchas the one shown. These should be consulted when troubleshooting thevalves of the evaporator system.

Noise in hot-gas lines

Noise in hot-gas lines between interconnected compressors and evapo-rator condensers may be eliminated by the installation of mufflers. Thisnoise may be particularly noticeable in large installations and is usuallycaused by the pulsations in gas flow caused by the reciprocating actionof the compressors and velocity of the gas through the hot-gas line from

Evaporators 401

Figure 10-27 Electric-compensating back-pressure regulator. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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402 Chapter Ten

Figure 10-28 Differential pressure relief regulators automatically maintain apreset differential between the upstream (inlet) and the downstream (outlet)side of the control valve. (Courtesy of Hubbell.)

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the compressor. The proper location of a muffler is in a horizontal ordown portion of the hot-gas line, immediately after leaving the com-pressor. It should never be installed in a riser. The problem of decreasedsystem capacity due to excessive vertical lifts in the liquid line is usu-ally solved by the installation of subcoolers. Check valves are used inthe suction line of low-temperature fixtures when they are multipliedwith high-temperature fixtures. Their use is most important when thecondensing unit is regulated by low-pressure control.

Evaporators 403

TABLE 10-3 Troubleshooting a Differential Pressure Relief Regulator

Symptom Probable cause ∗Remedy

Erratic Operation. Damaged pilot seat bead and/or Replace.No adjustment. diaphragms.Regulator remains Dirt-binding power or disc pistons. Clean, repair, and/oropen. Dirt lodged in seat disc or replace damaged items.

pilot seat bead area.Tubing sensing downstream Remove obstruction.pressure blocked.

Manual opening stem holding Turn opening stem to disc piston open. automatic position.

Short cycling, Regulator too large for Install properlyhunting, or load conditions. sized meteredchattering. orifice control.

Power piston bleed hole Replace or contactenlarged. factory for sizing.

O.D. of power piston worn, Replace piston.creating excessive clearance.

Excessive Regulator too small for load. Replace with correctlypressure drop. sized regulator.

Passage to sensing chamber Remove obstructions.blocked.

Strainer blocked. Clean strainer—replace screen if damaged.

No adjustment Range spring rated at Order range kit rated atover 90 psig. 2 to 90 psig. 75 to 300 psig.

No adjustment Range spring rated at Order range kit rated atunder 2 psig. 2 to 90 psig. 25 in. vacuum to 50 psig.

∗If repair requires metal removal—replace part.

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11Controlling Refrigerant:

Valves,Tubing, and Filters

A number of devices are used in refrigeration and air-conditioning sys-tems to control the flow of refrigerant. Proper selection, installation, andmaintenance of these devices holds the key to efficient performanceunder varying conditions.

Metering Devices

Metering devices divide the high side from the low side of the refriger-ation system. Acting as a pressure control, metering devices allow thecorrect amount of refrigerant to pass into the evaporator.

Hand-expansion valve

Of the several types of metering devices. the hand-expansion valve isthe simplest (see Fig. 11-1). Used only on manually controlled installa-tions, the hand-expansion valve is merely a needle valve with a fineadjustment stem. When the machine is shut down, the hand-expansionvalve must be closed to isolate the liquid line.

Automatic-expansion valve

The automatic-expansion valve controls liquid flow by responding tothe suction pressure of the unit acting on its diaphragm or bellows (seeFig. 11-2). When the valve opens, liquid refrigerant passes into theevaporator. The resulting increase in pressure in the evaporator closesthe valve. Meanwhile, the compressor is pulling the gas away from the

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406 Chapter Eleven

coils, reducing the pressure. This pressure reduction allows the expan-sion valve to open again. In operation, the valve never quite closes. Theneedle floats just off the seat and opens wide when the unit calls forrefrigeration. When the machine is shut down, the pressure building upin the coils closes the expansion valve until the unit starts up.

Thermostatic-expansion valve

The thermostatic-expansion valve, used primarily in commercial refrig-eration and air-conditioning, is a refinement of the automatic-expansionvalve (see Fig. 11-3). A bellows or diaphragm responds to pressure froma remote bulb charged with a substance similar to the refrigerant in thesystem. The bulb is attached to the suction line near the evaporatoroutlet. It is connected to the expansion valve by a capillary tube.

In operation, the thermostatic-expansion valve keeps the frost line ofthe unit at the desired location by reacting to the superheat of the suc-tion gas. Superheat cannot be present until all liquid refrigerant in theevaporator has been vaporized. Thus, it is possible to obtain a range ofevaporator temperatures by adjusting the superheat control of thethermostatic-expansion valve.

The prime importance of this type of metering device is its ability toprevent the flood-back of slugs or liquid through the suction line to thecompressor. If this liquid returns to the compressor, it could damage it.The compressor is designed to pump vapors, not liquids.

Capillary tubing

Small-bore capillary tubing is used as a metering device. It is used oneverything from the household refrigerator to the heat pump. Essen-tially, it is a carefully measured length of very small diameter tubing.

Figure 11-1 Hand-expansionvalve. (Courtesy of MuellerBrass.)

Figure 11-2 Automatic-expansion valve. (Courtesyof Mueller Brass.)

Figure 11-3 A thermostatic-expansion valve. (Courtesyof Mueller Brass.)

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Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 407

It creates a predetermined pressure drop in the system. The capillaryhas no moving parts.

Because a capillary tube cannot stop the flow of refrigerant when thecondensing unit stops, such a refrigeration unit will always equalizehigh-side and low-side pressures on the off cycle. For this reason, it isimportant that the refrigerant charge be of such a quantity that it canbe held on the low side of the system without damage to the compres-sor. In a charge of several pounds, this “critical charge” of refrigerantmay have to be carefully weighed.

An accumulator, or enlarged chamber, is frequently provided on acapillary tube system to prevent slugs of liquid refrigerant from beingcarried into the suction line.

Float valve

A float valve, either high-side or low-side, can serve as a meteringdevice. The high-side float, located in the liquid line, allows the liquidto flow into the low side when a sufficient amount of refrigerant has beencondensed to move the float ball. No liquid remains in the receiver. Acharge of refrigerant just sufficient to fill the coils is put into the systemon installation. This type of float, formerly used extensively, is now lim-ited to use in certain types of industrial and commercial systems.

The low-side float valve keeps the liquid level constant in the evapo-rator. It is used in flooded-type evaporators where the medium beingcooled flows through tubes in a bath of refrigerant. The low-side floatis more critical in operation than the high-side float and must be man-ufactured more precisely. A malfunction will cause the evaporator to fillduring shutdown. This condition will result in serious pounding andprobable compressor trouble on start-up.

Needle valves, either diaphragm or packed type, may be used as hand-expansion valves. As such, they are usually installed in a bypass linearound an automatic- or thermostatic-expansion valve. They are placed inoperation when the normal control is out of order or is removed for repairs.

Fittings and Hardware

Modern refrigerants can escape through the most minute openings.Since porosity in a fitting could create such an opening, it is mandatorythat porosity be eliminated from fittings and accessories that are to beused with refrigerants (see Fig. 11-4). One way to eliminate porosity infittings is to either forge or draw them from brass rod. This creates afinal grain structure that prevents the seepage of refrigerant due toporosity. The threads on fittings must be machined with some degreeof accuracy to prevent leaks. Solder-type fittings should be made ofwrought copper, brass rod, or brass forgings (see Fig. 11-5). This eliminates

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the possibility of leaks due to porosity of the metal. The tube is notweakened by the cutting of threads, as is the case with iron pipe. A sol-dered joint allows the use of a much lighter wall tube with completesafety and with significant cost savings.

One advantage of copper pipe over iron is the elimination of scaleand corrosion. In service, a light coating of copper oxide forms on the out-side of the copper tube. This coating prevents chemical attack. There isno “rusting out” of copper tube.

Copper tubing

For flare-fitting applications, seamless soft copper tube is recommended(see Fig. 11-6). This tube is furnished with sealed ends. It is supplied in50-ft lengths in sizes from 1/8- through 3/4-in. outer diameter (OD) forflaring and through OD for soldering.

The chief demand for this tube is in sizes from 1/4 through 5/8-in. OD.Sizes smaller than 1/4 in. are seldom used in commercial refrigeration.To uncoil the tube without kinks, hold one free end against the floor oron a bench and uncoil along the floor or bench. The tube may be cut tolength with a hacksaw or tube cutter. In either case, deburr the endbefore flaring. Bending is readily accomplished with either external- orinternal-bending springs or lever-type bending tools.

408 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-5 Wrought copper,solder-to-solder fitting. (Cour-tesy of Mueller Brass.)

Figure 11-4 45°-flare fit-ting. (Courtesy of MuellerBrass.)

Figure 11-6 Refrigeration servicetube in a 50-ft coil. (Courtesy ofMueller Brass.)

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ACR (air-conditioning and refrigeration) tube is frequently used. It iscleaned, degreased, dried, and end-sealed at the factory. This assures theuser that he or she is installing a clean, trouble free tube. Some tubingis available with an inert gas (nitrogen) (see Fig. 11-7). The nitrogenizedACR tube is purged, charged with clean, dry nitrogen, and then sealedwith reusable plugs. After cutting the tube, the remaining length caneasily be replugged. The remaining nitrogen limits excess oxides duringsucceeding brazing operations. It comes in 20-ft lengths. Type-L hard tubehas from 3/8- through 3-1/8-in. OD. Type-K tube is also available.

Where tubing will be exposed inside food compartments, tinned copperis recommended. Type-L, hard-temper copper tube is recommended forfield installations using solder-type fittings. Type M is sufficiently strongfor any pressures of the commonly used refrigerants. However, it isused chiefly in manufactured assemblies where external damage to thetube is not as likely as in field installations. For maximum protectionagainst possible external damage to refrigerant lines, a few cities requirethe use of Type-K copper tube.


Correct line sizes are essential to obtaining maximum efficiency fromrefrigeration equipment. In supermarkets, for example, the long linesrunning under the floor from the display cases to the machine room atthe rear of the store must be fully engineered. Otherwise, problems ofoil return, slugging, or erratic refrigeration are quite likely. Table 11-1lists refrigerant line sizes. When available, the manufacturer’s recom-mendations must be followed regarding step-sizing, risers, traps, andthe like. Available information on Refrigerant 502 claims performanceat temperatures below 5°F (−15°C) when compared with Refrigerant 22.The newer refrigerants like Refrigerant 502a are said to be equivalentin performance to the older designated refrigerant.


Each solder is designed for a certain job. For instance, 50-50 solder,which consists of 50 percent tin and 50 percent lead, will not function

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 409

Figure 11-7 Nitrogenized ACR-copper tube. (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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TABLE 11-1 Sizes of Refrigerant Lines (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

Refrigerant 12 Refrigerant 22 Refrigerant 40 Refrigerant 502

Suction line Suction line Suction line Suction line

Btu Liquid 5°F 40°F Liquid 5°F 40°F Liquid 5°F 40°F Liquid 5°F 40°Fper hour line (−15°C) (4.4°C) line (−15°C) (4.4°C) line (−15°C) (4.4°C) line (−15°C) (4.4°C)

3,000 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/26,000 3/8 5/8 5/8 3/8 5/8 5/8 1/4 1/2 1/2 3/8 5/8 5/89,000 3/8 7/8 5/8 3/8 7/8 5/8 3/8 5/8 5/8 3/8 7/8 5/8

12,000 3/8 11/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 7/815,000 3/8 11/8 7/8 3/8 11/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 7/8 3/8 11/8 7/818,000 3/8 11/8 7/8 3/8 11/8 7/8 3/8 11/8 7/8 3/8 11/8 7/821,000 1/2 11/8 11/8 1/2 11/8 11/8 3/8 11/8 7/8 1/2 11/8 11/824,000 1/2 13/8 11/8 1/2 11/8 11/8 1/2 11/8 7/8 1/2 11/8 11/830,000 5/8 13/8 11/8 1/2 13/8 11/8 1/2 11/8 11/8 5/8 13/8 11/836,000 5/8 13/8 11/8 5/8 13/8 11/8 1/2 13/8 11/8 5/8 13/8 11/842,000 5/8 15/8 13/8 5/8 13/8 13/8 1/2 13/8 11/8 5/8 13/8 13/848,000 5/8 15/8 13/8 5/8 15/8 13/8 1/2 13/8 11/8 5/8 15/8 13/854,000 5/8 15/8 13/8 5/8 15/8 13/8 5/8 13/8 11/8 5/8 15/8 13/860,000 7/8 15/8 13/8 5/8 15/8 13/8 5/8 15/8 13/8 7/8 15/8 13/872,000 7/8 21/8 15/8 7/8 15/8 13/8 5/8 15/8 13/8 7/8 15/8 13/896,000 7/8 21/8 15/8 7/8 21/8 15/8 5/8 21/8 15/8 7/8 21/8 15/8

108,000 7/8 25/8 21/8 7/8 21/8 15/8 7/8 21/8 15/8 7/8 21/8 15/8120,000 7/8 25/8 21/8 7/8 21/8 15/8 7/8 21/8 15/8 7/8 21/8 15/8150,000 11/8 25/8 21/8 7/8 21/8 21/8 7/8 21/8 21/8 11/8 21/8 21/8180,000 11/8 25/8 21/8 11/8 25/8 21/8 7/8 25/8 21/8 11/8 25/8 21/8210,000 11/8 31/8 21/8 11/8 25/8 21/8 7/8 25/8 21/8 11/8 25/8 21/8240,000 13/8 31/8 25/8 13/8 25/8 21/8 7/8 25/8 21/8 13/8 25/8 21/8300,000 13/8 31/8 25/8 13/8 31/8 25/8 11/8 25/8 21/8 13/8 31/8 25/8360,000 13/8 35/8 25/8 11/8 31/8 25/8 11/8 31/8 25/8 13/8 31/8 25/8420,000 15/8 35/8 31/8 13/8 31/8 25/8 11/8 31/8 25/8 15/8 31/8 25/8480,000 15/8 41/8 31/8 15/8 35/8 31/8 11/8 31/8 25/8 15/8 35/8 31/8540,000 15/8 41/8 31/8 15/8 35/8 31/8 13/8 35/8 31/8 15/8 35/8 31/8600,000 15/8 41/8 31/8 15/8 41/8 31/8 13/8 35/8 31/8 15/8 41/8 31/8

To convert Btu per hour to tons of refrigeration—divide by 12,000Suction temperature, condensing medium, compressor design, and many other factors determine horsepower required for a ton of refrigeratingcapacity. Consult ASHRAE Handbook.Mueller Brass


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well in some instances. In fact, 50-50 solder will deteriorate in somerefrigerated food-storage compartments where normally wet refrigerantlines and high carbon dioxide content are present. For this reason, No.95 solder is recommended. It has 95 percent tin and 5 percent anti-mony. Number 122 solder (45 percent silver brazing alloy) is used forjoints in refrigerant lines where 50-50 solder may deteriorate.

Suction line P-traps

For years, the P-trap was made by forming two or more fittings. It has nowbecome available in one piece (see Fig. 11-8). The newer one-piece P-trappromotes efficient oil migration in refrigeration systems. This is increas-ingly important today. Many large food markets place their compressorsand condensers on balconies or mezzanines. Such remote condensing unitsare likely to have long horizontal suction lines or vertical risers exceeding3 ft in height in the suction line. In such cases, the oil concentration in thecirculating refrigerant may be expected to be above 0.6 percent. A lowvapor velocity may be encountered. This results in unsatisfactory oil returnto the compressor. Tests have proven that with a P-trap installed, vaporvelocity can fall as low as 160 ft/min and satisfactory oil return can stillbe achieved. The P-trap drains the oil from the horizontal runs approach-ing the risers. This oil, in turn, migrates up through the riser, to the com-pressor in one of three different forms: as a rippling oil film, mist, ortransparent colloidal dispersion in the vaporized refrigerant. The methodof oil migration depends upon the vapor velocity in the suction line.

Compressor valves

There are three types of compressor valves:

Adjustable Double port Single port

Open and semihermetic compressors are usually fitted with com-pressor service valves, one each at the suction and discharge ports.

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 411

Figure 11-8 Suction line P-trap.(Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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The service valve has no operating function. Nevertheless, it is indis-pensable when service is to be performed on any part of the refriger-ation system (see Fig. 11-9).

Compressor service valves are back-seating. They are constructed sothat the stem forms a seal against a seat whether the stem is full-forward or full-backward. Valve packing is depended upon only when thestem is in the intermediate position. In one style of construction, thefront seat including the one connection is threaded. Silver is brazedinto the body after the stem has been assembled. When the valve is full-open (normal position when the unit is running) the gage and chargingport plug or cap may be removed without loss of refrigerant. A chargingline or pressure gage may be attached to this side port. It is also possi-ble to repack the valve without interruption of service.

Line valves

Line valves are essential components of refrigerant systems (see Fig. 11-10). Installed in key locations, line valves make it possible to iso-late any portion of a system or, in a multiple hookup, to separate onesystem from the rest. Local codes frequently specify the location of linevalves in commercial- and industrial-refrigeration and air-conditioningsystems. There are two types of line valves:

Packed Pack-less

They must be designed to prevent refrigerant leakage. Since refrig-erants are difficult to retain, packed valves are usually equipped withseal caps. Some seal caps are designed to be removed and used aswrenches for operating the valves.

In large packed valves, such as that shown in Fig. 11-11, O-rings areused as seals between the bonnets and valve bodies. They are availablein either straight-through (7/8 to 4-1/8 in.) or angle-type (7-7/8 through3-1/8 in.) construction.

The pack-less design is often preferred for smaller valves. The pack-less-type valve is used to good advantage on charging boards. The valves

412 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-9 Compressor valves: (a) adjustable compression valve, (b) double-port com-pressor valve, and (c) single-port compressor valve. (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 413

Figure 11-11 Packed-line valve. (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

Figure 11-10 Packless-line valves. (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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contain triple diaphragms, one of phosphor bronze and two of stainlesssteel. These valves must be frost-proof. They must be designed for usewhere condensation is likely to occur. During the off cycle, condensationmay seep down the stem of a non-frost-proof valve into the bonnet.There, it will alternately freeze and thaw. The eventual buildup of iceagainst the diaphragms may close the valve. Another factor that shouldbe considered is whether or not the valve has back-seating. This preventsall pressure pulsations while the valve is open. The back-seating shouldallow inspection of the diaphragms without shutting down the system.

Driers, Line Strainers, and Filters

Of the three items to be examined and understood, one of the first to beconsidered is the drier.


Most authorities agree that moisture is the most detrimental materialin a refrigeration system. A unit can stand only minute amounts ofwater. For this reason, most refrigeration and air-conditioning systems,both field- and factory-assembled, contain driers (see Fig. 11-12).

Moisture. Moisture or water is always present in refrigeration systems.Acceptable limits vary from one unit to another and from one refriger-ant to another. Moisture is harmful even if freeze-ups do not occur.Moisture is an important factor in the formation of acids, sludge, andcorrosion. To be safe, keep the moisture level as low as possible.

Moisture will react with today’s halogen-type refrigerants to form harm-ful hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids within the system. To minimize thepossibility of freeze-up or corrosion, the following maximum safe limits ofmoisture should be observed: (Note: These are halogen-type refrigerants.)

Refrigerant 12 15 parts per million (15 ppm)

Refrigerant 22 60 parts per million (60 ppm)

Refrigerant 502 30 parts per million (30 ppm)

If the moisture exceeds these figures, corrosion is possible. Also, excesswater may freeze at the metering device if the system operates below

414 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-12 Filter drier. (Courtesyof Mueller Brass.)

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32°F (0°C). Freeze-ups do not occur in air-conditioning systems whereevaporator temperatures are normally above 40°F (4.4°C).

A drier charged with a moisture-removing substance and installed inthe liquid line is the most practical way to remove moisture. With a drierof the proper size, excess water is stored in the drier. Here, it can nei-ther react with the refrigerant nor travel through the system.

Many materials have been tried as desiccants, or drying agents. Today,the desiccant materials most commonly used are

Silica gel Activated alumina Calcium sulfate Zeolite-type materials

These are known as molecular sieves and micro traps. The total drierdesign considers not only drying and filtering, but also maintainingmaximum refrigerant flow. Filter-driers must allow free flow of refrig-erant. They must also prevent fine particles of the adsorbent or otherforeign matter from passing through to the metering device, usuallylocated downstream from the drier (see Fig. 11-13).

Dirt. Dirt, sludge, flux, and metallic particles are frequently found inrefrigeration systems. Numerous metallic contaminants—cast iron dust,rust, and scale, plus steel, copper, and brass filings—can damage cylin-der walls and bearings. They can plug capillary tubes and thermostatic-expansion valve screens. These contaminants are catalytic and contributeto decomposition of the refrigerant-oil mixture at high temperatures.

Acids. By themselves, Refrigerants 12 and 22 are very stable—evenwhen heated to a high temperature. However, under some conditions,reactions occur that can result in the formation of acids. For example,at elevated temperatures, Refrigerant 12 will react with the oil to formhydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids. These acids are usually present asa gas in the system and are highly corrosive. Where an “acid acceptor”such as electrical-insulation paper is present, Refrigerant 22 will decom-pose at high temperatures to form hydrochloric acid. The reaction of

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 415

Figure 11-13 Suction-line filterdrier. (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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refrigerants with water may cause hydrolysis and the formation ofhydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids. In ordinary usage this reaction isnegligible. However, in a very wet system operating at abnormally hightemperatures, some hydrolysis may occur. All of these reactions areincreased by elevated temperature and are catalytic in effect. Theyresult in the formation of corrosive compounds.

Another source of acidity in refrigeration systems is the organic acidformed from oil breakdown. Appreciable amounts of organic acid arefound in the majority of oil samples analyzed in the laboratory. These acidswill also corrode the metals in a system. Therefore, they must be removed.

Acid may be neutralized by the introduction of an alkali, but the chem-ical combination of the two creates further hazards. They release additionalmoisture and form a salt. Both of these are detrimental to the system.

Sludge and varnish. Utmost care must be taken in the design and fabri-cation of a system. Nonetheless, in operation, unusually high discharge tem-peratures will cause the oil to break down and form sludge and varnish.

Temperatures may vary in different makes of compressors and underdifferent operating conditions. Temperatures of 265°F (130oC) are notunusual at the discharge valve under normal operation. Temperatureswell above 300°F (149°C) frequently occur under unusual conditions.Common causes of high temperatures in refrigeration systems are dirtycondensers, noncondensable gases in the condenser, high-compressionratio, high superheat of suction gas returned to the compressor, and fanfailure on forced convection condensers.

In addition to high-discharge temperatures, certain catalytic metalscontribute to oil-refrigerant mixture breakdown. The most significantof these is iron. It is used in all systems and is an active catalyst. Copperis a catalyst also, but its action is slower.

However, the end result is the same. The reaction produces sludge andother corrosive materials that will hinder the normal operation of com-pressor valves and control devices. In addition, air in a system will alsoaccelerate oil deterioration.

Line strainers and filters

It is impossible to keep all foreign matter out of factory or field-assembled refrigeration systems. Core sand from the compressor cast-ing, brazing oxides in piping or tubing, chips from cutting or baring,sawdust, and dirt are found in most refrigeration systems. This is espe-cially so with field-assembled installations. Tubing, for example, mayhave been exposed to air carrying dirt for several days. Cleanliness isdifficult to maintain in the field. All tubing to be used for refrigerationapplications should be protected by capping or sealing. It should berecapped or sealed after each use.

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Moving through the system with the flowing refrigerant, particles offoreign matter may score critical moving parts or clog orifices. To pre-vent such damage, strainers or filters are frequently installed in thesystem (see Fig. 11-14). A filter-drier placed in the liquid line ahead ofthe metering device is the normal precaution. However, on multipleinstallations, it is usual to install a strainer upstream of each meteringdevice just ahead of key valves and controls. To protect the compressor,most engineers also specify filters for the suction line.

The simplest strainer consists of a set of metal screens of the propermesh (see Fig. 11-15). Adding felt pads or asbestos cloth creates a veryeffective filter, rather than a mere strainer. A cellulose-fiber core asused in Fig. 11-13 is also very effective for this purpose.

Suction-line strainers and filters are designed with sufficient flowcapacity to prevent excessive pressure drop. Since determining the needfor cleaning or replacement of a suction-line filter is related to pressuredrop, some designs are offered with pressure taps. These permit pres-sure gage installation to determine the degree of pressure drop.

Strainers are made in several designs. They are also supplied in a widerange of sizes. Screen areas are large. In cartridge-type strainers, pro-vision is made for removal of the screens or filters (see Fig. 11-16).

Liquid Indicators

Liquid indicators are inserted in a refrigerant line to indicate the amountof refrigerant in a system (see Fig. 11-17). Proper operation of a refrig-eration system depends upon there being the correct amount of refrig-erant in the unit. Looking through the window of a liquid indicator is

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 417

Figure 11-14 Strainers: (a) noncleanable strainer and (b) Y-type line strainer. (Courtesyof Sporlan Valve.)

Figure 11-15 Strainer-filter, remov-able metal screen. (Courtesy ofMueller Brass.)

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the simplest way to determine whether there is a refrigerant shortage.A shortage of refrigerant may be due to a leak in the system or failureto charge enough refrigerant into a unit after field service.

Liquid indicators normally disclose a shortage of refrigerant by theappearance of bubbles. Some use a special assembly that shows by theappearance of the word “Full” that there is sufficient refrigerant at thatpoint in the system.

Liquid indicators are manufactured in single-port, double-port, andstraight-through types. In the single- and double-port indicators, aninternal compression bushing seals the glass firmly against the body.Assemblies are furnished with a protective dust cap or seal cap. To observethe liquid stream, it is necessary to remove the cap (see Fig. 11-18).

418 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-16 A strainer and its replacement-type filter. (Courtesy ofSporlan Valve.)

Figure 11-17 Liquid-line indicatorinstallation. (Courtesy of SporlanValve.)

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A relatively new addition to the function of the liquid indicator is thatof moisture detection. Special materials used in the ports of liquid-moistureindicators change color to indicate excessive moisture in the system.

Indicators with solder-type ends but without extended ends are nor-mally furnished disassembled so the heating required for soldering willnot damage glass or gaskets. In addition, single- and double-port typesare supplied and assembled with extended ends. These make it possi-ble to solder without damaging the indicator, as long as normal pre-cautions are observed.


The indicator is a porous filter paper impregnated with a chemical saltthat is sensitive to moisture. The salt changes color according to themoisture content (relative saturation) of the refrigerant. The indicatorchanges color below moisture levels generally accepted as a safe oper-ation range. This device is not suitable for use with ammonia or sulfurdioxide. However, it does have a full application with Refrigerants 11,12, 22, 113, 114, 500, and 502 (see Table 11-2). The indicator should beinstalled after the filter-drier and ahead of the expansion device. Priorto installation, the indicator will be yellow, indicating a wet condition.This is a normal situation, since the relative humidity of the air incontact with the element is above 0.5 percent. This does not affect theoperation or calibration of the indicator. As soon as it is installed in asystem, the indicator element will begin to change according to the mois-ture content in the refrigerant. The action of the indicator element iscompletely reversible. The element will change color as often as themoisture content of the system varies. Some change may take placerapidly at the start-up of a new system or after replacement of a drieron existing installations. However, the equipment should be operatedfor about 12 hours to allow the system to reach equilibrium beforedeciding if the drier needs to be changed.


Indicators with 1/4- through l-1/8-in. ODF (outside diameter flanged)connections should not be disassembled in the field for brazing or any

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 419

Figure 11-18 Liquid indicators: (a) and, (b) double port; and (c) single port. (Courtesy ofMueller Brass.)

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420 TABLE 11-2 Moisture Content (In Parts Per Million) (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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other purpose. The long fittings on sweat models are copper-plated steeland do not conduct heat as readily as copper fittings.

On indicators with 13/8-, 15/8-, and 21/8-in. ODF connections, the indi-cator cartridge must be removed from the brass-saddle fitting beforebrazing the indicator in the main liquid line. It is shipped hand tightfor easy removal.

Bypass installations

On systems having liquid lines larger than 21/8-in. OD, the indicatorshould be installed in a bypass line. During the operating cycle, this willprovide sufficient flow to obtain a satisfactory reading for both moistureand liquid indication.

Best results will be obtained if the bypass line is parallel to the mainliquid line and the take-off and return tubes project into the main liquidline at a 45° angle. Preformed 1/4 - and 3/8-in. tubing is available. It canbe used with either flare or sweat-type indicators.

Excess oil and the indicator

When a system is circulating an excessive amount of oil. The indicatormay become saturated. This causes the indicator to appear brown ortranslucent and lose its ability to change color. However, this does notdamage the indicator. Let the indicator unit remain in the line. The cir-culating refrigerant will remove the excess oil and the indicator elementwill return to its proper color.


Do not install the color-changing indicator in a system that has methylalcohol or a similar liquid dehydrating agent. Remove the alcohol byusing a filter and then install the indicator. Otherwise, the alcohol willdamage the color indicator.

Leak detectors

Die-type visual leak detectors will also mask the color-changing indi-cator. Here again, use a filter to remove all leak-detector color from thesystem before installing the indicator.

Liquid water

On occasions, it is possible for large quantities of water to enter a refrig-eration system. An example would be a broken tube in a water-cooledcondenser. If the free water contacts the indicator element, the elementwill be damaged. All moisture indicators are made of a chemical salt.These salts must be soluble in water to change color. If excessive wateris present, the salts will dissolve. Permanent damage to the indicatorwill result. The indicator may remain yellow, or even turn white.

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Hermetic-motor burnouts

After a hermetic-motor burnout, install a filter to remove the acid andsludge contamination. When the system has operated for 48 hours, replacethe filter. At the same time, install the color indicator for moisture.

The acid formed by the burnout may damage the indicator elementof the color-changing unit. Thus, it should be installed only after thegreater percentage of contaminants has been removed.

Hardware and fittings

In assembling a unit in the factory or the field, strict standards of qual-ity must be observed. Cleanliness is very important. The cleanliness ofa part can determine the efficiency of a piece of equipment. Figure 11-19illustrates some of the hardware and fittings.

422 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-19 Hardware and fittings for refrigeration and air-conditioning instal-lation. (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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Thermostatic-Expansion Valve

Several different valves are used to control the flow of refrigerants. Allrefrigerants are relatively expensive. They will leak through fittings andtubing capable of retaining water at high pressures. A leak results inthe loss of expensive refrigerant and in possible product loss, such as offrozen food. For this reason, all refrigerant lines and fittings must beabsolutely seepage-proof.

Proper fittings and controls also have a bearing on the efficiency andcapacity of a refrigerating machine. The capacity of a condensing unitdepends, among other things, upon the suction pressure at which theunit operates. Normally, the higher the suction pressure, the greater theefficiency of the compressor.

Suction pressure at the compressor is governed by the design of theevaporator. The desired temperature in the medium being cooled andthe pressure drop in the suction line from the evaporator to the com-pressor also govern the design pressure. This pressure drop in the suc-tion line can be kept to a minimum by use of ample line sizes, fittings,and accessories designed to eliminate restrictions. Pressure drop is alsoa factor in liquid lines between the receiver and the metering device.Excessive pressure drop will result in “flashing” or partial vaporizationof the liquid refrigerant before it reaches the metering device. Themetering device is designed to handle liquid. It will not function prop-erly if fed a mixture of vapor and liquid. Here, valves play an importantrole in controlling and metering the flow of liquid in the system.

The thermostatic-expansion valve (TEV) uses the fluctuations of thepressure of the saturated refrigerant sealed inside the power elementto control the flow of refrigerant through the valve (see Fig. 11-20).

Basically, thermostatic-expansion valve operation is determined bythe following three fundamental pressures:

Bulb pressure on one side of the diaphragm tends to open the valve. Evaporator pressure on the opposite side of the diaphragm tends to

close the valve. Spring pressure is applied to the pin carrier and is transmitted

through the push rods to the evaporator side of the diaphragm. Thisassists in closing the valve.

When the valve is modulating, bulb pressure is balanced by the evap-orator pressure and spring pressure. When the same refrigerant is usedin the thermostatic element and refrigeration system, each will exert thesame pressure if their temperatures are identical. After evaporation of theliquid refrigerant in the evaporator, the suction gas is superheated. Itstemperature will increase. However, the evaporator pressure, neglecting

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pressure drop, is unchanged. This warmer vapor flowing through thesuction line increases the bulb temperature. Since the bulb contains bothvapor and liquid refrigerant, its temperature and pressure increase. Thishigher bulb pressure acting on the top (bulb side) of the diaphragm isgreater than the opposing evaporator pressure and spring pressure, whichcauses the valve pin to be moved away from the seat. The valve is openeduntil the spring pressure—combined with the evaporator pressure—issufficient to balance the bulb pressure (see Fig. 11-20).

If the valve does not feed enough refrigerant, the evaporator pressuredrops or the bulb temperature is increased by the warmer vapor leavingthe evaporator (or both). The valve then opens. This admits more refrig-erant until the three pressures are again in balance. Conversely, if thevalve feeds too much refrigerant, the bulb temperature is decreased, orthe evaporator pressure increases (or both). The spring pressure tendsto close the valve until the three pressures are in balance.

424 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-20 Basic thermostatic-expansion valve operation. (Courtesy ofVirginia Chemicals.)

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With an increase in evaporator load, the liquid refrigerant evaporatesat a faster rate and increases the evaporator pressure. The higher evap-orator pressure results in a higher evaporator temperature and a corre-spondingly higher bulb temperature. The additional evaporator pressure(temperature) acts on the bottom of the diaphragm. The additional bulbpressure (temperature) acts on the top of the diaphragm. Thus. the twopressure increases on the diaphragm cancel each other. The valve easilyadjusts to the new load condition with a negligible chance in superheat.

Valve location

Thermostatic-expansion valves may be mounted in any position.However, they should be installed as close to the evaporator inlet as pos-sible. If a refrigerant distributor is used, mount the distributor directlyto the valve outlet for best performance. If a hand valve is located on theoutlet side of the thermostatic-expansion valve, it should have a full-sizedport. No restrictions should appear between the thermostatic-expansionvalve and the evaporator, except a refrigerant distributor if one is used.

When the evaporator and thermostatic-expansion valve are located abovethe receiver, there is a static pressure loss in the liquid line. This is due tothe weight of the column of liquid refrigerant. This weight may be inter-preted in terms of pressure loss in pounds per square inch (see Table 11-3).If the vertical lift is great enough, vapor, or flash gas, will form in the liquidline. This greatly reduces the capacity of the thermostatic-expansion valve.When an appreciable vertical lift is unavoidable, precautions should betaken to prevent the accompanying pressure loss from producing liquid-line vapor. This can be accomplished by providing enough subcooling, tothe liquid refrigerant, either in the condenser or after the liquid leaves thereceiver. Subcooling is found by subtracting the actual liquid temperaturefrom the condensing temperature (corresponding to the condensing pres-sure). The amount of subcooling necessary to prevent vapor formation inthe liquid line is usually available in a table (see Table 11-4).

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 425

TABLE 11-3 Vertical Lift and Pressure Drop (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

Vertical Lift (°F)

20 40 60 80 100

Refrigerant Static pressure loss (psi)

12 11 22 33 44 55 25 psi22 10 20 30 40 50 35 psi

500 10 19 29 39 49 25 psi502 10 21 31 41 52 35 psi717 5 10 15 20 25 40 psi


Sporlan Valve


drop acrossdistributor

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Caution: Ammonia valves should never be permitted to operate with vaporin the liquid line. This causes severe pin and seat erosion. It also will dras-tically reduce the life of the valve.

Bulb location

The location of the bulb is extremely important. In some cases, it deter-mines the success or failure of the refrigerating plant. For satisfactoryexpansion-valve control, good thermal contact between the bulb andsuction line is essential. The bulb should be securely fastened with twobulb straps to a clean, straight section of the suction line.

Application of the bulb to a horizontal run of suction line is pre-ferred. If a vertical installation cannot be avoided, the bulb should bemounted so that the capillary tubing comes out at the top. On suctionlines with larger OD, the surface temperature may vary slightlyaround the circumference of the line. On these lines, it is generallyrecommended that the bulb be installed at a point midway on theside of the horizontal line and parallel to the direction of flow. Onsmaller lines the bulb may be mounted at any point around the cir-cumference. However, locating the bulb on the bottom of the line is notrecommended, since an oil-refrigerant mixture is generally present atthat point. Certain conditions peculiar to a particular system mayrequire a different bulb location than that normally recommended. Inthese cases, the proper bulb location may be determined by trial.Accepted principles of good suction-line piping should be followed toprovide a bulb location that will give the best possible valve-control.Never locate the bulb in a trap or pocket in the suction line. Liquid

426 Chapter Eleven

TABLE 11-4 Pressure Loss and Required Subcooling for 100 and 130F Condensingof Refrigerations (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

100°F (37.8°C) condensing 130°F (54.4°C) condensing

Pressure loss (psi) Pressure loss (psi)Refrigerant

5 10 20 30 40 50 5 10 20 30 40 50

Required subcooling (zF) Required subcooling (°F)

12 3 6 12 18 25 33 3 5 9 14 18 2322 2 4 8 11 15 19 2 4 6 9 12 14500 3 5 10 15 21 27 2 4 8 11 15 19502 2 3 7 10 14 18 1 3 5 8 11 13717 2 4 7 10 14 17 2 3 5 7 10 12


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refrigerant or a mixture of liquid refrigerant and oil boiling out of thetrap will falsely influence the temperature of the bulb and result inpoor valve-control.

Recommended suction-line piping includes a horizontal line leavingthe evaporator to which the thermostatic-expansion valve bulb isattached. This line is pitched slightly downward. When a vertical riserfollows, a short trap is placed immediately ahead of the vertical line (seeFig. 11-21). The trap will collect any liquid refrigerant or oil passingthrough the suction line and prevent it from influencing the bulb tem-perature.

On multiple-evaporator installations the piping should be arrangedso that the flow from any valve cannot affect the bulb of another.Approved piping practices, including the proper use of traps, ensureindividual control for each valve without the influence of refrigerant andoil flow from other evaporators (see Fig. 11-22).

For recommended suction-line piping when the evaporator is locatedabove the compressor see Fig. 11-23. The vertical riser extending to theheight of the evaporator prevents refrigerant from draining by gravityinto the compressor during the off-cycle. When a pump-down control isused, the suction line may turn down without a trap.

In commercial and low-temperature applications, the bulb should bethe same as the evaporator temperature during the off cycle. This willensure tight closing of the valve when the compressor stops. If bulbinsulation is used on lines operating below 32°F (0°C), use non-water-absorbing insulation to prevent water from freezing around the bulb.

In brine tanks and water coolers the bulb should be below the liquidsurface. Here, it will be at the same temperature as the evaporatorduring the off cycle. A solenoid valve must be used ahead of thethermostatic-expansion valve.

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Figure 11-21 Installation of TEV with the compressor above theevaporator. (Courtesy of Virginia Chemicals.)

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Some air-conditioning applications have thermostatic-expansionvalves equipped with charged elements. Here, the bulb may be locatedinside or outside the cooled space or duct. The valve body should not belocated in the air stream leaving the evaporator. Avoid locating the bulbin the return air stream unless the bulb is well insulated.

428 Chapter Eleven

Without pump down

Pump-down control

Figure 11-23 Installation of the TEV with the compressorbelow the evaporator. (Courtesy of Virginia Chemicals.)

Flow from upper

valve cannot a



e draining

Inverted trap to avoid oil draining into idle evap.

Free draining

Figure 11-22 Installation of the TEV with multiple evaporators, above andbelow main suction line. (Courtesy of Virginia Chemical.)

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External equalizer

As the evaporating temperature drops, the maximum pressure dropthat can be tolerated between the valve outlet and the bulb location with-out serious capacity loss for an internally equalized valve also decreases.This is shown in Table 11-4. There are, of course, applications that maysatisfactorily employ the internal equalizer when higher pressure dropis present. This should usually be verified by laboratory tests. The gen-eral recommendations given in Table 11-4 are suitable for most field-installed systems. Use the external equalizer when pressure drop betweenthe outlet and bulb locations exceeds values shown in Table 11-4. Whenthe expansion valve is equipped with an external equalizer, it must beconnected. Never cap an external equalizer. The valve may flood, starve,or regulate erratically. There is no operational disadvantage in using anexternal equalizer, even if the evaporator has a low pressure drop. [Note:The external equalizer must be used on evaporators that use a pressure-drop-type refrigerant distributor (see Fig. 11-24).] Generally, the externalequalizer connection is in the suction line immediately downstream ofthe bulb (see Fig. 11-24). However, equipment manufacturers some-times select other locations that are compatible with their specific designrequirements.

Field service

The thermostatic-expansion valve is erroneously considered by some tobe a complex device. As a result, many valves are needlessly replacedwhen the cause of the system malfunction is not immediately recognized.

Actually, the thermostatic-expansion valve performs only one verysimple function. It keeps the evaporator supplied with enough refrig-erant to satisfy all load conditions. It is not a temperature control, suc-tion pressure control, a control to vary the compressor running time, ora humidity control.

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 429

Figure 11-24 External equalizer connection. (Courtesy ofVirginia Chemicals.)

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The effectiveness of the valve’s performance is easily determined bymeasuring the superheat (see Fig. 11-25). Observing the frost on the suc-tion line or considering only the suction pressure may be misleading.Checking the superheat is the first step in a simple and systematicanalysis of thermostatic-expansion-valve performance.

If insufficient refrigerant is being fed to the evaporator the superheatwill be high. If too much refrigerant is being fed to the evaporator thesuperheat will be low. Although these symptoms may be attributed toimproper thermostatic-expansion-valve control. more frequently theorigin of the trouble lies elsewhere.

Crankcase Pressure-Regulating Valves

Crankcase pressure-regulating valves are designed to prevent over-loading of the compressor motor. They limit the crankcase pressureduring and after a defrost cycle or after a normal shutdown period.When properly installed in the suction line, these valves automaticallythrottle the vapor flow from the evaporator until the compressor canhandle the load. They are available in the range of 0 to 60 psig.

Operation of the valve

Crankcase pressure-regulating valves (CROs) are sometimes called suc-tion pressure-regulating valves. They are sensitive only to their outletpressure. This would be the compressor crankcase or suction pressure.To indicate this trait, the designation describes the operation as close onrise of outlet pressure (CRO). As shown in Fig. 11-26, the inlet pressureis exerted on the underside of the bellows and on top of the seat disc. Sincethe effective area of the bellows is equal to the area of the port, the inlet

430 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-25 How to figure superheat (Courtesy of VirginiaChemicals.)

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pressure cancels out and does not affect valve operation. The valve outletpressure acting on the bottom of the disc exerts a force in the closingdirection. This force is opposed by the adjustable spring force. These arethe operating forces of the CRO. The CROs pressure setting is determinedby the spring force. Thus, by increasing the spring force, the valve set-ting or the pressure at which the valve will close is increased.

As long as the valve outlet pressure is greater than the valve pressuresetting, the valve will remain closed. As the outlet pressure is reduced,the valve will open and pass refrigerant vapor into the compressor.Further reduction of the outlet pressure will allow the valve to open toits rated position, where the rated pressure drop will exist across thevalve port. An increase in the outlet pressure will cause the valve tothrottle until the pressure setting is reached.

The operation of a valve of this type is improved by an antichatter devicebuilt into the valve. Without this device, the CRO would be susceptible to

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Figure 11-26 Crankcase pressure-regulating valve. (Courtesyof Sporlan Valve.)

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compressor pulsations that greatly reduce the life of a bellows. This fea-ture allows the CRO to function at low-load conditions without any chat-tering or other operational difficulties.

Valve location

As Fig. 11-27 indicates, the CRO valve is applied in the suction linebetween the evaporator and the compressor. Normally, the CRO is installeddownstream of any other controls or accessories. However, on some appli-cations it may be advisable or necessary to locate other system components,such as an accumulator, downstream of the CRO. This is satisfactory aslong as the CRO valve is applied only as a CRO valve. CRO valves aredesigned for application in the suction line only. They should not be appliedin hot-gas bypass lines or any other refrigerant line of a system.


Just as with any refrigerant flow-control device, the need for an inletstrainer is a function of system cleanliness and proper installation pro-cedures (see Fig. 11-28). When the strainer is used, the tubing is insertedin the valve connection up to the tubing stop. Thus, the strainer has been

432 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-27 CRO valve applied in the suction line between theevaporator and the compressor. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

Tubing stop

Valve connectionStrainer


Figure 11-28 Strainer for cleanliness. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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locked in place. Moisture and particles too small for the inlet strainerare harmful to the system and must be removed. Therefore, it is rec-ommended that a filter-drier be installed according to the applicationrecommendations.

Brazing procedures

When installing CROs with solder connections, the internal parts mustbe protected by wrapping the valve with a wet cloth to keep the body tem-perature below 250°F (121°C). The tip of the torch should be largeenough to avoid prolonged heating of the connections. Overheating canalso be minimized by directing the flame away from the valve body.

Test and operating pressures

Excessive leak testing or operating pressures may damage these valvesby reducing the life of the bellows. For leak detection, an inert gas suchas nitrogen or carbon dioxide may be added to an idle system to sup-plement the refrigerant pressure.

Caution: Inert gas must be added to the system carefully. Use a pressureregulator. Unregulated gas pressure can seriously damage the systemand endanger human life. Never use oxygen or explosive gases. The valueswill withstand 200 to 300 psig. However, check the manufacturer’s rec-ommendations first.

Adjusting the pressure

The standard setting by the factory for CROs in the 0/60 psig range is30 psig. Since these valves are adjustable, the setting may be altered tosuit the specific system requirements. CROs should be adjusted at start-up when the pressure in the evaporator is above the desired setting. Thefinal valve setting should be below the maximum suction pressure rec-ommended by the compressor or unit manufacturer.

The main purpose of the CRO is to prevent the compressor motorfrom overloading due to high suction pressure. Thus, it is important toarrive at the correct pressure setting. The best way to see if the motoris overloaded is to check the current draw at start-up or after a defrostcycle. If overloading is evident, a suction gage should be put on the com-pressor. The CRO setting may be too high and may have to be adjusted.If the compressor is overloaded and the CRO valve is to be reset, the fol-lowing procedure should be followed.

The unit should be shut off long enough for the system pressure toequalize. Observe the suction pressure as the unit is started, since thisis the pressure the valve is controlling. If the setting is to be decreased,

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slowly adjust the valve in a counterclockwise direction approximatelyone-quarter turn for each 1 psi pressure change required. After a fewmoments of operation, the unit should be cycled off and the system pres-sure allowed to equalize again. Observe the suction pressure (valve set-ting) as the unit is started up. If the setting is still too high, theadjustment should be repeated. The proper size hex wrench is used toadjust these valves. A clockwise rotation increases the valve setting,while a counterclockwise rotation decreases the setting.

When CROs are installed in parallel, each should be adjusted thesame amount. If one valve has been adjusted more than the other, bestperformance will occur if both are adjusted all the way in before reset-ting them an equal amount.


Since CRO valves are hermetic and cannot be disassembled for inspec-tion and cleaning, they are usually replaced if inoperative. If a CRO failsto open, close properly, or will not adjust, solder or other foreign materialis probably lodged in the port. It is sometimes possible to dislodge thesematerials by turning the adjustment nut all the way in, with the systemrunning. If the CRO develops a refrigerant leak around the spring hous-ing, it probably has been overheated during installation or the bellows hasfailed due to severe compressor pulsations. In either case, the valve mustbe replaced.

Evaporator Pressure-Regulating Valves

Evaporator pressure-regulating valves offer an efficient means of bal-ancing the system capacity and the load requirements during periodsof low loads. They are also able to maintain different evaporator condi-tions on multitemperature systems. The main function of this valve isto prevent the evaporator pressure from falling below a predeterminedvalue at which the valve has been set.

Control of evaporator pressure by cycling the compressor with a ther-mostat or some other method is quite adequate on most refrigeration sys-tems. Control of the evaporator pressure also controls the saturationtemperature. As the load drops off, the evaporating pressure starts todecrease and the system performance falls off. These valves automaticallythrottle the vapor flow from the evaporator. This maintains the desired min-imum evaporator pressure. As the load increases, the evaporating pressurewill increase above the valve setting and the valve will open further.


For any pressure sensitive valve to modulate to a more closed or openposition, a change in operating pressure is required. The unit change

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in the valve stroke for a given change in the operating pressure is calledthe valve gradient. Every valve has a specific gradient designed into itfor the best possible operation. Valve sensitivity and the valve’s capac-ity rating are functions of the valve gradient. Thus, a relatively sensi-tive valve is needed when a great change in the evaporating temperaturecannot be tolerated. Therefore, the valves have nominal ratings basedon the 8-psi evaporator-pressure change, rather than a full stroke.

