Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

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Bristol Herald Courieri

Bristol, Tennessee

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SUNDAY MORNING AUGUST 181935 THE BRISTOL HERALD COURIER BRISTOL VIRGtNIA-TENNESSEE SEVEN SECOND SECTION T'll 'SEX-BRIDE BOM KILLED BY THAT STOPtD MOB- THE SECRET OF EONITE LOST FOREVER- BAH- I MIGHT HAVE EXPECTED TT- WHAT A BREAK- AMO AFTER ALL MY CAREFUL PLANNING -TO HAVE THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF A CENTURY SLIP THROUGH MY FINGERS )QERE SEE THE RUINS Op THE EONITE PLANT AND THE CITY OF EON- BECAUSE SLUGG WANTED TO RU1E THE WORLD HE WAS WILLING TO SMASH WHAT HE SEIZE- WCLL HE SMASHED EONITE ALL RIGHT- enne Waugh 15-year old daugh- ter of Mrs Mollie Waugh it s' ill with pneumonia at the' no me of her aunt Miss- Alice Donnelly Mr and Mr Charles Nelson of Newport have been recent guests of Mrs Nel- parents Mr and Mrs Hen- derson Shoun at their home near Mrs Horace Peters and little daughter Mary Lou of Bailyton are visiting Mrs parent? Mr and Mrs A- Lip- 1 ford at their home at 5 Mrs Earl Vaught of Johnson City has been here several day 1 to visit her parents Mr and Mrs A Davis Miss Charlotte Jones has returned to her home at Butler after spending the summer as student at Duke University Miss' Jones will teach in the Butler city school Miss OUie May Wil- son chief night nurse at Kings Mountain Memorial Hospital at Bristol has returned to her du- ties after spending a short vaca-Uon with relatives at Trade Miss Wilson was accompanied by Miss Frances Jenkins of Mrs A Sherwood and children Betty Jo and Samuel Sherwood of Erwin spent the past week end as guests of the Rev and Mrs James Sherwood The Rev Elbert Hicks of San Jose Cal- Is here to spend several visiting at the home of his sis-ter Mrs Blaine Stout and other relatives Rev Hicks occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church at-Bethel Sunday evening Miss Edna Price was the week ena guest of Miss Ester Arney at her home at Butler Miss Helen Ritchie who has spent the summer in California as guest of her brother Paul Ritchie hat returned to her home at Butler Mr and Mrs Ray Wilson and two children spent the past week end with relatives at Butler They were en route from a vac-' tlon trip to points in Virginia and a few days at Washington to their home at Kingsport Mrs Jim Fenner of West Vir- glnla is the guest of her par- ents Mr and Mrs Abb PhillippL Clarence Pruitt of Colum- bia is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Robin-' Mr and Mrs For- rester of Damascus Va were recent guesta of Mr -brother Luther Forrester and' Mrs Forrester 3 SELFISHNESS AND GREED AIDED BY STUPID AND VISIONARY RABBLE-ROUSERS INVARIABLY RUIN ALL THEY CAN'T SEIZE- SUCH MEN AS SLUGG ARE DANGEROUS And yet they are pathetic AND WHAT OF THE MOUNTEBANKS AND VISIONARIES WHO SERVE SUCH MEN? THE PROFESSIONAL LISTEN- THERE IS CLAPTRAP- LETS HEAR WHAT tune hes singing now- WHEN MEN REACH OUT TO SEIZE POWER OR PROPERTY THAT IS NCTT THEIRS BY RIGHT THEY ALWAYS DESTROY WHAT THEY REACH FOR BEFORE IT IS IN THEIR GRASP- OR GRASPING IT IT TURNS TO ASHES- EXPECT QUICK VOTE ON BANKING MEASURE AND BY WHOM MY FRIENDS? WHO TOOK HIS INNOCENT UFfe? I LL TELL YOU WHO- THAT ARCH FIEND THAT MONSTER GORDON SLUGG- THE GUILT FOR THIS DASTARDLY CRIME AS HIS AND HIS ALONE- THAT GREATEST of ALL SCIENTISTS -THAT MEEK AND LOWLY INVENTOR WHOSE NAME WILL GO RINGING DOWN THE CORRIDORS OF TIME-THAT MODEST AND HUMBLE LITTLE MAN ELI EON WHO WOULD HAVE BEtN HUMANITY GREATEST BENEFACTOR- DEAD i CNESTDUB Large Part of Lott Attri buted to Advancement Motor Truck Hauling WASHINGTON Aug 17AP) The iron horse has been plodding along this year in the rear of the business recovery movement which has been paced by the automobile and electric power newer symbols of the machine age- How much of the lag in rail