Evaporator pressure-regulator valves respond only to variations intheir inlet pressure (evaporator pressure). Thus, the designation forevaporator pressure-regulating valves is ORI (opens on the rise of theinlet pressure) (see Fig. 11-29).

Pressure at the outlet is exerted on the underside of the bellows andon top of the seat disc. The effective area of the bellows is equal to thearea of the port. Thus, the outlet pressure cancels out and the inlet pres-sure acting on the bottom of the seat disc opposes the adjustable springforce. These two forces are the operating forces of the ORIT. (The “T”added to the valve designation indicates an access valve on the inlet con-nection.) When the evaporator load changes, the ORIT opens or closesin response to the change in evaporator pressure. An increase in inletpressure above the valve setting tends to open the valves. If the loaddrops, less refrigerant is boiled off in the evaporator and evaporator pres-sure will decrease. The decrease in evaporator pressure tends to movethe ORIT to a more closed position. This, in turn, keeps the evaporatorpressure up. The result is that the evaporator pressure changes as theload changes. The operation of a valve of this type is improved by an

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Figure 11-29 Evaporator pressure-regulating valve. (Courtesy ofSporlan Valve.)

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antichatter device built into the valve. Without this device, the OBITwould be susceptible to compressor pulsations that can reduce the lifeof a bellows. This antichatter feature allows the ORIT to function at low-load conditions without chattering or other operating difficulties.

Type of system

The proper application of the evaporator pressure-regulating valveinvolves the consideration of several system factors.

One type of system is a single evaporator type, such as a water chiller.Here, the valve is used to prevent freeze-up at light loads (see Fig. 11-30).

Another type of system is a multitemperature-refrigeration systemwith evaporators operating at different temperatures (see Fig. 11-31).A valve may be required on one or more of the evaporators to maintainpressures higher than that of the common suction line. For example, ifevaporator A in Fig. 11-31 is designed for 35°F (1.7°C) (72.6 psig onRefrigerant 502), evaporator B for 32°F (0°C) (68.2 psig on the same

436 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-30 Valve location in a single-evaporator system.(Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

Figure 11-31 Multitemperature refrigeration system. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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refrigerant), and other evaporators for 25°F (−3.9°C) (58.7 psig), thevalves (ORIT) are used to maintain a pressure of 72.6 psig in evapora-tor A and 68.2 psig in evaporator B. However, some multitemperaturesystems may require an OBIT on each evaporator, depending on the typeof product being refrigerated.

Valve location

ORITs must be installed upstream of any other suction-line controls oraccessories. These valves may be installed in the position most suited tothe application. However, these valves should be located so that they donot act as an oil trap or so that solder cannot run into the internal partsduring brazing in the suction line. Since these valves are hermetic, theycannot be disassembled to remove solder trapped in the internal parts.Installation of a filter-drier and a strainer may be worth the expense tokeep the system clean and operational. Brazing procedures are the sameas for other valves of this type. The valve core of the access valve is shippedin an envelope attached to the access valve. If the access valve connectionis to be used as a reusable pressure tap to check the valve setting, the OBITmust be brazed in before the core is installed. This protects the syntheticmaterial of the core. If the access valve is to be used as a permanent pres-sure tap, the core and access valve cap may be discarded.

Test and operating pressures

As with other pressure valves, it is possible to introduce nitrogen orcarbon dioxide in an idle system to check for correct pressure settings.

The usual precautions for working with gases apply here. The stan-dard factory setting for the 0/50 psig range is 30 psi. For the 30/100 psigrange, it is 60 psig. Since these valves are adjustable, the setting maybe altered to suit the system.

The main purpose of an OBIT valve is to keep the evaporator pres-sure above some given point at minimum-load conditions. The valves areselected on the basis of the pressure drop at full-load conditions.Nevertheless, they should be adjusted to maintain the minimum allow-able evaporator pressure under the actual minimum-load conditions.

These valves can be adjusted by removing the cap and turning theadjustment screw with a hex wrench of the proper size. A clockwiserotation increases the valve setting, while a counterclockwise rotationdecreases the setting. To obtain the desired setting, a pressure gageshould be utilized on the inlet side of the valve. Thus. the effects of anyadjustments can be observed.

When these valves are installed in parallel, each should be adjustedthe same amount. If one valve has been adjusted more than the other,the best performance will occur if both are adjusted all the way in beforeresetting them to an equal amount.

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These valves are hermetic and cannot be disassembled for inspection andcleaning. They usually must be replaced if found defective or inopera-tive. It is possible sometimes to adjust the valve until the obstructionis dislodged. This usually works best when the system is running. If itleaks around the spring housing, it will have to be replaced. The bellowshave been permanently damaged.

Head-Pressure Control Valves

Design of air-conditioning and refrigeration systems using air-cooledcondensing units involves two main problems that must be solved ifthe system is to be operated reliably and economically. These problemsare high-ambient and low-ambient operation. If the condensing unit isproperly sized, it will operate satisfactorily during extreme-ambienttemperatures. However, most units will be required to operate at ambi-ent temperatures below their design dry-bulb temperature during mostof the year. Thus, the solution to low-ambient operation is more complex.

Without good head-pressure control during low-ambient operation, thesystem can have running-cycle and off-cycle problems. Two running-cycle problems are of prime concern:

The pressure differential across the thermostatic-expansion valveport affects the rate of refrigerant flow. Thus, low head pressure gen-erally causes insufficient refrigerant to be fed to the evaporator.

Any system using hot gas for defrost or compressor-capacity controlmust have a normal head pressure to operate properly. In either case,failure to have sufficient head pressure will result in low suction pres-sure and/or iced evaporator coils.

The primary off-cycle problem is the possible inability to get thesystem on-the-line if the refrigerant has migrated to the condenser. Theevaporator pressure may not build up to the cut-in point of the low pres-sure control. The compressor cannot start, even though refrigeration isrequired. Even if the evaporator pressure builds up to the cut-in setting,insufficient flow through the TEV will cause a low suction pressure,which results in compressor cycling.

There are nonadjustable and adjustable methods of head-pressure con-trol by valves. Each method uses two valves designed specifically for thistype of application. Low-ambient conditions are encountered during fall-winter-spring operation on air-cooled systems, with the resultant drop incondensing pressure. Then, the valve’s purpose is to hold back enough ofthe condensed liquid refrigerant to make part of the condenser surfaceinactive. This reduction of active condensing surface raises condensingpressure and sufficient liquid-line pressure for normal system operation.

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The ORI head pressure-control valve is an inlet pressure regulatingvalve. It responds to changes in condensing pressure only. The valve des-ignation stands for opens on rise of inlet pressure. As shown in Fig. 11-32,the outlet pressure is exerted on the underside of the bellows and on topof the seat disc. Since the effective area of the bellows is equal to the areaof the port, the outlet pressure cancels out. The inlet pressure acting onthe bottom of the seat disc opposes the adjusting spring force. These twoforces are the operating forces of the ORI.

When the outdoor ambient temperature changes. the ORI opens orcloses in response to the change in condensing pressure. An increase ininlet pressure above the valve setting tends to open the valve. If theambient temperature drops, the condenser capacity is increased and thecondensing pressure drops off. This causes the ORI to start to close orassume a throttling position.

ORO valve operation

The ORO head pressure-control valve is an outlet pressure–regulatingvalve that responds to changes in receiver pressure. The valve desig-nation stands for opens on rise of outlet pressure (see Fig. 11-33). Theinlet and outlet pressures are exerted on the underside of the seat discin an opening direction. Since the area of the port is small in relation-ship to the diaphragm area, the inlet pressure has little direct effect onthe operation of the valve. The outlet or receiver pressure is the controlpressure. The force on top of the diaphragm that opposes the controlpressure is due to the air charge in the element. These two forces arethe operating forces of the ORO.

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Figure 11-32 Head-pressure con-trol valve. (Courtesy of SporlanValve.)

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When the outdoor ambient temperature changes, the condensing pres-sure changes. This causes the receiver pressure to fluctuate accord-ingly. As the receiver pressure decreases, the ORO throttles the flow ofliquid from the condenser. As the receiver pressure increases, the valvemodulates in an opening direction to maintain a nearly constant pres-sure in the receiver. Since the ambient temperature of the elementaffects the valve pressure setting, the control pressure may changeslightly when the ambient temperature changes. However, the valve andelement temperature remain fairly constant.

ORD valve operation

The ORD valve is a pressure differential valve. It responds to changesin the pressure difference across the valve (see Fig. 11-34). The valve des-ignation stands for opens on rise of differential pressure. Therefore, theORD is dependent on some other control valve or action for its operation.In this respect, it is used with either the ORI or ORO for head-pressurecontrol.

As either the ORI or ORO valve starts to throttle the flow of liquidrefrigerant from the condenser, a pressure differential is created acrossthe ORD. When the differential reaches 20 psi, the ORD starts to open

440 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-33 Head-pressure control valve that opens onrise of outlet pressure (ORO). (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

Figure 11-34 Head-pressure control valve that opens on rise ofdifferential across the valve (ORD). (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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and bypasses hot gas to the liquid drain-line. As the differentialincreases, the ORD opens further until its full stroke is reached at a dif-ferential of 30 psi. Due to its function in the control of head pressure,the full stroke can be utilized in selecting the ORD. While the capacityof the ORD increases as the pressure differential increases, the ratingpoint at 30 psi is considered a satisfactory maximum value.

The standard pressure setting for the ORD is 20 psig. For systemswhere the condenser pressure drop is higher than 10 or 12 psi, an ORDwith a higher setting can be ordered.

Head-pressure control can be improved with an arrangement such asthat shown in Fig. 11-35. In this operation, a constant receiver pressureis maintained for normal system operation. The ORI is adjustable overa nominal range of 100 to 225 psig. Thus, the desired pressure can bemaintained for all of the commonly used refrigerants—12, 22, and 502as a well as the latest alternatives.

The ORI is located in the liquid-drain line between the condenser andthe receiver. The ORD is located in a hot-gas line bypassing the condenser.During periods of low ambient temperature, the condensing pressure fallsuntil it approaches the setting of the ORI valve. The ORI then throttles,restricting the flow of liquid from the condenser. This causes refrigerantto back up in the condenser, thus reducing the active condenser surface.This raises the condensing pressure. Since it is really receiver pressure thatneeds to be maintained, the bypass line with the ORD is required.

The ORD opens after the ORI has offered enough restriction to causethe differential between condensing pressure and receiver pressure toexceed 20 psi. The hot gas flowing through the ORD heats up the cold

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 441

Figure 11-35 Adjustable ORI/ORD system. (Courtesy ofSporlan Valve.)

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liquid being passed through the ORI. Thus, the liquid reaches the receiverwarm and with sufficient pressure to assure proper expansion-valveoperation. As long as sufficient refrigerant charge is in the system, thetwo valves modulate the flow automatically to maintain proper receiverpressure regardless of outside ambient temperature.


To ensure proper performance, head pressure-control valves must beselected and applied correctly. These valves can be installed in eitherhorizontal or vertical lines. if possible, the valves should be oriented sosolder cannot run into the internal parts during brazing. Care should betaken to install the valves with the flow in the proper direction. The ORIand ORO valves cannot be installed in the discharge line for any reason.

In most cases the valves are located at the condensing unit. When thecondenser is remote from the compressor, the usual location is near thecompressor. In all cases it is important that some precautions be takenin mounting the valves. While the heaviest valve is approximately 2.5 lb(1.14 kg) in weight, it is suggested that they be adequately supportedto prevent excessive stress on the connections. Since discharge linesare a possible source of vibrations that result from discharge-gas pulsesand inertia forces associated with the moving parts, fatigue in tubing,fittings, and connections may result. Pulsations are best handled byplacing a good muffler as close to the compressor as possible.

Vibrations from moving parts of the compressor are best isolated byflexible loops or coils (discharge lines or smaller) or flexible metalhoses for larger lines. For best results, the hoses should be installedas close to the compressor shut-off valves as possible. The hoses shouldbe mounted horizontally and parallel to the crankshaft or vertically.The hoses should never be mounted horizontally and 90° from thecrankshaft. A rigid brace should be placed on the outlet end of thehose. This brace will prevent vibrations beyond the hose.

Brazing procedures

Any of the commonly used brazing alloys for high-side usage are satis-factory. It is very important that the internal parts be protected bywrapping the valve with a wet cloth to keep the body temperature below250°F (121°C). Also, when using high-temperature solders, the torch tipshould be large enough to avoid prolonged heating of the copper con-nections. Always direct the flame away from the valve body.

Test and operating pressures

Excessive leak testing or operating pressures may damage these valvesand reduce the life of the operating members. For leak detection, an inert

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dry gas such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide can be added to an idlesystem to supplement the refrigerant pressure. Remove the cap andadjust the adjustment screw with the proper wrench. Check the man-ufacturer’s recommended pressures before making adjustments.

Refrigerant and charging procedures require that enough refrigerantbe available for flooding the condenser at the lowest expected ambienttemperature. There must still be enough charge in the system for properoperation. A shortage of refrigerant will cause hot gas to enter the liquidline and the expansion valve. Refrigeration will cease.

The receiver must have sufficient capacity to hold at least all of theexcess liquid refrigerant in the system. This is because such refrigerantwill be returned to the receiver when high-ambient conditions prevail.If the receiver is too small, liquid refrigerant will be held back in the con-denser during high-ambient condition. Excessively high discharge pres-sures will be experienced.

Caution: All receivers must utilize a pressure relief value or device accord-ing to the applicable standards or codes.

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for charging the system.Procedures may vary with different valve manufacturers.


There are several possible causes for system malfunction with “refrig-erant side” head-pressure control. These may be difficult to isolate fromeach other. As with any form of system troubleshooting, it is necessaryto know the existing operating temperatures and pressures before systemproblems can be determined. Once the malfunction is established, it iseasier to pinpoint the cause and then take suitable action. Table 11-5 liststhe most common malfunctions, the possible causes, and the remedies.

Nonadjustable ORO/ORD system operation

The nonadjustable ORO head pressure-control valve and the ORDpressure-differential valve offer the most economical system of refriger-ant side head-pressure control. Just as the ORI/ORD system simplifiedthis type of control, the ORO/ORD system offers the capability of locat-ing the condenser and receiver on the same elevation (see Fig. 11-36). Bymaking these two valves available either separately or brazed together,there is added flexibility in the piping layout. The operation of theORO/ORD system is such that a nearly constant receiver pressure ismaintained for normal operation. As the temperature of the ORO elementdecreases, the pressure setting decreases accordingly. However, by run-ning the bypassed hot gas through the ORO the element temperature is

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444 Chapter Eleven

TABLE 11-5 Troubleshooting Head-Pressure Control Valves (Courtesy of Sporlan Valves.)

Malfunction—low head pressure

Possible cause Remedy

1. Insufficient refrigerant charge to 1. Add charge.adequately flood condenser.

2. Low-pressure setting on ORI. 2. Increase setting.3. ORI fails to close due to foreign 3. Turn adjustment out so material passes

material in valve. through valve. If unsuccessful, replace ORI.4. ORI fails to adjust properly 4. See 3 above.5. Wrong setting on ORO (e.g., 100 psig 5. Replace ORO with valve with correct

on Refrigerant 22 or 502 system). setting.6. ORO fails to close due to: 6. See below:

a. Foreign material in valve. a. Cause ORO to open by raisingcondensing/receiver pressure abovevalve setting by cycling condenser fan. Ifforeign material does not pass throughvalve, replace ORO.

b. Loss of air charge in element. b. Replace ORO.7. ORD fails to open (on ORI/ORD 7. See below:

system only) due to:a. Less than 20 psi pressure drop a. Check ORI causes/remedies above:

across ORD. 2, 3, or 4.b. Internal parts damaged by b. Replace ORD.

overheating when installed.8. Refrigerant leak at adjustment

housing of ORI. 8. Replace ORI.

Malfunction—high head pressure

1. Dirty condenser coil. 1. Clean coil.2. Air on condenser blocked off. 2. Clear area around unit.3. Too much refrigerant charge. 3. Remove change until proper head

pressure is maintained.4. Undersized receiver. 4. Check receiver capacity against

refrigerant required to maintain desiredhead pressure.

5. Noncondensibles (air) in system. 5. Purge from system.6. High-pressure setting on ORI. 6. Decrease setting.7. ORI or ORO restricted due to inlet 7. Open inlet connection to clean strainer.

strainer being plugged.8. ORI fails to adjust properly or to 8. Turn adjustment out so material passes

open due to foreign material in valve. through valve. If unsuccessful, replace ORI.9. Wrong setting on ORO (e.g., 180 9. Replace ORO with valve with correct

psig on Refrigerant 12 system). setting.10. ORD fails to open due to internal 10. Replace ORD.

parts being damaged by overheating when installed (only when used with ORO).

11. ORD bypassing hot gas when not 11. See below:required due to:a. Internal parts damaged by a. Replace ORD.

overheating when installed.b. Pressure drop across condenser b. Reduce pressure drop (e.g., use larger

coil, ORI or ORO, and connecting ORI or ORO valves in parallel) or order piping above 14 psi. ORD-4 with higher setting.

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adequately maintained so the ORO/ORD system functions well to ambi-ent temperatures of −40°F (−40°C) and below. This third connection on theORO also eliminates the need for a tee connection in the liquid-drain line.

Note that in Fig. 11-36 the ORO is located in the liquid-drain line betweenthe condenser and the receiver, while the ORD is located in a hot-gas linebypassing the condenser. Other than the fact that the ORO operates inresponse to its outlet pressure (receiver pressure), the ORO/ORD operatesin the same basic manner as the ORI/ORD system previously explained.

Discharge-Bypass Valves

On many air-conditioning and refrigeration systems it is desirable to limitthe minimum evaporating pressure. This is so especially during periodsof low load either to prevent coil icing or to avoid operating the compressorat lower suction pressure than it was designed for. Various methods ofoperation have been designed to achieve the result—integral cylinderunloading, gas engines with variable speed control, or multiple smallersystems. Compressor cylinder unloading is used extensively on larger sys-tems. However, it is too costly on small equipment, usually 10 hp orbelow. Cycling the compressor with a low pressure-cutout control has hadwidespread usage, but is being reevaluated for three reasons:

On-off control on air-conditioning systems is uncomfortable and doesa poor job of humidity control.

Compressor cycling reduces equipment life. In most cases, compressor cycling is uneconomical because of peak load

demand charges.

One solution to the problem is to bypass a portion of the hot dischargegas directly into the low side. This is done by the modulating-controlvalve—commonly called a discharge-bypass valve (DBV). This valve,which opens on a decrease in suction pressure, can be set to maintainautomatically a desired minimum evaporating pressure, regardless ofthe decrease in evaporator load.

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 445

Figure 11-36 The ORO is locatedin the liquid drain line between thecondenser and the receiver.(Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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Discharge-bypass valves (DBV) respond to changes in downstream orsuction pressure (see Fig. 11-37). When the evaporating pressure isabove the valve setting, the valve remains closed. As the suction pres-sure drops below the valve setting, the valve responds and begins toopen. As with all modulating-type valves, the size of the opening is pro-portional to the change in the variable being controlled. In this case, thevariable is the suction pressure. As the suction pressure drops, the valveopens further until the limit of the valve stroke is reached. However, onnormal applications there is not sufficient pressure change to open thesevalves to the limit of their stroke. The amount of pressure change avail-able from the point at which it is desired to have the valve closed to thepoint at which it is to be open varies widely with the refrigerant usedand the evaporating temperature. For this reason, DBVs are rated onthe basis of allowable evaporator temperature change from closed posi-tion to rated opening. A 6°F (3.3°C) change is considered normal formost applications and is the basis of capacity ratings.

446 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-37 Discharge-bypass valve. (Courtesy of SporlanValve.)

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DBVs provide an economical method of compressor capacity control inplace of cylinder unloaders or of handling unloading requirements belowthe last step of cylinder unloading.

On air-conditioning systems, the minimum allowable evaporating tem-perature that will avoid coil icing depends on evaporator design. Theamount of air passing over the coil also determines the allowable evapo-rator minimum temperature. The refrigerant temperature may be below32°F (0°C). However, coil icing will not usually occur with high air veloc-ities, since the external-surface temperature of the tube will be above 32°F(0°C). For most air-conditioning systems the minimum evaporating tem-perature should be 26 to 28°F (−3.3 to −2.2°C). DBVs are set in the fac-tory. They start to open at an evaporating pressure equivalent to 32°F(0°C) saturation temperature. Therefore, evaporating temperature of26°F (−3.3°C) is their rated capacity. However, since they are adjustable,these valves can be set to open at a higher evaporating temperature.

On refrigeration systems, discharge-bypass valves are used to preventthe suction pressure from going below the minimum value recommendedby the compressor manufacturer. A typical application would be a low-temperature compressor designed for operation at a minimum evapo-rating temperature on Refrigerant 22 of −40°F (−40°C). The requiredevaporating temperature at normal load conditions is −30°F (−34°C).A discharge-bypass valve would be selected that would start to open atthe pressure equivalent to −34°F (−36°C) and bypass enough hot gas at−40°F (−40°C) to prevent a further decrease in suction pressure. Valvesettings are according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

The discharge-bypass valve is applied in a branch line off the dis-charge line as close to the compressor as possible. The bypassed vaporcan enter the low side at one of the following locations:

To evaporator inlet with distributor To evaporator inlet without distributor To suction line

Figure 11-38 shows the bypass to evaporator inlet with a distributor.The primary advantage of this method is that the system thermostatic-expansion valve will respond to the increased superheat of the vaporleaving the evaporator and will provide the liquid required for de-superheating. The evaporator also serves as an excellent mixing cham-ber for the bypassed hot gas and the liquid-vapor mixture from theexpansion valve. This ensures that dry vapor reaches the compressorsuction. Oil return from the evaporator is also improved, since the veloc-ity in the evaporator is kept high by the hot gas.

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Externally Equalized Bypass Valves

The primary function of the DBV is to maintain suction pressure. Thus,the compressor suction pressure is the control pressure. It must beexerted on the underside of the valve diaphragm. When the DBV isapplied as shown in Fig. 11-38, where there is an appreciable pressuredrop between the valve outlet and the compressor suction, the externallyequalized valve must be used. This is true because when the valveopens, a sudden rise in pressure occurs at the valve outlet. This createsa false control pressure, which would cause the internally equalizedvalve to close.

Many refrigeration systems and water chillers do not use refrigerantdistributors but may require some method of compressor capacity con-trol. This type of application provides the advantages discussed earlier.

Bypass to Evaporator Inlet without Distributor

On many applications, it may be necessary to bypass directly into thesuction line. This is generally true of systems with multievaporators orremote-condensing units. It may also be true for existing systems whereit is easier to connect the suction line than the evaporator inlet. Thelatter situation involves systems fed by TEVs or capillary tubes. Whenhot gas is bypassed, temperature starts to increase. This can causebreakdown of the oil and refrigerant, possibly resulting in a compres-sor burnout. On close-coupled systems, this can be eliminated by locat-ing the main expansion-valve bulb downstream of the bypass connection,as shown in Fig. 11-39.

448 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-38 Connection arrangement for a discharge-bypassvalve. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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Bypass valves can be installed in horizontal or vertical lines, whicheverbest suits the application and permits easy accessibility to the valves.However, consideration should be given to locating these valves so thatthey do not act as oil traps. Also solder must not run into the internalparts during brazing.

The DBV should always be installed at the condensing unit ratherthan at the evaporator section. This will ensure the rated bypass capac-ity of the DBV. It will also eliminate the possibility of hot gas condens-ing in the bypass line. This is especially true on remote systems.

When externally equalized lines are used, the equalizer connectionmust be connected to the suction line where it will sense the desiredoperating pressure. See Fig. 11-40

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 449

Figure 11-39 Application of a hot-gas bypass to an existing systemwith only minor piping changes. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

Figure 11-40 Externally equalized discharge-bypass valve.(Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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Since the DBV is applied in a bypass line between the discharge lineand the low side of a system, the valve is subjected to compressor vibra-tions. Unless the valve, connecting fittings, and tubing are properly iso-lated from the vibrations, fatigue failures may occur. While the heaviestvalve weights only 3.5 lb (1.6 kg), it should be adequately supported toprevent excessive stress on the connections..

If the remote-bulb type bypass valve is used, the bulb must be locatedin a fairly constant ambient temperature because the element-bulbassembly is air charged. These valves are set at the factory in an 80°F(27°C) ambient temperature. Thus, any appreciable variation from thistemperature will cause the pressure setting to vary from the factorysetting. For a nonadjustable valve, the remote bulb may be located inan ambient 80°F ±10°F (27°C ± 5.5°C) The adjustable remote bulbmodel can be adjusted to operate in a temperature of 80°F ± 30°F(27°C ± 16.7°C). On many units the manufacturer will have altered thepressure setting to compensate for an ambient temperature apprecia-bly different than 80°F (27°C). Therefore on some units it may be nec-essary to consult with the equipment manufacturer for the properopening pressure setting of the bypass valve

There are numerous places on a system where the remote bulb canbe located. Two possible locations are the return air stream and a struc-tural member of the unit, if it is located in a conditioned space. Otherlocations, where the temperature is fairly constant but different than80°F (27°C) are also available. These include the return water line ona chiller, the compressor suction line, or the main liquid line. As previ-ously mentioned, the setting may have been altered.

A bulb strap with bolts and nuts is usually supplied with each remote-bulb-type DBV. This strap is for the use in fastening the bulb in place.

Special Considerations

If a DBV is applied on a system with an evaporator pressure regulat-ing valve (ORIT or other type), the DBV may bypass into either the evap-orator inlet or the suction line. The bypass will depend on the specificsystem. Valve function and the best piping method to protect the com-pressor should be deciding factors.

If the DBV is required on a system with a crankcase pressure-regulating valve (CRO or other type), the bypass valve can bypass to thelow side of the evaporator inlet or the suction line without difficulties.The only decision necessary is whether an internally or externally equal-ized valve is required. This depends on where the hot gas enters the lowside. The pressure setting of the DBV must be lower than the CRO set-ting for each valve to function properly.

The hot gas solenoid valve is to be located upstream of the bypassvalve. If the solenoid valve is installed downstream of the DBV, the oil

450 Chapter Eleven

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and/or liquid refrigerant may be trapped between the two valves.Depending on the ambient temperature surrounding the valves andpiping, this could be dangerous.

The hot-gas solenoid is sometimes used for protection against highsuperheat conditions because the compressor does not have an integraltemperature protection device. If this is done, the solenoid valve is wiredin series with a bimetal thermostat fastened to the discharge line closeto the compressor.

Testing and Operating Pressures

Excessive leak testing or operating pressures may damage these valvesand reduce the life of the operating members. Since a high-side testpressure differential of approximately 350 psi or higher will force theDBV open, the maximum allowable test pressure for DBV are the sameas for the high and low side of the system. If greater high-side test pres-sures than those given in the manufacturer’s specifications are to beencountered, some method of isolating the DBV from these high pres-sure must be found.

Valve settings and adjustment must be done according to the manu-facturer’s recommendations. Proper instrumentation must be used todetermine exactly when these valves are open.

Hot Gas

Hot gas may be required for other systems functions besides bypasscapacity control. Hot gas may be needed for defrost and head pressurecontrol. Normally, these functions will not interfere with each other.However, compressor cycling on low suction pressure may be experiencedon system start-up when the discharge-bypass valve is operating andother functions require the hot gas also. For example, the head-pressurecontrol requires hot gas to pressurize the receiver and liquid-line to getthe thermostatic-expansion valve operating properly. In this case, thedischarge-bypass valve should be prevented from functioning by keep-ing the hot-gas solenoid valve closed until adequate liquid line or suc-tion pressure is obtained.


There are several reasons for system malfunctions. Possible causes oftrouble when hot-gas bypass for capacity control is used are listed inTable 11-6.

Valves are coded by the manufacturer. The part numbers given in Table11-6 are those of the Sporlan Valve Company. Note that each letter andnumber has a meaning. The coded part numbers in Fig. 11-41 are givenas examples. Similar codes are used by other valve manufacturers. To be

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TABLE 11-6 Troubleshooting Discharge-Bypass Valves (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

Fully adjustable models—ADR type

Valve type* Malfunction Cause Remedy

Failure to open 1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.

Failure to close 1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.2. Diaphragm failure. 2. Replace element only.3. Equalizer passageway plugged. 3. Disassemble valve and clean.4. External equalizer not connected or 4. Connect or replace equalizer line.

equalizer line pinched shut.

Failure to open 1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.2. Equalizer passageway plugged. 2. Disassemble valve and clean.3. External equalizer not connected or 3. Connect or replace equalizer line.

equalizer line pinched shut.

Failure to close 1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.2. Diaphragm failure. 2. Replace element only.

“Limited” adjustable models—DR–AR type

Failure to open 1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.2. Diaphragm failure. 2. Replace element only.3. Air charge in element lost. 3. Replace element only.

1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.Failure to close 2. Equalizer passageway plugged. 2. Disassemble valve and clean.

3. External equalizer not connected or 3. Connect or replace equalizer line.equalizer line pinched shut.

1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.2. Diaphragm failure. 2. Replace element only.3. Equalizer passageway plugged. 3. Disassemble valve and clean.

Failure to open 4. External equalizer not connected or 4. Connect or replace equalizer line.equalizer line pinched shut.






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5. Air charge in element lost. 5. Replace element only.Failure to close 1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.

Nonadjustable models—remote bulb and dome type

1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.Failure to open 2. Diaphragm failure. 2. Replace element only.

3. Air charge in element lost. 3. Replace element only.

1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.Failure to close 2. Equalizer passageway plugged. 2. Disassemble valve and clean.

3. External equalizer not connected or 3. Connect or replace equalizer line.equalizer line pinched shut.

1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.2. Diaphragm failure. 2. Replace element only.

Failure to open 3. Equalizer passageway plugged. 3. Disassemble valve and clean.4. External equalizer not connected or 4. Connect or replace equalizer line.

equalizer line pinched shut.5. Air charge in element lost. 5. Replace element only.

Failure to close 1. Dirt or foreign material in valve. 1. Disassemble valve and clean.

*The model numbers are for Sporlan valves.




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informed of such codes, you will need the manufacturers’ bulletins. Agood file of such bulletins will enable you to quickly identify the variousvalve problems. These can be obtained on the internet. Just use themanufacturer’s name and “dot com” and you will usually open to their Website. From their home page you will be able to navigate their variousdepartments and offerings.

Level Control Valves

Capillary tubes and float valves are used to control the refrigerant in asystem.

Capillary tubes

Capillary tubes are used to control pressure and temperature in a refrig-eration unit. They are most commonly used in domestic refrigeration,milk coolers, ice-cream cabinets, and smaller units. Commercial refrig-eration units use other devices. The capillary tube consists of a tube witha very small diameter. The length of the tube depends on the size of theunit to be served, the refrigerant used, and other physical considerations.To effect the necessary heat exchange, this tube is usually soldered tothe suction line between the condenser and the evaporator. The capil-lary tube acts as a constant throttle or restrictor on the refrigerant. Itslength and diameter offer sufficient frictional resistance to the flow ofrefrigerant to build up the head pressure needed to condense the gas.

If the condenser and evaporator were simply connected by a largetube, the pressure would rapidly adjust itself to the same value in bothof them. A small diameter water pipe will hold back water, allowing apressure to be built up behind the water column, but with a small rateof flow. Similarly, the small-diameter capillary tube holds back theliquid refrigerant. This enables a high pressure to be built up in the con-denser during the operation of the compressor. At the same time, thispermits the refrigerant to flow slowly into the evaporator (see Fig. 11-42).A filter drier is usually inserted between the condenser and the capillary

454 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-41 Codes used to identify the discharge-bypass valve. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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tube. This is necessary because the line or tube is so small that it iseasily clogged.

Capillary tubes may be cleaned and unplugged by the method sug-gested in Chap. 1. Replacement should be performed in the shop afterdischarging the unit. In replacing the capillary tube, make sure that thesame length of tube is used. The bore or inner diameter should be exactlythe same as the old tube. It is easy to check with a proper tool.

Float valve

A hollow float is sometimes used to control the level of refrigerant (seeFig. 11-43). The float is fastened to a lever arm. The arm is pivoted ata given point and connected to a needle that seats at the valve opening.If there is no liquid in the evaporator, the ball-lever arm rests on a stopand the needle is not seated, thus leaving he valve open. Once liquidrefrigerant under pressure from the compressor enters the float cham-ber, the float rises with the liquid level until, at a predetermined level,the needle closes the needle-valve opening.

In some large size plants where Freon-12 is used as a refrigerant,multiple ports are provided for handling the larger quantities of liquid.

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 455

Figure 11-42 Refrigerant flow with a capillary tube in the line.

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Installation. The following precautions must be observed before instal-lation of a float valve:

Most float controls are designed for a maximum differential pressureof 200 lb.

If the pressure will exceed 190 psi, there are stems and orifices of spe-cial size available for low-temperature use.

In any application, keep the bottom equalizing line above the bottomof the evaporator to avoid oil logging.

Make sure there are no traps in the equalizing line. The stems of a globe valve must be in a horizontal plane. Refrigerant flow must be kept to less than 100 ft/min where a bottom

float equalizing connection is made to the header or accumulator return.That means the header and accumulator pipe must be properly sized.

Accumulators of a small diameter with a velocity of over 50 fpm are notsuitable for accurate float application. However, the float may control

456 Chapter Eleven

Figure11-43 Interior construction of a typical float valve. (Courtesy of Frick.)

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within wider limits with higher velocities. The top equalizing connec-tion must be connected to a point of practically zero gas velocity.

In automatic plants, always provide a solenoid valve in the liquid lineahead of the float control. This solenoid valve is to close either whenthe temperatures are satisfactory or when the compressor stops.

Figure 11-44 illustrates the connections for a high-pressure float con-trol. There have been new developments in the control of liquid levelsince the early days of refrigeration.

Level-Master Control

The level-master control is a positive liquid-level-control device suitablefor application to all flooded evaporators (see Fig. 11-45). The level-mastercontrol is a standard thermostatic-expansion valve with a level-masterelement. The combination provides a simple, economical, and highlyeffective liquid-level control. The bulb of the conventional thermostatic

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 457

Figure 11-44 High-pressure float-control system.

Figure 11-45 Level-master control. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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458 Chapter Eleven

element has been modified to an insert-type bulb that incorporates alow-wattage heater. A 15-W heater is supplied as standard. For applica-tions below −60°F (−51°C) evaporating temperature, a special 25-W heateris needed.

The insert bulb is installed in the accumulator or surge drum at thepoint of the desired liquid level. As the level at the insert bulb drops, theelectrically added heat increases the pressure within the thermostaticelement and opens the valve. As the liquid level at the bulb rises, theelectrical input is balanced by the heat transfer from the bulb to theliquid refrigerant. The level-master control either modulates or even-tually shuts off. The evaporator pressure and spring assist in providinga positive closure.


The level-master control is applicable to any system that has been specif-ically designed for flooded operation. The valve is usually connected tofeed into the surge drum above the liquid-level. It can feed into theliquid leg or coil header.

The insert bulb can be installed directly in the shell, surge drum, orliquid leg on new or existing installations. Existing float systems can beeasily converted by installing the level-master control insert bulb inthe float chamber.

Electrical connections

The heater is provided with a two-wire neoprene-covered cord 2 ft inlength. It runs through a moisture-proof grommet and a 1/2-in. maleconduit connection affixed to the insert-bulb assembly (see Fig. 11-46).

The heater circuit must be interrupted when refrigeration is notrequired. Wire the heater in parallel with the holding coil of the com-pressor line starter or solenoid valve—not in series.

Hand valves

On some installations, the valve is isolated from the surge drum by ahand valve. A 2- to 3-lb pressure drop from the valve outlet to the bulblocation is likely. For such installations, an externally equalized valveis recommended.

Oil return

All reciprocating compressors will allow some oil to pass into the dis-charge line along with the discharge gas. Mechanical oil separators areused extensively. However, they are never completely effective. Theuntrapped oil passes through the condenser, liquid line, expansiondevice, and into the evaporator.

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In a properly designed direct-expansion system, the refrigerant veloc-ity in the evaporator tubes and the suction line is sufficiently high toensure a continuous return of oil to the compressor crankcase. However,this is not characteristic of flooded systems. Here, the surge drum isdesigned for a relatively low vapor velocity. This prevents entrainmentof liquid refrigerant droplets and consequent `carryover into the suctionline. This design also prevents the return of any oil from the low side inthe normal manner.

If oil is allowed to concentrate at the insert-bulb location of the level-master control, overfeeding with possible flood-back can occur. The ten-dency to overfeed is due to the fact that the oil does not convey the heatfrom the low-wattage heater element away from the bulb as rapidly asdoes pure liquid refrigerant. The bulb pressure is higher than normaland the valve remains in the open or partially open position.

Oil and ammonia systems

For all practical purposes, liquid ammonia and oil are immiscible (notcapable of being mixed). Since the density of oil is greater than that ofammonia, it will fall to the bottom of any vessel containing such a mixture

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 459

Figure 11-46 Installation of the level-master control. (Courtesy ofSporlan Valve.)

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if the mixture is relatively placid. Therefore. the removal of oil from anammonia system is a comparatively simple task. Generally, on systemsequipped with a surge drum, the liquid leg is extended downward belowthe point where the liquid is fed off to the evaporator. A drain valve is pro-vided to allow periodic manual draining (see Fig. 11-47).

For flooded chillers that do not use a surge drum, a sump with a drainvalve is usually provided at the bottom of the chiller shell. These meth-ods are quite satisfactory, except possibly on some low-temperature sys-tems. Here, the drain leg or sump generally must be warmed prior toattempting to draw off the oil. The trapped oil becomes quite viscous atlower temperatures.

If oil is not drained from a flooded ammonia system, a reduction inthe evaporator heat-transfer rate can occur due to an increase in therefrigerant film resistance. Difficulty in maintaining the proper liquidlevel with any type of flooded control can also be expected.

With a float valve, you can expect the liquid level in the evaporatorto increase with high concentration of oil in a remote float chamber.If a level-master control is used with the insert bulb installed in aremote chamber, oil concentration at the bulb can cause overfeedingwith possible flood-back. The lower or liquid-balance line must be freeof traps and be free-draining into the surge drum or chiller, as shownin Fig. 11-48. The oil drain leg or sump must be located at the lowestpoint in the low side.

460 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-47 Location of LM in liquid line. (Courtesy of SporlanValve.)

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Oil and halocarbon systems

With halocarbon systems (Refrigerants 12, 22, 502, etc.) the oil andrefrigerant are miscible (capable of being mixed) under certain condi-tions. Oil is quite soluble in liquid Refrigerant 12 and partially so inliquid Refrigerant 22 and 502. For example, for a 5% (by weight) solu-tion of a typical napthenic (a petroleum-based oil) oil in liquid refriger-ant, the oil will remain in solution down to about −75°F (−59°C) forRefrigerant 12, down to about 0°F (−18°C) for Refrigerant 22, and downto about 20°F (−7°C) for Refrigerant 502. Depending upon the type ofoil and the percentage of oil present, these figures can vary. However,based on the foregoing, we can assume that for the majority ofRefrigerant-12 systems the oil and refrigerant are completely miscibleat all temperatures normally encountered. However, at temperaturesbelow 0°F (−18°C) with Refrigerant 22 and a 5% oil concentration andtemperatures below 20°F (−7°C) with Refrigerant 502 and a 5% oil con-centration, a liquid phase separation occurs. An oil-rich solution willappear at the top and a refrigerant-rich solution will lay at the bottomof any relatively placid remote bulb chamber.

Oil in a halocarbon-flooded evaporator can produce many results. Oil asa contaminant will raise the boiling point of the liquid refrigerant. Forexample, with Refrigerant 12, the boiling point increases approximately1°F [(0.56°C)] for each 5% of oil (by weight) in solution. As in an ammonia

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Figure 11-48 Level-master control with the bulb inserted in a remote chamber. (Courtesyof Sporlan Valve.)

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system, oil can foul the heat-transfer surface with a consequent loss insystem capacity. Oil can produce foaming and possible carryover of liquidinto the suction line. Oil can also affect the liquid-level control. With a floatvalve you can normally expect the liquid level in the evaporator to decreasewith increasing concentrations of oil in the float chamber. This is due tothe difference in density between the lighter oil in the chamber and thelower balance leg and the heavier refrigerant/oil mixture in the evapora-tor. A lower column of dense mixture in the evaporator will balance ahigher column of oil in the remote chamber and piping. This is similar toa “U” tube manometer with a different fluid in each leg.

With the level-master control, the heat-transfer rate at the bulb isdecreased, producing overfeeding and possible flood-back. What can bedone? First of all, the oil concentration must be kept as low as possible inthe evaporator, surge drum, and remote insert bulb chamber (if one isused). With Refrigerant 12, since the oil/refrigerant mixture is hom*oge-nous, it can be drained from almost any location in the chiller, surgedrum, or remote chamber that is below the liquid level. With Refrigerants22 and 502, the drain must be located at or slightly below the surface ofthe liquid, since the oil-rich layer is at the top. There are many types ofoil-return devices:

Direct drain into the suction line Drain through a high-pressure, liquid-warmed heat exchanger Drain through a heat exchanger with the heat supplied by an electric


Draining directly into the suction line, as shown in Fig. 11-49, is thesimplest method. However, the hazard of possible flood-back to the com-pressor remains.

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Figure 11-49 Direct drain of oil to the suction line is one of thethree ways to recover oil in flooded systems. Heat from theenvironment or a liquid-suction heat exchanger is requiredto vaporize the liquid refrigerant so drained. Vapor velocitycarries oil back to the compressor. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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Draining through a heat exchanger, as indicated in Fig. 11-50, is a pop-ular method. The liquid refrigerant flood-back problems are minimizedby using the warm liquid to vaporize the liquid refrigerant in theoil/refrigerant mixture.

The use of a heat exchanger with an insert electric heater, as shownin Fig. 11-51, is a variation of the preceding method.

In all of the return arrangements discussed, a solenoid valve should beinstalled in the drain line and arranged to close when the compressor is

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 463

Figure 11-50 Oil return by draining oil-refrigerant mixture through a heat exchangeris shown here. Heat in incoming liquid vaporizes refrigerant to prevent return ofliquid to the compressor. Liquid feed is controlled by a thermostatic- or hand-expansionvalve. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

Figure 11-51 An electric heater may also be added to separate oil and refrigerant. Thissystem is similar to that shown in Fig. 10-49, except that the heat required for vapor-ization is added electrically. (Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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not in operation. Otherwise, liquid refrigerant could drain from the lowside into the compressor crankcase during the off-cycle.

If the insert bulb is installed directly into the surge drum or chiller,oil return is necessary only from this point. However, the insert bulb issometimes located in a remote chamber that is tied to the surge drumor chiller with liquid- and gas-balance lines. Then oil return should bemade from both locations, as shown in Figs. 11-49, 11-50, and 11-52.


The problem of returning oil from a flooded system is not highly com-plex. There are undoubtedly other methods in use today that are com-parable to those outlined here. Regardless of how it is accomplished, oilreturn must be provided for proper operation of any flooded system.This is necessary not only with the level-master control, but also witha float or other type of level-control device.

Other Types of Valves

There are check valves, water valves, and receiver valves.

Service valves on sealed units

Hermetic refrigeration systems, also called sealed units, normally have noservice valves on the compressor. Instead, a charging plug or valve maybemounted on the compressor. A special tool is needed to operate the charg-ing device, which varies on different makes. A service engineer needs thecorrect valve-operating device for a unit. Thus, a kit is made that containsadapters and wrench ends to fit many makes of sealed units.

Essentially, the device is a body with a union connection and provisionsfor charging line- and pressure-gage connections. The stem may be turnedor pushed in or out of the body as required. Fig. 11-53 shows a line-piercing

464 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-52 Level-master controlinserted in remote chamber.(Courtesy of Sporlan Valve.)

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valve. They are used for charging, testing, or purging those hermeticunits not provided with a charging plug or valve. These valves may be per-manently attached to the line without danger of refrigerant loss.

Water valves

Manually operated valves are installed on water circuits associatedwith refrigeration systems—either on cooling towers or in secondarybrine circuits. They are installed for convenience in servicing and forflexibility in operating conditions. These valves make it possible to recir-cuit, bypass, or shut off water flow as desired (see Fig. 11-54).

These manually operated shutoff or flow-control valves are availablein a wide variety of styles and sizes. Valve stems and body seats are accu-rately machined to close tolerances, ensuring easy and positive shutoff.They are made of nonporous cast bronze.

There are three main types (see Fig. 11-54):

Stop valves Globe valves Gate valves

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 465

Figure 11-53 Line-piercing valve.(Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

Figure 11-54 Water valves: (a) stop valve, (b) gate valve,and (C) glove valve. (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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Check valves

Some refrigeration systems are designed in which the refrigerant liquidor vapor flows to several components, but must never flow back througha given line. A check valve is needed in such installations. As its nameimplies, a check valve checks or prevents the flow of refrigerant in onedirection, while allowing free flow in the other direction. For example,two evaporators might be controlled by a single condensing system. In thiscase, a check valve should be placed in the line from the lower-temperatureevaporator to prevent the suction gas from the higher-temperature evap-orator from entering the lower-temperature evaporator (see Fig. 11-55).

Check valves are designed to eliminate chattering and to give maxi-mum refrigerant flow when the unit is operating. If the spring tensionis sufficient to overcome the weight of the valve disc, the check valve maybe mounted in any position.

Receiver valves

Receivers may be fitted with two valves—an inlet valve and an outletvalve. The outlet valve may have the inlet in the form of an ordinary

466 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-55 Check valves. (Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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connection, such as an elbow. An inlet valve permits closing the receivershould a leak develop between the compressor and the receiver. Thereceiver outlet valve is important when the system is “pumped down,”when for reasons of service all the refrigerant is conveyed to the receiverfor temporary storage (see Fig. 11-56).


Accumulators have been used for years on original equipment. Morerecently they have been field installed. The significance with respect toaccumulator and system performance has never been clarified. Engineershave been forced to evaluate each model in terms of the system on whichit is to be applied. Application in the field has been primarily based onchoosing a model with fittings that will accommodate the suction line andbe large enough to hold about half of the refrigerant charge.

There is no standard rating system for accumulators. The accuracyof rating data becomes a function of the type of equipment used to deter-mine the ratings. Some data is now available to serve as a guide tothose checking the use of an accumulator.


The purpose of an accumulator is to prevent compressor damage due toslugging of refrigerant and oil. They provide a positive oil return at allrated conditions. They are designed to operate at −40°F (−40°C) evapo-rator temperature. Pressure drop is low across them. They act as a suc-tion muffler. They can take suction-gas temperatures as low as 10°F(−12.2°C) at the accumulator. Most of them can withstand a workingpressure of 300 psi and have fusible relief devices.

Compressors are designed to compress vapors, not liquids. Many sys-tems, especially low-temperature systems, are subject to the return ofexcessive quantities of liquid refrigerant. This returned refrigerant dilutesthe oil and washes out bearings. In some cases, it causes complete loss of

Controlling Refrigerant: Valves,Tubing, and Filters 467

Figure 11-56 Receiver-angle valve.(Courtesy of Mueller Brass.)

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oil in the crankcase. This results in broken valve reeds, and damage topistons, rods, crankcase, and other moving parts. The accumulator actsas a reservoir to hold temporarily the excess oil-refrigerant mixture andreturn it at a rate the compressor can safely handle. Figure 11-57 showsthe interior view.

Rating data

The refrigerant-holding capacity of the accumulator is based on anaverage condition of 65 percent fill under running conditions.

Refrigerant-holding capacity. It is obvious that directly on startup or afterlong off-cycles the amount held may fluctuate from empty to nearly full.

Minimum evaporator temperature and alsoof suction gas at the accumulator

The oil-refrigerant mixture in the suction line has been studied over therange of −50°F to +40°F (−46°C to +4°C). The value of −40°F (−40°C) waschosen as a minimum evaporator temperature because it appears ade-quate for commercial refrigeration. Yet, it is conservative enough to pro-vide a margin of safety. More important is the requirement that thetemperature of the suction gas at the accumulator be 10°F (−12°C) orhigher. Particularly with refrigerants such as Freon-502 in the low tem-perature range up to 0°F (−17.8°C), the oil and refrigerant separateinto two layers, with the upper layer being the oil-rich layer. At theselow temperatures, the oil-rich layer can become so viscous that it will

468 Chapter Eleven

Figure 11-57 Suction-line accumu-lator. (Virginia Chemicals.)