traffic can be attributed to a further shift in freight toward trucks and other carriers was not clear today in the 1935 car-toading figures of the association of American railroads Congress in considering the motor carrier regulation bill has heard much about the loss of traffic to trucks busses coastwise shipping pipelines interior waterways and even airplanes The long-term trend was shown to have been toward a diversion of traffic to competing carriers But some rail men attributed the drop of more than 2 per cent in loadings thi year compared with 1934 chiefly to factors other than loss of business to competitors They pointed out that the biggest drops had been in loadings of grain and grain products and livestock the- freight classifications most affected by last drought and by crop control -Harder to explain in face of other indicators of some business improvement was a drop of iouuuu cars in less-than-carload merchandise usually watched as a barometer of goods distribution Wise Spedel To Til Herald Courier WISE Va Aug Mr and Mrs Renfro Mrs Grubbs and daughter Mrs A A Knlsely attended the funeral of their nephew and cousin James Renfro held at the home of his mother Mrs Cora Renfro at Tacoma on Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs A Mills have as week-end guests their daughter Mrs Wilmoth Mr Wilmoth and son Bobby of Beckley West Virginia Mrs Wilmoth and son will remain for a few weeks visit Benny Wilmoth Jr has been a visitor in the home of his grandparents for awhile Dr and Mrs Hill and daughter Miss Willie Banner returned Monday from a motor trip through Eastern Virginia and in Washington They- spent Saturday and Sunday with Dr Paul Hill son of Dr and Mrs Hill who- is located in Harrisonburg Virginia Jess McKee Carpenter of Frankfort Ky was a last week-end guest in the home of his aunt Mrs Gilly having accompanied his mother Mrs Hoskins here for a visit with Mrs- Gilly and other relatives cousins Mr and Mrs Dan Rife and Miss Routt of near Frankfort were also members of the motor party to Wise and returning to Kentucky on Monday The Rev Payne and Mrs Payne and daughters are guests in the home of Mrs father Johnson and sister Miss Anna Johnson while the Rev Payne is conducting a series of meetings at the Main Street Baptist Church assisted by the pastor the Rev Frith The Rev Payne will begin a meeting at the Baptist Church of Norton- on Sunday August 18th Rufus A Fulton has returned to Memphis -Term after a few vacation here with his parents Mr and Mrs Fulton Esta Brown was a last week-end visitor in Big Stone Gap with Smith attorney of Clintwood attended court here on Wednesday Other out-of-town attorneys here during the week were Messrs McCoy and McCoy Bolling Henry Bandy and Henry Bandy Jr Heuser and John Roberts- Norton Counts Coebum Long St Paul A Wells and George Morton and Judge Parker Appalachia Mrs A Vicars recently returned from Bristol where she passed several days visiting in the homes of Mr and Mrs Kilgore Mr and Mrs Bent Addington Mr and Mrs Kelly Mrs Sandoe and other friends Mrs Davis' and attractive little daughter have returned from a visit with relatives at Rfiral Retreat Mrs Sproles and small son Billy Kirk are spending a few days at Narrows Virginia Mrs former Napoleon Hill of Washington and who is located at Big Stone Gap for awhile was in Wise Saturday The Rev and Mrs Frith the Rev and Mrs Payne Mrs Givens Mrs Hamilton Mrs Francis Vicars Mr Miller Mr Arnold and the Rev Riley were among those from Wise who attended the Wise County Baptist "Association held at Coe-burn on Tuesday and Mrs Renfro Mrs Gilly and Mrs Taylor were joint hostesses at the Au- SkinSufferers find ready relief from itching of eo- zema rube and similar ill in the gentle medication of fl Resittofl a WASHINGTON Aug 17 Senate-House conference-'- agreement to accept the major' 7 provisions of the compromise Senate banking bill was regarded in