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not flow. When the refrigerant below the heavy oil layer leaves the accu-mulator, the very thick oil settles over the oil-return port and stops alloil return. This condition will occur regardless of accumulator design.If temperatures below 10°F (−12°C) at the accumulator are to be used,auxiliary heat must be added to keep the oil fluid.

Maximum recommended actual tonnage is based on pressure dropthrough the accumulator equivalent to an effect of 1°F (0.56°C) on evap-orator temperature.

Minimum recommended actual tonnage is based on the minimumflow through the accumulator necessary to ensure positive oil return.

For operating conditions outside the manufacturer’s published rat-ings, contact the manufacturer for recommendations.

Installation of the Accumulator

Locate the accumulator as close to the compressor as possible. In sys-tems employing reverse cycle, the accumulator must be installedbetween the reversing valve and the compressor. Proper inlet (from theevaporator) and outlet (to the compressor) must be observed. The accu-mulator must be installed vertically. Proper sizing of an accumulatormay not necessarily result in the accumulator connections matchingthe suction-line size. This new technology must replace the dangerousand outmoded practice of matching the accumulator connections to thesuction-line size. To accommodate mismatches, bushing down may berequired.

The accumulator should not be installed in a bypass line or in suctionlines that experience other than total refrigerant flow.

When installing an accumulator with solder connections, direct thetorch away from the top access plug to prevent possible damage to theO-ring seal. When installing a model equipped with a fusible plug, adummy plug should be inserted in place of the fusible plug until allbrazing or soldering is complete.

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12Complying with the Section 608

Refrigerant-Recycling Rule

This chapter provides an overview of the refrigerant-recycling require-ments of Section 608 of the Clean Air Act of 1990, as amended (CAA),including final regulations published on May 14, 1993 (58 FR 28660),August 19, 1994 (59 FR 42950), November 9, 1994 (59 FR 55912), andJuly 24, 2003 (68 FR 43786). The chapter also describes the prohibitionon venting that became effective on July 1, 1992.


Under Section 608 of the CAA, EPA has established regulations (40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F) that

Require service practices that maximize recycling of ozone-depletingcompounds [both chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluoro-carbons (HCFCs) and their blends] during the servicing and disposalof air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment.

Set certification requirements for recycling and recovery equipment,technicians, and reclaimers.

Restrict the sale of refrigerant to certified technicians. Require persons servicing or disposing of air-conditioning and refriger-

ation equipment to certify to EPA that they have acquired recycling orrecovery equipment and are complying with the requirements of the rule.

Require the repair of substantial leaks in air-conditioning and refrig-eration equipment with a charge of greater than 50 lb.

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Establish safe disposal requirements to ensure removal of refrig-erants from goods that enter the waste stream with the charge intact(e.g., motor vehicle air conditioners, home refrigerators, and room airconditioners).

The Prohibition on Venting

Effective July 1, 1992, Section 608 of the Act prohibited individualsfrom knowingly venting ozone-depleting compounds (generally CFCsand HCFCs) used as refrigerants into the atmosphere while maintaining,servicing, repairing, or disposing of air-conditioning or refrigerationequipment (appliances). Only four types of releases are permitted underthe prohibition:

1. “De minimis” quantities of refrigerant released in the course ofmaking good faith attempts to recapture and recycle or safely disposeof refrigerant.

2. Refrigerants emitted in the course of normal operation of air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment (as opposed to during themaintenance, servicing, repair, or disposal of this equipment) such asfrom mechanical purging and leaks. However, EPA requires the repairof leaks above a certain size in large equipment (see Refrigerant Leaks).

3. Releases of CFCs or HCFCs that are not used as refrigerants. Forinstance, mixtures of nitrogen and R-22 that are used as holdingcharges or as leak-test gases may be released, because in these cases,the ozone-depleting compound is not used as a refrigerant. However,a technician may not avoid recovering refrigerant by adding nitro-gen to a charged system. Before nitrogen is added, the system mustbe evacuated to the appropriate level as shown in Table 12-1.Otherwise, the CFC or HCFC vented along with the nitrogen will beconsidered a refrigerant. Similarly, pure CFCs or HCFCs releasedfrom appliances will be presumed to be refrigerants, and their releasewill be considered a violation of the prohibition on venting.

4. Small releases of refrigerant that result from purging hoses or fromconnecting or disconnecting hoses to charge or service applianceswill not be considered violations of the prohibition on venting.However, recovery and recycling equipment manufactured afterNovember 15, 1993 must be equipped with low-loss fittings.

Regulatory Requirements

Service practice requirements

Evacuation requirements. Since July 13, 1993, technicians have beenrequired to evacuate air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment to

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Complying with the Section 608 Refrigerant-Recycling Rule 473

established vacuum levels when opening the equipment. If the techni-cian’s recovery or recycling equipment was manufactured any timebefore November 15, 1993, the air-conditioning and refrigeration equip-ment must be evacuated to the levels described in the first column ofTable 12-1. If the technician’s recovery or recycling equipment wasmanufactured on or after November 15, 1993, the air-conditioning andrefrigeration equipment must be evacuated to the levels described in thesecond column of Table 12-1, and the recovery or recycling equipment musthave been certified by an EPA-approved equipment-testing organization.Persons who simply add refrigerant to (top-off) appliances are notrequired to evacuate the systems.

TABLE 12-1 Ozone Layer Depletion

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Technicians repairing small appliances, such as household refrigerators,window air conditioners, and water coolers, must recover:

80 percent of the refrigerant when The compressor in the appliance is not operating or90 percent of the refrigerant when The technician uses recovery or recycling equipment manufactured

after November 15, and The compressor in the appliance is operating

In order to ensure that they are recovering the correct percentage ofrefrigerant, technicians must use the recovery equipment according to thedirections of its manufacturer. Technicians may also satisfy recoveryrequirements by evacuating the small appliance to 4 in. of mercury vacuum.

Exceptions to evacuation requirements. EPA has established limited excep-tions to its evacuation requirements for (a) repairs to leaky equipmentand (b) repairs that are not major and that are not followed by an evac-uation of the equipment to the environment.

If, due to leaks, evacuation to the levels indicated in Table 12-1 is notattainable, or would substantially contaminate the refrigerant beingrecovered, persons opening the appliance must

Isolate leak from nonleaking components wherever possible. Evacuate nonleaking components to the levels shown in Table 12-1. Evacuate leaking components to the lowest level that can be attained

without substantially contaminating the refrigerant. This level cannotexceed 0 psig.

If evacuation of the equipment to the environment is not to be per-formed when repairs are complete, and if the repair is not major, thenthe appliance must

Be evacuated to at least 0 psig before it is opened if it is a high- or veryhigh pressure appliance, or

Be pressurized to 0 psig before it is opened if it is a low-pressureappliance. Methods that require subsequent purging (e.g., nitrogen)cannot be used except with appliances containing R-113

Reclamation requirement. EPA has also established that refrigerant recov-ered and/or recycled can be returned to the same system or other sys-tems owned by the same person without restriction. If refrigerantchanges ownership, however, that refrigerant must be reclaimed(i.e., cleaned to the ARI 700-1993 standard of purity and chemically

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Complying with the Section 608 Refrigerant-Recycling Rule 475

analyzed to verify that it meets this standard) unless the refrigerant wasused only in a motor vehicle air conditioner (MVAC) or MVAC-like appli-ance and will be used in the same type of appliance. (Refrigerant usedin MVACs and MVAC-like appliances is subject to the purity require-ments of the MVAC regulations at 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart B.) EPAupdates the list of reclaimers as new companies are added.

Equipment Certification

The agency has established a certification program for refrigerantrecovery and recycling equipment. Under the program, EPA requiresthat manufacturers or importers of refrigerant recovery and recyclingequipment manufactured on or after November 15, 1993, have theirequipment tested by an EPA-approved testing organization to ensurethat it meets EPA requirements. Equipment intended for use withair-conditioning and refrigeration appliances must be tested under EPArequirements based upon the ARI 740 test protocol (i.e., EPA Apps. Band B1 to 40 CFR 82 subpart F). Recycling and recovery equipmentintended for use with small appliances must be tested under EPA App.C or alternatively under requirements based upon the ARI 740 testprotocol (i.e., Apps. B and B1 to 40 CFR 82 subpart F).

The agency requires recovery efficiency standards that vary dependingon the size and type of air-conditioning or refrigeration equipment beingserviced. For recovery and recycling equipment intended for use with air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment besides small appliances, thesestandards are the same as those in the second column of Table 12-1.Recovery equipment intended for use with small appliances must be ableto recover 90 percent of the refrigerant in the small appliance when thesmall appliance compressor is operating and 80 percent of the refriger-ant in the small appliance when the compressor is not operating.

EPA has approved both the Air-Conditioning and RefrigerationInstitute (ARI) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to certify recyclingand recovery equipment. Certified equipment can be identified by alabel reading “This equipment has been certified by ARI/UL to meetEPA’s minimum requirements for recycling and/or recovery equipmentintended for use with (appropriate category of appliance—e.g., smallappliances, HCFC appliances containing less than 200 lb of refrigerant,all high-pressure appliances).” Lists of certified equipment may beobtained by contacting ARI at 703-524-8800.

Equipment Grandfathering

Equipment manufactured before November 15, 1993, including homemadeequipment, may be grandfathered if it meets the standards in the firstcolumn of Table 12-1. Third-party testing is not required for equipment

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manufactured before November 15, 1993, but equipment manufactured onor after that date, including homemade equipment, must be tested by athird-party (see Equipment Certification).

Refrigerant Leaks

Owners of equipment with charges of greater than 50 lb are required torepair leaks in the equipment when those leaks together would result inthe loss of more than a certain percentage of the equipment’s charge overa year. For the commercial and industrial process refrigeration sectors,leaks must be repaired when the appliance leaks at a rate that wouldrelease 35 percent or more of the charge over a year. For all other sectors,including comfort cooling, leaks must be repaired when the appliance leaksat a rate that would release 15 percent or more of the charge over a year.

The trigger for repair requirements is the current leak rate ratherthan the total quantity of refrigerant lost. For instance, owners of acommercial refrigeration system containing 100 lb of charge must repairleaks if they find that the system has lost 10 lb of charge over the pastmonth; although 10 lb represents only 10 percent of the system chargein this case, a leak rate of 10 lb per month would result in the releaseof over 100 percent of the charge over the year. To track leak rates,owners of air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment with more than50 lb of charge must keep records of the quantity of refrigerant addedto their equipment during servicing and maintenance procedures.

Owners are required to repair leaks within 30 days of discovery. Thisrequirement is waived if, within 30 days of discovery, owners develop a1-year retrofit or retirement plan for the leaking equipment. Owners ofindustrial process refrigeration equipment may qualify for additionaltime under certain circ*mstances. For example, if an industrial processshutdown is required to repair a leak, owners have 120 days to repairthe leak. Owners of leaky industrial process refrigeration equipmentshould see the Compliance Assistance Guidance Document for LeakRepair (available from the hotline) for additional information concern-ing time extensions and pertinent recordkeeping and reporting require-ments. EPA anticipates putting this document on the Web site, but doesnot have an estimated date for when that will happen. A longer fact sheetabout leak repair is also available.

Technician Certification

EPA has established a technician certification program for persons (“tech-nicians”) who perform maintenance, service, repair, or disposal thatcould be reasonably expected to release refrigerants into the atmosphere.The definition of “technician” specifically includes and excludes certainactivities as follows:

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Attaching and detaching hoses and gauges to and from the applianceto measure pressure within the appliance.

Adding refrigerant to (e.g., “topping-off”) or removing refrigerant fromthe appliance.

Any other activity that violates the integrity of the MVAC-like appli-ances, and small appliances.

In addition, apprentices are exempt from certification requirementsprovided the apprentice is closely and continually supervised by acertified technician.

The agency has developed four types of certification:

1. For servicing small appliances (Type I).

2. For servicing or disposing of high- or very high pressure appliances,except small appliances and MVACs (Type II).

3. For servicing or disposing of low-pressure appliances (Type III).

4. For servicing all types of equipment (Universal).

Technicians are required to pass an EPA-approved test conducted by anEPA-approved certifying organization to become certified under the manda-tory program. Section 608 technician certification credentials do not expire.

Refrigerant Sales Restrictions

Since November 14, 1994, the sale of refrigerant in any size containerhas been restricted to technicians certified either under the programdescribed previously in the chapter under Technician Certification or underEPAs motor vehicle air-conditioning regulations. The sales restrictioncovers refrigerant contained in bulk containers (cylinders or drums)and precharged parts.

The restriction excludes refrigerant contained in refrigerators or airconditioners with fully assembled refrigerant circuits (such as householdrefrigerators, window air conditioners, and packaged air conditioners),pure HFC refrigerants (such as R-134a), and CFCs or HCFCs that arenot intended for use as refrigerants. In addition, a restriction on sale ofprecharged split systems has been stayed (suspended) while EPA recon-siders this provision.

Under Section 609 of the Clean Air Act, sales of CFC-12 in containerssmaller than 20 lb are restricted solely to technicians certified underEPA’s motor vehicle air-conditioning regulations (i.e., Section 609 certifiedtechnicians). Technicians certified under EPA’s stationary refrigerationand air-conditioning equipment (i.e., Section 608 certified technicians)may buy containers of CFC-12 larger than 20 lb.

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Section 609 technicians are only allowed to purchase refrigerantsthat are suitable for use in motor vehicle air-conditioners. EffectiveSeptember 22, 2003, EPA has restricted the sale of ozone-depleting refrig-erants, approved for use in stationary refrigeration and air-conditioningequipment, to Section 608 certified technicians. Therefore, the sale ofozone-depleting refrigerants (such as HCFC-22) that are approved foruse in stationary equipment but not for use in motor vehicle air-condi-tioners is restricted to Section 608 certified technicians.

More detailed information is available in an EPA fact sheet titled“The Refrigerant Sales Restriction.”

Certification by Owners of Recycling and Recovery Equipment

EPA requires that persons servicing or disposing air-conditioning andrefrigeration equipment certify to the appropriate EPA regional officethat they have acquired (built, bought, or leased) recovery or recyclingequipment and that they are complying with the applicable require-ments of this rule. This certification must be signed by the owner of theequipment or another responsible officer and sent to the appropriateEPA regional office. Although owners of recycling and recovery equip-ment are required to list the number of trucks based at their shops, theydo not need to have a piece of recycling or recovery equipment for everytruck. Owners do not have to send in a new form each time they add recy-cling or recovery equipment to their inventory.

Reclaimer Certification

Reclaimers are required to return refrigerant to the purity level speci-fied in ARI Standard 700-1993 (an industry-set purity standard) and toverify this purity using the laboratory protocol set forth in the samestandard. In addition, reclaimers must release no more than 1.5 percentof the refrigerant during the reclamation process and must dispose ofwastes properly. Reclaimers must certify to the Section 608 recycling pro-gram manager at EPA headquarters that they are complying with theserequirements and that the information given is true and correct.Certification must also include the name and address of the reclaimerand a list of equipment used to reprocess and to analyze the refrigerant.

EPA encourages reclaimers to participate in a voluntary third-partyreclaimer certification program operated by the ARI. The voluntaryprogram offered by ARI involves quarterly testing of random samplesof reclaimed refrigerant. Third-party certification can enhance theattractiveness of a reclaimer’s product by providing an objective assess-ment of its purity. EPA maintains a list of approved reclaimers that isavailable from the hotline. In addition, a checklist helps prospectivereclaimers provide appropriate information for EPA to review.

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MVAC-Like Appliances

Some of the air conditioners that are covered by this rule are identicalto motor vehicle air conditioners (MVACs), but they are not covered bythe MVAC refrigerant-recycling rule (40 CFR Part 82, Subpart B)because they are used in vehicles that are not defined as motor vehicles.These air conditioners include many systems used in construction equip-ment, farm vehicles, boats, and airplanes. Like MVACs in cars andtrucks, these air conditioners typically contain 2 or 3 lb of CFC-12 anduse open-drive compressors to cool the passenger compartments of vehi-cles. (Vehicle air conditioners utilizing HCFC-22 are not included inthis group and are therefore subject to the requirements outlined abovefor HCFC-22 equipment.) EPA is defining these air conditioners asMVAC-like appliances and is applying the MVAC rule’s requirements forthe certification and use of recycling and recovery equipment to them.That is, technicians servicing MVAC-like appliances must “properlyuse” recycling or recovery equipment that has been certified to meet thestandards in App. A to 40 CFR Part 82, Subpart B. In addition, EPA isallowing technicians who service MVAC-like appliances to be certifiedby a certification program approved under the MVAC rule, if they wish.

More detailed information is presented in an EPA fact sheet titled“Servicing Farm and Heavy-Duty Equipment.”

Safe Disposal Requirements

Under EPAs rule, equipment that is typically dismantled on-site before dis-posal (e.g., retail food refrigeration, central residential air-conditioning,chillers, and industrial process refrigeration) has to have the refrigerantrecovered in accordance with EPAs requirements for servicing. However,equipment that typically enters the waste stream with the charge intact(e.g., motor vehicle air conditioners, household refrigerators and freezers,and room air conditioners) is subject to special safe disposal requirements.

Under these requirements, the final person in the disposal chain (e.g.,a scrap metal recycler or landfill owner) is responsible for ensuring thatrefrigerant is recovered from equipment before the final disposal of theequipment. However, persons “upstream” can remove the refrigerant andprovide documentation of its removal to the final person if this is morecost-effective. If the final person in the disposal chain (e.g., a scrap metalrecycler or landfill owner) accepts appliances that no longer hold a refrig-erant charge, that person is responsible for maintaining a signed state-ment from whom the appliance/s is being accepted. The signed statementmust include the name and address of the person who recovered therefrigerant, and the date that the refrigerant was recovered, or a copy ofa contract stating that the refrigerant will be removed prior to delivery.EPA does not mandate a sticker as a form of verification that the refrig-erant has been removed prior to disposal of the appliance. Such stickers

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do not relieve the final disposer of their responsibility to recover anyremaining refrigerant in the appliance, unless the sticker contains asigned statement that includes the name and address of the person whor*covered the refrigerant, and the date that the refrigerant was recovered.

The equipment used to recover refrigerant from appliances prior totheir final disposal must meet the same performance standards as equip-ment used prior to servicing, but it does not need to be tested by a labo-ratory. This means that self-built equipment is allowed as long as it meetsthe performance requirements. For MVACs and MVAC-like appliances,the performance requirement is 102 mm of mercury vacuum and forsmall appliances, the recovery equipment performance requirements are90 percent efficiency when the appliance compressor is operational, and80 percent efficiency when the appliance compressor is not operational.

Technician certification is not required for individuals removing refrig-erant from appliances in the waste stream.

The safe disposal requirements went into effect on July 13, 1993.Equipment must be registered or certified with the EPA.

Major Recordkeeping Requirements

Technicians servicing appliances that contain 50 lb or more of refrig-erant must provide the owner with an invoice that indicates theamount of refrigerant added to the appliance. Technicians must alsokeep a copy of their proof of certification at their place of business.

Owners of appliances that contain 50 lb or more of refrigerant mustkeep servicing records documenting the date and type of service, aswell as the quantity of refrigerant added.

Wholesalers who sell CFC and HCFC refrigerants must retaininvoices that indicate the name of the purchaser, the date of sale, andthe quantity of refrigerant purchased.

Reclaimers must maintain records of the names and addresses of personssending them material for reclamation and the quantity of materialsent to them for reclamation. This information must be maintainedon a transactional basis. Within 30 days of the end of the calendaryear, reclaimers must report to EPA the total quantity of material sentto them that year for reclamation, the mass of refrigerant reclaimedthat year, and the mass of waste products generated that year.

Hazardous Waste Disposal

If refrigerants are recycled or reclaimed, they are not considered hazardousunder federal law. In addition, used oils contaminated with CFCs arenot hazardous on the condition that.

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They are not mixed with other waste. They are subjected to CFC recycling or reclamation. They are not mixed with used oils from other sources.

Used oils that contain CFCs after the CFC reclamation procedure,however, are subject to specification limits for used-oil fuels if these oilsare destined for burning.


EPA is performing random inspections, responding to tips, and pursuingpotential cases against violators. Under the Act, EPA is authorized toassess fines of up to $32,500 per day for any violation of these regula-tions. Information on selected enforcement actions is available in theenforcement section.

If you wish to report a possible violation of the Clean Air Act, pleasefile a complaint form or contact the ozone hotline at 800-296-1996.

Planning and Acting for the Future

Observing the refrigerant-recycling regulations for Section 608 is essentialin order to conserve existing stocks of refrigerants, as well as to complywith Clean Air Act requirements. However, owners of equipment thatcontains CFC refrigerants should look beyond the immediate need tomaintain existing equipment in working order. Owners are advised tobegin planning for conversion or replacement of existing equipmentwith equipment that uses alternative refrigerants.

To assist owners, suppliers, technicians, and others involved in com-fort chiller and commercial-refrigeration management, EPA has pub-lished a series of short fact sheets and expects to produce additionalmaterial. Copies of material produced by the EPA StratosphericProtection Division are available from the Stratospheric OzoneInformation Hotline (see hotline number below).

For Further Information

For further information concerning regulations related to stratosphericozone protection, please call the Stratospheric Ozone InformationHotline: 1-800-296-1996. Lists of certified equipment may be obtainedby contacting ARI at 703-524-8800 and UL at 708-272-8800 ext. 42371.

This information was provided by the EPA. Visit the Internet to getthe complete document in it’s original form. A number of Web sites arealso in this chapter and provide more additional information importantto technicians.

Figures 12-1 and 12-2, and Table 12-1 are examples of some of theinformation available on the Internet.

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482 Chapter Twelve

Figure 12-1 Environmental protection agency.

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Complying with the Section 608 Refrigerant-Recycling Rule 483

Figure 12-1 (Continued)

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484 Chapter Twelve

Figure 12-1 (Continued)

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Complying with the Section 608 Refrigerant-Recycling Rule 485

Figure 12-1 (Continued)

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486 Chapter Twelve

Figure 12-2 Replacing a lost card.

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13Programming Thermostats

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488 Chapter Thirteen

OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE DISPLAY is an optional feature that shows the outdoor temperature.

SET TEMP is displayed while setting your desired temperatures.

COOL ON INDICATOR is displayed when the cooling equipment is operating.

HEAT ON INDICATOR is displayed when the heating equipment is operating.

RESET FILTER button restarts the timer that calculates the next air filter change or cleaning.

FAN button chooses between ON or AUTO fan operation.

MODE button selects between OFF, HEAT, COOL and AUTO operation. Heat pump thermostat models also include an EMERGENCY HEAT mode.

AUXILIARY HEAT INDICATOR is displayed when a heat pump system’s auxiliary heat is on.

CLEAN FILTER INDICATOR lets you know it is time to clean or replace your system’s air filter.

UP AND DOWN buttons increase or decrease the desired temperature settings.

ROOM TEMPERATURE DISPLAY shows current room temperature.

Comfort At Your Command. This is no ordinary thermostat. Bryant listened to the needs of homeowners nationwide and delivered a product to meet those needs. The result is a thermostat that interacts with people as effectively as it does with your heating and cooling system. It’s a simple, yet powerful control that puts comfort at your command.

Making Life Easier. Take a few minutes to review the features and functions listed above. Bryant gives you control over your comfort with simple instructions, responsive push buttons and an easy-to-read backlit display. Once set, this thermostat reliably monitors indoor temperatures and responsively meets your comfort demands.

NOTE: Not all messages displayed in above illustration will appear at once in any situation.

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Programming Thermostats 489

Fan Setting

Fan Button chooses “high,” “medium,” “low,” or “auto” fan mode.

Outside Temperature

Desired Heating/Cooling Temperature

Right Button provides system status.

Heat Button selects heating operation.

Cool Button selects cooling operation.

Heat/Cool LEDs indicate heating or cooling operation.

Temp (+\-) Button

Off Button turns the system on and off.

Advanced Setup Button provides access to customizable features.

Basic Setup Button provides access to current day, time and desired humidity level.

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490 Chapter Thirteen


Gold Series

All of these thermostats have a door with Up and Down buttons on the right-hand side.

The Standard Residential stats have the following buttons from left to right:Reset Filter – Fan - Mode There are three different models in this group and the same Owners Manual covers all three.

Old Version New Version As Of 11/1/04

Totaline: P274-0100, 0200, 0300 Totaline: P274-0100-C, 0200-C, 0300-CCarrier: TSTATCCNAC01-B, NHP01-B, N2S01-B Carrier: TSTATCCNAC01-C, NHP01-C, N2S01-CBryant: TSTATBBNAC01-B, NHP01-B, N2S01-B Bryant: TSTATBBNAC01-C, NHP01-C, N2S01-C

The Programmable Residential stats have the following buttons from left to right:Top Row: Copy Previous Day – Program – ModeMiddle row: Change Day – End – FanBottom Row: Set Time/Temp – Reset Filter - HoldThere are three different models in this group and the three same Owners Manual covers all three.

Totaline: P274-1100, 1200, 1300 TSTATCCPAC01-B, PHP01-B, P2S01-B

Bryant: TSTATBBPAC01-B, PHP01-B, P2S01-B

In addition to these three, Carrier and Bryant also have two other models. The Duel Fuel model has the same appearance and buttons as the others, so you would have the customer pull the stat apart in order to read the model # on the back of the circuit board. These stats open like a door from left to right. Carrier: TSTATCCPDF01-B Bryant: TSTATBBPDF01-B


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Programming Thermostats 491

The Thermidistat also has the same appearance, but the following buttons: Top Row: Copy Previous Day – Program – ModeMiddle row: Change Day – Humidity – FanBottom Row: Set Time/Temp – Vacation – Hold/End


The Commercial stat has the same appearance as the Residential stats, but has slightly different buttons. Top Row: Copy Previous Day – Program – ModeMiddle row: Change Day – End – FanBottom Row: Set Time/Temp – Occupied <Reset Filter>Hold

Signature Series

The Standard Residential stats do not have a door and contain an Up and Down button on the right side and two buttons that read Mode and Fan under the display. There are two Carrier/Bryant models and four Totaline models. One manual is used for all models.

Totaline: P374-0000, 0100, 0200, 0300 Carrier: TSTATCCBAC01-B, TSTATCCBHP01-B Bryant: TSTATBBBAC01-B, TSTATBBBHP01-B

The Programmable Residential stats have three different styles. The first style has a door with three buttons on the outside. There are four different versions.

Version #1: Fan – Emergency Heat – Backlight – Program – Set Clock – Mode These functions refer to the following models: Totaline: P374-1000 Carrier: TSTATCCPS101 Bryant: TSTATBBPS101

Version #2: Fan – Outside – Vacation – Program – Set Clock These functions refer to the following models: Totaline: P374-1100 Carrier: TSTATCCPS701 Bryant: TSTATBBPS701

Version #3: Fan – Outside – Vacation – Program – Set Clock While these functions are the same as Version #2, check to see if the customer has a duel fuel system … i.e., A heat pump and a gas furnace. Totaline Only: P374-1500

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492 Chapter Thirteen

Version #4: “INTELLISTAT” Fan – Outside – Humidity – Program – Set Clock - ModeTotaline Only: P374-1600

The second style is a flushmount or “flatstat”. It has four buttons under the display, plus a raised roundbubble where the sensor is enclosed. There are two different versions that both have the same buttons. Mode – Fan – Up - Down

1-Day or Nonprogrammable: 7-Day Programmable:Totaline: P374-1000FM Carrier: TSTATCCPF101 Bryant: TSTATBBPF101 Bryant: TSTATBBPF701

The third style has the Up/Down buttons on the right and six buttons under the display. There are twoversions but the manual is the same for both. These are not available in Totaline branding. Top Row: Mode – FanBottom Row: Program – Time/Temp – Day – Hold/End


The Commercial stats have two different styles and several different versions. The first style has a door with three buttons on the outside. There are four different versions.

Version #1: Mode – Fan – Emerg. Heat – Backlight – Reset Filter Totaline: P374-2100 Carrier: 33CS071-01 Bryant: TSTATBB071-01

Version #2: Mode – Fan – Holiday – Program – Set Clock Totaline: P374-2200 or P374-2200LA (Light Activated) Carrier: 33CS220-01 or 33CS220-LA Bryant: TSTATBB220-01 or TSTATBB220-LA

Version #3: Mode – Fan – Holiday – Program – Set Clock While these buttons are the same as Version #2, there is a difference, please call. Totaline: P374-2300 or P374-2300LA (Light Activated) Carrier: 33CS250-01 or 33CS250-LA Bryant: TSTATBB250-01 or TSTATBB250-LA

Totaline: P374-1100FMCarrier: TSTATCCPF701

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Programming Thermostats 493

The second style is a flushmount or “flatstat.” It has four buttons under the display, plus a raised round bubble where the sensor is enclosed. There are two different versions that both have the same buttons. This is not available in the Bryant branding. Mode – Override – Up - Down

Standard: Delux:Totaline: P374-2200FM Totaline: P374-2300FMCarrier: 33CS220-FS Carrier: 33CS250-FS

Star Series

The Standard Residential stats have two different styles. The first style is a battery operated stat that has the Up/Down buttons plus slide switches on the bottom– and the side if a Heat Pump model (P474-0140).

Totaline: P474-0130 Totaline Only: P474-0140Carrier: TSTATCCNQ001 Bryant: TSTATBBNQ001

The second style has two buttons on each side of the display. There are two different versions, but they both have the same buttons. Have the consumer pull the stat off of the backplate. The part # is located on the circuit board. Left side: Mode – Fan Right side: Up - Down

Totaline: P474-0100 or P474-0220 Carrier: TSTATCCNB001 or TSTATCCN2W01


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494 Chapter Thirteen

The Programmable Residential stats have four different styles. The first style has two buttons on each side of the display. It looks exactly like the above picture, but is 1-day programmable. Have the customer pull the body of the stat off of the back plate. The part # islocated on the circuit board.

Totaline: P474-1010 Carrier: TSTATCCBP101 Bryant: TSTATBBPB101

The second style is a battery operated stat that has the Up/Down buttons plus slide switches on the bottom and the side.

Totaline: P474-1035 Carrier: TSTATCCPQ501 Bryant: TSTATBBPQ501

The third style has four buttons all located under the display. There are two different versions so the customer needs to pull the body of the stat off of the back plate. The part # is printed on the circuit board. Mode – Fan – Down - Up

Totaline: P474-1020 or P474-1050 Carrier: TSTATCCP2W01 or TSTATCCPB501


There are also two Commercial versions of this stat. One version has the same buttons as theResidential model. Again, the customer needs to pull the body of the stat off to determine the model #.The second version has one different button: Mode – Override – Down- Up

Totaline: P474-2050 and P474-2150 Carrier: 33CSN2-WC and 33CSSP2-WC Bryant: Not Available


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Programming Thermostats 495

The fourth style is the wireless stat. It consists of two parts, the transmitter and the receiver. The transmitter has four buttons located vertically under the display: Up – Down – Mode – Fan

Totaline: P474-1100RF and P474-1100REC Carrier: TSTATCCPRF01 and TSTATCCREC01 Bryant: TSTATBBPRF01 and TSTATBBREC01

The Commercial version of the wireless stat looks exactly the same, but one button changes: Up – Down – Mode – Override

Totaline: P474-2300RF and P474-2300REC Carrier: 33CS250-RC and 33CS250-RE Bryant: Not Available

Thermidistat Control™

Homeowner’s Guide


As the owner of a Bryant Thermidistat Control, you can look forward to years of reliable, energy-efficient indoor comfort. This smart, easy-to-use control center combines computer-like intelligence with simple operation in a streamlined design. It maximizes the performance of your Bryant indoor comfort system so you and your family can enjoy consistent indoor temperatures enhanced by proper humidity control. The precision perfor- mance of our Thermidistat Control keeps you comfortable while conserving energy. Just follow the simple instructions outlined in this manual and let Bryant’s Thermidistat Control deliver the simple, worry-free comfort and extra energy savings that you deserve.

Simple, Energy Efficient Control.

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496 Chapter Thirteen

OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE DISPLAYS shows the out- door temperature.

ROOM TEMPERATURE DISPLAYS shows current room temperature.

TIME OF DAY DISPLAY exhibits the time of day.

MODE button selects OFF, HEAT, COOL, and AUTO operation. EMERGENCY HEAT (EHEAT) mode is also included when the thermidistat control is installed with a heat pump.

FAN button chooses ON or AUTO fan operation.

END button completes the temperature and humidity set-up sequence.

SET HUM button allows you to change humidification set point.

SET TIME button allows you to enter the time of day.

SET DHUM button allows you to change dehumidification set point.

SET HEAT button allows you to enter your desired heating set point.

SET COOL button allows you to enter your desired cooling set point.

VACATION button changes temperature and humidity set points to lower levels for optimum energy efficiency while you’re away.

RESET FILTER FUNCTION restarts the timer that determines the next air filter change or cleaning. Activated by press- ing VACATION and END buttons simul- taneously.

UP AND DOWN buttons change the temperature and humidity set points. They are also used to access outdoor temperature and indoor humidity levels.

AUXILIARY HEAT INDICATOR is displayed when a heat pump sys- tem’s auxiliary heat is on.

CLEAN FILTER INDICATOR lets you know when it’s time to clean or replace you system’s air filter

Year-Round Comfort. Bryant’s Thermidistat Control provides enhanced year-round comfort. By providing both temperature and humidity control, this simple yet powerful device lets you take the steam out of summer, the static out of winter and helps eliminate that annoying moisture build-up on your windows when it’s cold outside. Comfort has never been quite this easy.

Making Life Easier. Bryant puts your family’s comfort at your fingertips with simple instructions, responsive push buttons an an easy-to-read backlit LCD display. Once set, the Thermidistat Control accurately monitors indoor conditions and reliably meets your needs for consistent, energy-efficient indoor comfort.

NOTE: Not all messages displayed in above illustration will appear at once in any situation.

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Programming Thermostats 497


SETTING UP THE THERMIDISTAT CONTROLSetting your indoor temperature set points ...1Setting the current time ................................2Setting the mode operation ..........................3Setting the fan operation ..............................5Setting the humidification set point ..............6Setting the dehumidification set point ..........9Setting the “cool to dehumidify” function ..10

OPERATING THE THERMIDISTAT CONTROLChecking current temperature ....................12Checking the outdoor temperature

and indoor humidity ...............................12Checking current humidification

and dehumidification set points ..............13Clean filter feature .....................................14

Vacation feature setup ................................15Vacation feature operation .........................19

AUTO CHANGEOVER .................................20WHAT IF…

The auxiliary heat indicator is displayed .....21The clean filter indicator is displayed .........21You have a power outage ...........................22You have a system error message ...............22

Warranty.......................................................24Common Terms and Where to Find Them ...25



Setting your temperature set pointsSetting the desired heating set point

1 Press the SET HEAT button.

The word HEAT flashes on the display.

2 Press the UP or DOWNbutton until the correct heating set point is displayed.

3 Press the END button to exit.

Setting the desired cooling set point

1 Press the SET COOL button.

The word COOL flashes on the display.



2 Press the UP or DOWNbutton until the correct

cooling set point is displayed.

3 Press the END button to exit.

NOTE: Your COOL setting must be at least2° higher than your HEAT setting. YourThermidistat Control will automaticallychange your previously set temperature tomaintain that 2° difference.

Setting the current time

1 Press the SET TIME button.

The word TIME flashes on the display.

2 Press the UP or DOWNbutton until the correct

time is displayed. To quickly advance to


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498 Chapter Thirteen


the proper time, press and hold the UPor DOWN button. Be sure that AM orPM is properly selected.

3 When the correct timeappears on the display, press the END button.

NOTE: If you choose not to press the ENDbutton, the word TIME will stop flashingafter 15 seconds.

NOTE: If you live in a Daylight SavingsTime area, you may advance the time 1hour in the spring by simultaneously pressing the SET TIME button and the UPbutton. In the fall, you may set the timeback 1 hour by simultaneously pressing theSET TIME button and the DOWN button.

Setting the mode operation

1 Press the MODE button.



2 When the MODE button is pressed,the words




and AUTO will rotate on the display.If you have a heat pump, the displaywill show OFF, HEAT, COOL, AUTO, and EHEAT.



NOTE: In AUTO mode, your system willheat OR cool as needed to reach your temperature settings. AUTO mode may bedisabled.

3 Continue to press theMODE button until you reach thedesired setting.

Setting the fan operation

1 Press the FAN button toswitch between ON and AUTO fan settings.

When the ON mode is selected, the fan runs continuously for improved air circulation.


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NOTE: If the indoor humidity level is abovethe dehumidify setting, the fan will shut offfor 5 minutes after the air conditioner shutsoff. During this period, a triangle next tothe word ON will flash.

When the AUTO mode is selected, thefan runs only as needed to maintainyour preferred indoor temperature settings.

Setting the humidification set point

1 Press the SET HUM buttonto enter the humidify mode.

The current indoor humidity (largenumber) and humidify set point (smallnumber) are displayed along with thehumidify indicator (hu).



2 With the humidify indicator(hu) displayed, press the

UP or DOWN button to adjust thehumidify set point. Humidity levels canbe set from 10% to 45%.

Or, to turn humidification off, press theMODE button until “OF” appears on thedisplay. (See suggested settings on page 27.)

3 Press the MODE button toselect between:a. FAN indicator displayed — fan and humidifier on every time humidification is needed.

NOTE: With the FAN indicator displayed,you will realize maximum humidification,but the air may feel cold because of the heat.



source is not always on. Without the FANindicator displayed, you will conservewater and electricity with adequate humidification.b. AUTO indicator displayed — humidify setting automatically changesaccording to outdoor weather. Thisreduces the chance of moisture buildupon windows in colder weather.

NOTE: This feature requires the use of anoutdoor air temperature sensor.

c. AUTO and FAN displayed — com-bines the features of a and b.

d. OF displayed — humidify function is turned off.


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500 Chapter Thirteen


e. Humidify setting only displayed —humidify setting does not change according to outdoor temperature.

4 Press the END button toexit the humidify mode.

Setting the dehumidification set pointNOTE: This function is for use with variable-speed equipment only.

1 Press the SET DHUM button to enter the dehumidify mode.

The current indoor humidity (large number)and dehumidify set point (small number) are displayed along with the dehumidify indicator (dhu).



2 With the dehumidify indicator (dhu) displayed,

press the UP or DOWN button to adjustthe dehumidify set point. Dehumidify levels can be set from 50% to 90%. Or, toturn dehumidification off, press the MODEbutton until “OF” appears on the display.

(See suggested settings on page 26.)

3 Press the END button to exit.

Setting the “cool to dehumidify”functionThis setting allows a standard comfortsystem to provide moderate dehumidi-fication by running the air conditioner.The function can also be used withvariable-speed equipment.

NOTE: While in the “cool to dehumidify”mode, the indoor air temperature will notdrop more than 3° below the cooling setpoint with a dehumidification demand.



1 Press the SET DHUM button. “dhu” is displayed.

2 Press the UP or DOWN button to raise or lower the

dehumidify set point.Dehumidification can be set from 50%to 90%.

3 Press the MODE buttonuntil the COOL icon is displayed.

4 Press the END button to exit.


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Programming Thermostats 501


Checking current temperatureThe Thermidistat Control will displaythe current temperature.

To view your current temperature set points, press the UP or DOWN

button once. The heating and coolingset points will be displayed.

Checking the outdoor temperatureand indoor humidity

1 Press the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously.

2 The outdoor temperature will appear on the display. Then, the indoor humidity will be displayed.



NOTE: If two dashes (--) appear, yourThermidistat Control does not include the outdoor air temperature sensor or thesensor is not working properly. Check with your dealer if you are unsure.

Checking current humidificationand dehumidification set points

1 Press the SET HUM button.

The current indoor humidity (large num-ber) is displayed along with the humidifyset point (small number).

2 Press the END button.



3 Press the SET DHUM button.The current indoor humidity (large num-ber) is displayed along with the dehumidify set point (small number).

4 Press the END button.

Clean filter featureYour Thermidistat Control reminds youwhen it’s time to change or clean your filterby displaying the CLEAN FILTER indicator.

1 Press the VACATION and END buttons simultaneouslyafter you have changed or

cleaned your filter to restart the timer.


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502 Chapter Thirteen


Vacation feature setupThe vacation feature allows a separateset of temperature and humidity setpoints to be stored for vacation andrecalled with a single button press.

The vacation feature is preprogrammedfor you with vacation settings for temperature and humidity. (Heat 60°,cool 85°, hu 10%, dhu 75%) If theseare okay, skip ahead to “vacation feature operation.” If you wish to enternew settings, continue with this section.

1 Press the VACATION button to display the vacation temperature settings.

The OUT indicator is displayed.



2 To change the cooling set point:

a. Press the SET COOLbutton. COOL will flash on the display.

b. Press the UP or DOWNbutton to adjust the setting.

c. Press the END buttonto end.

3 To change the heating set point:

a. Press the SET HEAT but-ton. HEAT will flash on the display.

b. Press the UP or DOWN button to adjust the setting.

c. Press the END button to end.



4 To change the dehumidification set point:

a. Press the SET DHUMbutton. The “dhu” indicator will be displayed.

b. Press the UP or DOWNbutton to adjust the setting.

c. Press the MODE button to choose the

dehumidification mode.

d. Press the END buttonto end.


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5 To change the humidification setpoint:

a. Press the SET HUM button. The “hu” indicator will be displayed.

b. Press the UP or DOWNbutton to adjust the setting.

c. Press the MODE button to turn the

humidification feature off (OF).

d. Press the END buttonto end.

NOTE: In dehumidify, you may enter a setpoint, choose “COOL” to dehumidify, orturn dehumidification off (OF). In humidify,you may enter a setting or turn humidification off (OF).



Vacation feature operation

1 Press the VACATION button when you are ready to leave. Be sure you have properly selected themode (HEAT, COOL, AUTO).

The OUT indicator is displayed, andyour system will automatically followyour vacation temperature and humidity settings.

2 Press the VACATION button when you return to resume normal operation.



Your Thermidistat Control provides complete, automatic control over heatingand cooling with auto changeover. Autochangeover means your system willautomatically heat or cool as needed tomaintain your temperature set points.

Auto changeover makes life easierbecause you no longer have to manuallyswitch the thermostat between heatingor cooling operation. Just set your heatingand cooling set points and let theThermidistat Control do the rest!

NOTE: If Auto Changeover mode is notnecessary in your area of the country, yourinstaller may disable the AUTO mode.


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504 Chapter Thirteen


AUXILIARY HEAT indicator is displayed…The AUXILIARY HEAT indicator appears onthe heat pump version of the ThermidistatControl only. It is displayed when your system is operating on auxiliary heat.

NOTE: This indicator does not reflect a prob-lem with your system.

CLEAN FILTER indicator is displayed …The CLEAN FILTER indicator tells youwhen to clean or replace your system’s airfilter. Press the VACATION and END buttons simultaneously after cleaning orreplacing the filter to turn off the indicatorand restart the timer.NOTE: This indicator does not reflect a problem with your system.



OUT Indicator is displayed …The OUT indicator reminds you that yoursystem is in vacation mode. This functionautomatically adjusts the temperatureand humidity settings to levels appropriate for when you’re away. Press the VACATION button to resumenormal system operation.

NOTE: This indicator does not reflect aproblem with your system.

EQUIPMENT ON Indicator is displayed …When the cooling equipment is operating,the word COOL preceded by a small triangle is displayed below the cooling setpoint. When the heating equipment isoperating, the word HEAT preceded by asmall triangle is displayed below the heating set point. If the equipment turn onis being delayed, the triangle and the wordwill flash.

NOTE: This indicator does not reflect aproblem with your system.



You have a power outage …An internal power source eliminatesthe need to re enter your settings intothe Thermidistat Control after poweroutages. The comfort settings you haveentered will be maintained indefinitely.The clock will run for 8 hours.

You have a system error message …The display may appear as follows:

--, E3, E4, E5, or E6

-- indicates a problem with the indoorair-temperature sensor

E3 indicates a problem with the outdoor air-temperature sensor

E4, E5, or E6 indicates an internal failure.


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Programming Thermostats 505


This Thermidistat Control includes a 1-year limited warranty. For detailedwarranty information, please refer tothe All Product Limited Warranty Cardincluded in your information packet.This Thermidistat Control is also eligible for manufacturer’s extendedsystem warranties. Ask your dealer for details on extended warranties forlonger-term protection.



Auxiliary Heat ......................Pg. 21Most heat pump systems require a supplemental heating source, calledauxiliary heat, to maintain your comfort when outdoor temperatures fall significantly. Your ThermidistatControl lets you know when your homeis being warmed with supplemental heat.

Clean Filter ..........................Pg. 14Your system’s air filter will require regular cleaning to reduce the dirt anddust in the system and your indoor air.The CLEAN FILTER indicator lets youknow when it’s time to clean the filter.



Dehumidification Set Point ....Pg. 9The amount of moisture to be removedfrom your home. You can check youractual humidity level and your desireddehumidification set point by pressingthe SET DHUM button.

Suggested settings: 50% – 60% suggested depending on installation,area of the country, and your heating andcooling equipment.

Emergency Heat .....................Pg. 4This indicates that auxiliary heat isbeing used without the heat pump.

End .........................................Pg. 1The END button returns theThermidistat Control to normal operation.


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506 Chapter Thirteen


Set Time .....................................Pg. 2This function allows you to set theproper time. Press the SET TIME buttonto activate.

Temperature Sensor .............Pg. 12Temperature sensors measure the cur-rent indoor or outdoor temperatureswhich are displayed on the ThermidistatControl.

Temperature Set Points ...........Pg. 1These are the desired heating and cooling set points entered into theThermidistat Control. The actual roomtemperature will automatically be displayed, but you can check thedesired temperature for the currentmode by pressing either the UP orDOWN button.



Fan .........................................Pg. 5Your system’s fan can run continuouslyor only as called for during heating orcooling. Continuous operation helpswith air circulation and cleaning.Automatic operation provides energysavings. Press the FAN button to makeyour choice.

Humidification Set Point ........Pg. 6The amount of moisture desired in your home to be supplied by thehumidifier. You can check the actualhumidity level and your desired humidification set point by pressing the SET HUM button.Suggested settings:



Mode .................................Pgs. 3-5Mode refers to the type of operationyour system is set up to perform. Modesettings include: OFF, HEAT, COOL,and AUTO. Heat pump systems alsoinclude EMERGENCY HEAT (EHEAT).

Outdoor Temperature ...........Pg. 12Your Thermidistat Control not onlymeasures the indoor temperature, but itmay also be equipped to measure anddisplay the outdoor temperature aswell. Press the UP and DOWN buttonssimultaneously to read the outdoortemperature display.



Power Outage ........................Pg. 22Complete loss of electricity. YourThermidistat Control has an internalpower source that allows the clock tocontinue to run for 8 hours or morewithout electricity. Settings are storedindefinitely without the aid of batteries.

Reset Filter ..............................Pg. 14The reset filter function turns off theCLEAN FILTER indicator and restartsthe timer. Press the VACATION andEND buttons simultaneously afteryou’ve cleaned and replaced the sys-tem’s air filter.


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Programming Thermostats 507

Copyright 1997 Bryant Heating and Cooling SystemsForm: OM17-25 Replaces: OM17-22 Printed in the U.S.A. 9-98 Catalog No. 13TS-TA11

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time,specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.

7310 West Morris Street, Indianapolis, IN 46231


Time .......................................Pg. 2The current time is displayed continuously on the display.

Up and Down Buttons ...........Pg. 1These buttons are used to set the clockand enter temperature and humidityinformation.


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14Control Devices

There are a number of devices needed to control the refrigeration process.Electricity and electronics are the prevalent type of control devices usedin this field. Some of the devices, earlier models, usually, were controlledby hydraulics, pneumatics, or mechanicals.

Many types of controls are available for use on air-conditioning, refrig-eration, and heating equipment. They come in many sizes and shapesand do the job well for a period of time, but they all require periodicinspections, repairs, and replacement.

Power Relays

One of the control devices is the power relay. It is one of the most often usedcontrols for controlling compressors in refrigeration and air-conditioning.The power relay is also referred to as the main conductor. It is used to applythe main line voltage to the motor circuit. The coil of the relay is usuallyoperated by voltages lower than the line provides. This means that it usesa transformer for the lower control-voltages (see Fig. 14-1).

Magnetic contactors are normally used for starting polyphase motors,either squirrel cage or single phase. Contactors may be connected at anyconvenient point in the main circuit between the fuses and the motor.Small control wires (using low voltage) may be run between the contactorand the point of control.

Motor-start relays

Relays are a necessary part of many control and pilot-light circuits.They are similar in design to contactors, but are generally lighter inconstruction so they carry smaller currents.

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510 Chapter Fourteen

Compressors used for household refrigerators, freezers, dehumidi-fiers, vending machines, and water coolers have the capacitor-start,induction-run type of motor. This type of compressor may have a circuitthat resembles Fig. 14-2. When the compressor is turned on by the ther-mostat demanding action, the relay is closed and the start winding isin the circuit. Once the motor comes up to about 75 percent of ratedspeed, there is enough current flow through the relay coil to cause it toenergize, and it pulls the contacts of the relay open, thereby taking thestart capacitor and start winding out of the circuit. This allows themotor to run with one winding as designed.

Figure 14-3 shows the current type of relay. This is generally used withsmall refrigeration compressors up to 3/4 hp. Figure 14-4 shows thepotential type of relay. This is generally used with large commercial air-conditioning compressors up to 5 hp.

Protection of the motor against prolonged overload is accomplished bytime limit overload relays. They are operative during the starting period

Figure 14-1 Symbols for the main contactor or power relay.

Figure 14-2 Capacitor-start, induction-run motor for a compressor withthe potential relay used to take out the start winding once the motorcomes up to speed.

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and running period. Relay action is delayed long enough to take care ofthe heavy starting currents and momentary overloads without tripping.

Relays with more than one contact

Some power relays are made with more than one set of contacts. Theyare used to cause a sequence of events to take place. The contacts canbe wired into a circuit that controls functions other than the on-off oper-ation of the compressor motor (see Fig. 14-5).

Thermal overload protectors

Motors for commercial units are protected by a bimetallic switch. Theswitch is operated on the heat principle. This is a built-in motor overload

Control Devices 511

Figure 14-3 Current relay. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 14-4 Potential relay. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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protector (see Fig. 14-6). It limits the motor-winding temperature to asafe value. In its simplest form, the switch or motor protector consistsessentially of a bimetal switch mechanism that is permanently mountedand connected in series with the motor circuit (see Fig. 14-7). Figure 14-8shows the external line-break overload

Time-delay relays

In time-delay relays, bimetallic strips are heated with an electricalresistance mounted near or around them. The strips expand whenheated. When they expand, they make contact and complete the circuitwith their contacts closed (see Fig. 14-9). The time delay can be adjusted

512 Chapter Fourteen

Figure 14-5 Relay with more thanone set of contacts.

Figure 14-6 Motor protector inserted in the windings of the compres-sor. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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by the resistance of the heater unit. This type of unit is different fromthat shown as a protector in Fig. 14-7. The heating element in Fig. 14-7causes the circuit to open and protect the motor. The time-delay relayis used to make sure that certain things take place within the refriger-ation cycle before another is commenced.

Control Devices 513

Figure 14-7 Domestic refrigerator circuit showing the start contacts andrelay coil, as well as the overload protector.

Figure 14-8 Externally located line-break overload. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 14-9 Time-delay relay.

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Solenoid valves are used in many heating and cooling applications. Theyare electrically operated. A solenoid valve, when connected as in Fig 14-10, remains open when current is supplied to it. It closes whenthe current is turned off. In general, solenoid valves are used to controlthe liquid-refrigerant flow into the expansion valve or the refrigerantgas flow from the evaporator when it or the fixture it is controllingreaches the desired temperature. The most common application of thesolenoid valve is in the liquid line, and it operates with a thermostat (seeFig. 14-11).

The solenoid shown in Fig. 14-12 controls the flow of natural gas in ahot-air furnace. Note how the coil is wound around the plunger. The plungeris the core of the solenoid. It has a tendency to be sucked into the coilwhenever the coil is energized by current flowing through it. The electro-magnetic effect causes the plunger to be attracted upward into the coilarea. When the plunger is moved upward by the pull of the electromagnet,

514 Chapter Fourteen

Figure 14-10 Solenoid valves connected in the suction and liquidevaporator lines of a refrigeration system.

Figure 14-11 Solenoid valves. Note color-coded wires. (Courtesy of General Controls.)

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Figure 14-12 Solenoid used for controlling natural gas flow to a furnace. (Courtesy ofHoneywell.)

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the soft disc (No. 10) is pulled upward, allowing gas to flow through thevalve. This basic technique is used to control water, gasoline, oil, or any otherliquid or gas.


Temperature control by using thermostats is common to both heatingand cooling equipment. Thermostats are used to control heating cir-cuits that cause furnaces and boilers to operate and provide heat.Thermostats are also used to control cooling equipment and refriger-ation units. Each of these purposes may have its own speciallydesigned thermostat or may use the same one. For instance, in thehome you use the same thermostat to control the furnace and the air-conditioning unit.

Bellows-type thermostat

On modern condensing units, low-pressure control switches are largelysuperseded by thermostatic-control switches. A thermostatic controlconsists of three main parts: a bulb, a capillary tube, and a power elementor switch. The bulb is attached to the evaporator in a manner thatensures contact with the evaporator. It may contain a volatile liquid,such as a refrigerant. The bulb is connected to the power element bymeans of a small capillary tube (see Fig. 14-13).

516 Chapter Fourteen

Figure 14-13 Bellows-type switch.

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Operation of the bellows is provided by a change in temperature. Or theoperation of the thermostatic-control switch is such that, as the evapora-tor temperature increases, the bulb temperature also increases. This raisesthe pressure of the thermostatic-liquid vapor. This, in turn, causes thebellows to expand and actuate an electrical contact. The contact closes themotor circuit, and the motor and compressor start operating. As the evap-orator temperature decreases, the bulb becomes colder and the pressuredecreases to the point where the bellows contracts sufficiently to open theelectrical contacts, thus turning off the motor circuits. In this manner, thecondensing unit is entirely automatic. Thus, it is able to produce exactlythe amount of refrigeration needed to meet any normal operating condition.

Bimetallic-type thermostat

Temperature changes can cause a bimetallic strip to expand or contractin step with changes in temperature. These thermostats are designedfor the control of heating and cooling in air-conditioning units, refrig-eration storage rooms, greenhouses, fan coils, blast coils, and similarunits. This is the type used in most homes for control of the central air-conditioning and central-heating system.

Figure 14-14 shows how the bimetallic strip thermostat works. Twometals, each having a different coefficient of expansion, are welded togetherto form a bimetallic unit or blade. With the blade securely anchored at oneend, a circuit is formed and the contact points are closed. This allows thepassage of an electric current through the closed points. Because an elec-tric current provides heat in its passage through the bimetallic blade, themetals in the blade begin to expand. However, they expand at a differentrate. The metals in the blade are so arranged that the one with a greatercoefficient of expansion is placed at the bottom of the unit. After a certaintime, the operating temperature is reached and the contact points becomeseparated. This disconnects the device from its power source.

Figure 14-14 Bimetallic strip used in a thermostat.

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After a short period, the contact blade will again become sufficientlycooled to cause the contact point to join, thus reestablishing the circuitand permitting the current again to actuate the circuit. The cycle is repeatedover and over again. In this way, the bimetallic thermostat prevents thetemperature from rising too high or dropping too low.

Heating and cooling thermostats

Some thermostats can be used for both heating and cooling. The ther-mostat shown in Fig. 14-15 is such a device. The basic thermostat elementhas a permanently sealed, magnetic single pole double throw (SPDT)switch. The thermostat element plugs into the subbase and contains theheat anticipation, the magnetic switching, and a room temperaturethermometer. The subbase unit contains fixed cool anticipation and cir-cuitry. This thermostat is used with 24 V AC. In this case, the thermo-static element (bimetal) does not make direct contact with the electricalcircuit. Instead, the expansion of the bimetal causes the magnet tomove. This, in turn, causes the switch to close or open. Figure 14-16shows that the bimetal is not in the electrical circuit.

Mercury contacts. Some thermostats use the expanding bimetal arrange-ment to cause a tube of mercury to move. As the mercury moves in the tube,it comes in contact with two wires inserted into the glass tube. When themercury comes in contact with the two wires, it completes the electricalcircuit. This type of thermostat needs to be so arranged that the tube ofmercury is pivoted and can be moved by the expanding or contractingbimetal strip, which exerts or releases pressure on the tube of mercury.

518 Chapter Fourteen

Figure 14-15 Modern thermostat for heating and cooling of a house. (Courtesy ofGeneral Controls.)

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Thermostats used in home air-conditioning and heating systems arenow, equipped with mercury contacts (see Fig. 14-17). They are madeso that the mercury contacts two wires that control the air-conditioningin one position and two wires that control the heating system in the otherposition (see Fig. 14-18).

The advantage of the mercury bulb type of switch is the elimination ofswitch contact points. Contact points are in need of constant attention.In most cases the dust from the air will eventually cause them to func-tion improperly. It is necessary to clean the points by running a piece ofclean paper through them to remove the dust particles and arcing residue.Since the mercury type is sealed and the arcing created on make andbreak of the circuit simply causes the mercury to vaporize slightly andthen return to a liquid state, it provides a trouble-free switching operation.

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Figure 14-16 Wiring diagram for a thermostat.

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Microprocessor thermostats

Semiconductor technology has produced another means of more accuratelycontrolling air-conditioning and heating systems to provide better regulatedtemperatures in the home, office, and business. The microprocessor makesuse of the semiconductor chip or integrated circuit discussed earlier inChap. 19. All the external connections are the same as for any other typeof thermostat. Only the internal circuitry has changed to provide a betterregulated temperature and a variety of operations that allow you to set itfor any energy-saving program desired (see Fig. 14-19). Unless a batteryis included, it does not retain the program in most instances, and the clock,if there is one on the unit, has to be reset each time the power goes off.

520 Chapter Fourteen

Figure 14-17 Thermostat for air-conditioning and heating.

Figure 14-18 Mercury-switch operation.

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Thermostat adjustments

In Fig. 14-16, a cold-anticipation and a heat-anticipation adjustment areplaced in the thermostat circuit. The heat-anticipation control is placedin series with the switch. The cold-anticipation resistor is placed inshunt or parallel with the switch. Thus, when the switch is closed theshunt is shorted out.

Heat anticipator. The reason for the heat anticipator is to limit the degreeof swing between turning on the furnace and the temperature of theroom. It is a resistance heater element that is inserted in series with thethermostat line that runs to the heat-contactor coil. Once the thermo-stat contacts are closed current flows through the resistor. This causesit to heat up. The heat generated by the resistor causes the thermostatto open slightly before the desired room temperature is reached by theheating system. This allows the heat in the plenum of the furnace to con-tinue to heat the room. Thus, the resistor aids the thermostat in antic-ipating the amount of heat that will be provided to the room by usingthe heat already produced in the plenum.

Cold anticipator. The cold anticipator is a fixed resistor and is notadjustable. It heats the bimetallic coil that operates the points when-ever the air-conditioner compressor is not on. When the compressor ison, the resistor is shorted out by the thermostat points being closed. Theheating of the coil while the points are open causes it to close a littleearlier than if it waited for the room to heat up sufficiently to cause itto turn on. This way the heat produced by the anticipator resistor causesthe compressor to turn on a little before the thermostat would have

Control Devices 521

Figure 14-19 Microprocessor used for air-conditioning and furnacecontrol in a home.

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normally told it to do so. By turning it on before the room has reachedthe selected temperature, the anticipator causes the temperature swingin the room to be reduced and makes it more comfortable.

Limit Switches

Many types of switches are used to limit the amount of heat producedin a furnace. The upper limit has to be controlled so that the furnace doesnot cause fires by overheating. Limit switches take various formsdepending on the manufacturer. However, Fig. 14-20 shows a typicalswitch and how it works. This is a combination of fan and limit controllerthat combines the functions of a fan controller and a limit controller ina single unit. One sensing element is used for both controls.

Combination controllers are wired in much the same way as individualcontrols. These combined controls can be used on line voltage, low volt-age, or self-energizing milli-volt systems.

Figure 14-21 shows the fluid-filled type of capillary tube used in alimit switch. The one shown in Fig. 14-20 is the bimetal type that twistsas it heats up, causing the control unit to move. These limit switchesare placed in the plenum of the furnace to control when the fan goeson and off; when the plenum has reached the desired temperature, itturns off the solenoid and shuts off the flow of natural gas to the burner.Limit switches of a slightly different configuration are also used for elec-trical strip heaters. They may also be of the low-voltage (24-V) or line-voltage type.

522 Chapter Fourteen

Figure 14-20 Combination fan and limit controller.

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Pressure Control Switches

One safety feature for air-conditioning units with a compressor andcondenser is a pressure-controlled switch. This switch is wired into thecircuit to protect the system in case the system develops a leak. If a leakdevelops, it is possible to draw in moisture and air and damage thewhole system. If the pressure builds too high, it can cause a rupture ofany of the joints or weaker points in the system.

A low-voltage (24-V) relay is wired into the 240-V line that suppliesthe compressor motor. The relay contacts are wired into the supply linefor the motor (see Fig. 14-22). The solenoid of the relay is wired in serieswith two pressure-operated switches. If the pressure builds too high, the

Control Devices 523

Figure 14-21 Combination fan and limit controller.

Figure 14-22 Pressure-operated switches control the compressor.

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high switch will open and cause the solenoid to de-energize. If this hap-pens, it causes the contacts of the relay to open. This removes power fromthe compressor motor. If the low-pressure switch opens, it will do thesame thing. This way the compressor is protected from both high- andlow-pressure causing damage to the system.

Both manual and automatic controls are available. Automatic controlsreset when the pressure is stabilized in the system. If it is not stabilized,it will again turn the system off and keep recycling, until it reaches thedesign pressure.

Water Tower Controls

Temperature controls for refrigerating service are designed to main-tain adequate head pressure with evaporative condensers and coolingtowers. Low refrigerant head pressure, caused by abnormally low coolingwater temperature, reduces the capacity of the refrigeration system.

Two systems of control for mechanical and atmospheric draft towers andevaporative condensers are shown in Figs. 14-23 and 14-24. The controlopens the contacts when the temperature drops. These contacts arewired in series with the fan motor. Or they can be wired to the pilot ofa fan-motor controller. Opening the contacts stops the fan when thecooling water temperature falls to a predetermined minimum value.This value corresponds to the minimum head pressure for proper oper-ation. In the control system shown in Fig. 14-24, the contacts close ona temperature drop and are wired in series with a normally closed

524 Chapter Fourteen

Figure 14-23 Cooling tower with forced-air draft.

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Figure 14-24 Cooling tower with atmospheric draft cooling.

motorized valve or a solenoid valve. The contacts open the valve whenlow cooling temperature occurs. The cooling water then flows througha low header in the atmospheric tower. This reduces its cooling effectand the head pressure increases.

Float switches are used to control the level of water in the coolingtower. Automatic float switches provide automatic control for motorsoperating tank or sump pumps. They are built in several styles and canbe supplied with several types of accessories that provide rod or chainoperation and either wall or floor mounting. A sensor system may alsobe used. There are hundreds of sensor types. They usually sense the levelof water by using two probes. When the water contacts the probes, itcauses a small electrical current (at low voltages) to flow and energizea solenoid or relay that in turn causes the water to be turned off. Whenthe level of water is below the two probes and a complete circuit is notavailable, the normally closed relay contacts are closed by de-energizingthe relay. This causes the water solenoid to be energized. This allowsmakeup water to flow into the cooling tower until it reaches the pointwhere the probes are immersed in water and the cycle is repeated.

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15Insulating Pipes and Tubing


Insulation is needed to prevent the penetration of heat through a wallor air hole into a cooled space. There are several insulation materials,such as wood, plastic, concrete, and brick. Each has its application.However, more effective materials are constantly being developed andmade available. Such types of insulation include

Sheet Tubing Pipe

Piping insulation can be broken down into cork, rock cork, wool feltwith waterproof jacket, and hair felt with waterproof jacket.

Sheet insulation

Vascocel is an expanded, closed cell, sponge rubber that is made in acontinuous sheet form 36 in. wide. It comes in a wide range of thick-ness (3/8, 1/2, and 3/4 in.). This material is designed primarily for insu-lating oversize pipes, large tanks and vessels, and other similarmedium- and low-temperature areas. Because of its availability on con-tinuous rolls, this material lends itself ideally to application on largeair ducts and irregular shapes.

This material is similar to its companion product, Vascocel tubing. Itmay be cut and worked with ordinary hand tools such as scissors or aknife. The sheet stock is easily applied to clean, dry surfaces with anadhesive (see Fig. 15-1). The k factor (heat transfer coefficient) of this

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528 Chapter Fifteen

material is 0.23. It has some advantages over other materials. It isresistant to water penetration, water absorption, and physical abrasion.

Tubing insulation

Insulation tape is a special synthetic rubber and cork compounddesigned to prevent condensation on pipes and tubing. It is usually softand pliable. Thus, it can be molded to fit around fittings and connections.There are many uses for this type of insulation. It can be used on hotor cold pipes or tubing. It is used in residential buildings, air-conditioningunits, and commercial installations. It comes in 2-in-wide rolls that are

Figure 15-1 Installing sheet insulation. (a) Prepare the surfaces for application ofthe sheet insulation by wiping with a soft, dry cloth to remove any dust or foreignmatter. Use a solvent to remove grease or oil. (b) Apply the adhesive in a thin, evencoat to the surface to be insulated. (c) Position the sheet of insulation over thesurface and then simply smooth it in place. The adhesive is a contact type. Thesheet must be correctly positioned before it contacts the surface. (d) Check foradhesion of ends and edges. The surface can be painted.

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Insulating Pipes and Tubing 529

30 ft long. The tape is thick, if stored or used in temperatures under90°F (32.2°C), the lifetime is indefinite.

Foam insulation tape is made specifically for wrapping cold pipes toprevent pipe sweat (see Fig. 15-2). It can be used to hold down heat losson hot pipes below 180°F (82.2°C). It can be cut in pieces and easilymolded around fittings and valves. It adheres to itself and clean metalsurfaces. It is wrapped over pipes with about 1/4-in. overlap on each suc-cessive lap. Remember one precaution: never wrap two or more paral-lel runs of tubing or pipe together, leaving air voids under the tape. Fillthe voids between the pipes with Permagum before wrapping. This willprevent moisture from collecting in the air spaces. This foam insulationtape has a unicellular composition. The k factor is 0.26 at 75°F (23.9°C).

Permagum is a nonhardening, water-resistant sealing compound. Itis formulated to be nonstaining, nonbleeding, and to have excellentadhesion to most clean surfaces. It comes in containers in either slugsor cords (see Fig. 15-3).

This sealer is used to seal metal-to-metal joints in air conditioners,freezers, and coolers. It can seal metal-to-wood joints and set plastic andglass windows in wood or metal frames. It can be used to seal electri-cal or wire entries in air-conditioning installations or in freezers. It canbe worked into various spaces. It comes with a paper backing so that itwill not stick to itself.

Extrusions are simple to apply. Unroll the desired length and smoothit into place. It is soft and pliable. The bulk slug material can be formedand applied by hand or with tools such as a putty knife.

Figure 15-2 Foam insulation tape.(Courtesy of Virginia Chemical.)

Figure 15-3 Slugs of insulation materialand cords are workable into locationswhere sheet material cannot fit.(Courtesy of Virginia Chemicals.)

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530 Chapter Fifteen

Sealing compounds are sometimes needed to seal a joint or an entrylocation. These compounds can be purchased in small units in white,nonstaining compositions.

Pipe insulation

Pipe fittings are insulated for a number of reasons. Methods of insulatingthree different fittings are shown in Fig. 15-4. In most cases it is advis-able to clean all joints and waterproof them with cement. A mixture ofhot crude paraffin and granulated cork can be used to fill the cracksaround the fittings.

Figure 15-5 shows a piece of rock cork insulation. It is molded from amixture of rock wool and waterproof binder. Rock wool is made fromlimestone that has been melted at about 3000°F (1649°C). It is then

Figure 15-4 Pipe fittings covered with cork-type insulation. On one of the valves the topsection can be removed if the packing needs replacing.

Figure 15-5 Pipe insulation.

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blown into fibers by high-pressure steam. Asphaltum is the binder usedto hold it into a moldable form. This insulation has approximately thesame insulation qualities as cork. It can be made waterproof whencoated with asphalt. Some more modern materials have been developedto give the same or better insulation qualities. The Vascocel tubing canbe used in the insulation of pipes. Pipe wraps are available to give goodinsulation and prevent dripping, heat loss, or heat gain.

Figure 15-6 shows a fitting insulated with preshrunk wool felt. Thisis a built-up thickness of pipe covering made of two layers of hair felt.The inside portion is covered with plastic cement before the insulationmaterial is applied. After the application, waterproof tape and plasticcement should be added for protection against moisture infiltration.This type of insulation is used primarily on pipes located inside abuilding. If the pipe is located outside, another type of insulationshould be used.

Refrigeration Piping

The use of various materials for insulation purposes in the refrigerationfield over the years has resulted in some equipment still operationaltoday. It is this equipment that service people are most often called torepair or maintain. It is therefore necessary for the present day repair-person to be acquainted with the older types of insulations that may beencountered during the workday.

Figure 15-6 Insulated pipe fittings.

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532 Chapter Fifteen

The success of any refrigeration plant depends largely on the properdesign of the refrigeration piping and a thorough understanding of thenecessary accessories and their functions in the system. In sizing refrig-erant lines, it is necessary to consider the optimum sizes with respectto economics, friction losses, and oil return. It is desirable to have linesizes as small as possible from the cost standpoint. On the other hand,suction- and discharge-line pressure drops cause a loss of compressorcapacity, and excessive liquid-line pressure drops may cause flashing ofthe liquid refrigerant with consequent faulty expansion-valve operation.

Refrigerant piping systems, to operate successfully, should satisfythe following:

Proper refrigerant feed to the evaporators should be ensured. Refrigerant lines should be of sufficient size to prevent an excessive

pressure drop. An excessive amount of lubricating oil should be prevented from being

trapped in any part of the system. Liquid refrigerant should be prevented from entering the compressor

at all times.

Pressure-Drop Considerations

Pressure drop in liquid lines is not as critical as it is in the suction anddischarge lines. The important thing to remember is that the pressuredrop should not be so great as to cause gas formation in the liquid lineand/or insufficient liquid pressure at the liquid-feed device. A systemshould normally be designed so that the pressure drop due to friction inthe liquid line is not greater than that corresponding to 1 to 2°F (0.5555to 1.111°C) change in saturation temperature. Friction pressure drops inthe liquid line include the drop in accessories, such as the solenoid valve,strainer-drier, and hand valves, as well as in the actual pipe and fittingsfrom the receiver outlet to the refrigerant-feed device at the evaporator.

Friction pressure drop in the suction line means a loss in systemcapacity because it forces the compressor to operate at a lower suctionpressure to maintain the desired evaporating temperature in the coil.It is usually standard practice to size the suction line to have a pressuredrop due to friction not any greater than the equivalent of a 1 to 2°F(0.5555 to 1.111°C) change in saturation temperature.

Liquid Refrigerant Lines

The liquid lines do not generally present any design problems.Refrigeration oil is sufficiently miscible with commonly used refrigerants

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Insulating Pipes and Tubing 533

in the liquid form to ensure adequate mixture and positive oil return. Thefollowing factors should be considered when designating liquid lines:

The liquid lines, including the interconnected valves and accessories,must be of sufficient size to prevent excessive pressure drops.

When interconnecting condensing units with condenser receivers orevaporative condensers, the liquid lines from each unit should bebrought into a common liquid line.

Each unit should join the common liquid line as far below the receiversas possible, with a minimum of 2 ft preferred. The common liquidline should rise to the ceiling of the machine room. The added headof liquid is provided to prevent, as far as possible, hot gas blowing backfrom the receivers.

All liquid lines from the receivers to the common line should haveequal pressure drops in order to provide, as nearly as possible, equalliquid flow and prevent the blowing of gas.

Remove all liquid-line filters from the condensing units, and installthem in parallel in the common liquid line at the ceiling level.

Hot gas blowing from the receivers can be condensed in reasonablequantities by liquid subcoolers, as specified for the regular condensingunits, having a minimum lift of 60 ft at 80°F (26.7°C) condensingmedium temperature.

Interconnect all the liquid receivers of the evaporative condensersabove the liquid level to equalize the gas pressure.

The common and interconnecting liquid line should have an areaequal to the sum of the areas of the individual lines. Install a handshutoff valve in the liquid line from each receiver. Where a reductionin pipe size is necessary in order to provide sufficient gas velocity toentrain oil up the vertical risers at partial loads; greater pressuredrops will be imposed at full load. These can usually be compensatedfor by over sizing the horizontal and down comer lines to keep the totalpressure drop within the desired limits.

Interconnection of Suction Lines

When designing suction lines, the following important considerationsshould be observed:

The lines should be of sufficient capacity to prevent any considerablepressure drop at full load.

In multiple-unit installations, all suction lines should be brought toa common manifold at the compressor.

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534 Chapter Fifteen

The pressure drop between each compressor and main suction line shouldbe the same in order to ensure a proportionate amount of refrigerant gasto each compressor, as well as a proper return of oil to each compressor.

Equal pipe lengths, sizes, and spacing should be provided. All manifolds should be level. The inlet and outlet pipes should be staggered. Never connect branch lines at a cross or tee. A common manifold should have an area equal to the sum of the areas

of the individual suction lines. The suction lines should be designed so as to prevent liquid from drain-

ing into the compressor during shutdown of the refrigeration system.

Discharge Lines

The hot-gas loop accomplishes two functions in that it prevents gas thatmay condense in the hot-gas line from draining back into the heads of thecompressor during the off cycles, and prevents oil leaving one compressorfrom draining down into the head of an idle machine. It is important toreduce the pressure loss in hot-gas lines because losses in these linesincrease the required compressor horsepower per ton of refrigeration anddecrease the compressor capacity. The pressure drop is kept to a minimumby sizing the lines generously to avoid friction losses but still making surethat refrigerant line velocities are sufficient to entrain and carry along oilat all load conditions. In addition, the following pointers should be observed:

The compressor hot-gas discharge lines should be connected as shownin Fig. 15-7.

The maximum length of the risers to the horizontal manifold shouldnot exceed 6 ft.

Figure 15-7 One way to connect hot-gas discharge lines.

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The manifold size should be at least equal to the size of the commonhot-gas line to the evaporative condenser.

If water-cooled condensers are interconnected, the hot-gas manifoldsshould be at least equal to the size of the discharge of the largestcompressor.

If evaporative condensers are interconnected, a single gas line shouldbe run to the evaporative condensers, and the same type of manifoldprovided at the compressors should be installed.

Always stagger and install the piping at the condensers. When the condensers are above the compressors, install a loop having

a minimum depth of 3 ft in the hot-gas main line. Install a hand shutoff valve in the hot-gas line at each compressor.

Water Valves

The water-regulating valve is the control used with water-cooled con-densers. When installing water valves, the following should be observed:

The condenser water for interconnected compressor condensers shouldbe applied from a common water line.

Single automatic water valves or multiple valves in parallel (Fig. 15-8)should be installed in the common water line.

Pressure-control tubing from the water valves should be connected toa common line, which, in turn, should be connected to one of thereceivers or to the common liquid line.

Multiple-Unit Installation

Multiple compressors operating in parallel must be carefully piped toensure proper operation. The suction piping at parallel compressors shouldbe designed so that all compressors run at the same suction pressure and

Figure 15-8 A method ofinterconnecting water valves.

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536 Chapter Fifteen

oil is returned in equal proportions to the running compressors. Allsuction lines should be brought into a common suction header in orderto return the oil to each crankcase as uniformly as possible.

The suction header should be run above the level of the compressor suc-tion inlets so that oil can drain into the compressors by gravity. Theheader should not be below the compressor suction inlets because it canbecome an oil trap. Branch suction lines to the compressors should betaken off from the side of the header. Care should be taken to make surethat the return mains from the evaporators are not connected into the suc-tion header so as to form crosses with the branch suction lines to the com-pressors. The suction header should be run full size along its entire length.The horizontal takeoffs to the various compressors should be the same sizeas the suction header. No reduction should be made in the branch suc-tion lines to the compressors until the vertical drop is reached.

Figure 15-9 shows the suction and hot-gas header arrangements fortwo compressors operating in parallel. Takeoffs to each compressor fromthe common suction header should be horizontal and from the side toensure equal distribution of oil and prevent accumulating liquid refrig-erant in an idle compressor in case of slop-over.

Figure 15-9 Connections for the suction and hot-gas headers in amultiple-compressor installation.

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Insulating Pipes and Tubing 537

Piping insulation

Insulation is required for refrigeration piping to prevent moisture con-densation and prevent heat gain from the surrounding air. The desir-able properties of insulation are that it should have a low coefficient ofheat transmission, be easy to apply, have a high degree of permanency,and provide protection against air and moisture infiltration. Finally, itshould have a reasonable installation cost.

The type and thickness of insulation used depends on the tempera-ture difference between the surface of the pipe and the surrounding airand also on the relative humidity of the air. It should be clearly under-stood that although a system is designed to operate at a high suctiontemperature, it is quite difficult to prevent colder temperatures occur-ring from time to time. This may be due to a carrying over of someliquid from the evaporator or the operation of an evaporator pressurevalve. Interchangers are preferable to insulation, in this case.

One of the safest pipe insulations available is molded cork or rock corkof the proper thickness. Hair-felt insulation may be used, but great caremust be taken to have it properly sealed. For temperatures above 40°F(4.4°C), wool felt or a similar insulation may be used, but here again,success depends on the proper seal against air and moisture infiltration.

Liquid-refrigerant lines carry much higher temperature refrigerantthan suction lines, and if this temperature is above the temperatureof the space through which they pass, no insulation is usually neces-sary. However, if there is danger of the liquid lines going below the sur-rounding air temperatures and causing condensation, they should beinsulated when condensation will be objectionable. If they mustunavoidably pass through highly heated spaces, such as those adjacentto steam pipes, through boiler rooms, then the liquid lines should alsobe insulated to ensure a solid column of liquid to the expansion valve.

There were four types of insulation in use before the discovery ofmodern insulation materials. Those you may encounter and were ingeneral use for refrigerator piping, are namely:

1. Cork

2. Rock cork

3. Wool felt with waterproof jacket

4. Hair felt with waterproof jacket

Cork insulation

Cork pipe covering is prepared by pressing dried and granulated corkin metal molds. The natural resins in the cork bind the entire mass intoits new shape. In the case of the cheaper cork, an artificial binder is used.

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538 Chapter Fifteen

The cork may be molded to fit pipe and fittings, or it may be made intoflat boards of varying sizes and thickness. Cork has a low thermal con-ductivity. The natural binder in the material itself makes cork highlywater-resistant, and its structure ensures a low capillarity. It can bemade practically impervious to water by surfacing with odorless asphalt.

All fittings in the piping, as well as the pipe itself, should be thor-oughly insulated to prevent heat gain to protect the pipe insulationfrom moisture infiltration and deterioration and eliminate condensationproblems. Molded cork covering made especially for this purpose isavailable for all common types of fittings. Each covering should be thesame in every respect as the pipe insulation, with the exception of theshape, and should be formed so that it joins to the pipe insulation witha break. Typical cork fitting covers are furnished in three standardthicknesses for ice water, brine, and special brine.

To secure maximum efficiency and long life from cork covering, itmust be correctly applied and serviced, as well as properly selected.Hence, it is essential that the manufacturer’s recommendations andinstructions be followed in detail. The following general information isa summary of the data that are of general interest.

All pipelines should be thoroughly cleaned, dried, and free from allleaks. It is also advisable to paint the piping with waterproof paint beforeapplying the insulation, although this is not recommended by all manu-facturers. All joints should be sealed with waterproof cement when applied.Fitting insulation should be applied in substantially the same manner,with the addition of a mixture of hot crude paraffin and granulated corkused to fill the space between the fittings, as shown in Fig. 15-4.

Rock-cork insulation

Rock-cork insulation is manufactured commercially by molding a mixtureof rock wool and a waterproof binder into any shape or thickness desired.The rock wool is made from limestone melted at about 3000°F (1666.6°C)and then blown into fibers by high-pressure steam. It is mixed with anasphalt binder and molded into various commercial forms. The heat con-ductivity is about the same as cork, and the installed price may be less.Because of its mineral composition, it is odorless, vermin-proof, and freefrom decay. Like cork, it can be made completely waterproof by surfacingwith odorless asphaltum. The pipe covering fabricated from rock wool anda binder is premolded in single-layer sections 36 in. long to fit all standardpipe sizes and is usually furnished with a factory-applied waterproof jacket.

When pipelines are insulated with rock-cork covering, the fittings aregenerally insulated with built-up rock wool impregnated with asphalt.This material is generally supplied in felted form, having a nominal thick-ness of about 1 in. and a width of about 18 in. It can be readily adaptedto any type of fitting and is efficient as an insulator when properly applied.

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Insulating Pipes and Tubing 539

Before applying the formed rock-cork insulation, it is first necessaryto thoroughly clean and dry the piping and then paint it with waterproofasphalt paint. The straight lengths of piping are next covered with theinsulation, which has the two longitudinal joints and one end joint ofeach section coated with plastic cement. The sections are butted tightlytogether with the longitudinal joints at the top and bottom and tem-porarily held in place by staples. The plastic cement should coat thatpart of the exterior area of each section to be covered by the waterprooflap and the lap pressed smoothly into it. The end joints should be sealedwith a waterproof fabric embedded in a coat of the plastic cement. Eachsection should then be secured permanently in place with three to sixloops of copper-plated annealed steel wire.

Wool-felt insulation

Wool felt is a relatively inexpensive type of pipe insulation and is madeup of successive layers of waterproof wool felt that are indented in themanufacturing process to form air spaces. The inner layer is a waterproofasphalt-saturated felt, while the outside layer is an integral waterproofjacket. This insulating material is satisfactory when it can be kept air-and moisture-tight. If air is allowed to penetrate, condensation will takeplace in the wool felt, and it will quickly deteriorate. Thus, it is advis-able to use it only where temperatures above 40°F (4.4°C) are encoun-tered and when it is perfectly sealed. Under all conditions, it shouldcarry the manufacturer’s guarantee for the duty that it is to perform.

After all the piping is thoroughly cleaned and dried, the sectionalcovering is usually applied directly to the pipe with the outer layerslipped back and turned so that all joints are staggered. The jointsshould be sealed with plastic cement, and the flap of the waterproofjacket should be sealed in place with the same material. Staples andcopper-clad steel wire should be provided to permanently hold the insu-lation in place, and then the circular joints should be covered with atleast two layers of waterproof tape to which plastic cement is applied.

Pipe fittings should be insulated with at least two layers of hair felt(Fig. 15-6) built up to the thickness of the pipe covering, but before thefelt is placed around the fittings, the exposed ends of the pipe insula-tion should be coated with plastic cement.

After the felt is in place, two layers of waterproof tape and plasticcement should be applied for protection from moisture infiltration.

Insulation of this type is designed for installation in buildings whereit is normally protected against outside weather conditions. When out-side pipes are to be insulated, one of the better types of pipe coveringshould be used. In all cases, the manufacturer’s recommendations shouldbe followed as to the application.

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Hair-felt insulation

Hair-felt insulation is usually made from pure cattle hair that has beenespecially prepared and cleaned. It is a very good insulator againstheat, having a low thermal conductivity. Its installed cost is somewhatlower than cork; but it is more difficult to install and seal properly, andhence its use must be considered a hazard with the average type ofworkmanship. Prior to installation, the piping should be cleaned anddried and then prepared by applying a thickness of waterproof paper ortape wound spirally, over which the hair felt of approximately 1-in thick-ness is spirally wound for the desired length of pipe. It is then tightlybound with jute twine, wrapped with a sealing tape to make it entirelyairtight, and finally painted with waterproof paint. If more than onethickness of hair felt is desired, it should be built up in layers withtarpaper between. When it is necessary to make joints around fittings,the termination of the hair felt should be tapered down with sealing tapeand the insulation applied to the fittings should overlap this taper, thusensuring a permanently tight fit.

The important point to remember is that this type of insulation mustbe carefully sealed against any air or moisture infiltration, and even thendifficulty may occur after it has been installed. At any point where airinfiltration (or “breathing,” as it is called) is permitted to occur, con-densation will start and travel great distances along the pipe, evenundermining the insulation that is properly sealed.

There are several other types of pipe insulation available, but they arenot used extensively. These include various types of wrapped and feltinsulation, but they are seldom applied with success. Whatever insula-tion is used, it should be critically examined to see whether it will pro-vide the protection and permanency required of it, otherwise it shouldnever be considered. Although all refrigerant piping, joints, and fittingsshould be covered, it is not advisable to do so until the system has beenthoroughly leak tested and operated for a time.

Pressure drop in the various parts of commercial refrigeration systemsdue to pipe friction and the proper dimensioning to obtain the best oper-ating results are important items when installation of equipment is made.

By careful observation of the foregoing detailed description of refrig-eration piping and methods of installation, the piping problem will begreatly simplified and result in proper system operation.

540 Chapter Fifteen

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16Electrical Safety

Electrical Safety Devices

Air-conditioning, refrigeration, and heating systems utilize the convenienceof electrical controls. These devices are made with a particular appli-cation in mind. Each is designed for a specific purpose. By using low volt-age in most instances to control higher voltages, the devices are suitedfor remote operation since the size of the wire is rather small and inex-pensive to install.

Some control devices are designed to protect the technician whilerepairing or maintaining equipment. Certain safety procedures arenecessary to make sure you do not receive a fatal electrical shock. Thefollowing should be helpful in making it safe to work on electricallycontrolled and operated equipment.

Safety Precautions

It takes very little current to cause physical damage to the human body.In some cases death may result from as little a one-tenth (0.1) of an ampere(see Table 16-1). You may react to a slight shock and then move quicklyand come in contact with operating machinery. Involuntary actions causedby electrical shock are more harmful in most instances than the actual mildshock. It is very easy to become careless. Just keep in mind that the humanbody has a skin resistance of between 400,000 and 800,000 Ω. This can beused in an Ohm’s law formula to determine the current:

I = E/R

I = 120/400,000 = 0.3 mA

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This is not enough to cause you to feel it. However, if you have wethands or make contact with part of the body that is not dry, you mayhave a body resistance as low as 50,000 Ω and receive a current of2.4 mA. That is enough to cause you to jump back from a slight tingle.The backward movement on a roof may be enough to cause you to falla great distance. You may also drop the equipment or tools you are work-ing with and cause further damage.

If you are working around 240 V, the danger is greater. At 240 V acontact resistance of 50,000 Ω produces 4.8 mA or enough to cause aheavy shock with tightening of the muscles. A low body resistance of say200 Ω can be fatal. This can happen whenever the skin is wet or you arestanding on a wet surface. With 200 Ω resistance and 120 V, you willreceive 600 mA, enough to cause death.

Main switches

If you are working on equipment with the power on, be sure you arestanding on a dry surface and your hands do not make contact withanything other than the probes being used to make measurements. It isalways good practice when working around live circuits to keep one handin your pocket so that you will not complete the path across your chest.It is, of course, always better to have the power off when working onequipment. A good procedure is to turn off the main circuit breakers andput a sign on them so that no one turns them on without your knowledge.If there is a control box or distribution panel with a lock on it, make surethe lock is in place and locked with the lever in the down or off position(see Figs. 16-1 and 16-6). Fusing of the circuits is shown in Fig. 16-1.

542 Chapter Sixteen

TABLE 16-1 Physiological Effects of Electric Currents

Reading (mA) Effects

Safe current values 1 or less Causes no sensation—not felt.1–7 Sensation of shock, not painful; individual

can let go at will since muscular control isnot lost.

Unsafe current values 8–15 Painful shock; individual can let go at will since muscular control is not lost.

15–20 Painful shock; control of adjacent muscles lost; victim cannot let go.

20–50 Painful, severe muscular contractions;breathing difficult.

50–100 Ventricular fibrillation, a heart conditionthat can result in instant death is possible.

100–200 Ventricular fibrillation occurs.200 and over Severe burns, severe muscular contractions,

so severe that chest muscles clamp the heart and stop it for the duration of the shock. (This prevents ventricular fibrillation.)

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Electrical Safety 543

Portable electrical tools

Grounding portable tools aids in preventing shocks and damage to equip-ment under certain conditions. Agrounding conductor has a white-coloredjacket in a two- or three-wire cable (neutral wire). It is terminated tothe white- or silver-colored terminal in a plug cap or connector. And itis terminated at the neutral bar in the distribution box. Keep in mindthat gray is also used to color-code wires in industrial and commercialinstallations. Gray wires are also used for grounding.

When there is an electrical fault that allows the hot line to contact themetal housing of electrical equipment, in a typical two-wire system, orsome other ungrounded conductors, any person who touches that equip-ment or conductor will receive a shock. The person completes the circuitfrom the hot line to the ground and current passes through the body.Because a body is not a good conductor, the current is not high enough toblow the fuse. Thus, the current continues to pass through the body aslong as the body remains in contact with the equipment (see Fig. 16-2).

A grounding conductor, or equipment ground, is a wire attached to thehousing or other conductive parts of electrical equipment that are notnormally energized to carry current from them to the ground. Thus, ifa person touches a part that is accidentally energized, there will be noshock, because the grounding line furnishes a much lower resistance

Figure 16-1 Main disconnect should be located before working onequipment.

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path to the ground (see Fig. 16-3). The high current passes through thewire conductor and blows the fuses and stops the current. In normaloperation, a grounding conductor does not carry current.

The grounding conductor in a three-wire conductor cable has a greenjacket. The grounding conductor is always terminated at the green-colored hex-head screw on the cap or connector. It utilizes either a green-colored conductor or a metallic conductor as its path to ground. InCanada, this conductor is referred to as the earthing conductor, whichis somewhat more descriptive and helpful in distinguishing betweengrounding conductors and neutral wires, or grounded conductors.

Ground-fault circuit interrupters

A safety device that should be used by all technicians in the field whodo not have time to test out each circuit before it is used is the ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). It is designed to protect you from shock.

The differential ground-fault interrupter, available in various modi-fications, has current-carrying conductors passing through the circulariron core of a doughnut-shaped differential transformer. As long as allthe electricity passes through the transformer, the differential trans-former is not affected and will not trigger the sensing circuit. If a portionof the current flows to ground and through the fault-detector line, however,

544 Chapter Sixteen

Figure 16-2 A person who contacts the charged housing of a drillor piece of equipment becomes the conductor in a short circuitto ground. (Courtesy of National Safety Council.)

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Electrical Safety 545

the flow of electricity through the sensing windings of the differentialtransformer causes the sensing circuit to open the circuit breaker. Thesedevices can be arranged to interrupt a circuit for currents of as little as5 mA flowing to ground (see Fig. 16-4).

Another design is the isolation-type ground-fault interrupter. Thisunit combines the safety of an isolation system with the response of anelectronic-sensing circuit. In this setup, an isolating transformer providesan inductive coupling between load and line. Both the hot and neutralwires are connected to the isolating transformer. There is no continuouswire connected between.

In the latter type of interrupter, a ground fault must pass through theelectronic-sensing circuit, which has sufficient resistance to limit cur-rent flow to as low as 2 mA, well below the level of human perception.

Types of circuit protectors

There are two types of circuit protectors made in the circuit-breaker con-figuration. They are circuit breakers that work on the heating principle.A bimetallic strip is heated by having circuit current pass through it.

Figure 16-3 Properly wired circuit causes the shorted equipment to beshorted to ground instead of through the person to ground. (Courtesy ofNational Safety Council.)

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When too much current flows, the strip is overheated. The expansion ofthe strip causes the breaker to trip, thereby causing the circuit to beopened (see Fig. 16-5). This type is slower to cool down than the magnetictype. It takes a little longer for it to cool to a point where it can be reset.If the overload still exists, the breaker will trip again.

The magnetic type uses a coil to operate. The circuit current is drawnthrough the coil. If too much current flows, the magnetic properties ofthe coil cause the circuit breaker to trip and open the circuit. This typeis quicker in terms of being able to reset it. The overload must, of course,be removed before it will remain in the reset position.

In most cases where the power is 240 V single-phase, the circuitbreakers will be locked together with a pin. If one side of the power cir-cuit is opened, the other circuit is also tripped since they are tiedtogether physically. In three-phase circuits, the three circuit breakersare tied together so that when one trips all three circuits are discon-nected from the power line.

If air-conditioning or refrigeration equipment is served by a separatebox, make sure the lock is in place and the handle is in the down or offposition before making an inspection or working on the equipment(see Fig. 16-6).

One of the most important parts of working around air-conditioningand refrigeration equipment is that of doing the job safely. The possi-bility of incorrect procedures being followed can make it very painfulboth physically and mentally. Some of the suggestions that follow shouldaid in your understanding of careful work habits and use of the propertool for the job.

546 Chapter Sixteen

Figure 16-4 Ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) used forportable tools.

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Electrical Safety 547

Figure 16-5 Cutaway view of a circuit breaker in various positions. (Courtesy of Wadsworth.)

Figure 16-6 Lock the box by using a lock and keep the key until you need tounlock it.

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Electrical Safety

Many Tec*mseh single-phase compressors are installed in systemsrequiring off-cycle crankcase heating. This is designed to prevent refrig-erant accumulation in the compressor housing. The power is on at alltimes. Even if the compressor is not running, power is applied to the com-pressor housing where the heating element is located.

Another popular system uses a run-capacitor that is always connectedto the compressor motor windings, even when the compressor is notrunning. Other devices are energized when the compressor is not running.That means there is electrical power applied to the unit even when thecompressor is not running. This calls for an awareness of the situationand the proper safety procedures.

Be safe. Before you attempt to service any refrigeration system, makesure that the main circuit breaker is open and all power is off.

Safe Practices

Safe practices are important in servicing refrigeration units. Such prac-tices are common sense, but must be reinforced to make one aware ofthe problems that can result when a job is done incorrectly.

Handling cylinders

Refrigeration and air-conditioning servicepersons must be able to handlecompressed gases. Accidents occur when compressed uses are not handledproperly.

Oxygen or acetylene must never be used to pressurize a refrigerationsystem. Oxygen will explode when it comes into contact with oil.Acetylene will explode under pressure, except when properly dissolvedin acetone as used in commercial acetylene cylinders.

Dry nitrogen or dry carbon dioxide are suitable gases for pressurizingrefrigeration or air-conditioning systems for leak tests or system cleaning.However, the following specific restrictions must be observed:

Commercial nitrogen (N2) cylinders contain pressures in excess of2000 psi at normal room temperature.

Commercial carbon dioxide (CO2) cylinders contain pressures in excessof 800 psi at normal room temperature.

Cylinders should be handled carefully. Do not drop them or bump them. Keep cylinders in a vertical position and securely fastened to prevent

them from tipping over. Do not heat the cylinder with a torch, or other open flame. If heat is

necessary to withdraw gas from the cylinder, apply heat by immersingthe lower portion of the cylinder in warm water. Never heat a cylinderto a temperature over 110°F (43°C).

548 Chapter Sixteen

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Electrical Safety 549


Pressure testing or cleaning refrigeration and air-conditioning systemscan be dangerous! Extreme caution must be used in the selection anduse of pressurizing equipment. Follow these procedures:

Never attempt to pressurize a system without first installing an appro-priate pressure-regulating valve on the nitrogen or carbon dioxidecylinder discharge. This regulating valve should be equipped withtwo functioning pressure gages. One gage indicates cylinder pres-sure. The other gage indicates discharge or downstream pressure.

Always install a pressure relief valve or frangible-disc type pressurerelief device in the pressure supply line. This device should have adischarge port of at least 1/2 in. NPT size. This valve or frangible-discdevice should be set to release at 175 psig.

A system can be pressurized up to a maximum of 150 psig for leaktesting or purging (see Fig. 16-7).

Tec*mseh hermetic-type compressors are low-pressure housing com-pressors. The compressor housings (cans or domes) are not normally sub-jected to discharge pressures. They operate instead at relatively lowsuction pressures. These Tec*mseh compressors are generally installedon equipment where it is impractical to disconnect or isolate the com-pressor from the system during pressure testing. Therefore, do notexceed 150 psig when pressurizing such a complete system.

When flushing or purging a contaminated system, care must betaken to protect the eyes and skin from contact with acid-saturatedrefrigerant or oil mists. The eyes should be protected with goggles. Allparts of the body should be protected by clothing to prevent injury byrefrigerant. If contact with either skin or eyes occurs, flush the exposedarea with cold water. Apply an ice pack if the burn is severe, and seea physician at once.

Figure 16-7 Pressurizing set-up for charging refrigeration systems.