most quarters as largely a vie- 7 tory for Senator Glass (D-Va)1? often a critic of some administra-" tlon policies However the president also a point At his insistence a sec- tion of the Senate bill permitting commercial banks to return within limits to the business of underwrit- ing securities was eliminated After weeks of negotiation the Senate and House conferees un-n animously agreed late yesterday- 7 upon a report which among other things accepted the pro-' posal for centralizing control of the credit in a committee of twelve members including five bank representatives (The House had passed a more drastic bill extending control over money and credit Senator Glass recently piloted -through the Senate a measure generally regarded as more conservative and the legislation then went to a Senate-House conference to reconcile the differences) The conference report now will be submitted to Senate and House' for ratification This approval expected quickly Former Mrs Clendenin Ryan to Become Wife Count Paul Palffy VIENNA Aug-17 The blond and slender former wife of Clendenitt Ryan Jr' said today she is ready te settle down a quiet little with the Hungarian count who held her on his lap when she was a baby Her fiance CoUnt Paul Palffy a peppery gentleman in his forties hopes to be to the 19-year Old noblewoman husbahdwho understands The former Countess Marie-Anne Von Wufmbrand-Stuppach whose marriage to Ryan was call ed an example of gold by the New York judge who annulled it last month asserted she and the count were waiting only for a Vatican de cfee ef annulment a lull In the as the misjudged wife ef an American millionaire 111 appreciate being a quiet little the erstwhile Mrs Ryan added so easy to throw mud at a woman who has no chance to defend herself I returned from America without a penny in my pocket so you see what a skillful I As for the former Mrs marital misfortune some Vienna wiseacres say it runs in the family They repeat a mysterious story that the son of the old Emperor Franz Josef Crown Prince Rudolf committed suicide with hi beautiful sweetheart Baroness Vetsere at the castle of MayOrllng in 1889 The baroness was Mrs aunt GOVERNMENT TO AID STUDENTS SEEKING COLLEGE EDUCATION RICHMOND Va Aug 17 (AP) The Federal government will again help deserving college students to complete their cduca ion careers through the medium of part-time work relief jobs under the student aid plan Director William A Smith of the state WPA was informed yesterday He was requested in a telegram from Aubrey Williams chief of the national youth administration to inform the heads of all state-supported colleges and universities so that they might make their plans enrolling such students The telegram stated that the jlan this year wouldd embrace same general conditions as applied last when more than 2000 students received eid from the program on monthly work allotments of between $10 and $20 Enrollment' of students under the plan is limited to 12 per cent of each eligible full enrollment as of October 1934 SPECIAL ELECTION MOUNTAIN CITY Aug An election for the purose of electing a Justice of the Peace to take the place of Fuller deceased will be held in the first district of this county on September 12 Officers to hold the election will be Wills Bruce Hawkins Sutherland Willie Wilson Misses Margaret Warden and Cettie Keys Election commissioners for this county are John Ward Thomas Morrison and Butler gust meeting of the Missionary-Society of the Methodist Church on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Renfro The President Mrs Ljpps presided with fourteen answering to roll call During a short business session plans were made for an ice-cream supper to be given by the society on Saturday evening on the church lawn Stewardship was presented by Mrs P' Bruce The topic of study for the day was Korean Village Life and was most ihterestingly discussed by Mrs