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Working with refrigerants

R-12 have effectively been replaced in modern air-conditioning equipmentwith R-134a or any of the approved substitutes and R-22 has someacceptable substitutes also. They are considered to be nontoxic andnoninflammable. However, any gas under pressure can be hazardous.The latent energy in the pressure alone can cause damage. In workingwith R-12 and R-22 (or their substitutes), observe the same precautionsthat apply when working with other pressurized gases.

Never completely fill any refrigerant gas cylinder with liquid. Neverfill more than 80 percent with liquid. This will allow for expansionunder normal conditions.

Make sure an area is properly ventilated before purging or evacuatinga system that uses R-12, R-22, or their equivalents. In certain concen-trations and in the presence of an open flame, such as a gas range or agas water heater, R-12 and R-22 may break down and form a smallamount of harmful phosgene gas. This gas was used in World War I asthe poison gas designed for warfare.


Lifting heavy objects can cause serious problems. Strains and sprains areoften caused by improper lifting methods. Figure 16-8 indicates the rightand the wrong way to lift heavy objects. In this case, a compressor is shown.

To avoid injury, learn to lift the safe way. Bend your knees, keep yourback erect, and lift gradually with your leg muscles.

The material you are lifting may slip from your hands and injureyour feet. To prevent foot injuries, wear proper shoes.

550 Chapter Sixteen


Figure 16-8 Safety first. Lift with the legs not the back.

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17 Temperatures,Thermometers,

and Psychrometrics

Transferring Heat

Heat always passes from a warmer to a colder object or space. The actionof refrigeration depends upon this natural law. The three methods bywhich heat can be transferred are convection, conduction, and radiation.

Convection is heat transfer that takes place in liquids and gases. Inconvection, the molecules carry the heat from one point to another.

Conduction is heat transfer that takes place chiefly in solids. In con-duction, the heat passes from one molecule to another without anynoticeable movement of the molecules.

Radiation is heat transfer in waveform, such as light or radio waves.It takes place through a transparent medium such as air, withoutaffecting that medium’s temperature, volume, and pressure. Radiantheat is not apparent until it strikes an opaque surface, where it isabsorbed. The presence of radiant heat is felt when it is absorbed bya substance or by your body.

Convection can be used to remove heat from an area. Then it can beused to cool. Air or water can be cooled in one plan and circulatedthrough pipes of radiators in another location. It this way the cool wateror air is used to remove heat.

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552 Chapter Seventeen

Air Temperature and Comfort Conditions

The surface temperature of the average adult’s skin is 80°F (26.7°C).The body can either gain or lose heat according to the surrounding air.If the surrounding air is hotter than the skin temperature, the bodygains heat and the person may become uncomfortable. If the sur-rounding air is cooler than the skin temperature, then the body losesheat. Again, the person may become uncomfortable. If the temperatureis much higher than the skin temperature or much cooler than thebody temperature, then the person becomes uncomfortable. If the airis about 70°F (21.1°C) then the body feels comfortable. Skin tempera-ture fluctuates with the temperature of the surface air. The total rangeof skin temperature is between 40 and 105°F (4.4 and 40.6°C). However,if the temperature rises 10°F (5.5°C), the skin temperature rises only3°F (1.7°C). Most of the time the normal temperature of the body rangesfrom 75 to 100°F (23.9 to 37.8°C). Both humidity and temperatureaffect the comfort of the human body. However, they are not the onlyfactors that cause a person to be comfortable or uncomfortable. Inheating or cooling a room, the air velocity, noise level, and temperaturevariation caused by the treated air must also be considered.


When checking for room comfort, it is best to measure the velocity of theair at the distance of 4 to 72 in. from floor level. Velocity is measuredwith a velometer (see Fig. 17-1). Following is a range of air velocities andtheir characteristics.

Slower than 15 ft/min (fpm): stagnant air 20 fpm to 50 fpm: acceptable air velocities 25 fpm to 35 fpm: the best range for human comfort 35 fpm to 50 fpm: comfortable for cooling purposes

Figure 17-1 Aspiration, throw,and spread. (Courtesy of Lima.)

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Velocities of 50 fpm or higher call for a very high speed for the airentering the room. A velocity of about 750 fpm or greater is needed tocreate a velocity of 50 fpm or more inside the room. When velocitiesgreater than 750 fpm are introduced noise will also be present,

Sitting and standing levels must be considered when designing a cool-ing system for a room. People will tolerate cooler temperatures at theankle level than at the sitting level, which is about 30 in. from the floor.Variations of 4°F (2.2°C) are acceptable between levels. This is also anacceptable level for temperature variations between rooms.

To make sure that the air is properly distributed for comfort, it isnecessary to look at the methods used to accomplish the job.


The following terms apply to the movement of air. They are frequentlyused in referring to air-conditioning systems:

Aspiration is the induction of room air into the primary air stream.Aspiration helps eliminate stratification of air within the room.When outlets are properly located along exposed walls, aspirationalso aids in absorbing undesirable currents from these walls and windows(see Fig. 17-1).

Feet per minute (fpm) is the measure of the velocity of an air stream.This velocity can he measured with a velocity meter that is calibratedin feet per minute.

Cubic feet per minute (cfm) is the measure of a volume of air. Air nowin cubic feet per minute of a register or grille is computed by multiply-ing the face velocity times the free area in square feet. For example, aregister with 144 in.2 (1 ft2) of free area and a measured face velocityof 500 fpm would be delivering 500 cfm.

Decibels (dB) are units of measure of sound level. It is important tokeep this noise at a minimum. In most catalogs for outlets, there is aline dividing the noise level of the registers or diffusers. Lower totalpressure loss provides a quieter system.

Drop is generally associated with cooling where air is discharged hor-izontally from high sidewall outlets. Since cool air has a natural ten-dency to drop, it will fall progressively as the velocity decreases.Measured at the point of terminal velocity, drop is the distance in feetthat the air has fallen below the level of the outlet (see Fig. 17-2).

Diffusers are outlets that have a widespread, fan-shaped pattern of air. Effective area is the smallest net area of an outlet utilized by the air

stream in passing through the outlet passages. It determines the

Temperatures,Thermometers, and Psychrometrics 553

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maximum, or jet, velocity of the air in the outlet. In many outlets, theeffective area occurs at the velocity measuring point and is equal tothe outlet area (see Fig. 17-3).

Face velocity is the average velocity of air passing through the face ofan outlet or a return.

Free area is the total area of the openings in the outlet or inlet throughwhich air can pass. With gravity systems, free area is of prime impor-tance. With forced air systems, free area is secondary to total pressureloss, except in sizing return air grilles.

Noise criteria (NC) is an outlet sound rating in pressure level at a givencondition of operation, based on established criteria and a specificroom acoustic absorption value.

Occupied zone is that interior area of a conditioned space that extendsto within 6 in. of all room walls and to a height of 6 ft above the floor.

Outlet area is the area of an outlet utilized by the air stream at thepoint of the outlet velocity as measured with an appropriate meter.The point of measurement and type of meter must be defined to deter-mine cfm accurately.

Outlet velocity (Vk) is the measured velocity at the started point witha specific meter.

Perimeter systems are heating and cooling installations in which thediffusers are installed to blanket the outside walls. Returns are usu-ally located at one or more centrally located places. High sidewall orceiling returns are preferred, especially for cooling. Low returns are

554 Chapter Seventeen

Figure 17-3 Air measurement at thegrille. (Courtesy of Lima.)Figure 17-2 Drop. (Courtesy of ARI.)

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acceptable for heating. High sidewall or ceiling returns are highlyrecommended for combination heating and cooling installations.

Registers are outlets that deliver air in a concentrated stream into theoccupied zone.

Residual velocity (VR) is the average sustained velocity within theconfines of the occupied zone, generally ranging from 20 to 70 fpm.

Sound power level (Lw) is the total sound created by an outlet undera specified condition of operation.

Spread is the measurement (in feet) of the maximum width of the airpattern at the point of terminal velocity (see Fig. 17-4).

Static pressure (sp) is the outward force of air within a duct. Thispressure is measured in inches of water. The static pressure within aduct is comparable to the air pressure within an automobile tire. Amanometer measures static pressure.

Temperature differential (ΔT) is the difference between primary supplyand room air temperatures.

Terminal velocity is the point at which the discharged air from anoutlet decreases to a given speed, generally accepted as 50 fpm.

Throw is the distance (measured in feet) that the air stream travelsfrom the outlet to the point of terminal velocity. Throw is measuredvertically from perimeter diffusers and horizontally from registersand ceiling diffusers (see Fig. 17-1).

Total pressure (tp) is the sum of the static pressure and the velocitypressure. Total pressure is also known as impact pressure. This pres-sure is expressed in inches of water. The total pressure is directlyassociated with the sound level of an outlet. Therefore, any factorthat increases the total pressure will also increase the sound level. Theunder sizing of outlets or increasing the speed of the blower willincrease total pressure and the sound level.

Velocity pressure (Vp) is the forward moving force of air within a duct.This pressure is measured in inches of water. The velocity pressureis comparable to the rush of air from a punctured tire. A velometer isused to measure air velocity (see Fig. 17-3).

Figure 17-4 Typical airstream pat-tern. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

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Designing a Perimeter System

After the heat loss or heat gain has been calculated, the sum of theselosses or gains will determine the size of the duct systems and the heatingand cooling unit.

The three factors that ensure proper delivery and distribution of airwithin a room are location of outlet, type of outlet, and size of outlet.Supply outlets, if possible, should always be located to blanket everywindow and every outside wall (see Fig. 17-5). Thus, a register is rec-ommended under each window.

The outlet selected should be a diffuser whose air pattern is fanshaped to blanket the exposed walls and windows.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-ConditioningEngineers (ASHRAE) furnishes a chart with the locations and load fac-tors needed for the climate of each major city in the United States. Thechart should be followed carefully. The type of house, the constructionmaterials, house location, room sizes, and exposure to sun and wind areimportant factors. With such information, you can determine how muchheat will be dissipated. You can also determine how much heat will belost in a building. You can also determine how much cooling will be lostin a building. The ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals lists the infor-mation needed to compute the load factors.

Calculate the heat loss or heat gain of the room; divide this figure bythe number of outlets to be installed. From this you can determine theBtu per hour required of each outlet. Refer to the performance data fur-nished by the manufacturer to determine the size the outlet should be.For residential application, the size selected should be large enough so

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Figure 17-5 Location of an outlet. (Courtesy of Lima.)

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that the Btu per hour capacity on the chart falls to the side where thequiet zone is indicated. There is still a minimum vertical throw of 6 ftwhere cooling is involved.

Locating and sizing returns

Properly locating and sizing return air grilles are important. It is gen-erally recommended that the returns be installed in high sidewall or theceiling. They should be in one or more centrally located places. Thisdepends upon the size and floor plan of the structure. Although such adesign is preferred, low returns are acceptable for heating.

To minimize noise, care must be taken to size correctly the return airgrille. The blower in the equipment to be used is rated in cfm by the man-ufacturer. This rating can usually be found in the specification sheets.Select the grille or grilles necessary to handle this cfm.

The grille or grilles selected should deliver the necessary cfm for theair to be conditioned. Thus, the proper size must be selected. The throwshould reach approximately three-quarters of the distance from theoutlet to the opposite wall (see Fig. 17-2). The face velocity should notexceed the recommended velocity for the application (see Table 17-1).The drop should be such that the air stream will not drop into the occu-pied zone. The occupied zone is generally thought of as 6 ft above thefloor level.

The sound caused by an air outlet in operation varies in direct pro-portion to the velocity of the air passing through it. Air velocity dependspartially on outlet size. Table 17-2 lists recommendations for outletvelocities within safe sound limits for most applications.

Air-flow distribution

Bottom or side outlet openings in horizontal or vertical supply ductsshould be equipped with adjustable flow-equalizing devices. Figure 17-6indicates the pronounced one-sided flow effect from an outlet opening.This is before the corrective effect of air-turning devices. A control gridis added in Fig. 17-7 to equalize flow in the takeoff collar. A Vectrol isadded in Fig. 17-8 to turn air into the branch duct and provide volumecontrol. Air-turning devices are recommended for installation at alloutlet collars and branch duct connections.

Square unvaned elbows are also a source of poor duct distribution andhigh-pressure loss. Nonuniform flow in a main duct, occurring after anunvaned ell, severely limits the distribution of air into branch ducts inthe vicinity of the ell. One side of the duct may be void, thus starvinga branch duct. Conversely, all flow may be stacked up on one side. Thisrequires dampers to be excessively closed, resulting in higher soundlevels.

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TABLE 17-1 Register or Grille Size Related to Air Capacities

Register Areaof grille in

Air capacities in cfm

size ft2 250 fpm 300 fpm 400 fpm 500 fpm 600 fpm 700 fpm 750 fpm 800 fpm 900 fpm 1000 fpm 1250 fpm

8 × 4 0.163 41 49 65 82 98 114 122 130 147 163 20410 × 4 0.206 52 62 82 103 124 144 155 165 185 206 25810 × 6 0.317 79 95 127 158 190 222 238 254 285 317 39612 × 4 0.249 62 75 100 125 149 174 187 199 224 249 31112 × 5 0.320 80 96 128 160 192 224 240 256 288 320 40012 × 6 0.383 96 115 153 192 230 268 287 306 345 383 47914 × 4 0.292 73 88 117 146 175 204 219 234 263 292 36514 × 5 0.375 94 113 150 188 225 263 281 300 338 375 46914 × 6 0.449 112 135 179 225 269 314 337 359 404 449 56116 × 5 0.431 108 129 172 216 259 302 323 345 388 431 53916 × 6 0.515 129 155 206 258 309 361 386 412 464 515 64420 × 5 0.541 135 162 216 271 325 379 406 433 487 541 67620 × 6 0.647 162 194 259 324 388 453 485 518 582 647 80920 × 8 0.874 219 262 350 437 524 612 656 699 787 874 109324 × 5 0.652 162 195 261 326 391 456 489 522 587 652 81524 × 6 0.779 195 234 312 390 467 545 584 623 701 779 97424 × 8 1.053 263 316 421 527 632 737 790 842 948 1053 131624 × 10 1.326 332 398 530 663 796 928 995 1061 1193 1326 165824 × 12 1.595 399 479 638 798 951 1117 1196 1276 1436 1595 199330 × 6 0.978 245 293 391 489 587 685 734 782 880 978 122330 × 8 1.321 330 396 528 661 793 925 991 1057 1189 1371 165130 × 10 1.664 416 499 666 832 998 1165 1248 1331 1498 1664 208030 × 12 2.007 502 602 803 1004 1204 1405 1505 1606 1806 2007 250936 × 8 1.589 397 477 636 795 953 1112 1192 1271 1430 1589 198636 × 10 2.005 501 602 802 1003 1203 1404 1504 1604 1805 2005 250636 × 12 2.414 604 724 966 1207 1448 1690 1811 1931 2173 2414 3018

∗Based on LIMA registers of the 100 Series.


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Flow diagrams show the pronounced turbulence and piling up of airflowin an ell (see Fig. 17-9). Ducturns reduce the pressure loss in square elbowsas much as 80 percent. Their corrective effect is shown in Fig. 17-10.

Selection of Diffusers and Grilles

The selection of a linear diffuser or grille involves job condition require-ments, selection judgment, and performance data analysis. Diffusers and

Figure 17-6 This flow path diagram shows the pronounced one-sided flow effect from an outlet opening before corrective effect ofair-turning devices. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-7 A control grid is added to equalize flow in the takeoffcollar. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

TABLE 17-2 Outlet Velocity Ratings

Area Rating (in fpm)

Broadcast studios 500Residences 500–750Apartments 500–750Churches 500–750Hotel bedrooms 500–750Legitimate theatres 500–1000Private offices, acoustically treated 500–1000Motion picture theatres 1000–1250Private offices, not acoustically treated 1000–1250General offices 1250–1500Stores 1500Industrial buildings 1500–2000

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grilles should be selected and sized according to the following charac-teristics:

Type and style Function Air volume requirement Throw requirement Pressure requirement Sound requirement

Air volume requirement

The air volume per diffuser or grille is that which is necessary for thecooling, heating, or ventilation requirements of the area served by the

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Figure 17-8 AVectrol is added to turn air into the branch ductand provide volume control. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-10 A ducturn reduces thepressure loss in square elbows byas much as 80 percent. (Courtesy ofTuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-9 Note the turbulence and pilingup of airflow in an ell. (Courtesy of Tuttle &Bailey.)

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unit. The air volume required, when related to throw, sound, or pressure-design limitations, determines the proper diffuser or grille size.

Generally, air volumes for internal zones of building spaces vary from1 to 3 cfm/ft2 of floor area. Exterior zones will require higher air volumesof 2.5 to 4 cfm/ft2 of floor area. In some cases, only the heating or cool-ing load of the exterior wall panel or glass surface is to be carried by thedistribution center. Then, the air volume per linear foot of diffuser orgrille will vary from 20 to 200 cfm, depending on heat transfer coeffi-cient, wall height, and infiltration rate.

Throw requirement

Throw and occupied area air location are closely related. Both could beconsidered in the analysis of specific area requirements. The minimum-maximum throw for a given condition of aeration is based upon a ter-minal velocity at that distance from the diffuser. The residual roomvelocity is a function of throw to terminal velocity. Throw values arebased on terminal velocities ranging from 75 to 150 fpm with corre-sponding residual room velocities of 75 to 150 fpm. The diffuser orgrille location together with the air pattern selected, should generallydirect the air path above the occupied zone. The air path then inducesroom air along its throw as it expands in cross section. This equalizestemperature and velocity within the stream. With the throw termi-nating in a partition or wall surface, the mixed air path further dissi-pates energy.

Ceiling-mounted grilles and diffusers are recommended for verticaldown pattern. Some locations in the room may need to be cooler thanothers. Also, some room locations may be harder to condition becauseof airflow problems. They are used in areas adjacent to perimeter walllocations that require localized spot conditioning. Ceiling heights of 12 ftor greater are needed. The throw for vertical projection is greatly affectedby supply air temperature and proximity of wall surfaces.

Sidewall-mounted diffusers and grilles have horizontal values based ona ceiling height of 8 to 10 ft. The diffuser or grille is mounted approximately1 ft below the ceiling. For a given listed throw, the room air motion willincrease or decrease inversely with the ceiling height. For a given air pat-tern setting and room air motion the listed minimum-maximum throwvalue can be decreased by 1 ft for each 1 ft increase in ceiling heightabove 10 ft. Throw values are furnished by the manufacturer.

When sidewall grilles are installed remote from the ceiling (morethan 3 ft away), it reduces rated throw values by 20 percent.

Sill mounted diffusers or grilles have throw values based on an 8 to10 ft ceiling height. This is with the outlet installed in the top of a30-in.-high sill. For a given listed throw, the room air motion will changewith the ceiling height. For a given air pattern setting and room air

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motion, the listed minimum-maximum throw value can be decreased by2 ft for each 1 ft increase in ceiling height above 10 ft. Decrease 1 ft foreach 1 ft decrease in sill height.

The minimum throw results in a room air motion higher than thatobtained when utilizing the maximum throw. Thus, 50 fpm, rather than35 fpm, is the air motion. The listed minimum throw indicates the min-imum distance recommended. The minimum distance is from the dif-fuser to a wall or major obstruction, such as a structural beam. The listedmaximum throw is the recommended maximum distance to a wall ormajor obstruction. Throw values for sidewall grilles and ceiling dif-fusers and the occupied area velocity are based on flush ceiling con-struction providing an unobstructed air stream path. The listedmaximum throw times 1.3 is the complete throw of the air stream. Thisis where the terminal velocity equals the room air velocity. Rated occu-pied area velocities range from 25 to 35 fpm for maximum listed throwsand 35 to 50 fpm for minimum listed throw values.

Cooled-air drop or heated-air rise are of practical significance whensupplying heated or cooled air from a sidewall grille. If the throw is suchthat the air stream prematurely enters the occupied zone, considerabledraft may be experienced. This is due to incomplete mixing. The totalairdrop must be considered when the wall grille is located at a distancefrom the ceiling. Cooled airdrop is controlled by spacing the wall grillefrom the ceiling and adjusting the grilles upward 15 in. Heated-airrise contributes significantly to temperature stratification in the upperpart of the room.

The minimum separation between grille and ceiling must be 2 ft or more.The minimum mounting separation must be 2 ft or more. The minimummounting height should be 7 ft.

Pressure requirement

The diffuser or grille minimum pressure for a given air volume reflectsitself in ultimate system fan horsepower requirements.

A diffuser or grille with a lower pressure rating requires less totalenergy than a unit with a higher pressure rating for a given air volumeand effective area. Diffusers and grilles of a given size having lowerpressure ratings usually have a lower sound level rating at a specifiedair volume.

Sound requirement

Diffusers and grilles should be selected for the recommended noise cri-teria rating for a specific application. The data for each specific diffuseror grille type contains a noise criteria (NC) rating. Table 17-3 lists rec-ommended NC and area of application.

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TABLE 17-3 Recommend NC Criteria

Communication Typical NC curve environment occupancy

Below Extremely quiet environment; suppressed speech is Broadcasting studios, concert halls, music rooms.NC 25 quite audible; suitable for acute pickup of all sounds.

NC 30 Very quiet office suitable for large conferences; telephone Residences, theatres, libraries, executive offices, use satisfactory. directors’ rooms.

NC 35 Quiet office; satisfactory for conference at a 15-ft table; Private offices, schools, hotel rooms, courtrooms,normal voice 10 to 30 ft; telephone use satisfactory. churches, hospital rooms.

NC 40 Satisfactory for conferences at a 6- to 8-ft table; normal General offices, labs, dining rooms.voice 6 to 12 ft; telephone use satisfactory.

NC 45 Satisfactory for conferences at a 4- to 5-ft table; normal Retail stores, cafeterias, lobby areas largevoice 3 to 6 ft; raised voice 6 to 12 ft; telephone drafting and engineering offices, reception areas.use occasionally difficult.

Above Unsatisfactory for conferences of more than Photocopy rooms, stenographic pools, print NC 50 two or three persons; normal voice 1 to 2 ft; machine rooms, process areas.

raised voice 3 to 6 ft; telephone use slightly difficult.


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Air Noise

High velocities in the duct or diffuser typically generate air noise. Theflow turbulence in the duct and the excessive pressure reductions in theduct and diffuser system also generate noise. Such noise is most appar-ent directly under the diffuser. Room background levels of NC 35 andless provide little masking effect. Any noise source stands out above thebackground level and is easily detected.

Typically, air noise can be minimized by the following procedures:

Limiting branch duct velocities to 1200 fpm Limiting static pressure in branch ducts adjacent to outlets to 0.15 in.

of water Sizing diffusers to operate at outlet jet velocities up to 1200 fpm

(neck velocities limited to 500 to 900 fpm), and total pressures of0.10 in. of water

Using several small diffusers (and return grilles) instead of one or twolarge outlets or inlets that have a higher sound power

Providing low-noise dampers in the branch duct where pressure dropsof more than 0.20 in. of water must be taken

Internally lining branch ducts near the fan to quiet this noise source Designing background sound levels in the room to be a minimum of

NC 35 or NC 40

Casing Radiated Noise

Casing noise differs from air noise in the way it is generated. Volumecontrollers and pressure-reducing dampers generate casing noise. Insideterminal boxes are sound baffles, absorbing blankets, and orifice restric-tions to eliminate line of sight through the box. All these work to reducethe generated noise before the air and air noise discharge from the boxinto the outlet duct. During this process, the box casing is vibrated bythe internal noise. This causes the casing to radiate noise through thesuspended ceiling into the room (see Fig. 17-11).

Locating terminal boxes

In the past, terminal boxes and ductwork were separated from the roomby dense ceilings. These ceilings prevented the system noise from radi-ating into the room. Plaster and taped sheetrock ceilings are examplesof dense ceilings. Current architectural practice is to utilize lightweight(and low-cost) decorative suspended ceilings. These ceilings are notdense. They have only one-half the resistance to noise transmission

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that plaster and sheetrock ceilings have. Exposed tee-bar grid ceilingswith 2 × 4 glass-fiber pads, and perforated metal-pan ceilings are exam-ples. The end result is readily apparent. Casing radiated noise in light-weight modern buildings is a problem.

Controlling casing noise

Terminal boxes can sometimes be located over noisy areas (corridors,toilet areas or machine equipment rooms), rather than over quiet areas.In quiet areas casing noise can penetrate the suspended ceiling andbecome objectionable. Enclosures built around the terminal box (suchas sheetrock or sheet lead over a glass-fiber blanket wrapped around thebox) can reduce the radiated noise to an acceptable level.

However, this method is cumbersome and limits access to the motorand volume controllers in the box. It depends upon field conditions forsatisfactory performance, and is expensive. Limiting static pressure inthe branch ducts minimizes casing noise. This technique, however,limits the flexibility of terminal box systems. It hardly classifies as acontrol.

Vortex shedding

Product research in controlling casing noise has developed a new methodof reducing radiated noise. The technique is known as vortex shedding.When applied to terminal boxes, casing radiated noise is dramaticallylowered. Casing radiation attenuation (CRA) vortex shedders can beinstalled in all single- or dual-duct boxes up to 7000 cfm, constantvolume or variable volume, with or without reheat coils. CRA devicesprovide unique features and the following benefits:

Figure 17-11 Casing noises. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

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No change in terminal box size. Box is easier to install in tight ceil-ing plenums to ensure minimum casing noise under all conditions.

Factory-fabricated box and casing noise eliminator, a one-piece assem-bly, reduces cost of installation. Only one box is hung. Only one ductconnection is made.

Quick-opening access door is provided in box. This ensures easy andconvenient access to all operating parts without having to cut andpatch field-fabricated enclosures.

Equipment is laboratory tested and performance rated. Engineeringmeasurements are made in accordance with industry standards. Thus,on-the-job performance is ensured. Quiet rooms result and owner sat-isfaction is assured.

Return Grilles


Return air grilles are usually selected for the required air volume at agiven sound level or pressure value. The intake air velocity at the faceof the grille depends mainly on the grille size and the air volume.

The grille style and damper setting have a small effect on this intakevelocity. The grille style, however, has a very great effect on the pres-sure drop. This, in turn, directly influences the sound level.

The intake velocity is evident only in the immediate vicinity of the returngrille. It cannot influence room air distribution. Recent ASHRAE researchprojects have developed a scientific computerized method of relating intakegrille velocities, measured 1 in. out from the grille face, to air volume. Grille-measuring factors for straight, deflected bar, open, and partially closeddampers are in the engineering data furnished with the grille.

It still remains the function of the supply outlets to establish propercoverage, air motion, and thermal equilibrium. Because of this, the loca-tion of return grilles is not critical and their placement can be largelya matter of convenience. Specific locations in the ceiling may be desir-able for local heat loads, or smoke exhaust, or a location in the perime-ter sill or floor may be desirable for an exterior zone intake under awindow wall section. It is not advisable to locate large centralized returngrilles in an occupied area. The large mass of air moving through thegrille can cause objectionable air motion for nearby occupants.

Return grille sound requirement

Return air grilles should be selected for static pressures. These pressureswill provide the required NC rating and conform to the return systemperformance characteristics. Fan sound power is transmitted through

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the return air system as well as the supply system. Fan silencing maybe necessary or desirable in the return side. This is particularly so ifsilencing is being considered on the supply side.

Transfer grilles venting into the ceiling plenum should be located remotefrom plenum noise source. The use of a lined sheet metal elbow can reducetransmitted sound. Lined elbows on vent grilles and lined common ductson ducted return grilles can minimize “cross talk” between private offices.

Types of Registers and Grilles

The spread of an unrestricted air stream is determined by the grille bardeflection. Grilles with vertical face bars at 0° deflection will have a max-imum throw value. As the deflection setting of vertical bars is increased,the air stream covers a wider area and the throw decreases.

Registers are available with adjustable valves. An air-leakage prob-lem is eliminated if the register has a rubber gasket mounted aroundthe grille. When it pulls up tightly against the wall, an airtight seal ismade. This helps to eliminate noise. The damper has to be cam-operatedso that it will stay open and not blow shut when the air comes through.

On some registers, a simple tool can be used to change the directionof the deflection bars. This means adjusting the bars in the register canhave a number of deflection patterns.

Fire and Smoke Dampers

Ventilating, air-conditioning, and heating ducts provide a path for fireand smoke, which can travel throughout a building. The ordinary typesof dampers that are often installed in these ducts depend on gravity-closeaction or spring-and-level mechanisms. When their releases are acti-vated, they are freed to drop inside the duct.

A fusible link attachment to individual registers also helps control fireand smoke. Figure 17-12 shows a fusible-link-type register. The link isavailable with melting points of 160°F (71.1°C) or 212°F (100°C). Whenthe link melts, it releases a spring that forces the damper to a fully closedposition. The attachment does not interfere with damper operation.

Figure 17-12 Register with fusiblelink for fire control. (Courtesy ofLima.)

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Smoke dampers for high-rise buildings

Fire and smoke safety concepts in high-rise buildings are increasinglyfocusing on providing safety havens for personnel on each floor. This pro-vision is to optimize air flow to or away from the fire floor or adjacentfloors. Such systems require computer-actuated smoke dampers. Dampersare placed in supply and return ducts that are reliable. They must be tightclosing, and offer minimum flow resistance when fully open.

Ceiling Supply Grilles and Registers

Some ceiling grilles and registers have individually adjustable vanes.They are arranged to provide a one-way ceiling air pattern. They arerecommended for applications in ceiling and sidewall locations for heat-ing and cooling systems. They work best where the system has 0.75 to1.75 cfm/ft2 of room area (see Fig. 17-13).

Some supply ceiling grilles and registers have individually adjustablecurved vanes. They are arranged to provide a three-way ceiling air pat-tern. The vertical face vanes are a three-way diversion for air. A hori-zontal pattern with the face vanes also produces a three-way dispersionof air. These grilles and registers are recommended for applications inceiling locations for heating and cooling systems handling 1.0 to 2.0 cfm/ft2

of room area.Figure 17-14 shows a grille with four-way vertical face vanes.

Horizontal face vanes are also available. They, too, are adjustable indi-vidually for focusing an air stream in any direction. Both the three-wayand four-way pattern grilles can be adjusted to a full or partial down-blow position. The curved streamlined vanes are adjusted to a uniformpartially closed position. This deflects the air path while retaining aneffective area capacity of 35 percent of the neck area. In the full down-blow position, grille effective area is increased by 75 percent.

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Figure 17-13 Ceiling grille. (Courtesy ofTuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-14 Vertical face vanes in afour-way ceiling supply grille. (Courtesyof Tuttle & Bailey.)

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Perforated adjustable diffusers for ceiling installation are recommendedfor heating and cooling (see Fig. 17-15). They are also recommended forjobs requiring on-the-job adjustment of air diffusion patterns.

Full-flow square or round necks have expanded metal air-patterndeflectors. They are adjustable for four-, three-, two-, or one-way hori-zontal diffusion patterns. This can be done without change in the airvolume, pressure, or sound levels. This deflector and diffuser have highdiffusion rates. The result is rapid temperature and velocity equaliza-tion of the mixed air mass well above the zone of occupancy. They dif-fuse efficiently with 6 to 18 air changes per hour.

Ceiling Diffusers

There are other designs in ceiling diffusers. The type shown in Fig. 17-16is often used in a supermarket or other large store. Here, it is difficult tomount other means of air distribution. These round diffusers with a flushface and fixed pattern are for ceiling installation. They are used for heat-ing, ventilating, and cooling. They are compact and simple flush diffusers.High induction rates result in rapid temperature and velocity equalizationof the mixed air mass. Mixing is done above the zone of occupancy.

Figure 17-15 Perforated faceadjustable diffuser for full flowand a deflector for ceiling installa-tion. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-16 Round diffusers withflush face, fixed pattern for ceil-ing installation. (Courtesy of Tuttle& Bailey.)

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Grids are used and sold as an accessory to these diffusers. The grid(see Fig. 17-17) is a multiblade device designed to ensure uniform air-flow in a diffuser collar. It is individually adjustable. The blades can bemoved to control the air stream precisely.

For maximum effect, the control grid should be installed with theblades perpendicular to the direction of approaching airflow. Whereshort collars are encountered, a double bank of control grids is recom-mended. The upper grid is placed perpendicular to the branch duct flow.The lower grid is placed parallel to the branch duct flow. The control gridis attached to the duct collar by means of mounting straps. It is com-monly used with volume dampers.

Antismudge rings

The antismudge ring is designed to cause the diffuser discharge-airpath to contact the ceiling in a thin-layered pattern. This minimizes localturbulence, the cause of distinct smudging (see Fig. 17-18).

For the best effect, the antismudge ring must fit evenly against theceiling surface. It is held in position against the ceiling by the diffusermargin. This eliminates any exposed screws.

Air-channel diffusers

Air-channel supply diffusers are designed for use with integrated air-handling ceiling systems. They are adaptable to fit between open par-allel tee bars.

They fit within perforated or slotted ceiling runners. The appearanceof the integrated ceiling remains unchanged regardless of the size of theunit. They are painted-out to be invisible when viewing the ceiling.

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Figure 17-17 Control grid with multi-blade devices to control airflow in a dif-fuser collar. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-18 Antismudge ring. (Courtesyof Tuttle & Bailey.)

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These high-capacity diffusers provide a greater air-handling capability(see Fig. 17-19).

Luminaire diffusers

The luminaire is a complete lighting unit. The luminaire diffuser fits closeto the fluorescent lamp fixtures in the ceiling. The single-side diffuserwith side inlet is designed to provide single-side concealed air distribu-tion (see Fig. 17-20). These diffusers are designed with oval-shaped sideinlets and inlet dampers. They provide effective single point dampering.

Dual-side diffusers with side inlet are designed to provide concealedair distribution. Note the crossover from the oval-shaped side inlet tothe other side of the diffuser. This type of unit handles more air andspreads it more evenly when used in large areas (see Fig. 17-21). Thistype of diffuser is also available with an insulation jacket when needed.

Figure 17-20 Single-side diffuser withside inlet. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-19 High-capacity air channel dif-fuser with fixed pattern for suspended gridceilings. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-21 Dual-side diffuserwith side inlet. (Courtesy of Tuttle& Bailey.)

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Room air motion

Figure 17-22 illustrates the airflow from ceiling diffusers. The top viewillustrates the motion from the diffuser. The side view shows how the tem-perature differential is very low. Note that the temperature is 68°F nearthe ceiling and sidewall and 73°F on the opposite wall near the ceiling.

Linear Grilles

Linear grilles are designed for installation in the sidewall, sill, floor, andceiling. They are recommended for supplying heated, ventilated, orcooled air and for returning or exhausting room air (see Fig. 17-23).

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Figure 17-22 Room air motion. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

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When installed in the sidewall near the ceiling, the linear grilles pro-vide a horizontal pattern above the occupied zone. Core deflections of15° and 30° direct the air path upward to overcome the drop effectresulting from cool primary air.

When installed in the top of a sill or enclosure, the linear grilles pro-vide a vertical up-pattern. This is effective in overcoming uncomfort-able cold downdrafts. It also offsets the radiant effect of glass surfaces.Core deflections of 0° and 15° directed toward the glass surface pro-vide upward airflow to the ceiling, and along the ceiling toward theinterior zone.

When installed in the ceiling, linear grilles provide a vertically down-ward air pattern. This pattern is effective in projection heating and incooling the building perimeter from ceiling heights above 13 to 15 ft.Application of down flow primary air should be limited to ensure againstexcessive drafts at the end of the throw. Core deflections of 0°, 15°, and30° direct the air path angularly downward as required. Debris screenscan be integrally attached (see Fig. 17-24).

Fans and Mechanical Ventilation

Mechanical ventilation differs from natural ventilation mainly in thatthe air circulation is performed by mechanical means (such as fans orblowers). In natural ventilation, the air is caused to move by naturalforces. In mechanical ventilation, the required air changes are effectedpartly by diffusion, but chiefly by positive currents put in motion by elec-trically operated fans or blowers, as shown in Fig. 17-25. Fresh air isusually circulated through registers connected with the outside andwarmed as it passes over and through the intervening radiators.

Air volume

The volume of air required is determined by the size of the space to beventilated and the number of times per hour the air in that space is to

Figure 17-23 Linear grille with a hingedaccess door. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

Figure 17-24 Debris screen for lineargrilles. (Courtesy of Tuttle & Bailey.)

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be changed. Table 17-4 shows the recommended rate of air change forvarious types of spaces. In many cases, existing local regulations orcodes will govern the ventilating requirements. Some of these codes arebased on a specified amount of air per person, and others on the airrequired per square foot of floor area. Table 17-4 should serve as a guideto average conditions. Where local codes or regulations are involved, theyshould be taken into consideration. If the number of persons occupyingthe space is larger than would be normal for such a space, the air shouldbe changed more often than shown.

574 Chapter Seventeen

Figure 17-25 Typical mechanical ventilators for residential use.Note placement of fans and other details.

TABLE 17-4 Volume of Air Required

Space to be ventilated Air changes per hour Minutes per change

Auditoriums 6 10Bakeries 20 3Bowling alleys 12 5Club rooms 12 5Churches 6 10Dining rooms (restaurants) 12 5Factories 10 6Foundries 20 3Garages 12 5Kitchens (restaurants) 30 2Laundries 20 3Machine shops 10 6Offices 10 6Projection booths 60 1Recreation rooms 10 6Sheet-metal shops 10 6Ship holds 6 10Stores 10 6Toilets 20 3Tunnels 6 10

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Fans and blowers

The various devices used to supply air circulation in air-conditioning appli-cations are known as fans, blowers, exhausts, or propellers. The differenttypes of fans may be classified with respect to their construction as follows:


Tube axial

Vane axial


A propeller fan consists essentially of a propeller or disk-type wheelwithin a mounting ring or plate and includes the driving-mechanismsupports for either belt or direct drive. A tube axial fan consists of a pro-peller or disk-type wheel within a cylinder and includes the driving-mechanism supports for either belt drive or direct connection. A vaneaxial fan consists of a disk-type wheel within a cylinder and a set of airguide vanes located before or after the wheel. It includes the driving-mechanism supports for either belt drive or direct connection. A cen-trifugal fan consists of a fan rotor or wheel within a scroll-type housingand includes the driving-mechanism supports for either belt drive ordirect connection. Figure 17-26 shows the mounting arrangements.

Fan performance may be stated in various ways, with the air volumeper unit time, total pressure, static pressure, speed, and power inputbeing the most important. The terms, as defined by the NationalAssociation of Fan Manufacturers, are as follows:

Volume handled by a fan is the number of cubic feet of air per minuteexpressed as fan-outlet conditions.

Total pressure of a fan is the rise of pressure from fan inlet to fanoutlet.

Velocity pressure of a fan is the pressure corresponding to the averagevelocity determination from the volume of airflow at the fan outlet area.

Figure 17-26 Fan classifications with proper mounting arrangement.

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Static pressure of a fan is the total pressure diminished by the fan-velocity pressure.

Power output of a fan is expressed in horsepower and is based on fanvolume and the fan total pressure.

Power input of a fan is expressed in horsepower and is measured ashorsepower delivered to the fan shaft.

Mechanical efficiency of a fan is the ratio of power output to power input.

Static efficiency of a fan is the mechanical efficiency multiplied by theratio of static pressure to the total pressure.

Fan-outlet area is the inside area of the fan outlet.

Fan-inlet area is the inside area of the inlet collar.

Horsepower requirements

The horsepower required for any fan or blower varies directly as the cubeof the speed, provided that the area of the discharge orifice remainsunchanged. The horsepower requirements of a centrifugal fan generallydecrease with a decrease in the area of the discharge orifice if the speedremains unchanged. The horsepower requirements of a propeller fanincrease as the area of the discharge orifice decreases if the speedremains unchanged.

Fan-driving methods

Whenever possible, the fan wheel should be directly connected to themotor shaft. This can usually be accomplished with small centrifugalfans and with propeller fans up to about 60 in. in diameter. The deflec-tion and the critical speed of the shaft, however, should be investigatedto determine whether or not it is safe.

When selecting a motor for fan operation, it is advisable to select astandard motor one size larger than the fan requirements. It should bekept in mind, however, that direct-connected fans do not require asgreat a safety factor as that of belt-driven units. It is desirable to employa belt drive when the required fan speed or horsepower is in doubt,since a change in pulley size is relatively inexpensive if an error is made(see Fig. 17-27).

Directly connected small fans for single-phase AC motors of the split-phase, capacitor, or shaded-pole type usually drive various applications.The capacitor motor is more efficient electrically and is used in districtswhere there are current limitations. Such motors, however, are usuallyarranged to operate at one speed. With such a motor, if it is necessaryto vary the air volume or pressure of the fan or blower, the throttling ofair by a damper installation is usually made.

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In large installations (such as when mechanical draft fans arerequired), various drive methods are used:

A slip-ring motor to vary the speed.

A constant-speed, directly connected motor, which, by means of move-able guide vanes in the fan inlet, serves to regulate the pressure andair volume.

Selecting a fan

Most often, the service determines the type of fan to use. When opera-tion occurs with little or no resistance, and particularly when no ductsystem is required, the propeller fan is commonly used because of its sim-plicity and economy in operation. When a duct system is involved, a cen-trifugal or axial type of fan is usually employed. In general, centrifugaland axial fans are comparable with respect to sound effect, but the axialfans are somewhat lighter and require considerably less space. The fol-lowing information is usually required for proper fan selection:

Capacity requirement in cfm

Static pressure or system resistance

Type of application or service

Mounting arrangement of system

Sound level or use of space to be served

Nature of load and available drive

Figure 17-27 Various types ofpropeller fan drives and mount-ing arrangements.

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The various fan manufacturers generally supply tables or character-istic curves that ordinarily show a wide range of operating particularsfor each fan size. The tabulated data usually include static pressure,outlet velocity, revolutions per minute, brake horsepower, tip or periph-eral speed, and so on.

Applications for fans

The numerous applications of fans in the field of air-conditioning andventilation are well known, particularly to engineers and air-conditioning repair and maintenance personnel. The various fan appli-cations are as follows:

Attic fans

Circulating fans

Cooling-tower fans

Exhaust fans

Kitchen fans

Exhaust fans are found in all types of applications, according to theAmerican Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Wall fans arepredominantly of the propeller type, since they operate against little orno resistance. They are listed in capacities from 1000 to 75,000 cfm. Theyare sometimes incorporated in factory-built penthouses and roof caps orprovided with matching automatic louvers. Hood exhaust fans involv-ing duct work are predominantly centrifugal, especially in handling hotor corrosive fumes.

Spray-booth exhaust fans are frequently centrifugal, especially if builtinto self-contained booths. Tube axial fans lend themselves particularlywell to this application where the case of cleaning and of suspension ina section of ductwork is advantageous. For such applications, built-incleanout doors are desirable.

Circulating fans are invariably propeller or disk-type units and aremade in a vast variety of blade shapes and arrangements. They aredesigned for appearance as well as utility. Cooling-tower fans are pre-dominantly the propeller type. However, axial types are also used forpacked towers, and occasionally a centrifugal fan is used to supply draft.Kitchen fans for domestic use are small propeller fans arranged forwindow or wall mounting and with various useful fixtures. They arelisted in capacity ranges of from 300 to 800 cfm.

Attic fans are used during the summer to draw large volumes of out-side air through the house or building whenever the outside tempera-ture is lower than that of the inside. It is in this manner that therelatively cool evening or night air is utilized to cool the interior in one

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or several rooms, depending on the location of the air-cooling unit. Itshould be clearly understood, however, that the attic fan is not strictlya piece of air-conditioning equipment since it only moves air and doesnot cool, clean, or dehumidify. Attic fans are used primarily because oftheir low cost and economy of operation, combined with their ability toproduce comfort cooling by circulating air rather than conditioning it.

Operation of fans

Fans may be centrally located in an attic or other suitable space (such asa hallway), and arranged to move air proportionately from several rooms.A local unit may be installed in a window to provide comfort cooling forone room only when desired. Attic fans are usually propeller types andshould be selected for low velocities to prevent excessive noise. The fansshould have sufficient capacity to provide at least 30 air changes per hour.

To decrease the noise associated with air-exchange equipment, the fol-lowing rules should be observed:

The equipment should be properly located to prevent noise from affect-ing the living area.

The fans should be of the proper size and capacity to obtain reason-able operating speed.

Equipment should be mounted on rubber or other resilient materialto assist in preventing transmission of noise to the building.

If it is unavoidable to locate the attic air-exchange equipment abovethe bedrooms, it is essential that every precaution be taken to reducethe equipment noise to the lowest possible level. Since high-speed ACmotors are usually quieter than low-speed ones, it is often preferable touse a high-speed motor connected to the fan by means of an endlessV-belt, if the floor space available permits such an arrangement.

Installation of attic fans

Because of the low static pressures involved (usually less than 1/8 in. ofwater) disk or propeller fans are generally used instead of the blower orhoused types. It is important that the fans have quiet operating charac-teristics and sufficient capacity to give at least 30 air changes per hour.For example, a house with 10,000 ft3 content would require a fan with acapacity of 300,000 ft3/h or 5000 cfm to provide 30 air changes per hour.

The two general types of attic fans in common use are boxed-in fansand centrifugal fans. The boxed-in fan is installed within the attic in abox or suitable housing located directly over a central ceiling grille orin a bulkhead enclosing an attic stair. This type of fan may also beconnected by means of a direct system to individual room grilles. Outside

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cool air entering through the windows in the downstairs room is dis-charged into the attic space and escapes to the outside through louvers,dormer windows, or screened openings under the eaves.

Although an air-exchange installation of this type is rather simple, theactual decision about where to install the fan and where to provide thegrilles for the passage of air up through the house should be left to a ven-tilating engineer. The installation of a multiblade centrifugal fan isshown in Fig. 17-28. At the suction side, the fan is connected to exhaustducts leading to grilles, which are placed in the ceiling of the two bed-rooms. The air exchange is accomplished by admitting fresh air throughopen windows and up through the suction side of the fan; the air isfinally discharged through louvers as shown.

Another installation is shown in Fig. 17-29. This fan is a centrifugalcurved-blade type mounted on a light angle-iron frame, which supportsthe fan wheel, shaft, and bearings. The air inlet in this installation isplaced close to a circular opening, which is cut in an airtight board par-tition that serves to divide the attic space into a suction and dischargechamber. The air is admitted through open windows and doors and is thendrawn up the attic stairway through the fan into the discharge chamber.

Routine fan operation

The routine of operation to secure the best and most efficient results withan attic fan is important. A typical operating routine might require that,in the late afternoon when the outdoor temperature begins to fall, the

580 Chapter Seventeen

Figure 17-28 Installing a centrifugal fan in a one-family dwelling.

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windows on the first floor and the grilles in the ceiling or the attic floorbe opened and the second-floor windows kept closed. This will place theprincipal cooling effect in the living rooms. Shortly before bedtime, thefirst-floor windows may be closed and those on the second floor openedto transfer the cooling effect to the bedrooms. A suitable time clock maybe used to shut the motor off before arising time.

Ventilation Methods

Ventilation is produced by two basic methods: natural and mechanical.Open windows, vents, or drafts obtain natural ventilation, whereasmechanical ventilation is produced by the use of fans.

Thermal effect is possibly better known as flue effect. Flue effect isthe draft in a stack or chimney that is produced within a building whenthe outdoor temperature is lower than the indoor temperature. This iscaused by the difference in weight of the warm column of air within thebuilding and the cooler air outside.

Air may be filtered two ways: dry filtering and wet filtering. Variousair-cleaning equipments (such as filtering, washing, or combined filtering

Figure 17-29 Typical attic installation of a belt-driven fan.

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and washing devices) are used to purify the air. When designing theduct network, ample filter area must be included so that the air veloc-ity passing through the filters is sufficient. Accuracy in estimatingthe resistance to the flow of air through the duct system is importantin the selection of blower motors. Resistance should be kept as low aspossible in the interest of economy. Ducts should be installed as shortas possible.

Competent medical authorities have properly emphasized the effectof dust on health. Air-conditioning apparatus removes these contami-nants from the air. The apparatus also provides the correct amount ofmoisture so that the respiratory tracts are not dehydrated, but are keptproperly moist. Dust is more than just dry dirt. It is a complex, variablemixture of materials and, as a whole, is rather uninviting, especially thetype found in and around human habitation. Dust contains fine parti-cles of sand, soot, earth, rust, fiber, animal and vegetable refuse, hair,and chemicals.

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18 Troubleshooting

Air-conditioning and refrigeration units experience problems with theelectrical and the mechanical aspects of their operation. In some cases theyhave been moved and damaged and in other cases they have been repairedwith components that are incorrect or good components incorrectly wired.