A Lacy Mrs ft Bruce and Mrs Davis Delieious punch and cake were served Sam Wharton of the Colonial Hotel entertained Sunday with a dinner party at the hotel when the following were the guests Miss Opal Ramsey of Coeburn guest of Miss Peggy Richmond Miss Peyton Richmond of Salem and Miss Floretta Souder all of whom were recent guests in the home of Mr and Mrs Richmond Mrs Ca-wood of Big Stone Gap was a last week-end visitor in Wise with her daughters Mrs Lipps andv Mrs Paul Lawson Charles Janis Taylor celebrated his twelfth birthday on Monday evening August the 12th by inviting about thirty of his friends to the home of his grandparents Mr and 'Mrs Renfro for party Games and contests on the veranda and the lawn were the diversions of the happy occasion A delicious refreshment course was enjbyed at the close of the games Mrs Aaron Russ has returned to her home in Tazewell Virginia after a visit here with her sister Mrs Kathleen Mrs Cochran was here from St Paul Virginia on Wednesday The Rev and Mrs Mullins and Mrs McElroy have returned from Lake Juna-luski where they spent tw0 weeks In the study of special work connected with the Sunday School department of the Church South Mr and Mr Youell and children were week-end guests here in the home of Mr and Mrs Dean A REE-BORN CITIZEN WITH AN INVAUD WIFE AND TWELVE CHILDREN -1 BEEN OUT WORK FOR TWO YEARS- COULD YOU GIVE ME A DIME? FREIGHT COST M0REn THAN WATERMELON CROP: Radio Program i SUNDAY AUGUST 18 (Central and Eastern Standard Time) Note: All progiams to key and basic chains or groups thereof unless sped fled coast to coast (o to e) designation Includes all available station Program subject to change Daylight time one hour later) YES ANNIE-HES I JUST A WIND BAG-A TOY BALLOON DODGING ANYWHERE THE BREEZE OF PUBLIC SENTIMENT MAY BLOW- NOW TO BE UP-TO-DATE JUST SAY ME- cake and candy was served the guests Those present were Mr and Mrs Lem Garland Bonnie Lee and Esther Matherly Guy Arney John Shoun Gaines Ar-ney Sidney Kite Kite Charles Garland George Shoun Mildred Matherly Bradford McQueen Virginia Morley and Hazel Morley John A Shoun who is attending school at Banner Elk spent the week end with ms parents at their home near Doeville Mr Shoun was accompanied by Mr and Mrs Greene and little son who were his Misses Anna Boone Ward and Betsy Shoun recently entertained a number of friends with a picnic at Allens Springs complimenting Misses Eunice Dawson of Wilmington and Beatrice Miller of West Jefferson who have been house guests of Miss Ward Mrs Stewart Coffey and little daughter Margaret are spending several days at Butler as guests of Mrs Coffey's parents Mr and Mrs Taylor Smith Miss Kath- 1ST 11 14th Make It the new glimpse the Presidents" CoFfcc Shop np WHY -A WEEK AGO HE WAS SAY IN YOU WERE At XT TH BAD THINGS- NOV TURNED ON SLUGS- HUH? AND I FELL PER THAT PAN HANDLER-WHAT A LINE GOT- IT PATRICK HENRY WHO SAID 'GIVE ME LIBERTY BUT THAT LINE'S OLD FASHIONED NOW I Pat OtT irrtchL im-E ljrireeehK- home of his daughter Mrs A Barnes on Sunday Aug 11 Mr Grindstaff was celebrating his 78th birthday anniversary Mr Grindstaff received a large number of presents At the noon nour a picnic dinner was spread on the lawn under the massive oak trees Those present were Mr and Mrs Sherman Grind-staff Mr and Mrs Herman Grindstaff Mr and Mrs Stacy Grindstaff Mr and Mrs A Barnes Mr and Mrs Guy Lyons Mr and Mrs Conley Matheson Mr and Mrs Grindstaff Mr and Mrs Lyons Mrs Margaret Speer Mrs Clyde Wilson Mrs Roy Caldwell Marjorie Grindstaff Dorothy Grindstaff Geneva Grindstaff Francis Grindstaff Coolidge Grindstaff Dwight and Keith Lyons Nancy Ann Grindstaff Corwel Grindstaff Pascal Grindstaff Kimen Grindstaff Voretta Grindstaff Mrs Alvin Lyons Miss Kate Ward Mr Charles Fritts Miss Vadie Barnes Mr Curtis Stout Mr Jim Livingston Mr Paul McQueen Miss Myrtle Main Mrs Elbert -Barnes and Mr Basil Hyder Misses Lydia Cable and Lavina