The service technician must be aware of these problems. In thischapter an attempt has been made to show how certain troubleshoot-ing procedures can aid in making the job faster and easier.


Safety first has its direct and implied meaning. You can work with air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment safely if a few common senserules are followed.

Handling refrigerants

The proper use of gloves, eye protection, and clothing to protect the bodyis necessary. Freon or any refrigerant escaping from a refrigeration unitcan cause permanent damage to the skin. It can also cause blindness if youare hit in the face with the gases under pressure. Make sure you wear theproper clothing at all times when troubleshooting or recharging a unit.

Testing precaution

Pressure testing or cleaning refrigeration and air-conditioning systemscan be dangerous. Be careful not to exceed 150 psig when pressure test-ing a complete system.

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Electrical safety

The main rule for electrical safety is to see that the main circuit breakeris in the off position and locked before starting to remove or check (withan ohmmeter) any refrigeration, air-conditioning, or heating equipment.Keep in mind that some compressors have power applied at all times tothe off-cycle crankcase heater. Even if the compressor is not running,the power is applied to the crankcase heater. Some run capacitors areconnected to the compressor motor windings even when the compressoris not running. Other devices are energized when the compressor is notrunning. Thus, electrical power is applied to the unit even when the com-pressor is not running.

Compressor Problems

There are a number of compressor problems that can be quickly iden-tified from a table of problems, possible causes, and suggested repair (seeTable 18-1). The compressor is the heart of the refrigeration systemwhether it is the air conditioner, refrigerator, or freezer. That makes itof primary concern in any troubleshooting procedure.

PSC compressors

The permanent split-capacitor compressor has some problems thatshould be uppermost in your mind so that you are aware of them. InTable 18-2 the low-voltage problems are listed and possible correctionsgiven. The branch circuit fuse or circuit breaker trips and causes the unitto become disabled. The possible cause could be that the rating of theprotection device is not high enough to handle the current. Some prob-lems are within the scope of the work the technician can handle. Others,like low line voltage caused by factors beyond the control of the home-owner, call for the utility company to correct them.

A lot of troubleshooting is common sense. If the fuse is blown and youput in another and it blows, it tells you that there is something draw-ing too much current. Simply check for cause.

Air-conditioner compressors

Home air conditioners, those that fit into a window or those that are partof a central air-conditioning system, are subject to problems with theircompressors and electrical controls. Most of those that operate in thewindow are designed for 120- or 240-V operation. In some cases, duringthe summer when line voltage is low, they may experience some low-voltage problems.

The units are equipped with some kind of filter to make sure the airis cleaned before it is forced into the room being cooled. These filters

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TABLE 18-1 Compressor Troubleshooting and Service

Complaint Possible cause Repair

Compressor will not start. 1. Line disconnect switch open. 1. Close start or disconnect switch.There is no hum. 2. Fuse removed or blown. 2. Replace fuse.

3. Overload protector tripped. 3. Refer to electrical section.4. Control stuck in open position. 4. Repair or replace control.5. Control off due to cold location. 5. Relocate control.6. Wiring improper or loose. 6. Check wiring against diagram.

Compressor will not start. It hums, 1. Improperly wired. 1. Check wiring against diagram.but trips on overload protector. 2. Low voltage to unit. 2. Determine reason and correct.

3. Starting capacitor defective. 3. Determine reason and replace.4. Relay failing to close. 4. Determine reason and correct, replace if

necessary.5. Compressor motor has a winding 5. Replace compressor.

open or shorted.6. Internal mechanical trouble in compressor. 6. Replace compressor.7. Liquid refrigerant in compressor. 7. Add crankcase heater and/or accumulator.

Compressor starts, but does not switch 1. Improperly wired. 1. Check wiring against diagram.off of start winding. 2. Low voltage to unit. 2. Determine reason and correct.

3. Relay failing to open. 3. Determine reason and replace if necessary.4. Run capacitor defective. 4. Determine reason and replace.5. Excessively high discharge pressure. 5. Check discharge shutoff valve, possible

overcharge, or insufficient cooling of condenser.

6. Compressor motor has a winding open or 6. Replace compressor.shorted.

7. Internal mechanical trouble in compressor 7. Replace compressor.(tight).

Compressor starts and runs, but short 1. Additional current passing through 1. Check wiring against diagram; check cycles on overload protector. the overload protector. added fan motors, pumps, etc.,

connected to wrong side of protector.2. Low voltage to unit (or unbalanced if three 2. Determine reason and correct.

phase).585 (Continued)

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TABLE 18-1 Compressor Troubleshooting and Service (Continued )

Complaint Possible cause Repair

3. Overload protector defective. 3. Check current, replace protector.4. Run capacitor defective. 4. Determine reason and replace.5. Excessive discharge pressure. 5. Check ventilation, restrictions in cooling

medium, restrictions in refrigeration system.6. Suction pressure too high. 6. Check for possibility of misappli-

cation; use stronger unit.7. Compressor too hot—return 7. Check refrigerant charge. (Repair

gas is hot. leak.) Add refrigerant if necessary.8. Compressor motor has a winding shorted. 8. Replace compressor.

Unit runs, but short cycles on. 1. Overload protector. 1. Check current; replace protector.2. Thermostat. 2. Differential set too close; widen.3. High-pressure cutout due to insufficient air 3. Check air or water supply to condenser;

or water supply, overcharge, or air in system. reduce refrigerant charge, or purge.4. Low-pressure cutout due to: 4. a. Replace.

a. Liquid line solenoid leaking. b. Replace.b. Compressor valve leak. c. Repair leak and add refrigerant.c. Undercharge. d. Replace expansion device.d. Restriction in expansion device.

Unit operates long or continuously. 1. Shortage of refrigerant. 1. Repair leak; add charge.2. Control contacts stuck or frozen closed. 2. Clean contacts or replace control.3. Refrigerated or air-conditioned space 3. Determine fault and correct.

has excessive load or poor insulation.4. System inadequate to handle load. 4. Replace with larger system.5. Evaporator coil iced. 5. Defrost.6. Restriction in refrigeration system. 6. Determine location and remove.7. Dirty condenser. 7. Clean condenser.8. Filter dirty. 8. Clean or replace.

Start capacitor open, shorted, or blown. 1. Relay contacts not operating properly. 1. Clean contacts or replace relay if necessary.2. Prolonged operation on start cycle 2. a. Determine reason and correct.

due to: b. Replace.a. Low voltage to unit. c. Correct by using pump-down b. Improper relay. arrangement if necessary.c. Starting load too high.


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3. Excessive short cycling 3. Determine reason for short cycling asmentioned in previous complaint.

4. Improper capacitor. 4. Determine correct size and replace.Run capacitor open, shorted, 1. Improper capacitor. 1. Determine correct size and replace.or blown. 2. Excessively high line voltage 2. Determine reason and correct.

(110% of rated maximum).Relay defective or burned out. 1. Incorrect relay. 1. Check and replace.

2. Incorrect mounting angle. 2. Remount relay in correct position.3. Line voltage too high or too low. 3. Determine reason and correct.4. Excessive short cycling. 4. Determine reason and correct.5. Relay being influenced by loose 5. Remount rigidly.

vibrating mounting.6. Incorrect run capacitor. 6. Replace with proper capacitor.

Space temperature too high. 1. Control setting too high. 1. Reset control.2. Expansion valve too small. 2. Use larger valve.3. Cooling coils too small. 3. Add surface or replace.4. Inadequate air circulation. 4. Improve air movement.

Suction line frosted or sweating. 1. Expansion valve oversized or 1. Readjust valve or replace with smaller passing excess refrigerant. valve.

2. Expansion valve stuck open. 2. Clean valve of foreign particles. Replace if necessary.

3. Evaporator fan not running. 3. Determine reason and correct.4. Overcharge of refrigerant. 4. Correct charge.

Liquid line frosted or sweating. 1. Restriction in dehydrator or strainer. 1. Replace part.2. Liquid shutoff (king valve) partially closed. 2. Open valve fully.

Unit noisy. 1. Loose parts or mountings. 1. Tighten.2. Tubing rattle. 2. Reform to be free of contact.3. Bent fan blade causing vibration. 3. Replace blade.4. Fan motor bearings worn. 4. Replace motor.

Courtesy of Kelvinator.


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588 Chapter Eighteen

TABLE 18-2 PSC Compressor Motor Troubles and Corrections

Causes Corrections

Low Voltage1. Inadequate wire size. 1. Increase wire size.2. Watt-hour meter too small. 2. Call utility company.3. Power transformer too small or 3. Call utility company.

feeding too many homes.4. Input voltage too low. 4. Call utility company.

Note: Starting torque varies as the square of the input voltage.

Branch Circuit Fuse or Circuit Breaker Tripping1. Rating too low. 1. Increase size to a minimum or 175% of

unit FLA (full load amperes) to a maximum of 225% of FLA.

System Pressure High or Not Equalized1. Pressures not equalizing within 1. a. Check metering device (capillary tube or

3 minutes. expansion valve).b. Check room thermostat for cycling rate;

off cycle should be at least 5 minutes; alsocheck for “chattering.”

c. Has some refrigerant dryer or some otherpossible restriction been added?

2. System pressure too high. 2. Make sure refrigerant charge is correct. 3. Excessive liquid in crankcase 3. Add crankcase heater and suction line

(split-system applications). accumulator.

Miscellaneous1. Run capacitor open or shorted. 1. Replace with new, properly sized capacitor.2. Internal overload open. 2. Allow 2 hours to reset before changing


usually require a change or cleaning at least once a year. Where dust isa problem, such maintenance should be more frequent. At this time, thecondenser coil should be brushed with a soft brush and flushed withwater. The filters should be vacuumed and then washed to remove dust.The outside of the case should be wiped clean with a soapy cloth. Thecleaner the filter, the more efficient the unit. In some cases a cloggedfilter can cause compressor problems. Table 18-1 shows some of theproblems associated with the compressor in these units. Note how mostof the problems associated with air conditioners are electrical.

Low-Voltage Operation

Electrical apparatus designed to produce at full capacity at the voltageindicated on the rating plate can malfunction at lower than designatedvoltages. Motors operated at lower than rated voltage cannot provide fullhorsepower without shortening their service life. Relays and solenoidscan also fail to operate if low voltage is present.

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The Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) certifies thecooling units after testing them. The units are tested to make sure theywill operate with ±10 percent of the rated voltage. This does not meanthey will operate continuously without damage to the motor. Most air-conditioning compressor burnouts are caused by low-voltage operation.A hermetic compressor is entirely enclosed within the refrigerant cycle;it is very important that it not be abused by overloading or low voltage.Both conditions can occur during peak load periods. A national surveyhas shown that the most common cause of compressor low voltage is theuse of undersized conductors between the utility lines and the con-densing unit.

Using a System to Troubleshoot (Electrical)

Refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heating units all have various systemsthat cause them to operate and do the job they were designed for. First,you have to identify the system and the problems most commonly asso-ciated with the particular system. Then you have to be able to determineexactly what caused the symptom you are witnessing. Next, you have tobe able to correct the problem and put the unit back into operation.

Electrical tests are the most common because the electrical problemsare the most frequently encountered in all three types of equipment. Asystematic procedure is necessary to obtain the needed results.

Motor testing

Testing a motor in a sealed condensing unit to determine why it doesnot operate becomes a very simple process if the correct procedure isfollowed. Each test made should be one of a series of eliminations todetermine what part of the system is defective. By checking other partsof the wiring system before checking the unit itself, a great deal of timecan be saved since, in most cases, the trouble will be in the wiring orcontrols rather than in the unit.

To make a complete electrical test on electrical outlets and on theunit itself, it is advisable to make a test cord (see Fig. 18-1). By con-necting the black and white terminals together and placing a light bulbin the socket, the cord may be used to check the wall outlet into whichthe unit is connected. By connecting the white and red terminal clips,this same test may be made by depressing the push button. This willserve as a test to make certain the push button is in working order. Thistest cord should have a capacitor installed in the red lead to the pushbutton if the compressor is a capacitor-start type.

When these tests have been completed and it is known that currentis being supplied to the unit, the next step is to check the three wireson the base of the compressor unit. Pull the plug from the wall receptacle

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and carefully examine the nuts that hold the wires in position. Then tryeach wire to be sure it is held firmly in place, as a loose wire may keepthe unit from operating. Test the thermostatic switch to determinewhether or not contact is being made at that point. Turn the cold-controlknob several times. If this fails to start the unit, then short across the ther-mostatic switch terminals on the switch. To do this, it will be necessaryto remove the switch cover from the top of the switch. If the unit starts,it is an indication that the thermostatic switch is not operating properlyand must be repaired or replaced. After the thermostatic switch has beenchecked and if the trouble is not located, it will be necessary to determinewhether the trouble is in the motor, motor-protector relay, or capacitor.

Capacitor testing

The capacitor must be checked before testing the unit itself. This isdone in the following manner:

1. Disconnect the capacitor wires from the motor-protector relay.

2. Connect these two wires to the black and white terminals of the test cord.

3. Put a 150-W light bulb in the receptacle on the test cord, and plug itinto an outlet.

If the 150-W bulb does not light, it is an indication that the capacitorhas an open circuit and must be replaced. However, if the bulb does light,it is not an indication that the capacitor is perfect. This must be checkedfurther by shorting across the two terminals of the capacitor with a screw-driver that has an insulated handle. If the brilliance of the light changes,that is, if the light bulb burns brighter when the terminals of the capaci-tor are shorted, it indicates that the capacitor is in proper operating con-dition. A decided sparking of the terminals will also be noticed when theterminals are shorted. If the brilliance of the bulb does not change, it isan indication that the capacitor has an internal short and must be replaced.

590 Chapter Eighteen

Figure 18-1 Test lamp for troubleshooting.

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Motor-protector relay testing

If the overload protector is found defective during the preceding test,replace it (see Fig. 18-2). The motor overload protector is usually accessi-ble for replacement and is located near the compressor (see Fig. 18-3).Remove the clips holding the overload in position, and remove the wire

Troubleshooting 591

Figure 18-2 Location of overload protector in the circuit.

Figure 18-3 Compressor with its glass terminal and associatedcomponents (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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from the terminal by pulling it outward. Notice the position of the electricallead before replacing it (see Fig. 18-4). Place the electrical leads on thereplacement overload and check for correct connections against the wiringdiagram. Close up the unit (see Fig. 18-5). Test for proper operation.

Using Meters to Check for Problems

The voltmeter and the ohmmeter can be used to isolate various problems.You should be able to read the schematic and make the proper voltage orresistance measurements. An incorrect reading will indicate the possibil-ity of a problem. Troubleshooting charts will aid in isolating the problemto a given system. Once you have arrived at the proper system that maybe causing the symptoms noticed, you will then need to use the ohmme-ter with the power off to isolate a section of the system. Once you havezeroed in on the problem, you can locate it by knowing what the properreading should be. Deviation from a stated reading of over 10 percent isusually indicative of a malfunction, and in most cases the component partmust be replaced to ensure proper operation and no call backs.

Using a Volt-Ammeter for TroubleshootingElectric Motors

Most electrical equipment will work satisfactorily if the line voltage dif-fers ±10 percent from the actual nameplate rating. In a few cases, how-ever, a 10 percent voltage drop may result in a breakdown. Such may

592 Chapter Eighteen

Figure 18-4 Overload protection locationon the compressor. (Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

Figure 18-5 Compressor with cover.(Courtesy of Tec*mseh.)

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be the case with an induction motor that is being loaded to its fullestcapacity both on start and run. A 10 percent loss in the line voltage willresult in a 20 percent loss in torque.

The full-load current rating on the nameplate is an approximate valuebased on the average unit coming off the manufacturer’s production line.The actual current for any one unit may vary as much as ±10 percent atrated output. However, a load current that exceeds the rated value by20 percent or more will reduce the life of the motor due to higher oper-ating temperatures, and the reason for excessive current should bedetermined. In many cases it may simply be an overloaded motor. Thepercentage of increase in load will not correspond with percentage ofincrease in load current. For example, in the case of a single-phaseinduction motor, a 35 percent increase in current may correspond to an80 percent increase in torque output.

The operating conditions and behavior of electrical equipment can beanalyzed only by actual measurement. A comparison of the measuredterminal voltage and current will check whether the equipment is oper-ating within electrical specifications.

A voltmeter and an ammeter are needed for the two basic measure-ments. To measure voltage, the test leads of the voltmeter are in con-tact with the terminals of the line under test. To measure current, theconventional ammeter must be connected in series with the line so thatthe current will flow through the ammeter.

To insert the ammeter, you must shut down the equipment, break openthe line, connect the ammeter, and then start up the equipment to readthe meter. And you have to do the same to remove the meter once it hasbeen used. Other time-consuming tests may have to be made to locatethe problem. However, all this can be eliminated by the use of a clamp-on volt-ammeter.

Clamp-on volt-ammeter

The pocket size volt-ammeter shown in Fig. 18-6 is the answer to mosttroubleshooting problems on the job. The line does not have to be dis-connected to obtain a current reading. The meter works on the trans-former principle; it picks up the magnetic lines surrounding acurrent-carrying conductor and presents this as a function of the entireamount flowing through the line. Remember, in transformers we dis-cussed how the magnetic field strength in the core of the transformerdetermines the amount of current in the secondary. The same principleis used here to detect the flow of current and amount of current.

To get transformer action, the line to be tested is encircled with the split-type core by simply pressing the trigger button. Aside from measuring ter-minal voltages and load currents, the split-core ammeter-voltmeter canbe used to track down electrical difficulties in electric motor repair.

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Looking for grounds

To determine whether a winding is grounded or has a very low value ofinsulation resistance, connect the unit and test leads as shown inFig. 18-7. Assuming the available line voltage is approximately 120 V,use the unit’s lowest voltage range. If the winding is grounded to theframe, the test will indicate full-line voltage.

A high-resistance ground is simply a case of low-insulation resist-ance. The indicated reading for a high-resistance ground will be a littleless than line voltage. A winding that is not grounded will be evidenced

594 Chapter Eighteen

Figure 18-6 Clamp-on volt-ammeter. (Courtesy of Amprobe.)

Figure 18-7 Grounded phase of a motor. (Courtesy of Amprobe.)

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by a small or negligible reading. This is due mainly to the capacitiveeffect between the windings and the steel lamination.

To locate the grounded portion of the windings, disconnect the nec-essary connection jumpers and test. Grounded sections will be detectedby a full-line voltage indication.

Looking for opens

To determine whether a winding is open, connect test leads as shownin Figs. 18-8 and 18-9. If the winding is open, there will be no voltageindication. If the circuit is not open, the voltmeter indication will readfull-line voltage.

Looking for shorts

Shorted turns in the winding of a motor behave like a shorted second-ary of a transformer. A motor with a shorted winding will draw exces-sive current while running at no load. Measurement of the current canbe made without disconnecting lines.

Troubleshooting 595

Figure 18-8 Isolating an open phase. (Courtesy of Amprobe.)

Figure 18-9 Finding an open phase. (Courtesy of Amprobe.)

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You engage one of the lines with the split-core transformer of thetester. If the ammeter reading is much higher than the full-load ampererating on the nameplate, the motor is probably shorted.

In a two- or three-phase motor, a partially shorted winding producesa higher current reading in the shorted phase. This becomes evidentwhen the current in each phase is measured.

Motors with Squirrel-Cage Rotors

Loss in output torque at rated speed in an induction motor may be due toopens in the squirrel-cage rotor. To test the rotor and determine which rotorbars are loose or open, place the rotor in a growler. Engage the split-coreammeter around the lines going to the growler, as shown in Fig. 18-10. Setthe switch to the highest current range. Switch on the growler and thenset the test unit to the approximate current range. Rotate the rotor in thegrowler and take note of the current indication whenever the growler isenergized. The bars and end rings in the rotor behave similarly to a shortedsecondary of a transformer. The growler windings act as the primary.A good rotor will produce approximately the same current indications forall positions of the rotor. A defective rotor will exhibit a drop in the cur-rent reading when the open bars move into the growler field.

Testing the Centrifugal Switch in a Single-Phase Motor

A defective centrifugal switch may not disconnect the start winding atthe proper time. To determine conclusively that the start windingremains in the circuit, place the split-core ammeter around one of thestart-winding leads. Set the instrument to the highest current range.Turn on the motor switch. Select the appropriate current range. Observeif there is any current in the start-winding circuit. A current indicationsignifies that the centrifugal switch did not open when the motor cameup to speed (see Fig. 18-11).

596 Chapter Eighteen

Figure 18-10 Using a growler totest a motor. (Courtesy of Amprobe.)

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Testing for a Short Circuit between Run and Start Windings

A short between run and start windings may be determined by using theammeter and line voltage to check for continuity between the two sepa-rate circuits. Disconnect the run and start-winding leads and connect theinstrument as shown in Fig. 18-12. Set the meter on voltage. A full-linevoltage reading will be obtained if the windings are shorted to one another.

Capacitor Testing

Defective capacitors are very often the cause of trouble in capacitor-typemotors. Shorts, opens, grounds, and insufficient capacity in microfaradsare conditions for which capacitors should be tested to determinewhether they are good.

Troubleshooting 597

Figure 18-11 Checking the centrifugal switch with aclamp-on meter. (Courtesy of Amprobe.)

Figure 18-12 Finding a shorted winding using a clamp-onmeter. (Courtesy of Amprobe.)

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You can determine a grounded capacitor by setting the instrument onthe proper voltage range and connecting it and the capacitor to the lineas shown in Fig. 18-13. A full-line voltage indication on the meter sig-nifies that the capacitor is grounded to the can. A high-resistance groundis evident from a voltage reading that is somewhat below the line volt-age. A negligible reading or a reading of no voltage indicates that thecapacitor is not grounded.

Measuring the capacity of a capacitor

To measure the capacity of the capacitor, set the test unit’s switch to theproper voltage range and read the line-voltage indication. Then set tothe appropriate current range and read the capacitor-current indication.During the test, keep the capacitor on the line for a very short period oftime, because motor starting electrolytic capacitors are rated for inter-mittent duty (see Fig. 18-14). The capacity in microfarads is then com-puted by substituting the voltage and current readings in the followingformula, assuming that a full 60-Hz line is used:

An open capacitor will be evident if there is no current indication inthe test. A shorted capacitor is easily detected. It will blow the fusewhen the line switch is turned on to measure the line voltage.Troubleshooting can be broken down into a simple procedure. Logicalthinking is what it takes to be able to accurately diagnose a problemand then correct it. For instance, you can isolate a particular system


volts= ×2650

598 Chapter Eighteen

Figure 18-13 Finding a groundedcapacitor with a clamp-on meter.(Courtesy of Amprobe.)

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since you know how the system is supposed to operate. If it is notoperating according to expectations, then you know something is caus-ing the problem. By concentrating on a particular system that hasbeen located, it is possible to concentrate your thinking on things thatwould cause the malfunction

Once you have determined which components in the system cancause the symptoms being experienced, it is possible to find the faultycomponent.

After the problem has been located and the component identified, itis then necessary to take the component out and repair it or replace it.

Once the problem has been located, the part removed and a new oneinserted or the old one repaired it is necessary to check the operationof the system to make sure it is performing according to its designcharacteristics.

All this can be broken down into key words that will aid you in anytroubleshooting situation.

Troubleshooting procedure

Isolate. Isolate the system giving the trouble. The system may beThe evaporatorThe condenser The compressor The controls

Use the problem-probable cause-remedy charts to aid in isolating theproblem.

Concentrate. Concentrate on the isolated system. Concentrate on howit works and why it would malfunction.

Troubleshooting 599

Figure 18-14 Finding the size of a capacitor with a clamp-on meter. (Courtesy of Amprobe.)

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Differentiate. Determine which components could cause the identifiedsymptoms, then locate each possible troublemaking part.

Eliminate. Eliminate the possible troublemakers one by one. Use theproper test instrument to do so.

Repair or replace. Either repair or replace the identified troublemaker.

Check. Check to see if the unit operates properly with the repaired orreplaced parts.

600 Chapter Eighteen

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19Solid-State Controls


The word semiconductor identifies a type of electronic device.Transistors and diodes are semiconductors. These units are part of thefield of electronics. They have been used over the past years in everyaspect of control circuits on every type of equipment. Electronic controlsfor air-conditioning, refrigeration, and heating equipment have beenupgraded to use transistors, diodes, and computer chips as well, andother types of semiconductor devices (see Fig. 19-1).

Semiconductor principles

Semiconductor technology is usually called solid state. This means thatthe materials used are of one piece. This is in contrast with the vacuumtube, which consisted of a series of assembled parts. Of course, the sub-stances from which semiconductors are made are not really solid. Theyhave atomic structures consisting largely of empty space. The spaces areessential for the movement of electrons.

Many materials can be classified as semiconductors, but two havebeen used extensively for electronic circuits. They are silicon and ger-manium. Germanium was used originally for diodes and transistors, buthas since been largely replaced by silicon.

Both silicon and germanium are hard, crystal-type materials that arevery brittle. They can be made pure to 99.9 percent. Doping agents orimpurities are added in controlled amounts. Impurities used may beboron, aluminum, indium, gallium, arsenic, and antimony.

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By doping silicon, it is possible to allow the electrons added by doping(in N-type material) to move easily. In P-type material the holes orplaces where an electron should be are moved along by the voltageapplied. The addition of arsenic or antimony makes an N-type semi-conductor material. The material will have an excess of electrons.Electrons have a negative charge.

When gallium or indium is used as the impurity, a P-type semicon-ductor material is produced. This means it has a positive charge, or ismissing an electron.


The semiconductor diode is used to allow current to flow in only onedirection. It can be used to change alternating current to direct current.It is made by using N-type and P-type semiconductor materials.

When N- and P-type materials are joined, they form a diode (seeFig. 19-2). The diode is also called a rectifier since it can change (rectify)

602 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-1 Transistors, diodes, and chips.

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AC and make it DC. The PN junction (diode) acts as a one-way valveto control the current flow. The forward or low-resistance directionthrough the junction allows current to flow through it. The high-resistance direction does not allow current to flow. Thus, only one-half of an alternating current hertz is allowed to flow in a circuit witha diode (see Fig. 19-2). The diode used in this circuit is forward biasedand allows current to flow. Figure 19-3 indicates the arrangement inthe reverse-bias configuration. No current is allowed to flow underthese conditions. Also, note the polarity of the battery.

Diodes are used in isolating one circuit from another. A simple recti-fier circuit is shown in Fig. 19-4. The output from the transformer is anAC voltage, as shown in Fig. 19-5. However, the rectifier action of thediode blocks current flow in one-half of the sine wave and produces a pul-sating DC across the resistor (see Fig. 19-5b).

A number of factors affect the voltage and current ratings of a PN-junction diode. As you work with them, you will learn that they have rat-ings for peak and inverse AC currents. This information is available forboth germanium and silicon diodes in transistor handbooks produced bytheir manufacturers.

Figure 19-6 shows a number of specialized diodes. This illustrationdemonstrates that diodes are designed for specific jobs. Both internaland external construction is determined by circuit requirements. For

Solid-State Controls 603

Figure 19-2 N-type diode in a circuit. Note the symbol for a diode.

Figure 19-3 Reverse-bias diode in a circuit.Note how this differs from Fig. 19-2.

Figure 19-4 Circuit showing how a diodeis used to rectify AC to produce DC.

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example, Fig. 19-6a shows diodes used for radar and computer circuits.The diodes in Fig. 19-6b are designed to carry large currents. So theircases are heat conductors. As the diodes become warm, the generatedheat is transferred to the air. Figure 19-6c shows zener diodes. Theseunits protect sensitive meter movements and regulate voltage.

Silicon-controlled rectifiers

The silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) is a specialized type of semicon-ductor used for control of electrical circuits. This is a four-layer device.The structure can be either NPNP or PNPN.

604 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-5 Results of the rectifier circuit. Transformer output (AC) ischanged to DC.

Figure 19-6 Diodes for special circuits: (a) radar and computer circuits; (b) large-currentcircuits; and (c) low-current circuits.

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An SCR conducts current in a forward direction only. The symbol foran SCR is shown in Fig. 19-7. Current always flows through an SCRfrom the cathode (C) to the anode (A). The illustration indicates that theSCR also has a gate (G).

The function of an SCR is shown in the circuit diagram in Fig. 19-8.The typical use of an SCR is for a controlled circuit. Examples includea light dimmer or a speed control for a motor. This type of circuit isshown in Fig. 19-8. The resistor in the circuit, R1, is a rheostat, oradjustable resistor. This is used to control the amount of voltage deliv-ered to the gate of the SCR.

The more voltage delivered, the greater the flow. Thus, adjusting therheostat will control the circuit. If the circuit illuminates a lamp, low-ering the voltage to the rheostat dims the bulb. If the load is a motor,its speed is lowered. Figure 19-9 shows typical SCRs.


Transistors are made from N- and P-type crystals. Once joined, the twodifferent types of crystals produce junctions. Transistors are identifiedaccording to emitter junction and collector junction. Thus, they areeither PNP- or NPN-types.

A PNP transistor is formed by a thin N-region between two P-regions(see Fig. 19-10). The center N-region is called the base. This base isusually 0.001 in. thick. A collector junction and an emitter junction

Solid-State Controls 605

Figure 19-7 Symbolused for represent-ing an SCR in acircuit. Figure 19-8 Schematic of an SCR-controlled circuit.

Figure 19-9 Two types of SCRs. Both types are used for con-trol circuits, depending on the amount of current involved.

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are also formed. Note the emitter is represented by an arrow eithergoing toward the vertical line or away from it. The collector is the linewithout an arrow. The third line, the one that has the other two con-tacting it, is the base. These are usually abbreviated C, B, and E,respectively.

Transistors can be used for amplification of signals or they can be usedfor switching. There are three common configurations for transistor cir-cuits. They are the common base, common collector, and common emit-ter. The common-emitter circuit is the most often used (see Fig. 19-11).In this type of circuit, the current through the load flows between theemitter and collector. The input signal is applied between the emitterand the base. In normal operation, the collector junction is reversebiased by the supply voltage, B1. The emitter junction is forward biasedby the applied voltage, B2. Electrons flow across the forward-biasedemitter into the base. They diffuse through the base region and flowacross the collector junction. Then they flow through the external col-lector circuit.

Battery B2 voltage is applied in the forward direction. This means thevoltage is positive to the emitter P-type crystal. It also means that volt-age is negative to the N-type crystal. Thus, the emitter-base junction haslow impedance.

606 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-10 Transistor junction using germanium and indium.

Figure 19-11 Schematic diagram of a common-emitter circuit using a PNP transistor.

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The voltage of battery B1 is applied in the reverse direction. Thismeans the voltage is positive to the N-type crystal. It also means thatvoltage is negative to the P-type crystal. This, then, produces a collector-base junction with high impedance.

Transistor impedances. The impedance of the emitter junction is low.Thus, electrons flow from the emitter region to the base region. At thejunction, the electrons combine with the holes in the N-type basecrystal. If the base is thin enough, almost all the holes are attractedto the negative terminal of the collector. They then flow through theload to B1.

The collector current is stopped by applying a positive voltage to thebase and a negative voltage to the emitter. In actual transistors, how-ever, this cannot be done because of several basic limitations. Some ofthe electrons in the base region flow across the emitter junction. Somecombine with the holes in the base region. For this reason, it is neces-sary to supply a current to the base. This makes up for these losses.

The ratio of the collector current to the base current is known asthe current gain of the transistor. Current gain, called beta (β), is foundby dividing base current into collector current. At high frequencies,the fundamental limitation is the time for carriers to diffuse across thebase region. They move from the emitter to the collector. This is whythe base region width or thickness is so important. The thinner thebase region, the less time is required for the carriers to diffuse across it.This causes the transistor to operate faster.

Figure 19-12 shows a schematic for a common-base PNP circuit. Thesignal is injected into the emitter-base circuit. The output signal istaken from the collector-base circuit. An important advantage of thetransistor is its ability to transfer impedances. This is where the tran-sistor gets its name. The word transistor comes from transfer resistor.

The emitter circuit has low impedance. This low impedance allows cur-rent to flow. This current flow then creates a current through the col-lector circuit. The emitter has low impedance and low current. Thecollector has high impedance and even slightly less current than the

Solid-State Controls 607

Figure 19-12 Common-base circuit using a PNP transistor.

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emitter. However, more power is the result in the collector. This isbecause P = I2R or, in this case, P = I2Z. Impedance (Z) is high and thecurrent is squared. Thus, the collector circuit has more power than theemitter circuit with its low impedance.

A common-emitter circuit has about 1300 Ω of input impedance. Thisis compared to an output impedance of about 50,000 Ω. Thus, there isan increase in impedance from emitter to collector of about 39 times. Thejunction transistor amplifies in this way. It acts as a power amplifier. Asmall change in emitter voltage causes a large change in the collectorcircuit. The different impedances cause this reaction.

The power transistor is shown in Fig. 19-13. Along with the powertransistor is the much smaller signal amplifying and switching tran-sistor normally seen in electronic equipments.

Integrated Circuits

The semiconductor monolithic chip was developed in 1958 by J. S. Kilby.Active and passive circuit components were successively diffused anddeposited on a single chip. Shortly after robert Noyce made a completecircuit on a single chip. This was the beginning of the modern, inex-pensive integrated circuit (IC or chip). Resistors, capacitors, transistors,and diodes can be placed on a chip. These chips are available in threestandard packages as follows:

Flat pack: The flat pack is hermetically sealed. This means it isvacuum packed. The ceramic flat pack has either 10 or 14 pins. Thistype of packaging is no longer used. It may be seen in some older-model equipment with chips (see Fig. 19-14).

608 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-13 Three types of transistor packages: (a) power transistors; (b) TO-5 case; (c) small-signal transistors; and (d) transistor symbols.

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Multipin circular: This type of packaging is no longer in common use.It was originally used because it fit into the same type of containeras a transistor. It had more than three leads coming from a TO-5 caseoriginally made for transistors (see Fig. 19-15).

Dual in-line package (DIP): This is the most commonly used type of inte-grated circuit today. When you think of a “chip” you think of this type.It may have many leads from each side (see Fig. 19-16). This is aneasily used type of IC since it can be placed into a socket and removedif it develops any problem. This type of package is standardized as tosize. It can be placed into circuit boards by machines, which increasesits usefulness in electronics equipment. Many thousands of ICs can bemade at a time. This means the cost of manufacturing is very low. DIPsare used in computers, calculators, and control devices for air-conditioning and heating equipment. Amplifiers are fabricated as com-plete units. Everything seems to use ICs today. Toys, calculators,computers, and automobiles all use ICs or chips in one form or another.The possibilities are unlimited. ICs will play a more important role inair-conditioning, refrigeration, and heating devices in the future.

Solid-State Demand Defrost Control

An excellent example of a refrigeration control using semiconductor tech-nology is the demand defrost control. The idea of defrosting only whenneeded saves money and energy and protects the quality of the refrig-erated product, since extremes in temperature swings are minimized.

Thermistor sensing

A temperature difference concept can be used to automatically initiatethe defrost cycle on vertically open frozen food display cases that useselectric defrost (see Fig. 19-17). If the cover is lifted, you can see the elec-tronic package. There are a few transistors and the usual capacitors,resistors, and a transformer. The sensor that feeds in the information

Solid-State Controls 609

Figure 19-14 Flat pack IC.Figure 19-15 TO-5case used for IC.

Figure 19-16 Integratedcircuits in dual in-linepackages (DIPs).

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needed to operate properly as a control is shown in Fig. 19-18. These twosensors are simple in construction. They are simple thermistors thatchange resistance when temperature changes (see Fig. 19-19). Theiroperation is not affected by dirt, moisture, lint, food particles, or ice. Theycan sense the least temperature change precisely.

Figure 19-20 shows how frost buildup is sensed to cause the circuitto know what is happening. This tells when defrost should be startedand terminated. The ever widening temperature difference is a sure

610 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-17 Solid-statedemand defrost control forvertical open frozen fooddisplay cases. (Courtesy ofTyler.)

Figure 19-18 Cover removedfrom the DF-1 defrost con-trol. (Courtesy of Tyler.)

Figure 19-19 Thermistorsused to sense tempera-ture differences. (Courtesyof Tyler.)

Figure 19-20 Temperature-difference chart. (Courtesy of Tyler.)

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sign of frost buildup. The temperature difference of air flowing over acoil increases in direct proportion to frost buildup. This is what thethermistor monitors to trigger defrost only when needed. Refrigerationfixtures run at peak efficiency all the time. They use less energy andkeep the product at a lower, steadier temperature.

Humidity sensing

Figure 19-21 shows how defrost frequency and humidity are related.Improvements in the design of humidity-sensing elements and thematerials used in their construction have minimized many past limi-tations of humidity sensors. One type of humidity sensor used withelectronic controls is a resistance CAB (cellulose acetate butyrate) ele-ment (see Fig. 19-22). This resistance element is an improvement overother resistance elements. It has greater contamination resistance, sta-bility, and durability. The humidity CAB element is a multilayered,

Solid-State Controls 611

Figure 19-21 Effect of humidity on hours between defrosting. (Courtesy of Tyler.)

Figure 19-22 CAB resistive ele-ment.

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humidity-sensitive, polymeric film. It consists of an electrically con-ductive core and insulating outer layers. These layers are partiallyhydrolyzed. The element has a nominal resistance of 2500 Ω. It has asensitivity of 2 Ω per 1 percent relative humidity (rh) at 50 percent rh.Its humidity-sensing range is rated at 0 to 100 percent rh.

The CAB element consists of conductive humidity-sensitive film,mounting components, and a protective cover (see Fig. 19-23). The prin-cipal component of this humidity sensor is the film. The film has fivelayers of CAB in the form of a ribbon strip. The CAB material is usedbecause of its good chemical and mechanical stability and high sensi-tivity to humidity. It also has excellent film-forming characteristics.

The CAB resistance element is a carbon element having a resist-ance/humidity tolerance favorable to inclusion in a control circuit. Withan increase in relative humidity, water is absorbed by the CAB, caus-ing it to swell. This swelling of the polymer matrix causes the suspendedcarbon particles to move farther apart from each other. This results inan increased element resistance.

When relative humidity decreases, water is given up by the CAB.The contraction of the polymer causes the carbon particles to comecloser together. This, in turn, makes the element more conductive or lessresistive.

Bridge Circuit

A bridge circuit is a network of resistances and capacitive or induc-tive impedances. The bridge circuit is usually used to make precise

612 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-23 Hydrolyzed humidity element.

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measurements. The most common bridge circuit is the Wheatstonebridge. This consists of variable and fixed resistances. Simply, it is aseries-parallel circuit (see Fig. 19-24). The branches of the circuitforming the diamond shape are called legs.

If 10-V DC is applied to the bridge circuit shown in Fig. 19-25, one cur-rent will flow through R1 and R2 and another through R3 and R4. Since

Solid-State Controls 613

Figure 19-24 Bridge circuit configurations.

Figure 19-25 Current in a balanced bridge circuit.

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R1 and R2 are both fixed 1000-Ω resistors, the current through them isconstant. Each resistor will drop one-half of the battery voltage, or 5 V.Thus, 5 V is dropped across each resistor. The meter senses the sum ofthe voltage drops across R2 and R3. Both are 5 V. However, the R2 volt-age drop is a positive (+) to negative (−) drop. The R3 drop is a negativeto positive drop. They are opposite in polarity and cancel each other. Thisis called a balanced bridge. The actual resistance values are not impor-tant. What is important is that this ratio is maintained and the bridgeis balanced.

Unbalanced bridge

In Fig. 19-26, the value, of the variable resistor R4 is 950 Ω. The otherresistors have the same value. Using Ohm’s law, the voltage drop acrossR4 is found to be 4.9 V. The remaining voltage, 5.1 V, is dropped acrossR3 (see Fig. 19-26). The voltmeter measures the sum of the voltage dropsacross R2 and R3 as 5.0 V (+ to −) and 5.1 V (− to +). It registers a totalof −0.1 V.

In Fig. 19-27, the converse is true. The value of R4 is 1050 Ω. The volt-age drop across R3 is 4.9 V. The voltmeter senses the sum of 5 V (+ to −)and 4.9 V (− to +) or +0.1 V. When R4 changes the same amount above orbelow the balanced-bridge resistance, the magnitude of the DC outputmeasured by the voltmeter is the same. However, the polarity is reversed.

614 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-26 Operation of a bridge circuit.

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The sensor in a control system is a resistance element that varies inresistance value with charges in the variable it is measuring. This maybe humidity or temperature. These resistance changes are converted intoproportional amounts of voltage by a bridge circuit. The voltage is ampli-fied and used to position actuators that regulate the controlled variable.


The sensing bridge is the section of the controller circuit that containsthe temperature-sensitive element or elements. The potentiometer forestablishing the set point is also part of the control system. The bridgesare energized with a DC voltage. This permits long-wire runs in sens-ing circuits without the need for compensating wires or for other capac-itive compensating arrangements.

Both integral (room) and remote-sensing element controllers producea proportional 0- to 16-V DC output signal in response to a measuredtemperature change. Controllers can be wired to provide direct orreverse action. Direct-acting operation provides an increasing outputsignal in response to an increase in temperature. Reverse-acting oper-ation provides an increasing output signal in response to a decrease intemperature.

Solid-State Controls 615

Figure 19-27 Operation of a bridge circuit.

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Electronic controllers

Electronic controllers have three basic elements: the bridge, the ampli-fier, and the output circuit. Two legs of the bridge are variable resist-ances in Fig. 19-28. The sensor and the set-point potentiometer areshown in the bridge configuration. If temperature changes or if the set-point is changed, the bridge is in an unbalanced state. This gives a cor-responding output result. The output signal, however, lacks power toposition actuators. Therefore, this signal has to be amplified to becomeuseful in the control of devices associated with making sure the rightamount of heat of cooled air gets to the room intended.

Differential Amplifiers

Controllers utilize direct-coupled DC differential amplifiers to increasethe millivolt signal from the bridge to the necessary 0- to 16-V level forthe actuators. There are two amplifiers, one for direct reading and theother for reversing signals. Each amplifier has two stages of amplifica-tion. This arrangement is shown in block form in Fig. 19-29.

The differential transistor circuit provides gain and good temperaturestability. Figure 19-30 compares a single-transistor amplifier stage witha differential amplifier. Transistors are temperature sensitive. That is,the currents they allow to pass depend on the voltage at the transistorand its ambient temperature. An increase in the ambient temperaturein the circuit shown in Fig. 19-30a causes the current through the tran-sistor to increase. The output voltage decreases. The emitter resistorRE reduces this temperature effect. It also reduces the available voltagegain in the circuit because the signal voltage across the resistor amountsto a negative feedback voltage. That is, it causes a decrease in the voltagedifference that was originally produced by the change in temperatureat the sensing element.

Since it is desirable for the output voltage of the controller to corre-spond only to the temperature of the sensing elements and not to the

616 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-28 Bridge circuit witha sensor and a set point.

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ambient temperature of the amplifier, the circuit shown in Fig. 19-30bis used. Here any ambient temperature changes affect both transistorsat the same time. The useful output is taken as the difference in outputlevels of each transistor and the effects of temperature changes are can-celed. The voltage gain of the circuit shown in Fig. 19-30b is much

Solid-State Controls 617

Figure 19-29 DC differential amplifier for use in a controller circuit.

Figure 19-30 (a) Single-transistor amplifier stage. (b) Two-transistor ampli-fier stage.

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higher than that shown in Fig. 19-30a. This is because the current vari-ations in the two transistors produced by the bridge signal are equal andopposite. An increase in current through Q1 is accompanied by a decreasein current through Q2. The sum of these currents through RE is constant.No signal voltage appears at the emitters to cause negative feedback asin Fig. 19-30a.

The result of sequentially varying DC signals in response to temper-ature change at the sensing element is shown in Fig. 19-31.


Cybertronic actuators perform the work in an electronic system. Theyaccept a control signal and translate that signal into mechanicalmovement. This is used to position valves and dampers. The electro-hydraulic actuators are so called because they convert electricalsignals into a fluid movement or force. Damper actuators, equippedwith linkage for connection to dampers, and value actuators, havinga yoke and linkage to facilitate mounting on a valve body, are alsoavailable.

Other Devices

Low- and high-signal selectors accept several control signals. Such selec-tors then compare the signals and pass the lowest or highest. For exam-ple, a high-signal selector can be used on a multizone unit to control thecooling coil. The zone requiring the most cooling transmits the highestcontrol signal. This, in turn, will be passed by the high-signal selectorto energize the cooling.

The future of electronics in the control of heating, cooling, and refrig-eration is unlimited. Only a few examples have been given. More andmore mechanically operated thermostats and valves will be replacedand become electronically controlled. A computer has already beenutilized in making a programmable controller that can process the

618 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-31 Result of sequentiallyvarying DC signals in response totemperature change at the sens-ing element.

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information fed to it by many inputs. This will improve process con-trol in industry and increase the comfort of large buildings by moreaccurately controlling the flow of heat or cooled air. The computer alsoaids in locating the source of trouble in a system, thereby eliminatinga lot of troubleshooting.

Solid-State Compressor Motor Protection

Solid-state circuitry for air-conditioning units has been in use for sometime. The following is an illustration of how some of the circuitry hasbeen incorporated into the protection of compressor motors. This moduleis made by Robertshaw Controls Company.

Solid-state motor protection prevents motor damage caused by exces-sive temperature in the stator windings. These solid-state devices pro-vide excellent phase-leg protection by means of separate sensors foreach phase winding. The principal advantage of this solid-state systemis its speed and sensitivity to motor temperature and its automatic resetprovision.

There are two major components to the protection system:

1. The protector sensors are embedded in the motor windings at the timethe motor is manufactured.

2. The control module is a sealed enclosure containing a transformer anda switch. Figure 19-32 shows two models.

Solid-State Controls 619

Figure 19-32 Solid-state control modules: (a) older unit and (b) newer unit. (Courtesy ofRobertshaw.)

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Operation of the module

Leads from the internal motor sensors are connected to the compressorterminals, as shown in Fig. 19-33. Leads from the compressor terminalsto the control module are connected, as shown in Fig. 19-34. Figure 19-34ashows the older model and Fig. 19-34b the newer model. While the exactinternal circuitry is quite complicated, basically the modules senseresistance changes through the sensors as the result of motor temper-ature changes in the motor windings. This resistance change triggersthe action of the control circuit relay at predetermined opening andclosing settings, which causes the line-voltage circuit to the compressorto be broken and completed, respectively.

The modules are available for either 208/240- or 120-V circuits. Themodule is plainly marked as to the input voltage. The sensors operateat any of the stated voltages because an internal transformer providesthe proper power for the solid-state components.

The two terminals on the module marked power supply (T1 and T2)are connected to a power source of the proper voltage; normally the lineterminals on the compressor motor contactor or the control circuit trans-former as required.

Troubleshooting the control

The solid-state module cannot be repaired in the field, and if the cover isopened or the module physically damaged, the warranty on the module isvoided. No attempt should be made to adjust or repair this module, and ifit becomes defective, it must be returned intact for replacement. This isthe usual procedure for most solid-state units. However, if the unit becomesdefective, you should be able to recognize that fact and replace it.

If the compressor motor is inoperable or is not operating properly, thesolid-state control circuit may be checked as follows:

620 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-33 Compressor terminal board. (Courtesy ofRobertshaw.)

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1. If the compressor has been operating and has tripped on the protec-tor, allow the compressor to cool for at least 1 hour before checkingto allow time for the motor to cool and the control circuit to reset.

2. Connect a jumper wire across the control circuit terminals on the ter-minal board (see Fig. 19-34). This will bypass the relay in themodule. If the compressor will not operate with the jumper installed,then the problem is external to the solid-state protection system. Ifthe compressor operates with the module bypassed, but will notoperate when the jumper wire is removed, then the control circuitrelay is open.

3. If after allowing time for motor cooling, the protector still remainsopen, the motor sensors may be checked as follows:a. Remove the wiring connections from the sensor and common ter-

minals on the compressor board (see Figs. 19-33 and 19-34).b. Warning: Use an ohmmeter with a 3-V maximum battery power

supply. The sensors are sensitive and easily damaged, and noattempt should be made to check continuity through them. Any

Solid-State Controls 621

Figure 19-34 Solid-state control modules: (a) older unit wiring details and (b) newer unitwiring details.