Sheffield were joint hostesses at a lawn party given at the home of Miss Cable honoring Misses Katherine and Chestalie Todd Games and contests were enjoVed and refreshments served The Hollowing guests were present: Mrs Park Matherly Misses Dorothy and Doris Devault Lydia and Anna Reece' Cable Iva Dean Matherly Lavina and Helen Sheffield Frances and Vemell Courtner Vivian Lipford Louise Tucker and Marie and Anna Lee von Cannon Miss Louise Blevins house guest of Miss Geneva Slack at her home in Butler was honored with a dinner party at the home of Miss Slack on Sunday evening The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion with summer garden flowers which were used profusely throughout the reception suite Guests for the occasion were: Misses Hattie Laura Smith Miss Slack Miss Blevins Messrs Bill Evans Ronald Johnson and Artie Slack Mr and Mrs' George Morley entertained with a party at their home near Butler on Saturday evening At a late hour ice cream ATLANTA Aug 17 The) state bureau of markets today reported Georgia watermelon growers received less than $169- 372 for their 1935 crop while rail- roads got $2084425 in freight for handling the melons The bureau said 11911 car of melons were shipped out of Geor- gia this season compared to approximately 9000 cars last year: The average price this year was reported at $52 a car or 5 ceni a melon while the average last year was $100 a car SUSPEND TERA WORKERS MOUNTAIN CITY Aug A number of the administrative force of the TERA office in this city have been suspended preparatory to the closing of the office in the near future Rambo is administrator Half of all traffic deaths occur during dusk or darkness Maw Green I A FREE-BORN CITIZEN WITH FOURTEEN CHILDREN AND A CRIPPLED WIFE TO SUPPORT- AND ME WITH NO WORK FOR THREE YEARS-COULD YOU GIVI VME A DIME9 Mountain City MOUNTAIN CITY Aug Mrs- Stuart Coffey entertained a group of children with a party on Thursday afternoon complimenting her small daughter Margaret who was celebrating her fourth birthday anniversary Games and contests were diversions John Stout won a prize in a unique contest Mrs Coffey was assisted in serving refreshments consisting of ice cream cake and lemonade by Miss Marcia Mosteller to the following children: George Mosteller Alta Thomas Betty Stout Charles Miller Betty Mosteller John otoui Hilda Thomas Joan Lewis Jean Doris Adams and Joan mcnardson Mrs Charles Thomas was hostess to the Missionary Society of the Mountain City Baptist church at her home on Route No 1 Thursday afternoon The meeting was presided over by the President Mrs A Davis The meeting was opened by repeating the Watchwords in union followed -by prayer by Mrs bhoun Each member of the society agreed to furtiish 6 cans of fruit or vegetables to be sent to the Baptist Orphanage at Nashville Mrs Carl Wilson was elected Associate Counselor for the Royal Ambassador Chapter Plans were made for each member to give a penny for each year of her age to be applied on a fund to be used for flowers or fruit for members who were sick The program which was on the Land of the Rising Sun was in charge of Mrs Miller Those taking part on the program were Mrs A Davis mrs Shoun Mrs John Davis Mrs Ivan Church Mrs Carl Wilson Mrs Black-bum and Mrs Selmar Fuller me September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs A mavis with Mrs Paul Walsh as program leader During the social hour Mrs Thomas was assisted in serving a delicious ice course by her small daughters Misses Hilda and Alta Thomas and her sister Miss Artie Nave There were 25 members and visitors present Grindstaff was given a surprise birthday party at the A FREE-BORN CITIZEN TO SUPPORT ME INVALID PARENTS AND ME POOR OLD GRANDPARENTS COULD YOU GIVE ME A DIME? Cent East 6:00 Perkins A Amateur Night 430 8:30 Ed" east 3 mldw Dixie Voice of The Dictators Orchestra chain Vivian Chiesa Soprano 6:30 The Serenade of