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external voltage or current applied to the sensors may causedamage, necessitating compressor replacement.

c. Measure the resistance from each sensor terminal to the common ter-minal. The resistance should be in the range. 75 Ω (cold) to 125 Ω(hot). Resistance readings in this range indicate the sensors are good.A resistance approaching zero indicates a short. A resistanceapproaching infinity indicates an open connection. If the sensors aredamaged, they cannot be repaired or replaced in the field, and thecompressor must be replaced to restore motor protection.

4. If the sensors have proper resistance and the compressor will run withthe control circuit bypassed but will not run when connected properly,

622 Chapter Nineteen

Figure 19-34 (Continued)

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the solid-state module is defective and must be replaced. The replace-ment module must be the same voltage and made by the same man-ufacturer as the original module on the compressor.

Restoring service

In the unlikely event that one sensor is damaged and has an open circuit,the control module will prevent compressor operation even though themotor may be in perfect condition. If such a situation is encountered in thefield, as an emergency means of operating the compressor until a replace-ment is made, a properly sized resistor can be added between the termi-nal of the open sensor and the common sensor terminal in the compressorterminal box (see Figs. 19-33 and 19-35). This then indicates to the con-trol module an acceptable resistance in the damaged sensor circuit, andcompressor operation can be restored. The emergency resistor should bea 2-W, 82-Ω wire wound with a tolerance of ±5 percent.

In effect, the compressor will continue operation with two-leg pro-tection rather than three-leg protection. While this obviously does notprovide the same high degree of protection, it does provide a means ofcontinuing compressor operation with a reasonable degree of safety.

Solid-State Controls 623

Figure 19-35 Adding a sensor to compensate for an open sensor. (Courtesy of Robertshaw.)

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20Electrical and

Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics

Diagrams are more useful if you know what the symbols mean. Theschematic diagram of an electrical circuit aids in being able to trou-bleshoot. They are also useful in making it possible to understand whathappens in a given arrangement of symbols.

These symbols are part of ARI Standard 130-88. ARI is the abbrevi-ation for the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute.

In some instances notes are added near the symbol for a special purpose.For instance, if IEC shows up near the symbol it means the symbol hasbeen recommended by the International Electro-Technical Commission.The following symbols are not necessarily in alphabetical order.

Fundamental Items



Tapped resistor

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Variable resistor: with adjustable contact



Note: The asterisk is not part of the symbol. It indicates an appropriatevalue.

With independent integral heater


General. If it is necessary to identify the capacitor electrodes, the curvedelement shall represent the outside electrode.


Battery. The long line is always positive, but polarity may be indicatedin addition.

Multicell Sensing link; fusible link, ambient temperature operated.




626 Chapter Twenty

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Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 627

Temperature-measuring thermocouple


Thermopile for pumping heat

Spark gap, igniter gap

Transmission path

Transmission path: conductors, cables, wiring, factory wired

Field installed or sales option, if specified

Crossing of paths or conductors not connected. The crossing is not nec-essarily at a 90º angle.

Junction of paths or conductors junction (connection)


Application: junction of connected paths, conductors, or wires


Terminal block



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Assembled conductors: cable, shielded single conductor

Shielded cable (5-conductor shown)

Shielded cable with shield grounded (2-conductor shown)

Cable (2-conductor shown)

Ribbon cable

Twisted cable (pair, triple, and the like)

Circuit return

Ground. (1) A direct conducting connection to the earth or body ofwater that is a part thereof. (2) A conducting connection to a structure(chassis) that serves a function similar to that of an earth ground (thatis, a structure such as a frame of an air, space, or land vehicle that isnot conductively connected to earth).

Normally closed contact (break)


Earth ground Chassis ground



628 Chapter Twenty

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Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 629

Normally open contact (make)

Operating coil (relay coil)

Solenoid coil

Switch. Fundamental symbols for contacts, mechanical connections,and so forth, may be used for switch symbols.

The standard method of showing switches is in a position with no oper-ating force applied. For switches that may be in any one of two or morepositions with no operating force applied and for switches actuated bysome mechanical device (as in air-pressure, liquid-level, rate-of flow,and so forth, switches), a clarifying note may be necessary to explain thepoint at which the switch functions.

Pushbutton,momentary,or spring-return. Normally open, circuit closing (make)

Normally closed, circuit opening (break)

Two-circuit (dual)

Two circuit, maintained or not spring-return

Maintained (locking) switch

Toggle switch single throw

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Application: 3 disconnect switch

Transfer, 2-position—double throw

Transfer, 3-position

Transfer, 2-position

Transfer, 3-position

Selector or multiposition switch. The position in which the switch is shownmay be indicated by a note or designation of switch position.

General (for power or control diagrams). Any number of transmission pathsmay be shown.

Segmental contact


Rotary Linear

off IEC


630 Chapter Twenty

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Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 631

Master or control

Limit switch, directly actuated, spring returned normally open

Normally open—held closed

Normally open switch with time-delay closing (notc)

Normally closed switch with time-delay opening (ncto)

With single heater (single phase)

With heaters (three phase)

Detached contactsshown elsewhere

on diagram





X-indicatescontacts closed

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Humidity-actuated switch. Closes on rising humidity

Opens on rising humidity


Connector, disconnecting device

The connector symbol is not an arrowhead. It is larger and the lines aredrawn at a 90º angle.

Female contact

Male contact

Separable connectors (engaged)

Application: engaged 4-conductor

Connectors. The plug has one male and three female contacts.

Transformers, Inductors, and Windings


Current transformer

Magnetic core transformer (nonsaturating)






632 Chapter Twenty

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Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 633

With taps—single phase

Autotransformer, single phase

Adjustable autotransformer

Semiconductor Devices

Semiconductor device, transistor, and diode

In general, the angle at which a lead is brought to a symbol element hasno significance.

Orientation, including a mirror-image presentation, does not changethe meaning of a symbol.

The elements of the symbol must be drawn in such an order as to showclearly the operating function of the device.

Element symbols

Rectifying junction or junctions, which influence a depletion layer:Arrowheads ( ) shall be half the length of the arrow away from thesemiconductor base region.

The equilateral ( ) triangle shall be filled and shall touch thesemiconductor base-region symbol.

The triangle points in the direction of the forward (easy) current asindicated by a direct current ammeter, unless otherwise noted adjacentto the symbol. Electron flow is in the opposite direction.

Special property indicators

If necessary, a special function or property essential for circuit opera-tion shall be indicated by a supplementary symbol included as part ofthe symbol.







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Typical applications: two-terminal devices

Semiconductor diode: semiconductor rectifier diode

Breakdown diode: overvoltage absorber

Unidirectional diode; voltage regulator; or zener diode

Bidirectional diode

Unidirectional negative-resistance breakdown diode; trigger diac



Bidirectional negative-resistance breakdown diode; trigger diac




Photosensitive type

Photoemissive type







634 Chapter Twenty

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Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 635

Phototransistor (NPN-type) (without external base-region connection)

Typical appliations: three (or more) terminal devices

PNP transistor (also PNIP transistor, if omitting the intrinsic region will not result in


Application: PNP transistor with one electrode connected to envelope

NPN transistor (also NPIN transistor, if omitting the intrinsic region will not result in


Unijunction transistor with N-type base

Unijunction transistor with P-type base

Field-effect transistor with N-channel junction gate

Field-effect transistor with P-channel junction gate

Thyristor, reverse-blocking triode-type, N-type gate; semiconductor-controlled rectifier, N-type gate








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Thyristor, reverse-blocking triode, P-type gate; semiconductor-controlled rectifier, P-type gate

Thyristor, reverse-blocking tetrode-type; semiconductor-controlled switch

Thyristor, bidirectional triode-type; triac; gated switch

Phototransistor (PNF-type)

Photon-coupled isolator

Note: T is the transmitter; R is the receiver. The letters are for explana-tion and are not part of the symbol. Explanatory information should beadded to explain circuit operation.


Complete isolator (single-package type)

Application: incandescent lamp and symmetrical photoconductivetransducer

Application: photoemissive diode and phototransistor




636 Chapter Twenty

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Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 637

Field-effect transistor with N-channel mos gate

Field-effect transistor with P-channel mos gate

Thyristor, gate turn-off type

Circuit Protectors



Circuit breaker


Application: three-pole circuit breaker with thermal-overload device in all three polesok

Application: three-pole circuit breaker with magnetic-overload device in all three poles



IEC or or



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Acoustic Devices

Audible-signaling device

Bell, electricalIf specific identification is required, the abbreviation AC or DC may beadded within the square.

Horn, electrical

Lamps and Visual-Signaling Devices

Indicating, pilot, signaling,or switchboard light

To indicate the characteristic, insert the specified letter or letters insidethe symbol.

A Amber

B Blue

C Clear

F Fluorescent

G Green

NE Neon

O Orange

OP Opalescent

P Purple

R Red

W White

Y Yellow


638 Chapter Twenty

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Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 639

Application: green signal light

Rotating Machinery

Rotating machine

Generator (general)

Single phase

Three phase

Motor (general)

Single phase

Three phase

Application: alternating-current motors

Two-lead type

External capacitor type









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Polyphase type

Application: single phase with internal linebreak protector

Application: three-phase with internal linebreak protector

Overloads (current)

ThermalService trip




640 Chapter Twenty

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Remote trip


Series trip

Remote trip

Overload coils



Application: bimetallic (thermal)

No heater


Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in Schematics 641

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AProfessional Organizations

Organization Description Contact information

Air Movementand ControlAssociationInternational,Inc. (AMCA)

Air ConditioningContractors ofAmerica (ACCA)

AmericanInstitute ofArchitects (AIA)

AmericanNationalStandardsInstitute (ANSI)

The Air Movement and ControlAssociation International, Inc. is a non-profit international association of theworld’s manufacturers of related airsystem equipment—primarily, but notlimited to fans, louvers, dampers, aircurtains, airflow measurement stations,acoustic attenuators, and other air-system components for the industrial,commercial, and residential markets.

ANSI is a private, nonprofit organization[501(c)3] that administers and coordinatesthe U.S. voluntary standardization andconformity assessment system. TheInstitute’s mission is to enhance both theglobal competitiveness of U.S. businessand the U.S. quality of life by promotingand facilitating voluntary consensusstandards and conformity assessmentsystems, and safeguarding their integrity.

Web site:http://www.amca.orgAddress: 30 WestUniversity Drive,Arlington Heights, IL60004-1893Phone: 847-394-0150Fax: 847-253-0088Email:[emailprotected]

Web site:http://www.acca.org

Web site:http://www.aia.orgAddress: 1735 NewYork Ave. NW,Washington, DC 20006Phone: 800-AIA-3837Fax: 202-626-7547Email:[emailprotected]

Web site:http://www.ansi.orgAddress: 25 West43rd Street, 4th Floor,New York, NY 10036Phone: 212-642-4900Fax: 212-398-0023Email: [emailprotected]

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644 Appendix A

Organization Description Contact information


Heating,Refrigeration,and AirConditioningInstitute ofCanada (HRAI)

InternationalInstitute ofAmmoniaRefrigeration(IIAR)

National FireProtectionAssociation(NFPA)

BOCAInternational,Inc. See ICCCode

HVAC Excellence, a nonprofitorganization, establishes standards ofexcellence within the heating, ventilation,air-conditioning, and refrigeration(HVAC&R) industry. The two primaryresponsibilities of HVAC Excellence areTechnician Competency Certification andProgrammatic Accreditation. HVACExcellence has achieved nationalacceptance and is involved in cooperativeefforts with the National Skiffs StandardBoard, the Manufactures Skills StandardsCouncil, VTECHS, and various otherindustry and educational organizations.

The Heating, Refrigeration and AirConditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI),founded in 1968 is a nonprofit tradeassociation of manufacturers,wholesalers, and contractors in theCanadian heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR)industry. HRAI member companiesprovide products and services for indoorcomfort and essential refrigerationprocesses.

IIAR is an international associationserving those who use ammoniarefrigeration technology. Your membershipin HAR is an investment that paysdividends for your company and for theammonia refrigeration industry.

The mission of the International nonprofitNFPA is to reduce the worldwide burdenof fire and other hazards on the quality oflife by providing and advocatingscientifically based consensus codes andstandards, research, training, andeducation. NFPA membership totals morethan 75,000 individuals from around theworld and more than 80 national tradeand professional organizations.

Founded in 1915, Building Officials andCode Administrators International, Inc. isa nonprofit membership associationcomprised of more than 16,000 members,who span the building community fromcode enforcement officials to materialsmanufacturers. They are dedicated topreserving the public health, safety, and

Web site:http://www.hvacexcellence.orgAddress: Box 491,Mount Prospect, IL60056-0491Phone: 800-394-5268 Fax: 800-546-3726

Web site:http://www.hrai.caAddress: 5045 OrbitorDrive, Building 11,Suite 300, Mississauga,ON L4W 4Y4 CanadaPhone: 800-267-2231;905-602-4700Fax: 905-602-1197Email:[emailprotected]

Web site:http://www.iiar.orgAddress: 1110 NorthGlobe Road, Suite 250,Arlington, VA 22201Phone: 703-312-4200Fax: 703-312-0065Email: [emailprotected]

Web site:http://www.nfpa.orgAddress: 1Batterymarch Park,Quincy, MA 02269-9101Phone: 617-770-3000Fax: 617-770-0700

Web site:http://www.bocai.orgAddress: 4051 WestFlossmoor Road,Country Club Hills, IL60478Phone: 708-799-2300Fax: 708-799-4981

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Organization Description Contact information

Professional Organizations 645

Cooling TowerInstitute (CTI)

Federation ofEuropean HVACAssociations

welfare in the environment through theeffective, efficient use and enforcement ofmodel codes. BOCA provides a uniqueopportunity for any individual to join andderive the benefits of membership. Theirmembers are professionals who aredirectly or indirectly engaged in theconstruction and regulatory process.BOCA is the original professionalassociation representing the full spectrumof code enforcement disciplines andconstruction industry interests. They arethe premier publishers of model codes. Ifyou are interested in the development,maintenance, and enforcement ofprogressive and responsive buildingregulations, take a closer look at howmembership in BOCA International canpromote excellence in your profession.

The CTI mission is to advocate andpromote the use of environmentallyresponsible evaporative heat transfersystems (EHTS) for the benefit of thepublic by encouraging education,research, standards development andverification, government relations, andtechnical information exchange

In was in the early 1960s that the idea ofsome form of cooperation between technicalassociations in the field of heating,ventilating, and air-conditioning would beextremely useful was recognized by leadingprofessionals who met each other ininternational meetings and conferences. OnSeptember 27, 1963 representatives oftechnical associations of nine Europeancountries met in The Hague, Netherlands,at the invitation of the Dutch associationTWL. These associations were ATIC(Belgium), AICVF (France), VDI TGA(Germany) IHVE (United Kingdom), CARR(Italy), TWL (The Netherlands) Norsk WS(Norway), SWKI (Switzerland), andSwedish WS (Sweden). An impressive listof subjects about which further cooperationwas essential was brought for discussion.Ways of exchanging technical knowledgewas at the top of the list, together with thepromotion of European standardizationand regulations, education andcoordination of congress and conferences.

Web site:http://www.cti.orgAddress: 2611 FM1960 West, Suite H-200, Houston, TX77068-3730Phone: 281-583-4087Fax: 281-537-1721Email: [emailprotected]

Web site:http://www.rehva.comAddress: Ravenstein3 Brussels, 1000 BEPhone: 32-2-5141171

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BIndustrial Associations

American National Standards lnstitute 1819 L Street NWWashington, DC 20036 www.ansi.org

American Society for Testing and Materials 100 Barr Harbor DriveW. Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 www.astm.org

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.1791 Tullie Circle NEAtlanta, GA 30329-2305 www.ashrae.org

American Society of Safety Engineers 1800 East OaktonDes Plaines, IL 60018 www.asse.org

Building and Fire Research LaboratoryNational Institute of Standards and Technology Building 226, Room 6216Gaithersburg, MD 20899 www.bfrl.nist.gov






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Building Research Establishment Bucknalls LaneGarston Watford WD25 9XX England www.bre.co.uk

Building Officials and Code Administrators International4051 W. Flossmoor RoadCountry Club Hills, IL 50478-5794 www.bocai.org

International Organization for Standardization 1, rue de VarembeCase postale 56 CH1211 Geneve 20 Switzerland www.iso.ch

National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 3460Gaithersburg, MD 20899-3460 www.nist.gov

National Research Council of Canada 1500 Montreal RoadOttawa, ON K1A 0R6 Canada www.nrc.ca

North American Technical Excellence4100 North Fairfax Drive #210Arlington, VA 22203 www.nate.org

Southern Building Code Congress International 900 Montclair RoadBirmingham, AL 35213-1206 www.sbcci.org

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2096 www.ul.com

International Code Council 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600 Falls Church, VA 22041 www.intlcode.org

International Conference of Building Officials 5360 Workman Mill Road Whittier, CA 90601-2298 www.icbo.org

648 Appendix B











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CNew Refrigerants

Recommendations for R-12 Retrofit Products

Closest match/easiest

R-12 small equipment R-12 large equipment

R-12 AC R-500 AC Higher T Lower T Higher T Lower T

R-414B R-409A R-414B R-409A R-414B R-409AR-416A R-401B R-416A R-401A R-409A R-401AR-401A R-401A R-401A R-414B R-401A R-414BR-409A R-414B R-409A R-416A R-416A R-416AR-134a R-134a R-134a

R-416A R-134a R-134a R-134a

Poorest match/most difficult

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650 Appendix C

“R-502” Refrigerants: Property Comparison

Pressure match

Refrigerant Components Composition Glide Lube −20 10 40 90P

R-502 22/115 49/51 0 MA 15 41 81 187

Retrofit blends

R-402A 125/290/22 60/2/38 2.5 M+AP 19 48 93 215R-402B 125/290/22 38/2/60 2.5 M+AP 15 42 83 198R-408A 125/143a/22 7/46/47 1 M+AP 14 38 77 186

HFC blends

R-404A 125/143a/134a 44/52/4 1.5 P 16 48 84 202R-507 125/143a 50/50 0 P 18 46 89 210

Note: M—mineral oil; A—alkyl benzene; P—polyolester.

“R-12” Refrigerants: Property Comparison

Pressure match

Refrigerant Components Composition Glide Lube −20 10 40 90P

R-12 (pure) 100 0 M 0.6 14.6 37 100R-134a (pure) 100 0 P 4′′v 12 35 104

R-401A 22/152a/124 53/13/34 8 MAP 1 16 42 116R-401B 22/152a/124 61/11/28 8 AP 2 19 46 124R-409A 22/124/142b 60/25/15 13 MAP 0 16 40 115

R-414B 22/600a/124/142b 50/1.5/39/9.5 13 MAP 1 16 41 113R-416A 134a/600/124 59/2/39 3 P 7.5′′v 8 28 88Freezone 134a/142b 80/20 4 P 6′′v 15 31 93

Note: M—mineral oil; A—alkyl benzene; P—polyolester.

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Thermodynamic Properties of R-401A

Pressure Pressure Density Density Enthalpy Enthalpy Entropy EntropyTemp liquid vapor liquid vapor liquid vapor liquid vapor(°F) (psia) (psia) (lb/ft3) (lb/ft3) (Btu/lb) (Btu/lb) (Btu/R-lb) (Btu/R-lb)

−60 6.5 4.7 88.18 0.1049 −5.371 94.93 −0.01309 0.2418−55 7.5 5.5 87.71 0.1215 −4.035 95.60 −0.00977 0.2402−50 8.7 6.4 87.24 0.1401 −2.694 96.26 −0.00648 0.2386−45 9.9 7.4 86.77 0.1610 −1.350 96.93 −0.00323 0.2372−40 11.4 8.6 86.29 0.1842 0.000 97.59 0.00000 0.2358−35 12.9 9.9 85.82 0.2101 1.354 98.25 0.00320 0.2345−30 14.7 11.3 85.33 0.2386 2.714 98.91 0.00637 0.2333−25 16.6 12.9 84.85 0.2701 4.078 99.56 0.00952 0.2321−20 18.7 14.7 84.36 0.3048 5.449 100.2 0.01265 0.2310−15 21.0 16.6 83.86 0.3429 6.825 100.9 0.01575 0.2299−10 23.6 18.8 83.37 0.3846 8.207 101.5 0.01882 0.2289

−5 26.4 21.2 82.86 0.4302 9.595 102.1 0.02188 0.22790 29.4 23.8 82.36 0.4799 10.99 102.8 0.02492 0.22695 32.7 26.6 81.84 0.5340 12.39 103.4 0.02793 0.2261

10 36.2 29.7 81.33 0.5927 13.80 104.0 0.03093 0.225215 40.1 33.1 80.80 0.6563 15.21 104.6 0.03391 0.224420 44.2 36.7 80.27 0.7251 16.64 105.2 0.03687 0.223625 48.7 40.7 79.74 0.7995 18.07 105.8 0.03982 0.222930 53.5 45.0 79.20 0.8798 19.51 106.4 0.04275 0.222135 58.6 49.6 78.65 0.9662 20.95 107.0 0.04566 0.221440 64.2 54.6 78.10 1.059 22.41 107.6 0.04857 0.220845 70.1 59.9 77.54 1.159 23.88 108.2 0.05145 0.220150 76.4 65.6 76.97 1.267 25.35 108.7 0.05433 0.219555 83.1 71.8 76.39 1.382 26.83 109.3 0.05720 0.218960 90.2 78.3 75.81 1.505 28.33 109.8 0.06005 0.2183



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Thermodynamic Properties of R-401A (Continued )

Pressure Pressure Density Density Enthalpy Enthalpy Entropy EntropyTemp liquid vapor liquid vapor liquid vapor liquid vapor(°F) (psia) (psia) (lb/ft3) (lb/ft3) (Btu/lb) (Btu/lb) (Btu/R-lb) (Btu/R-lb)

65 97.8 85.3 75.21 1.637 29.83 110.4 0.06290 0.217870 105.9 92.8 74.61 1.779 31.35 110.9 0.06573 0.217275 114.5 100.7 74.00 1.930 32.87 111.4 0.06856 0.216780 123.5 109.2 73.37 2.092 34.41 111.9 0.07138 0.216285 133.1 118.1 72.74 2.265 35.96 112.4 0.07420 0.215690 143.2 127.6 72.09 2.449 37.52 112.8 0.07701 0.215195 153.9 137.7 71.43 2.647 39.10 113.3 0.07981 0.2146

100 165.2 148.3 70.76 2.858 40.69 113.7 0.08261 0.2141105 177.0 159.6 70.08 3.083 42.30 114.1 0.08541 0.2136110 189.5 171.4 69.38 3.324 43.92 114.5 0.08822 0.2131115 202.6 183.9 68.66 3.581 45.56 114.9 0.09102 0.2126120 216.3 197.1 67.93 3.857 47.21 115.2 0.09382 0.2120125 230.7 211.0 67.17 4.152 48.89 115.6 0.09663 0.2115130 245.8 225.6 66.40 4.468 50.58 115.9 0.09945 0.2110135 261.7 240.9 65.60 4.807 52.30 116.2 0.1023 0.2104140 278.2 257.1 64.77 5.171 54.04 116.4 0.1051 0.2098145 295.5 274.0 63.92 5.564 55.81 116.6 0.1080 0.2092150 313.6 291.7 63.04 5.987 57.61 116.8 0.1108 0.2085155 332.6 310.3 62.12 6.444 59.43 116.9 0.1137 0.2078


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Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a

Temp Pressure Density (L) Density (V ) Enthalpy (L) Enthalpy (V ) Entropy (L) Entropy (V )(°F) (psia) (lb/ft3) (lb/ft3) (Btu/lb) (Btu/lb) (Btu/R-lb) (Btu/R-lb)

−60 4.0 90.49 0.09689 −5.957 94.13 −0.01452 0.2359−55 4.7 90.00 0.1127 −4.476 94.89 −0.01085 0.2347−50 5.5 89.50 0.1305 −2.989 95.65 −0.00720 0.2336−45 6.4 89.00 0.1505 −1.498 96.41 −0.00358 0.2325−40 7.4 88.50 0.1729 0.000 97.17 0.00000 0.2315−35 8.6 88.00 0.1978 1.503 97.92 0.00356 0.2306−30 9.9 87.49 0.2256 3.013 98.68 0.00708 0.2297−25 11.3 86.98 0.2563 4.529 99.43 0.01058 0.2289−20 12.9 86.47 0.2903 6.051 100.2 0.01406 0.2282−15 15.3 85.95 0.3277 7.580 100.9 0.01751 0.2274−10 16.6 85.43 0.3689 9.115 101.7 0.02093 0.2268

−5 18.8 84.90 0.4140 10.66 102.4 0.02433 0.22620 21.2 84.37 0.4634 12.21 103.2 0.02771 0.22565 23.8 83.83 0.5173 13.76 103.9 0.03107 0.2250

10 26.6 83.29 0.5761 15.33 104.6 0.03440 0.224515 29.7 82.74 0.6401 16.90 105.3 0.03772 0.224020 33.1 82.19 0.7095 18.48 106.1 0.04101 0.223625 36.8 81.63 0.7848 20.07 106.8 0.04429 0.223230 40.8 81.06 0.8663 21.67 107.5 0.04755 0.222835 45.1 80.49 0.9544 23.27 108.2 0.05079 0.222440 49.7 79.90 1.050 24.89 108.9 0.05402 0.222145 54.8 79.32 1.152 26.51 109.5 0.05724 0.221750 60.2 78.72 1.263 28.15 110.2 0.06044 0.221455 65.9 78.11 1.382 29.80 110.9 0.06362 0.221260 72.2 77.50 1.510 31.45 111.5 0.06680 0.220965 78.8 76.87 1.647 33.12 112.2 0.06996 0.2206



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Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a (Continued )

Temp Pressure Density (L) Density (V ) Enthalpy (L) Enthalpy (V ) Entropy (L) Entropy (V )(°F) (psia) (lb/ft3) (lb/ft3) (Btu/lb) (Btu/lb) (Btu/R-lb) (Btu/R-lb)

70 85.8 76.24 1.795 34.80 112.8 0.07311 0.220475 93.5 75.59 1.953 36.49 113.4 0.07626 0.220180 101.4 74.94 2.123 38.20 114.0 0.07939 0.219985 109.9 74.27 2.305 39.91 114.6 0.08252 0.219790 119.0 73.58 2.501 41.65 115.2 0.08565 0.219495 128.6 72.88 2.710 43.39 115.7 0.08877 0.2192

100 138.9 72.17 2.935 45.15 116.3 0.09188 0.2190105 149.7 71.44 3.176 46.93 116.8 0.09500 0.2187110 161.1 70.69 3.435 48.73 117.3 0.09811 0.2185115 173.1 69.93 3.713 50.55 117.8 0.1012 0.2183120 185.9 69.14 4.012 52.38 118.3 0.1044 0.2180125 199.3 68.32 4.333 54.24 118.7 0.1075 0.2177130 213.4 67.49 4.679 56.12 119.1 0.1106 0.2174135 228.3 66.62 5.052 58.02 119.5 0.1138 0.2171140 243.9 65.73 5.455 59.95 119.8 0.1169 0.2167145 260.4 64.80 5.892 61.92 120.1 0.1201 0.2163150 277.6 63.83 6.366 63.91 120.4 0.1233 0.2159155 295.7 62.82 6.882 65.94 120.6 0.1265 0.2154160 314.7 61.76 7.447 68.00 120.7 0.1298 0.2149


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Physical properties of refrigerants R-134a

Environmental classification HFCAvailable in the following Molecular weight 102.3sizes:Boiling point (1 atm, °F) −14.9

Critical pressure (psia) 588.3R-134aCritical temperature (°F) 213.8

Critical density (lb/ft3) 32.0 012R134a 12-oz cansLiquid density (70°F, lb/ft3) 76.2 30R134a 30-lb cylinderVapor density (bp, lb/ft3) 0.328 A30R134a 30-lb auto ACHeat of vaporization (bp, BTU/lb) 93.3 50R134a 50-lb cylinderSpecific heat liquid (70 F, BTU/lb F) 0.3366 125R134a 125-lb cylinder*Specific heat vapor (1 atm, 70 F, BTU/lb F) 0.2021 1000R134a 1/2-ton cylinder*Ozone depletion potential (CFC 11 = 1.0) 0 2000R134a ton cylinder*Global warming potential (CO2 = 1.0) 1320

* Deposit requiredASHRAE Standard 34 safety rating A1

Pressure-temp chart

Temp (°F) R-134a (psig)

–40 14.8–35 12.5–30 9.9–25 6.9–20 3.7–15 0.6–10 1.9–5 4.00 6.55 9.1

10 11.915 15.020 18.425 22.130 26.135 30.440 35.045 40.150 45.555 51.360 57.565 64.170 71.275 78.880 86.885 95.490 10495 114

100 124105 135110 147115 159120 171125 185130 199135 214140 229145 246150 263


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656 Appendix C

R-401A and R-401B

Physical properties of refrigerants R-401A R-401B

Environmental classification HCFC HCFCMolecular weight 94.4 92.8Boiling point (1 atm, °F) −29.9 −32.3Critical pressure (psia) 669 679.1Critical temperature (°F) 221 218.3Critical density (lb/ft3) 30.9 31.1Liquid density (70°F, lb/ft3) 74.6 74.6Vapor density (bp, lb/ft3) 0.306 0.303Heat of vaporization 97.5 98.2(bp, BTU/lb F)

Specific heat liquid 0.3037 0.3027(70°F, BTU/lb)

Specific heat vapor 0.1755 0.1725(1 atm, 70°F, BTU/lb F)

Ozone depletion potential 0.037 0.039(CFC 11 = 1.0)

Global warming potential 1163 1267(CO2 = 1.0)

ASHRAE Standard 34 A1 A1safety rating

Temperature glide (°F) (see section II) 8 8

Pressure-temp chart

R-401A R-401B

Temp (°F) Liquid (psig) Vapor (psig) Liquid (psig) Vapor (psig)

−40 8.1 13.2 6.5 11.8−35 5.1 10.7 3.3 9.1−30 1.7 7.9 0.2 6.1−25 1.0 4.8 2.1 2.8−20 3.0 1.4 4.3 0.5−15 5.2 1.2 6.6 2.5−10 7.7 3.3 9.2 4.7

−5 10.3 5.5 12.0 7.10 13.2 8.0 15.1 9.75 16.3 10.7 18.4 12.6

10 19.7 13.7 22.0 15.815 23.4 16.9 25.9 19.220 27.4 20.4 30.1 23.025 31.7 24.2 34.6 27.030 36.4 28.3 39.5 31.435 41.3 32.8 44.8 36.140 46.6 37.6 50.4 41.145 52.4 42.7 56.4 46.650 58.5 48.2 62.8 52.455 65.0 54.1 69.6 58.760 71.9 60.4 76.9 65.465 79.3 67.2 84.7 72.570 87.1 74.4 92.9 80.1

Available in the followingsizes:

R-401A30R401A 30-lb cylinder125R401A 125-lb cylinder*1700R401A 1-ton cylinder*

R-401B30R401B 30-lb cylinder125R401B 125-lb cylinder*

* Deposit required


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New Refrigerants 657

Pressure-temp chart

R-401A R-401B

Temp (°F) Liquid (psig) Vapor (psig) Liquid (psig) Vapor (psig)

75 95.4 82.1 102 88.280 104 90.2 111 96.885 114 98.9 121 10690 123 108 131 11695 134 118 142 126

100 145 128 153 137105 156 139 166 148110 169 151 178 160115 181 163 192 173120 195 176 206 187125 209 189 220 201130 224 203 236 216135 239 218 252 231140 255 234 269 248145 272 250 287 265150 290 267 305 283

R-402A and R-402B

Physical properties of refrigerants R-402A R-402B

Environmental classification HCFC HCFCMolecular weight 101.6 94.7Boiling point (1 atm, °F) −56.5 −52.9Critical pressure (psia) 600 645Critical temperature (°F) 168 180.7Critical density (lb/ft3) 33.8 33.1Liquid density (70°F, lb/ft3) 72.61 72.81Vapor density (bp, lb/ft3) 0.356 0.328Heat of vaporization 83.58 90.42(bp, BTU/lb)

Specific heat liquid 0.3254 0.317(70 F, BTU/lb F)

Specific heat vapor 0.1811 0.1741(1 atm, 70°F, BTU/lb F)

Ozone depletion potential 0.019 0.03(CFC 11 = 1.0)

Global warming potential 2746 2379(CO2 = 1.0)

ASHRAE Standard 34 A1 A1safety rating

Temperature glide (see section II) 2.5 2.5

Available in the followingsizes:

R-402A27R402A 27-lb cylinder110R402A 110-lb cylinder*

R-402B13R402B 13-lb cylinder

* Deposit required

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658 Appendix C

Pressure-temp chart

Temp (°F) R402A (psig) R402B (psig)

−40 6.3 3.6−35 9.1 6.0−30 12.1 9.0−25 15.4 12.0−20 18.9 15.4−15 22.9 18.6−10 27.1 22.6

−5 31.7 27.00 36.7 31.05 42.1 36.0

10 48.0 42.015 54.2 47.020 60.9 54.025 68.1 60.030 75.8 67.035 84.0 75.040 92.8 83.445 102 91.650 112 10055 123 11060 134 12065 146 13370 158 14375 171 15580 185 17085 200 18390 215 19895 232 213

100 249 230105 267 247110 286 262115 305 283120 326 303125 347 323130 370 345135 393 —140 418 —145 443 —150 470 —

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absolute humidity The weight of water vapor per unit volume; grainsper cubic foot; or grams per cubic meter.

absolute pressure The sum of gage pressure and atmospheric pressure.Thus, for example, if the gage pressure is 154 psi (pounds per square inch),the absolute pressure will be 154 + 14.7 or 168.7 psi.

absolute zero A temperature equal to −459.6°F or −273°C. At this tem-perature the volume of an ideal gas maintained at a constant pressurebecomes zero.

absorption The action of a material in extracting one or more sub-stances present in the atmosphere or a mixture of gases or liquidsaccompanied by physical change, chemical change, or both.

acceleration The time rate of change of velocity. It is the derivative ofvelocity with respect to time.

accumulator A shell placed in a suction line for separating the liquidentrained in the suction gas. A storage tank at the evaporator exit or suc-tion line used to prevent flood-backs to the compressor.

acrolein A warning agent often used with methyl chloride to call atten-tion to the escape of refrigerant. The material has a compelling, pun-gent odor and causes irritation of the throat and eyes. Acrolein reactswith sulfur dioxide to form a sludge.

ACR tube A copper tube usually hard-drawn and sold to the tradecleaned and sealed with nitrogen inside to prevent oxidation. Identifiedby its actual outside diameter.

activated alumina A form of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) that absorbs mois-ture readily and is used as a drying agent.

adiabatic Referring to a change in gas conditions where no heat isadded or removed except in the form of work.

adiabatic process Any thermodynamic process taking place in a closedsystem without the addition or removal of heat.

adsorbent A sorbent that changes physically, chemically, or both duringthe sorption process.

aeration Exposing a substance or area to air circulation.

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660 Glossary

agitation A condition in which a device causes circulation in a tankcontaining fluid.

air, ambient Generally speaking, the air surrounding an object.

air changes A method of expressing the amount of air leakage into orout of a building or room in terms of the number of building volumes orroom volumes exchanged per unit of time.

air circulation Natural or imparted motion of air.

air cleaner A device designed for the purpose of removing airborneimpurities, such as dust, gases, vapors, fumes, and smoke. An air cleanerincludes air washers, air filters, electrostatic precipitators, and charcoalfilters.

air conditioner An assembly of equipment for the control of at least thefirst three items enumerated in the definition of air-conditioning.

air conditioner, room A factory-made assembly designed as a unit formounting in a window, through a wall, or as a console. It is designed forfree delivery of conditioned air to an enclosed space without ducts.

air-conditioning The simultaneous control of all, or at least the firstthree, of the following factors affecting the physical and chemical con-ditions of the atmosphere within a structure—temperature, humidity,motion, distribution, dust, bacteria, odors, toxic gases, and ionization—most of which affect human health or comfort.

air-conditioning system, central-fan A mechanical indirect system of heat-ing, ventilating, or air-conditioning in which the air is treated or han-dled by equipment located outside the rooms served, usually at a centrallocation and conveyed to and from the rooms by means of a fan and asystem of distributing ducts.

air-conditioning system, year-round An air-conditioning system that ven-tilates, heats, and humidifies in winter, and cools and dehumidifies insummer to provide the desired degree of air motion and cleanliness.

air-conditioning unit A piece of equipment designed as a specific air-treating combination, consisting of a means for ventilation, air circula-tion, air cleaning, and heat transfer, with a control means formaintaining temperature and humidity within prescribed limits.

air cooler A factory-assembled unit including elements whereby thetemperature of air passing through the unit is reduced.

air cooler, spray type A forced-circulation air cooler wherein the coilsurface capacity is augmented by a liquid spray during the period ofoperation.

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air cooling A reduction in air temperature due to the removal of heatas a result of contact with a medium held at a temperature lower thanthat of the air.

air diffuser A circular, square, or rectangular air-distribution outlet,generally located in the ceiling, and comprising deflecting members dis-charging supply air in various directions and planes, arranged to pro-mote mixing of primary air with secondary room air.

air, dry In psychrometry, air unmixed with or containing no water vapor.

air infiltration The in-leakage of air through cracks, crevices, doors, win-dows, or other openings caused by wind pressure or temperature difference.

air, recirculated Return air passed through the conditioner before beingagain supplied to the conditioned space.

air, return Air returned from conditioned or refrigerated space.

air, saturated Moist air in which the partial pressure of the water vaporis equal to the vapor pressure of water at the existing temperature.This occurs when dry air and saturated water vapor coexist at the samedry-bulb temperature.

air, standard Air with a density of 0.075 lb/ft3 and an absolute viscos-ity of 1.22 × 10 lb mass/ft-s. This is substantially equivalent to dry airat 70°F and 29.92 in. Hg (inches of mercury).

air washer An enclosure in which air is forced through a spray of waterin order to cleanse, humidify, or precool the air.

ambient temperature The temperature of the medium surrounding anobject. In a domestic system having an air-cooled condenser, it is the tem-perature of the air entering the condenser.

ammonia machine An abbreviation for a compression-refrigeratingmachine using ammonia as a refrigerant. The term is also used forFreon machine, sulfur dioxide machine, and the like.

ampere Unit used to measure electrical current. It is equal to 1 C of elec-trons flowing past a point in 1 second. A coulomb is 6.28 × 1018 electrons.

analyzer A device used in the high side of an absorption system forincreasing the concentration of vapor entering the rectifier or condenser.

anemometer An instrument for measuring the velocity of air in motion.

antifreeze, liquid A substance added to the refrigerant to prevent for-mation of ice crystals at the expansion valve. Antifreeze agents in gen-eral do not prevent corrosion due to moisture. The use of a liquid shouldbe a temporary measure where large quantities of water are involved,

Glossary 661

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unless a drier is used to reduce the moisture content. Ice crystals mayform when moisture is present below the corrosion limits, and in suchinstances, a suitable noncorrosive antifreeze liquid is often of value.Materials such as alcohol are corrosive and, if used, should be allowedto remain in the machine for a limited time only.

atmospheric condenser A condenser operated with water that is exposedto the atmosphere.

atmospheric pressure The pressure exerted by the atmosphere in alldirections as indicated by a barometer. Standard atmospheric pressureis considered to be 14.695 psi, which is equivalent to 29.92 in. Hg.

atomize To reduce to a fine spray.

automatic air-conditioning An air-conditioning system that regulatesitself to maintain a definite set of conditions by means of automaticcontrols and valves usually responsive to temperature or pressure.

automatic expansion valve A pressure-actuated device that regulatesthe flow of refrigerant from the liquid line into the evaporator to main-tain a constant evaporator pressure.

baffle A partition used to divert the flow of air or a fluid.

balanced pressure The same pressure in a system or container thatexists outside the system or container.

barometer An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.

blast heater A set of heat-transfer coils or sections used to heat air thatis drawn or forced through it by a fan.

bleeder A pipe sometimes attached to a condenser to lead off liquidrefrigerant parallel to the main flow.

boiler A closed vessel in which liquid is heated or vaporized.

boiler horsepower The equivalent evaporation of 34.5 lb of water perhour from and at 212°F, which is equal to a heat output of 970.3 × 34.5 =33,475 Btu.

boiling point The temperature at which a liquid is vaporized upon theaddition of heat, dependent on the refrigerant and the absolute pressureat the surface of the liquid and vapor.

bore The inside diameter of a cylinder.

bourdon tube Tube of elastic metal bent into circular shape that isfound inside a pressure gage.

brine Any liquid cooled by a refrigerant and used for transmission ofheat without a change in its state.

662 Glossary

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brine system A system whereby brine cooled by a refrigerating systemis circulated through pipes to the point where the refrigeration is needed.

British thermal unit (Btu) The amount of heat required to raise the tem-perature of 1 lb of water 1°F. It is also the measure of the amount of heatremoved in cooling 1 lb of water 1°F and is so used as a measure of refrig-erating effect.

butane A hydrocarbon, flammable refrigerant used to a limited extentin small units.

calcium chloride A chemical having the formula CaCl2, which, in gran-ular form, is used as a drier. This material is soluble in water, and inthe presence of large quantities of moisture may dissolve and plug upthe drier unit or even pass into the system beyond the drier.

calcium sulfate A solid chemical of the formula CaSO4, which may beused as a drying agent.

calibration The process of dividing and numbering the scale of an instru-ment; also of correcting and determining the error of an existing scale.

calorie Heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water 1°C(actually, from 4 to 5°C). A mean calorie is one-hundredth of the heatrequired to raise 1 g of water from 0 to 100°C.

capacitor An electrical device that has the ability to store an electricalcharge. It is used to start motors, among other purposes.

capacity, refrigerating The ability of a refrigerating system, or partthereof, to remove heat. Expressed as a rate of heat removal, it is usu-ally measured in Btu’s per hour or tons per 24 hours.

capacity reducer In a compressor, a device, such as a clearancepocket, movable cylinder head, or suction bypass, by which compressorcapacity can be adjusted without otherwise changing the operatingconditions.

capillarity The action by which the surface of a liquid in contact with asolid (as in a slender tube) is raised or lowered.

capillary tube In refrigeration practice, a tube of small internal diam-eter used as a liquid refrigerant-flow control or expansion device betweenhigh and low sides; also used to transmit pressure from the sensitivebulb of some temperature controls to the operating element.

carbon dioxide ice Compressed solid CO2, also called dry ice.

Celsius A thermometric system in which the freezing point of water iscalled 0°C and its boiling point 100°C at normal pressure. This systemis used in the scientific community for research work and also by most

Glossary 663

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European countries and Canada. This book has the Celsius value ofeach Fahrenheit temperature in parenthesis.

centrifugal compressor A compressor employing centrifugal force forcompression.

centrifuge A device for separating liquids of different densities by cen-trifugal action.

change of air Introduction of new, cleansed, or recirculated air to a con-ditioned space, measured by the number of complete changes per unittime.

change of state A change from one state to another, as from a liquid toa solid, from a liquid to a gas, and so on.

charge The amount of refrigerant in a system.

chimney effect The tendency of air or gas in a duct or other vertical pas-sage to rise when heated due to its lower density compared with that ofthe surrounding air or gas. In buildings, the tendency toward displace-ment, caused by the difference in temperature, of internal heated air byunheated outside air due to the difference in density of outside andinside air.

clearance Space in a cylinder not occupied by a piston at the end of thecompression stroke or volume of gas remaining in a cylinder at the samepoint, measured in percentage of piston displacement.

coefficient of expansion The fractional increase in length or volume ofa material per degree rise in temperature.

coefficient of performance (heat pump) Ratio of heating effect producedto the energy supplied, each expressed in the same thermal units.

coil Any heating or cooling element made of pipe or tubing connectedin series.

cold storage A trade or process of preserving perishables on a largescale by refrigeration.

comfort chart A chart showing effective temperatures with dry-bulbtemperatures and humidities (and sometimes air motion) by which theeffects of various air conditions on human comfort maybe compared.

compression system A refrigerating system in which the pressure-imposing element is mechanically operated.

compressor That part of a mechanical refrigerating system whichreceives the refrigerant vapor at low pressure and compresses it into asmaller volume at higher pressure.

664 Glossary

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compressor, centrifugal A nonpositive displacement compressor thatdepends on centrifugal effect, at least in part, for pressure rise.

compressor displacement Compressor volume in cubic inches found bymultiplying piston area by stroke by number of cylinders.

compressor, open-type A compressor with a shaft or other moving part,extending through a casing, to be driven by an outside source of power,thus requiring a stuffing box, shaft seals, or equivalent rubbing contactbetween a fixed and moving part.

compressor, reciprocating Apositive displacement compressor with a pistonor pistons moving in a straight line but alternately in opposite directions.

compressor, rotary One in which compression is attained in a cylinderby rotation of a positive displacement member.

compressor booster A compressor for very low pressures, usually dis-charging into the suction line of another compressor.

condenser A heat-transfer device that receives high-pressure vapor attemperatures above that of the cooling medium, such as air or water, towhich the condenser passes latent heat from the refrigerant, causing therefrigerant vapor to liquefy.

condensing The process of giving up latent heat of vaporization inorder to liquefy a vapor.

condensing unit A specific refrigerating machine combination for agiven refrigerant, consisting of one or more power-driven compressors,condensers, liquid receivers (when required), and the regularly fur-nished accessories.

condensing unit, sealed A mechanical condensing unit in which thecompressor and its motor are enclosed in the same housing, with noexternal shaft or shaft seal, the compressor motor operating in therefrigerant atmosphere.

conduction, thermal Passage of heat from one point to another bytransmission of molecular energy from particle to particle through aconductor.

conductivity, thermal The ability of a material to pass heat from onepoint to another, generally expressed in terms of Btu per hour persquare foot of material per inch of thickness per degree temperaturedifference.

Displacement in cubic feet per minute = × × r2 LL n× ×rpm1728

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conductor, electrical A material that will pass an electric current aspart of an electrical system.

connecting rod A device connecting the piston to a crank and used tochange rotating motion into reciprocating motion, or vice versa, as froma rotating crankshaft to a reciprocating piston.

constant-pressure valve A valve of the throttling type, responsive topressure, located in the suction line of an evaporator to maintain adesired constant pressure in the evaporator higher than the mainsuction-line pressure.

constant-temperature valve A valve of the throttling type, responsive tothe temperature of a thermostatic bulb. This valve is located in thesuction line of an evaporator to reduce the refrigerating effect on the coilto just maintain a desired minimum temperature.

control Any device for regulation of a system or component in normaloperation either manual or automatic. If automatic, the implication isthat it is responsive to changes of temperature, pressure, or any otherproperty whose magnitude is to be regulated.

control, high-pressure A pressure-responsive device (usually an elec-tric switch) actuated directly by the refrigerant-vapor pressure on thehigh side of a refrigerating system (usually compressor-head pressure).

control, low-pressure An electric switch, responsive to pressure, con-nected into the low-pressure part of a refrigerating system (usuallycloses at high pressure and opens at low pressure).

control, temperature An electric switch or relay that is responsive to thetemperature change of a thermostatic bulb or element.

convection The circulatory motion that occurs in a fluid at a nonuniformtemperature owing to the variation of its density and the action of gravity.

convection, forced Convection resulting from forced circulation of afluid as by a fan, jet, or pump.

cooling tower, water An enclosed device for evaporative cooling water bycontact with air.

cooling unit A specific air-treating combination consisting of a meansfor air circulation and cooling within prescribed temperature limits.

cooling water Water used for condensation of refrigerant; condenser water.

copper plating Formation of a film of copper, usually on compressor walls,pistons, or discharge valves caused by moisture in a methyl chloride system.

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corrosive Having a chemically destructive effect on metals (occasion-ally on other materials).

counter-flow In the heat exchange between two fluids, the oppositedirection of flow, the coldest portion of one meeting the coldest portionof the other.

critical pressure The vapor pressure corresponding to the critical tem-perature.

critical temperature The temperature above which a vapor cannot be liq-uefied, regardless of pressure.

critical velocity The velocity above which fluid flow is turbulent.

crohydrate A eutectic brine mixture of water and any salt mixed inproportions to give the lowest freezing temperature.

cycle A complete course of operation of working fluid back to a start-ing point measured in thermodynamic terms. Also used in general forany repeated process in any system.

cycle, defrosting That portion of a refrigeration operation which permitsthe cooling unit to defrost.

cycle, refrigeration A complete course of operation of a refrigerant backto the starting point measured in thermodynamic terms. Also used ingeneral for any repeated process for any system.