Summer 6 7:00 Rhythm at 8 Orchestra 7:30 Musical basic Horacio mldw Vaster midwest 800 America's Hour Drama Wayne King to 8:30 9:30 Songs by Benay Venuta 8 45 9:45 Congressional Opinions 10:00 Musical Mirror Cotftort 9 30 Press-Radio News Period 9:36 Johnny Hamp Orchestra Bill Hogan midwest 10:00 11 Frankie Orches midwest 10 Frank Dailey Orchestra 11:00 Dance west only NBC-WJZ NETWORK BASIC East: wjz wbz-wbia wbal wham kdka wgar wjr wlw wsyr wmal wfi) Mid: wcky wenr wls kwk kwer koll wren wmaq kso wkbf NORTHWEST A CANADIAN wtmj wlba kstp webc wday kfyr crct cfcf SOUTH wrva wptf wwnc wls wjax wfla-wsun" wlod wsm wmc wsb wapl wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc woai ktbs kths wsoc wave koa kdyl kglr kgfil PACIFIC kgo kfl kgw komo khq kfsd ktar kpo kex kga kgr kya Cent East Mildred Offline Herpiet The Life of Uncle Ned 1:30 Gilbert-Sullivan Operetta 2:30 Sunday Vespers Program 2 Pedro Via A Orchestra To Be Announced Chicago String Orchestra 4:00 Roses and Drums Serial 4:30 Bob Becker Chat on Dogs Oswaldo Mazzucchl 'Cello 4 To Be Announced 6:30 Grand Hotel Dramatical 6:00 Lanny Rose at the Fair The Vole of the People 7:00 The NBC Concert Orches Hendrik Van Loon's Talk Charles Prevln'e Orehest Cornelia Otis 8klnnar Songs by Kurt Brownell 9-00 Sunday with Seth Parker 8:30 Alexander Haas Orche 9:00 Fireside Singer Quartet Press-Radio News Period Shandor and HI east Cornelia west rpL Herold Stern' Orchestra Lanny west repeat Dane in the Twin Cities Leonard Keller Orohestra The highest automotive taxes are paid in Florida where an average of $7339 per vihicle was paid last year NBC-WEAF NETWORK BASIC last: weaf wlw weel wtlc wjar wtag wcsh kyw whlo wfbr wrc wgy when wcne wtam wwj wsal mid: ksd wmaq wcfl who wow wdaf wkbf NORTHWEST A CANADIAN wtmj wlba wstp webc wday kfyr crct cfcf SOUTH wn wptf wwnc wis wjax wfla-wsun wlod wsm wmc wsb wapi wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc woal ktbs kths wsoc nave wtar koa kdyl kgir kghl kgo kfl kgw komo khq kfsd ktar kgu kpo kex kga kyr kya Cent East Famous Dramas of Bible Chautauqua Symph Ore 1 2:30 The Penthouse Serenade Willard Robison Orchet 230 The Wise Man Sketch Dorothy Dreslein Song America's Rhythm Symp Allen A Fennelly Drama 4:45 Ray Heatherton Baritone 5:00 Catholic to 5:30 Continental Varietiea Or 5:00 Kay Seven Spy Dramas Recital from the Fireside 6:45 6:45 Sunaet Dreams 2 Trios 6:00 MaJ Bowes 7:00 8:00 Merry Go to 8:30 Album of to Unc Charlie Tent Show 9:00 Madriguera east Sunset Dreams repeat for west 9:16 Jesse Crawford Organist 9:30 Press-Radio News Period Glen Lee and Orchestra Dick Fldler Orohestra 8mmy Kaye's Oreheetr CBS-WABC NETWORK East: wabc wade woko weao waab wnac wgr wkbw wRro whk cklw wire wcau wjas wean wfbl wspd wjsv wbns: Midwest: jwbbm wfbm ktrbe km ox wowo whas kfab EAST whp whec wlb wfea wort wlec efrb ckac wihx wmas wgst wsfa wbre wqam wdod klra wrec wlac wdsu wtoo krld wrf ktrh ktaa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae wblg wdbj wwva wmhg weje wmbr wala ktul kgko wcoa wdne wnox kwkh wgl wjnt wmbd wisn wibw kfb wsmk wkbp wceo wsbt ksej wpax woe kvor kls koh ksl COAST khj koln kfro kol kfpy kv kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kfb Cent East 1:00 Johnny Music Between the Bookends Four Eton Boye Songs 2:00 Barlow Symphonic Hour St Louie Goes on Parade Abe Lyman's Melodiana Crumlt-Sandersen Songs Musical Moode-rmldwest More than $1468000000 In government bonds are held by Insurance companies in this country WILLARD HOTEL sod PeonjylTznie Avenue Washington vicationl Parks arc glorious public buildings arc open and great personages making history at Capital Live at the world renowned Willard "The Residence of Air-conditioned Dining Room and Write for folder 4 up double to Sept 15 1 Somerville AfMgag Director.

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Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.