Dalton’s law of partial pressure Each constituent of a mixture of gasesbehaves thermodynamically as if it alone occupied the space. The sumof the individual pressures of the constituents equals the total pressureof the mixture.

defrosting The removal of accumulated ice from a cooling unit.

degree-day A unit based on temperature difference and time used tospecify the nominal heating load in winter. For one day there exist asmany degree-days as there are degrees Fahrenheit difference in tem-perature between the average outside air temperature, taken over a24-hour period, and a temperature of 65°F.

dehumidifier An air cooler used for lowering the moisture content of theair passing through it. An absorption or adsorption device for removingmoisture from the air.

dehumidify A device used to remove water vapor from the atmosphereor water or liquid from stored goods.

dehydrator A device used to remove moisture from the refrigerant.

density The mass or weight per unit of volume.

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dew point, air The temperature at which a specified sample of air, withno moisture added or removed, is completely saturated. The tempera-ture at which the air, on being cooled, gives up moisture, or dew.

differential (of a control) The difference between the cutin and cutouttemperature. A valve that opens at one pressure and closes at another.This allows a system to adjust itself with a minimum of overcorrection.

direct connected Driver and driven, as motor and compressor, posi-tively connected in line to operate at the same speed.

direct expansion A system in which the evaporator is located in thematerial or space refrigerated or in the air-circulating passages com-municating with such space.

discharge gas Hot, high-pressure vapor refrigerant which has just leftthe compressor.

displacement, actual The volume of gas at the compressor inlet actuallymoved in a given time.

displacement, theoretical The total volume displaced by all the pistonsof a compressor for every stroke during a definite interval (usually meas-ured in cubic feet per minute).

drier Synonymous with dehydrator.

dry-type evaporator An evaporator of the continuous-tube type wherethe refrigerant from a pressure-reducing device is fed into one end andthe suction line connected to the outlet end.

duct A passageway made of sheet metal or other suitable material, notnecessarily leak-tight, used for conveying air or other gas at low pressure.

dust An air suspension (aerosol) of solid particles of earthy material,as differentiated from smoke.

economizer A reservoir or chamber wherein energy or material from aprocess is reclaimed for further useful purpose.

efficiency, mechanical The ratio of the output of a machine to the inputin equivalent units.

efficiency, volumetric The ratio of the volume of gas actually pumped bya compressor or pump to the theoretical displacement of the compressor.

ejector A device that utilizes static pressure to build up a high fluidvelocity in a restricted area to obtain a lower static pressure at that pointso that fluid from another source maybe drawn in.

element, bimetallic An element formed of two metals having differentcoefficients of thermal expansion, such as used in temperature-indicating and -controlling devices.

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emulsion A relatively stable suspension of small, but not colloidal, par-ticles of a substance in a liquid.

engine Prime mover; device for transforming fuel or heat energy intomechanical energy.

enthalpy The total heat content of a substance, compared to a standardvalue 32°F or 0°C for water vapor, or −40°F (−40°C) for refrigerant.

entropy The ratio of the heat added to a substance to the absolute tem-perature at which it is added.

equalizer A piping arrangement to maintain a common liquid level orpressure between two or more chambers.

eutectic solution A solution of such concentration as to have a constantfreezing point at the lowest freezing temperature for the solution.

evaporative condenser A refrigerant condenser utilizing the evaporationof water by air at the condenser surface as a means of dissipating heat.

evaporative cooling The process of cooling by means of the evaporationof water in air.

evaporator A device in which the refrigerant evaporates while absorb-ing heat.

expansion valve, automatic A device that regulates the flow of refriger-ant from the liquid line into the evaporator to maintain a constant evap-orator pressure.

expansion valve, thermostatic A device that regulates the flow of refrig-erant into an evaporator so as to maintain an evaporation temperaturein a definite relationship to the temperature of a thermostatic bulb.

extended surface The evaporator or condenser surface that is not a pri-mary surface. Fins or other surfaces that transmit heat from or to a pri-mary surface, which is part of the refrigerant container.

external equalizer In a thermostatic expansion valve, a tube connec-tion from the chamber containing the pressure-actuated element of thevalve to the outlet of the evaporator coil. A device to compensate forexcessive pressure drop through the coil.

Fahrenheit A thermometric system in which 32°F denotes the freezingpoint of water and 212°F the boiling point under normal pressure.

fan An air-moving device comprising a wheel or blade, and housing ororifice plate.

fan, centrifugal A fan rotor or wheel within a scroll-type housing andincluding driving-mechanism supports for either belt-drive or directconnection.

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fan, propeller A propeller or disk-type wheel within a mounting ring orplate and including driving-mechanism supports for either belt-drive ordirect connection.

fan, tube-axial A disk-type wheel within a cylinder, a set of air-guidevanes located either before or after the wheel, and driving-mechanismsupports for either belt-drive or direct connection.

filter A device to remove solid material from fluid by straining action.

flammability The ability of a material to burn.

flare fitting A type of connector for soft tubing that involves the flaringof the tube to provide a mechanical seal.

flash gas The gas resulting from the instantaneous evaporation of therefrigerant in a pressure-reducing device to cool the refrigerant to theevaporation temperature obtained at the reduced pressure.

float valve Valve actuated by a float immersed in a liquid container.

flooded system A system in which the refrigerant enters into a headerfrom a pressure-reducing valve and the evaporator maintains a liquidlevel. Opposed to dry evaporator.

fluid A gas or liquid.

foaming Formation of foam or froth of oil refrigerant due to rapid boil-ing out of the refrigerant dissolved in the oil when the pressure is sud-denly reduced. This occurs when the compressor operates; and, if largequantities of refrigerant have been dissolved, large quantities of oil may“boil” out and be carried through the refrigerant lines.

freezeup Failure of a refrigeration unit to operate normally due to for-mation of ice at the expansion valve. The valve maybe frozen closed oropen, causing improper refrigeration in either case.

freezing point The temperature at which a liquid will solidify upon theremoval of heat.

Freon-12 The common name for dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2).

frostback The flooding of liquid from an evaporator into the suction line,accompanied by frost formation on the suction line in most cases.

furnace That part of a boiler or warm-up heating plant in which com-bustion takes place. Also a complete heating unit for transferring heatfrom fuel being burned to the air supplied to a heating system.

fusible plug A safety plug used in vessels containing refrigerant. Theplug is designed to melt at high temperatures [usually about 165°F(73.8°C)] to prevent excessive pressure from bursting the vessel.

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gage An instrument used for measuring various pressures or liquidlevels (sometimes spelled gauge).

gas The vapor state of a material.

generator A basic component of any absorption-refrigeration system.

gravity, specific The density of a standard material usually comparedto that of water or air.

grille A perforated or louvered covering for an air passage, usuallyinstalled in a sidewall, ceiling, or floor.

halide torch A leak tester generally using alcohol and burning with ablue flame; when the sampling tube draws in halocarbon refrigerantvapor, the color of flame changes to bright green. Gas given off by theburning halocarbon is phosgene, a deadly gas used in World War I inEurope against Allied troops (can be deadly if breathed in a closed or con-fined area).

halogen An element from the halogen group that consists of chlorine,fluorine, bromine, and iodine. Two halogens may be present in chloro-fluorocarbon refrigerants.

heat Basic form of energy that may be partially converted into otherforms and into which all other forms may be entirely converted.

heat of fusion Latent heat involved in changing between the solid andthe liquid states.

heat, sensible Heat that is associated with a change in temperature;specific heat exchange of temperature, in contrast to a heat interchangein which a change of state (latent heat) occurs.

heat, specific The ratio of the quantity of heat required to raise the tem-perature of a given mass of any substance by one degree to the quan-tity required to raise the temperature of an equal mass of a standardsubstance (usually water at 59°F) by one degree.

heat of vaporization Latent heat involved in the change between liquidand vapor states.

heat pump A refrigerating system employed to transfer heat into a spaceor substance. The condenser provides the heat, while the evaporator isarranged to pick up heat from air, water, and the like. By shifting the flowof the refrigerant, a heat-pump system may also be used to cool thespace.

heating system Any of several heating methods usually termed accord-ing to the method used in its generation, such as steam heating, warm-air heating, and so on.

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heating system, electric Heating produced by the rise of temperaturecaused by the passage of an electric current through a conductorhaving a high resistance to the current flow. Residence electric-heatingsystems generally consist of one or several resistance units installedin a frame or casing, the degree of heating being thermostaticallycontrolled.

heating system, steam A heating system in which heat is transferredfrom a boiler or other source to the heating units by steam at, above, orbelow atmospheric pressure.

heating system, vacuum A two-pipe steam-heating system equippedwith the necessary accessory apparatus to permit operating the systembelow atmospheric pressure.

heating system, warm-air A warm-air heating plant consisting of a heat-ing unit (fuel-burning furnace) enclosed in a casing from which theheated air is distributed to various rooms of the building through ducts.

hermetically sealed unit A refrigerating unit containing the motor andcompressor in a sealed container.

high-pressure cutout A control device connected into the high-pressurepart of a refrigerating system to stop the machine when the pressurebecomes excessive.

high side That part of the refrigerating system containing the high-pressure refrigerant. The term is also used to refer to the condensingunit, consisting of the motor, compressor, condenser, and receivermounted on a single base.

high-side float valve A float valve that floats in high-pressure liquid.Opens on an increase in liquid level.

hold over In an evaporator, the ability to stay cold after heat removalfrom the evaporator stops.

horsepower A unit of power. Work done at the rate of 33,000 lb-ft/min,or 550 lb-ft/s.

humidifier A device to add moisture to the air.

humidify To add water vapor to the atmosphere; to add water vapor ormoisture to any material.

humidistat A control device actuated by changes in humidity and usedfor automatic control of relative humidity.

humidity, absolute The definite amount of water contained in a definitequantity of air (usually measured in grains of water per pound or percubic foot of air).

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humidity, relative The ratio of the water-vapor pressure of air comparedto the vapor pressure it would have if saturated at its dry-bulb tem-perature. Very nearly the ratio of the amount of moisture contained inair compared to what it could hold at the existing temperature.

humidity, specific The weight of vapor associated with 1 lb of dry air;also termed humidity ratio.

hydrocarbons A series of chemicals of similar chemical nature, rangingfrom methane (the main constituent of natural gas) through butane, octane,and so on, to heavy lubricating oils. All are more or less flammable. Butaneand isobutane have been used to a limited extent as refrigerants.

hydrolysis Reaction of a material, such as Freon-12 or methyl chlo-ride, with water. Acid materials in general are formed.

hydrostatic pressure The pressure due to liquid in a container that con-tains no gas space.

hygrometer An instrument used to measure moisture in the air.

hygroscope See humidistat.

ice-melting equivalent The amount of heat (144 Btu) absorbed by 1 lbof ice at 32°F in liquefying to water at 32°F.

indirect cooling system See brine system.

infiltration The leakage of air into a building or space.

insulation A material of low heat conductivity.

irritant refrigerant Any refrigerant that has an irritating effect on theeyes, nose, throat, or lungs.

isobutane A hydrocarbon refrigerant used to a limited extent. It isflammable.

kilowatt Unit of electrical power equal to 1000 W, or 1.34 hp, approxi-mately.

lag of temperature control The delay in action of a temperature-responsive element due to the time required for the temperature of theelement to reach the surrounding temperature.

latent heat The quantity of heat that may be added to a substanceduring a change of state without causing a temperature change.

latent heat of evaporation The quantity of heat required changing 1 lbof liquid into a vapor with no change in temperature (reversible).

leak detector A device used to detect refrigerant leaks in a refrigerat-ing system.

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liquid The state of a material in which its top surface in a vessel willbecome horizontal. Distinguished from solid or vapor forms.

liquid line The tube or pipe that carries the refrigerant liquid from the con-denser or receiver of a refrigerating system to a pressure-reducing device.

liquid receiver That part of the condensing unit that stores the liquidrefrigerant.

load The required rate of heat removal.

low-pressure control An electric switch and pressure-responsive ele-ment connected into the suction side of a refrigerating unit to controlthe operation of the system.

low side That part of a refrigerating system that normally operatesunder low pressure, as opposed to the high side. Also used to refer to theevaporator.

low-side float A valve operated by the low-pressure liquid, which opensat a low level and closes at a high level.

main A pipe or duct for distributing to or collecting conditioned airfrom various branches.

manometer A U-shaped liquid-filled tube for measuring pressure dif-ferences.

mechanical efficiency The ratio of work done by a machine to the workdone on it or energy used by it.

mechanical equivalent of heat An energy-conversion ratio of 778.18 lb-ft =1 Btu.

methyl chloride A refrigerant having the chemical formula CH3Cl.

micron (l) A unit of length; the thousandth part of 1 mm or the millionthpart of 1 m.

mollier chart A graphical representation of thermal properties of fluids,with total heat and entropy as coordinates.

motor Adevice for transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy.

motor capacitor A device designed to improve the starting ability ofsingle-phase induction motors.

noncondensables Foreign gases mixed with a refrigerant, which cannotbe condensed into liquid form at the temperatures and pressures atwhich the refrigerant condenses.

oil trap A device to separate oil from the high-pressure vapor from thecompressor. Usually contains a float valve to return the oil to the com-pressor crankcase.

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output Net refrigeration produced by the system.

ozone The O3 form of oxygen, sometimes used in air-conditioning orcold-storage rooms to eliminate odors; can be toxic in concentrations of0.5 ppm (parts per million) and over.

packing The stuffing around a shaft to prevent fluid leakage betweenthe shaft and parts around the shaft.

packless valve A valve that does not use packing to prevent leaksaround the valve stem. Flexible material is usually used to seal againstleaks and still permit valve movement.

performance factor The ratio of the heat moved by a refrigeratingsystem to heat equivalent of the energy used. Varies with conditions.

phosphorous pentoxide An efficient drier material that becomes gummyreacting with moisture and hence is not used alone as a drying agent.

pour point, oil The temperature below which the oil surface will notchange when the oil container is tilted.

power The rate of doing work measured in horsepower, watts, kilo-watts, and similar units.

power factor, electrical devices The ratio of watts to volt-amperes in anAC circuit.

pressure The force exerted per unit of area.

pressure drop Loss in pressure, as from one end of a refrigerant line tothe other, due to friction, static head, and so on.

pressure gage See gage.

pressure-relief valve A valve or rupture member designed to relieveexcessive pressure automatically.

psychrometric chart A chart used to determine the specific volume, heatcontent, dew point, relative humidity, absolute humidity, and wet- anddry-bulb temperatures, knowing any two independent items of thosem*ntioned.

purging The act of blowing out refrigerant gas from a refrigerant con-taining vessel usually for the purpose of removing noncondensables.

pyrometer An instrument for the measurement of high temperatures.

radiation The passage of heat from one object to another without warm-ing the space between. The heat is passed by wave motion similar to light.

refrigerant The medium of heat transfer in a refrigerating system thatpicks up heat by evaporating at a lower temperature and gives up heatby condensing at a higher temperature.

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refrigerating system A combination of parts in which a refrigerant is cir-culated for the purpose of extracting heat.

relative humidity The ratio of the water-vapor pressure of air comparedto the vapor pressure it would have if saturated at its dry-bulb tem-perature. Very nearly the ratio of the amount of moisture contained inair compared to what it could hold at the existing temperature.

relief valve A valve designed to open at excessively high pressures toallow the refrigerant to escape.

resistance, electrical The opposition to electric current flow, measuredin ohms.

resistance, thermal The reciprocal of thermal conductivity.

room cooler A cooling element for a room. In air-conditioning, a devicefor conditioning small volumes of air for comfort.

rotary compressor A compressor in which compression is attained in acylinder by rotation of a semiradial member.

running time Usually indicates percent of time a refrigerant compres-sor operates.

saturated vapor Vapor not superheated but of 100 percent quality, thatis, containing no unvaporized liquid.

seal, shaft A mechanical system of parts for preventing gas leakagebetween a rotating shaft and a stationary crankcase.

sealed unit See hermetically sealed unit.

shell and tube Pertaining to heat exchangers in which a coil of tubingor pipe is contained in a shell or container. The pipe is provided withopenings to allow the passage of a fluid through it, while the shell is alsoprovided with an inlet and outlet for a fluid flow.

silica gel A drier material having the formula SiO2.

sludge A decomposition product formed in a refrigerant due to impu-rities in the oil or due to moisture. Sludges may be gummy or hard.

soda lime A material used for removing moisture. Not recommendedfor refrigeration use.

solenoid valve A valve opened by magnetic effect of an electric currentthrough a solenoid coil.

solid The state of matter in which force can be exerted in a downwarddirection only when not confined. As distinguished from fluids.

solubility The ability of one material to enter into solution with another.

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solution The hom*ogeneous mixture of two or more materials.

specific gravity The weight of a volume of a material compared to theweight of the same volume of water.

specific heat The quantity of heat required to raise the tempera-ture of a definite mass of a material a definite amount compared tothat required to raise the temperature of the same mass of water thesame amount. May be expressed as Btu per pound per degreesFahrenheit.

specific volume The volume of a definite weight of a material. Usuallyexpressed in cubic feet per pound. The reciprocal of density.

spray pond An arrangement for lowering the temperature of water byevaporative cooling of the water in contact with outside air. The waterto be cooled is sprayed by nozzles into the space above a body of previ-ously cooled water and allowed to fall by gravity into it.

steam Water in the vapor phase.

steam trap A device for allowing the passage of condensate, or air andcondensate, and preventing the passage of steam.

sub cooled Cooled below the condensing temperature corresponding tothe existing pressure.

sublimation The change from a solid to a vapor state without an inter-mediate liquid state.

suction line The tube or pipe that carries refrigerant vapor from theevaporator to the compressor inlet.

suction pressure Pressure on the suction side of the compressor.

superheater A heat exchanger used on flooded evaporators, whereinhot liquid on its way to enter the evaporator is cooled by supplying heatto dry and superheat the wet vapor leaving the evaporator.

sweating Condensation of moisture from the air on surfaces below thedew-point temperature.

system A heating or refrigerating scheme or machine, usually con-fined to those parts in contact with the heating or refrigerating medium.

temperature Heat level or pressure. The thermal state of a body withrespect to its ability to pick up heat from or pass heat to anotherbody.

thermal conductivity The ability of a material to conduct heat from onepoint to another. Indicated in terms of Btu per hour per square foot perinches of thickness per degrees Fahrenheit.

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thermocouple A device consisting of two electrical conductors havingtwo junctions—one at a point whose temperature is to be measured, andthe other at a known temperature. The temperature between the twojunctions is determined by the material characteristics and the electri-cal potential setup.

thermodynamics The science of the mechanics of heat.

thermometer A device for indicating temperature.

thermostat A temperature-actuated switch.

thermostatic expansion valve A device to regulate the flow of refrigerantinto an evaporator so as to maintain an evaporation temperature in adefinite relationship to the temperature of a thermostatic bulb.

ton of refrigeration Refrigeration equivalent to the melting of 1 ton ofice per 24 hours; 288,000 Btu/day, 12,000 Btu/h, or 200 Btu/min.

total heat The total heat added to a refrigerant above an arbitrary start-ing point to bring it to a given set of conditions (usually expressed in Btuper pound). For instance, in a superheated gas, the combined heat addedto the liquid necessary to raise its temperature from an arbitrary startingpoint to the evaporation temperature to complete evaporation, and to raisethe temperature to the final temperature where the gas is superheated.

total pressure In fluid flow, the sum of static pressure and velocitypressure.

turbulent flow Fluid flow in which the fluid moves transversely as wellas in the direction of the tube or pipe axis, as opposed to streamline orviscous flow.

unit heater A direct-heating, factory-made, encased assembly includinga heating element, fan, motor, and directional outlet.

unit system A system that can be removed from the user’s premiseswithout disconnecting refrigerant containing parts, water connection,or fixed electrical connections.

unloader A device in a compressor for equalizing high- and low-sidepressures when the compressor stops and for a brief period after itstarts so as to decrease the starting load on the motor.

vacuum A pressure below atmospheric, usually measured in inches ofmercury below atmospheric pressure.

valve In refrigeration, a device for regulation of a liquid, air, or gas.

vapor A gas, particularly one near to equilibrium with the liquid phaseof the substance, which does not follow the gas laws. Frequently used

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instead of gas for a refrigerant and, in general, for any gas below thecritical temperature.

viscosity The property of a fluid to resist flow or change of shape.

water cooler Evaporator for cooling water in an indirect refrigeratingsystem.

wax A material that may separate when oil/refrigerant mixtures arecooled. Wax may plug the expansion valve and reduce heat transfer ofthe coil.

wet-bulb depression Difference between dry- and wet-bulb temperatures.

wet compression A system of refrigeration in which some liquid refrig-erant is mixed with vapor entering the compressor so as to cause dis-charge vapors from the compressor to tend to be saturated rather thansuperheated.

xylene A flammable solvent, similar to kerosene, used for dissolving orloosening sludges and for cleaning compressors and lines.

zero, absolute, of pressure The pressure existing in a vessel that isentirely empty. The lowest possible pressure. Perfect vacuum.

zero, absolute, of temperature The temperature at which a body has noheat in it (−459.6°F or −273.1°C).

zone, comfort (average) The range of effective temperature during whichthe majority of adults feel comfortable.

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AAC electrolytic capacitors, 263Accumulators, 467

installation, 469Acids, 415Activated alumina, 415Actuators, 618Additional time, 194Adjusting pressure, 433Air

channel diffusers, 570duct areas, graphic, 134, 135duct calculations, 128, 131filter

classification, 113gages, 43

filtration, 112flow, 107

distribution 107–126, 131leakage, 106measurement, 554 measurement gages, 43, 44noise, 564stream pattern, 555velocities, 129volume, 137, 573

requirements, 560washer, 119

Alcohol, 421Alternatives to R-22, 190Aluminum, 179Ambient temperature, 617American National Standards

Institute, 14Ammeter, 36, 37

moving vane, 38

Ammonia, 162, 186evaporator, 396

Amperesfull load, 276locked rotor, 275

Analyzerair content, 76moisture, 46

Antismudge rings, 570ASHRAE, 556Aspiration, 552, 553Associations, industrial, 647, 648Atmospheric pressure, 149Atom, 145Attic fans, 140

installation, 140, 579Automatic viscous filters, 116Automotive blends, 206Autotransformer, 633

BBalanced bridge circuit, 613Battery, 626Bourdon tube meter, 14, 15Brass, 179Brazing, 433, 442Bridge circuit, 612, 613, 616

unbalanced, 614Bronze, 179Btu meters, 43, 46Bulb location, 426Bypass installations, 421

CCAB resistive element, 611, 612Cable, 628

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Cable cutter, 7Calcium chloride, 162Calcium sulfate, 415Calculation, air-duct, 128, 129Capacitor, 626

measuring capacity, 598ratings, 262run, 256, 327size, 599start, 334start and run, 333testing, 597

Cap-Check, 47Capillary tube, 28, 454Carbon dioxide, 162, 186Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), 72, 73Cardiac sensitization, 175Casing noise, controlling, 565Casing radiated noise, 564Cast Lucite acrylic resin, 180Ceiling

blower, 388, 389evaporator, 388supply grilles, 568supply registers, 568

Cellulose acetate, 180CEMF, 259Centrifugal fan, 575, 580Centrifugal switch, testing, 596Certification, technician, 476CFCs, HFC, 217Changeover, automatic, 503Charging

cylinder, 56oil, 57stations, mobile, 57, 58

Check valve, 398, 466Chillers, 292–294

cutaway view, 294shell and tube, 378, 379

Chips, 602Chisels, 6Circuit breakers, 637

cutaway view, 547Circuit protections, 279, 545, 637Circulating fans, 140Clamp-on meter, 593Clippers, 1CNS effects, 175

Code limitations, 278Cold anticipator, 521Combination process, 96Combustible gas detectors, 219, 220Comfort conditions, 552Common base circuit, 607Compression ratio, 150Compressor, 307

air-conditioner, 584applications, 316, 317capacitor-start induction-run,

332, 334capacitor start-run, 335centrifugal, 307, 309connections and tubes, 359cutaway view, 312, 325external line-break, 329hermetic, 312, 314, 549hookup, PSC, 256internal thermostat, 354–356manufacturers, 360motor relays, 264, 265motors, electrical systems, 342nomenclature, 315pancake, 313problems, 584PSC motor hookup, 328reciprocating, 307, 308resistance-start induction-run,

318, 331, 333schematic, permanent

split-capacitor, 326schematics, 319, 320screw, 365service, 585–588Tec*mseh, 327

AJ, 325, 363AK, 364AV, 322AW, 363SF, 364

terminals, 338board, 620box, 324

three-phase hermetic, 330three-phase hookup, 330troubleshooting, 585–588types, 313

682 Index

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Condenser, 285–287, 308 air-cooled, 310evaporative, 300, 311water-cooled, 288–291, 310

Condensing pressure, 199Conduction, 551, 628Conductors, heat-generated, 279Connection, external equalizer, 429Connectors, 632Constant speed motor, 577Constricting tubing, 65Construction, 419Control

circuit, PC board, 87devices, 509–526modules, 621, 622

solid state, 620system, 394, 395

Controllers, 615Controls, 295

humidity, 124solid state, 296

Convection, 551Cooling cycle, 381

range, 297tower

atmospheric draft cooling, 525forced air draft, 524

Cooling towers, 296, 311design, 298–300

Copper, 179Copper tubing

compression, 68cutters, 62dehydrated, 60flaring, 62hand-drawn, 60hard, 61nitrogenized, 409swaging, 66

Cork insulation, 537Crankcase

heaters, 340pressure regulating valve, 431

Critical temperature, 200CROs, 430–433Crossing paths, 627Cubic feet per minute, 553

Current relay, 343, 344, 336, 511Cycle, basic refrigeration, 155Cylinders, handling, 548


codes, 454installation, 449operation, 446, 447special considerations, 450

Debris screen, linear grilles, 573Decomposition, 175Defrost

control, 610cycle, 382system, 380

Degreasing solvents, 72Dehumidification, electric, 123Dehumidifier, 123

adsorption-type, 125automatic, 124

Dehydrator, 295Delrin-acetal resin, 180Density, 183Detector

halide, 31–33leak, 187

electronic, 186Devices

metering, 405pressure indicating, 147

Diagramsladder, 80manufacturer’s, 82, 83

Differential amplifiers, 616Diffuser, 553, 559

ceiling, 569dual side inlet, 571perforated face, 569

Diode, 602–604, 633bidirectional, 634reverse biased, 603symbol, 603

Dipsticks, 10Direct-expansion valves, 380Dirt, 415Discharge lines, 534Domestic refrigerator schematic, 513

Index 683

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Drawn brass, 18Driers, 414Drill, power, 4Drive methods, fans, 138Drop, 554Dry plate, 114Dual in-line package, 609Duct

heat gain, 127system resistance, 111velocities, 128

Dust and health, 112, 582sources, 113

EEffective area, 553Elastomers, 181Elbow, half union, 65Electric current, physiological

effects, 542Electric heater, 463Electric heating system, basic, 79Electrical and electronic symbols,

625–641Electrical connections, level master,

458Electrical safety, 541–550, 584Electromagnetism, using, 233Electromagnets, 227, 233Electronic controllers, 616Elements, 145Enforcement, 481Enthalpy, 183EPA-certified refrigerant reclaimers,

195Epoxy resins, 180Equipment, 1

drilling, 4grandfathering, 475

Equipment certification, 475Ethyl chloride, 163Evacuation and 474Evaporating pressure, 199Evaporator, 375

ammonia, 378coiled, 375direct expansion, 384, 385

Evaporator (Cont.):finned coil, 377home air-conditioning, 376plate, 376

Excess oil, 421Exhaust fans, 139, 578Existing units, 191Externally equalized bypass valves,



applications, 139, 578and blowers, 133, 575circulating, 578classifications, 136drives, 576driving methods, 576inlet area, 576and mechanical ventilation, 573, 574operation, 140, 142, 579–581outlet area, 576power input, 576selection, 139, 577velocity, 554

Feet per minute, 553Female pipe thread (FPT), 63Field effect transistor, 635, 637Field wiring, 84Files, 6Filter, 405

drier, 414dry, 114installation, 117, 118manually cleaned, 115suction line, 415wet, 115

Fire and smoke dampers, 566Fittings, 407Flammability, 173, 184, 198Flare fitting, 408Flaring tools, 64Flat pack, 608, 609Float switches, 525Float valve, 455, 456

installation, 456Flooded ceiling blower, 387Flooded recirculator, 393

684 Index

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Floor blower, 390–392Fluid cooler, 304–306Fluorinated products, 172Fluorine, 163Flutter, 16Flux, 4, 69Free area, 554Freon, 164

applications, 175classifications, 196properties of, 165–171, 198refrigerants, 196

Freon 11, 176Freon 12, 160, 176Freon 13, 160, 176Freon 13B1, 178Freon 21, 160Freon 22, 160, 176Freon 113, 160, 177Freon 114, 160, 177Freon 115, 160Freon 500, 177Freon 502, 160, 178Freon 503, 178Fresh-air requirements, 109, 110Full skew, 243Furnaces, high-efficiency, 94Fuse puller, 2Fuses, 280

time delay, 281types, 281

Future planning, 481

GGages, 11

accuracy, 15ammonia, 16calibration, 19care of, 18liquid filled, 18pressure, 12, 14selection, 12

Gas furnace operation, 78Gas leg shutoff, 386Gate valves, 465Globe valves, 465Glossary, 659–680Goggles, 10Governor mechanism, 248

Grille size, 558Grilles, 559Ground, 628Ground-fault circuit interrupter

(GFCI), 544, 546Grounded capacitor, 598

HHair-felt insulation, 540Halide detector, 187

adjusting, 34detecting leaks, 34maintenance, 34

Halon, working with, 192Hammers, 7Hand valves, 458Handling cylinders, 548Hardware, 407

and fittings, 422Hazardous waste disposal, 480HCFCs, 189Heat, 153

latent, 153sensible, 153sources, 154specific, 152

Heat anticipation, 104, 521Heat content, 153Heat pump, 87

combinations, 93operation, 90–92systems, 93

Heat reclaiming cycle, 242Heat transferring, 551Heated sensor

detectors, 218, 219tip, 216, 217

Hermetic-motor burnouts, 422Hermetic-type compressors, 549High-efficiency furnaces, 94High side, 156High starting torque motors,

345–349High-temperature applications, 241Hookup, two compressors, 536Horn, electrical, 638Horsepower requirements, fan or

blower, 137

Index 685

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Hot-air furnace, 77schematic, 85

Hot gas, 397, 451defrost service, 241feed, 383

Humidifier, 119Armstrong, 121, 122

air-operated, 122electrically operated, 121

Humidistat, 45Humidity control, 119Humidity-measuring devices, 43, 44Humidity sensing, 611Humidity-sensitive film, 612Hydrofluorocarbons, 200Hydrolysis, 184

IIcebox, 155Inconel, 179Installation, 419Instruments, 11Insulation, 527–540

foam, 529pipe, 530sheet, 527tubing, 528

Integrated circuits, 608Internal thermostat, 357, 358

KKnife, 6

electrician’s, 7skinning, 7

LLadder diagram, hot-air furnace,

80, 81Latent heat, 153

of evaporation, 200Leak

detectors, 421repair, 193tendency to, 186test setup, 34testing for, 72

Leak detection, 74, 217halide, 10

Level control valves, 454Level-master control, 457

installation, 458–460Lifting, 550Light, extension, 8Light, test, 10Lighting, halide detector, 33Line-break overload, 513Line breakers, 640Line pressure, 15Line sizes, 409Line strainers and filters, 416Linear grilles, 572, 573Lines, refrigerant, 410Liquid circulated, 202Liquid density, 183Liquid indicators, 417–419Liquid line service, 239Liquid refrigeration lines, 532Liquid water, 421Litmus paper, 186Location, thermostat, 86Lock box, 547Losses in duct systems, 132Lost card, replacing, 486Low side, 156Low-temperature ceiling blower,

393, 394Low-temperature defrost, 382Low-voltage operation, motors,

588Low-voltage wiring, 84Lubricants, 204, 295Lucite acrylic resin, 180Luminaire diffusers, 571

MMagnetic core transformer, 632Magnetic fields, 232Magnetic permeability, 227Magnetic saturation, 233Magnetic theory, 227Magnetism in a coil of wire, 231Magnets

poles, 229shapes of, 228

Male pipe thread (MPT), 63Malfunctions, hot gas bypass, 451

686 Index

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Manifold gages and hoses, 75Markers, wire code, 8Masonry drills, 6Matter

properties of, 146structure of, 144

Measuring tape, 7Mechanical ventilation, 111Mercury contacts, 518, 520Metals, in refrigeration systems,

178Meter, 8

AC/DC, 12clamp-on, 593–599

Meter movement, D’Arsonval, 35, 37

Methods, ventilation, 581Methyl chloride, 161, 188Methylene chloride, 172Mixing oil, 184Modules, 620Moisture, 414, 420Moisture analyzers, 43Molecular weight, 163, 186Monel steel, 15Monitoring systems, 221–224Motor, 243

capacitor-start, 251, 252capacitor-start capacitor-run,

258capacitor-start induction-run, 253,

254cooling cycle, 294exploded view, 244fan, 246mounts, 340permanent split-capacitor, 254,

255, 257protector, internal line-break,

323protectors, 264, 512repulsion-start induction-run,

250single phase, 249split phase, 247testing, 589theory of operation, 254three-phase, 259

Motor, three-phase (Cont.):cutaway view, 260exploded view, 261

types, 244voltage variations, 270

Motor-start relays, 509Mounting grommets, 341Multimeter, 41Multiple unit installation, 535MVAC-like appliances, 479

NNational Electrical Code (NEC),

1, 267Needle valve, 16, 17Negative corona leak detectors, 218,

242New refrigerants, 196, 649–658

variable, composition, 205New units, 191

purchasing, 191Nickel, 179Noise criteria (NC), 554, 563Noise in hot gas lines, 401, 402Nominal pipe size, 61

OOccupied zone, 554Odor, 185Ohmmeter, 40, 41Oil

drain, 462and halocarbon systems, 461return, 458, 463

Open contact, 629Opens, 595Oral toxicity, 173ORD, operation, 440Organizations, professional,

643–645ORI, operation, 439, 440ORIT, location, 437Orlon acrylic fiber, 180ORO

installation, 442location, 445operation, 439, 440

Other instruments, 43

Index 687

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Outlet velocity, 554 ratings, 559

Outlets, location, 556Overload

coils, 641protector, 591, 592thermal, 640

Ozone layer depletion, 473

PP-trap, 410Pan humidifiers, 120Perimeter systems, 554, 556Permagum, 529Permanent magnets, 225, 226Permanent split capacitor, 335Phase-out schedule, 189Phenolic resins, 180Photodiode, 634Photon-couple isolator, 636Photo-transistor, 636Pilot light, 381Pilot valve, 398Piping

insulation. 537refrigeration, 531

Plastics, 179Pliers, 1

gas, 1long nose, 1slip-joint, 1snap-ring, 10

PNP transistor, 607Polychlorotrifluoroethylene, 180Polyethylene, 180Polystyrene, 180Polyvinyl alcohol, 180Potential hazards,

fluorocarbons, 174relay, 511, 336

Power consumption, 202output, fan, 576relay, symbols, 510relays, 237, 509transistors, 608

Precautions, 583safety, 541

Pressure absolute, 149condensing, 199drop, 425, 426, 532evaporating, 199gage, 149

for R-12, 178of liquid and gases, 148operating, 181testing, 549

Problems, compressor, 584Process tubes, 360Propeller fan, 135, 575Protector, motor, 591

solid state, 619PSC

compressors, 584motors with external load,

350–353Psychrometers, 45, 551PTC

relay, 321start device, 333

Pullers, 10Pulling a system, 55Pulse furnace, 94

controls, 95cutaway view, 97installation, 95sequence of operation, 96troubleshooting, 97–103

Pumps, vacuum, 50–52Push buttons, 629

RR-12, 205, 207R-22

availability, 190cost of, 190

R-134a, 206applications, 206

R-401B, 208R-402A, 208R-402B, 208Radiation, 551Rating data, accumulators, 468Recalibration, gages, 19Receiver valves, 466, 467

688 Index

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Reclaimer certification, 478requirements, 474, 608

Recordkeeping, 480Recovery

equipment, 75system cylinders, 208

Refrigerants, 157ban on, 188capacity, 157characteristics, 160, 200circulated, 198classification, 160common, 161flow, 455Freon, 163handling, 203, 583leaks, 476moisture, 184new and old, 159properties, 181replacements, 158sales restrictions, 477scales, 75working with, 550

Refrigerant cylinders handling, 203storing, 203

Refrigerationcycle, 292history, 143systems, 154vaporization, 154

Refrigerator, first home, 144Registers, 555

and grilles, types, 566size, 558

Regulator, 397back-pressure, 398–400differential pressure relief, 402,

403dual-pressure, 396requirements, 608, 472

Relaycurrent, 266, 336, 337more than one contact, 511potential, 266, 336–338

Relief valve, 397Remote trip, 641

Repair or replace, 600Residual velocity, 555Resistor, 625

tapped, 625variable, 626

Return grilles, 566sound requirement, 566

Rock-cork insulation, 538Roof ventilators, 108, 109Room air motion, 572Rotary compressors, 366–367Rotating blade compressors, 364Rotating machinery, 639Rotating magnetic field, 243Rotors, squirrel cage, 596Ruler, 7Run capacitors, 264, 327


disposal, 479practices, 548

Safety valve, 387, 397Saw, crosscut, 4Scissors, 6SCR, 605

symbol, 605Screwdrivers, 2

Phillips head, 2Scroll compressors, 370–374Sealed units, 464Section-608, 471–486Semiconductors, 601Sensible heat, 153Sensors, 615, 623Service

restoring, 623valves, 464

Shaded pole motors, 245, 246Shielded cable, 628Shielding, 21Shorts, 595Signal

lights, 638selectors, 618

Silica gel, 415Silicon-controlled rectifiers, 604Silver, 179

Index 689

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Silver soldering, 71Single-phase CSR or PSC compressor

motors, 343Single-phase current, 276Single-phase motor symbol, 639Single-phase, split-phase furnace

motor, 248Single screw compressors, 368, 369Sizing returns, 557Skin effects, 173Slip-ring motor, 577Sludge and varnish, 416Smoke dampers, 567Soft copper, bending tools, 67Solder, 409

soft, 69Soldering, 69

equipment, 3, 4procedures, 70

Solenoid, 233, 514coil, 629liquid line, 239natural gas control, 515principles of operation, 239and relays, 225–242valve, 235, 236–238, 397, 513

Solid state, 601defrost control, 609

Sound meters, 46power level, 555requirement, 562

Sources of heat, 154Spark gap, 627Specific

heat, 201volumes, 183

Spread, 552, 555Stainless steel, 179Start

capacitors and bleeder resistors, 262switch, 248

Starting currents, 276torque, electric motors, 342

Static efficiency, 136, 576Static pressure, 136, 555, 576Steel-1340, 179

Stop valves, 465Strainers, 418, 432Strippers, wire, 7Sucking effect, 234Suction, 397

gas at accumulator, 468line, 240, 533

Sulfur dioxide, 161, 186Superheat, 430

figuring, 430measurement instruments, 27–30

Supplementary overload, 332Swaging tool, 66Switch, bellows-type, 516Switches, 629–631

humidity-actuated, 632limit, 522main, 542pressure control, 523

Systemair-duct, 126direct expansion, 379mothballing, 195operation, ORO/ORD, 443ORI/ORD, 441refrigeration, 154, 436, troubleshooting (electrical), 589

TTank heater blanket, 75Tape, electrical, 7Technician certification, 476Teflon TFE-fluorocarbon resin, 180Temperature, 182

boiling, 182conversion, 301critical, 200difference, 108difference chart, 610and heat, 151

Temporary magnets, 227Terminal

block, 627boxes, 564compressor, 338glass, quick-connect, 339velocity, 555

Terms, cooling system, 297

690 Index

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Test and operating pressures, 437,442, 451

Test devices, 9Test pressures, 433Testing, capacitor, 590TEV installation, 426, 427Thermal overload protectors, 511Thermidistat

control, 497homeowner’s guide, 495

Thermistor 610, 626sensing, 609

Thermocouple, 627Thermometer, 20

bimetallic, 20, 24care of, 27dial, 22, 23electronic, 28mercury-filled, 22, 23pocket, 20and pressure gage, 152resistance, 20, 25stem, 10superheat, 21, 26test, 26thermocouple, 20, 25valve core tools, 76

Thermostat, 282–284, 516bimetallic-type, 517expansion valve, 423, 424heating and cooling, 518microprocessor, 520, 521model numbers, 490programming, 487–507wiring diagram, 519

Three-phase circuits, 277Three-phase motor symbol, 639Three-phase waveform, 260Throw, 552, 555

requirement, 561Thyristor, 635, 636Time delay relay, 512, 513Tools, 1

kits, 9masonry, 5metalworking, 5portable, electric, 543refrigeration and appliance, 11

Tools (Cont.):service, 46special, 48woodworking, 4

Total pressure, 555Towers

cross-flow, 303types, 302

Toxicity, 173, 185Transfer resistor, 607Transferring heat, 551Transformers, 632Transistors, 602, 605, 606

amplifier stages, 617impedances, 607symbols, 608, 634, 635

Trigger leak rates, 194Troubleshooting, 583–609

controls, 620DBVs, 452, 453head pressure valves, 444procedure, 599

Tubing, 58, 405axial fan, 575bender, 68capillary, 406copper, 408cutters, 75to plate joints, 71soft copper, 59

Twin screw compressors, 368–370

UUnijunction transistor, 635Using meters, 592Using v-o-m for testing motors, 592

VVacuum pump, 50, 75

evacuating a system, 54maintenance, 53oil problems, 53operating instructions, 54

Valves, 405automatic expansion, 405, 406compressor, 410, 411crankcase, 430discharge bypass, 445

Index 691

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Valves (Cont.):float, 407hand-expansion, 405, 406head pressure, 438, 439line, 412, 413location, 425, 432other types, 464pressure regulating, 434, 435sizing, 381–383thermostatic, 406troubleshooting, 401

Vane axial fan, 575Vapor charging, 49Vectrol, 560Velocity, 552

pressure, 555Ventilation

capacity, 109mechanical, 105natural, 105, 106

Vibration meters, 46Vinyl, 180Voltage

dropinrush, 278unacceptable, 274

loss, 267, 269, 270, 271, 273

Volt-ammeter, 10Voltmeter, 38–40

hook-on, 10Volume, 182

of air, 111air required, 574displacement, 198, 199

Vortex shedders. 565

WWater tower controls, 465, 524, 535Wattmeter, 42Wind and temperature forces, 106, 108Wire

cutters, 1minimum, 268selection, 268size, 267, 272

Wiring diagram, 88, 89Wool-felt insulation, 539Wrenches, 2

monkey, 3pipe, 3

ZZeolite-type materials, 415

692 Index

HVAC troubleshooting guide - [PDF Document] (2024)


What are the troubleshooting steps in HVAC? ›

9 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips
  1. Check the Power. It may seem unlikely, but a surprisingly large number of HVAC problems can have simple solutions. ...
  2. Try an HVAC System Reset. ...
  3. Close the Furnace Door. ...
  4. Check the Thermostat. ...
  5. Install a New Filter. ...
  6. Check Vents for Obstructions. ...
  7. Turn Off the AC. ...
  8. Check the Wires.
Mar 26, 2020

What are the 5 main procedures in HVAC? ›

5 HVAC Maintenance Steps To Complete Every Quarter
  • Change Your Filters. No matter your filter type, the fact is this: A regular changing of your filter is essential to effective HVAC performance. ...
  • Check for Debris. ...
  • Clean Coils. ...
  • Clean Blowers. ...
  • Do Your Duct Research.
Mar 21, 2022

What is the most common problem with HVAC systems? ›

Dirty filters

A dirty air filter is one of the most common issues affecting the performance of household HVAC systems.

How do you troubleshoot common AC problems? ›

How To Fix Common AC (HVAC) Problems?
  1. Check Your Thermostat Settings. The first thing you should always check when experiencing air conditioning problems is your thermostat. ...
  2. Change Your Dirty Air Filters. ...
  3. Low Refrigerant Level. ...
  4. Frozen Evaporator Coil. ...
  5. Faulty Or Broken Condensing Unit.
May 26, 2020

What are the 5 troubleshooting process steps? ›

You're systematic approach to troubleshooting should involve five basic steps;
  1. Information Gathering.
  2. Analysis and Planning.
  3. Implementation of a solution.
  4. Assessment of the effectiveness of the solution.
  5. Documentation of the incident.

What are the 3 main parts of the entire HVAC system? ›

Main Parts of HVAC Systems

A typical HVAC system is composed of three main parts: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Most systems will use a furnace or boiler for residential purposes. The furnace or boiler will heat circulated air that will later be distributed throughout the home.

What are the 4 types of maintenance HVAC? ›

  • Corrective Maintenance.
  • Preventive Maintenance.
  • Risk-based Maintenance.
  • Predictive Maintenance.

What are the five general guidelines you need to follow as an HVAC technician? ›

Table of contents
  • Make Protective Gear a Priority.
  • Use the Proper Tools and the Right Times.
  • Be Able to Identify Hazards.
  • HVAC Technicians Should Practice Chemical Safety.
  • Make Sure to Avoid Shock.
  • Avoid Taking Shortcuts.
  • Don't Abandon Your Training.

What is the most overlooked part of an HVAC system? ›

Did you know that the air filters in your air handling unit are not only the most overlooked components in your HVAC system but also the most important? Air filters are more than just cardboard boxes filled with fibers or pleated material. In fact, air filters affect many components of HVAC performance and comfort.

What is the most common part to fail on HVAC? ›

#1 Most Common Air Conditioning Repair – Bad Capacitor

The fan of course makes a whirring noise, the compressor is like a deep buzz like a refrigerator running.

How do you know if something is wrong with your HVAC? ›

10 Signs It's Time To Replace Your HVAC System
  1. HVAC Unit Is 10+ Years Old.
  2. Blowing Warm Air Or Not Blowing Cool Air.
  3. Poor Or Weak Air Flow.
  4. Loud Or Unusual Noises.
  5. Humidity In The Home.
  6. Foul Odors.
  7. Leaks.
  8. Frequent Or Short Cycling.

How do I troubleshoot my HVAC? ›

HVAC Troubleshooting Guide: What to Do Before Calling a Pro
  1. Check the Air Filter. ...
  2. Check the Circuit Breaker. ...
  3. Determine If There's Been a Power Outage. ...
  4. Look for Vent Blockages. ...
  5. Check the Batteries. ...
  6. Contact the Owner/Manager of the Property. ...
  7. Look for Debris on the Outside Unit. ...
  8. Thaw Out the System.

What is the number one most important area to check first in troubleshooting an AC performance problem? ›

Start by checking the thermostat settings to make sure they're correct. Then, inspect the air filter to see if it's dirty and needs replacing. If the unit is still not cooling properly, check for any ice buildup on the coils, which could indicate a refrigerant issue.

Why is my air conditioner running but not cooling the house? ›

There are a number of reasons why your air conditioner might be running but not cooling. It could be an issue with the thermostat, the compressor, or the evaporator coils. Or, it could simply be clogged with dust and debris, which is preventing it from working properly.

What are the general troubleshooting steps? ›

Let's see what these steps entail.
  1. Identify the Problem. This step is often the easiest. ...
  2. Establish a Theory of Probable Cause. ...
  3. Test the Theory to Determine the Cause. ...
  4. Establish a Plan of Action and Implement the Solution. ...
  5. Verify Full System Functionality and Implement Preventive Measures. ...
  6. Document Findings. ...
  7. Keep It Simple.
Feb 14, 2024

What is the 4 step troubleshooting process? ›

4 steps to troubleshooting (almost) any IT issue
  1. Step 1: What exactly is the problem? ...
  2. 2) Gather more details, eliminate variables. ...
  3. Step 3: Reproduce the problem, develop hypothesis of root cause. ...
  4. Step 4: Attempt a fix based on findings. ...
  5. Problem Solved?

What are the 8 steps to troubleshoot systems that are not working correctly? ›

Standard troubleshooting steps
  • Identify the problem.
  • Research.
  • Establish a theory of probable cause.
  • Test the theory.
  • Establish a plan of action.
  • Implement or escalate.
  • Verify functionality.
  • Document the solution.
Jan 21, 2021

What are the four steps in troubleshooting an electrical problem? ›

  • Step 1 - Observe. Most faults provide obvious clues as to their cause. ...
  • Step 2 - Define Problem Area. ...
  • Step 3 - Identify Possible Causes. ...
  • Step 4 - Determine Most Probable Cause. ...
  • Step 5 - Test and Repair. ...
  • Follow up.

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.